The Best Intelligent Horror Movies

Ranker Film
Updated July 11, 2024 398.0K views 106 items
Ranked By
746.2K votes
31.0K voters
14 reranks
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Vote up the best intelligent horror movies.
Latest additions: The First Omen, History of Evil
Most divisive: The Prodigy
Over 31.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best Intelligent Horror Movies

If you think horror movies are nothing more than slashers slashing, supernatural creatures wreaking havoc, and gallons of the red stuff, think again; intelligent horror movies demonstrate that smart horror exists - and is really good to boot. The best intelligent horror films operate at multiple levels, weaving social commentary into plot lines that are equal parts thought-provoking and terrifying. 

From Jordan Peele's Get Out to John Krasinski's A Quiet Place, there's no shortage of films that prove horror is actually smart. But what are the smartest entries in the intelligent horror genre?