Great Movies About Sad Loner Characters

Ranker Film
Updated May 15, 2024 43.7K views 39 items
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3.1K votes
731 voters
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Vote up your favorite films about a lone wolf character who hasn't quite figured out this whole life thing.
Latest additions: DogMan, The Holdovers
Most divisive: Another Earth
Over 700 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Great Movies About Sad Loner Characters


Since loner types prefer to spent most of their time in solitude, the best way to examine their lives is at the movies. The top lone wolf movies spotlight introverted characters who struggle to identify with the bulk of society. This is a list of the greatest movies about lonely characters including everything from Taxi Driver to Rebel Without a Cause to The Wrestler.

What films will you find on this list of the best movies about lonely and pathetic characters? Into the Wild was inspired by the real-life Alaskan adventures of Chris McCandless. Emile Hirsch starred in the 2007 drama, which was based on Jon Krakauer's book of the same name. Barton Fink is another fascinating film about a loner character. Ghost World follows a pair of teenage girls as they befriend a sad loner after setting him up on a fake blind date. Other good films about loner characters include About Schmidt, Safety Not Guaranteed, and The Panic in Needle Park.

Which movie about a loner is the best? Vote your favorites up to the top of the list, and please add any good features that are missing.