Disaster-Management MCQ

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Disaster Management
Answer keys are given in Bold letters

1. Hazards and Disasters are mainly classified as

a. Physical and chemical
b. Natural and Human induced
c. Physical and Human
d. Social and cultural

2. A hazard is a situation where there is

a. Threat of natural calamity
b. Threat to property and lives from calamities
c. Threat for consequences of disaster
d. All of the above

3. Disaster is an event arising out of
a. Result of hazard event
b. Causes of hazard event
Causes of disaster event
All of the above
4. The typical examples of man-made disasters are
a. Chemical explosion
b. Leakage of toxic waste
c. War and civil strife
d. All of the above

5. What are the consequences of disaster on a society?

a. Loss of life
b. Damage to property
c. Environmental Damages
d. All of the above

6. The scientific study of earthquake is called

a. Seismograph
b. Seismology

c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

7. What is the name of instrument used for measuring earthquake intensity?


a. Modified Mercalli Scale

b. Metrological scale
c. Vernier scale
d. Barometer

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8. The primary result of earthquakes is

a. Building and bridge collapsed
b. Rapture of water and gas pipelines
c. Change in course of river and creation of new islands
d. All of the above

9. What are the major consequences of Tropical cyclones?
a. Fierce wind
b. Heavy rain
c. Storm surge
d. All of the above

10. The major man made causes of floods are
a. Deforestation
b. Siltation

c. Bursting of dam
d. All of the above

11. Mass killing diseases can be referred as

a. Biological disaster
b. Industrial disaster
c. War disaster
d. Flood disaster
12. The term Influenza implies to
a. Groin
b. Flu
c. Both a and b

d. None of these

13. Which is the main cause of cholera?

a. Poor sanitation
b. Floods
c. Air pollution

d. Poor nutrition

14. The role of which agency is important in disaster prevention.


a. Media
b. Police
c. Government officials
d. Public

15. What are the important measures to be taken in community level of disaster
a. Increased awareness

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b. Provision of early and timely warning

c. Landuse planning
d. All of the above

16. A point on the surface of the earth vertically above the focus is known as
a. Epicenter

b. Hypocenter
c. Special focus
d. None of the above

17. Which instrument is used for recording the occurrences of the earthquake
a. Richter Scale

b. Seismology
c. Seismograph
d. None of the Above

18. Which area in the world witness’s highest seismic earthquake activity in the world.
a. Mid-continental belt
b. Cir-cum Pacific belt
c. Mid-Atlantic belt
d. All of the above
19. What type of disaster is most prominent in India?
a. Flood
b. Draught
c. Cyclone
d. Earthquake

20. Which volcanic eruption is responsible for raising temperature of the Northern

Hemisphere by 1.2 °c?

a. Bhuj
b. Etna
c. Krakatoa
d. Mt. Pinatubo

21. Which are the major controlling systems for reduction of volcanic disaster?
a. Prediction for early warning of eruption
b. Timely evolution and relief work

c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

22. Which techniques are used for prediction of early warning of eruption?

a. Electric Distance Measures

b. Tilt Meters
c. GPS and Satellite Inferring Rader
d. All of the above

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23. Shallow earthquakes, less than 20 km deep are associated with

a. Convergent plate boundaries
b. Divergent plate boundaries
c. Transform plate boundaries
d. All of the Above

24. Which of the following disasters can be triggered by an earthquake?
a. Tsunami
b. Intense ground shaking
c. A landslide
d. All of the above

25. Which of the following statements is false?
a. Earthquakes occur in plate boundaries
b. The time and location of most major earthquakes can be predicted several days in

c. Earthquakes can be caused by normal, reverse and strike-slip faulting
d. P waves travel faster than both S waves and Surface waves
26. Volcanic eruption are closely associated with
a. Mountain building and fracturing
b. Deforestation
c. Landslides
d. Heat budget
27. Tropical cyclones originate within
a. Intermediate between Polar and temperate zones
b. Mainly tropical area

c. Mainly equatorial Zones

d. Intermediate between Tropics of Capricorn and cancer

28. The centre of the cyclone is characterized by

a. High Pressure
b. Low pressure

c. Very High Pressure

d. All of the above

29. Warning about cyclonic disaster is convened through

a. Newspaper
b. Radio network
c. Television

d. All of the Above

30. The major effects of floods are

a. Physical damage

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b. Loss of biodiversity
c. Scarcity of water supply
d. All of the above

31. Which of the following agencies are the National Disaster Risk Reduction

a. Central Government
b. National Disaster Offices
c. Private Sector
d. All of the above

32. Structural and Non-structural measures are elements of high category of Risk

Reduction measures
a. Socio-economic measures
b. Physical measures
c. Environmental measures

d. Post disaster measures

33. What are the major types oriented to mitigation measures of hazards and disasters?
a. Public mitigation measures
b. Community mitigation measures
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

34. What are the main prescribes procedures for standard operating?
a. Search and rescue
b. Medical assistant
c. Casualty management
d. All of the above

35. The steps need to be taken for any risk natural or man-made disaster
a. Proper building construction
b. A well planned
c. Awareness among the stakeholders
d. All of the above

36. Disaster management is aimed at-

a. Resettling people in the closest unaffected urban area

b. Collection of valuable data for future management objectives

c. Strengthening sewage and drinking water treatment facilities to resist the impact of a
future disaster
d. Restoring a communitys services, facilities and residences to pre-disaster levels

37. The major risk associated with overcrowding is

a. Proliferation of mosquito breeding sites
b. Heightened exposure to decaying matter

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c. Creation of nuisance problems

d. Increase in diarrhea disease

38. The first phase of environmental health management begins

a. Long before a disaster strikes
b. When a disaster strikes

c. Within the first three hours after the disaster has struck
d. After the warning period

39. The most essential item that the disaster stricken populations must be provided with
a. Shelter material

b. Drinking water
c. Fuel
d. All of the above

40. An essential to the sanitary maintenance of latrines is
a. Sufficient supply of water
b. Supply of latrine construction materials
c. Health education program in latrine usage and upkeep
d. All of the above
41. Besides testing the quality of the food itself, inspections should be made to determine
the cleanliness of-
a. Premises where food is handled and prepared
b. Washing facilities
c. Food storage facilities
d. All of the above

42. The NH-44 (presently 8) is affected by which hazard

a. Floods
b. Earthquake
c. Landslide
d. All of the above

43. “Kalbaisakhi”is a kind of thunder storm witnessed in the states of

a. Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim
b. Mizoram, Assam and Manipur

c. Assam, Tripura and West Bengal

d. West Bengal, Manipur and Mizoram

44. Which body in the state of Tripura can declare emergency in case of state level

b. SEC
c. Department of Public works

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d. Department of minister

45. What are the major Hazard/disaster management related activities?

a. Preparedness
b. Response
c. Recovery

d. All of the above

46. What are the roles of NGOs in disaster related preparedness stage?
a. Public awareness and education
b. Vulnerability and risk assessment
c. Forming and training DNTs, introducing alternative technologies

d. All of the above

47. Who shall be the first responders in disaster management situation?

a. Central Government

b. Community
c. Local Government
d. State Government pa
48.Mock drills exercise to create awareness among people are conducted at
a. State level
b. District level
c. GP/Village level
d. All of the above
49. The presence of high hill ranges with alternate valleys in Tripura is much similar to
the “ridge-Vale topography” of
a. The Manipur hills

b. The Alps of Europe

c. The Appalachian region of USA
d. The Eastern Ghats of India

50. The North-East India is seismically one of the six most active regions of the world
along with the other five zones of

a. Mexico, Taiwan, California, Japan and Turkey b.

Taiwan, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and Syria c.
Japan, Taiwan, China, South Korea and North Korea d.

Turkey, Japan, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia

51. Example of anthropogenic hazards are:

(a) Chemical explosion

(b) Earthquake
(c) Flood
(d) Wild fire

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52. The cyclone that hit Odisha on October 29, 1999 is an example of
(a) Super cyclone
(b) Silent cyclone
(c) Cyclone storm
(d) None

53. The human factors which cause floods are:
(a) Deforestation
(b) Heavy rainfall
(c) Cloud burst
(d) Large catchment area

54. The Bhopal gas tragedy is an example of:
(a) Industrial disasters
(b) Natural disasters
(c) Nuclear disasters

(d) None

55. Pandemic disease is defined as:

(a) Outbreak of a disease in international scale
(b) Outbreak of a disease beyond the area of a disease
(c) congestion in urban areas.

56. A pneumonic plague which occurred in Surat, Gujrat in 1994 is:

(a) Pandemic disease hazards
(b) Epidemic disease hazards
(c) Industrial hazards
(d) None of the above

57. Cyclones in the Caribbean islands are known as:

(a) Typhoon
(b) Hurricanes
(c) Tornadoes
(d) Storm

58. Industrial hazards comes under the category of:

(a) Natural hazards

(b) Human induced hazards

(c) Meteorological hazard
(d) Wild fire hazard

59. Pandemic diseases include:

(a) Cholera
(b) Small pox
(c) Tubercolosis

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(d) All of the above

60. Tropical cyclone, drought, wildfire is:

(a) Industrial hazard
(b) Man induced hazard
(c) Meteorological hazard

(d) Hydrological hazard

61. Earthquake is a:
a) Geophysical disaster
(b) Hydrological disaster
(c) Meteorological disaster

(d) Compound disaster

62. Tropical cyclone, drought, wildfire is:

(a) Industrial hazard

(b) Man induced hazard
(c) Meteorological hazard
(d) Hydrological hazard pa
63. Disaster at Chernobyl (USSR), Three Mile Island (USA), and Fukusima (JAPAN)
are all related to:
(a) Disaster caused by earthquake
(b) Disaster caused by Tsunami
(c) Nuclear disaster
(d) Epidemic disaster

64. The disease that swept a large part of Asia, Europe and Africa in the 14 th century is:
(a) Plague

(b) Small pox

(c) Tuberculosis
(d) Influenza

65. Zika virus is related to:

(a) Dengue

(b) Yellow fever

(c) Japanese encephalitis
(d) All the Above.

66. 2001 Terrorist attack in America is referred as:

(a) 9/11
(b) 11/9

(c) 10/11
(d) 11/01

67. Example of Civil War is:

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(a) Syrian War

(b) World War I&II
(c) Kargil War
(d) Vietnam-US War.

68. H1N1 virus is:

(a) Bird flu
(b) Swine flu
(c) Cattle flu
(d) None of the above.

69. Engineering disaster is simply referred to those disasters when it is caused by an

engineering failure like –
(a) Design flaws or materials failures
(b) Insufficient knowledge or underestimations
(c) Carelessness or negligence

(d) All the above.

70) The epicenter of the earthquake of the magnitude of 5.7 which occurred on the 3 rd
of Jan, 2017 in Tripura was located at:
a) Dhalai District
b) West District
c) North District
d) Gomati District
71) Raima and Sarma are the tributaries of:
a) Muhuri
b) Gomati
c) Khowai

d) Haora

72) The National Highway which passes through Tripura is:

a) 4
b) 2
c) 8

d) 12

73) The Chairman of the Tripura Disaster Management Authority is:


a) Chief Secretary
b) District Magistrate
c) Chief Minister
d) BDO

74) The highest peak of Tripura is:

a) Betling Sib
b) Jarimura

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c) Sakhan
d) Longtarai

75. The total geographical area of Tripura is:

a) 183.5sq.km
b) 10,491sq.km

c) 8152sq.km
d) 1200 sq.km

76) Man-made disasters include:

a) Wars
b) Terrorism

c) Industrial hazard
d) All of the above

77. Mount Kilimanjaro is the best example of:

a) Active volcano
b) Dormant volcano
c) Extinct volcano
d) None of them
78. The river which causes tremendous floods in Assam is
(a) Ganga
(b) Brahmaputra
(c) Godavari
(d) Barak

79. Below average rainfall for a prolonged period of time is called

(a) Famine

(b) Drought
(c) Flood
(d) None of these

80. Flood can be controlled by:

a) Afforestation

(b) Construction of dam

(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these

81. What is it called when a large number of people in a community get a disease at the
same time?
a) Influx

(b) Black death

(c) Epidemic
(d) Parasite

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82. Disaster management covers-

a) Maintaining control over disasters
b) Reducing the effects of disasters
c) Briefing of govt. Officials about disasters
d) All the above

83. The primary goal of a disaster preparedness plan is:
a) To protect the population
b) To protect valuable resources
c) To keep communications lines open
d) To protect environmental health personnel

84. Which of the following leads to earthquakes:
a) Movement of plates
b) Nuclear explosion
c) Extraction of minerals

d) All of the above

85. In the eye of the cyclone the temperature is:

a) Highest
b) Lowest
c) Normal
d) Average

86) Ebola virus disease first appeared in the year:

a) 1976
b) 1967
c) 1956
d) 1926

87. Disaster Management includes:

a. Mitigation
b. Reconstruction
c. Rehabilitation
d. All of the above

88. Andhra Pradesh was severely battered by a cyclonic storm which killed more than
10,000 lives on?

a. 15-11-1977
b. 15-11-1971
c. 15-11-1963
d. 15-11-1945

89. Tsunami’s can occur only during?

a. Evening
b. Afternoon

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c. Anytime in day or night

d. Morning

90. United Nations Disaster Management Team is responsible for solving problem
resulting from disaster in?
a. Asia

b. Australia
c. Africa
d. In all continents

91. How many of 35 Indian States and Union Territories are disaster prone?
a. 23

b. 25
c. 12
d. 27

92. Number of human live lost during 1980-2010 due to natural and induced hazards in
a. 1,42,265
b. 1,56,897
c. 1,43,039
d. 1,23,987
93) National Institute of Disaster Management is at
a. Manipur
b. Punjab
c. Hyderabad
d. New Delhi

94. The term ‘disaster’ is derived from which of the following language?
a. Greek
b. Latin
c. French
d. Arabic

95. Earthquakes and tsunamis constitute disaster percentage = ..?

a. 8%
b. 4%

c. 6%
d. 17%

96. The Disaster Management Act was made in?


a. 2006
b. 2003
c. 2005
d. 2009

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97. Indian National Tsunami Warning System became operational in?

a. 2003
b. 2007
c. 2009
d. 2012

98. Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre is at?
a. Bangkok
b. Kerala
c. Surat
d. None

99. How much percentage of Indian land is prone to earthquakes?
a. 52%
b. 54%

c. 59%
d. 60%

100. How much of India’s coastline is vulnerable to Disasters?

a. ~ 5340km
b. ~ 5400km
c.~ 6200km
d. ~ 5700km
101. When was the National Fire Service College established?
a. 1967
b. 1976
c. 1956

d. 1942

102. The cyclone 'SIDR' hit Bangladesh in?

a. 2009
b. 2007
c. 2008

d. 2006

103. Disasters can be categorized into various types on the basis of?

a. Its speed
b. Its previous history
c. Loss of property they result
d. Loss of human life they result

104. Disaster Management covers?

a. Maintaining control over disasters
b. Reducing the effects of disasters

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c.Briefing the top officials of govt. on the effect of disasters

d. All the above

105. Which of the following is a disaster mitigation strategy?

a. Constructing cyclone shelters
b. Giving loans from banks

c. Providing cheap electricity
d. Providing school uniforms to children

106. The term Tsunami is coined from?

a. Chinese term
b. Indian term

c. German term
d. Japanase term

107. Amateur Radio is also known as?

a. Ham radio
b. Home radio
c. Pocket radio
d. Silent radio
108. A series of earthquakes shook the Central American Nation Of Nicarague and
killed many people in the year?
a. 1974
b. 1972
c, 1973
d. 1975

109. In which year a cyclone struck the Coastal Andhra in Krishna Godavari delta and

caused havoc?
a. 1976
b. 1979
c. 1978
d. 1977

110. The National Civil Defence college was founded in 1957 at?
a. Bombay
b. Nagpur

c. Cochin
d. Hyderabad

111. Which of the following activities is covered by Disaster Management before, during

or after a disaster?
a. Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
b. Mitigation
c. Emergency response

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d. All the above

112. The phrase WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION entered widespread usage in?
a. 2003
b. 2001
c. 2002

d. 2004

113. Landslides occur because of?

a. Intensity of rainfall
b. Steep slopes
c. Deforestation leading it soil erosion

d. All the above

114. On November 19,1977, a cyclone, which had been operated to hit Tamil Nadu,
instead struck the Central Coast of and diverted several villages?

a. Kerela
b. Andhra Pradesh
c. Orissa
d. Karnataka
115. For coordinating disaster management activities for all natural hazards, the Nodal
Agency at the Central Govt is the?
a. Ministry of Home Affairs
b. Ministry of Rural Development
c. Ministry of Communication
d. Ministry of Urban Ministry

116. U.N. Disaster Management Team UNDMT is responsible for solving problems

resulting from disasters in?

a. India
b. Iran
c. Bangladesh
d. All countries the world

117. National Disaster Management Division of the Govt. of India wherever necessary,
sends to disaster affected areas?
a. Coordanation its containing satellite phones

b. Medicines for affected people

c. Provides relief measures
d. All the above

118. When a powerful earthquake struck South Eastern Iran and caused enormous loss
of life and property Killing 30,000 people?
a. 26.12.2003
b. 26.11.2003

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c. 26.10.2003
d. 26.10.2002

119. Of the following, which is a natural hazard?

a. Earthquake
b. Cyclone

c. Landslide

120. The ground movements caused by earthquakes can have a damaging effects such
a. Ground shaking
b. Landslides

c. Surface ruptures
d. All the above

121. International Tsunami Information Centre is in?

a. Honolulu
b. Goa
c. Jakartha
d. Pondicherry
122. The main objectives of First Aid?
a. To preserve life
b. To prevent the victims condition from worsening
c. To promote recovery
d. All the above

123. First Aid it should contain?

a. Cotton Wool, Crepre bandage

b. Sterile dressing, pain reliever

c. Scissors, Gloves, Antacids
d. All the above

124. Report on Training on Search and Rescue for the members of the village Disaster
Management Team is prepared by?

a. Govt. of Manipur
b. Govt. of Indonesia
c. Govt. of Uttaranchal

125. Tsunamis are waves generated by?

a. Earthquakes
b. Volcanic eruptions

c. Underwater landslides
d. All the above

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126. In which year the violent explosion of the famous Volcano, Krakatoa in Indonesia,
produced Tsunamis measuring 40 feet?
a. 1883
b. 1881
c. 1882
d. 1884

127. According to World Disasters Report of 2010, during 2000-09, 85% of affected
people belonged to the?
a. Asia Pacific Region
b. African region
c. Japan region

d. Australian region

128. Area of Indian coastline which is vulnerable to storm surges, cyclones and
tsunamis is?

a. 5700 Km
b. 3700km
c. 2700km
d. 4700km
129. The date when the super cyclone hit the Orissa coast which killed nearly 10,000
people and affected over 15 million people across 12 districts of Orissa is?
a. 29.08.1999
b. 29.08.1997
c. 29.08.1998
d. 29.08.1996

130. According to the World Bank, during the period 1996 to 2000, the approximate

percentage loss of gross domestic produce due to disasters was?

a. 2.85%
b. 2.25%
c. 2.50%

131. The National Policy on Disaster Management was approved by the Union Cabinet
a. 2008

b. 2009
c. 2007
d. 2010

132. The Chairman of the National Disaster management Authority is?

a. Home Minister
b. Vice President
c. Minister, Human Resource Development

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d. Prime Minister

133. National Disaster Reserve Fund is the result of?

a. 12th Finance Commission
b. 11thFinance Commission
c. 13th Finance Commission

d. None of the above

134. By what measures can we significantly reduce the impact of disasters on our
a. Better planning
b. Preparedness awareness

c. Mitigation measures
d. All the above

135. First Indian Disaster Management Congress was inaugurated on?

a. 29-11-2006
b. 26-10-2006
c. 29-8-2006
d. 29-10-2006
136. National Institute of Disaster Management publishes a biannual journal titled?
a. Disaster India
b. Disaster Mitigation
c. Disaster & Development
d. Indian Disaster

137. The term "Cyclone " is derived from?

a. Greek Word

b. French Word
c. Latin Word
d. Chinese Word

138. What percent of earthquakes and tsunamis account for world disasters?
a. 8%

b. 3%
c. 9%
d. 7%

139. Mechanisms established under Disaster Management Act, 2005 include?

a. National Disaster Management Authority
b. State Disaster Management Authority

c. District Disaster Management Authority

d. All the above

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140. According to World Bank Estimate, direct losses from natural disasters are upto
percent of GDP?
a. 4%
b. 2%
c. 1%
d. 3%

141. SAARC Disaster Management Centre is at?
a. Dhaka
b. Coloumbo
c. New Delhi
d. Khatmandu

142. Tsunamis are waves generated by?
a. Earthquakes
b. Volcanic eruptions

c. Underwater landslides
d. All of the above

143. A Certificate course in Disaster Management is offered by?

a. Indira Gandhi National Open University
b. B.R. Ambedkar National Open University
c. Nalanda Open University
d. Vardhaman Mahavir Open University
144. Which is the nodal agency at the Indian Union Government for coordinating
disaster management activities for all natural hazards?
a. Minister of Home affairs
b. Ministry of social justice and Empowerment

c. Ministry of Science and Technology

d. Ministry of Environment and Forests

145. United Nations Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) is responsible for solving
problem resulting from disasters in?
a. Africa

b. Asia
c. Australia
d. In all continents

146. On what date a powerful earthquake struck South Eastern Iran and Caused heavy
loss of life and property?
a. 26.12.2004

b. 26.12.2003
c. 26.12.2002
d. 25.11.2003

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147. First Aid Kit should contain?

a. Cotton Wool, Bandage
b. Pain Relievers, Medicines
c. Scissors, Gloves, Antacids
d. All the above

148. Andhra Pradesh was severely battered by a cyclonic storm killed more than 10,000
lives on?
a. 15.11.1976
b. 15.11.1977
c. 15.11.1978
d. 15.11.1975

149. Disaster Management Team should include?
a. Awareness generation team
b. First aid team

c. Search and Rescue team
d. All of the above

150. 11-03-2012 marked one year sine an earthquake and tsunami killed thousands of
people in?
a. Japan
b. South Korea
c. North Korea
d. Indonesia
151. Earthquake under the sea is called?
a. Tsunami
b. Hurricane

c. Cyclone
d. Thunder

152. In which month in India, floods are likely to occur?

a. June-December
b. June-September

c. May-October
d. Aril-June

153. According to U. N. O. there were about disasters per year between 1992 -
2000 in the world?
a. 100
b. 300

c. 500
d. 800

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154. In which year the violent explosion of the famous Volcano, Krakatoa in Indonesia,
produced Tsunamis measuring 40 feet?
a. 1881
b. 1882
c. 1883
d. 1884

155) Which natural hazard has caused the greatest number of deaths in a single event?
a) Earthquakes
b) Floods
c) Volcanic eruptions and related disasters

156) Earthquakes that occur along faults are created when
a) Melted rock is erupted along the fault zone
b) Stress builds up until rocks break

c) The earth shifts and moves along fracture
d) Answers b and c

157) Tsunami is:

a) Earthquake on land mass
b) Volcanic eruption
c) Earthquake in ocean crust
d) None of these
158) Magnitude of earthquake indicates amount of
a) Vibrations per second
b) Vibrations per minute
c) Oscillations

d) Energy released

159) From where earth quake waves are generated?

a) Focus
b) Epicenter
c) Solid inner Core

d) None of these

160) Earthquakes occur most frequently at


a) Plate surface
b) Plate boundaries
c) Plate vacuum
d) Ocean beds

161) Tremors that have occurred in Earth's crust are known as

a) Earthquakes
b) Volcanic eruptions

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c) Bed eruptions
d) Volcano

162) Instrument used to measure earthquake is known as

a) Quake meter
b) Quake graph

c) Seismograph
d) Typanicgraph

163) Which of the following activities is covered by Disaster management before, during
or after a disaster?
a) Reconstruction and Rehabilitation

b) Mitigation
c) Emergency response
d) All the above

164) International Tsunami Information Centre is in?
a) Honolalu
b) Goa
c) Jakartha
d) Pondicherry
165) When did Tsunami struck the east coast of India in recent times?
a) December 26, 2004
b) December 26, 2014
c) December 24, 2004
d) January 26, 1997

166) What is the cause of tidal waves?


a) Wind
b) Gravitational force of the moon on the sea
c) Gravitational force of the sun on the sea
d) Gravitational force of the earth on the sea

167) As a tsunami approaches shallow water which of the following set of


transformations occur?
a) Wavelength increases, wave period decreases, and wave height stays the same
b) Wavelength decreases, wave period decreases, and wave height increases

c) Wavelength decreases, wave period increases, and wave height increases

d) Wavelength decreases, waver period stays the same, and wave height increases

168) What does the acronym ISDR stand for?


a) International Significant Disaster Resources

b) International Sustainable Development Report
c) International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
d) Intergovernmental Strategy for Developing Recreation

23 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

169) Which is the most dangerous location for a tsunami hazard?

a) A straight stretch of coast directly exposed to the open sea
b) A rocky point protruding into the ocean in deep water
c) A bay with a nice sandy beach at its end
d) A small boat in the deep ocean

170) The nodal department for wind detection IMD refers to
a) Indian meteorological department
b) Indian metrological department
c) Indian metallurgical department
d) None of these

171) Mapping method used for tracking wind speed and direction is
a) Hazard mapping
b) Mind mapping

c) Speed mapping
d) None of these

172) Warm air is than cold air

a) Heavier
b) Lighter
c) No difference in weight
d) Very much lighter
173) The centre of a cyclone is a calm area and is called the of the storm.
a) Eye
b) Focus
c) Centre

d) Radius

174) A cyclone is called a in the American Continent.

a) Hurricane
b) Typhoon
c) Tornado

d) Thunderstorm

175) A cyclone is called a in Philippines and Japan.


a) Hurricane
b) Typhoon
c) Tornado
d) Thunderstorm

176) Dams are designed to reduce flooding by .

a) Protecting river banks from erosion
b) Providing storage for flood water

24 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

c) Increasing the downstream velocity of flood water

d) Trapping sediment behind the dam so it can't be deposited downstream

177) Which one of the following is NOT re commended during Lightening or

a) Take Shelter in a bus or car.

b) In a forest , seek shelter in a low area under a thick growth of small trees.
c) Take shelter under isolated tree.
d) Get away from tractors and other metal farm equipment .

178) Equator is a region of pressure while poles are regions of


a) High, low
b) Low, high
c) Low, low
d) High, high

179) The eye of a cyclone is
a) Cloudy and highly stormy.
b) Full of strong winds.
c) Calm and cloudless
d) Site with high atmospheric pressure.

180) A flash flood is a flood that

a) is caused by heavy rain rather than from the flooding of a river
b) occurs in urban areas
c. occurs suddenly and unexpectedly and for a short duration
d. is caused by the blocking of drains.

181) A flood can vary in:

a) Size
b) Speed of water flow
c) Duration
d) All of the above.

182) The size of a flood is measured by:

a) The rate of flow of water in a waterway or river
b) The level of water in a waterway or river

c) A river gauging station

d) All of the above.

183) Which of the following potentially affects the size of a flood?


a) Bridges and other structures in waterways

b) The size and windiness of a river
c) Vegetation in and around a river
d) All of the above

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184) Which of the following is an environmental consequence of floods?

a) Dispersal of weed species
b) Erosion of soil
c) Release of pollutants into waterways
d) All of the above.

185) Which of the following is true? Flood warnings:
a) Should not be released until the information is certain
b) Should indicate what the threat is, what action should be taken, by whom and when
c) Are best if they come from a single source
d) All of the above

186) Which of the following statements is false?
a) Weather forecasts for a small region are more accurate than those for a large region
b) Weather forecasts are more accurate in Melbourne than in Darwin

c) Forecasts of temperature are more accurate than forecasts of rainfall
d) All of the above

187) Flood risk refers to:

a) The chance of a flood occurring
b) The number of people and properties exposed to floodwaters if a flood occurs
c) The vulnerability of people and properties that are exposed to floodwaters
d) All of the above.
188) Which of the following can reduce the risk of flooding?
a) Zonings and building regulations for new developments
b) Dams, detention basins and levees
c) Flood awareness and education programs

d) All of the above.

189) In the future, which of the following is expected to increase the risk of flooding?
a) Population growth
b) Urbanisation
c) Climate change

d) All of the above.

190) Urbanization usually results in an increase in flood frequency because


a) Less water is able to runoff in streams
b) Less water is able to infiltrate into the ground, so instead is discharged rapidly into

c) More water is used by humans and then discharged to streams

d) Rainfall is greater in urban areas than in rural areas

191) Channelization of streams is designed to reduce flooding by .

26 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

a) Speeding the passage of floodwaters

b) Reducing bank erosion
c) Slowing down river velocity so as to reduce damage
d) Increase the meandering of streams

192) Dams are designed to reduce flooding by .

a) Protecting river banks from erosion
b) Providing storage for flood water
c) Increasing the downstream velocity of flood water ‘
d) Trapping sediment behind the dam so it can't be deposited downstream

193) In alpine regions reservoirs are created

a) To regulate the flow of melting water from icefields
b) To give the alpine populations enough water
c) To make larger rivers smaller
d) To get enough water into the main rivers

194) When forests are cut or burned down
a) Water can flow away very quickly and cause mudslides
b) Nutrients are washed deep into the soil
c) Water stands in fields and cannot flow away
d) Rainfall can get into the ground more quickly

195) The word Hazards originated from-

a) Latin word
b) Greek word
c) French word.
d) Indian word

196) In which date tsunami occurred in Indoneshia –

a) 24th April
b) 26th March
c) 26th Dec
d) 27th Dec

197) Etna volcano are located in-

a) Japan
b) Italy

c) India
d) Iran

198) The term Influenza implies-


a) Flu
b) Fever
c) Influ
d) Typhoid

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199) How many types of Hazards are there-

a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 5

200) ‘International Secretariat for Disaster Reduction’ stands for-

201) Full form of PPP-
a) Public Partner Prize
b) Public Private Partnership

c) Public Pure Partner
d) Public Partner Private

202) Full form of EVD-

a) Ebola Virus Disease
b) Evoc Virus Disease
c) Evola voc Disease
d) Evola Vig Disease
203) The term cyclone means-
a) Coil of tiger
b) Coil of snake
c) Coil of lion

d. Coli of pig

204) Full form of NGO-

a) Non Government Organization
b) Non Govern Organise
c) Non Govern Organ

d) Non Govern Orpat

205) The scientific study of earthquake is called-


a) Seismograph
b) Seismology
c) Saismology
d) Seacmology

206) When was the last major earthquake in India-

a) 27th JAN, 2001
b) 26th JAN, 2001

28 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

c) 27th FEB, 2002

d) 28th APRIL, 2004

207) TB disease generally affects of-

a) Kidney
b) Stomach

c) Lungs
d) Skin

208) Which virus is responsible for AIDS-

a) HIC
b) HIV

c) HIL
d) HKL

209) “International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction”- stands for-

210) Which instrument are used for recording the occurrence of the earthquake-
a) Richter scale
b) Seismograph
c) Seismometer
d) Doppler rader

211) Which instrument are used for intensity of the earthquake-

a) Richter scale

b) Seismometers
c) Seismograph
d) Tilt meter

212) What types of disaster are most predominant in India-

a) Draught

b) Flood
c) Cyclone
d) Earth Quake

213) The earth crust is made up of huge slabs, which are called-
a) Crust
b) Plates

c) Rock
d) Magma

214) Which instrument is used for measuring the magnitude of an earthquake-

29 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

a) Tilit meter
b) Richter scale
c) Seismograph
d) Seismometer

215) The point within the earth where earthquake generated is called-

a) Focus of epicenter
b) Focus of foci
c) Focus of hypocenter
d) None of these

216) Which of the following waves is the slowest-

a) Pwaves
b) Swaves
c) Surface waves
d) Tsunami

217) Mention the major type of Tropical cyclone -
a) Hurricans
b) Typhoons c)
Tornadoes d)
All of these
218) Hurricans cyclone are formed in-
a) U.S.A
b) British Island
c) Japan
d) India

219) Typhoons cyclone are formed in –

a) India
b) China
c) Philipines
d) Japan

220) In India, highest percentage of damages causes by flood hazards –

a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Bihar

c) West Bengal
d) Tripura

221) Human induced hazards can be classified into –


a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 4

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222) The name of the chemical leakage in Bhopal Gas Tragedy –

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Methyl Isocyanate
c) Hydrogen
d) Sulphur oxide

223) When Bhopal Gas Tragedy occurred -
a) 3rd Dec, 1984
b) 5th Dec, 1985
c) 3rd Nov, 1984
d) 3rd Dec, 1987

224) Typhoid causing bacteria -
a) Shigella
b) Salmonella

c) HIV
d) HCV

225) Full form of DDMA –

a) District Disaster Management Authority
b) District Disease Manage Authority
c) District Dam Manage Authority
d) District Duck Management Authority
226) In which year Tripura Legislative Assembly Election held –
a) 18th Jan, 2018
b) 18th Feb, 2018
c) 1st Jan, 2018
d) 14th Feb, 2018

227) How many Districts in Tripura –

a) 6
b) 8
c) 7

d) 3

228) How many sub divisions in Tripura -


a) 25
b) 23
c) 24
d) 26

229) Name of the first lady Governor of Tripura -

a) Dr. Kamala Beniwal
b) Dr. Kajal Lal

31 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

c) Dr. Partha Dey

d) Dr. Raju Roy

230) How many Blocks are there in Tripura -

a) 54
b) 58

c) 57
d) 51

231) Name the first high school in Tripura –

a) BBI
b) Umakanta Academy

c) RKI
d) DNV

232) Choose the number of National Highway in Tripura –

a) 45
b) 44
c) 46
d) 31
233) Which metal is causing for Minamata disease -
a) Iron
b) Mercury
c) Gold
d) Silver

234) Name one wild life sanctuary in Tripura –

a) Gomati

b) Sipahijola
c) Dharmanagar
d) Agartala

235) In Tripura, which nodal agency play crucial role in organising community capacity
building programmes and conducting mock drills at State, District and Block levels

(a) National Disaster Response Force

(b) National Informatics Centre
(c) District Disaster Management Authority

(d) Tripura Disaster Management Authority

236) Indian Meteorological Department declared “Super Cyclone”


(a) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 216 kmph
(b) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 220 kmph
(c) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 194 kmph
(d) When the wind blows at a speed of more than 172 kmph

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237) The toxic gas released from Bhopal Gas Tragedy was
(a) Methyl Isocyanate
(b) Potassium Isocyanate
(c) Sodium Isocyanate
(d) Methyl Isothiocyanate

238) Volcanoes which are currently inactive but there is a possibility that it can erupt
again in future are called
(a) Dormant Volcanoes
(b) Semi- Dormant Volcanoes
(c) Extinct Volcanoes
(d) Dead Volcanoes

239) Tsunami in the Indian Ocean occurred in the year
(a) 2003

(b) 2004
(c) 2005
(d) 2006 pa
240) ITCZ stands for
(a) Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
(b) Intra Tropical Convergence Zone
(c) Inter Tectonic Convergence Zone
(d) Inter Temperate Convergence Zone

241) Which of the following group of people are more vulnerable in the event of a
(a) Men, boys, old people

(b) Men, Women, boys

(c) Women, children, Old people
(d) None of these

242) High vulnerability and high hazard are associated with


(a) Low disaster risk

(b) Medium disaster risk
(c) High disaster risk

(d) None of these

243) The place of origin an earth quake is called


(a) Focus
(b) Epicentre
(c) Centre
(d) Core

33 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

244) The instrument which records earthquake wave is called

(a) Climograph
(b) Seismograph
(c) Hythergraph
(d) None of the above

245) The word disaster owes its origin from
(a) Greek word
(b) Latin word
(c) French word
(d) German word

246) When magma reaches the surface of the earth, is called
(a) Lava
(b) Crater

(c) Fissure
(d) Clay

(a) Within a region

(b) Within a country
247) A disease is called pandemic when it is

(c) Within a continent

(d) None of these
248) The flood caused in Uttarakhand due to
(a) Cloud burst
(b) Land slide
(c) Earthquake

(d) None of these

249) Which of the following is not an epidemic

(a) Cholera
(b) Samall pox

(c) Plague

250) Tenorist attack known as 9/11 took place in

(a) India
(b) USA

(c) UK
(d) None of the above.

251) An important water contaminant is:

(a) Heavy metals

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(b) Nitrogen oxides

(c) Carbon monoxide
(d) NO2 and SO2

252) An extreme natural phenomenon capable of causing disaster leading to loss of lives

or damage to property is known as-
(a) Natural hazard
(b) Hazard calculation
(c) Desertification
(d) None of the above

253) The process of identifying the probability of occurrence of a natural hazard of a given

intensity at a specific location based on an analysis of natural processes and site
conditions is termed as-
(a) Disaster calculation

(b) Hazard Assessment
(c) Hazard calculation
(d) None of the above pa
254) The type and degree of flooding is influenced by many factors, such as
(a) Climatological
(b) Hydrological and environmental conditions
(c) Local geomorphology of the flood plain
(d) All of the above

255) The National flood Commission in India was set up in

(a) 1980
(b) 1985

(c) 1995
(d) 1980

256) Earthquake is-

(a) A sudden shaking or vibration of ground

(b) Disturbances in the earth’s crust

(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above

257) An enormous amount of energy is released during an earthquake as seismic waves

which are of

(a) Primary or pressure waves(P-waves)

(b) Secondary or transverse waves(S-waves)
(c) Long waves or surface waves(L-waves)
(d) All of the above

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258) What is the point or place that is the first to record the seismic waves?
(a) Seismic point
(b) Epicenter
(c) Focal point
(d) Epipoint

259) Seismic waves during earthquake are recorded and studied with the help of an
instrument called as
(a) Richter scale
(b) Seismograph
(c) Lithograph
(d) Cardiograph

260) The magnitude of energy released by an earthquake is usually measured on Richter
scale which ranges between

(a) 0 to 7
(b) 0 to 8
(c) 0 to 9 pa
(d) 0 to 12

261) Sometimes there are some indications that would indicate that perhaps an
earthquake would occur. Such indications are called
(a) Indicators
(b) Precursors
(c) Signal
(d) Anticipations

262) Special consideration in order to mitigate earthquake earthquake like disasters is


given also to protect

(a) Heritage buildings
(b)Buildings of cultural and historical importance
(c) Scientific and Technological laboratories
(d) All of the above

263) Special consideration in order to mitigate earthquake earthquake like disasters is

given also to protect

(a) Heritage buildings

(b) Buildings of cultural and historical importance
(c) Scientific and Technological laboratories

(d) All of the above

264) Which one is a major environmental and safety hazard for the people in hilly areas in
Tripura which can be considered as “cancer of hill slopes”
a) Flood

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(b) Landslide
(c) Earthquake
(d) Desertification

265) Which zone is considered the highest vulnerability zone of the seismic zonation map

of India?
(a) Zone-IV
(b) Zone-V
(c) Zone-III
(d) Zone-II

266) Tsunami is a

(a) Japanese origin word
(b) Latin origin word
(c) Greek origin word

(d) Portuguese origin word

267) In which earthquake, the stones on the roads of Shillong as said to have “vibrated
like peas on a drum”?
(a) Cachar Earthquake
(b) Latur Earthquke
(c) Great Earthquake of Assam
(d) Bhuj Earthquake
268) The sudden release of hot materials (lava, ash, gas etc.) from volcanoes is called
(a) Volcanic eruption
(b) Ash showers
(c) Pyroclastic flows

(d) Hot mud flows

269) Which volcanic belt is commonly called “Ring of Fire”?

(a) The Mid-Continental Belt
(b) The Circum-Pacific Belt

(c) The Mid-Atlantic Belt

(d) The Circum- Continental Belt

270) Latur earthquake occurred in

(a) 30 September, 1993
(b) 30 November, 1993

(c) 21 April, 1993

(d) 15 April, 1993

271) Bhuj earthquake occurred in

(a) 23 January, 2001

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(b) 26 January, 2001

(c) 31 January, 2001
(d) 29 January, 2001

272) Tsunami is also known as

(a) Tectonic Sea waves
(b) Seismic Sea waves
(c)Plactonic Sea waves
(d) Systonic Sea waves

273) A flash flood is a flood that:

(a) is caused by heavy rain rather than from the flooding of a river

(b) occurs in urban areas
(c) occurs suddenly and unexpectedly and for a short duration
(d) is caused by the blocking of drains.

274) A flood can vary in:
(a) size pa
(b) speed of water flow
(c) duration
(d) all of the above.

275) When a river’s water level reaches 10 metres, this means that:
(a) the water level is 10 metres above an arbitrary ‘zero’ level
(b) the water level is 10 metres above mean sea level
(c) the water level is 10 metres above mean sea level or an arbitrary 'zero' level
(d) it will flood.

276) The size of a flood is measured by:

(a) the rate of flow of water in a waterway or river
(b) the level of water in a waterway or river
(c) a river gauging station
(d) all of the above.

277) Which of the following is associated with a La Niña event?

(a) The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is strongly negative.

(b) The ocean surface off the coast of South America is warmer than usual.
(c) There is an increased chance of above average rainfall in eastern Australia.
(d) All of the above.

278) Which of the following potentially affects the size of a flood?

(a) bridges and other structures in waterways
(b) the size and windiness of a river
(c) vegetation in and around a river

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(d) all of the above.

279) In Australia, the average annual cost of floods is around:

(a) $3.8 million
(b) $38 million

(c) $380 million
(d) $3.8 billion.

280) In Australia, the most expensive natural disaster is:

(a) drought
(b) floods
(c) bushfires

(d) cyclones.

281) Which of the following is an environmental consequence of floods?

(a) dispersal of weed species
(b) erosion of soil
(c) release of pollutants into waterways
(d) all of the above.

282) Which of the following is used to estimate which areas will be inundated during a
flood, based on river height information?
(a) satellite and radar images
(b) flood maps / floodplain hydraulic models
(c) river gauging stations
(d) all of the above.

283) The Disaster Management Act was made in


(a) 2006
(b) 2003
(c) 2005
(d) 2009

284) The Indian Tsunami Early Warning Centre (ITEWC) established at Indian National
Centre for Ocean Information Sciences is located in
(a) Chennai

(b) Goa
(c) Kochi
(d) Hyderabad

285) Latur Earthquake occurred in

(a) 1991
(b) 1992

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(d) 1994

286) The name of the largest active volcano is

(a) Mauna Lao in Hawaii
(b) Mount Washington in USA

(c) Mount Fuje in Japan
(d) Barren Island in India

287) What are the three phases of disaster management planning?

(a) Evacuating, Rebuilding and Re-branding
(b) Preparation, Planning and Perception
(c) Planning, Evacuating and Recovery

(d) Preparation, Response and Recovery

288) IPCC means

(a) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(b) Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Condition
(c) Intergovernmental Programme on Climate Change
(d) International Panel on Climate Change

289) Which of the following emits dangerous radioactive wastes forcing the government
to eliminate its use?
(a) Nuclear energy
(b) Water energy
(c) Geothermal energy
(d) Solar energy

290) Which of the following is related to acid rain?


(a) Carbon-dioxide
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Sulphur dioxide’
(d) Carbon Monoxide

291) The Richter Scale is used for measuring of –

A) Density of liquids
B) Speed of Aeroplane

C) Intensity of earthquakes
D) Depth of mines.

292) Landslides occur because of-


A) Rainfall
B) Steep slope
C) Deforestation
D) All of the above.

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293) Passageway which joins vent to crater of volcano is known as

a) Vent
b) Cone
c) Pipe
d) Crater

294) What is cyclone-?
(a) A low pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere.
(b) A high pressure system with anticlockwise winds in the northern hemisphere.
(c) A low pressure system with anticlockwise winds in the northern hemisphere.
(d) A high pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere.

295) The term “Disaster” is derived from which of the language
(a) French
(b) Arabic

(c) Latin
(d) Greek

296) From the following, which one is the natural hazard?

A) Earthquake
B) Cyclone
C) Landslide
D) All the above
297) A hazard:
A) is a potentially damaging physical event, phenomenon, or human activity
B) may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage,
C) may generate social and economic disruption or environmental degradation.

D) all of the above

298) Earthquake is a:
a) Geophysical disaster
b) Hydrological disaster
c) Meterological disaster

d) Compound disaster

299) Mt. Etna is a:


a) Extinct volcano
b) Dormant volcano
c) Active volcano
d) None of these

300) Which gas caused Bhopal Gas Tragedy?

(a) Methyl Isocyanate
(b) Carbon dioxide

41 | P a g e updated materials from Rejinpaul Network App

(c) Oxygen
(d) Methane


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