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MP 882000

Miscellaneous Publication
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Evolution of Australian Standard for pressure vessel steel plate

MP 882000

Miscellaneous Publication
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Evolution of Australian Standard for pressure vessel steel plate

First published as MP 882000.

Standards Australia International All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher. Published by Standards Australia International Ltd PO Box 1055, Strathfield, NSW 2135, Australia
ISBN 0 7337 3258 5

MP 882000

This Miscellaneous Publication was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee ME/1, Pressure Equipment. This Miscellaneous Publication includes: (a) (b) (c)
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Australian Standards for pressure vessel steel plate and the major developments in the Australian steel industry in a chronological order. Pressure vessel steel grades that replaced old grades or grades that were added or deleted in the new Standard and their equivalence. A table of the grades from four (ISO, EN, ASTM and JIS) International Standards which are equivalent to current Australian pressure vessel steel plate grades

This document provides the history of changes that have taken place in the Australian Standard for pressure vessel steel plate. Only the significant changes have been listed and, wherever possible, reasons for such changes are given. As most of these changes are as a result of the development of the steel industry in Australia, major developments/plant commissioning in the steel industry are also listed. This document is a developing document and as such, will require ongoing amendments and revisions. Committee ME/1 and Standards Australia would like to acknowledge the contributions of Sharad Kotwal in the preparation of this Miscellaneous Publication.

MP 882000

Page SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE .........................................................................................................................4 1.2 OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................4 1.3 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................4 1.4 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................4 SECTION 2 PRESSURE EQUIPMENT STEEL PLATE STANDARDS 2.1 AS B581937, CARBON STEEL PLATES FOR BOILERS, UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES .........................................5 2.2 AS B581958, CARBON STEEL PLATES FOR BOILERS, UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES .........................................5 2.3 AS B250 1968, STEEL PLATES FOR BOILERS AND UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS.................................................................................................6 2.4 AS 1548 1974, STEEL PLATES FOR BOILERS AND UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS.................................................................................................7 2.5 AS 1548 1981, STEEL PLATES FOR BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS......7 2.6 AS 1548 1988, STEEL PLATES FOR BOILERS AND PRESSURE VESSELS......8 2.7 AS 1548 1995, STEEL PLATES FOR PRESSURE EQUIPMENT ..........................9 2.8 REASONS FOR CHANGES IN THE STANDARD ..................................................10 APPENDICES A REFERENCED DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................11 B DEVELOPMENT OF AUSTRALIAN STEEL INDUSTRY ........................................12 C PRESSURE VESSEL STEEL PLATE GRADES .........................................................13

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MP 882000

STANDARDS AUSTRALIA Miscellaneous publication Evolution of Australian Standard for pressure vessel steel plate





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This Miscellaneous Publication sets out the developments, and their basis, of the Australian Standards for pressure equipment steel plate from 1937 to the current 1995 edition. This document also covers major historical developments in the Australian steel industry and changes to steel plate grades. 1.2 OBJECTIVE The purpose of this document is to provide the pressure equipment industry with a historical guide to significant changes to the Standards for pressure equipment steel plate. 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1.3.1 Plate Hot-rolled product supplied flat with width equal to or greater than 600 mm. Edges are either trimmed or untrimmed.
NOTE: Plate is produced by cutting (a) from a coil rolled on a continuous mill with nominal thickness greater than or equal to 3.00 mm; or (b) from a parent plate, being the product of a slab rolled on a reversing mill, with nominal thickness equal to or greater than 4.50 mm.

1.3.2 Plate as-produced A plate rolled from a slab or rolled directly from an ingot, except that when the plate is normalized and is cut into pieces, the term refers to each individual piece of the original plate normalized separately or to a group of pieces normalized together. 1.4 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The documents referred to in this document are listed in Appendix A.

Standards Australia

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MP 88-2000, Evolution of Australian Standard for pressure vessel steel plate

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