About this site and NZ Police app

This site is provided and maintained by New Zealand Police.

Terms of use

Information linked to below regarding Copyright and Privacy also form part of the Terms of use of this website.

Notice of disclaimer

The information contained on this site is for general information only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, readers should consult with New Zealand Police before acting on any such information. No liability is assumed by New Zealand Police for any losses suffered directly or indirectly by any person relying on the information contained on this site.

Continuity of service

New Zealand Police makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to continuity of service and reserves the right to suspend, terminate or otherwise alter access to some or all of the site's services at any time and without notice.


New Zealand Police may revise these Terms of use at any time. Any such revisions will take effect upon notice to users by way of a posting to police.govt.nz detailing the respect(s) in which the Terms have changed.


View contact information for New Zealand Police.

For technical enquiries about the site please contact us via our webmaster contact form.


This website has been designed in accordance with the WWW Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the New Zealand Government Web Standards. … More


View information regarding copyright of material on this website. … More

Other sites

Learn about other New Zealand Police websites. … More

Privacy Statement

View information regarding your privacy in relation to your use of this website. … More

Security of our online systems and services

These guidelines will help you if you believe you’ve found a security issue in one of our systems or services. … More