If You've Been Looking For a Sign, Your April Tarot Horoscope Is It

Jade Mordente
Jade Mordente

Spiritual wellness guide and mental health advocate Jade Mordente is helping us navigate the month ahead with her insightful tarotscope (tarot horoscope) for every zodiac sign. This April, Mordente meditated with her tarot cards and pulled a single card to represent a theme for each zodiac sign — offering guidance to thrive within your love life, your career, and your self-care practice too.

Tarot cards are deeply inspired by astrology, with each tarot card in a standard 72-card deck representing one of the eight planets, 12 zodiac signs, or elemental combinations of astrology. For many practitioners of cartomancy (fortune telling or divination using a deck of cards), tarot readings are combined with astrology readings to give more thoughtful and comprehensive guidance. For Mordente, tarotscopes are a gentle way to recover from trauma, realign yourself with your personal power, and support your spiritual glow-up. Keep reading to find out what the tarot wants you to know this April.

Aries (21 March-19 April): Page of Wands
Jade Mordente

Aries (21 March-19 April): Page of Wands

"Each day is filled with opportunity."

Perhaps we should start this one with a "happy birthday"? After all, it's your time to shine, Aries! The Tarot are reminding you of that innate fiery spirit you possess. You may have suppressed it for a while, but it never really left, and this April it seems to be back with sparks of passion. The message is clear: don't wait, go out there and get it for yourself.

Love: Expect to be all up in those feelings this month, as you're carrying that sense of adventure into the realms of the heart, too. For single Aries, you may find you're a little more daring than usual, and stepping outside your comfort zone in the dating scene can definitely pay off. For those coupled up, this could be the month to explore. Break away from routine and try new things together.

Career: With so much ambition, you might find there are times that you struggle to settle. It's not that you're necessarily unhappy in your career, more that you are inspired by the world around you and are determined to experience it all, to really live it. Use that drive to seek challenges and opportunities. Show them what you're capable of.

Self-Care: If you find yourself eager for more — to travel, to move, to grow — then be fearless in your approach. Ask yourself "What lights me up?" and focus your energy on making that a reality.

Taurus (20 April-20 May): The World
Jade Mordente

Taurus (20 April-20 May): The World

"I embrace all that I am."

What a sigh of relief! You're entering a phase of being at one with your true, authentic self, Taurus — and we love to see it. The World card symbolises the completion of a cycle, so as you enter this new astrological year, you can expect to feel more "you" than ever before.

Love: There's a deep sense of contentment flowing through your love life, Taurus. As you begin to feel more at peace within yourself, you may begin to feel more balanced in your approach to love, too. You are glowing with a sense of wholeness.

Career: What have you accomplished in 2022 so far? This April, celebrate the big wins, the small wins, and even your mistakes (they only help you to grow, after all). You've achieved a lot more than you give yourself credit for, Taurus. So count those wins this month as more flow in.

Self-Care: Can you see it? All that hard work you've been putting in is really starting to pay off. Why not revisit your old journal entries to acknowledge just how far you've come. By embracing your unique quirks and focusing on self-love this April, the new cycle you're about to enter will feel even more sweet.

Gemini (21 May-20 June): The Ace of Swords
Jade Mordente

Gemini (21 May-20 June): The Ace of Swords

"I am the master of my mind, the creator of my future."

April holds good news for you, Gemini. There's a sense of mastery that comes with the Ace of Swords today; perhaps that's clarity in work, in love, or on your personal growth journey. The Ace beckons the beginning of a new chapter, an indication of a fresh start where you are more empowered and focused in your decision-making. As the master of your own mind, anything feels possible now you are in the driving seat.

Love: Forget the sacrificing and the self-doubt that may have been an issue in the past. This April, your success in love comes from expressing your needs with confidence and clarity. If you're in a relationship, don't be afraid to check in and have an honest conversation with your partner about each of your emotional needs and desires. If you're single, creating a list of nonnegotiables when it comes to dating will keep you right on track.

Career: That "aha" moment is coming, Gemini, making this a potent time for planting those seeds of intention. Get the wheels in motion by learning, developing and mapping out your ideas. Sign up for that course, start taking your side hustle seriously, push yourself.

Self-Care: Journaling is a simple solution to a busy mind. While the Ace of Swords suggests April offers you a whole lot of emotional clarity and understanding, keep being overwhelmed at bay by ending your day with a short journaling session. This will support your sleep cycle and inner calm.

Cancer (20 June-22 July): The Hanged Man
Jade Mordente

Cancer (20 June-22 July): The Hanged Man

"I give myself permission to slow down."

Moving slowly isn't moving backwards, Cancer. Rest assured you have plenty of time to figure it all out. The Hanged Man suggests surrendering to the ebbs and flows of life. Once you release the desire to control the outcome, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly the pieces of the puzzle fall into your lap.

Love: There are moments when we have to just say, "Whatever will be, will be," and let the universe work out the rest. April appears to be one of those moments for you, Cancer. The Hanged Man is encouraging you to feel emotionally secure in the present moment without the fear of the future taking away from that. Move forward slowly and with purpose.

Career: In regards to your career, Cancer, don't obsess over your next steps — instead, let life flow. You're doing the groundwork, so trust that the right doors will open at the right time for you.

Self-Care: The Hanged Man is all about perspective. We can push and push until the point of burnout, or we can simply let life happen and learn to ride the wave. Give yourself permission to surrender this April. Do things that offer a healthy distraction from the daily stresses of life — a 10-minute meditation, a cold-water swim, a roadtrip with your besties. Let go and have fun!

Leo (23 July-22 Aug.): Ten of Cups
Jade Mordente

Leo (23 July-22 Aug.): Ten of Cups

"I move through life with love."

Don't give up on the fairy tales, Leo. You may dismiss those ambitions of yours as daydreams, but why wouldn't they be possible? You are deserving of that life you imagine. Lucky for you, the Ten of Cups is all about those wishes coming true. It's a card of contentment — the kind that radiates from deep within. Move as though it's already yours, and soon enough, it will be.

Love: The love that you've shared in life is eternal, so regardless of the situation, it will always find its way back to you. There's a lot of romantic energy flowing around you this spring, Leo — all there is left to do is trust in the blessings it brings.

Career: We often ask ourselves if we are on the right path without remembering we are the ones who carve our own. You're likely entering a stage of harmony within your career; there seems to be a sense of renewed optimism. Harnessing your creative, emotional, and intuitive traits in your career can really pay off this month.

Self-Care: Think about it this way, Leo: each day you are creating your future self. You might find yourself manifesting a specific way of living and being, but the success of that comes from how you speak to yourself, how you treat yourself, and what you really believe about yourself, too. Celebrate the person you are today.

Virgo (23 Aug.-22 Sept.): The Hermit
Jade Mordente

Virgo (23 Aug.-22 Sept.): The Hermit

"I pause. I reflect. I listen. I trust."

How is your relationship with yourself right now, Virgo? Symbolic of inner wisdom, reflection, and self-discovery, The Hermit reminds you that alone time is essential. Don't be afraid to pause those social engagements once in a while and spend some time reflecting. You have the answers you need — you just have to quiet your mind enough to hear them.

Love: Alone doesn't have to mean lonely, Virgo. The Hermit is here to show you there's no better company than your own at times. For you loved-up Virgos, understand that your personal growth and independence will only strengthen your relationship. For single Virgos, while you are dating, make sure you remember that validation comes from within. You hold the magic.

Career: This spring, you may begin to notice subtle shifts in your career goals. Perhaps the material things that used to encourage you no longer feel so relevant or exciting. And that's OK! There's a sense that you are searching for yourself, or perhaps searching for something "more." Pause, reflect, and listen to your gut — it will lead the way to a greater sense of fulfillment.

Self-Care: This one is simple for you, Virgo: spend a day in solitude. In the silence, your intuition will speak.

Libra (23 Sept.- 22 Oct.): Six of Wands
Jade Mordente

Libra (23 Sept.- 22 Oct.): Six of Wands

"I deserve to be celebrated."

Hold your head up high, Libra! April is your month of recognition and reward. It's about time too, right? Through your endless hard work and dedication, you deserve to feel celebrated and recognised for all that you bring to the table. Bask in the glory.

Love: We know you love harmony in your relationships, Libra, and this month you're accomplishing all that plus more. There's a strong sense of success within your quests for love this month — a successful first date, an unexpected romance, a renewed lust . . . The question is, are you ready?

Career: Often the Six of Wands shows you've overcome your fair share of hardships to get to where you are today. It's not always been an easy ride, but you didn't give up. And that's exactly why your efforts are soon to be rewarded. Don't be afraid to take the recognition and praise — after all, it's you who's worked for it. Well done!

Self-Care: Pay attention to how you handle praise this month. Do you really feel deserving of it all? Get comfortable in owning your successes as they flow in. Treat yourself to something as a reward for the effort, too.

Scorpio (23 Oct.-21 Nov.): Judgement
Jade Mordente

Scorpio (23 Oct.-21 Nov.): Judgement

"I shed the old to create space for the new."

OK, Scorpio, buckle up: it looks like you're moving through a pretty big milestone moment right now. The Judgement card signals a great awakening, the kind that makes you assess what's actually working for you and what's no longer serving you. You're being encouraged to see things from an alternative perspective. A new chapter? More like a new book!

Love: Trust your gut this month and pay extra attention to those little niggles that keep popping up — there's no such things as a coincidence. April is all about self-love and honouring the values you live by. When it comes to both lovers and friends, trust that the aligned ones will find you, and they'll stay.

Career: Where has your mind been taking you recently? Whenever the Judgement card pops up, it's likely you are seeking purpose. You may find yourself re-evaluating your career path or fixating on finding your place within the world. Explore the questions that arise and remain curious.

Self-Care: The idea of a rebirth sounds blissful — and in many ways, it is — but it can be a heavy process to shed and release the old. Be extra kind to yourself this month, Scorpio, and treat yourself as you would a friend.

Sagittarius (22 Nov.-21 Dec.): The Lovers
Jade Mordente

Sagittarius (22 Nov.-21 Dec.): The Lovers

"I am open and balanced in love and in life."

Ready to get a little deep here, Sagittarius? This April, you're being called to address your internal values and beliefs when it comes to love. The Lovers is a card of depth, honesty, and self-expression. You can set the bar by truly owning your beliefs and not being afraid to express them with integrity.

Love: Is there a soulmate connection out there? Definitely! Though you won't find it by being a shadow of what you "think" someone wants you to be. The focus for your love life this month is honesty and authenticity. What are your values about love? It's time to live by them.

Career: The energy of The Lovers is all about duality, so it seems a work partnership could be a success, Sagittarius. To be more specific, joining forces with someone from a different discipline can lead to an unexpected unity — the divide-and-conquer approach. This card can also indicate that your work-life balance needs to remain a priority so you can continue to thrive. Listen up!

Self-Care: Try some heart-centred spiritual self-care this month, Sagittarius, to re-establish that powerful mind-body connection. A cacao ceremony, a sound bath, a gentle Yin yoga session, a rose-petal bath, a nourishing spa day.

Capricorn (22 Dec.-19 Jan.): Ace of Cups
Jade Mordente

Capricorn (22 Dec.-19 Jan.): Ace of Cups

"My sensitivity is my superpower."

Is love in the air, Capricorn? It certainly seems so! But before we begin, let's remember love comes in many forms. It may be your besties or your SO, it may be your new passion project or even your pastimes. All we know is that April shows your cup is truly full. So full it's overflowing.

Love: Romance and intuition are associated with this card which signals a lot of excitement for both single and loved-up Capricorns. It may be out of character, but it looks like you're wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Career: The Ace of Cups brings that fresh wave of energy into your career too, Capricorn. We know you're strong-willed and ambitious, but you might find this April you soften in your approach. Give yourself a pat on the back. You're falling in love with the life that you're creating for yourself, and it's only getting better.

Self-Care: Write yourself a love letter, take yourself on a date, take time in meditation to reconnect with your emotions and honour whatever it is that you need to be full. And if you need a little piece of support, pop a rose quartz in your pocket or your bra.

Aquarius (20 Jan.-18 Feb.): Three of Pentacles
Jade Mordente

Aquarius (20 Jan.-18 Feb.): Three of Pentacles

"I stay grounded while I grow."

Ever considered joining forces with a friend or colleague to start up a personal project? Recently been encouraged to build or seek a like-minded community? To expand your network? The beauty of the Three of Pentacles is that it indicates growth and community, Aquarius. So this April, collaborations will serve you well.

Love: The Pentacles represent the grounding element of Earth, and today the Tarot are calling for you to build on those strong foundations which already exist within your relationships. It may be your partner, your besties, or your family — but invest your time into those who matter most.

Career: Conversations will open new doors, and with the Three of Pentacles energy circling your career, Aquarius, this is your month to network and build new connections. If you've found yourself a little shy to jump into the DMs right away (understandable), perhaps you can start by following inspiring accounts or finding a mentor-type figure within your work environment to support your growth.

Self-Care: You love to learn, Aquarius, and life itself can be one of the biggest teachers of all. Seeking new experiences as part of your self-care practice this month will encourage you to feel more inspired by the world around you.

Pisces (19 Feb.-20 March): The Sun
Jade Mordente

Pisces (19 Feb.-20 March): The Sun

"I am all that I need to be happy."

Pisces, if you've been looking for a sign, this is it. The Sun is finally shining out from those dark clouds, and once again, you feel hopeful. Your energy is renewed! A deep healing may have taken place recently, Pisces — you've overcome the hardships of those darker days and now you can soak up The Sun. Healing has never looked this good.

Love: The Sun's energy in your love life can feel very much like you're going through a rebirth. The acceptance of a previous relationship ending, and the excitement about what may blossom in the future. Single Pisces, your energy is magnetic this month! For those Pisces in love, what do you want to blossom within your relationship this month? Write your intentions into reality.

Career: With The Sun in your career corner this April, it's likely you're going to be more motivated than ever before. The vibrant and optimistic energy of The Sun will likely spark new ideas and opportunities. The advice: go for it!

Self-Care: While you move through these pivotal moments and periods of growth, keep track of your dreams. Finding a good dream journal will help you to identify the patterns or themes which emerge — these can serve as an indication of where you may still be healing.