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Dead Poets Society Reviews

Aug 25, 2024

Jest to film, który głęboko mnie poruszył, sprawił iż wciągnęłam się w świat poezji.Kocham go całym sercem

Jul 18, 2024

Um excelente filme que começa de maneira alegre trazendo uma dolorosa tragédia em seu final, vi algumas reclamações sobre o filme ser lento, mas vejo isso com bons olhos, pois é justamente essa lentidão que torna seu final tão memorável.

Jul 13, 2024

This movie changed my brain chemistry. It's both heartbreaking and powerful. It's a cutting movie veiled in the guise of a sentimental one. Easily my favorite movie of all time.

Jul 8, 2024

My absolute number one movie of all time. It’s a tragic yet beautiful story that makes you laugh, cry and think. Robin Williams’ performance is, like always, outstanding and the other actors compliment him beautifully. The movie is written incredibly from start to finish and brings the incredible book to life perfectly. This is a movie you can watch over and over again without getting bored.

Jun 22, 2024

I'm a movie enthusiast who watches 100+ movies a year and I can say that this is the best movie I ever seen. No other movies felt more touching than Dead Poets Society. It's such an unforgettable beautiful absolute must watch movie 💯

Jun 22, 2024

This is the best movie I ever seen in my whole life. I'm a movie enthusiast and I had seen many movies of different languages, of different genres and for me no other movies felt more touching than Dead Poet Society. It's so unforgettable beautiful movie which is an absolute must watch 💯

Jun 12, 2024

Inspiring and motivating, "Dead Poets Society" demonstrates how education can inspire new generations when the right mind is put to the task. Robin Williams shines as John Keating, an unconventional teacher who challenges his students to think for themselves and embrace the motto "carpe diem." The film's poignant storytelling and heartfelt performances leave a lasting impact, making it a timeless tribute to the power of teaching and the importance of following one's passions. A must-watch for anyone who values creativity, critical thinking, and the enduring influence of a great mentor.

Jun 12, 2024

Everything is so priceless. I'm speechless

Jun 10, 2024

If this film isn’t a direct representation of what it means to choose heart over hollow society I don’t know what is. The great Robin Williams does it again in peaking the movie expectations of human desire to do what they love. Over the years I usually see the film scene by a scene basis but I see now how much of a unjust that was. If I may… The captain of the film ignited his crew. Dishing what was considered fancy and old school. Students of the story became masters of a so-called dreams of fools Forgetting how they were once tools. Not everyone won the struggle of a conformed society But in the end the pen was still all powerful and mighty.

May 9, 2024

One of the best movies to ever be created! The book and the movie are phenomenal.

May 6, 2024

Quite literally one of the best films made. Stellar performances from the entire cast with a life changing story. An absolute must see!

May 5, 2024

What's not to love about this movie?

Apr 24, 2024

A heartwarming, inspiring and richly painted coming-of-age about rebelling conventions and seizing life, Dead Poets Society could have explored some of its narrative directions a bit more, but it features loads of thematic depth with powerful storytelling and a triumphant final shot. It manages to be reflective of itself while also brimming with vigor. Solidly directed by Peter Weir, amazingly written by Tom Schulman and wonderfully acted by Robin Williams, this movie was a terrific, enthralling watch from start till end.

Apr 24, 2024

I think this is the most meaningfull movie I ever seen. I really love this movie! Everyone needs to see it one time or more.

Apr 19, 2024

Oh Captain, My captain.

Apr 7, 2024

Went in for a good time, came out crying

Apr 3, 2024

Robin Williams is a good actor.

Apr 2, 2024

if you hate this movie then you might be insane go see a therapist

Mar 29, 2024

they should have kissed

Mar 7, 2024

I have quotes from this film pinned above my desk. I adored the characters with their varied personalities and journeys. And I was left truly shocked by where the story went. It's become a favourite of mine.

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