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Writ of a Freeman's Right to Travel

Writ of a Freeman's Right to Travel - Justice Notice - Demand for AH Rights Prot
by the Constitution for the united States of America
Know all men by these presents, that I,______________________________________, d
o travel upon the Roadways, By-ways, Highways, and Air-ways of these United Stat
es, as a matter of asserted Common Law rights. That I assert my full sovereignty
as a free and natural person (Freeman) under the Common Law of the Constitution
for the united States of America, to wit: States Enforcing un-constitutional La
If some state laws are unconstitutional are there ways for the states to mandate
restrictions on licensing, registration, and insurance requirements? To know, w
e need to look to the U.S. Supreme Court to determine for ourselves the answers
to these questions.
1. "The right of the citizen to travel upon public highways and to transport his
/her property thereon, either by carriage or automobile, is not a mere privilege
which a City/State may prohibit at will, but a common right which he/she has un
der the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Thompson v. Smith 154 SE 579.
2. "The use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a
mere privilege, but a common and fundamental right which the public and individ
uals cannot be rightfully deprived." Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago, 337 IIL200,
169 NE 22, 66 ALR 834. Ligare v. Chicago 139 III. 46, 28 NE 934. Booney v. dark,
214 SW 607; 25 A M JUR (I'1) Highways, Sec. 163.
3 For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party. "There can be no sanctio
n or penalty imposed on one because of this exercise of Constitutional rights."
Sheer v. Cullen, 481 F. 945.
4 "The right to travel is part of the Liberty of which the citizen cannot be dep
rived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment." Kent v. Dullcs 357
U.S. 116, 125.
5. "Where rights are secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no r
ule-making or legislation which would abrogate them." Miranda v. Arizona 384 U.S
. 436, 125
6. "The claim and exercise of a Constitutional right cannot be converted into a
crime." Miller v. U.S. 230 F 2nd 486, 489.
7. "Under our system of government upon the individuality and intelligence of th
e citizen, the stat" does not claim to control him/her, except as his/her conduc
t to others, leaving him/her the sole judge as to all that affects himself/herse
lf." Mugler v. Kansas 123 U.S. 623, 659-60.
8. It is reasonable to assume that these judicial decisions are straight and to
the point, that there is no lawful method for government to put restrictions or
limitations on rights belonging to the people.
9. There is no question that a citation/ticket issued by a police officer, for n
o driver's license, current vehicle registration, or mandatory insurance, etc.,
which carries a fine or jail time, is a penalty and is, indeed, "converting a ri
ght into a crime."
10. A corporate entity, whether it be a city, state, or U.S. Government, cannot
testify as an injured party, thus cannot be cross-examined.
As an individual one can speak for a corporation, but cannot be an injured party
- as a living person of record. In Propria Persona;
Signature: _______________________________________
Dated: this _____ day of: ____________________ 20___.
State Republic of: ____________________
County of: _______________________
Subscribed. Sworn, and Sealed: this_________day of:____________________, 20_____
, did personally appear before me, and/or is known to be the one described in, a
nd who executed, the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he/she executed
the same as his/her free act and deed as a sovereign state citizen in this abov
e named state of the union.
Purpose of notary is for identification only, and not for entrance into any fore
ign jurisdiction.
Date:___________Notary Public:____________________My Commission expires:________
"Explicit Reservation of All Right"
TO ALL PEACE OFFICERS: My use of "Without Prejudice, U.C.C. 1-207," and/or "thre
at, intimidation and duress or 'tid'," above my signature on this and all other
documents, indicates that I have exercised the reservation of my rights provided
in the Uniform Commercial Code in book 1, at section 1-207. whereby I may reser
ve my common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or agre
ement, that I have not entered into knowingly, voluntarily, or intentionally. An
d that reservation serves NOTICE upon all administrative agencies of government,
nationally, state, and local, that I do not, and will not, accept the liability
associated with the "compelled benefit" of any unrevealed commercial agent. Wit
hout prejudice U.C.C. 1-207

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