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SECTION 504 13

















(HUD 2516)






All grantees of Tennessee Community Development Block Grant funds are required to
comply with the Civil Rights requirements of Title I of the Housing and Community
Development Act and the Fair Housing Law. Grantees must demonstrate compliance
with the following four requirements contained in the Housing and Community
Development Act.

Affirmative steps to promote fair and equal access to housing must be

taken, regardless of the type of grant.

Equal opportunities must be afforded to all persons.

No person shall be excluded or denied program benefits on the basis of

race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability.

Minority and female-owned businesses must be informed of grant

funded contracts. Affirmative steps must be taken to assure this.

To the greatest extent feasible, Section 3 resident and business concerns

should be given preference in employment, training, and contracting.

It is not difficult to comply with Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity requirements. Grantees

need to set up a good recordkeeping system and start work on Equal Opportunity/Fair
Housing activities early, not at the end of the project.
The activities which you must perform in order to comply with Fair Housing/Equal
Opportunity requirements include the following:

Discussed Corresponding
Activity on Page Exhibit #

Fair Housing Activity 1-8 C-1, C-5, C-6, C-7

Relocation Documentation 11
Equal Opportunity Language in Contracts 53 & 65 C-10, C-15
Equal Opportunity Employer Policy 12 C-12, C-13
Section 3 Requirements 9 C-9, C-11
Section 504 13-14
Minority/Female Contractor Involvement 14-15 C-16, C-17
Contractor/Subcontractor Activity Reports 13 C-14

Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and
financing of dwellings based on:

National Origin
The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988, which became effective March 12, 1989,
expands the coverage of Title VIII to:
1. Prohibit discrimination in housing on the basis of:
Familial Status

2. Strengthen the administrative enforcement provisions of Title VIII.

3. Provide for the award of monetary damages where discriminatory housing

practices are found.

The following actions are considered to be discriminatory under the Fair Housing
Refusing to sell, rent, deal, or negotiate with any person.
Discriminating in terms or conditions for buying or renting.
Advertising that housing is available only to persons of a certain race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, or of a specific family size.
Denying that housing is available for inspection, sale or rent when it
really is available.
"Blockbusting" - persuading owners to sell or rent housing by telling them
that minority groups are moving into the neighborhood.
Denying or making different terms or conditions for home loans by
commercial lenders, such as banks, savings and loans, and insurance
Denying to anyone the use of or participation in any real estate
services, such as broker organizations, multiple-listing services or other
facilities related to the selling and renting of housing.
Refusing to allow reasonable accommodation to be made for a person
with disabilities.

As a recipient of Community Development Block Grant funds, you are required to

affirmatively further fair housing. You must do some activity that will let people in your
community know what fair housing is and that it is illegal to deny those rights to citizens
of your community.
A memorandum was issued from HUD, stating that state and local jurisdictions should
update their Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choices (AI). The purpose is to
remind the jurisdictions to reflect on the current fair housing situations in their
Beginning in FY 2005 and each of the following years, all funded jurisdictions will be
required to submit an updated Analysis to Impediment, if one has not previously been
The funded jurisdictions will be responsible for submitting the updated Analysis to
Impediment but must include countywide data and input from all county and city officials
within the county.
A Fair Housing plan will require: an Analysis of Impediments to fair housing, and
actions to correct any impediments found, or, where no impediments are found, planned
activities to maintain the fair housing environment. Jurisdictions must look for fair
housing impediments in such areas as sales or rentals, brokerage services, financial
assistance, public and administrative policies, zoning ordinances and tenant selection.



A Fair Housing Plan will require: an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
AND a list of actions to correct any impediments found; or, where no impediments are
found, a list of planned activities to maintain the fair housing environment. NOTE: This
is not an activity for the administrator alone; this requires the involvement of the County
Mayor and the City Mayors within that county.
IMPEDIMENTS To Fair Housing Choice are any actions, omissions, or decisions which
restrict housing choices or the availability of housing choices because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability.
FAIR HOUSING CHOICE means the ability of persons of similar income levels to have
available to them the same housing choices regardless of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, familial status, or disability.

STEP 1. A public meeting should be conducted. Prior to its scheduling, contact the
County Mayor and the City Mayors in that county to decide on the best time
and place for the meeting.
STEP 2. Publish the announcement (C-2) of the meeting in a newspaper with a county
wide circulation. Be sure to include a nondiscrimination statement and the
name of the person to contact for any disability special accommodations that
may be needed. (Place a copy of this newspaper announcement in the file.)

STEP 3. Mail letters of invitation to all interested parties including real estate
agencies, rental management companies, landlords, financial institutions,
insurance companies, public housing authorities, racial minority groups or
individuals, churches, public service agencies, senior citizens organizations
or centers, disabled individuals or organizations, members of all governing
bodies having a voice in the administration or policy decisions in zoning
and/or other housing issues. (Copies of these letters should be placed in the

STEP 4. The Jurisdiction Background Data forms should be completed prior to the
public meeting. Most of this information can be retrieved from the Internet
address Start (left-hand side of the page) by
clicking on the Fact Sheet, People, Housing or Data Sets (use only SF-1 or
SF-2 100% data) all sites have relative information.

STEP 5. On the day of the public meeting, provide blank copies of the sign-in sheet

STEP 6. Shortly after the public meeting, send a copy of the memorandum (C-4) to
the Tennessee Human Rights Commission requesting information on
complaints filed by anyone from your county. This information should be
included in the Analysis.

STEP 7. Schedule a meeting with the elected officials to discuss the issues expressed
at the public meeting, to identify any impediments to fair housing choices, to
review the activity examples and decide on short term goals (activities to be
completed this year) and long term goals (activities to do over the next five
years) that address the identified impediments or ways to educate the public
about fair housing issues.

STEP 8. When the Analysis of Impediments has been completed, the County Mayor
and all the City Mayors within the county’s jurisdiction should review the final
report and sign it. Each signature represents that person’s commitment to
the implementation of the plan.

STEP 9. Keep the original analysis in the County Fair Housing file, place a copy in
each of the jurisdictional files, and send a copy to Program Management.

STEP 10. Complete a fair housing activity that was described in the short term goals of
the Analysis for this year.


In developing the analysis of impediments, the jurisdiction should consult with those
groups who represent special interests, such as disabled or disability commissions, civil
rights commissions, low to moderate income representative groups , and those who are
active in the housing arena such as fair housing organizations, tenants' rights
organizations, and housing advocacy groups to assure that the needs of all citizens are
addressed in the analysis. Members of the real estate, banking, insurance communities
and landlords should also be included.

The following are suggested topics for discussion to be used to obtain information
needed for the analysis and promotion of constructive dialogue within the task force:

Information on relevant public policies/practices regarding zoning and

building codes and the impact, if any, on the achievement of fair housing
Information on institutional practices in the real estate community as it relates
to buying, selling, and house rentals that may affect the achievement of fair
housing choice within a jurisdiction, i.e., housing loan/rental application
procedure, forms used, residential residency requirements, approval
procedure for loans and insurance, types of advertising used by the real
estate and lending industry, types of real estate multiple listing services,
factors used in home appraisals, and locations of mortgage loan approvals
by race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
Information on the nature and extent of fair housing complaints, violations or
suits against the jurisdiction.
Information on the degree of segregation, incidents of racial violence. Also,
information on any CDBG contract conditions placed by HUD on the
jurisdiction or any failure of the jurisdiction to comply with its fair housing


A. What was the source of the data collected, newspaper, other media,
U.S. Census, and if a task force meeting was held, who was present?
B. If any money was spent to obtain the information needed to complete
this analysis, where did it come from?
C. What problems were found?

D. What actions will be taken to correct the problems?

A. Demographic Area
Actual number and percentage of persons in the grantee's jurisdiction
by race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, and familial status.
Data available from the latest Census or community surveys.
B. Income characteristics/employment and transportation profile

Income characteristics, i.e., median income of households by

race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, and familial status.
Listing of employers, by type, and the number of people
employed, by salary bands and racial group, gender, etc.
Comparison of race and income by neighborhoods within
grantee's jurisdiction.
Listing of major forms of transportation. Identification of access to
adjacent job centers.
Data available from the latest Census, local planning and
transportation offices, major employers, and private surveys.
C. Housing profile

Total number of housing units in the grantee's jurisdiction noting

type (multi-family/single-family), cost, condition of housing, level of
accessibility and whether occupied or vacant. Identification of
vacancy rate.
Data available from the latest Census, local planning office, local
housing agency and private surveys.
D. Maps

You can prepare one map, one map with overlays, or several
maps (remember this is to help you in evaluating any problems in
your jurisdiction.) Include all of the following information:
- Location of housing for persons with disabilities (i.e., group
homes, independent living complex, etc.)
- Racial housing patterns
- Housing costs and vacancy rates
- Location of proposed housing, including price range,
subsidized or private
- Location of industrial and commercial development and area
expecting to undergo revitalization
- Location of major employers and mass transportation routes
- Areas of minority displacement
- Central business district
When the Analysis to Impediments (Exhibit C-1) is completed, a copy must be sent to
the Program Management Office.

The following are actions which might be appropriate in overcoming some identified
impediments to fair housing choice in Block Grant communities. Fair housing actions,
however, are not limited to those on this list.

Promote efforts to enact substantially equivalent fair housing laws;

Undertake fair housing enforcement, i.e., complaint processing activity;
Provide funds to enforce local fair housing laws;
Through letters signed by the chief elected official, encourage those in the
business of renting, selling or financing of housing to adhere fully to the
Federal Fair Housing Act and HUD's Advertising Guidelines;
Participate in voluntary partnerships developed with public and private
organizations to help achieve the goal of fair housing choice;
Contract with private organizations to bring about increased awareness of
fair housing issues or otherwise address impediments to fair housing choice;
Fund activities that assist in remedying segregation in the recipient's
Encourage real estate industry groups to participate in the Voluntary
Affirmative Marketing Agreement Program;
Sponsor fair housing poster contests, speech contests, and writing contests,
in schools during April - National Fair Housing month;
Display fair housing exhibits at local shopping malls, fairs, exhibitions, etc.;
Provide CDBG financial and technical support to help create private fair
housing groups in those localities where such agencies do not exist;
Work actively with existing entities (public or private nonprofit) whose goal is
to further fair housing;
Develop a local government-wide list of both public and private housing -
accessible to persons with disabilities;
Set aside funds to be used specifically for fair housing purposes;
Provide counseling services to persons seeking housing in locations outside
areas of minority and low-income concentration;
Provide minorities the opportunity to occupy assisted housing outside areas
of minority and low-income concentration;
Fund or sponsor administrative activities designed to further fair housing;
Fund or sponsor education and outreach programs designed to inform
citizens about housing opportunities throughout the community;
Encourage the local housing provider groups to participate in voluntary
affirmative marketing programs;
Develop local compliance and monitoring processes to insure that builders
and developers who are securing building permits affirmatively market
Advertise the benefits of an open community;

Those activities associated with providing housing, housing services or

housing related facilities, are as follows:
1. A housing loan/grant program where affirmative measures are taken to
provide housing opportunities for minorities outside areas of minority
concentration, thereby providing housing choice;
2. Displaying of Fair Housing Posters in the office(s) taking the housing
loan/grant applications;
3. Advertising the housing loan/grant program in accordance with HUD's
fair housing advertising guideline regulations;
4. Locating assisted units in a broad range of locations and not
concentrating them in minority neighborhoods;
5. Illustrating minority occupancy of assisted housing inside and outside
areas of minority concentration;
6. Providing marketing, legal planning, counseling or other administrative
actions funded or sponsored by the grantee to further, or have the effect
of furthering, fair housing; and
7. Using community development funds for fair housing activities or
allocating community development funds to fair housing organizations.

Section 3 is a provision of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 which
requires that programs of direct financial assistance administrated by HUD provide, to
the greatest extent feasible, opportunities for job training and employment to lower
income residents. Further, to the greatest extent feasible, contracts in connection with
these projects are to be awarded to Section 3 business concerns.

Section 3 does not require the creation of economic opportunities for low and very low
income persons simply for the sake of creating economic opportunities.

Section 3 requirements apply to any Grantee who receives a grant of $200,000 or more
and to contractors whose contract is $100,000 or more. Section 3 requirements are
triggered by the need for hiring new employees or for additional training needed to
upgrade present employees because of this project.

Section 3 Area Resident - Any low income individual residing within the Section 3 area.

Section 3 Area - For the purpose of training and employment, it is the jurisdictional area
of the local government in which the project is located. For the purpose of contracting,
the Section 3 area is the county in which the project is located.

Section 3 Business Concern - A business which is 51% or more owned by Section 3

residents; or whose permanent full-time employees include persons at least 30 percent
of whom are currently Section 3 residents, or who, within three years of the date of
employment with the business concern were Section 3 residents.

Section 3 recipients (State, unit of local government, or contractor) must include the
Section 3 clause (Exhibit C-10) in all contracts awarded.

The Section 3 regulations established thresholds and goals. These goals are not
statutory as such, but, in the interests of efficient program administration "constitute a
'safe harbor' for compliance with Section 3." The training and employment goals are 30
percent of the aggregate number of new hires for each fiscal year. For Section 3
contracts, each covered contract or activity is to commit to Section 3 business concerns
at least 10 percent of the total dollar amount of all covered contracts for building trades
work arising in connection with the covered activity, and at least 3 percent of the total
dollar amount of all other covered contracts.
All applicable grantees must prepare and keep a Section 3 file. To fulfill this
requirement, the following tasks must be completed:

1. Complete Section 3 questionnaire (Exhibit C-9) and place in file.

2. Insert LMI threshold for grantee into the file.

3. Document all outreach efforts to recruit Section 3 residents or business

concerns including efforts of the contractor as well as the grantee. The
grantee or contractor's outreach may include the following:

- Advertising in the newspaper or other local media;

- Contacting area churches, labor unions, distributing flyers, etc.;
- Informing resident groups such as PHA resident councils;
- Holding workshops to assist Section 3 residents in completing applications
for employment and training; and
- Identifying the businesses within the area and informing them of the
upcoming opportunities.

4. Maintain a list of all Section 3 business concerns that the grantee or the
contractor hired.

5. Maintain a list of all Section 3 employees hired or trained specifically for this
project by the grantee or contractor/subcontractor.

6. Complete form HUD-60002 (Exhibit C-11) and submit with the close-out
package at the end of the project.

7. Post Policy of Non-Discrimination (Exhibit C-13).


You should provide assistance in cases of alleged housing discrimination. You need
not become a prosecutor, but you should assist with the displacee's claims of

The Fair Housing Act provides that any person who believes that he or she has been or
will be subject to a discriminatory housing practice because of race, color, religion, sex,
disability, familiar status, or national origin may file a complaint with the Secretary of
Housing and Urban Development.

The aggrieved person or the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal
Opportunity in the Department of Housing and Urban Development may file a complaint
no later than one year after an alleged discriminatory housing practice has occurred or
terminated. The complaint may be filed with the help of an authorized representative,
including any agency acting on behalf of an aggrieved person.

Prepare a complaint letter, including the Housing Discrimination Complaint

form (Exhibit C-8). Complaints may be filed to:
Fair Housing Department of
Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC 20410

Fair Housing Enforcement Center
U.S. Department of HUD
Five Points Plaza
40 Marietta Street, 16th Floor
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2806
Complaints may also be filed in person or by mail to:

Tennessee Human Rights Commission

Housing Section
531 Henley Street, Suite 701
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
Each complaint must be in writing and must be signed and affirmed by the
aggrieved person or if the complaint is filed by HUD by the Assistant Secretary.


CDBG grantees may not select sites or locations of housing

and housing-related facilities which have
an exclusionary or discriminatory effect.

CDBG grantees must take all action necessary and

appropriate to prevent discrimination in housing
and housing-related activities.

Records must be kept that will document the following:

The number and the racial/ethnic and gender characteristics of displaced

The location of CDBG-funded activities that caused displacement.
The type of replacement housing provided to each displaced person.
The discrimination procedure must be followed in cases of housing

The Department of Economic and Community Development, Office of Program

Management, does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or
access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs or activities.

Carolyn Stubblefield
William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower, 10th Floor
312 Eighth Avenue North
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0405

(615) 741-6201 (Voice)

(615) 741-6201 (TDD)

has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements

contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) regulations
implementing Section 504 (24 CFR Part 8. dated June 2, 1988).


No person shall be denied employment under any

federally assisted program on the basis of:

• Race • Religion
• Color • Age
• National Origin • Disability
• Sex

The city/county must make available a copy of any written policies and procedures used
by the grantee to hire, terminate, promote or train individuals. If no formal written hiring
policies are available, the city/county will need to implement a policy utilizing the format
in this manual (Exhibit C-12) and place a copy in the file indicating that the city/county
will not deny employment under any federally assisted program on the basis of race,
color, national origin, disability, etc.

Your CDBG project will probably generate the employment of individuals through
construction of the project. Those responsible for the hiring must be aware of the Equal
Opportunity requirement.

There are three things to keep in mind when meeting this requirement.

Your construction contract must have the proper equal opportunity

language and correct goals for minority and female employment. (Refer to
Exhibits C-10 and C-15 and to the Supplemental and General Conditions of
the contract document in the Labor Standards Chapter.)

You must document the city/county's efforts to inform minority or

female owned firms, and Section 3 Businesses, of the impending project
and invite their participation.

The successful contractor who is going to use subcontractors must

provide documentation that he has attempted to use, or is using, minority
or female owned firms, and Section 3 Businesses. Copies of letters or a
memo on the telephone call must be included in the files.


The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended was the first major law to include civil rights
protections for persons with disabilities. Section 504 of Title V of that law requires equal
opportunity for persons with disabilities in Federally assisted programs. Section 504
states that:

No otherwise qualified individual with disabilities in the United

States...shall, solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded from the
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance...

Under Section 504, an individual must be provided the opportunity to participate in, or
benefit from, the program that is equal to that provided other citizens. The opportunity
need not to be identical in approach, but rather, must afford a person with a disability an
equal opportunity to obtain the same result. This is commonly referred to as "program

Program accessibility is perhaps the key term to understanding Section 504. Under
Section 504, federal funds recipients must ensure that their programs are accessible to
qualified individuals with disabilities. Basically, this means that when "viewed in their
entirety," programs and activities offered by the recipients must be accessible --- not
every program or service has to be accessible.
The focus of Section 504, for existing facilities, is on programs, not buildings. If it is
possible to ensure accessibility through alternative means, such as providing auxiliary
aids, relocating programs or making home visits, structural changes are not required.
Only when it is absolutely necessary to achieve program accessibility are recipients
required to retrofit existing facilities, particularly since cost of doing so can be

Recipients must remember, however, that the program accessibility requirement applies
only to existing facilities. New construction and alterations must be fully accessible,
designed in accordance with recognized accessibility standards.

Every organization that receives federal financial assistance from HUD, including
community development agencies and local governments, is called a recipient.

All recipients must meet the specific requirements of the Section 504 regulations,
including having policies and procedures that do not discriminate against and/or make
reasonable accommodations to allow participation of qualified people with disabilities.

All recipients of federal assistance must conduct self-evaluations as part of their initial
Section 504 compliance activities and designate a 504 coordinator and post
conspicuously the designee.

Any recruitment of informational material published by a recipient must contain a

statement regarding the recipient's pledge not to discriminate on the basis of disabilities.


Contractors, vendors or suppliers may not be

denied an opportunity for employment under
the CDBG programs on the basis of:

National Origin
Recipients of federal funds must take affirmative steps to assure minority and female -
owned businesses are afforded opportunities to bid on service, material and
construction contracts. To meet the requirement, grantees must take steps to inform
minority and female-owned businesses about federally funded contracts.

The grantee should notify minority and female-owned businesses of

contracts and bid deadlines. This applies to professional service contracts
and materials and equipment purchases as well as to construction contracts.
For construction contracts, notices should be published in the local
newspaper and a statewide publication. In addition, notice may also be
published in a minority publication.

The invitation to bid should be sent directly to minority and female-

owned firms in addition to running advertisements. Document your efforts.

Solicit quotes and proposals from minority and female-owned firms.

For non-construction contracts, or any contract where formal advertising is
not required, (e.g., small purchases or local procurement contracts), it is a
good idea for larger cities and counties to develop a list of local minority and
female-owned businesses to use when small purchase and local
procurement procedures are followed.

A list of minority/female contractors, vendors and suppliers must be

maintained. A State-wide directory is included for your use (Exhibit C-18).

Invite by phone or letter any minority and female contractors in a

reasonable geographic area to bid. For example, a project in Marion
County should solicit bids not only from within the county, but also from
Hamilton County. Copies of letters and memos of phone calls should be
placed in the file (Exhibits C-16 and C-17).

A contract and subcontract activity report form must be filled out each
time a contract or subcontract is awarded. These forms must be sent to
the State as soon as contracts have been awarded (Exhibit C-14).

The following checklist will assist you in maintaining your FH/EO file. This list may be
attached to the inside of the file for quick reference.


Maintain a separate file that must contain:

Documentation of a Fair Housing Activity, include dollar amount of CDBG

funds used for activity

Copy of the Analysis of Impediments

Copy of the City's Fair Housing Ordinance, if any

Section 3 Questionnaire with Attachment (Exhibit C-9)

• LMI Threshold Figures

City/County Hiring Policies or (Exhibit C-12)

Policy of Non-Discrimination (Exhibit C-13)

Contract/Subcontract Activity Report (Exhibit C-14)

Documentation of attempts to solicit participation from Minority/Female

Businesses (Exhibits C-16 and C-17)

List of minority/female contractors. (Exhibit C-18) Remove this list from the
Program Manual and place in the file.
Bid Advertisement for Construction


Direct Benefit Form

Indirect Benefit Form

Sewer/Water beneficiaries (if applicable)


Jurisdiction Name


1. Introduction / General Summary of Analysis

A. Who Conducted/Methodology Used

B. How Funded

C. Findings

D. Conclusions, a short summary

2. Jurisdictional Background Data

A. Demographic Data / Income Characteristics

(See attached form)

B. Employment Profile
(See attached form)

Transportation Profile



C. Housing Profile
(See attached form)

D. Maps
(See attached form)

3. Evaluation of Jurisdiction's Current Fair Housing Profile

A. Have any fair housing complaints been filed with any local, state, or
federal agency? If yes, what is the present status of the complaint?

B. Identification of other fair housing concerns or problems.

(Number and Percentages)

Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Total Number

Under 5 years
5 to 9 years
10 to 14 years
15 to 19 years
20 to 24 years
25 to 34 years
35 to 44 years
45 to 54 years
55 to 64 years
65 to 74 years
75 to 84 years
85 years and over


Families with children

1 = White Number 7 = Asian or Pacific Islander Number

2 = White Percent 8 = Asian or Pacific Islander Percent
3 = Black Number 9 = Hispanic Origin (of any race) Number
4 = Black Percent 10 = Hispanic Origin (of any race) Percent
5 = American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut Number 11 = White, not of Hispanic origin Number
6 = American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut Percent 12 = White, not of Hispanic origin Percent
(Median Income)

Total Female Male Families

County Median Income

White Median Income

Black Median Income

American Indian , Eskimo,

or Aleut Median Income

Asian or Pacific
Islander Median Income

Hispanic origin (of any

race) Median Income

White (not of Hispanic

origin) Median Income


Average No. Annual Average Annual Average

Industry of Firms Employment Wage
Total All Industries
Agriculture, Forestry, & Fishing
Transportation, Comm. & Utilities
Wholesale Trade
Retail Trade
Finance, Insurance & Real Estate

Total number of housing units ____________________

Total number of occupied units ____________________

Total number of vacant units ____________________

Total owner-occupied units ____________________

Total renter-occupied units ____________________

Total number of owner-occupied units

in each cost category

Less than $50,000 ____________________

$ 50,000 to $99,999 ____________________
$ 100,000 to $149,999 ____________________
$ 150,000 to $199,999 ____________________
$ 200,000 to $299,999 ____________________
$ 300,000 to $399,999 ____________________
$ 400,000 to $499,999 ____________________
$ 500,000 to $999,999 ____________________
$1,000,000 or more ____________________

Condition of housing (Percentage of total units)

Excellent ____________________
Good ____________________
Needs repair ____________________
Unsuitable for living ____________________

Number of accessible units ____________________

4. Identification of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice

A. In the sale or rental of housing

1. Are any real estate practices such as steering or

blockbusting being used in your area?

2. Are there any deed restrictions, trust or lease provisions that

would prohibit fair housing choices for anyone of a protected

3. Do any of the property management firms participate in

"occupancy quotes"?

B. Provision of Housing Brokerage Services

1. Are any real estate firms excluding minority brokers from

participation in multiple listing service or the real estate
brokers' association?

2. Is there any restricted use of privileges, services, or

facilities by all brokers?

3. Are any assignments of brokers and areas being made by

racial/ethnic composition of census tracts?
C. Provision of Financing Assistance for Dwellings

1. What steps are taken by lending institutions to insure there

are no discriminatory lending patterns, practices, and

2. What steps are taken to insure there are no discriminatory

appraisal and underwriting practices?

3. What steps are taken to insure that disinvestment, redlining,

racial credit steering are not being used?

D. Public Policies and Actions Affecting the Approval of Sites and Other
Building Requirements Used in the Approval Process for the
Construction of Publicly Assisted Housing

1. Are municipal services provided equally to all areas? Identify

any areas in need of service repair or upgrade.

2. What are the local zoning laws and policies?

3. Explain any land use policies, exclusionary zoning and

displacement plan.

4. Review sites for subsidized housing by comparing census tracts

to racial concentrations.
5. Explain the makeup of planning and zoning boards, (who is on
the boards, how a person gets on a board, are all protected
classes represented on the boards, etc.)

E. The Administrative Policies Concerning Community Development and

Housing Activities, such as Urban Homesteading, Multi-family
Rehabilitation, and Activities Causing Displacement, which Affect
Opportunities of Minority Households to Select Housing Inside and
Outside Areas of Minority Concentration

1. What is the displacement plan for your jurisdiction?

2. How is the priority list for revitalization of neighborhoods


3. How is your community utilizing HOME Investment Trust funds?

4. Do you have a program of revolving loan funds set-up for

property repairs? What is the criteria for participation?

5. What is the administration's policy on increases in property tax?

6. What is the present plan for demolition of subsidized housing?

F. Where there is a determination of unlawful segregation or other housing
discrimination by a court or a finding of noncompliance by HUD
regarding assisted housing within a recipient's jurisdiction, an analysis of
the actions which could be taken by the recipient to help remedy the
discriminatory condition, including actions involving the expenditure of
funds made available under this part.

1. Describe the plan that will be developed and implemented as a

fair housing program for municipal officials and employees having
duties relating to fair housing, zoning, planning, assisted housing,
and community and economic development.

5. Assessment of Current Public and Private Fair Housing Programs/Activities in

Your Jurisdiction

A. Identification and Description of Existing Programs, Services and


1. Church, civic, and community groups as well as local


2. Fair Housing groups, housing groups, commissions representing

persons with disabilities, and civil rights organizations.

6. Conclusions
7. Actions to Overcome Identified Impediments

A. Development of a Schedule of Specific Actions

1. Short term and long term goals;

2. A financial plan for accomplishment of these goals;

3. A mechanism for updates;

4. Insurance that the schedule of actions will be implemented

regardless of any changes in the locality's administration; and

5. Commitment from local officials for carrying out the schedule of


Chief Elected Official

Chairperson, Citizen Advisory Group/Task Force

Housing Program Administrator

CDBG Program Administrator


_________________ County will hold a Public

Hearing on ______ day, ____________, 200_ at
_____:00 a.m./p.m. at the ____________ County
Courthouse, Room ________. The County and local
municipalities are required to prepare a Fair Housing
Plan. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure citizens
are treated fairly in all housing matters including
buying or renting regardless of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, disability, or family size.
Everyone is encouraged to attend and comment.

______________ County does not discriminate. The

location of the meeting is accessible for persons with a
disability. If other special accommodations are
needed, please contact ____________________,
County Mayor at ______________.


To: Director of Housing

Tennessee Human Rights Commission

From: _______________________
City/County Mayor


Subject: Fair Housing Analysis of Impediment

The CDBG Regulation at CFR 570.904 (c) require the preparation of an Analysis of
Impediment. The HUD Circular No: IV-FHEO/CPD-93-73 provides an outline of the
suggested format. The Current Fair Housing Profile section requests information on the
number and nature of any complaints that have been filed. We are requesting the
following information from this Commission under the Freedom of Information Act (5
USC Sec. 552).

1. Has the Commission been involved with any complaints about unfair
housing practices in ______________________ County or any
municipalities within the County?

No__________ Yes___________

2. If yes,

# of cases Nature of the complaint How was the complaint settled

Signature of person providing the information


SECTION 1. Policy

It is the policy of Community to provide, within constitutional limitations, for fair housing throughout
the Community.

SECTION 2. Definitions

(a) "Dwelling" means any building, structure, or portion thereof which is occupied as, or designed or
intended for occupancy as a residence by one or more families, and any vacant land which is offered for
sale or lease for the construction or location thereon of any such building, structure, or portion thereof.

(b) "Family" includes a single individual.

(c) "Person" includes one or more individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, labor
organizations, legal representatives, mutual companies, joint-stock companies, trusts, unincorporated
organizations, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, receivers, and judiciaries.

(d) "To rent" includes to lease, to sublease, to let and otherwise to grant for a consideration the right to
occupy premises owned by the occupant.

(e) "Discriminatory housing practice" means an act that is unlawful under SECTION 4, 5 or 6.

SECTION 3. Unlawful Practice

Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) and SECTION 7, the prohibitions against discrimination in the
sale or rental of housing set forth in SECTION 4 shall apply to:

(a) All dwellings except as exempted by Subsection (b).

(b) Nothing in SECTION 4 shall apply to:

(1) Any single-family house sold or rented by an owner: Provided that such private individual
owner does not own more than three such single-family houses at any one time: Provided
further that in the case of the sale of any such single-family house by a private individual
owner not residing in such house at the time of such sale or who was not the most recent
resident of such house prior to such sale, the exemption granted by this subsection shall
apply only with respect to one such sale within any twenty-four month period: Provided
further that such bona fide private individual owner does not own any interest in, nor is there
owned or reserved on his behalf, under any express or voluntary agreement, title to or any
right to all or a portion of the proceeds from the sale or rental of, more than three such
single-family houses at any one time: Provided further that the sale or rental of any such
single-family house shall be excepted from the application of this title only if such house is
sold or rented (A) without the use in any manner of the sale or rental facilities or the sales
or rental services of any real estate broker, agent, or salesman, or of such facilities or
services of any person in the business of selling or renting dwellings, or of any employee or
agent of any such broker, agent, salesman, or person and (B) without the publication,
posting or mailing, after notice of any advertisement or written notice in violation of
SECTION 4(c) of this ordinance, but nothing in this proviso shall prohibit the use of
attorneys, escrow agents, abstractors, title companies, and other such professional
assistance as necessary to perfect or transfer the title, or
(2) rooms or units in dwellings containing living quarters occupied or intended to be occupied by
no more than four families living independently of each other, if the owner actually maintains
and occupies one of such living quarters as his residence.

(c) For the purposes of subsection (b), a person shall be deemed to be in the business of selling or
renting dwellings if:

(1) he has, within the preceding twelve months, participated as principal in three or more
transactions involving the sale or rental of any dwelling or any interest therein, or

(2) he has, within the preceding twelve months, participated as agent, other than in the sale of
his own personal residence in providing sales or rental facilities or sales or rental services in
two or more transactions involving the sale or rental of any dwelling or any interest therein,

(3) he is the owner of any dwelling designed or intended for occupancy by, or occupied by, five
or more families.

SECTION 4. Discrimination in the Sale or Rental of Housing

As made applicable by SECTION 3 and except as exempted by sections 3(b) and 7, it shall be unlawful:

(a) To refuse to sell or rent after the making of a bona fide offer, or to refuse to negotiate for the sale or
rental of, or otherwise make unavailable or deny, a dwelling to any person because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability.

(b) To discriminate against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a
dwelling, or in the provision of services or facilities in connection therewith, because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability.

(c) To make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published any notice, statement, or
advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of a dwelling that indicates any preference, limitation, or
discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability, or an
intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination.

(d) To represent to any person because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or
disability that any dwelling is not available for inspection, sale, or rental when such dwelling is in fact so

(e) For profit, to induce or attempt to induce any person to sell or rent any dwelling by representations
regarding the entry or prospective entry into the neighborhood of a person or persons of a particular race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability.

(f) To refuse to permit, at the expense of the person with a disability, reasonable modifications of existing
premises occupied or to be occupied by that person if such modifications are necessary to afford that
person full enjoyment of the premises.

(g) To refuse to make reasonable accommodations in rules, policies, practices, or service, when such
accommodations are necessary to afford a person with a disability equal opportunity to use and enjoy a

SECTION 5. Discrimination in the Financing of Housing

It shall be unlawful for any bank, building and loan association, insurance company or other corporation,
association, firm or enterprise whose business consists in whole or in part in the making of commercial
real estate loans, to deny a loan or other financial assistance to a person applying therefore for the
purpose of purchasing, constructing, improving, repairing, or maintaining a dwelling, or to discriminate
against him in the fixing of the amount, interest rate, duration, or other terms or conditions of such loan or
other financial assistance, because of the race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or
disability of such person or of any person associated with him in connection with such loan or other
financial assistance or the purposes of such loan or other financial assistance, or of the present or
prospective owners, lessees, tenants, or occupants of the dwelling or dwellings in relation to which such
loan or other financial assistance is to be made or given: Provided, that nothing contained in this Section
shall impair the scope or effectiveness of the exception contained in SECTION 3 (b).

SECTION 6. Discrimination in the Provision of Brokerage Services

It shall be unlawful to deny any person access to or membership or participation in any multiple listing
service, real estate brokers organization or other service, organization, or facility relating to the business
of selling or renting dwellings, or to discriminate against him in the terms of conditions of such access,
membership, or participation, on account of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or

SECTION 7. Exemption

Nothing in this ordinance shall prohibit a religious organization, association, or society, or any non-profit
institution or organization operated, supervised or controlled by or in conjunction with a religious
organization, association, or society, from limiting the sale, rental or occupancy of dwellings which it owns
or operates for other than a commercial purpose to persons of the same religion, or from giving
preference to such persons, unless membership in such religion is restricted on account of race, color,
sex, national origin, familial status or disability. Nor shall anything in this ordinance prohibit a private club
not in fact open to the public, which as an incident to its primary purpose or purposes provides lodgings
which it owns or operates for other than a commercial purpose, from limiting the rental or occupancy of
such lodgings to its members or from giving preference to its members.

SECTION 8. Administration

(a) The authority and responsibility for administering this Act shall be in the (Mayor or County Mayor)
of Community .

(b) The (Mayor or County Mayor) may delegate any of these functions, duties, and powers to
employees of the Community or to boards of such employees, including functions, duties, and powers
with respect to investigating, conciliating, hearing, determining, ordering, certifying, reporting or otherwise
acting as to any work, business, or matter under this ordinance. The (Mayor or County Mayor) shall
be rule prescribe such rights of appeal from the decisions of his hearing examiners to other hearing
examiners or to other officers in the Community, to boards of officers or to himself, as shall be
appropriate and in accordance with law.

(c) All executive departments and agencies shall administer their programs and activities relating to
housing and urban development in a manner affirmatively to further the purposes of this ordinance and
shall cooperate with the (Mayor or County Mayor) to further such purposes.

SECTION 9. Education and Conciliation

Immediately after the enactment of this ordinance, the (Mayor or County Mayor) shall commence
such educational and conciliatory activities as will further the purposes of this ordinance. He shall call
conferences of persons in the housing industry and other interested parties to acquaint them with the
provisions of this ordinance and his suggested means of implementing it, and shall endeavor with their
advise to work out programs of voluntary compliance and of enforcement.
SECTION 10. Enforcement

(a) Any person who claims to have been injured by a discriminatory housing practice or who believes
that he will be irrevocably injured by a discriminatory housing practice that is about to occur (hereafter
"person aggrieved") may file a complaint with the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights
Commission) . Complaints shall be in writing and shall contain such information and be in such form as
the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) requires. Upon receipt of such
a complaint, the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) shall furnish a
copy of the same to the person or persons who allegedly committed or is about to commit the alleged
discriminatory housing practice. Within thirty days after receiving a complaint, or within thirty days after
the expiration of any period of reference under subsection (c), the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee
Human Rights Commission) shall investigate the complaint and give notice in writing to the person
aggrieved whether he intends to resolve it. If the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights
Commission) decides to resolve the complaints, he shall proceed to try to eliminate or correct the
alleged discriminatory housing practice by information methods of conference, conciliation, and
persuasion. Nothing said or done in the course of such informal endeavors may be made public or used
as evidence in a subsequent proceeding under this ordinance without the written consent of the persons
concerned. Any employee of the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission)
who shall make public any information in violation of this provision shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more
than one year.

(b) A complaint under subsection (a) shall be filed within one hundred and eighty days after the alleged
discriminatory housing practice occurred. Complaints shall be in writing and shall state the facts upon
which the allegations of a discriminatory housing practice are based. Complaints may be reasonably and
fairly amended at any time. A respondent may file an answer to the complaint against him and with the
leave of the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) , which shall be granted
whenever it would be reasonable and fair to do so, may amend his answer at any time. Both complaints
and answers shall be verified.

(c) If within thirty days after a complaint is filed with the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human
Rights Commission) , the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) has
been unable to obtain voluntary compliance with this ordinance, the person aggrieved may, within thirty
days thereafter, file a complaint with the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development. The (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) will assist in
this filing.

(d) If the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) has been unable to
obtain voluntary compliance within thirty days of the complaint, the person aggrieved may, within thirty
days hereafter commence a civil action in any appropriate court, against the respondent named in the
complaint, to enforce the rights granted or protected by this ordinance, insofar as such rights relate to the
subject of the complaint. If the court finds that a discriminatory housing practice has occurred or is about
to occur, the court may enjoin the respondent from engaging in such practice or order such affirmative
action as may be appropriate.

(e) In any proceeding brought pursuant to this section, the burden of proof shall be on the complaint.

(f) Whenever an action filed by an individual shall come to trial, the (Mayor, County Mayor or
Tennessee Human Rights Commission) shall immediately terminate all efforts to obtain voluntary

SECTION 11. Investigations; Subpoenas; Giving of Evidence

(a) In conducting an investigation, the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights
Commission) shall have access at all reasonable times to premises, records, documents, individuals,
and other evidence or possible sources of evidence and may examine, record, and copy such materials
and take and record the testimony or statements of such persons as are reasonably necessary for the
furtherance of the investigation: Provided, however, that the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee
Human Rights Commission) first complies with the provisions of the Fourth Amendment relating to
unreasonable searches and seizures. The (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights
Commission) may issue subpoenas to compel his access to or the production of such materials, or the
appearance of such persons, and may issue interrogatories to a respondent, to the same extent and
subject to the same limitations as would apply if the subpoenas or interrogatories were issued or served
in aid of a civil action in the United States district court of the district in which the investigation is taking
place. The (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) may administer oaths.

(b) Upon written application to the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) ,
a respondent shall be entitled to the issuance of a reasonable number of subpoenas by and in the name
of the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) to the same extent and
subject to the same limitations as subpoenas issued by the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee
Human Rights Commission) himself. Subpoenas issued at the request of a respondent shall show on
their face the name and address of such respondent and shall state that they were issued at his request.

(c) Witnesses summoned by subpoena of the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights
Commission) shall be entitled to the same witness and mileage fees as are witnesses in proceedings in
United States district courts. Fees payable to the witness summoned by a subpoena issued at the
request of a respondent shall be paid by him.

(d) Within five days after service of a subpoena upon any person, such person may petition the (Mayor,
County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) to revoke or modify the subpoena. The
(Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) shall grant the petition if he finds
that the subpoena requires appearance or attendance at an unreasonable time or place, that it requires
production of evidence which does not relate to any matter under investigation, that it does not describe
with sufficient particularity the evidence to be produced, that compliance would be unduly onerous, or for
other good reason.

(e) In case of contumacy or refusal to obey a subpoena, the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee
Human Rights Commission) or other person at whose request it was issued may petition for its
enforcement in the Municipal or State court for the district in which the person to whom the subpoena was
addressed resides, was served, or transacts business.

(f) Any person who willfully fails or neglects to attend and testify or to answer any lawful inquiry or to
produce records, documents, or other evidence, if in his power to do so, in obedience to the subpoena or
lawful order of the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) shall be fined
not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Any person who, with intent
thereby to mislead the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) , shall make
or cause to be made any false entry or statement of fact in any report, account, record, or other document
submitted to the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) pursuant to his
subpoena or other order, or shall willfully neglect or fail to make or cause to be made full, true, and
correct entries in such reports, accounts, records, or other documents, or shall willfully mutilate, alter, or
by any other means falsify any documentary evidence, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned
not more than one year, or both.

(g) The (City, County or Tennessee Human Right Commission) Attorney shall conduct all litigation in
which the (Mayor, County Mayor or Tennessee Human Rights Commission) participates as a party or
as amicus pursuant to this ordinance.

SECTION 12. Enforcement by Private Persons

(a) The rights granted by sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 may be enforced by civil actions in State or local courts
of general jurisdiction. A civil action shall be commenced within one hundred and eighty days after the
alleged discriminatory housing practice occurred: Provided, however, that the court shall continue such
civil case brought to this section or SECTION 10 (d) from time to time before bringing it to trial or renting
dwellings; or

(b) any person because he is or has been, or in order to intimidate such person or any other person or
any class of persons from:

(1) participating, without discrimination on account of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
familial status or disability, in any of the activities, services, organizations or facilities; or

(2) affording another person or class of persons opportunity or protection so to participate, or

(c) any citizen because he is or has been, or in order to discourage such citizen or any other citizen from
lawfully aiding or encouraging other persons to participate, without discrimination on account of race,
color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or disability, in any of the activities, services,
organizations or facilities, or participating lawfully in speech or peaceful assembly opposing any denial of
the opportunity to so participate shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than one
year, or both; and, if bodily injury results, shall be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more
than ten years, or both; and, if death results, shall be subject to imprisonment for any term of years or for

This ordinance was adopted on first reading ______________________


(if required) Second reading ______________________


(if required) Third reading ______________________


This ordinance was published in the ______________________________

Name of newspaper

on __________________________.

Signature of Chief Executive Officer


(for Small Cities and Communities)

LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL PERSONS of the City/County of Community that

discrimination in the sale, rental, leasing, financing of housing or land to be used for
construction of housing, or in the provision of brokerage services because of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability is prohibited by Title VIII of the
1968 Civil Rights Act as amended (Federal Fair Housing law). It is the policy of the
City/County of Community to implement programs to ensure equal opportunity in
housing for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial
status, or disability. Therefore, the City/County does hereby pass the following

BE IT RESOLVED that within available resources the City/County will assist all
persons who feel they have been discriminated against because of race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, familial status, or disability to seek equity under Federal and State
laws by filing a complaint with the Tennessee Human Rights Commission or the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development, Atlanta Regional Office Compliance

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City/County shall publicize this resolution and
through this publicity shall cause owners of real estate, developers and builders to
become aware of their respective responsibilities and rights under the Federal Fair
Housing law and any applicable State or local laws or ordinances.

SAID PROGRAM will at a minimum include, but not be limited to: (1) the printing and
publicizing of this policy and other applicable fair housing information through local
media and community contacts; (2) distribution of posters, flyers and any other means
which will bring to the attention of those affected, the knowledge of their respective
responsibilities and rights concerning equal opportunity in housing.


This resolution shall take effect (Date) .


The following Public Service Announcement is sponsored by (Grantee) .

Governor (Governor) has proclaimed the month of April as "Fair Housing Month"
in Tennessee.

"In accordance with Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as expanded by the Fair
Housing Amendments Act of 1988, it is illegal to discriminate against any person
because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability in the
sale or rental of housing or residential lots; in advertising the sale or rental of housing; in
the financing of housing; or in the provision of real estate brokerage services.
Blockbusting is also illegal."

The Governor calls on Tennesseans to be "aware of the importance of equal housing

opportunities" for all citizens

We do hereby certify that we have received a copy of this Fair Housing News Release
to be aired as a public service announcement for (Grantee) Community
Development Office.

This announcement is to be aired (Number of Times to be Aired) time(s) daily for a

period of (Number of Days) day(s) starting (Date) until (Date) .

Date Received Authorized Signature

Participating Radio Station
OMB Approval No. 2529-0011 (expires 11/30/2007)

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

A re you a ictim
Fair Housing is Your Right!

If you have been denied your housing

rights ... you may have experienced
housing discrimination.

Previous Versions Obsolete Page 1 of 7 form HUD-903.1 (7/2004)

How do you recognize Housing Discrimination?

Under the Fair Housing Act, It is Against the Law Based on these factors...
to: • Race
• Refuse to rent to you or sell you housing • Color
• Tell you housing is unavailable when in fact it is • National origin
available • Religion
• Show you apartments or homes in certain • Sex
neighborhoods only • Familial status (families
• Advertise housing to preferred groups of people only with children under the
• Refuse to provide you with information regarding age of 18, or who are
mortgage loans, deny you a mortgage loan, or impose expecting a child), or
different terms or conditions on a mortgage loan • Handicap (if you or
• Deny you property insurance someone close to you
• Conduct property appraisals in a discriminatory has a disability)
• Refuse to make certain modifications or
accommodations for persons with a mental or physical
disability, including persons recovering from alcohol
and substance abuse, and HIV/AIDS-related illnesses
• Fail to design and construct housing in an accessible
• Harass, coerce, intimidate, or interfere with anyone
exercising or assisting someone else with their fair
housing rights

Previous Versions Obsolete Page 2 of 7 form HUD-903.1 (7/2004)

If you don't report discrimination,
it can't be stopped!

Housing Discrimination
Information Form
• If you believe your rights have been violated, HUD or
a State or local fair housing agency is ready to help you
file a complaint.
• You have one year from the date of the alleged act of
discrimination to file your complaint.
• After your information is received, we will contact you
to discuss the concerns you raise.
Instructions: (Please type or print.) Read this form
carefully. Try to answer all questions. If you do not know
the answer or a question does not apply to you, leave the
space blank. You have one year from the date of the
alleged discrimination to file a complaint. Your form
should be signed and dated. Use reverse side of this page
if you need more space to respond.
Keep this information for your records.
Date you mailed your information to HUD:(mm/dd/yyyy)

Address to which you sent the information:


City: State: Zip Code:

If you have not heard from HUD or a fair housing agency

within three weeks from the date you mail this form, you
may call to inquire about the status of your complaint.
See addresses and telephone listings on the last page.

Previous Versions Obsolete Page 3 of 7 form HUD-903.1 (7/2004)

Your Name: Best time Your Daytime Phone No:
to call:
Your Address: Evening Phone No:

City: State: Zip Code:

Who else can we call if we cannot reach you?

1 Contact's Name: Daytime Phone No:

Best time to call: Evening Phone No:

2 Contact's Name: Daytime Phone No:

Best time to call: Evening Phone No:

1. What happened to you? How were you discriminated against? For example: were you
refused an opportunity to rent or buy housing? Denied a loan? Told that housing was not
available when in fact it was? Treated differently from others seeking housing? State briefly
what happened.

2. Why do you believe you are being discriminated against?

It is a violation of the law to deny you your housing rights for any of the following factors:
• race • color • religion • sex • national origin • familial status (families with children under
18) • disability.
For example: were you denied housing because of your race? Were you denied a mortgage
loan because of your religion? Or turned down for an apartment because you have
children? Were you harassed because you assisted someone in obtaining their fair housing
rights? Briefly explain why you think your housing rights were denied because of any the
factors listed above.

Previous Versions Obsolete Page 4 of 7 form HUD-903.1 (7/2004)

3. Who do you believe discriminated against you? Was it a landlord, owner, bank, real estate
agent, broker, company, or organization?


4. Where did the alleged act of discrimination occur? Provide the address. For example: Was
it at a rental unit? Single family home? Public or Assisted Housing? A Mobile Home? Did
it occur at a bank or other lending institution?

City: State: Zip Code:

5. When did the last act of discrimination occur?

Enter the date (mm/dd/yyyy) ____________
Is the alleged discrimination continuous or on going? Yes No

Signature: Date:(mm/dd/yyyy)

Send this form to HUD or to the fair housing agency where the alleged act of discrimination
If you are unable to complete this form, you may call the office nearest you.
See addresses and telephone numbers listed on the back page.

Previous Versions Obsolete Page 5 of 7 form HUD-903.1 (7/2004)

The information collected here will be used to Disclosure of this information is voluntary. Failure
investigate and to process housing discrimination to provide some or all of the requested information will
complaints. The information may be disclosed to the result in delay or denial of HUD assistance.
United States Department of Justice for its use in the This agency may not collect this information, and
filing of pattern and practice suits of housing you are not required to complete this form, unless it
discrimination or the prosecution of the person(s) who displays a currently valid OMB control number.
committed the discrimination where violence is Privacy Act Statement The Department of Housing
involved; and to State or local fair housing agencies and Urban Development is authorized to collect this
that administer substantially equivalent fair housing information by Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of
laws for complaint processing. 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing
Public Reporting Burden for this collection of Amendments Act of 1988, (P.L. 100-430); Title VI of
information is estimated to average 20 minutes per the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P.L. 88-352); Section
response, including the time for reviewing 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended,
instructions, searching existing data sources, (P.L. 93-112); Section 109 of Title I - Housing and
gathering and maintaining the data needed, and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended,
completing and reviewing the collection of (P.L. 97-35); Americans with Disabilities Act of
information. 1990, (P.L. 101-336); and by the Age Discrimination
Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 6103).

For Connecticut, Maine, Massa- For Delaware, District of Colum- For Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
chusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode bia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin:
Island, and Vermont: Virginia, and West Virginia MIDWEST OFFICE
([email protected]) ([email protected]) Fair Housing Enforcement Center
Fair Housing Enforcement Center Fair Housing Enforcement Center U.S. Department of Housing and
U.S. Department of Housing and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Urban Development Urban Development Ralph H. Metcalfe Federal Building
Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Federal The Wanamaker Building 77 West Jackson Boulevard,
Building 100 Penn Square East Room 2101
10 Causeway Street, Room 321 Philadelphia, PA 19107-9344 Chicago, IL 60604-3507
Boston, MA 02222-1092 Telephone (215) 656-0662 or Telephone (312) 353-7776 or
Telephone (617) 994-8300 or 1-888-799-2085 1-800-765-9372
1-800-827-5005 Fax (215) 656-3419 • TTY (215) Fax (312) 886-2837 • TTY (312)
Fax (617) 565-7313 • TTY (617) 656-3450 353-7143
For Alabama, the Caribbean, For Arkansas, Louisiana, New
For New Jersey and New York Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas:
Mississippi, North Carolina, South
New York/New Jersey Office
Carolina, and Tennessee: ([email protected] or
([email protected])
Fair Housing Enforcement Center SOUTHEAST/CARIBBEAN OFFICE [email protected])
U.S. Department of Housing and ([email protected]) Fair Housing Enforcement Center
Urban Development Fair Housing Enforcement Center U.S. Department of Housing and
26 Federal Plaza, Room 3532 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
New York, NY 10278-0068 Urban Development 801 North Cherry, 27th Floor
Telephone (212) 264-1290 or Five Points Plaza Fort Worth, TX 76102
1-800-496-4294 40 Marietta Street, 16th Floor Telephone (817) 978-5900 or
Fax (212) 264-9829 • TTY (212)
Atlanta, GA 30303-2806 1-888-560-8913
Telephone (404) 331-5140 or Fax (817) 978-5876 or 5851 • TTY (817)
1-800-440-8091 978-5595
Fax (404) 331-1021 • TTY (404)

Previous Versions Obsolete Page 6 of 7 form HUD-903.1 (7/2004)

For Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and
For Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and NORTHWEST/ALASKA OFFICE
Nebraska: ([email protected])
GREAT PLAINS OFFICE Fair Housing Enforcement Center
([email protected]) U.S. Department of Housing and
Fair Housing Enforcement Center Urban Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Seattle Federal Office Building
Urban Development 909 First Avenue, Room 205
Gateway Tower II Seattle, WA 98104-1000
400 State Avenue, Room 200, 4th Telephone (206) 220-5170 or
Floor 1-800-877-0246
Kansas City, KS 66101-2406 Fax (206) 220-5447 • TTY (206)
Telephone (913) 551-6958 or 220-5185
Fax (913) 551-6856 • TTY (913) If after contacting the local office
551-6972 nearest you, you still have
questions – you may contact HUD
For Colorado, Montana, North further at:
Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and U.S. Department of Housing and
Wyoming: Urban Development
ROCKY MOUNTAINS OFFICE Office of Fair Housing and Equal
(Sharon_L. [email protected]) Opportunity
Fair Housing Enforcement Center 451 7th Street, S.W., Room 5204
U.S. Department of Housing and Washington, DC 20410-2000
Urban Development Telephone (202) 708-0836 or
633 17th Street 1-800-669-9777
Denver, CO 80202-3690 Fax (202) 708-1425 • TTY 1-800-
Telephone (303) 672-5437 or
Fax (303) 672-5026 • TTY (303)

For Arizona, California, Hawaii,

and Nevada:
([email protected])
Fair Housing Enforcement Center
U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development
600 Harrison Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94107-1300
Telephone (415) 489-6524 or
Fax (415) 489-6559 • TTY (415)

Previous Versions Obsolete Page 7 of 7 form HUD-903.1 (7/2004)



1. Is your grant amount $200,000 or more? ‰ ‰
If No, Section 3 does not apply. No additional
information is needed.

2. If Yes, will this project necessitate the hiring of new ‰ ‰

employees on your payroll or training of present employees?
If No, Section 3 does not apply to grantee's new hires.

3. Will any activities that generates employment opportunities ‰ ‰

necessitate issuing contracts of $100,000 or more?
If No, Section 3 does not apply to the contractor. No
additional information is needed.

4. If Yes, the following documentation should be completed and

maintained on file demonstrating your efforts to enhance the
employment of Section 3 residents or businesses:

Types of outreach efforts to inform businesses and area low-

income residents of Section 3 opportunities.

Numbers of Section 3 area residents provided jobs and/or training.

Numbers and dollar amounts of contractors awarded to businesses

within the Section 3 covered project area (metropolitan area or non
metropolitan county).

Documentation provided by contractors/subcontractors of their

outreach efforts, employment, and training statistics.

A family who resides in _____(Community)_____ and whose income does not exceed the
applicable threshold listed below is considered to be a lower income family.


Family Size Income Limitn

1 $___________
2 $___________
3 $___________
4 $___________
5 $___________
6 $___________
7 $___________
8 $___________

Date Mayor or County Mayor

n Insert the lower income figures for the county in which this project is located.

o The form must be dated and signed by the appropriate official.


A. The work to be performed under this commitments under this section 3

contract is on a project assisted under a clause and shall post copies of the
program providing direct Federal notice in conspicuous places available
financial assistance from the to employees and applicants for
Department of Housing and Urban employment or training.
Development and is subject to the
requirements of Section 3 of the D. The contractor will include this
Housing and Urban Development Act of Section 3 clause in every subcontract
1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u. for work in connection with the project
Section 3 requires that to the greatest and will, at the direction of the applicant
extent feasible, opportunities for training for or recipient of Federal Financial
and employment be given to lower assistance, take appropriate action
income residents of the area of the pursuant to the subcontract upon a
Section 3 covered project, and contracts finding that the subcontractor is in
for work in connection with the project violation of regulations issued by the
be awarded to business concerns which Secretary of Housing and Urban
are located in, or owned in substantial Development, 24 CFR Part 135. The
part by persons residing in the area of contractor will not subcontract with any
the Section 3 covered project. subcontractor where it has notice or
knowledge that the latter has been
B. The parties of this contract will found in violation of regulations under 24
comply with the provisions of said CFR Part 135 and will not let any
Section 3 and the regulations issued subcontract unless the subcontractor
pursuant thereto by the Secretary of has first provided it with a preliminary
Housing and Urban Development set statement of ability to comply with the
forth in 24 Part CFR 135, and all requirements of these regulations.
applicable rules and orders of the
Department issued thereunder prior to E. Compliance with the provisions of
the execution of this contract. The Section 3, the regulations set forth in 24
parties to this contract certify and agree CFR Part 135, and all applicable rules
that they are under no contractual or and orders of the Department issued
other disability which would prevent thereunder prior to the execution of the
them from complying with these contract, shall be a condition of the
requirements. Federal financial assistance provided to
the project, binding upon the applicant
C. The contractor will send to each or recipient, its contractors and
labor organization or representative of subcontractors, its successors, and
workers with which he has a collective assigns to those sanctions specified by
bargaining agreement or other contract the grant or loan agreement or contract
or understanding, if any, a notice through which Federal assistance is
advising the said labor organization or provided, and to such sanctions as are
workers' representative of his specified by 24 CFR Part 135.
U.S. Department of Housing OMB Approval No. 2529-0043
Section 3 Summary Report and Urban Development (exp. 8/31/2007)
Economic Opportunities for Office of Fair Housing
Low- and Very Low-Income Persons and Equal Opportunity HUD Field Office:

See back of page for Public Reporting Burden statement

1. Recipient Name & Address: (street, city, state, zip) 2. Federal Identification: (contract/award no.) 3. Dollar Amount of Award:

4. Contact Person: 5. Phone: (include area code)

6. Reporting Period: 7. Date Report Submitted:

8. Program Code: * (Use a separate sheet 9. Program Name:

for each program code)

Part I: Employment and Training (** Include New Hires in columns E & F.)
A B C D E** F**
Number of Number of New % of Aggregrate Number % of Total Staff Hours Number of Section 3
Job Category New Hires Hires that are of Staff Hours of New Hires for Section 3 Employees Employees
Sec. 3 Residents that are Sec. 3 Residents and Trainees and Trainees




Construction by Trade (List)






Other (List)


*Program Codes 3 = Public/Indian Housing 4 = Homeless Assistance 8 = CDBG-State Administered

1 = Flexible Subsidy A = Development, 5 = HOME 9 = Other CD Programs
2 = Section 202/811 B = Operation 6 = HOME-State Administered 10 = Other Housing Programs
C = Modernization 7 = CDBG-Entitlement

form HUD-60002 (6/2001)

Page1 of 2 ref 24 CFR 135
Part II: Contracts Awarded

1. Construction Contracts:

A. Total dollar amount of all contracts awarded on the project $

B. Total dollar amount of contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses $

C. Percentage of the total dollar amount that was awarded to Section 3 businesses %

D. Total number of Section 3 businesses receiving contracts

2. Non-Construction Contracts:

A. Total dollar amount of all non-construction contracts awarded on the project/activity $

B. Total dollar amount of non-construction contracts awarded to Section 3 businesses $

C. Percentage of the total dollar amount that was awarded to Section 3 businesses %

D. Total number of Section 3 businesses receiving non-construction contracts

Part III: Summary

Indicate the efforts made to direct the employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD financial assistance for housing
and community development programs, to the greatest extent feasible, toward low- and very low-income persons, particularly those who
are recipients of government assistance for housing. (Check all that apply.)
____ Attempted to recruit low-income residents through: local advertising media, signs prominently displayed at the project site, contacts
with community organizations and public or private agencies operating within the metropolitan area (or nonmetropolitan county)
in which the Section 3 covered program or project is located, or similar methods.
____ Participated in a HUD program or other program which promotes the training or employment of Section 3 residents.
____ Participated in a HUD program or other program which promotes the award of contracts to business concerns which meet the
definition of Section 3 business concerns.
____ Coordinated with Youthbuild Programs administered in the metropolitan area in which the Section 3 covered project is located.
____ Other; describe below.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency
may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u., mandates that the Department ensure that employment
and other economic opportunities generated by its housing and community development assistance programs are directed toward low- and very low-
income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing. The regulations are found at 24 CFR Part 135. The
information will be used by the Department to monitor program recipients’ compliance with Section 3, to assess the results of the Department’s efforts
to meet the statutory objectives of Section 3, to prepare reports to Congress, and by recipients as a self-monitoring tool. The data is entered into a data
base and will be analyzed and distributed. The collection of information involves recipients receiving Federal financial assistance for housing and
community development programs covered by Section 3. The information will be collected annually to assist HUD in meeting its reporting requirements
under Section 808(e)(6) of the Fair Housing Act and Section 916 of the HCDA of 1992. An assurance of confidentiality is not applicable to this form.
The Privacy Act of 1974 and OMB Circular A-108 are not applicable. The reporting requirements do not contain sensitive questions. Data is cumulative;
personal identifying information is not included.

form HUD-60002 (6/2001)

Page 2 of 2 ref 24 CFR 135
Form HUD-60002, Section 3 Summary Report, Economic Opportunities for Low- and Very Low-Income Persons.
Instructions: This form is to be used to report annual accomplishments 8. Program Code: Enter the appropriate program code as listed at the
regarding employment and other economic opportunities provided to low- bottom of the page.
and very low-income persons under Section 3 of the Housing and Urban 9. Program Name:Enter the name of the HUD Program corresponding with
Development Act of 1968. The Section 3 regulations apply to any public the “Program Code” in number 8.
and Indian Housing programs that receive: (1) development assistance
Part I: Employment and Training Opportunities
pursuant to Section 5 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; (2) operating
assistance pursuant to Section 9 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937; or (3) Column A: Contains various job categories. Professionals are defined as
modernization grants pursuant to Section 14 of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 people who have special knowledge of an occupation (i.e., supervisors,
and to recipients of housing and community development assistance architects, surveyors, planners, and computer programmers). For con-
in excess of $200,000 expended for: (1) housing rehabilitation (including struction positions, list each trade and provide data in columns B through F
reduction and abatement of lead-based paint hazards); (2) housing con- for each trade where persons were employed. The category of “Other”
struction; or (3) other public construction projects; and to contracts and includes occupations such as service workers.
subcontracts in excess of $100,000 awarded in connection with the Column B: Enter the number of new hires for each category of workers
Section-3-covered activity. identified in Column A in connection with this award. New Hire refers to a
Form HUD-60002 has three parts which are to be completed for all person who is not on the contractor’s or recipient’s payroll for employment
programs covered by Section 3. Part I relates to employment and training , at the time of selection for the Section 3 covered award or at the time of
The recipient has the option to determine numerical employment/training receipt of Section 3 covered assistance.
goals either on the basis of the number of hours worked by new hires Column C: Enter the number of Section 3 new hires for each category of
(columns B, D, E and F) or the number of new hires utilized on the Section workers identified in Column A in connection with this award. Section 3 new
3 covered project (columns B, C and F). Part II of the form relates to hire refers to a Section 3 resident who is not on the contractor’s or recipient’s
contracting, and Part III summarizes recipients’ efforts to comply with payroll for employment at the time of selection for the Section 3 covered
Section 3. award or at the time of receipt of Section 3 covered assistance.
Recipients or contractors subject to Section 3 requirements must main- Column D: Enter the percentage of all the staff hours of new hires (Section
tain appropriate documentation to establish that HUD financial assistance 3 residents) in connection with this award.
for housing and community development programs were directed toward
Column E: Enter the percentage of the total staff hours worked for Section
low- and very low-income persons.* A recipient of Section 3 covered
3 employees and trainees (including new hires) connected with this award.
assistance shall submit two copies of this report to the local HUD Field
Include staff hours for part-time and full-time positions.
Office. Where the program providing assistance requires an annual perfor-
mance report, this Section 3 report is to be submitted at the same time the Column F: Enter the number of Section 3 residents that were employed and
program performance report is submitted. Where an annual performance trained in connection with this award.
report is not required, this Section 3 report is to be submitted by January 10 Part II: Contract Opportunities
and, if the project ends before December 31, within 10 days of project Block 1: Construction Contracts
completion. Only Prime Recipients are required to report to HUD. The
Item A: Enter the total dollar amount of all contacts awarded on the project/
report must include accomplishments of all recipients and their Sec-
tion 3 covered contractors and subcontractors.
Item B: Enter the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this
HUD Field Office: Enter the Field Office name forwarding the Section 3
project/program that were awarded to Section 3 businesses.
Item C: Enter the percentage of the total dollar amount of contracts
1. Recipient: Enter the name and address of the recipient submitting this
connected with this project/program awarded to Section 3 businesses.
Item D: Enter the number of Section 3 businesses receiving awards.
2. Federal Identification: Enter the number that appears on the award form
(with dashes). The award may be a grant, cooperative agreement or Block 2: Non-Construction Contracts
contract. Item A: Enter the total dollar amount of all contacts awarded on the project/
3. Dollar Amount of Award: Enter the dollar amount, rounded to the nearest program.
dollar, received by the recipient. Item B: Enter the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this project
4 & 5. Contact Person/Phone: Enter the name and telephone number of awarded to Section 3 businesses.
the person with knowledge of the award and the recipient’s implementa- Item C: Enter the percentage of the total dollar amount of contracts
tion of Section 3. connected with this project/program awarded to Section 3 businesses.
6. Reporting Period: Indicate the time period (months and year) this report Item D: Enter the number of Section 3 businesses receiving awards.
Part III: Summary of Efforts - Self-explanatory
7. Date Report Submitted: Enter the appropriate date.

Submit two (2) copies of this report to the to the HUD Field Office of Fair smaller and larger families, except that the Secretary may establish income
Housing and Equal Opportunity, Program Operations and Compliance ceilings higher or lower than 80 per centum of the median for the area on the
Center Director, at the same time the performance report is submitted to the basis of the Secretary’s findings such that variations are necessary be-
program office. For those programs where such a report is not required, the cause of prevailing levels of construction costs or unusually high- or low-
Section 3 report is submitted by January 10. Include only contracts income families. Very low-income persons mean low-income families
executed during the reporting period specified in item 8. PHAs/HAs are to (including single persons) whose incomes do not exceed 50 per centum of
report all contracts/subcontracts. the median family income for the area, as determined by the Secretary with
* The terms “low-income persons” and “very low-income persons” have the adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that the Secretary may
same meanings given the terms in section 3(b)(2) of the United States establish income ceilings higher or lower than 50 per centum of the median
Housing Act of 1937. Low-income persons mean families (including single for the area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings that such variations are
persons) whose incomes do not exceed 80 per centum of the median necessary because of unusually high or low family incomes.
income for the area, as determined by the Secretary, with adjustments for

form HUD-60002 (6/2001)

Page i ref 24 CFR 135


The City/County of _______________ is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All personnel

actions shall be made on a non-discriminatory basis without regard to race, color,
religion, sex, disability, age or national origin.

In compliance with Section 504, the City/County

will make whatever reasonable
accommodations that are needed for employment of otherwise qualified people with

As vacancies occur and/or new positions are created every effort will be made to
upgrade employees from lower classification positions.

Applications will be accepted at any time and a list will be maintained of all applicants.

If no qualified applications are on file, the position will be publicly advertised and contain
a statement pledging non-discrimination.

Vacancies will be filled to the greatest extent feasible with qualified lower income
residents. The City/County will make every effort to increase both its minority and
female employment.


The ____________________ does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, age or disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment
or employment in, its federally assisted programs or activities.



(City) (State) (Zip)

( ) __________________________ (Voice)
(Telephone Number)

( ) __________________________ (TDD)
(Telephone Number)

has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements

contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) regulations
implementing Section 504 (24 CFR Part 8. dated June 2, 1988), Section 3 (24 CFR Part
135, as amended June 30, 1994) (Use of Small and Disadvantaged Businesses and
Hiring Lower Income Residents of the Project Area), Equal Employment Opportunity Act
of 1978 (In House Equal Employment Opportunity), Executive Order 11246, as
amended by Executive Order 12086 (Equal Employment Opportunity on Federal
Assisted Construction Contracts), and Executive Order 11625 (Minority
Contract and Subcontract Activity U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development OMB Approval No.: 2535-0117 (exp. 12/31/2006)

Public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated to average .50 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. This information is voluntary. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Executive Order 12421 dated July 14, 1983, directs the Minority Business Development Plans shall be developed by each Federal Agency and that these annual plans shall establish minority business development objectives. The information is used by HUD to monitor
and evaluate MBE activities against the total program activity and the designated minority business enterprise (MBE) goals. The Department requires the information to provide guidance and oversight for programs for the development of minority business enterprise
concerning Minority Business Development. If the information is not collected HUD would not be able to establish meaningful MBE goals nor evaluate MBE performance against these goals.
While no assurances of confidentiality is pledged to respondents, HUD generally discloses this data only in response to a Freedom of Information request.

Privacy Act Notice - The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Housing Administration, is authorized to solicit the information requested in this form by virtue of Title 12, United States Code, Section 1701 et seq., and regulations
promulgated thereunder at Title 12, Code of Federal Regulations. It will not be disclosed or released outside the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development without your consent, except as required or permitted by law.

1. Grantee/Project Owner/Developer/Sponsor/Builder/Agency Check if: 2. Location (City, State, ZIP Code)

3a. Name of Contact Person 3b. Phone Number (Including Area Code) 4. Reporting Period 5. Program Code (Not applicable for CPD programs.) 6. Date Submitted to Field Office
Oct. 1 - Sept. 30 (Annual-FY) See explanation of codes at bottom of page.
Use a separate sheet for each program code.

Contractor or
Grant/Project Number or Amount of Type of Subcontractor Woman Prime Contractor Sec. Subcontractor Sec. Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address
HUD Case Number or Contract Trade Business Owned Identification (ID) 3 Identification (ID) 3 7j.
other identification of property, or Subcontract Code Racial/Ethnic Business Number Number
subdivision, dwelling unit, etc. (See Code (Yes or
below) (See below) No) Name Street City State Zip Code
7a. 7b. 7c. 7d. 7e. 7f. 7g. 7h. 7i.

7c: Type of Trade Codes: 7d: Racial/Ethnic Codes:

5: Program Codes (Complete for Housing and Public and Indian Housing programs only):
CPD: Housing/Public Housing: 1 = White Americans
1 = All insured, including Section 8 5 = Section 202
1 = New Construction 1 = New Construction 6 = Professional 2 = Black Americans
2 = Flexible Subsidy 6 = HUD-Held (Management)
2 = Education/Training 2 = Substantial Rehab. 7 = Tenant Services 3 = Native Americans
3 = Section 8 Noninsured, Non-HFDA 7 = Public/Indian Housing
3 = Other 3 = Repair 8 = Education/Training 4 = Hispanic Americans
4 = Insured (Management
4 = Service 9 = Arch./Engrg. Appraisal 5 = Asian/Pacific Americans
5 = Project Mangt. 0 = Other 6 = Hasidic Jews
Previous editions are obsolete. form HUD-2516 (8/98)
This report is to be completed by grantees, developers, sponsors, builders, agencies, completed for public and Indian housing and most community development programs. may establish income ceilings higher or lower than 80 per centum of the median for the
and/or project owners for reporting contract and subcontract activities of $10,000 or Form HUD-60002 is to be completed by all other HUD programs including State area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings that such variations are necessary
more under the following programs: Community Development Block Grants (entitle- administered community development programs covered under Section 3. because of prevailing levels of construction costs or unusually high or low-income
ment and small cities); Urban Development Action Grants; Housing Development A Section 3 contractor/subcontractor is a business concern that provides economic families. Very low-income persons means low-income families (including single
Grants; Multifamily Insured and Noninsured; Public and Indian Housing Authorities; opportunities to low- and very low-income residents of the metropolitan area (or persons) whose incomes do not exceed 50 per centum of the median family income
and contracts entered into by recipients of CDBG rehabilitation assistance. nonmetropolitan county), including a business concern that is 51 percent or more for the area, as determined by the Secretary with adjustments for smaller and larger
Contracts/subcontracts of less than $10,000 need be reported only if such contracts owned by low- or very low-income residents; employs a substantial number of low- or families, except that the Secretary may establish income ceilings higher or lower than
represent a significant portion of your total contracting activity. Include only contracts very low-income residents; or provides subcontracting or business development 50 per centum of the median for the area on the basis of the Secretary’s findings that
executed during this reporting period. opportunities to businesses owned by low- or very low-income residents. Low- and such variations are necessary because of unusually high or low family incomes.
This form has been modified to capture Section 3 contract data in columns 7g and 7i. very low-income residents include participants in Youthbuild programs established Submit two (2) copies of this report to your local HUD Office within ten (10) days after
Section 3 requires that the employment and other economic opportunities generated under Subtitle D of Title IV of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act. the end of the reporting period you checked in item 4 on the front.
by HUD financial assistance for housing and community development programs shall, The terms “low-income persons” and “very low-income persons” have the same Complete item 7h. only once for each contractor/subcontractor on each semi-annual
to the greatest extent feasible, be directed toward low- and very low-income persons, meanings given the terms in section 3(b)(2) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. report.
particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing. Recipients Low-income persons mean families (including single persons) whose incomes do not Enter the prime contractor's ID in item 7f. for all contracts and subcontracts. Include
using this form to report Section 3 contract data must also use Part I of form HUD- exceed 80 per centum of the median income for the area, as determined by the only contracts executed during this reporting period. PHAs/IHAs are to report all
60002 to report employment and training opportunities data. Form HUD-2516 is to be Secretary, with adjustments for smaller and larger families, except that the Secretary contracts/subcontracts.

Community Development Programs firm receiving contract/subcontract activity only one time on each report for each firm.
1. Grantee: Enter the name of the unit of government submitting this report. Multifamily Housing Programs Public Housing and Indian Housing Programs
3. Contact Person: Enter name and phone of person responsible for maintaining 1. Grantee/Project Owner: Enter the name of the unit of government, agency or PHAs/IHAs are to report all contracts/subcontracts. Include only contracts executed
and submitting contract/subcontract data. mortgagor entity submitting this report. during this reporting period.
7a. Grant Number: Enter the HUD Community Development Block Grant Identifica- 3. Contact Person: Same as item 3 under CPD Programs. 1. Project Owner: Enter the name of the unit of government, agency or mortgagor
tion Number (with dashes). For example: B-32-MC-25-0034. For Entitlement 4. Reporting Period: Check only one period. entity submitting this report. Check box as appropriate.
Programs and Small City multi-year comprehensive programs, enter the latest 3. Contact Person: Same as item 3 under CPD Programs.
approved grant number. 5. Program Code: Enter the appropriate program code.
7a. Grant/Project Number: Enter the HUD Project Number or Housing Develop- 4. Reporting Period: Check only one period.
7b. Amount of Contract/Subcontract: Enter the dollar amount rounded to the
ment Grant or number assigned. 5. Program Code: Enter the appropriate program code.
nearest dollar. If subcontractor ID number is provided in 7f, the dollar figure would be
for the subcontract only and not for the prime contract. 7b. Amount of Contract/Subcontract: Same as item 7b. under CPD Programs. 7a. Grant/Project Number: Enter the HUD Project Number or Housing Develop-
7c. Type of Trade: Enter the numeric codes which best indicates the contractor's/ 7c. Type of Trade: Same as item 7c. under CPD Programs. ment Grant or number assigned.
subcontractor's service. If subcontractor ID number is provided in 7f., the type of trade 7d. Business Racial/Ethnic/Gender Code: Same as item 7d. under CPD Pro- 7b. Amount of Contract/Subcontract: Same as item 7b. under CPD Programs.
code would be for the subcontractor only and not for the prime contractor. The "other" grams. 7c. Type of Trade: Same as item 7c. under CPD Programs.
category includes supply, professional services and all other activities except con-
7e. Woman Owned Business: Enter Yes or No. 7d. Business Racial/Ethnic/Gender Code: Same as item 7d. under CPD Pro-
struction and education/training activities.
7f. Contractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7f. under CPD Programs. grams.
7d. Business Racial/Ethnic/Gender Code: Enter the numeric code which indicates
7g. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No. 7e. Woman Owned Business: Enter Yes or No.
the racial/ethnic /gender character of the owner(s) and controller(s) of 51% of the
business. When 51% or more is not owned and controlled by any single racial/ethnic/ 7h. Subcontractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7h. under CPD 7f. Contractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7f. under CPD Programs.
gender category, enter the code which seems most appropriate. If the subcontractor Programs. 7g. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.
ID number is provided, the code would apply to the subcontractor and not to the prime
7i. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No. 7h. Subcontractor Identification (ID) Number: Same as item 7h. under CPD
contractor. Programs.
7j. Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address: Same as item 7j. under CPD
7e. Woman Owned Business: Enter Yes or No. Programs. 7i. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.
7f. Contractor Identification (ID) Number: Enter the Employer (IRS) Number of the
7j. Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address: Same as item 7j. under CPD
Prime Contractor as the unique identifier for prime recipient of HUD funds. Note that Programs.
the Employer (IRS) Number must be provided for each contract/subcontract awarded.
7g. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.
7h. Subcontractor Identification (ID) Number: Enter the Employer (IRS) Number
of the subcontractor as the unique identifier for each subcontract awarded from HUD
funds. When the subcontractor ID Number is provided, the respective Prime
Contractor ID Number must also be provided.
7i. Section 3 Contractor: Enter Yes or No.
7j. Contractor/Subcontractor Name and Address: Enter this information for each
Previous editions are obsolete. form HUD-2516 (8/98)



(U. S. Department of Labor

Federal Register, Volume. 45, No. 194, 10/3/80)

Until further notice, the following goals for minority utilization in each construction craft
and trade shall be included in all Federal or Federally assisted construction contracts
and subcontracts in excess of $10,000 to be performed in the respective geographical
areas. The goals are applicable to the contractor's aggregate on-site construction
workforce whether or not part of that workforce is performing work on a Federal or
Federally assisted construction contract or subcontract. A covered contractor or
subcontractor shall apply the goals of the relevant area where the contract is being
performed. The female goal for the State is 6.9%.
Minority Minority
Goal (%) Area Goal (%) Area


VA Buchanan
SMSA VA Dickenson
VA Lee
12.5 1560 Chattanooga, TN-GA VA Russell
VA Smyth
GA Catoosa VA Tazewell
GA Dade VA Wise
GA Walker VA Norton
TN Hamilton WV McDowell
TN Marion WV Mercer
TN Sequatchie
8.6 Non-SMSA Counties
AL DeKalb
AL Jackson 6.6 3840 Knoxville, TN
GA Chattanooga
GA Murray TN Anderson
GA Whitfield TN Blount
TN Bledsoe TN Knox
TN Bradley TN Union
TN Grundy
TN McMinn 4.5 Non-SMSA Counties
TN Meigs
TN Monroe KY Bell
TN Polk KY Harlan
TN Rhea KY Knox
KY Laurel
062 JOHNSON CITY - KY McCreary
TN-VA KY Whitley
TN Campbell
SMSA TN Claiborne
TN Cocke
2.6 3660 Johnson City - TN Cumberland
Kingsport - Bristol, TN-VA TN Fentress
TN Grainger
TN Carter TN Hamblen
TN Hawkins TN Jefferson
TN Sullivan TN Loudon
TN Unicoi TN Morgan
TN Washington TN Roane
TN Scott
VA Scott TN Sevier
VA Washington
VA Bristol

3.2 Non-SMSA Counties

TN Greene
TN Hancock
Minority Minority
Goal (%) Area Goal (%) Area

054 NASHVILLE, TN TN Marshall

TN Maury
TN Overton
18.2 1660 Clarksville - TN Perry
Hopkinsville, TN-KY TN Pickett
TN Putnam
KY Christian TN Smith
TN Montgomery TN Stewart
TN Trousdale
15.8 5360 Nashville -Davidson, TN Van Buren
TN TN Warren
TN Wayne
TN Cheatham TN White
TN Davidson
TN Dickson 055 MEMPHIS, TN
TN Robertson
TN Rutherford SMSA
TN Sumner
TN Williamson 32.3 4920 Memphis, TN-AR-MS
TN Wilson
AR Crittenden
12.0 Non-SMSA Counties MS DeSoto
TN Shelby
KY Allen TN Tipton
KY Barren
KY Butler 26.5 Non-SMSA Counties
KY Clinton
KY Cumberland AR Clay
KY Edmonson AR Craighead
KY Logan AR Cross
KY Metcalfe AR Greene
KY Monroe AR Lawrence
KY Simpson AR Lee
KY Todd AR Mississippi
KY Trigg AR Phillips
KY Warren AR Poinsett
TN Bedford AR Randolph
TN Cannon AR St. Francis
TN Clay MS Alcorn
TN Coffee MS Benton
TN DeKalb MS Bolivar
TN Franklin MS Calhoun
TN Giles MS Carroll
TN Hickman MS Chickasaw
TN Houston MS Clay
TN Humphreys MS Coahoma
TN Jackson
TN Lawrence
TN Lewis
TN Macon
Goal (%) Area

26.5 MS Grenada
MS Itawamba
MS Lafayette
MS Lee
MS Leflore
MS Marshall
MS Monroe
MS Montgomery
MS Panola
MS Pontotoc
MS Prentiss
MS Quitman
MS Sunflower
MS Tallahatchie
MS Tate
MS Tippah
MS Tishomingo
MS Union
MS Washington
MS Webster
MS Yalobvsha
MO Dunklin
MO New Madrid
MO Pemiscot
TN Benton
TN Carroll
TN Chester
TN Crockett
TN Decatur
TN Dyer
TN Fayette
TN Gibson
TN Hardeman
TN Hardin
TN Haywood
TN Henderson
TN Henry
TN Lake
TN Lauderdale
TN McNairy
TN Madison
TN Obion
TN Weakley


11.2 Non-SMSA Counties

TN Lincoln



To: FH/EO File

From: ____________________

Date: (Current Date)

Subject: Minority Business Participation

On (Date) , (Company Name) , (Company Address) was

contacted and informed of solicitation of bids for the (Name and Contract # of

Project) . (Person Contacted) was informed of the project timeframe and

where to pick up plans and specifications.


(Current Date)

(Inside Address)

Dear ____________________:

This is to inform you that (Grantee) has recently been awarded a Community
Development Block Grant for (Project Description) .

A copy of the advertisement for bids is attached, detailing the project and bidding

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (Telephone

Number) .





JULY 2006










The directory lists counties in alphabetical order. Minority and female businesses are
alphabetized under corresponding counties as follows:

- Business Name and Address

- Telephone Number

- President, Owner, or Contact Person

- Description of Services

Several counties are not included in the directory. There are two primary reasons.

- Minority/Female owned businesses do not exist in some counties.

- Information regarding Minority/Female owned businesses has not

been provided for these counties.

If your project is located in a county without minority/female businesses, efforts should

be made to solicit minority/female participation from surrounding counties.

Questions concerning the directory or suggestions on how it may be modified should be

forwarded to:

Department of Economic and Community Development

Program Management Section
312 Eighth Avenue, North
10th Floor, William R. Snodgrass Tennessee Tower
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0405
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

ANDERSON COUNTY K & K Construction

349 Shady Road
Oliver Springs, Tennessee 37840
Brown Painting & Sandblasting Company
438 W. Outer Drive (865) 435-0182
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Debbie Kelly
(865) 482-5754
James J. Brown
Certified By: TDOT
Painting (exterior & interior) Sandblasting -
Market Area, within 50 miles. M.K. Wilson & Associates
550 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Box 5207
Certified By: None Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830

Engineering Construction Services (865) 482-9442

7031 Knoxville Hwy.
Oliver Springs, Tennessee 37840 Kathey Wilson

(865) 435-1017 Supplier of asphalt, concrete, fence, posts, plants,

sand, signs, electrical, paper products, & office
Tele Moore equipment

Construction and engineering services Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT & OMBE Oak Ridge Research Institute

113 Union Valley Road
G2 Engineering & Management, Inc. Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
101 Donner Street
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 (865) 481-5000

(865) 482-4273 Dr. Nathaniel Revis

Michael Twine Environmental, geotechnical, soils analysis, studies,

test matter
Construction management
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
PG Cleveland Enterprises, LLC
Industrial Hardware & Supply, Inc. 969 Oak Ridge Turnpike, #282
733 Emory Valley Road Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830
(865) 482-5519
(865) 482-5522
Patricia Cleveland
Crystal Duke
Commercial Excavating
Wholesale distributorship
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
Pruitt Landscaping Company
J & D Enterprises 531 West Broad Street
395 Lakeview Lane Clinton, Tennessee 37716
Andersonville, Tennessee 37705
(865) 457-4733
(865) 494-9630
William M. Pruitt
Jackie Proffer
Supplier and manufacturer or patch cord assemblies
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Security Consultants Group, Inc. T & T Steel Erectors, Inc.

178 Northwestern Avenue 1201 Knob Creek Road
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Wartrace, Tennessee 37183
(865) 482-7440 (931) 389-9650
Marsha Langford Vivian L. Thomas
Security annd consulting Placement of reinforcing steel
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

S.T.E.P., Inc. Thomison Brothers, Inc.

1006 Floyd Culler Court 264 Henslee Road
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160
(865) 481-7837 (931) 684-1878
Jeff Woods George Thomison
Gavel or crushed stone, rip-rap, concrete, building, Labor and materials for stone masonry, riprap, and
moving, demolition, clearing, grubbing, joint sawing miscellaneous concrete
and sealing, landscaping and painting.
Environmental consulting/engineering and Certified By: None
construction management.
Tillman Construction Company, Inc.
Certified By: TDOT 264 Henslee Road
Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160
(931) 684-9403

Brave Construction Co., Inc. Ronald W. Tillman

P.O. Box 124, 204 Greenbrier Ave.
Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160 General Contractor - Market Area, statewide

(931) 684-5097 Certified By: None

Neal Mathews
Gravel or crushed stone, concrete flatwork, paving,
clearing, seeding, sodding and fencing Arnold Trucking & Leasing
6915 Hwy. 641 South
Certified By: TDOT Camden, Tennessee 38320
First Ambulance Center of Tenn. Inc. (731) 584-2888
P.O. Box 172, 250 Thompson Street
Shelbyville, Tennessee 37160 Francis Arnold
(931) 684-3033 Trucking and hauling
Jasper Moon Certified By: TDOT
Manufactures ambulances D & D Trucking Co. of Tennessee
P.O. Box 326, 2900 70 Bypass West
Certified By: OMBE Camden, Tennessee 38320
(731) 584-5007

Kim Dudley
Trucking and hauling
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

BLOUNT COUNTY Whaley & Sons, Inc.

P.O. Box 369
10123 Chapman Hwy.
Cable Construction Co., Inc. Seymour, Tennessee 37865
2719 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy.,
P.O. Box 5776 (zip 37802) (865) 573-7542
Maryville, Tennessee 37801
Lynda Whaley
(865) 977-4290
Earthwork, clearing, grubbing, fence
Debbie S. Cable Brewster
Certified By: None
Trucking, hauling, supplier
W & W Painting Services
Certified By: TDOT 3426 Russellwood Drive
Rockford, Tennessee 37853
Caldwell Fence Co.
P.O. Box 5239 (865) 982-6489
Maryville, Tennessee 37802
Herchell B. White
(865) 982-2185
Painting – commercial and industrial
Marilyn Caldwell
Certified By: TDOT
Fencing, Guardrails


JMT, Inc. American Custom Manufacturing

Box 5415 Box 3630
Maryville, Tennessee 37802 Cleveland, Tennessee 37320
(865) 984-5696 (423) 476-5599
Mari Wilkerson Lee Otis Burton
Trucking and hauling Manufacturing and supplier of steel pressure
Certified By: TDOT and handrails

Planet, Inc. Certified By: TDOT

920 N. Front Avenue
Rockwood, Tennessee 37854 AYM Contracting, Inc.
4707 Rosemary Road
(865) 354-0605 Ooltewah, Tennessee 37363
Janet M. Manuel (423) 296-2801
Commercial painting and sandblasting Arlene Y. Moore
Certified By: TDOT Rebar placement and typing, demolition, excavation,
concrete, temporary walls
Shore Tank Lines, Inc.
P.O. Box 6018 Certified By: TDOT
Maryville, Tennessee 37802
(865) 984-0752
Judy Shore

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Byrds Electric Motor Service, Inc. Marvin Wood

2193 Waterlevel Highway 135 Fair Street
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 Cleveland, Tennessee 37311

(865) 472-2166 (423) 472-9595

Lynda Byrd Housing rehabilitation
Electric motors and electrical apparatus Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT M.C. Construction
3505 Atkisson Drive, Suite 111
Environmental Concepts of TN, Inc. Cleveland, Tennessee 37312
5115 Mouse Creek Road, NW
Cleveland, Tennessee 37312 (423) 478-6486
(423) 559-8311 Mike Campbell

Rita W. Lons Masonry and concrete work

Hydro seeding, erosion control materials Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT Southern Erosion Control
Box 2384
F & W Construction Co., Inc. Cleveland, Tennessee 37320
686 Rakestraw Rd., SW
McDonald, Tennessee 37353 (423) 478-5455
(423) 473-9847 Jo Ann Reece

Sandra F. Rakestraw Manufacturing and installation of silk fence, seeding,

erosion blanket installation
Rip-rap, curb, gutter, driveways, sidewalks, inlets,
catch basins, manholes and culverts Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Gibco Dozer
875 Wildwood Avenue Keystone Specialty Services, LLC
Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 P.O. Box 310
Caryville, Tennessee 37714
(423) 476-7905
(423) 563-1165
Sharon Gilbert
Lori L. Miller
Concrete repair, grouting, concrete removal,
Certified By: TDOT concrete coating removal, concrete polishing and
manhole rehabilitation
Kinbro Company, LLC
10630 Hwy. 58 North Certified By: TDOT
Ooltewah, Tennessee 37363
(423) 326-3481
Joyce Brown
Lighting audits and cost analysis

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

CARTER COUNTY Reginald Ewin Trucking Co.

4064 Manning Hollow
Pegram, Tennessee 37143
ALH Construction Company
415 W.E. St. (615) 353-1684
Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643
Reginal Ewin
(423) 543-4946
Trucking and hauling
Annette Hall
Certified By: TDOT
Concrete flatwork, structures, and underground
general construction R J Abstract and Translation Services
1008 Mayes Road
Certified By: TDOT Kingston Springs, Tennessee 37082

Native Green Landscaping (615) 952-5626

142 Lovers Lane
Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643 Ricardo Colon/Jennifer Colon

(423) 542-7396 Titles searches for residential and commercial

properties and translation from English to Spanish
Lori Shell
Certified By: TDOT
Erosion control, clearing, grubbing, landscaping,
sodding, seeding R. N. Ferguson Co. Inc.
1311 Dry Creek Road, P.O. Box 327
Certified By: TDOT Ashland City, Tennessee 37015

Perry Wash (615) 792-7602

830 Watauga Avenue
Elizabethton, Tennessee 37603 Carolyn Ferguson

(423) 542-5379 Painting, sandblasting

Concrete contractors Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: None


TKM, Inc.
915 Weaver Bottom Road
Lu, Inc. Celina, Tennessee 38551
P.O. Box 607, 430 Park St.
Kingston Springs, Tennessee 37082 (931) 243-3958

(615) 952-5501 Tammie K. Melton

Betty Cole Erosion and traffic control, landscaping

General, commercial, highway specialty contractors, Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services


Erby Contractors, Inc. Gridco Way, Inc.

P.O. Box 701 2900 Maury City, Chestnut Bluff Road
Newport, Tennessee 37822 Friendship, Tennessee 38034
(423) 625-1658 (731) 656-4131
Deborah Erby Lynda Riddick
Trucking & Hauling - Communications Installs guardrails and concrete work
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
J. R. Construction, Inc.
Roland Dykes Mason P.O. Box 268, 214 First Street
1105 Dykes Street Maury City, Tennessee 38050
Newport, Tennessee 37821
(731) 656-2731
Housing rehabilitation
Barbara Riley
Certified By: None
Road and bridge work, concrete paving

Gilley Contruction
Box 2214, 4741 Murfreesbor Hwy. CUMBERLAND COUNTY
Manchester, Tennessee 37355
England Striping Inc.
(931) 728-3296 P.O. Box 891
Crossville, Tennessee 38557
Vicki Gilley
(931) 484-6188
Rebar and wire mesh (in concrete)
Judith England
Certified By: TDOT
Pavement marking
Roberts Seeding and Sod, Inc.
1657 Old Airport Road Certified By: TDOT
Hillsboro, Tennessee 37342

(931) 596-2411 DAVIDSON COUNTY

Theresa Roberts
A. Buchanan Electric & Plumbing
Sodding, seeding, erosion control, trees and shrubs 172 Moss Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37221
Certified By: TDOT
(615) 832-7111

William Moss
Electrical and plumbing
Certified By: None
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

A. C. Power, Inc. Allied Concrete Construction

827 West McKenzie Ave. 105 Joyner Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37206 Nashville, Tennessee 37210

(615) 226-8476 (615) 834-3657

Kelly Holmes Brian Wilhite
General contracting concrete, clearing, grubbing, Concrete contractor
steel erection and trucking
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Allied Technology Group, Inc.
A-1 Environmental Placement 315 Woodland Street
603 Fordomatic Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37206
Nashville, Tennessee 37209-1623
(615) 664-1150
(615) 353-6407
James Tucker
Betty Carver
Engineering services
Temporary employee service for environmental
employees Certified By: OMBE

Certified By: TDOT Allyson Shumate

1225 Buckhead Drive
Advanced Parking Lot Service Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
725 Rocky Mtn. Ct.
Antioch, Tennessee 37013 (615) 333-2570
(931) 334-6835
(615) 361-9999
Allyson Shumate
Vanessa Childress
Project management, control consulting and
Commercial & industrial line striping, tennis courts, construction management
asphalt maintenance, power washing & seal coating
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Alpha Computech
Aggregrate Logistics LLC 315 10th Avenue North, Suite 108
315 Tenth Avenue North, Suite 118 Nashville, Tennessee 37203
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
(615) 259-0066
(615) 255-3519 - 800-967-6199
Saletta Holloway
Richard Friley
Hardware and software computer training
Trucking and hauling transportation logistics
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Automatic Elevator, Inc.
Alexander & Associates 809 Winthorne Court
P.O. Box 80357 Nashville, Tennessee 37217
Nashville, Tennessee 37208
(615) 361-7570
(615) 244-3202
Jean Burch
Victor Alexander
Elevator parts and repair service
Insurance products and risk management services
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Aztech Industrial Supply, Inc. Boulton Enterprises, Inc.

1305 Elm Hill Pike 822 Kirkwood Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37210 Nashville, Tennessee 37204

(615) 255-8700 (615) 292-7335

Lesly Hart-Kelly Joyce Boulton
Industrial supply Painting: interior/exterior, electrostatic painting,
pressure washing, sandblasting, epoxy/seal floor,
Certified By: OMBE wallcovering

Big M. Trucking Co., Inc. Certified By: TDOT

P.O. Box 17157
Nashville, Tennessee 37217 Care Management Consultants
Box 3101
(615) 399-7013 Brentwood, Tennessee 37024

Cecilia Kay Little (615) 373-2273

Trucking and hauling supplier of crushed stone Kathy Ingleson
Certified By: TDOT Medial case management

Blake Industries, Inc. Certified By: TDOT

425 Harding Industrial Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37211 Caution, Inc.
P.O. Box 1266, 307 Arlington Avenue
(615) 834-7949 Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

Marilyn Blake (615) 254-3557

Water quality control Deborah Carol Cole

Certified By: OMBE General construction - commercial, industrial
buildings, miscellaneous and speciality items -
Bodie & Associates guardrails, fences, signs, lighting, pavement
300 Royal Parkway markings, traffic control devices
Nashville, Tennessee 37214
Certified By: TDOT
(615) 327-1144
Centennial Express, Inc.
Al Bodie P.O. Box 91117, 4200 Delaware Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37209
Marketing public relation information systems
and general management (615) 383-2200

Certified By: TDOT Phillip A. Carman, III

Booker Engineering, Inc. Temperature and non-temperature controlled semi-

3200 Cynthia Lane trailer hauling
Nashville, Tennessee 37207
Certified By: TDOT
(615) 262-3800
Childs Enterprise
Brenda Booker 4900 Indian Summer Dr.
Nashville, Tennessee 37207
(615) 876-2479
Certified By: TDOT
Donald Childs
Manufactures wood products

Certified By: None

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Collier Roofing Co., Inc. Discount Contractors

1523 Jones Avenue 1710 Hayes Street, Suite 101
Nashville, Tennessee 37207 Nashville, Tennessee 37203

(615) 226-2844 (615) 320-7222

Yvonne Collier Eric Martin
Commercial and industrial roofing Room/Office additions
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Commerical Gunite Inc. Eddie Randolph Construction Company, Inc.

605 Vanoke Drive P.O. Box 70127, 615 Douglas Avenue
Madison, Tennessee 37115 Nashville, Tennessee 37207
(615) 865-4557 (800) 765-0694

Beverly Nollner Eddie Randolph

Concrete and bridge repair using pneumatically Concrete paving
applied mortor
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: None
Elite Roofing Company
Connico Incorporated 1048 A Jefferson Street
2601 Elm Hill Pike, Suite D Nashville, Tennessee 37208
Nashville, Tennessee 37214
(615) 259-0774
(615) 399-8300
D’Arcy Porter/Katherine Lee
Connie S. Gowder & Claudia Bower
Commercial, industrial and residential roofing
Construction consultant, scheduling
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Eubanks & Sons Construction Company
Custom Lawn & Landscaping 1401 Litton Avenue
3012-B River Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37216
Nashville, Tennessee 37218
(615) 228-0409
(615) 255-0904
Anthony Eubanks
Kenneth Cole
General contractor - commerical building, residential
Lawn care and landscaping rehab, municipal sewer and water lines

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

D & S Electrical Contractors, Inc. Geotek Engineering Co., Inc.

528 Hickory Hills Blvd. 2909 Elizabeth Street
Whites Creek, Tennessee 37189 Nashville, Tennessee 37211
(615) 876-9640 (615) 833-3800
Wendy Davenport Louis Mishu
Electrical installation Engineering, environmental, geotechnical, soils
analysis, inspection and materials testing
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

G & J Construction Company Ideals on Paper, Inc.

2813-B Delaware Avenue 2803-B Foster Avenue, Suite 201
Nashville, Tennessee 37209 Nashville, Tennessee 37210

(615) 327-1757 (615) 834-6555

George & James Jones BeLinda Wright
Concrete construction, flatwork, sidewalks, retaining Computer aided drafting, utilities mapping, and
walls, handicap ramps digitized mapping

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

H. M. C. Contractors, Inc. Indoors

2704 Larmon Drive, P.O. Box 40542 1420 Rice Hill Circle
Nashville, Tennessee 37204 Antioch, Tennessee 37013
(615) 298-1003 (615) 243-2111

B.J. Hogan Kevin Mathews

Concrete paving, barrier walls, bridge rails, curb and Provide and install office doors and hardware
gutter, concrete sidewalks, drives, culverts, box
bridge - miscellaneous concrete work Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT Integrated Building Technologies, LLC

315 10th Avenue North, Suite 126
Holland’s Lawn and Landscaping Nashville, Tennessee 37203
1439 Ardee Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37216 (615) 893-3666
(615) 226-7251 Ralph Velasquez
Norma Holland Roof consulting
Landscaping, guardrail, fence, sodding, seeding, Certified By: TDOT
painting and concrete (curb, gutter, driveways and
sidewalks) J F Collier Roofing Co, Inc.
1523 Jones Avenue
Certified By: TDOT Nashville, Tennessee 37207
I.C.F. Builders and Consultants (615) 226-2844
784 McGavox Pike
Nashville, Tennessee 37214 Yvonne Collier
(615) 883-7335 Commercial and industrial roofing
Roger Ligon Certified By: TDOT
Commercial, industrial residential construction and C.E. Jones, Inc.
rehabilitation 805 A West McKenzie Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37206
Certified By: TDOT & DBE
(615) 228-0881
I.D.E.A.L. Inc.
P.O. Box 78125, 3002 Ambrose Avenue Carl Jones
Nashville, Tennessee 37207
General contracting, bridges, roadways, drainage
(615) 262-6401 and excavation, flat concrete work, etc.
Ramiro Muralles Certified By: TDOT
Electrical and plumbing supplies

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

J T & D Contractors Co. Landau Landscaping

545 Phipps Drive 3208 Vailview Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37218 Nashville, Tennessee 37207
(615) 876-1323 (615) 262-2270
Masonry and backhoe George Alexander
Certified By: None Landscaping

Keepsake, Inc. Certified By: TDOT

830 Fesslers Pkwy., Suite 122
Nashville, Tennessee 37210 L & G Construction Co., Inc.
2614 Hart Street
(615) 726-2266 Nashville, Tennessee 37207
Sarah Hart (615) 227-1775
Manufactures carrying bags Shirley Arnold
Certified By: OMBE Concrete: curb, gutter, driveways, sidewalks, sewer,
grading, utility construction, excavation and hauling
Kerr Bros. & Associates, Inc.
P.O. Box 110071, 935 3rd Ave. South Certified By: TDOT
Nashville, Tennessee 37222
Logan Patri Engineering, Inc.
(615) 255-8614 2312-A Kline Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37211
M. L. Kerr
(615) 726-2902
Pavement Markings
Narasimha Rao Patri
Certified By: TDOT
Consulting and structural engineering
Kiddway Construction
P.O. Box 80210, 1314 5th Avenue North Certified By: TDOT
Nashville, Tennessee 37208
Martha Stinson Public Relation
(615) 256-6144 2606 Westwood Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37212
C.P. Kiddway
(615) 385-3890
Aggregate construction, concrete, earthwork,
general contracting, and incidental Martha Stinson

Certified By: TDOT Public relations, marketing, communications

brochures and event management
K S Ware & Associates, Inc., LLC
54 Lindsley Avenue Certified By: TDOT
Nashville, Tennessee 37210-2039
Martin Kidd Associates
(615) 773-7125, (615) 742-7476 3200 West End Avenue, Suite 500
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
Kathryn Ware
(615) 783-1626
Geotechnical engineering soil analaysis materials
testing and environmental consulting, construction Yvonne Martin-Kidd
stakes,lines and grades line item 105M01 and
information technology applications Advertising/Public relations, banking, and marketing
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Mayes Masonry Company M.G. and Associates

530 Veritas Street P.O. Box 121647
Nashville, Tennessee 37211 Nashville, Tennessee 37212

(615) 833-5565 (615) 329-4455

Augusta Mayes Melvin Gill
Masonary Engineering services
Certified By: None Certified By: OMBE

McAlco Construction, Inc. Mid-South Materials Co.

P.O. Box 210702 310 Madison Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37221 Madison, Tennessee 37115
(615) 373-8646 (615) 868-7113

Tracy McAlister Ralph E. White

Inlets, catch basins, manholes, curbs, concrete Industrial building materials and supplies
paving, and gutters
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: TDOT
Milam Enterprises, Inc.
McFall Sod and Seed P.O. Box 111513
340 Driel Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37211
Nashville, Tennessee 37210
(615) 352-3466 or 377-6681
(615) 832-3839
Edgar Milam
Jackie McFall
Trucking, guardrail and other highway developments
Seeding and sodding
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Minorico Supply Co., Inc.
McKibbens Maintenance Repair P.O. Box 80360
4804 Indian Summer Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37208
Nashville, Tennessee 37207
(615) 255-5570, (800) 786-1064
(615) 292-9150
Joseph T. Owner
Kerry A. McKibbens
Supplier of industrial, electrical, uniform & office
General contracting roofing, painting, electrical work products
and home renovations
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Mitchell and Everett Construction
McKissack & McKissack Architect 401 Moss Creek Court
2014 Broadway, Suite 260 Nashville, Tennessee 37221
Nashville, Tennessee 37203
(615) 662-8397
(615) 327-0455
Tony Everett, Anetra Mitchell
Leatrice McKissack
Painting and sandblasting
Architect and engineering, planning design and
construction Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

M.K.L.A.V. Inc. DBA Parker Construction Music City Office Supply House
315 10th Ave., N., Suite 128 230 Great Circle Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37203 Nashville, Tennessee 37204
(615) 255-1633 (615) 269-0395

Maquel H. Parker Joseph Jackson

General contracting, concrete, reinforcing steel, Customer services, telecommunications
steel erection and roofing, architectural/eng.
services Certified By: OMBE

Certified By: TDOT Mutual Contractors, LLC

1001 14th Avenue South
Modern Day Wrecking Nashville, Tennessee 37212
2620 Walker Lane
Nashville, Tennessee 37207 (615) 319-6491
(615) 650-7505 Janet Shands
Douglas Williams General construction
Demolition and excavation Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT Office At Home Enterprises, Inc.
5504 S. Stanford Drive
Moody-Nolan, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee 37215
3310 West End Avenue, Suite 495
Nashville, Tennessee 37203 (615) 665-0258
(615) 386-9690 Denise B. Gore
Elizabeth Thompson Office products and services
Architectural Services Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: TDOT Panther Construction Co., Inc.
2120 Gains Street
Morgan & Morgan, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee 37207
1812 Pearl Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37203 (615) 227-9747
(615) 329-1797 James & Ladevia Davis
George Morgan Building restoration, waterproofing, stucco and
exterior thermal systems
Consulting architectural, environmental, planning,
inspection and studies Certified By: TDOT DBE
Certified By: TDOT & DBE Planning, Design & Research, Inc.
200 Lindell Avenue
Music, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee 37203
1012 17th Avenue, South
Nashville, Tennessee 37212 (615) 298-2065
(615) 327-4369 Ak Upadhyaya
Sherytha Scaife Engineering, environmental, hydrology,
geotechnical, soils analysis, planning, inspection,
Manufacturer: Music recording studies, and materials testing
Certified By: OMBE Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Powercom Solutions, LLC RJ Abstract and Translation Services

1122 Foster Avenue, Suite 100 6453 Thunderbird Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37210 Nashville, Tennessee 37209

(615) 242-4822 (615) 356-7091

Gloria Jenkins Ricardo Colon Jennifer Colon
Lightning protection installation Titles searches for residential and commercial
properties and translation from English to Spanish
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Preventive Maintenance Co., Inc.
Box 291806 Robertson Electrical Company
Nashville, Tennessee 37229-1806 1618 Buchanan Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37208
(615) 365-7474
(615) 256-0692
Edward Garner
D. J. Robertson
Clearing, grubbing, landscaping, sodding, and
seeding Electrical

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

Professional Touch Landscaping and Excavating Robin Construction Services, Inc.

107 Music City Circle, Suite 300 2827 Dogwood Place
Nashville, Tennessee 37214 Nashville, Tennessee 37204

(615) 885-2242 (615) 742-3919

Gerald Beard Robin Fuller

Landscaping, sodding and seeding, clearing and All aspects of construction and service
Certified By: TDOT DBE
Certified By: TDOT
Roe Construction Company
R.B. Jr.'s Hauling Service 950 Maxwell Avenue
1249 Massman Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37206
Nashville, Tennessee 37217
(615) 227-0263
(615) 366-6109
Rufus Evans
Robert Blackman, Jr.
Residential rehab
Trucking and hauling
Certified By: None
Certified By: OMBE
SEJ Cement Finishing, Inc.
Reginald Ewing Trucking Co. 763 Lynwood Avenue
3906 Crouch Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37203
Nashville, Tennessee 37207
(615) 242-9878
(615) 923-9663 - (615) 876-3722
Searcy McClain
Reginald Ewing
Paving, curbs and gutters, slabs
Trucking and hauling
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Sherrick Construction Inc. Sunago Builders, Inc.

P.O. Box 291685 1819 Charlotte Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37229 Nashville, Tennessee 37203

(615) 872-1050 (615) 321-5807

Paul Sherrick Barrington Kong
Commercial, industrial and residential construction New construction
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Southeast Power and Equipment, Inc. Superior Systems

1967 Nolensville Road, P.O. Box 101416 100 Rock Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37211 Nashville, Tennessee 37207
(615) 256-8445 (615) 226-6140

Joyce Jackson Richard H. Earring

Heavy equipment sales and services Installation systems, caulking waterproofing, building
restoration, water treatment facilities
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: OMBE
Southeastern Constructors, LLC
530 Woodycrest Avenue Swann and Company
Nashville, Tennessee 37210 3712-B Nolensville Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37211
(615) 244-5367
(615) 315-0948
Mark Deathridge
Martha S. Murphy
Manufactures signs
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: OMBE
Specialized Services Unlimited, LLC
5620 Cedar Ash Crossing Tennessee Equipment Sales & Installation
Antioch, Tennessee 37013 924 South Douglas
Nashville, Tennessee 37204
(615) 641-3473
(615) 463-8711
Audrey Tomlin
Tina Hill
Installation of athletic equipment, lockers and
Certified By: TDOT bleachers

Stones River Electric, Inc. Certified By: TDOT

510 Cave Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37210 T G, Inc.
Main Street
(615) 885-0019 Nashville, Tennessee 37206
Jami Wilson (615) 620-5100
Electrical Construction Tracy Hammonds

Certified By: TDOT & DBE Sale of office and industrial supplies
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

The Larkin Group TRC International, Ltd.

2603 Jefferson St. 1657 Murfreesboro Road, Suite C
Nashville, Tennessee 37208 Nashville, Tennessee 37217
(615) 329-3756 (615) 360-2126
Jimmy Larkin Surendra Ramanna
Architectural design Engineering
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

The Monroe Page Group Trice Transportation

209 10th Avenue South, 305-B 2169 Riverway Drive
Nashville, Tennessee 37203 Old Hickory, Tennessee 37188
(615) 401-5008 (615) 847-9395

Gregory Page John Trice

Construction administration Trucking and hauling

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

The Renick Company, LLC Two Rivers COnsultants

2905 Harbor View Drive 2202 Grant Land Avenue
Nashville, Tennessee 37217 Nashville, Tennessee 37204

(615) 360-8458 (615) 292-3817

Glenda Renick Susan E. Perlman

Construction and interior design Environmental consulting, specializing in

ethnographic and historic studies
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Thompson Landscaping & Excavating
4701 Lebanon Road, F-152 Williams-Russell and Johnson
Hermitage, Tennessee 37076 220 Athens Way, Plaza One, Suite 450
Nashville, Tennessee 37228
(615) 872-0530
(615) 254-2170
Charles Thompson
Ernest Brown
Engineering services
Certified By: None
Certified By: OMBE
Thornton & Associates
1205 S. Graycroft Ave. William Smith & Son Contractors
Nashville, Tennessee 37115-5130 3213 Wilmoth Court
Nashville, Tennessee 37207
(615) 865-1913
(615) 226-3315
Erly Thornton
Terry Ezell
Surveying and inspection
General contractor, municipal water and sewer line,
Certified By: TDOT residential - rehab - commerical
Certified By: OMBE
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Wilmot & Associates, Inc.

3654 Knollwood Road DYER COUNTY
Nashville, Tennessee 37215
American Building Contractors
(615) 297-0478 1101 Hornbrook St.
Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024
Tiffany Wilmot
(731) 286-2520
Waste management and prevention
Charles McCright
Certified By: TDOT
Painting and texture coating
Zycron Computer Services, Inc.
2620 Clarksville Pike Certified By: TDOT
Nashville, Tennessee 37208
Debra H. Campbell
(615) 251-9588 P.O. Box 1050
Dyersburg, Tennessee 38025
Darrell S. Freeman
(731) 285-6567
Computer technology and consultation
Debra H. Campbell
Certified By: TDOT
Housing rehabilitation
Certified By: None

Ameri-Clean H & B Painting & Construction Co.

1313 Allen Road, P.O. Box 97 Route 5, Box 551
Burns, Tennessee 37029 Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024

(615) 446-0350 (731) 587-9889

Julie Gopperton Mr. Harlan

Commercial, industrial and residential pressure Painting drywall, texture coating of bridges, guard
washing and painting, truck wash terminal rail installation and landscaping

Certified by: None Certified By: None

Specialized Communications J. L. Hart

103 Forrest Hills Circle Highway 20 West, Box 1021
Dickson, Tennessee 37055 Dyersburg, Tennessee 38025

(615) 740-1200 (731) 285-1065

Elizabeth A. Hall J. L. Hart

Provide and install testing of fiber optic equipment Landscaping, yard sowing, yard grading, dirt and
gravel hauling, site grading, light dozer work and
Certified By: TDOT backhoe work

TN Precision Machine Co., Inc. Certified By: TDOT

P.O. Box 393
Dickson, Tennessee 37056
(615) 226-4816
Pam Collins
Concrete Paving
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services


Clayton Contracting Company Cultra Turf Specialist, Inc.

5710 Highway 57 1400 McKnight Street
Rossville, Tennessee 38066 Humboldt, Tennessee 38343

(901) 759-1193 (731) 824-4763

Peggy Clayton Judith Cultura
Concrete flatwork, building moving, demolition, Landscaping, erosion control, sodding and seeding
clearing and grubbing, fence, guardrail, joint sawing,
sealing, pavement patching, erosion control Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT J & N Construction
208 State Rt. 187
Heritage Landscaping Company Milan, Tennessee 38358
203 W. Marginal St.
Somerville, Tennessee 38068 (731) 686-8279 - (731) 686-7726
(901) 465-7104 Robert Jenkins
Tracy Lindsey Excavation
Landscaping, sodding and seeding Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT Payne Steel Erectors, Inc.

P.O. Box 247
Rob’s Heating & A/C Company Kenton, Tennessee 38233
24385 Hwy. 76 N.
Somerville, Tennessee 38068 (731) 749-7991

(901) 231-9273 Geoffrey Payne

Robert Harris Hauling, concrete flatwork and painting

Carrier Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT Plastics and Rubber Products

44 Otha Holt Road
Milan, Tennessee 38358
(901) 686-9004
Pec’s Construction
1811 Old Alto Road Yolanda K. Woods
Decherd, Tennessee 37324
Sales of plastic and rubber products
(931) 703-1479
Certified By: TDOT
Timothy Pruett
Smith’s Excavating Service, Inc.
Asphalt paving, trucking and light concrete work 488 Gibson Wells Road
(concrete curbing, sidewalks, silt fencing, chain link Humboldt, Tennessee 38343
(731) 784-8700
Certified By: TDOT
Scarlett Smith
Excavation, building terraces, ponds and lakes

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

WMC Contracting Co., Inc. Shelton General Contractors

1142 S. High Street, P.O. Box 85 500 Old Rutledge Pike W.
Trenton, Tennessee 38382 Blaine, Tennessee 37709

(731) 855-1491 (865) 932-8030

Dennis Garcia Patricia Shelton

Concrete (driveways, sidewalks, curb, gutter, catch General construction

basins, inlets)
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Trimbo, LLC
225 Paradise Mountain Lane
GILES COUNTY Bean Station, Tennessee 37708

DMC, Inc. (423) 523-5322

432 West College Street
Pulaski, Tennessee 38478 Florence “Ann” Jakubielski

(931) 363-3336 Interior millwork and installation

Donna Wells Certified By: TDOT

Commercial construction GREENE COUNTY

Certified By: TDOT
M. V. Contractors
S & S Backhoe & Dozer Construction Co. 5606 Horton Hwy.
241 B Greenfield Road Greeneville, Tennessee 37745
Prospect, Tennessee 38477
(423) 234-0229
(931) 424-5723
Margaret Vuillemier
Taft Smith
Trucking, hauling, clearing and grubbing, excavation
Excavation, embankments, catch basins, culverts, and roadway grading
clearing and grubbing
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Securities Service Network
129 W. Depot Street, Suite 3
GRAINGER COUNTY Greeneville, Tennessee 37743

Edd's Construction Co., Inc. (423) 787-9333

Box 107-B
Blaine, Tennessee 37709 Judy Walton

(865) 933-4912 Selling, installing and servicing employee benefits

for business and industry. Retirement, health,
Edward Ray Howell, Jr. personal financial investing, life insurance, workers
comp., section 125 plans, long/short term disability
Building and road construction and maintenance plans

Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Sprague & Sprague Engineers Jones Concrete Construction

P.O. Box 9292 303 East Louise Avenue
Greeneville, Tennessee 37743 Morristown, Tennessee 37814

(615) 299-5393 (423) 586-9594

Gaye Sprague Kenneth Jones

Traffic engineering, transportation planning and Concrete construction

geosynthetic engineering
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Magnum Construction
P.O. Box 81
GRUNDY COUNTY Talbott, Tennessee 37877

A-Tech Services Corporation (865) 475-4020

P.O. Box 3551
Hixson, Tennessee 37404 Judy Tallent

(423) 344-1888 Road construction

Cleophus Heard Certified By: None

Heating and air conditioning Mills Construction Co.

1176 Tair Road
Certified By: TDOT Talbott, Tennessee 37877

Haynes Erosion Control (865) 475-8686

Box 81
Pelham, Tennessee 37366 Carl Mills

(931) 467-3487 General contractor

Martha L. Haynes Certified By: None

Erosion control, fence and guardrail Mills Landscaping

3557 Falcon Road
Certified By: TDOT Morristown, Tennessee 37814
(423) 581-0681
Ruth A. Mills
Carrier Painting and Construction Landscaping, clearing, grubbing and erosion control
213 Cross Anchor Place
Piney Flats, Tennessee 37686 Certified By: TDOT
(423) 538-0037
Rucker Masonry
Marie Carrier 1534 Goodson Avenue
Morristown, Tennessee 37814
Builder and construction contact
(423) 586-0619
Certified By: TDOT
Charles Rucker

Certified By: None

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Bentco Office Solutions

HAMILTON COUNTY 100 Cherokee Blvd., Suite 217
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405
Alert Plumbing & Heating
2201 Shepherd Road (423) 756-4437
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
Edward Bentley
(423) 267-7320
Office equipment: furniture supplies and ergonomic
Alvin Thomas work equipment

Plumbing/mechanical contractor Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: OMBE Bluett Plumbing

6011 Walden Avenue
Anne M. Wilkins Co., CPA Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
6918 Shallowford Road, Suite 201
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37422-3234 (423) 894-9716

(423) 899-2298 John Bluett

Accounting services Plumbing contractor

Certified By: OMBE Certified By: None

APCO Construction Company BMG Specialties

912 M. Orchard Knob Avenue P.O. Box 9167
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37412

(423) 698-0961 (423) 899-9400

Herbert Wright Bonnie Gilreath

Residential - rehab, commercial Construction materials supplier and other speciality

Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Arun Wagh, Inc.
8299 Beaverwood Drive Brackett Construction Services
Germantown, Tennessee 38138 214 Frawley Road
East Ridge, Tennessee 37412
(901) 755-3230
(423) 892-4780
Arun Wagh
Dixon Brackett
Engineering, environmental, hydrology,
geotechnical, soils analysis, materials testing and Design surveying, construction surveying, and field
consulting engineering

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

Ball Construction Company, Inc. Buonocore Trucking

2311 Benton Avenue 112 Joyce Avenue
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415

(423) 624-1475 (423) 364-7508

James A. Ball Patricia Buonocore

General contractor Trucking and hauling

Certified By: OMBE Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Choo-Choo Pack Earthworx, LLC

7436 Hamilton Run Drive 6223 Lee Highway, Suite 210
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421

(423) 855-1939 (423) 892-4780

Juanita Barbee Dixon Brackett
Distributor of containers Surveying and engineering-specialty
Certified By: OMBE Certified By: TDOT

Clay Construction Company Fletcher Books

4616 Leslie Lane 5968A Brainerd Road
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
(423) 629-1024 (423) 894-4411

James Clay Doris M. Fletcher

General construction Retail Sales
Certified By: OMBE Certified By: None

Dayrel’s A/C Heating G & H Steel Erection Co.

102 Morningside Drive P.O. Box 22722
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37422
(423) 624-9998 (423) 892-3861

Dayrel Moore Archie Griffin

A/C Refrigeration and HVAC Heating Steel erection

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Design ALternatives Herman Grant Company, Inc.

9990 Cottage Creek Lane 1100 Ashemore Avenue, P.O. Box 15006
Apison, Tennessee 37302 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415

(423) 236-4846 (423) 266-6138

Rebecca Sparks Paula Grant
Painting and wall covering; flooring, tile and terrazzo Highway construction
contractor; other specialized design services
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Infinite Construction
Diversified Supply 708 Woodmore Lane
1150 Latta Street Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406
(423) 320-4251
(423) 698-1551
Rginald Jordon
Dan Anderson
Residential construction and rehabilitation
Commercial and industrial electrical supplies
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

J.B. Transportation Services Jenkins Enterprises

2912 South Hickory 1937 East 34th Street
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37407

(423) 624-0959 (423) 624-5906

Janie Burns Eric Jenkins
Freight hauling, tractor/trailer repair General contractor - residential
Certified By: None Certified By: None

J. M. Hanner Construction Company K & E Trucking Inc.

5117 Lantana Lane 4295 Cromwell Road, Box 23966
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37416 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37422
(423) 499-0080 (423) 894-6430

Jerry Hanner Donna K. Mullins

Concrete and barrier walls, building moving, Trucking and hauling
demolition, guardrail and fence
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Kreative Touche Landscaping
J.R. Seymore Construction Company 32 Paulmar Drive
2203 Gilbert Street Chattanooga, Tennessee 37415
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406
(423) 595-5450
(423) 698-1872
Reuben Mitchell
J.R. Seymore
Lawn care and landscaping and authorized dealer of
Residential - rehab Ever mulch
Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

James Agnew Contractor, Inc. Lewis C & O Construction Company

439 Manufacturers Road 1403 Wisdom
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406
(423) 266-7268 (423) 622-7709
Martha A. Hicks James Lewis
Grading contractors - heavy equipment and hauling General contractor - residential

Certified By: None Certified By: None

James Smith Construction Company Mandrill Corp. Inc.

1815 Shephard Road P.O. Box 11221
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37410 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401
(423) 629-4014 (423) 876-9734
James Smith James Mathis
Concrete construction Demolition and site preparation

Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Mosely Construction Company Professional Concrete Finishing Co., Inc.

1710 Newton Street Box 1565
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406 Soddy Daisy, Tennessee 37384

(423) 629-6396 (423) 267-4074

Eules Mosley Ivan Toney, Jr.
General contractor - residential Concrete work
Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

Ocie Brown & Son Plumbing Company Shrop Construction Company

4921 Swan Road 3605 Rogers Road
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37416 Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411
(423) 894-4866 (423) 622-2539

Ocie Brown James Shropshire

Plumbing contractor Concrete flatwork, driveways and sidewalks and
building construction
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Phillips Plumbing Company
507 Mealo Drive Signal Design Group
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411 2525 Broad Street, Suite 101
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37408
(423) 698-0561
(423) 265-4400
Jessie Phillips
Ann Weeks
Plumbing contractor
Interior Design
Certified By: None
Certified By: OMBE
PLT Construction Company, Inc.
7626 Dayton Pike S. J. Thomas Incorporated
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37343 8047 Dayton Boulevard
Chattanooga, Tennesse 37343
(423) 842-8892
(423) 842-1041
Patricia Thomas
Shirley Thomas
Concrete finishing, trucking
Fencing and guard railing, concrete paving
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Professional Cleaning Services
3100 Wood Avenue Thomas & Thomas, Inc.
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37406 1108 Moss Drive
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411
(423) 624-0871
(423) 622-6623
Deborah T. Croft
Daniel Thomas
Professional commercial janitorial services
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: OMBE
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Vantage Point Consulting

1915 East 25th Street Place HARDIN COUNTY
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37407
Burdine Construction Company
(423) 624-9475 215 Vernon Road
Morris Chapel, Tennessee 38361
Renee Smith
(731) 687-3402
Consulting, management information, process,
design and training Prentis Burdine
Certified By: TDOT Trucking and hauling, aggregate construction,
earthwork, concrete
Vasco Electric, Inc.
702 Woods Avenue Certified By: TDOT
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411
Damron Trucking
(423) 622-2708 645 Damron Loop
Counce, Tennessee 38326
Vasco Jones
(731) 689-3877
Electrical contractor
Lee Damron
Certified By: OMBE
Hauling rock, gravel, asphalt
Vega Corporation of TN
3614 Charger Drive Certified By: TDOT
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37409
Pickwick Construction Company
(423) 266-8876 P.O. Box 253
Counce, Tennessee 38326
Jimmy Griffin
(731) 689-3020
General contractor
Charles Irons
Certified By: TDOT & DBE
General construction
Certified By: TDOT

Hayes Herron
Route 3, Box 388 HAWKINS COUNTY
Bolivar, Tennessee 38008
RMK Construction Company
(731) 658-3321 Box 337
Rogersville, Tennessee 37857
Hayes Herron
(423) 272-5426
Housing rehabilitation, brick work, plumbing, roofing
Rebecca George
Certified By: None
Steel erection, pavement marking, flatwork
Pirtle Paving Company excavation
Route 1, P.O. Box 64
Toone, Tennessee 38381 Certified By: TDOT
(731) 658-3790

Willie Pirtle
Asphalt paving and incidental work thereto
Certified By: None
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services


Jones Paving Company Earthmoving Engineers

2422 Scrub Oak Road Route 2, Box 186
Stanton, Tennessee 38069 Waverly, Tennessee 37185

(731) 294-2611 (931) 296-2410

Richard Jones Wesley Ridgeway
Paving, trucking, hauling, asphalt and dozer Construction

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

Taylor's Construction
1103 Devonne Street JACKSON COUNTY
Brownsville, Tennessee 38012
W and W Construction Company
(731) 772-2191 Route 1, Box 187C
Bloomington Springs, Tennessee 38545
Construction and engineering
(931) 526-9120
Certified By: None
Henry Wood
General contractor, municipal sewer and water lines,
roads and bridges
J.R. Hayes Construction Co., Inc.
2525 Highway South Certified By: OMBE
Paris, Tennessee 38242
(731) 642-4704 JOHNSON COUNTY

Leisha Reynolds Watauga Whitewater Paving

Route 1, Box 250, 9th Street
Concrete flatwork, trucking and paving Watauga, Tennessee
Certified By: TDOT (423) 929-8409
Ray Enterprises Patricia Archie
P.O. Box 205
Puryear, Tennessee 38251 Paving contractor
(731) 247-5198 Certified By: None
Sarah L. Ray

Certified By: TDOT Alpine Construction Co.

1820 Azrock Drive
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914-8007
L. I. Smith & Associates
302 North Caldwell (865) 637-1107
Paris, Tennessee 38242
Charlie W. Elder
(731) 644-1014
General, residential & industrial contracting and
Lucile D. Smith, R.L.S. painting
Land surveying and engineering Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Anderson Cement Contractor C. D. Truck Service

1211 Dailey, S.E. 4416 Plymouth
Knoxville, Tennessee 37915 Knoxville, Tennessee 37914

(865) 637-0380 (865) 521-7892

Isaac Anderson Cleveland Drummond
Contractor Trucking business
Certified By: None Certified By: None

Architect’s International, LLC CGS, Inc.

6125 Tazewell Pike, Bldg. A P.O. Box 22310
Knoxville, Tennessee 37918 Knoxville, Tennessee 37922
(865) 688-2022 (865) 988-9080

Karengaye Johnson Joy G. McCabe

Architecture Underground sanitary sewer and gas, supplier of
pipeline products and other natural gases
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Best Service Group, Inc.
4760 Western Ave., P.O. Box 50938 Cherokee Porcelain Enamel Corporation
Knoxville, Tennessee 37950 2717 Independence Lane
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914
(865) 584-1111
(865) 637-7833
Theresa Stubblefield
Vicki Corum
Commercial/Public and private fencing
Manufacturing of porcelain enamel over steel,
Certified By: TDOT porcelain signage

Boyzie Turner Wrecking Company Certified By: TDOT

1924 Leslie Street
Knoxville, Tennessee 37921 City Wide Electric Company
Box 14458
(865) 522-7902 Knoxville, Tennessee 37914
Boyzie Turner (865) 546-7238
Contractor Richard Woods

Certified By: None Electrical contracting

Business Dynamics Certified By: TDOT

411 Gay Street, Box 6748
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914 Colbar, Inc.
P.O. Box 51946
(865) 546-7245 Knoxville, Tennessee 37901
Carolyn Rice (865) 584-8618
General contractors - asphalt paving, trucking, A. B. Coleman
sidewalks, hauling, concrete work, excavation, road
and bridge construction Sale of building materials, general contracting and
service contracts
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Community Health Care Clinic Environmental Safety & Health, Inc.

1601 Western Avenue 10732 Dutchtown Road
Knoxville, Tennessee 37921 Knoxville, Tennessee 37932

(865) 546-5177 (865) 671-2374

Health care testing diagnosis and treatment William Garibay
Certified By: TDOT Environmental safety, industrial hygiene, building
inspections for asbestos, OSHA and certified
Compcare Consulting Services environmental trainer
P.O. Box 12616
Knoxville, Tennessee 37912 Certified By: TDOT

(865) 687-0008 Gaiter General Contractors, Inc.

P.O. Box 14005
Lesi K. McQueeney Knoxville, Tennessee 37927

Medical consulting/medical case management (865) 524-4944

Certified By: TDOT Felix R. Gaiter

Dinkins Environmental Commercial and residential contractor

7103 Bayless Lane
Powell, Tennessee 37849 Certified By: None

(865) 947-2213 GEM Technologies, Inc.

800 World’s fair Park Drive, L&N Depot, Ste.23
Barbara Dinkins Knoxville, Tennessee 37902

Biological laboratory (865) 544-7705

Certified By: None Michael Evans

East Tennessee Geosynthetics Construction services

1321 Greenwell Drive
Knxoville, Tennessee 37938 Certified By: TDOT

(865) 938-7157 Giosah, Inc.

P.O. Box 31111
Peggy Plauger Knoxville, Tennessee 37930
Sales and solicitation of geosynthetic and erosion (865) 583-3226
control materials
Lechelle Davenport
Certified By: TDOT
Engineering and environmental management
East Tennessee Mechanical Contractors, Inc.
109 Bertrand Street Certified By: TDOT
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Golden Landscape & Reclamation
(865) 522-6108 1419 East 5th Avenue
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Mark Deathridge
(865) 523-3444
Concrete, earthwork, general contracting
Mary Lou Golden
Certified By: TDOT
Aggregate construction, excavation and
embankment, general contracting building, moving,
demolition, clearing, grubbing, landscaping, sodding,
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Greater TN Linoleum & Tile James Technical Services

222 Baxter Avenue P.O. Box 11041
Knoxville, Tennessee 37921 Knoxville, Tennessee 37919
(865) 522-0606 (865) 450-9629
Beulah Hall William B. James
Commercial and residential supplier and installer of Supplier: Technical repair, maintenance, sales
linoleum and tile (office equipment products, pc printers, facsimile
machines, table top)
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Hall Communications, Inc.
1515 East Magnolia Ave., Suite 301 Johnson Concrete Construction Co.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 6316 Ridge Rock Road
Knoxville, Tennessee 37919
(865) 521-6500, (865) 521-6508
(865) 588-6045
Frances W. Hall
Robert Johnson
Community relations, marketing, support services,
construction management Concrete work - Market area, within 30 miles

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

Horizon Environmental Jordan Insurance Group

211 Sherrod Road 2918 Magnolia Avenue, Suite 204
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 Knoxville, Tennessee 37914

(865) 577-6597 (865) 637-8796

Cynthia McIvaine John Jordan

Environmental consulting Auto, home, renters, life, health, dental, workers

compensation, general and commercial liability
Certified By: TDOT insurance. Bonding and retirment plans

Huskey Aluminum Co. Certified By: TDOT

5322 N. Broadway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37918 Knoxville Office Supply
925 Central Avenue, N.W.
(865) 688-7657 Knoxville, Tennessee 37917

Claudia Huskey (865) 525-7345

Storm windows, screens, general remodeling Jesse Farmer

Certified By: None Supply and sales of office supplies public and
Ivnes Construction Company
5130 Dewine Circle Certified By: TDOT
Knoxville, Tennessee 37821
Lane Hauling & Excavating, Inc.
(865) 588-9538 P.O. Box 127
Mascot, Tennessee 37806
Leon Ivnes
(865) 933-5263
Roofing work, concrete work, masonry, stone setting
Market area, within 1,000 miles Debra Young
Certified By: OMBE Aggregate construction, earthwork, trucking and
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Linda A. Mosch Consulting Inc. National Security Services

509 Sundown Road 1519 Dutch Valley Road
Knoxville, Tennessee 37922 Knoxville, Tennessee 37918

(865) 777-2025 1-(877) 687-0534

Linda A. Mosch Charlie Mize

Tranportation planning/engineering, traffic analysis Security

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Lones, Inc. Neat Idea
P.O. Box 23191 9724 Kingston Pike, Suite 505C
Knoxville, Tennessee 37933 Knoxville, Tennessee 37922

(865) 966-2459 (865) 694-0025

Racheal A. Lones Curtis Webb

General contractor, municipal sewer and water lines, Computer support software, design software,
streets and curbs training and web page design

Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

Martella Associates, Inc. Northeast Knox Sheet Metal & Roofing Co., Inc.
503 Market Street P.O. Box 6157
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Knoxville, Tennessee 37914

(865) 525-2556 (865) 687-1161

Jennifer Martella Carol Webber

Architecture, interiors, planning and landscaping Commercial contractor

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

McBee/Bailey & Associates Construction P. Smith
3018 Easat Fifth Avenue 4222 Asheville Highway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914 Holston Center
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914
(865) 603-4420
(865) 637-7336
Emanuel Bailey
Patti Smith
Commercial and institutional building construction
Sign and displays
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
National Resource Management, LLC
11020 Solway School Road, P.O. Box 23858, Ste.100 Patricks Trucking Company
Knoxville, Tennessee 37931 1747 E. Old Topside
Louisville, Tennessee 37777-5039
(865) 675-4888
(865) 681-3552
Cheryl Sanders
George E. Patrick
Trucking and hauling and excavation
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Pioneer Builders, Inc. R. W. Medical Supplies

2918 Magnolia Avenue 3202 Middlebrook Pk.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914 Knoxville, Tennessee 37921

(865) 329-9958 (865) 522-9192

Albert Beasley Reene Wilhoit
General contracting commercial and private building, Medical supplies and safety equipment
guardrail, excavating
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Samico Professional Service
Pozzolanic Contracting Supply Co., Inc. P.O. Box 1248
2401 Asbury Road Powell, Tennessee 37849
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914
(865) 938-0208
(865) 546-7676
Shelia R. Hijer
Anna Cantrell
Staff augmentation, engineering locator svc..,
Subgrade stabilization; highway and street drafting and design support
construction; supplier of lime, quicklime, flyash,
cement and etc. Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT Schematic Design

6500 Papermill Drive, Suite 203
Progressive Engineering Group, LLC Knoxville, Tennessee 37919
35 Market Square, Suite 201
Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 (865) 588-6996
(215) 222-0606 Girish Thakkar

Danielle Walker Civil engineering, site planning and inspection

Structural design of large/small buildings (hospitals, Certified By: TDOT
office buildings, industrial buildings, pre-engineered
metal buildings, health facilities) Slyman Insurance Agency, Inc.
411 South Gay Street, Suite B
Certified By: TDOT Knoxville, Tennessee 37902
R & J General Contractor (865) 525-7193
P.O. Box 6115
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914 Susie Slyman
(865) 525-4223 Insurance and bonds

Mr. A. Jones Certified By: TDOT

General contractor, commerical building and Southeastern Constructors, LLC

housing rehab 109 Berfrand St., NE
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917
Certified By: None
(865) 522-6108
Randolph Trucking Co.
1808 Holston River Road Mark S. Deathridge
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914
General contracting and underground storm sewers,
(865) 523-4241 sanitary sewer and watermains
Margie Randolph Certified By: TDOT
Truck hauling, excavation

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Technical Specialty Sales Vineyard Floor Covering Co.

P.O. Box 22713 1127 Broadway
Knoxville, Tennessee Knoxville, Tennessee 37917

(865) 588-5013 (865) 525-9492

Edgar Johnson Karen Wright
Electrical supplies Sales and installation of commercial or residential
floor coverning
Certified By: None
Certified By: None
Tennessee Highway Supply & Service
3001 Blount Avenue Volunteer Highway & Supply Company, Inc.
Knoxville, Tennessee 37920 P.O. Box 5658
Knoxville, Tennessee 37938
(865) 609-2030
(865) 922-7473
Felicia S. Carson
Sherlene C. Hibben
Guardrail, fence, pavement marking and highway
signs Sales and installation of highway guardrail and road
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
The Partners Collaborative
123 Harriet Tubman Street Walter Thompson Excavating
Knoxville, Tennessee 37915 2420 Webster Avenue
Knoxville, Tennessee
(865) 329-0022
(865) 525-3723
Vernon Patterson
Walter Thompson
Construction management
Excavation, general hauling
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
T & M Specialties Service & Supplies
P.O. Box 622 Woods Electrical Service
Powell, Tennessee 37849 2630 Sunset Avenue
Knoxville, Tennessee 37914
(865) 686-3388
(865) 546-7238
Karen Jarnigan
Richard Woods
Supplier of metal lockers and toilet partitions
Electrical contracting
Certified By: None
Certified By: OMBE
VRF Construction Co.
1712 Sterchi Street
Knoxville, Tennessee
Lattimore Trucking
(865) 521-7715 P.O. Box 714
Route 4, Box 2480, Hwy. 19W
Lersa L. Davis Ripley, Tennessee 38063
General construction, asbestos removal (731) 635-8398
Certified By: None William A. Lattimore
Trucking and hauling

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Morris McCorkle
509 N. Wilson Street LOUDON COUNTY
Halls, Tennessee 38040
Graves Trucking LLC
(731) 836-7200 404 Thornton Drive
Lenoir City, Tennessee 37772
Morris McCorkle
(865) 986-7180
Housing rehabilitation
Penny Graves
Certified By: None
Trucking and hauling
Certified By: TDOT

Alaten Products
3013 Huntsville Hwy. Planet, Inc.
Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334 9227 Friendsville Road
Lenoir City, Tennessee 37772
(931) 433-4330
(865) 986-9186
Anne Bankston
Janet M. Manuel
Distribution and manufacturing of parts from raw
materials Commercial painting and sandblasting

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Carter Safety Consultants, Inc. MADISON COUNTY

23455 Lewisburg Highway
Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334
Cole Construction Co.
(931) 433-4321 2720 Old Medina Road
Jackson, Tennessee 38305-9436
Cliftena Carter
(731) 424-8243
Training and development, human resources
occupational safety, risk management, Bobby Cole
environmental cleaning, chemicals, brownsfields
and hope VI Road construction

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

Cole Transports
Lincoln Rock Products 84 Brenda Lane
P.O. Box 1137 Jackson, Tennessee 38301
Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334
(731) 422-4186
(931) 433-7738
Willie Cole
Teresa Reese
Hauling rock, asphalt, sand, etc.
Aggregated production only
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Construction Supply, Inc. H & H Paramedical Services, Inc.

887 Airways Blvd. 1408 N. Highland Avenue, Suite 300
Jackson, Tennessee 38301 Jackson, Tennessee 38301

(731) 424-9094 (731) 427-4795

Bonnie Davidson Melissa Hunt
David Hunt
Sale and supply of construction supplies, drainage
products, traffic paint & pipe On-site drug and alcohol screening and testing, hair
sampling testing, DOT physicals, PFT, EKG and
Certified By: TDOT insurance exams

Energy Innovation Certified By: TDOT

135 Gates Street
Jackson, Tennessee 38302 Hornsby Electric, Inc.
85 Miffin Road
(731) 427-8484 Jackson, Tennessee 38301
Lester Perry (731) 423-0719
Pavement markings, traffic control, road signs Sandra Hornsby
inspection and petroleum products
Electrical contracting
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
F & B Enterprise
23 Redleaf Place Jeff Woods Professional Painting
Jackson, Tennesssee 38305 435 West Forest Avenue
Jackson, Tennessee 38301
(731) 424-1128 (731) 225-9126
(731) 422-5832
Fredy Bowers
Jeff Woods
Public transportation: transportation of senior
citizens, welfare to work recipients, handicap and Painting of properties
low income workers
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Miss. Paving & Construction
G.A.P. Transport 113 East McDowell Rd.
306 Hunterville Denmark Road Jackson, Tennessee 38204
Denmark, Tennessee 38391
(731) 373-2900
(731) 422-2415
Bruce Guyton
George Pearson
Clearing, landscaping
Transport of people and materials
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Phinnessee's Earthmoving
2480 Highway 18 South
Medon, Tennessee 38356
(731) 427-1461

Milton Phinnessee
Aggregate construction, earthwork, trucking and

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Robert Adams Dozier Work

Route 7, Box 475 MAURY COUNTY
Jackson, Tennessee 38301
Columbia Construction Co., Inc.
(731) 427-8766 P.O. Box 398
Columbia, Tennessee 38402
Robert Adams
(931) 388-0586
Bulldozing and excavating
Kim Willis
Certified By: None
General contracting/construction
Robert Allen Trucking
475 Rochelle Road Certified By: TDOT
Jackson, Tennessee 38301
DataComm. Tek, Inc.
(731) 427-8766 Post Office Box 1523
Columbia, Tennessee 38402-1523
Robert Allen
(931) 388-4121
Clearing, grubbing, trucking, hauling
James Childress
Certified By: None
Computer Service
Surface Sealants, Inc.
210 Gordon Street Certified By: None
Jackson, Tennessee 38301
McFall Seed & Sod
(731) 389-9650 2685 Hampshire Pike
Columbia, Tennessee 38401
Niki Blackmon
(931) 381-3667
Placement of Reinforcing Steel
Jackie McFall
Certified By: TDOT
Landscaping, sodding, seeding, erosion control
Certified By: TDOT
Bowden Construction Company
2797 Verona Caney Road MCMINN COUNTY
Lewisburg, Tennessee 37091
Farner Tunneling, Inc.
(931) 359-5029 P.O. Box Drawer I
Etowah, Tennessee 37331
Judy Bowden
(423) 263-2797
Construction riprap, excavation, retaining walls
Helen Farner
Certified By: TDOT
General contractor, municipal sewer and water lines,
road and bridges

Certified By: None

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

L. H. Mashburn Construction
Athens, Tennessee 37303
Bellamy Excavation
(423) 507-8801 319 North Second, Suite 1
Clarksville, Tennessee 37040
Linda H. Mashburn
(931) 645-6302
Trucking and hauling
Rosa Bellamy
Certified By: TDOT
Excavating and foundation work, wrecking and
Tenneesseed Sod and Turf, Inc. demolition - Market area, within 50 miles
3054A Hwy. 11S, P.O. Box 645
Athens, Tennessee 37371 Certified By: OMBE
(423) 507-0007 Bobby Outlaw Disposal
1243 Archwood Drive
Jeanne Casteel Clarksville, Tennessee 37042
Erosion control (931) 431-7944
Certified By: TDOT Wendell Outlaw

MCNAIRY COUNTY Solid waste disposal

Certified By: TDOT

Lee Damron Trucking
Route 1 Ellis Electrical Contractors
Counce, Tennessee 38326 417 Savannah Trace
Clarksville, Tennessee 37043
(731) 689-3755
(931) 358-2040
Lee Damron
Anthony D. Ellis
Hauling rock, gravel, asphalt
Electrical contracting
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Grace Welding & Fabricating
943 Seven Mile Ferry Road
The E.M. Company, Inc. Clarksville, Tennessee 37040
Route 3, Box 148
Decatur, Tennessee 37322 (931) 206-2927

(423) 334-9068 James G. Garcia

Edward Moore Structural steel erction contractors

General contractors Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: None Harris Trucking & Bulldozer Service

2630 Union Hall Road
Clarksville, Tennessee 37040
(931) 647-6958
Emery Harris
Trucking, hauling, excavation, embankment and
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

J. D. Trucking Payne Steel Erectors

451 High Point Road P.O. Box 247
Clarksville, Tennessee 37042 Kenton, Tennessee 38233
(931) 647-0830, (931) 552-5099 (731) 749-7991
Janice Ferrell Geoffrey Payne
Trucking and hauling Concrete, flatwork, painting, truck hauling and
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Lindy's Security Fence
2016 Ft. Campbell Road
Clarksville, Tennessee 37042 POLK COUNTY

(931) 648-4037 Thomason Company

Hwy. 64, P.O. Box 77
Carolyn A. Kulback Ocoee, Tennessee 37361
Security fencing (423) 338-7337
Certified By: TDOT Judy Thomason
Loss Control Services Clearing, grubbing, tree and brush removal
1 Public Square, Suite 249
Clarksville, Tennessee Certified By: TDOT
(931) 648-4610
Brenda Dodd

Employment and labor services LPS Construction Company, Inc.

802 East 10th Street
Certified By: OMBE Cookeville, Tennessee 38501
(931) 526-5245
Means Trucking, LLC
1135 Palmyra Road Mary Franks Swain
Clarksville, Tennessee 37040
Road and bridge construction, grading , drainage,
(931) 320-0558 concrete work
Allison Means Certified By: None
Trucking and hauling: supplier of aggregate and dirt
Mar-Don Decorating Service
Certified By: TDOT 226 West Stevens Street
Suite D
Cookeville, Tennessee 38501
(931) 526-8453
Cultra Turf Specialists, Inc. Donna Flatt
1203 S. Ury Street
Union City, Tennessee 38261 Interior finishing for residential, commercial and
industrial structures
(731) 885-4414
Certified By: None
Judith Cultra
Landscaping, erosion control
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services


Carder & Evans Trucking, Inc. Cabinet Company, The

200 Hurst Lane 1644 J.P. Hennessey Drive
Dayton, Tennessee 37321 LaVergne, Tennessee 37086

(423) 775-5892 (615) 641-9310

Courtney Carder Julie Reimer
Trucking and hauling Commercial cabinetry

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Con-terra Construction Group, LLC

ROANE COUNTY 5067 Hall Hill Pike
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37130
Cotham Construction Company
P.O. Box 415 (615) 848-7166
Harriman, Tennessee 37748
Gustuvo Murelles
(865) 882-0581
Framing, concrete, retaining walls, excavation,
Roy A. Cotham cabinets, carpentry, millwork and pavers

General contractor, electrical and plumbing, sales Certified By: TDOT

and service, residential wiring and repair
Donnie Clemons, LLC
Certified By: OMBE 1515 Pamela Drive
LaVergne, Tennessee 37086
Eagles' Nest Construction
P.O. Box 1172 (615) 734-9745
Harriman, Tennessee 37748
Donnie Clemons
(865) 882-3232
Painting, interior and exterior and wallpaper
Faylene Wolcott
Certified By: TDOT
Building construction, housing rehabilitation
Drew's Construction Company
Certified By: None 106 Professional Building
P.O. Box 1514
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37133-1514
(615) 893-4672
Brown Builders, Inc. Will Drew, Sr.
2807 Clinard Drive
Springfield, Tennessee 37172 General contracting
(615) 384-5654 Certified By: OMBE
Sue Brown
Eagle Construction Co., Inc.
Gravel, earthwork, underground P.O. Box 2316
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37133
Certified By: TDOT
(615) 242-6136
Annette Tedder
General construction

Certified By: None

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

L & N Construction Company Trice Environmental Resources

P.O. Box 1136 611 Hogan Drive
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37133 Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128

(615) 871-4645 (615) 849-7722

Louann Zelenik Billy Trice
Heavy construction Trucking and hauling
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Lane Busters Co., Inc. Williams Plumbing Service

P.O. Box 2035, 310 B West Castle St. 2027 O'Brien Street
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37133 Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37130
(615) 896-4225 (615) 890-2402

Henry Young A. Bennett Williams

Traffic control signals, pavement marking Commercial and residential plumbing - installation
and repair
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
MCD Transportation, Inc.
1370 Hazelwood Drive, Suite 201
Smyrna, Tennessee 37167 SCOTT COUNTY

(615) 459-5343 J & M, Inc.

P.O. Box 283
M. Cathy Davis Huntsville, Tennessee 37756
Transportation logistics/broker (423) 663-3370
Certified By: TDOT Norma Jean Potter
Richard L. Hill Trucking Co. Concrete, earthwork and landscaping
2605 Halls Hill Pk.
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37130 Certified By: TDOT
(615) 893-5172 K-Kap Trucking, Company
Box 134/714 Old Jamestown Road
Richard L. Hill Huntsville, Tennessee 37756-0134
Trucking and hauling (423) 663-3866
Certified By: TDOT Paula Bridges
Sunrise Contracting, Inc. Trucking and hauling: supplier of aggregate and dirt
479 C Dick Buchannon Street
LaVergne, Tennessee 37086 Certified By: TDOT
(615) 287-1146
Constance Wesnofske
Site grading and utilities

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Whaley & Sons, Inc.

SEVIER COUNTY P.O. Box 369, 10123 Chapman Hwy.
Seymour, Tennessee 37865
Alsworx Electrical Services, Inc.
1125 Bluebonnet Drive (865) 573-7542, (865) 428-0085
Sevierville, Tennessee 37862
Lynda Whaley
(865) 429-1607
Aggregate, concrete flatwork, earthwork, building,
Allen Walker moving, demolition, clearing, grubbing, guardrail,
fence, sealing, trucking and hauling
Electrical contractor – commercial, industrial and
residential Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: None SHELBY COUNTY

Brackins Landscaping, Inc.
3620 Singing Pines, P.O. Box 1354 Advance Personnel Service, Inc.
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 37868 5090 Millbranch Road, Suite 1
Memphis, Tennessee 38116
(865) 453-9823
(901) 332-0291
Joyce Brackins
Anthony Tate
Landscaping, erosion control
Temporary personnel service
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
Eastern Tennessee Construction, Inc.
P.O. Box 398 AFRAM Corporation
Kodak, Tennessee 37764 119 South Main Street, Suite 500
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
(865) 932-8067
(901) 543-1116 (901) 543-8799
Julie Ford
D. Solomon Akinduro
Trucking and hauling, demolition, excavation,
clearing and grubbing Engineering and construction management
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT & DBE

ELC & Company, Inc. Airfield, ETC., Inc.

760 Clydesdale Avenue 7447 Glennmere Avenue
Sevierville, Tennessee 37865 Cordova, Tennessee 38018
(865) 388-1359 (865) 573-4460 (901) 601-7410
Ellen L. Clifton Stephanie Poole
Hauling Highway, street and bridge construction, traffic
control and concrete work
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT

A. Jones Roofing
1408 Gaither Parkway
Memphis, Tennessee 38106
(901) 774-8877

Ronnie Jones
Certified By: OMBE
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Allied Electrical Contractors Bailey Construction Company

1190 Walker Avenue 3246 South Third Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38106 Memphis, Tennessee 38109

(901) 942-7725 (901) 398-2664

Michael Eskridge George Bailey
Electrical contracting General construction, residential - rehab -
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: OMBE
All-Tech Electric Company
2375 Lamar Avenue Better Backflow Testing, Inc.
Memphis, Tennessee 38114 2990 Whitney Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38128
(901) 743-5401
(901) 218-2798
James Frazier
Greg Taylor
Electrical Work
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Amini Construction, Inc
6554 Winchester Road, Box 174 Blair Concrete Construction Co., Inc.
Memphis, Tennessee 38115 5149 Long Branch
Memphis, Tennessee 38109
(901) 398-8863
(901) 785-8989
Lynn McCarty
Harold Blair
Removal of underground tanks, excavation, clearing,
trucking and contracting Concrete flatwork

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

Arun Wagh, Inc. BNB Transport

8299 Beaverwood Drive 1740 September Ave.
Germantown, Tennessee 38138 Memphis, Tennessee 38116

(901) 755-3230 (901) 345-9114

Arun Wagh William L. Moss

Engineering environmental hydrology geotechnical, Trucking and hauling

soils analysis, materials testing and consulting
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Bobby Bryant Construction, Inc.
Askew Brothers Construction Company 6745 Whitten Place
3000 South 3rd Street Memphis, Tennessee 38133
Memphis, Tennessee 38109
(901) 373-5000
(901) 346-9709
Ann L. Bryant
Edmond Askew
Municipal water and sewer lines
Residential and commercial remodeling, painting
and additions Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: OMBE

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Bricks, Inc. C & S Trucking

2302 Dwight Road 5426 Santa Barbara
Memphis, Tennessee 38114 Memphis, Tennessee 38116
(901) 744-3532 (901) 398-7615
Ernest M. Owens Marvin Collier
Concrete excavation, general contracting, building Trucking business
moving and demolition
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT & DBE
Cagebilt, Inc.
Brighter Days and Nites 1092 Evergreen, 369 South Parkway West
2129 Troyer Avenue, Bldg. 249 – Suite 100 B Memphis, Tennessee 38109
Memphis, Tennessee 38114
(901) 946-3932
(901) 332-2373
Leo Cage
Dorothy Sinclair
General contractor, residential - rehab - commerical
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT
Calvin Eubanks Enterprises
Business Dynamics 1374 South Lexington Circle
1230 Cannon Street Memphis, Tennessee 38j107
Memphis, Tennessee 38016
(901) 276-4816
(901) 774-3467
Ms. Emma Eubanks
Mr. Rice
Construction contractor engaged in the construction
Petroleum distribution, construction, asphalt paving, of residential and non-residential structures
grading, hauling including industrial buildings and warehouses; work
includes additions, alterations, remodeling and
Certified By: TDOT repairs

C. H. Hill, Inc. Certified By: None

1956 Dunn Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38114 Caneron Construction Co., Inc.
3702 West Mart Road
(901) 744-3483 Memphis, Tennessee 38109
Marcel Harrell (901) 396-8875
Aggregrate construction, trucking and hauling, Roland McFirath, Harold Blair
clearing, landscaping and sodding
Curb, gutter, catch basin
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
C & S Construction, Inc.
4722 Bethay Clark Cribbs Contractors
Memphis, Tennessee 38128 912 Colgate Road
Memphis, Tennessee 38106
(870) 338-7045
(901) 948-1840
Charles McDaniel
Clark Cribbs
General construction
Miscellaneous concrete - manholes, curbs, gutter,
Certified By: DBE sidewalks, municipal water and sewer lines
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Clark-Dixon Associates, Architects Cribbs Masonry

2035 Madison Avenue 1592 W. Raines Road
Memphis, Tennessee 38104 Memphis, Tennessee 38109
(901) 272-9250 (901) 785-5391
Dianne Dixon Dewey Cribbs
Architecture Masonry
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Clayton Contracting Co. Cummings Construction Company

8781 Wood Mills Cv. W. 1175 E. Trigg Avenue
Cordova, Tennessee 38018 Memphis, Tennessee 38106
(901) 759-1193 (901) 947-4861
Peggy Clayton Elton Cummings
Joint sawing, sealing, pavement, erosion control General contractor
Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

Concrete Cutting Services, Inc. Davis and Davis, Inc.

5060 Malone Road 3091 Greenbranch Drive
Memphis, Tennessee 38118 Memphis, Tennessee 38118
(901) 368-3753 (901) 368-4779
Margaret Valentine Martin Davis
Concrete sawing and drilling General construction, trucking and hauling and
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Control Pest Company
P.O. Box 14605 Division Scale Company
Memphis, Tennessee 38118 5680 E. Shelby Drive
Memphis, Tennessee 38141
(901) 774-7334
(901) 366-4220
Edward Johnson
Steven Rael Muccilto
Repair and supply scales and container handling
Certified By: None equipment
Cribbs Construction Company Certified By: TDOT
3049 Winchester Rd.
Memphis, Tennessee 38118 Dixon Services Inc.
1594 Two Place
(901) 366-7803 Memphis, Tennessee 38116
Charles Cribbs (731) 427-9882
Inlets, catch basins, manholes James Rambo
Certified By: None Commercial and industrial building construction

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Dorsey Electrical Company Ewing Moving Service, Inc.

3345 Germantown Road 827 S. Main Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38134 Memphis, Tennessee 38106
(901) 386-1403 (901) 774-2197, (800) 533-2315
Thomas Dorsey Charles Ewing, Sr.
Margaret Page
Electrical work
Corporate, private and commercial moving service
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Dowco Construction
6871 E. Raleigh Lagrange Excel Construction Co., Inc.
Memphis, Tennessee 38134 6235 Kirby Downs Drive
Memphis, Tennessee 38115
(901) 383-9887
(901) 366-7837
David White
David Fondren
General contracting
Concrete flatwork, painting, and steel erection
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Duning-Martin Engineering
3929 Whitebrook Street, Suite 100A Fitch Williamson & Cartwright
Memphis, Tennessee 38118 8605 Huntleigh Way
(901) 360-9148 Germantown, Tennessee 38138

Lecia Martin, P.E. (901) 795-1864 (901) 759-1862

Mechanical engineering services Arena Lavelle Fitch

Certified By: TDOT & DBE Professional services, management consultant:
airport management, human resources, DBE
Eddie Harper Trucking Company
1599 Dunmoor Street program development and management and Title VI
Memphis, Tennessee 38114
Certified By: TDOT
(901) 743-4632
Foster Landscaping & Excavation
Eddie Harper 1731 Castalia
Trucking business Memphis, Tennessee 38114

Certified By: None (901) 948-8015

Environmental Mgt. Consultants, Inc. Rozelle Foster

2851 Lamb Place, Suite 2
Memphis, Tennessee 38118 Grading, sodding, loading, hauling and foundation
work and excavation; some planting, bed
(901) 795-3003
preparation and other landscaping services
Ward Lindsey available/offered.

Environmental site assessments, industrial Certified By: None

hygiene/indoor air quality testing
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Gillespie Trucking Company Hays Trucking, Inc.

1876 Hearst Avenue 3874 Prescott
Memphis, Tennessee 38114 Memphis, Tennessee 38118

(901) 895-5054 (901) 487-5117

Herman Gillespie Cathy C. Hays

Trucking company - hauling, sand , gravel, dirt and Trucking and hauling, supplier of aggregate
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
Hess Environmental Srvc, Inc.
Gipson Mechanical Contractors, Inc. 6057 Executive Centre Drive, Suite 6
6849 Raleigh Lagrang Rd. Memphis, Tennessee 38134
Memphis, Tennessee 38134
(901) 377-9139
(901) 388-6149 Connie Hess

Winston S. Gipson Environmental consulting

General contracting (mechanical) Certified By: TDOT DBE

Certified By: TDOT Imani Resource Services

1704 Euclid Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38114-1605
GTW Analytical Services, Inc.
3715 S. Perkins Road, Suite 7 (901) 272-2039
Memphis, Tennessee 38118
Wayne F. Jones
(901) 323-5554
Lawn maintenance, landscaping and freight
Terri Gray transportation
Laboratory testing: soil testing, water testing, Certified By: TDOT
wastewater/stormwater testing

Certified By: TDOT Industrial Sales Company of Memphis

7520 Bartlett Corporation Drive
Bartlett, Tennessee 38133
H & H Landscape & Construction
P.O. Box 7126 (901) 396-4324
Memphis, Tennessee 38107
Judy May
(901) 743-7365
Electrical materials
Thomas Hill
Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: None Irby’s Construction Cleanup

3500 Rabbit Run Road, Suite 2
Memphis, Tennessee 38115
Harts Trucking
2406 Johanna Drive (901) 362-0705
Memphis, Tennessee 38114
Jennifer Irby
(901) 744-7500
Cleanup construction sites interior and exterior
James Harts, Jr.
Certified By: TDOT
Trucking and hauling

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Jackson, Person & Associates, Inc. Long’s AAA Painting

66 Monroe Street, Suite 104 1250 Ryanwood Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Memphis, Tennessee 38116

(901) 526-8386 (901) 348-6464

(901) 526-8289
Calvin Long
John Jackson
Landscaping, land surveying, planning and
construction administration Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT L.S. Sipp Construction Co.

3531 Chevron Cove
JDL Enclavee, LLC Memphis, Tennessee 38118-8111
2514 Hearth Stone Drive
Cordova, Tennessee 38018 (901) 345-3189

(901) 380-0005 Lawson S. Sipp

G. Luke Carter Concrete, manholes, paving

Commercial and industrial chemicals Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT M & H Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration,

J & J House Doctor, Inc. 3254 Highway 61 South
860 Tatum Road Memphis, Tennessee 38109
Memphis, Tennessee 38122
(901) 332-9314
(901) 454-1442
William Moss
Orlenda Williams
General contracting – heating, air conditioning,
General contractor - residential refrigeration, trucking and hauling.

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: OMBE

J. J. Mechanical Contractor Matthews Contract Painting Co., Inc.

3254 Highway 61 South P.O. Box 18868
Memphis, Tennessee 38104 Memphis, Tennessee 38181

(901) 396-5648 (901) 360-8787

James W. Currie Dennis R. Matthews

Heating and air conditioning, refrigeration and AC Painting

service and repair
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: None
Mayo Construction Co.
Leroy Manuel Trucking Company 2016 Quinn
1603 Orr Street Memphis, Tennessee 38114
Memphis, Tennessee 38108
(901) 278-2464
(901) 320-9393
Augusta Mayo
Leroy Manuel
Construction work: bricklaying, piping, etc.
Trucking and hauling
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

McCollum Trucking, LLC Mid-South Enterprises, Inc.

3706 Stonetrace Circle 1725 Graceland Cove
Bartlett, Tennessee 38135 Memphis, Tennessee 38116

(901) 386-3117 (901) 346-1410

Bernadette McCollum Patricia Smith
Trucking and hauling Earthwork, hauling equipment
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

McDonald Plumbing Mid South Fence Company

P.O. Box 271204 P.O. Box 161162
Memphis, Tennessee 38127 Memphis, Tennessee 38116
(901) 398-7529 (901) 382-0222

Harold McDonald Onita Hamilton

Plumbing Fence and guardrails
Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

McFarland Welding/Fabrication Mid-South Rebar Company

1079 Chelsea Avenue 2126 York Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38107 Memphis, Tennessee 38116
(901) 522-1733 (901) 346-6737

Fred McFarland Kerby Alexander

Welding steel fabrication steel erection Reinforcement steel placement subcontractor

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

Medfac Engineering, LLC MJ Trucking

1209 Dovecrest Road 4367 Donjourney Cove
Memphis, Tennessee 38134 Memphis, Tennessee 38125

(901) 937-5222 (901) 751-6640

Linda Hubbard Michael Jenkins
Mechanical engineering services Trucking and hauling

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Memphis Housing Construction Service Mosley Fence Company

1351 Linden Avenue #1 1573 Dallas
Memphis, Tennessee 38104 Memphis, Tennessee 38114
(901) 272-9794 (901) 744-7394
Robert Drain Willie Mosley
Construction Fencing construction and concrete
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Nelson, Inc. Pryor's Paving and Grading

3360 Fontaine Road 1382 South Parkway East
Memphis, Tennessee 38116 Memphis, Tennessee 38106
(901) 332-5670 (901) 774-4213
Hattie Nelson William Pryor
Excavating and grading Site preparation and asphalt paving
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: None

O'Neal Grading Company Quality Roofing Company

5011 Boeingshire 1190 Walker Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38116 Memphis, Tennessee 38106
(901) 332-1240 (901) 377-6627
O'Neal Payne Roofing
Excavation, land fill and site preparation; also Certified By: None
handles swimming pool installation
Quick, Inc.
Certified By: OMBE 983 Jackson Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38107
Personal Safety First
333 Burwood Drive (901) 527-4970
Memphis, Tennessee 38109
Marvin Blount
(901) 785-1617
Electrical contracting
Kenneth Williamson
Certified By: None
Supplier (safety and industrial equipment)
R. C. Shannon Company
Certified By: TDOT 2129 Henrietta Road
Memphis, Tennessee 38134
Precise Concrete Works
1123 South Third Street (901) 323-6981 or 386-3908
Memphis, Tennessee 38106
Robert C. Shannon, Sr.
(901) 774-8010
Roofing work, including repairing
Martin Carodine
Certified By: None
Concrete pavement
Regco Filter Manufacturing
Certified By: TDOT P.O. Box 41860
Memphis, Tennessee 38174
Professional Screening Services
3367 Woodhaven Drive (901) 948-9704
Memphis, Tennessee 38128
Supplier of air filters for industrial buses engines
(901) 385-1407
Certified By: None
Debbie Rogers-Fisher
Alcohol testing and drug screening

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Reliant Electric S-W Asphalt Paving & Sealing

3610 Democrat 1234 Mississippi
Memphis, Tennessee 38118 Memphis, Tennessee 38106

(901) 368-0008 (901) 774-2266

Melvin Long Floyd Veasley
Electrical: inside and outside wiring and lighting of Paving
commercial, public and private properties
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Salton Fox Construction Company, Inc.
Richard Contractor, Inc. 3811 Contractors Place
780 Walton Lake Memphis, Tennessee 38115
Collierville, Tennessee 38017
(901) 546-7701
(901) 853-2906
Katrina Pinkney
Sandra Richards
Minor concrete structures, box culverts, water and
sewer, minor drainage, and paving Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: None Sanders & Harvell Construction Company, Inc.

1790 LaPaloma Street
River City Painting & Construction Memphis, Tennessee 38114
P.O. Box 16761
Memphis, Tennessee 38186 (901) 774-4171

(901) 743-6233 Florence Sanders

David Fondren General contractor

Commercial and industrial painting drywall and line Certified By: OMBE
Seiferth Contractors
Certified By: OMBE P.O. Box 14605, 2287 Zanone
Memphis, Tennessee 38114
River City Railroad Contractors, Inc.
1759 Glenview (901) 458-3976
Memphis, Tennessee 38114
Clarence Seiferth
(901) 728-4998
General contractors, residential - rehab –
Clarence Harris commercial – concrete, earthwork, trucking and
Heavy construction except highway and street
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Self Tucker Architects, Inc.
Romeo, Wise, & Bone 505 Tennessee Street, Suite 101
2840 Summer Oaks Drive, Suite 102 Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Memphis, Tennessee 38134
(901) 261-1501
(901) 371-0020
Juan Self
Eric Wise
Planning, engineering, surveying, project
management and consulting Certified By: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Shelby Sod & Grading, Inc. South Seas Homes, Inc.

241 Germantown Bend 2886 Cela Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38018 Memphis, Tennessee 38128

(901) 747-2327 or 524-7046 (901) 382-2737

Joseph Ford Leslie Wooten
Landscaping General contracting, residential, industrial,
commercial, home development and renovation
Certified By: None
Superior Traffic Control – Memphis, Inc.
Small Planet Works P.O. Box 381526
109 NorthMain Street, Suite 601 Germantown, Tennessee 38183
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
(901) 737-9958
(901) 521-0943
Rebecca Wood
Janice A. Banks
Traffic control, sales and service
Information technology, process management,
performance methodology, web-site hosting and Certified By: TDOT
T.H.Y. Inc.
Certified By: TDOT 3639 New Getwell, Suite 1
Memphis, Tennessee 38118
Smith Masonry, Inc.
51 N. Third Street (901) 362, 3300, (901) 367-0471
Memphis, Tennessee 38103
Teck M. Tang, P.E.
(901) 522-8677
Engineering: (transportation, highways, traffic) and
Nat or Linda Smith surveying
Masonry and concrete contractor engaged in work Certified By: TDOT
such as stone laying, marble, brick and block preset
Toles and Associates, Inc.
Certified By: None 2851 Lamb Place, Suite 2
Memphis, Tennessee 38118
Southern Maintenance, LLC
1267 Severson (901) 794-9815
Memphis, Tennessee 38106
James Toles
(901) 946-5513
Engineering (civil and structure)
Garlin Moore
Certified By: TDOT
All types welding
V & J Construction Co.
Certified By: TDOT 660 Neptune Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38104
Southland Enterprises
853 E. Raines Road (901) 774-1970
Memphis, Tennessee 38116
Robert Jeffries
(901) 332-0715
Concrete construction
J. C. Payne
Certified By: None
Concrete, earthwork: building, moving, demolition,
clearing, grubbing, joint sawing, sealing, pavement
patching, storm sewer, and watermains
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Van Savage Roofing and Company Whittington Wrecking & Demolition

P.O. Box 14732, 2785 Sanderwood 1485 Catalina
Memphis, Tennessee 38114 Memphis, Tennessee 38111

(901) 365-1579 (901) 725-0022

Mr. Van Savage Rickie Whittington
General contractor primarily engaged in the Earthwork, general contracting (residential,
installation and repair of roofing and siding; also industrial, commercial/public) building, moving,
handles water proofing applications demolition, trucking and hauling

Certified By: OMBE Certified By: TDOT

W. C. Davis & Son Construction Co. Word Construction Company

1936 Chelsea Avenue 1479 W. Trezevant Street
Memphis, Tennessee 38108 Memphis, Tennessee 38108

(901) 276-6194 (901) 327-4658

W. H. Davis E. L. Word
General construction contractor and builder offering General contractor primarily engaged in construction
commercial and residential repairs and remodeling (including new work, additions, alterations,
services remodeling and repair) of residential and
commercial structures
Certified By: None
Certified By: None
W.M. Reinhold Landscape, Inc.
5345 Holmes Road
Memphis, Tennessee 38118 SMITH COUNTY

(901) 363-3555 Austin Trucking Inc.

9 L B McDonald
Drew St. John Chestnut Mound, Tennessee 38552
Landscaping, seeding, and sodding (615) 897-2939
Certified By: None Kelly Austin
W. Woods Trucking Trucking and hauling
1487 Pinecrest
Memphis, Tennessee 38111 Certified By: TDOT
(901) 452-5444 Eatherly Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 196
Wiley Woods 166 River Road
Carthage, Tennessee 37030
Trucking and hauling
(615) 735-8200
Certified By: TDOT
Patricia Cowan
Washington Brothers Company
4645 Highway 61 South Grading site excavation, drainage, concrete work,
Memphis, Tennessee 38109 bridges, utilities, hauling of dirt, aggregate and
supplier of pipe
(901) 785-4329
Certified By: TDOT
Clifton Washington
Excavation and concrete construction
Certified By: None
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Public Drainage Supply, Inc.

Blountville, Tennessee 37617
Absolute Communications, Inc.
1805 North Eastman Road, Suite 7 (423) 323-1003
Kingsport, Tennessee 37664
Harriet Manning
(423) 246-0336, (423) 246-2188
Supplier: C.M.P. pipe
Carolyn Pierson Cook
Certified By: TDOT
Public relations and marketing event management
Riverbend Consulting
Certified By: TDOT 156 River Road
Bluff City, Tennessee 37618
Bakers Construction
3365 Rockhold Road (423) 538-3859
Bluff City, Tennessee 37618
Shari Rown
(423) 538-7135
Land use studies, facilities planning &
Patti Baker comprehensive planning

Earthwork clearing, grubbing, sewers and Certified By: TDOT

R. L. Jones Trucking
Certified By: TDOT P.O. Box 525
Blountville, Tennessee 37617
Cactus Hydroseeding
3016 Hi Drive (423) 323-2032, (423) 571-0481
Kingsport, Tennessee 37663
Dean Jones
(423) 239-0681
Trucking and hauling
Shawna Johnson
Certified By: TDOT
Tri-City Development Corp.
Certified By: TDOT P.O. Box 297
817 Dale Street
East Tennessee Construction Services Kingsport, Tennessee 37662
3365 Rockhold Road
Bluff City, Tennessee 37618 (423) 246-1050

(423) 538-9517 (423) 538-3608 Ralph Watterson

Jessica Hodge Construction – rehabilitation, residential and

Seeding, sodding & erosion control
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Fullen Hydro Seeding
128 Cherrywood Lane
Bristsol, Tennessee 37620 AIS
1122 Churchill Drive
(423) 967-4135 (423) 967-9730 Gallatin, Tennessee 37066
Billy E. Fullen, Jr. (615) 206-0869
Hydroseeding Don Aguiar
Certified By: TDOT Electrical contracting

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Cassetty Construction H.E.S. Construction Company

901 W. Main Street 119 Trail Drive
Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075 Gallatin, Tennessee 37066
(615) 826-7019 (615) 451-1592
Carl Cassetty Howard E. Stenson
General contracting new construction Concrete masonry, cement finisher
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Commercial Hydroseeding Jen-Hill Construction Materials

100 Long Hollow Ct. 145 Shackle Island Road
Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37072-8827 Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075
(615) 855-3700 (615) 824-1200
Kimberly Frazee Jennifer Moody
Commercial hydroseeding and sod, sod installation Supplier of erosion control and enviromental
and erosion control construction materials
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

Concrete Bonding Services, Inc. Quantum Environmental, LLC

P.O. Box 660 P.O. Box 1427
105 Dolphus Dr. Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37072
Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075
(615) 851-8718 (615) 851-5557
(615) 822-8130
Leslie Woodcock
Zonda Seifers
Rehabilitation of sewer lines and manholes
Specialty contractor – concrete repair and
restoration Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT Southland Safety Signal, Inc.
114 Joslin Avenue
Exclusively Temporary, Inc. Gallatin, Tennessee 37066
714 Nashville Pike
Gallatin, Tennessee 37066 (615) 230-9894
(615) 452-7080 Terry Ann Huffman
Regina Hayslip Guardrail and electrical work, structures
Employment and labor service Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: OMBE SRS, Inc.
P.O. Box 626
Henry Collins and Associates Gallatin, Tennessee 37066
100 Main Street, Suite 203
Portland, Tennessee 37148 (615) 230-2966
(615) 325-1809 Dewayne Scott
Henry Collins Flooring
Cynthia Durant
Certified By: TDOT & DBE
Web site design, advertising, communications
printing event, planning

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services


Ace Underground Elaine Rains Construction

357 Nelson Drive 494 Old Shelbyville Road
Brighton, Tennessee 38011 McMinnville, Tennessee 37110

(901) 476-4078 (931) 473-6646

Kandace & Timothy Dye Elaine Rains
Directional boring (specialty trade contractor) Construction, residential (only)

Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

B & S Contractors Officer and Associates, Inc.

Route 1, Box 822 5493 Sparta Hwy., P.O. Box 225
Atoka, Tennessee 38004 Rock Island, Tennessee 38581
(901) 835-2954 (931) 815-2775
James Sneed Charles Officer
Housing rehabilitation specialist Aggregate construction and trucking
Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

Inman Trucking Co., Inc.

Brighton, Tennessee 38011
FENCE’em IN, Inc.
(901) 837-0161 123 Free Hill Road
Gray, Tennessee 37615
Wanda C. Inman and Darlene Boswell
(423) 477-8615
Trucking and hauling
Ms. Kerri Lyons
Certified By: TDOT
Fence and guardrail
Certified By: TDOT

Merritt Construction Company Kyle Construction Company

304 S. Ridgecrest Drive 3701 Deepwood Drive
Luttrell, Tennessee 37779 Johnson City, Tennessee 37601
(865) 992-8177 (423) 282-0084
June Merritt Glen Kyle
General - municipal water and sewer lines, Residential - rehab
residential - heavy construction
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Ollen Clark Construction Company Volunteer Sod & Seeding, Inc.

P.O. Box 3307 Route 1, Box 33
Johnson City, Tennessee 37602 Strawberry Farm Rd.
Lutts, Tennessee 38471
(423) 282-3611
(931) 724-5170
Virginia Clark
Sheila McFall
General construction
Landscaping, erosion control
Certified By: None
Certified By: OMBE
Panorama Landscape & Design
201 Emerald Chase Circle
Johnson City, Tennessee 37615 WHITE COUNTY

(423) 282-6226 Brenda Eagle Trucking, LLC

Eagle Trucking Co., Inc.
Latha Ponnappa 370 Ballard Lane
Sparta, Tennessee 38538-7150
Landscape design and installation
(931) 668-5518
Certified By: TDOT
Brenda Eagle
Southern Seeding, Inc.
1300 Shell Road Hauling of dry goods, trucking, transportation
Jonesborough, Tennessee 37659 services
(423) 753-9355 Certified By: TDOT
Lisa Shell CJM Enterprises
P.O. Box 6268
Seeding, sodding and erosion control Sparta, Tennessee 38583
Certified By: TDOT (931) 738-9644

WAYNE COUNTY Marilyn Carlson

Clerical bookkeeping, computer services and heavy
Enviroworks, Inc. equipment transfer and hauling
P.O. Box H, 100 East Pillow Street
Clifton, Tennessee 38425 Certified By: TDOT

(931) 676-3500 Gardenhire Construction Company

353 Burton Drive
Travis Berry French Sparta, Tennessee 38583
Billie Wayne Slaughter
(931) 738-3868
Utility contractor, commercial – electrical, grading
site work Gary Gardenhire
Certified By: None Highway construction, gravel, rock, concrete,
landscaping, grassing, masonry, grading, pavement
Rod’s Paving Company sealing, carpentry
1825 Natural Bridge Road
Waynesboro, Tennessee 38485 Certified By: TDOT

(931) 722-4016
Kenny Ray Rodriguez
Driveways, asphalt, hauling of dirt and sand

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Kimberly, Inc. Booker Engineering, Inc.

3736 Old Bon Air Road 1773 Cayce Springs Road
Sparta, Tennessee 38583 Thompson Station, Tennessee 37179
(931) 935-2028 (615) 599-7351
Kimberly Danson Brenda Booker
Erosion control-certified specialist Engineering
Certified By: TDOT Certified By: TDOT

McKendree Construction, Inc. Environmental Management Services, Inc.

P.O. Box 814 5655 Valley View Road
Sparta, Tennessee 38587 Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
(931) 761-3760 (615) 370-0907
Barbara McKendree William Hansard
Inlets, catch basins, manholes, curbs Environmental consulting, remedial contracting,
decontamination, wastewater and hazardous waste
Certified By: TDOT management

Officer and Associates, Inc. Certified By: TDOT

5493 Sparta Hwy., Box 225
Rock Island, Tennessee 38581 Fischbach Tranportation Group
3326 Aspen Grove Drive, Suite 130
(931) 815-2775 Franklin, Tennessee 37067
Charles Officer (615) 377-3130
Aggregate construction and trucking Gillian L. Fischbach
Certified By: TDOT Traffic engineering and planning
Certified By: TDOT
G & M Associates
Allyson Shumate 314 Braveheart Drive
1225 Buckhead Drive Franklin, Tennessee 37064
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
(615) 554-9408
(615) 333-2570
Greg Rice
Alyson Shumate
Structure/masonry contractors and concrete
Project management, construction management and foundations
control consulting
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
Lockwood Construction, Co.
Benchmark Group, Inc. P.O. Box 588, 1222 West Main St.
155 Franklin Road, Suite 140 Franklin, Tennessee 37064
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027
(615) 794-8465
(615) 661-4914
Kaye Lockwood
Judy B. Cline
Aggregate construction, concrete, excavation,
Employment and labor services embankment, building, moving, clearing, grubbing,
joint sawing and sealing, and retaining walls
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: TDOT
Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Moran Contractors, Inc. CDF Incorporated

118 Beasley Drive P.O. Box 1221, 2636 Hartsville Pike
Franklin, Tennessee 37064 Lebanon, Tennessee 37087
(615) 794-5156 (615) 449-3535
Harriet Moran Greet Donna Mosher
Street patching, painting lines, street markings Bridge deck grooving
Certified By: None Certified By: TDOT

Stormwater & Hydrologic Eng. Jerry B. Young, Jr. Construction, Inc.

909 Steeplechase Drive 2150 Philadelphia Road
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Lebanon, Tennessee 37087
(615) 371-8031 (615) 443-0493
Fred Quinones Jerry B. Young, Jr.
Environmental engineering hydraulic and studies Water and sewer line; highway, street and bridge;
poured concrete foundation and struction
Certified By: None construction and site preparation contractor

The Hannah Jones Group Certified By: None

1616 West Gate Circle
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 Kathy Freeman Trucking Company
P.O. Box 2122
(615) 844-6202 Lebanon, Tennessee 37088
Carlton Jones (615) 449-1777
Architectural design, project management, Kathy L. Freeman
construction management services
Trucking and hauling, supplier of aggregate
Certified By: TDOT
Certified By: TDOT
TRC International, Ltd.
217 Ward Circle, Suite C K. W. Kidd Construction Co.
Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 P.O. Box 914
Mt. Juliet, Tennessee 37122
(615) 661-7979
(615) 754-9070 (615) 780-8523
Surendra Ramanna
Darryl Kidd
Architectural/engineering and consulting work
Earthwork, demolition, trucking, underground
Certified By: TDOT & DBE
Certified By: TDOT
New South Contractors, Inc.
76 Martha Circle, Hwy. 109 at Hwy. 170
Atlantic Surveying & Mapping, Inc. Lebanon, Tennessee 37090
907 Chapparral Drive
Lebanon, Tennessee 37087 (615) 444-8395

(615) 444-1885 Mary Ellen Benward

Robyn Jo Edwards Gravel, paving and underdrains

Land surveying Certified BY: TDOT

Certified By: TDOT

Directory of Minority and Female Contractors, Suppliers and Services

Robert and Cassie Construction West Wilson County Concrete Company

P.O. Box 70 Industrial Park, P.O. Box 147
Gladeville, Tennessee 37071 Mount Juliet, Tennessee 37122

(615) 449-3540 (615) 758-5686

Robert and Cassie Spickard James Pope
General contractor, excavation, embankment, Ready-mixed concrete
santiary sewer
Certified By: OMBE
Certified By: TDOT
Wilson County Concrete Co., Inc.
Stanphills Trucking, Inc. South College Street
299 McCreary Place Lebanon, Tennessee 37087
Lebanon, Tennessee 37090
(615) 444-0454
(615) 443-8564 (phone/fax)
James Pope
Kim Stanphill
Ready-mixed concrete
Commercial dump truck hauling
Certified By: None
Certified By: TDOT

Tennessee Coatings, LLC

P.O. Box 1272
Lebanon, Tennessee 37088

(615) 443-7876
Diane Holt

Painting and wall coverings

Certified By: TDOT

Tennessee Telecom, Inc.

137 Southside Park Drive
Lebanon, Tennessee 37090
(615) 443-0040
Sue Singleton
Remarketer & quality repair of Northern Telecom
PBX & Key systems
Certified By: TDOT

The Phoenix Group of Mid. TN

P.O. Box 1401
Lebanon, Tennessee 37088-1401
(615) 449-5270
Darlene Craighead

Concrete underdrains and paving, water mains and

placement of steel, filler cloth under drains
Certified By: TDOT

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