What Taurus Season Has in Store For Each Zodiac Sign

The earlier, colder months of 2024 might have left you feeling on edge, especially with April theory looming over you. But fear not, Taurus season is on the horizon, bringing with it the promise of spring in full bloom. The long-awaited thaw is finally upon us, even if the UK weather doesn't agree.

Taurus season is a more grounding, mellow, and down-to-earth time compared to its Aries season predecessor. As the sun moves into the sign, you can expect to feel the Taurean vibes until the middle of May, according to author of The Astrology Almanac 2024, Emma Howarth.

"Taurus is a sign that values stability, security, relaxation and luxury. Know and love a Taurus? They're probably your most dependable, reliable and loyal friend — and the first to say 'Yes' when anyone suggests a spa break. Taurus loves good food, good wine, luxe fabrics and hanging out in nature.

"The stubborn streak cliché is partly true but only because they like to know where they stand and find change confronting. We can all tap into the energy of Taurus by slowing down, knowing our worth, indulging ourselves and spending time outside. Perfect pursuits for the middle of spring," she adds.

When Is Taurus Season?

As the cosmic bull takes the stage this year, it's time to embrace the moment, to savour every sight, scent, and sensation of the awakening world. With Venus as our celestial guide, expect nothing less than a decadent, leisurely journey through the realms of beauty and pleasure.

"The sun moved into Taurus on 19 April and will stay there until 19 May, but don't have to be Taurean to feel the Taurus vibes," Howarth tells us. It's associated with the second house of the zodiac (also known as the wealth and values zone), and essentially it's a time for steady strides towards our desires, rather than the frantic dashes we were subject to in Aries.

Taurus Season: What to Expect in 2024

Fancy your zodiac chances this Taurus season? Keep reading to find out what's in store for your sign and how to make the most of the good, mellow vibes, from the expert.

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Tackling the uphill battle of having others recognise the true worth of your work might seem like a daunting task this month. However, fear not, Howarth suggests showing them you mean business. "If you do one thing this month: Price it higher," she says.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Happy birthday, Taurus! Howarth wants you to invest in yourself and treat yourself to a birth-month, as opposed to a birthday. "Make time for the things you find most enjoyable and you'll soon find a way to make life feel like one long celebration this May," she says. "It's time to be even more you."

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

A lifestyle shift has been and gone for you Gemini, leaving you feeling overworked and overwhelmed. "This could require you to slow down more than you'd like this month," Howarth says. "A break really will do you good. If you do one thing this month, seek closure."

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

For the Cancers, Taurus season is the time to reach out to long-lost friends. "Spending time with old friends could be a salve for your soul this season. Plan the reunion, gather the gang and make like adult life never happened. If you do one thing this month, reach out," she suggests.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Big news incoming Leo! And this time it's due to be your career's turn in the spotlight, according to Howarth: "You've always been a change-maker, Leo — enjoy this moment of recognition. If you do one thing this month: Know you're worth it."

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

I'm sure you didn't need any more encouragement to book another trip, Virgo, but Howarth has some for you anyway. She says: "An exciting travel plan for later in the year could shift your perspective on life in general. Maybe all you needed was something to look forward to, Virgo? If you do one thing this month, book the break."

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

There's life-changing potential in you Libra, it's time to grab it with both hands. Howarth says if you're ready to leave the old you behind, the time has come. "If you do one thing this month, have faith," says Howarth.

Scorpio (October 23-Nov. 21)

Calling all Scorpios! Love is officially in the air this Taurus season, but will you let love in? "A romantic declaration could change your world this month as someone special lays their cards on the table," Howarth tells us. "Are you ready to say the ultimate 'Yes'. If you do one thing this month, trust your instincts."

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Health is wealth Sagittarius, book that health check, see your GP and most importantly, put yourself first, says Howarth. "A health kick that fell by the wayside earlier this year is ready for a reboot. You've got this, this time!"

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Putting yourself first is also a must for the Capricorns this Taurus season, according to Howarth. She says: "Spend less time building someone else's dream and more time building your own and you won't believe the magic you can make this month. If you do one thing this month, enjoy life more."

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Your home and family life could be shaken up this season, but in the best way. Howarth tells us: "Exciting news related to your home or family situation could shake up your life in the best possible way. It's time to level up, Aquarius. If you do one thing this month, embrace growth."

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your words have more power than you realise, Pisces, it's time for a confidence boost and to step into the spotlight. "A story you've shared could reach a very large audience this May. If you do one thing this month, enjoy the spotlight," Howarth says.

Lauren Gordon is the editorial coordinator at PS UK, where she creates lifestyle and identity content. Lauren has a degree in journalism from University of the Arts London and previously worked as a showbiz and TV reporter at The Mirror US. Lauren specialises in pop culture, hair and beauty, focusing on trends, sharing in-depth tutorials, and highlighting hidden gems in the beauty industry.