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New York Boston
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This book is a work of ction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the
product of the authors imagination or are used ctitiously. Any resemblance
to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Text copyright

2014 by L. Jon Wertheim and Tobias Moskowitz

Illustrations copyright

2014 by Neil Swaab

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First Edition: October 2014
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Wertheim, L. Jon
The rookie bookie : a novel / L. Jon Wertheim and Tobias Moskowitz ;
[illustrator, Neil Swaab].First edition.
pages cm
Summary: When seventh-grader Mitch Sloan moves to Jonasburg,
Indiana, he uses his exceptional skills in math, money, and sports statistics
to make friendsbut gets in over his head when he starts a football betting
ring.Provided by publisher.
ISBN 978-0-316-24981-2 (hardcover) ISBN 978-0-316-24976-8 (ebook)
ISBN 978-0-316-24980-5 (library edition ebook) [1. FootballFiction.
2. GamblingFiction. 3. Middle schoolsFiction. 4. SchoolsFiction.
5. Moving, HouseholdFiction. 6. Family lifeIndianaFiction. 7. Indiana
Fiction.] I. Moskowitz, Tobias J. (Tobias Jacob), 1971 II. Swaab, Neil,
illustrator. III. Title.
PZ7.W4783Roo 2014
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
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To Isaac, Josh, Sammy, Sarah, Ben, and Allegra:
Dont start a betting pool at school!
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CHAPTER 1: The Winners Curse . . . . . . . . . . 1
CHAPTER 2: Two for the Price of One. . . . . . 16
CHAPTER 3: Liars Can Figure and
Figures Can Lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
CHAPTER 4: It Pays to Know the Score . . . . . 45
CHAPTER 5: Ka-ching! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
CHAPTER 6: Risky Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
CHAPTER 7: Word of Mouth. . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
CHAPTER 8: Following the Herd. . . . . . . . . 108
CHAPTER 9: Underwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
CHAPTER 10: Be Rich or Be Happy? . . . . . . 139
CHAPTER 11: The Prisoners Dilemma . . . . 148
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CHAPTER 12: An Unfair Fight . . . . . . . . . . 164
CHAPTER 13: Whats It Really Worth? . . . . 181
CHAPTER 14: Risk and Reward. . . . . . . . . . 195
CHAPTER 15: Theres No Rule Against
Having Better Information . . . . . . . . . . 212
CHAPTER 16: Part of the Team . . . . . . . . . . 228
CHAPTER 17: Secret Weapon . . . . . . . . . . . 244
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The Winner s Curse
amie Spielberger is a girl, and I do not have a
crush on her. Let me repeat that: I. Do. Not.
Have. A. Crush. On. Her.
Shes just this kid I met when I had my nose bur-
ied in the grass in back of the middle school, after I
bobbled a pass that would have been a touchdown.
Wow, that was some catch. A sarcastic voice
oated over my head. You ever consider becoming
a professional juggler?
It was a girls voice. I rolled over and blinked
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up at her. The knees of her jeans were muddy. She
was wearing her San Francisco Giants hat back-
ward. She was also grinning and holding my hat.
Thanks, Im ne, I said. No major surgery.
Just a few broken bones. Ill walk it off.
Cool. She handed me my hat and ran off for
the next play. Luke! Luke! Im open, you idiot!
Are you blind? If you had one more eye, youd be a
Sitting there, I laughed out loud. That was a
pretty good line. And she was funny, not mean.
She could also catch. When Luke nally saw her
and red off another spiral, just like the one hed
sent at me, the girl nabbed it in midair.
I found out later her name was Jamie.
She was out there most days at lunchtime, when
a bunch of guys would show up in the eld and
start to toss the ball around. Sometimes it was just
catching and passing. Some days it would turn into
a real game.
I like football, even though Im not really that
good at it. My brother, Kevin, would have caught
Lukes pass without blinking. One- handed, proba-
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bly. But I know how to play, and Im pretty fast, so
I started hanging out around the eld at lunchtime.
Plus, I was trying to get to know some people. It
was my rst week as the new kid at Jonasburg
Middle School, and I gured if I got to be friends
with some of the jocks, itd be a good start.
The person I really got to know was Jamie.
The next day, she came up to me after the lunch-
time game, while we were headed back into school.
Can I talk to you? she asked.
Which was weird. Kind of. I mean, she was
walking right next to me and talking to me right at
that moment, so why did she need to ask me if she
could? Like it was a big deal?
Wait was it a big deal?
Sure, I said.
Um, sure. After fth period, okay?
I spent science class wondering what Jamie had
to tell me. Alone. I just hoped it wasnt a boyfriend-
girlfriend, do you have a crush on me? kind of thing.
Mrs. Wolff stood in front of the whiteboard
talking about tectonic plates and earthquakes and
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volcanoes which would usually interest me. But I
could barely concentrate; I was distracted wonder-
ing what Jamie needed to tell me so badly. I wanted
to know, but I didnt want to know.
Maybe itd be better if we didnt actually have
a chance to talk. Maybe shed forget about what-
ever it was. When the bell nally rang, I grabbed
my folder and bolted out of there, trying to get to
my locker before Jamie. Im Mitch Sloan. Shes
Jamie Spielberger. We were assigned lockers alpha-
betically, so hers is right near mine, with only two
Smiths and a Spander in between.
I threw my science book on one shelf and got
my math book out from another. But I wasnt fast
enough. I saw her out of the corner of my eye, tak-
ing a small leather notebook out of her bag. She
cleared her throat just to be sure I noticed her.
Oh, hey, Jamie, I said, trying to sound casual.
What did you want to talk to me about before? I
took a deep breath and waited for her answer.
Trade it, she said, turning the knob on her
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Trade it.
Trade what?
She looked up, frustrated, and put a hand on her
hip. Did you or didnt you get the rst pick in the
seventh- grade fantasy football draft?
Whew. None of that awkward girl- boy stuff. It was
a total relief. I had to wipe a stupid grin off my
Yeah, I said proudly. I got the rst pick out of
the ten teams, and I
Trade it, she said again, cutting me off. Every-
one wants it, and they think its more valuable than
it really is. Sure, youll get a good player. But then
you wont go again until the last pick of the second
So youre better off with picks ten and eleven
or picks nine and twelve than you are with picks
one and twenty.
Wait. Whoa. How did she know that?
The thing is, I knew it, too. I had totally been
planning to trade that rst pick. Everybody wants
it, so they think its special, worth more than it is.
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Theres even a name for when something like this
happens: the winners curse. Which means you do
whatever you can to get something you really want
because you thought everybody else really wanted
it, and it turns out it wasnt worth it.
But I was surprised shocked, really that Jamie
knew about the winners curse, too. Id never met
any other kids who understood this kind of thing.
And by the time I got my brain unstuck and my
mouth working again, Jamie was already walking
away down the hall, the leather notebook poking
out from her back pocket.
Thanks, Jamie, I yelled to her down the hall.
I was going to do that, anyway.
Two hours and eight minutes later not that I was
counting the second bell rang and it was ofcial:
I had survived my rst week at Jonasburg Middle
School. Ever since my rst week of kindergarten,
Id always felt pretty good on Friday afternoons. But
this day, I was feeling extra pretty good. Id learned
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my way around the building. I hadnt gotten into
any trouble with my teachers; I even liked some of
them. Id learned the names of a few other sports
freaks and gotten invited to join their fantasy foot-
ball league. Plus, Id gotten the rst pick in the draft.
And there was Jamie. She seemed kind of cool,
and it looked like she might be interested in some
of the same stuff I was, like anything having to do
with football.
I like all sports, really. Football, baseball, basket-
ball, you name it. Actually, I like talking and
thinking about sports more than I like playing
them. Probably because Im much better at it. I
like guring out strategy and how to win. Thats
why I love fantasy sports no dropped passes, just
who to pick and who to play. But theres one other
thing I like almost as much, maybe even more, and
I might as well tell you up front.
I love money and business.
Okay, before you decide that this makes me a
greedy kid who doesnt care about the things that
really matter, let me explain.
See, most kids in my grade want to be famous
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athletes or singers or actresses. That would be cool,
but if you got picked last for teams as often as I
have, eventually youd give up the dream of becom-
ing the next Derek Jeter or LeBron James. Besides,
even if I could play, Id rather own the Yankees or
the Heat than play for the Yankees or the Heat.
Instead of being a sports hero, I want to be the
next Warren Buffett.
The other day I wrote that in one of those rst-
week-of-school autobiography assignments. Kevin
read it and got all confused. Buffett? Is he, like,
the guy that invented all- you- can- eat?
No. Thats pronounced buff- fay, I told him.
This is Buff- ett. Hes an investor. A nancier.
Probably the most successful investor of all time.
Oh yeah? he said, barely looking up.
Hes like a gardener, but he tries to grow money
instead of owers and plants. And hes worth more
than fty billion dollars.
Right, said Kevin. Because moneys the most
important thing in the world.
Look at it this way, I said, trying to put it in
terms Kevin would care about. He could buy every
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team in Major League Baseball and the National
Football League at once. He could give every single
American a hundred dollars, and hed still be a bil-
lionaire. He could
Okay, Kevin barked. Hes rich. I get it.
But as usual, Kevin didnt get it. I dont care
about being rich, I told him. I just want to make a
lot of money.
That doesnt make any sense, he said, looking
back at the TV.
Okay, I said, sighing. You know how when you
go to the arcade, you get as many tickets as you can
playing Skee- Ball and Pop-A-Shot and Whac-A-Mole
and all that? You do everything you can to win. You
combine tickets with your friends. You hustle like
crazy. After all that, you get to the window and you
trade your tickets in for some stupid keychain or
some inatable pillow you never use.
I guess, said Kevin.
Well, thats how I feel about money. Its not just
about the stuff you can buy. Its about nding new
ways to make it. Trading. Avoiding traps. Its the
game of it.
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Kevin looked up and studied me. Dont you
want money to get a really cool car like a Fer-
rari Testarossa or an electric guitar or some new
clothes? You see, Kevins sixteen, a junior in high
school, about to get his drivers license, and crazy
about cars and clothes and all that junk.
Nah, those are just things, I told him. I dont
need things. (Though owning a sports team one
day would be supercool.) Money can help you do
stuff that no one else can, I continued. Think of it
as something you can trade with anyone for almost
anything. Or you can help people who need it. Did
you know Warren Buffett is giving away most of
his fortune
Wait, Kevin cut me off. You mean you want to
make money just so you can give it away? Thats the
stupidest thing Ive ever heard. Youre so weird. He
snorted and walked out of the room laughing.
The problem is that some of the other kids in sev-
enth grade think my hobby is weird, too. Check
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that. Most of them think its weird. Same with their
parents. And same with my parents.
Mom and Dad are both artists. My mom mostly
paints, and my dad is a potter. When we lived in
California, they rented a small gallery where they
sold their art. But both of them admit that they
dont have what they call a head for business.
Actually, they brag about it. When I get going, talk-
ing about business stuff, they get impatient.
Mitch, moneys not everything, my mom says
a lot. All that talk about prot and loss, savings
this, spending that. It gets
Kevin cut her off this time. It gets annoying.
Admit it, Mom.
My mom paused, clearly struggling to say the
right thing. I wasnt going to put it quite like that,
she said slowly. But lets just say I do wish you
talked about money a little less sometimes, Mitch.
I get that a lot. Between Kevin and kids at
school, Ive been called that since I was born. Its
one of those words people always seem to use for
short people like me. Tall people might be doofy or
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goofy or gawky or awkward. But how often are tall
people described as annoying? Not very.
I used to be okay with the word annoying
because I told myself it meant that I was smarter
than the person calling me that, and that made
them uncomfortable. But right before we left Cali-
fornia, I was watching a business show on televi-
sion and heard the head of a big company tell the
host that one of the most important skills in busi-
ness is to be able to make everyone around you
feel comfortable. You dont want to do business
with someone who annoys you and gets under your
skin, the man said. You just dont.
Ever since, Id been trying really hard not to
annoy anybody. But sometimes it just seemed to
Like Saturday morning. I woke up late and ate
a bowl of Capn Crunch, the all- time best cereal in
the history of the world, and then I rode over to my
parents shop. The store is barely a mile from our
house, and I learned a shortcut that would get me
there on my bike in less than eight minutes.
When I walked in, there were no customers.
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Dad was sitting on a stool behind the counter, play-
ing his guitar, not seeming to mind that he wasnt
selling paintings or making any money. It was like
the California gallery all over again.
Whats up? I asked.
Just chillin, he said, moving the fret bar on his
guitar. Chillin like Bob Dylan.
Nobody says that anymore, Dad.
Maybe not now. But itll come back. Cool
things always come back in fashion. And then you
can tell your friends that I was ahead of the curve.
Slow Saturday? I asked, looking around the
empty store.
Understatement of the day, said my dad. Two
people came and looked at these owerpots but
decided that fty dollars was too much money to pay.
Too much money compared to what? I asked.
Not compared to anything, he said, starting
to pluck his guitar strings. Just too expensive for
owerpots, I guess.
Maybe thats the problem, I said. How about
giving your customers a comparison so they think
fty dollars is a good price for those owerpots?
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Sorry, Mitch, my dad said, still not looking at
me, I dont follow.
I paused. Sometimes okay, lots of times
people dont react so well when I try to explain
stuff like this. I know its one of the things that
makes me annoying, but the thing is, sometimes I
have good ideas. And my parents really needed to
make this store work.
People like to compare stuff, I told Dad. Is
fty dollars a lot of money? Depends what for,
right? Its cheap if youre buying, like, a plane
ticket to Europe. Its expensive if youre buying
something like a candy bar.
Art isnt a candy bar, Mitch, my dad said a lit-
tle too patiently. Each piece is unique. Its not like
theres a rack of my pots down at the gas station.
Yeah, I know, I agreed. You have your own
shop, so you can create the comparisons yourself.
Even better.
I still dont follow, said Dad.
Okay, I responded. How about making a
owerpot thats bigger? Same design. Same color.
Same shape. But just a little bigger. Charge, say, a
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hundred dollars for it. Suddenly the fty- dollar pot
will actually seem like a bargain.
Dad paused. Maybe, he eventually mumbled
to himself, and then started to play a few chords
I sighed. It was a good idea. But the minute I
tried talking to my dad about money, he only lis-
tened for about thirty seconds before tuning
me out.
And you know what that was annoying. Con-
sidering the reason why we really left California.
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Two for the Price of One
rying to give my dad advice made me think
about Jamie trying to tell me what my fantasy
football rst draft pick was really worth. So I asked
my dad if I could borrow his computer and looked
up her address. There was only one Spielberger in
town, so I got my bike and headed over.
I didnt call ahead. That would feel kind of, I
dont know, like a date. And this wasnt a date,
because I. Do. Not. Have. A. Crush. On. Jamie.
Spielberger. (Remember?)
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I just thought that maybe maybe she wouldnt
tune me out like the rest of the world did when I
started talking. We had a lot in common. It was
worth a shot.
When I got there, I rang the doorbell, and her
mom opened the door. Boy, her mom. My mom was
at home in her ripped-up jeans and her old college
sweatshirt, splattered all over with paint. Jamies
mom was dressed like she was going to work out
yoga pants, tight top, running shoes but she had
makeup on and her hair was shiny and all her n-
gernails were glowing this peachy- pink color. She
just wasnt what Id pictured for Jamies mom at
all. But she did seem really happy to see me.
Jamie! she called, beaming this big happy
smile. You have a visitor!
When Jamie came downstairs, she looked just
like she did at school baggy T-shirt, jeans with a
hole in one knee, baseball cap.
Oh, honey, her mom said. I know I washed
those other jeans for you, and theres a skirt
This is ne, Mom. Jamie looked at me like she
didnt know who I was for a second, and I felt like
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maybe showing up without calling had been a bad
Then Jamie grinned, and her mom sighed and
went away.
Hey, Mitch. Whats up?
Hey, Jamie. I just thought maybe . . . you want
to look over the fantasy football picks? I waved a
printout at her, and she shrugged.
Id put in boldface the names of players I
wanted to pick. She made a scowling face as she
looked at my list. Classic mistake, she said. You
dont have enough guys from lousy teams. Youre
drafting players, not picking who you think is
going to win the Super Bowl.
She had a point.
And after wed done some football talk, it
seemed kind of natural to go out into the backyard
and start throwing a ball back and forth. Her dog,
Pepper, a big golden retriever, came out, too, and
ran back and forth between us, following the foot-
ball each time we threw.
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So, Jamie said, zinging a pass into my hands.
Question: What are you doing here?
Throwing a football? I guessed.
I mean here in Indiana, dummy. Whyd your
family move?
Oh. Right. Just what I wanted to talk about.
A bunch of reasons, I said. My mom grew up
around here. My dad kept complaining that there
were too many other artists trying to sell their
stuff in San Francisco. Too much competition, you
know? And stuff. So we moved. Might as well live
where the houses are cheaper and you dont have
to pay tons of money in tolls every time you need
to cross a stupid bridge.
She nodded like that wasnt the lamest explana-
tion shed ever heard, and I was hoping the subject
would die. So whattaya think? How do you like it
Well, I said, stalling, the kids here are basi-
cally the same as they were at home. Some are
taller and some are shorter. Some are shy and some
talk a lot.
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It has to be a little different here, she said
Sure. Nobody talks about surng and no one rides
a skateboard to school. Theyre more into sports here,
which is ne by me. And before, the middle school
wasnt attached to the high school, so I didnt go to
school in the same building as my brother. Now I do.
So is that good different or bad different?
Neither, really. Just different.
Its kind of cool that you have a brother. She
threw the football a little harder. I sometimes
wish there were other kids around here. To take
some of my parents attention off me, you know?
Yeah. I sent her back a pretty good spiral. But I
have to say the kids are nicer here. And smarter, too.
Jamie whooped. If you think were smarter,
you havent been here long, she said. Trust me,
some of the kids here are not the sharpest Crayolas
in the box.
Huh? I said.
There are kids here so dumb they would wait
for a stop sign to turn green. They would bring a
big spoon to a Super Bowl party. They would
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I get it, I said, cutting her off. But you know
what? None of the kids at Jonasburg have stuffed
my head into a toilet. So, overall, I like it.
She stopped throwing the ball and stared at me.
That happened to you?
Back in California, yeah, I said. Hey, let
me ask you a question. Whats with the notebook
youre always carrying around?
I have four words for you, not necessarily in
the right order: Your. Business. None. Of.
She said it with a smile, though.
It didnt take long before I gured out what Jamie
was talking about when she said not the sharp-
est Crayolas in the box. During Mrs. Henrys class
the next week, I tried to jump into a conversation
with two kids at my table. Clint Grayson, a big
eighth grader whose muscular arms popped out
of the overalls he was wearing and whose breath
smelled like Cool Ranch Doritos, was telling every-
one about an R-rated movie his uncle let him see.
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It was so awesome, he said. People were
crushed under a gigantic tidal wave and there was a
huge ood, so they had to evaporate the whole city!
I started laughing. No one else did. Clint xed
his gaze on me.
Before I could say evacuate, not evaporate, I
stopped myself. The new kid telling an eighth
grader how to talk? Not the way to make friends.
Maybe the way to make myself kind of annoying.
And it turned out to be a good thing I didnt cor-
rect Clint Graysons vocabulary. Because when I
showed up for football practice, there he was.
Like I said, I like watching football more than
I like playing football. Thats how it is with me and
most sports. But I thought Id try out for the foot-
ball team after watching Kevin.
Before we moved to Jonasburg, Kevin had never
played on a football team in his life. He showed up
for practice in August before high school had even
started. By the end of the week, he was the starting
wide receiver on the team, and an assistant coach
told him that if he kept improving, he could be in
line for a college scholarship.
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Of course, this got him instant friends. Instant
respect. Instant cred with any girl he wanted to
ask out. Sports make Kevins life so much easier.
So I gured I would at least go through tryouts for
the Jonasburg Middle School team. Maybe the kids
here wouldnt be faster and stronger and just plain
better than me, the way they always were in Cali-
fornia. That was my thinking, anyway. My wishful
Because when I got to the eld after school, I
instantly saw that it wasnt going to be like throw-
ing the ball around a little after lunch. The other
kids were older. And tons bigger.
And there was Clint Grayson, the eighth grader.
He looked like a football player. He brought his own
helmet and came with eye black already streaked on
his upper cheeks. When I walked by him and nod-
ded, he either didnt recognize me or just pretended
not to. Instead, he spit on the grass and kept walking.
The coach, Mr. Bob Williams, was also the
coach of the high school team. The schools used to
have different coaches, but to save money, the town
put Coach Williams in charge of both teams last
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year. He wore a whistle around his neck and these
shiny shorts that looked like they were made from
the same material as my moms swimsuit. He had
a T-shirt that was two colors: gray where he wasnt
sweaty and black where he was soaked through.
Kevin had told us that Coach Williams had been
a great high school player for Jonasburg before he
hurt his knee or something. I searched Bob Wil-
liams online and, sure enough, he was a star who
led his team to the Indiana state championship
and was heavily recruited. Then, during college,
he suffered a torn ACL, which I think is some-
thing in your knee. Ive heard of pro players tear-
ing this and they are usually out for the season and
sometimes their careers. As far as I could tell, he
never played football again.
He was older now, but Coach Williams still looked
like a real athlete. He had broad bulges for muscles,
almost like a suit of armor, and cables of veins cov-
ered his arms. Walking around the eld, he looked
at home, the way Kevin does. You know those adults
you want to impress? He was one of them.
At the start of practice, he brought us to mid-
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eld and had us circle around him. Boys, take a
knee, he said slowly as we shifted into position.
Glad you had the courage to come today. This sea-
son, were gonna play hard. Were gonna play as a
team. But most of all, were gonna play brave. And
just by being here youre showing youre brave.
We passed around a clipboard and wrote our
names and our grades. Then he read the names.
Herman. Smith. Jeffrey. Kumar . . . Hands went up.
Grayson. Clints hand shot up.
Excellent, said Coach Williams. I heard you
can kick the ball a mile.
Yessir, said Clint.
Finally, he got to me. Sloan.
My hand shot up like I had a jet pack on my elbow.
Wait a second, said Coach Williams. Youre
Kevin Sloans brother?
I nodded.
He grinned.
Think we might have ourselves a ringer, he
said to no one in particular.
Luckily we werent practicing in helmets and
pads and no one was getting tackled today. Because
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otherwise I might have gone right from the foot-
ball eld of Jonasburg Regional High School to the
emergency room of Jonasburg Regional Hospital.
The other kids werent just bigger. They were faster
and stronger and way more coordinated.
We had a footrace. I came in last out of forty-
ve. We had a contest to see who could do the most
push- ups in sixty seconds. I was last out of forty-
ve again. Clint Grayson came in rst both times.
And Coach Williams was right. He could kick the
ball a mile.
For one drill, Coach Williams threw us passes,
zinging the ball at what seemed like a hundred miles
an hour. I didnt catch a pass, not one single time.
Gotta hustle, little Sloan dude, Coach Williams
barked at me. I didnt know what was worse: that he
was scolding me, that he didnt know my name was
Mitch, or that he was already calling me little.
For the last half hour, we split into four teams to
play two scrimmages of ag football. There were
eleven kids on each team. With forty- ve kids, that
left an odd man out. Or an odd kid out.
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Stand by my side, Coach Williams told me.
Help me observe, little man.
I stood next to him, watching. On one play that
started at mideld, a quarterback a kid with long
hair I recognized from Lunch A ran backward,
then to his right, then backward some more. Just
as he was about to be caught, he dumped a short
pass to a teammate. As soon as the receiver caught
the pass, he was slapped on the back and pushed
almost to the goal line.
Coach Williams made a face that looked like he
had just smelled a dirty diaper. Or Clint Graysons
Dorito breath. He blew his whistle and walked
onto the eld. What happened there, fellas?
No one answered. So he turned to me. Little man,
he said, his voice piercing the air, what happened?
I wasnt sure what to say. So I paused and then
blurted out the rst thing that popped into my
head. The receiver should have dropped the pass.
Unlike you, some of us actually try to catch the
ball, said Clint. The other players started to laugh.
But Coach Williams spun around and looked at
them. Exactly! he said. The receiver should have
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dropped the ball. The laughter stopped. Tell us
why, Little Sloan.
Now I had a little more condence. Because
everyone was so far behind the line of scrimmage
and the defense was so nearby, it made no sense
to catch the pass. Drop it and its incomplete and
youre back on the thirty- yard line. Catch it and
you need to run halfway to Illinois just to get back
to the line of scrimmage.
Again, there were some chuckles led by Clint
Grayson. By now I had become a pro at distinguish-
ing laughs. These werent the Hey, Mitch is a smart
guy! laughs. They were the Mitch is annoying laughs.
I just didnt get it. I was right. I knew I was right.
Whats so annoying about that?
But thankfully, Coach Williams had my back.
Exactly! Right on, Little Sloan! Theres no reason
to catch that pass! It sounds funny, but youre bet-
ter off taking the incompletion. Gotta use your
heads, guys!
A few minutes later, Gene Beech a skinny sev-
enth grader who played trumpet with me in band
class had to leave practice to get to a Boy Scout
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meeting. Coach Williams turned to me. Get in
there, Little Sloan, he said. Lets see you put your
football smarts to some good use!
Yeah, that wasnt going to happen. Clint Gray-
son was playing quarterback. He dropped back
and, after realizing that no one else was open,
threw me a pass. It was like my hands were made
of cement. Doink. The ball brushed against my
ngertips and slid away, falling to the ground.
Come on! yelled Clint, stomping his foot. You
gotta catch that, kid!
I hoped Coach Williams hadnt been looking, but
then I heard his booming voice. Sloan! he yelled.
Catch the ball with your hands, not just your eyes!
Defense was even worse. On the very rst play,
I was supposed to cover David Chu, one of the few
Asian kids at Jonasburg Middle School. I lined up
next to him, and when the center hiked the ball
to the quarterback, David jogged about ve yards
and I stayed with him every step. Whew, I thought,
nally someone I can keep up with.
That thought was still swirling in my brain
when David suddenly sped up and sprinted down
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the eld. If you had been watching, you might have
thought that he was running with a tailwind and
I was running against a headwind. I turned back
in time to see the ball make a perfect arc over my
head and land in Davids hands.
With everyone else on the eld yelling, I took off
after David. But he was gone. Around the time he
crossed the goal line, I started to stumble. I dont
know if I tripped over a patch of crabgrass or my
shoelaces, or if I was just being clumsy. But I broke
my fall with my wrists and my knees. Even the
landing was awkward. Lying there on the ground, I
practically could hear Jamies smack talk. Youre so
slow, youd come in third in a two- man race. You could
lose a race against a parked car. Youre so short, you
could play handball against a curb. . . .
I looked over and saw Coach Williams on the
sidelines wearing a slight smile. I could read his
mind, too. Guess the big brother got all the athletic
I stood up, covered in dirt and grass, and heard
Clints voice. Now you look like crap and play like
it. He snickered and spit on the grass.
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Luckily, a few minutes later, practice was over.
Dad picked me up. He could probably tell I was
bummed, because he kept cracking these corny
jokes on the way home.
Let me guess: You wanted to play quarterback
because you thought it was a refund.
Very funny, I grumbled.
Hey, maybe thisll cheer you up, he said. I
tried your idea yesterday. A man bought three of
those owerpots I had in the back of the store. I
put a price of fty dollars on one, and a price of a
hundred dollars on another that was only slightly
bigger. I overheard the guy whispering to his wife,
Wow, Denise, its like getting two for the price of
Okay, so on the one hand, it looked like I wasnt
going to play football at Jonasburg Middle School
and Id just looked like an idiot in front of forty-
four kids I was trying to impress and the coach had
kept calling me little . . . but on the other hand, Id
helped my dad make some money.
Maybe the day wasnt a total loss.
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