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The Day the Earth Stood Still Reviews

Jun 10, 2024

Reassistido depois de mais de 10 anos. Esse filme possui um ritmo incrível. É impossível parar de assistir. Uma obra de arte em diversos sentidos. O discurso final é impecável: "Deve haver segurança para todos, ou ninguém estará seguro."

Apr 21, 2024

The consensus is that this movie "isn't" didactic? I disagree. Klaatu came from a society on a planet ruled by robots they created to govern themselves, that could turn them into dust for having a violent moment. That's carrot and stick and the lesson is mandatory. (Though it really shouldn't be that hard to not be violent.) Maybe it IS a utopian society. Anyhow... Very enjoyable film. I do enjoy a morality tale through a sci-fi lens. I'm rewatching this for the first time in decades thinking we humans haven't learned a damned thing. A movie made in 1951 could still be a great education to many in 2024. This movie.

Apr 4, 2024

It may look dated but the story isn't.

Aug 23, 2023

The 1950s was a decade in cinema that included a lot of stories about hostile alien visitations. Imagine this one. A flying saucer lands on the grass just outside the White House, causing frightened locals to run for cover. An alien steps out who cannot be easily killed by bullets. Accompanying him is a menacing robot that is impervious to damage, and which vaporises the army's weaponry. This alien comes with a threat to destroy the world, but he soon escapes the custody of the army. Cut to scenes of a frightened woman ushering her child into the house. This alien talks about levelling New York or sinking the Rock of Gibraltar as a show of power, before finally paralysing the planet with his superior technology. The people of Earth resist, and the alien finally returns to his flying saucer and leaves the planet. Here are the ingredients of an exciting alien invasion movie, but doubtless you will balk at the idea that I am accurately describing The Day the Earth Stood Still. We all know this is about a well-meaning, Christ-like alien who brings a message of peace. While movies such as The Thing from Another World upset some sci-fi fans by setting in motion a wave of monster movies, The Day the Earth Stood Still was one of the ground-breaking sci-fi stories of the 1950s that showed contact with a friendly alien. Actually neither description is accurate, and yet the film arguably contains elements from both of the summaries I just gave. Klaatu is not a malevolent alien with evil intentions towards the Earth, but the prevailing mood of the film is one of fear, reflected in the haunting and eerie music score provided by Bernard Herrmann. At the helm was an experienced and professional director, Robert Wise. Wise tries to make the story as realistic and believable as possible. He tells the story in the cinema vérité style that would become common in sci-fi films of this decade. Wise included scenes showing military experts considering the threat, journalists and newsreaders describing the story, and politicians thinking about what to do next. By way of contrast, the film also includes ordinary people discussing what they are hearing on the news, and giving their impressions. Klaatu's role in arriving on Earth is not to negotiate peace or decide the planet's future, but to warn us against a risk that he cannot prevent. Inter-planetary peace and harmony has only been achieved with the threat of total annihilation, an argument that sounds curiously similar to that applied to the nuclear deterrent. It is an interesting thought. I would not wish to push it too far and suggest that Klaatu is a threatening or intimidating figure. I doubt many people who have viewed the film would be convinced if I did. Klaatu is a benign and appealing figure, but his message is not a blandly friendly one – he brings a dire warning with him, and it is unclear at the end whether we are mature enough as a species to heed his words. I wrote a longer appreciation of The Day the Earth Stood Still on my blog page if you would like to read more of my thoughts:

Jul 31, 2023

Excellent movie, yes it's dated, it was filmed in 1951. It's filled with 1950's paranoia about the commie threat. But the story and it's message was way ahead of it's time. The sound effect/ alien sounding soundtrack and use of shadows were awesome. The characters of Klaatu and his giant 8 ft tall robot Gort are great. To me one of the best SF stories ever made. Not just for the 50's. But until Star Wars A New Hope came out in 1977. It was best on many levels. A very strong Anti-War movie with a great ending. Not your typical alien invasion movie at all. Hollywood really dropped the ball with the horrible remake. Once CGI was pretty perfected by 1991. With the release of Terminator II Judgement day. They should of raced to remake this version with Christopher Reeve aka Superman as Klaatu. George Lucas, Spielberg or Cameron should jumped on that as their next big block buster for 1994 or 95. The message of the movie still stands up to today. Klaatu Barada Nikto!

Jul 24, 2023

Wow, went into this movie not knowing much but it's now my second favorite classic movie of all time behind War of the worlds and, I'm happy to have a movie to give it some competition. I'm not going to spoil anything, a little slow but aren't all movies from this time? Fantastic film, makes me want to watch it on a projector at a campfire

Jul 17, 2023

May be a bit of a slow watch for modern audiences, but its message about humanity needing to know it's place may be more relevant then ever. Oh and Gort is pretty cool, even if the effects are very limited.

Jun 15, 2023

With a great cast and a thought-provoking message, "The Day the Earth Stood Still," despite its cheesy effects and occasionally sluggish pacing, still remains an absolute classic.

Feb 27, 2023

Unlike like most science fiction movies from the 1950s, Robert Wise's The Day the Earth Stood Still focuses on engaging characters and interesting ideas instead of cheesy, low-budget special effects. When Klaatu (Michael Rennie) and his impenetrable, no-nonsense robot Gort arrive on Earth to offer up a dire ultimatum, there is an understandable sense of confusion and panic from the general populace, who tackle the thorny problem in the only way they know how - violence. With strong performances throughout, a hefty message to impart, and plenty of smart dialogue ("I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason."), The Day the Earth Stood Still remains one of the most impactful science fiction movies ever, as timely today as it was the day it was released.

Feb 26, 2023

The only problem in this is that the overly outdated look of the machine and the robot. Undoubtedly downgrade the overall quality and looks goofy for now. (personally I liked the retro-futuristic style though) Other than that, this humane Sci-fi is still watchable. The context is always relevant for us and has thought-provoking lines. "Peace" Famously Ringo Starr referred this for the "Goodnight Vienna" album cover.

Dec 19, 2022

Best of Movies/TV Series Collection

Dec 19, 2022

This is a sci fi classic! Very early social-value film that's thoughtfully done. The monsters here are human beings. A must-see production for buffs of early sci fi.

Nov 22, 2022

A certified classic movie with the usual Acting from Michael Renne makes this movie a perfect score for entertainment!!!!!

Nov 16, 2022

To say this is my favourite Movie of all time is an understatement! :)

Nov 6, 2022

Was in the mood to watch a classic film tonight and this 1951 Sci Fi classic provided excellent acting and some interesting storytelling. Especially for 1951! Was my very 1st time to see this and it delivered. To watch in super high-def Blu-ray too was a treat. But just a bit dry as too much yappity yap and not nearly enough of any action sequences. And this movie is only an hr and a half long too in running time to keep in mind. I got a kick out of the usage of General Custer as the main general's name! An 8 out of 10 all day long, but with some more action scenes, and not so much lead up the whole movie, and like I say without so much yappity yap, this would easily be a 9, even in today's standards. And without any awfully overused CGI to also keep in mind! Worth a viewing!, young or old!

Oct 20, 2022

It's hard to imagine they put this movie out in 1951, only six years after the end of World War II. People must've been just totally blown away.

Oct 4, 2022

In hindsight (always 20/20) the message out of the cold war era was that they did not want the escalation into nuclear war and the needed something to cool emotions and have logic prevail. A lot can be read into this movie and the message is the still the same, humanity is doomed if we do not change our views. Ironically the potential unleashing of Gort to bring peace about is still an emotional response that brings a smile about. Plenty of biblical similarities can and have been pointed out but one thing remains true, humans are fueled by emotion.

Sep 2, 2022

Powerful, Thought Provoking and an All Time Classic. I was amazed how incredibly well done the special effects were here. They hold up incredibly well. The acting was phenomenal along with very engaging and well done dialogue and fleshed out characters. The music score is iconic and extremely memorable and well done. the cinematography is extremely well done also. The movie is leisurely paced but never feeling too slow or too much exposition. The plot is very simple but given so much depth thanks to the symbolism and very heartfelt interactions throughout the film. An All Time Classic.

Jun 12, 2022

excellent sci fi - classic

Jun 11, 2022

Visitor from another planet comes to earth with a message of peace and goodwill. He is promptly shot, confined and persecuted. Sound familiar? A classic. Gort's first appearance coupled with that ominous, unforgettable score by Bernard Herrmman still gives me chills even though I've seen it a hundred times. More poignant now then when it was made. Great story, well acted, impressive special effects for the period (can you even find the seam in the ship?), some corny kid dialogue but it still lays our modern day insecurities and fears so out in the open that we should still feel chastised by Klaatu's closing speech; one of the greatest in cinema. Directed by the great Robert Wise. I won't reveal details. You just have to see it.

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