16 Quotes That Prove Why 'Bluey' Is Way More Than Just A Kids Show

16 Quotes That Prove Why 'Bluey' Is Way More Than Just A Kids Show

Kelly Catlin
Updated July 15, 2024 16 items



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Vote up the Bluey quotes that never get old.

Sometimes a kids' show has added bonuses for adults, including hidden humor or sentimentality that reminds us about the best parts of childhood. Bluey is a perfect example of a show that ticks all the boxes, keeping both children and adults entertained while watching, making it perfect family viewing. Over the course of its episodes, Bluey has created some amazing quotes that demonstrate how it appeals to everyone.

These lines cover countless themes in Bluey, from patience to perseverance and the importance of family relationships. Even if you and your kids aren't avid Bluey watchers, you can still learn from these sayings, using some in everyday life. While some quotes are profound or emotional, others are just plain fun.

Look through the best Bluey quotes below and vote up those that prove the show isn't just for young kids.

  • 'Bingo, Sometimes Does Your Outside Voice Say 'Yes' When Your Inside Voice Really Means 'No'?'
    34 VOTES

    'Bingo, Sometimes Does Your Outside Voice Say 'Yes' When Your Inside Voice Really Means 'No'?'

    Who Said It: Chilli

    The Episode: Season 2, Eeisode 1 (“Dance Mode”)

    Bingo feels like she often concedes, saying “Yes” to others when she actually wants to say “No." She purchases a “Yes/No” button and it's quickly found out just how she feels. At one point, Chilli asks Bingo if she's saying “Yes” when she means “No.” 

    Bluey starts hitting the yes-no buttons simultaneously to show she understands that Bingo is conflicted in her answers. This adds a bit of levity to the situation which ultimately is a reminder that no one should have to compromise their own feelings just to please others: it's okay - and often necessary - to say “No.”

    34 votes
  • 'We All Fail Mum School Sometimes, But That's Okay. We Can Try Again Tomorrow.'
    60 VOTES

    'We All Fail Mum School Sometimes, But That's Okay. We Can Try Again Tomorrow.'

    Who Said It: Chilli

    The Episode: Season 2, episode 14 (“Mum School”)

    This quote comes on the heels of Chilli playing “mum school” with Bluey. What results is an honest conversation between mother and daughter. Since Bluey struggles to parent a difficult balloon, she asks her mother if she failed at “mum school.” 

    But Chilli provides the reminder that parents often need: we all fail at mum school on occasion, but tomorrow is a new day and we can try again. 

    60 votes
  • 'Remember, I'll Always Be Here For You. Even If You Can't See Me. Because I Love You.'
    48 VOTES

    'Remember, I'll Always Be Here For You. Even If You Can't See Me. Because I Love You.'

    Who Said It: Chilli

    The Episode: Season 2, Episode 26 (“Sleepytime”)

    Children are often afraid to go to sleep,  with fears of the dark and other childhood insecurities playing out at bedtime. This line is a sweet reminder that even when children can't see their parents - such as at a sleepover or away from home - their parents are still with them, watching over them. This heartwarming quote comes from a wonderful episode where Chilli reminds Bingo of this exact sentiment. 

    48 votes
  •  'Well Look, Sometimes Special People Come Into Our Lives, Stay For A Bit. Then They Have To Go.'
    39 VOTES

    'Well Look, Sometimes Special People Come Into Our Lives, Stay For A Bit. Then They Have To Go.'

    Who Said It: Chilli

    The Episode: Season 1, episode 43 (“Camping”)

    It's normal to make friends for a short while. Whether they're met on vacation or move away, friends come and go, as Bluey learns. 

    In this episode, Bluey becomes friends with Jean-Luc while on a camping trip, meaning they go their separate ways after the conclusion of their holiday. Chilli steps in to explain to her children that there are plenty of special people they'll meet, but even if those relationships are brief, they still matter. Bluey may very well see Jean-Luc again, but this quote still offers up plenty of mother-child sweetness. 

    39 votes
  • '...From Then On, I Decided To Run My Own Race.'
    44 VOTES

    '...From Then On, I Decided To Run My Own Race.'

    Who Said It: Chilli

    The Episode: Season 2, episode 50  (“Baby Race”)

    Chilli fondly recalls that when Bluey and Judo were babies, there was an unspoken race to see which child would reach certain milestones first, such as crawling or walking. 

    However, not all children meet these milestones; if they do, they don't always achieve them at the same time as other kids - and that's perfectly okay. This quote reminds parents that children aren't actually in a “race” while learning and growing and to celebrate them for who they are without feeling the need to compare them to others.

    44 votes
  •  'I Don't Want A Valuable Life Lesson. I Just Wanted Ice Cream.'
    43 VOTES

    'I Don't Want A Valuable Life Lesson. I Just Wanted Ice Cream.'

    Who Said It: Bluey

    The Episode: Season 2, episode 47 (“Ice Cream”)

    Bingo and Bluey want ice cream - nothing more, and nothing less, except equal licks. They go back and forth, trying each other's ice cream, focusing on each lick being fair. What results is their ice cream melting and no one getting a lick. They're both visibly upset, something completely normal for children, and Bandit gives them his ice cream to share. 

    Bandit then reminds them that it's usually more helpful to spend less time obsessing over things being exactly fair, and more time enjoy enjoying what's in front of you. Although the girls might be a bit too young to fully take in this lesson, it's great for those watching at home.

    43 votes
  •  'You'll Face Harder Things Than A Cricket Ball And You'll Have Two Choices: Back Away And Get Out, Or Step In Front And Play A Pull Shot.'
    37 VOTES

    'You'll Face Harder Things Than A Cricket Ball And You'll Have Two Choices: Back Away And Get Out, Or Step In Front And Play A Pull Shot.'

    Who Said It: Rusty's Dad

    The Episode: Season 3, episode 47 (“Cricket”)

    Rusty experiences some issues while playing cricket. Then, his father's voice is heard in a voice-over, explaining that he can “back away and get out, or step in front and play a pull shot." This helps Rusty tackle the game, but also reminds the audience of an important lesson: when the going gets tough, you can either retreat, or you can face your fears and tackle issues with a brave face. 

    Children and parents alike can use this inspiration to power through when things are challenging. Whether an individual attempt results in success or not, it's still worth doing to learn a valuable lesson about perseverance. 

    37 votes
  • 'This Isn't The '80s, Pat!'
    30 VOTES

    'This Isn't The '80s, Pat!'

    Who Said It: Bandit

    The Episode: Season 3, episode 14 (“Pass the Parcel”)

    This episode initially divided the Internet, as it's about Lucky's Dad, Pat, and his disapproval of the modern rules of a kid's game: Pass the Parcel. The game used to entail one prize for the winner, but now has prizes in each layer. 

    Viewers were divided, because the old rules allowed only one child to win the game while the new rules allowed all children to be winners. But in this episode, Bandit explains that it's not the '80s, infusing humor to the situation and reminding Pat that times have changed. 

    Although Pat eventually gets his way with the game, this interaction shows the variation in parenting styles across time periods and from person to person, especially when it comes to rewarding children. 

    30 votes
  •  'Have A Cry, Check. Pick Myself Up, check. Dust Myself Off, Check. And Keep Going.'
    46 VOTES

    'Have A Cry, Check. Pick Myself Up, check. Dust Myself Off, Check. And Keep Going.'

    Who Said It: Bingo and Chilli

    The Episode: Season 2, episode 19 (“The Show”)

    For Mother's Day, Bluey and Bingo decide to put on a play for Chilli. When Bingo worries she has ruined the play, Chilli steps in to comfort her daughter, teaching how her how to compartmentalize when she's upset, creating a mental checklist. 

    Bingo and Chilli work through this checklist together in a sweet mother-daughter moment. What sets this quote apart is that this checklist is absolutely applicable in real life, whenever you feel overwhelmed.

    46 votes
  • 'This Is Great. They're Learning A Lesson, And We Get The House Clean.' 'Neither Of Those Things Are Happening.'
    41 VOTES

    'This Is Great. They're Learning A Lesson, And We Get The House Clean.' 'Neither Of Those Things Are Happening.'

    Who Said It: Bandit and Chilli

    The Episode: Season 1, episode 19 (“The Claw”)

    In this episode, Bandit attempts to a quid pro quo with his children: if they clean the house, they'll get more chances to use the magic claw. He excitedly tells Chilli that the kids are learning a valuable lesson and the house is being cleaned in the process, but Chilli tells him neither of those things is happening. 

    This is a great reminder that bribery is no way to teach children a lesson. If Bandit had explained to his daughters the value of hard work paying off, maybe they would have done a better job cleaning the house. They also would have understood the significance of extra chances using the magic claw thanks to their hard work and determination. 

    41 votes
  •  'This Is Trifficult!'
    37 VOTES

    'This Is Trifficult!'

    Who Said It: Bingo

    The Episode: Season 2, episode 7 (“Favourite Thing”)

    As the family eats dinner, Bingo struggles to eat cherry tomatoes with her fork. At one point she interjects, “This is trifficult!” Bingo finds this entertaining and Bandit concludes that Bingo combined "difficult" and “tricky” to form a new word: trifficult. This amuses Bandit and Bluey, but upsets Bingo. 

    The family eventually smoothes things over so Bingo knows that it's okay to misspeak, something children and adults both do. But what makes this quote so great is that this line is applicable in everyday life, especially when frustration strikes and you just need a new word to express your emotions.

    37 votes
  • 'I'm Not Taking Advice From A Cartoon Dog.'
    33 VOTES

    'I'm Not Taking Advice From A Cartoon Dog.'

    Who Said It: Bandit

    The Episode: Season 2, episode 24 (“Flat Pack”)

    This episode has a lot of elements woven in, as Chilli and Bandit build an outdoor swing seat and Bluey and Bingo play with the box it came in. There is wildly inventive dramatic play at force here as the girls tackle the development and advancement of life. 

    This quote actually comes from Bandit while reading the illustrated IKEA-style directions for swing-seat assembly. The irony of his complaint, “I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog,” is hilarious. On the other hand, watching Bluey and Bingo reenact the development of life while Bandit and Chilli assemble furniture is a reminder that Bluey isn't just a show about… well, cartoon dogs. 

    33 votes
  • 'Oh, Did I Make That A Little Too Fun?'
    23 VOTES

    'Oh, Did I Make That A Little Too Fun?'

    Who Said It: Bandit

    The Episode: Season 1, episode 3 (“Keepy Uppy”)

    While Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo play Keepy Uppy around they house, they notice they're using their last balloon. This makes the game a bit more stressful, as they don't want to risk it popping. When Bandit joins in, the game becomes a tougher test to keep the balloon from landing on the ground where it might pop. Eventually, the balloon does pop, and Bandit asks if he made the game “a little too fun.” 

    This quote stands out because it shows resilience when trying to achieve something. A game that started out simple enough became a test to overcome different obstacles, making this a great moment for everyone to learn from and enjoy. 

    23 votes
  • 'Magic Claw Has No Children. His Days Are Free And Easy.'
    39 VOTES

    'Magic Claw Has No Children. His Days Are Free And Easy.'

    Who Said It: Bandit

    The Episode: Season 1, episode 19 (“The Claw”)

    While Bandit entertains his daughters with the magic claw machine, he explains that the magic claw doesn't have children, so it must have an easy and relaxed life. Although his daughters most likely don't understand the subtle nuance in this comment, parents watching the show do. 

    Although parents love their children, it's okay to feel tired and overwhelmed. Bandit subtly expresses that truth by using the magic claw as a contrast to himself.

    39 votes
  • 'Oh, Today Is Better Than Tomorrow.'
    23 VOTES

    'Oh, Today Is Better Than Tomorrow.'

    Who Said It: Bluey

    The Episode: Season 2, episode 22 (“Bus”)

    In this special episode, Chilli and Bandit play a game of bus with their daughters. Chilli expresses her hesitation to tell the bus driver, Bandit, that she loves him, as it's a secret. But Bluey and Bingo, dressed as the grannies, remind her that there's no time like the present to take action, especially when you love someone. 

    The moment is both heartwarming and sentimental. Plus, it's applicable to almost every aspect of life. Seizing the moment is usually better than letting fear or hesitation stop you from doing something you want or need to do.

    23 votes
  •  'I Slipped On My Beans!'
    40 VOTES

    'I Slipped On My Beans!'

    Who Said It: Bluey

    The Episode: Season 1, episode 28 (“Grannies”)

    Every episode needs some levity mixed in with emotion, and “I slipped on my beans!” delivers just that. Bluey and Bingo have a great time with dramatic play, pretending to be two grannies they call Rita and Janet. But “Rita” (Bingo) steals a can of beans and falls on her bum, dropping cans of brand everywhere. As she falls, she yells out this line.

    Although it's not necessarily profound, this exclamation is still very quotable in daily life. It can be used whenever things go awry, and just might elicit a laugh in the process. 

    40 votes