Importance of Funding Clean Water Infrastructure in Under-Resourced Communities

QV, the Coalition for Green Capital, and PRE Collective, with $1.3 million in financial support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will work with six green banks in a cohort model to provide expertise and capacity building support that prepares these institutions to strategically deploy GGRF funding to clean water infrastructure projects in under-resourced communities.

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Optimize for Resilience: Cities Coordinate 4 Key Elements During  Urban Resilience Planning and Implementation 

Cities around the globe are racing to improve their resilience and adapt to climate-related challenges. Too often, conversations about how to pay for resilience initiatives are delayed until the tail end of resilience strategy development, which may be too late to make program development decisions that can unlock additional funding and financing.   

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Recommendations to Advance Conservation, Forestry, and Rural Development through Upcoming Farm Bill Legislation

Every 5 years the U.S. Congress updates critical legislation to set policy and funding levels for a variety of federal agriculture, conservation, forestry, and nutrition programs. Known as “the Farm Bill,” this must-pass legislation, with significant implications for the U.S. Forest Service and rural outdoor economies, faces headwinds in a divided Congress. 

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Outside the Norm

A new partnership between Quantified Ventures and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service National Partnerships Office is advancing business, governance, and financing strategies for high-potential outdoor recreation and land management initiatives in and around national forests. REI Co-op’s commitment of matching support in 2023 unlocked Forest Service partnership funding for a suite of five projects in the first year of the partnership.

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Green Banks and Nature-Based Solutions: How to Make the Most of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund

We recommend two key actions for the U.S. EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to realize its full potential to reduce emissions, mobilize private capital, and address historic environmental inequalities.
1. Broaden GGRF Scope to Enable Financing of Nature-Based Projects
2. Capitalize a National Green Bank and Empower it to Leverage the Full Array of Funding Opportunities

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Impatient for Systems Change to Adequately Fund Health Related Social Needs? Us Too.

The time is ripe for community-based service providers to expand their partnerships, programs, and impact through a focus on the value they create for the community and individuals as opposed to the cost associated with service provision. This blog provides an overview of three health sector payment trends and the related opportunities for community-based service providers to enhance their impact by diversifying and expanding revenue.

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Pathways to Greater Partnerships and Investment at the Health-Water Nexus to Improve Community Health Outcomes and Resilience

People are healthier when they have access to clean water and natural infrastructure amenities. Identifying the population health benefits of public infrastructure projects opens the door to more public-private partnerships – offering private actors an opportunity to finance solutions that close budget gaps for public infrastructure AND drive measurable environmental and health improvements. 

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Tackling the Western Water Crisis

We need locally-driven solutions, public-private collaboration, and innovative financing to address the water crisis in the Western United States. We outline our work with several partners in the West and Southwest U.S. to do just that - including our efforts with the Edwards Aquifer Authority in Texas to create a new type of cost-effective, flexible groundwater easement for the aquifer.

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Replicable Revenue Streams Can Help Natural Infrastructure Projects Receive State Revolving Fund Financing

EDF and Quantified Ventures recently published a report that identified 5 replicable repayment streams that communities and conservation groups can use to access SRF financing for natural infrastructure such as wetlands, floodplain restoration, and riparian buffers. This blog highlights 3 key takeaways to advance natural infrastructure through SRFs we found after speaking with conservation finance experts and SRF leaders about our report.

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Natural Climate Solutions and Carbon Markets Grow Hand-in-Hand

Carbon markets, offsets, and insets help facilitate our nature-based solutions and can serve as a bridge to making bigger things happen. For Quantified Ventures, our project partners, and the buyers we work with, high quality credits are a requirement. They are more highly valued and align with our focus on predicting, measuring, and reporting the verified outcomes of a project to transparently demonstrate value.

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