

Everything you need to know about The Royal Family and the latest celebrity, fashion and entertainment news


Philip Mutz
Philip Mutz
VP, News and Entertainment
Oversees news and entertainment contentIs an award-winning playwright and has hosted two...
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Rachel Bowie
Rachel Bowie
Senior Director, Special Projects and Royals
Writes and produces family, fashion, wellness, relationships, money and royals content Podcast...
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Greta Heggeness
Greta Heggeness
Senior Editor, News and Entertainment
Writes and edits news and entertainment contentSpecializes in breaking celebrity news, royal family...
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Nakeisha Campbell
Nakeisha Campbell
Associate Editor, News and Entertainment
Writes celebrity news, TV/movie reviews and SEO-focused entertainment articlesInterviews...
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Karelle McKay
Karelle McKay
Assistant Editor, News And Entertainment
Covers all things news and entertainmentHas over 5+ years of reporting on celebrity news and pop...
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Danielle Long
Danielle Long
Freelance Editor, News and Entertainment
Writes breaking news and entertainment contentCovers award show red carpets and movie premieresHas...
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