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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh


Professional Stage Application Level

Study Manual
Audit and Assurance
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh Professional Stage

These learning materials have been prepared by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

ISBN: 978-1-84152-834-2
First edition 2009

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
or by any means or stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise
without prior permission of the publisher.

ii © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 iii
iv © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 Introduction vii
 Specification grid for Audit and Assurance viii
 The learning materials ix
 Study guide x
 Getting help xiv
 Syllabus and learning outcomes xv
 Skills assessment guide xxii
1. Reintroduction to audit and assurance 1
2. Responsibilities 17
3. Professional standards 47
4. Professional ethics 61
5. Quality control 89
6. Accepting engagements 109
7. Planning 131
8. Understanding the entity and its environment 147
9. Risk assessment 165
10. Audit approach 191
11. Audits of different types of entity 223
12. Audit completion 249
13. Reporting 277

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1 Introduction
1.1 What is Audit and Assurance and how does it fit within the
Professional Stage?
The syllabus has been designed to develop core technical, commercial, and ethical skills and knowledge in a
structured and rigorous manner.
The diagram below shows the fourteen modules at the Professional Stage, where the focus is on the
acquisition and application of technical skills and knowledge, and the Advanced Stage which comprises three
technical modules and the Case Study.

The knowledge base

The aim of the Assurance module is to ensure students understand the assurance process and fundamental
principles of ethics and are able to contribute to the assessment of internal controls and gathering of
evidence on an assurance engagement.
Progression to application level
The knowledge base put into place at Assurance is taken further in this application level module, where the
aim will be to enable students to understand the critical aspects of managing an assurance engagement. This
includes acceptance, planning, managing, concluding and reporting.
Progression to advanced stage
The advanced level paper Advanced Audit & Assurance then takes things further again. The aims being that
students can apply techniques, technical knowledge and professional skills to resolve real-life assurance
issues faced by businesses.
The above illustrates how this paper is an important stepping stone, linking the knowledge and application
of assurance to complex real world problems.

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Audit and assurance

1.2 Services provided by professional accountants

Professional accountants should be able to:
 Understand and advise on the regulatory, professional and ethical issues relevant to those carrying out
an assurance engagement
 Understand the processes involved in accepting and managing assurance engagements, and how quality
assurance processes mitigate the risks to those conducting the engagement
 Plan assurance engagements in accordance with the terms of the engagements and appropriate
 Conclude and report on assurance engagements in accordance with the terms of the engagements and
appropriate standards.

2 Specification grid for Audit and Assurance

2.1 Module aim
To develop students’ understanding of the critical aspects of managing an assurance engagement (including
audit engagements): acceptance, planning, managing, concluding and reporting.

2.2 Specification grid

This grid shows the relative weightings of subjects within this module and should guide the relative study
time spent on each. Over time the marks available in the assessment will equate to the weightings below,
while slight variations may occur in individual assessments to enable suitable questions to be set.
Weighting (%)
1 Legal, ethical and current issues 20
2 Accepting and managing engagements 15
3 Planning assurance engagements 40
4 Concluding and reporting on assurance engagements 25
Your exam will consist of
Part one – 6 short form questions 20 marks
(worth between 2 and 4 marks each)
Part two – 3 questions 80 marks
(2 worth around 20 marks and 1 worth around 40 marks)

Time available 2.5 hours

viii © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

3 The learning materials

You will find the learning materials are structured as follows:
 Title page
 Contents page
 Introduction. This includes
– A review of the subject to set the context
– A list of the top level learning outcomes for this subject area entitled 'Services provided by
professional accountants' (set with reference to what a newly qualified accountant would be
expected to do as part of their job)
 The specification grid for Audit and assurance
 A brief note about the learning materials
 Study Guide. This includes
– Hints and tips on how to approach studying for your CA exams
– Guidance on how to approach studying with this Study Manual
– A detailed study guide suggesting how you should study each chapter of this Study Manual and
identifying the essential points in each chapter
 Information on how to obtain help with your studies
 The detailed syllabus and learning outcomes
 Skills assessment grid
Each chapter has the following components where relevant:
 Introduction
– Learning objectives
– Practical significance
– Stop and think
– Working context
– Syllabus links
 Examination context
 Chapter topics
 Summary and Self-test
 Answers to Self-test
 Answers to Interactive questions

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Audit and assurance

4 Study guide
4.1 Help yourself study for your CA exams
Exams for professional bodies such as the ICAB are very different from those you have taken at college or
university. You will be under greater time pressure before the exam –as you may be combining your
study with work. Here are some hints and tips.

The right approach

1 Develop the right attitude

Believe in yourself Yes, there is a lot to learn. But thousands have succeeded
before and you can too.
Remember why you're doing it You are studying for a good reason: to advance your career.

2 Focus on the exam

Read through the Syllabus and These tell you what you are expected to know and are
Study Guide supplemented by Examination context sections in the

3 The right method

See the whole picture Keeping in mind how all the detail you need to know fits into
the whole picture will help you understand it better.
 The Introduction of each chapter puts the material in
 The Learning objectives, Section overviews and
Examination context sections show you what you
need to grasp.
Use your own words To absorb the information (and to practise your written
communication skills), you need to put it into your own
 Take notes.
 Answer the questions in each chapter.
 Draw mindmaps.
 Try 'teaching' a subject to a colleague or friend.
Give yourself cues to jog your The Study Manual emphasises key points.
 Try colour coding with a highlighter pen.
 Write key points on cards.

4 The right recap

Review, review, review Regularly reviewing a topic in summary form can fix it in your
memory. The Study Manual helps you review in many ways.
 Chapter summary will help you to recall each study
 The Self-test actively tests your grasp of the essentials.
 Go through the Examples in each chapter a second or
third time.

x © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


4.2 Study cycle

The best way to approach this Study Manual is to tackle the chapters in order. We will look in detail at how
to approach each chapter below but as a general guide, taking into account your individual learning style,
you could follow this sequence for each chapter.

Key study steps Activity

Step 1 This topic list is shown in the contents for each chapter and helps you navigate
Topic list each part of the book; each numbered topic is a numbered section in the chapter.
Step 2 This sets your objectives for study by giving you the big picture in terms of the
Introduction context of the chapter. The content is referenced to the Study guide, and
Examination context guidance shows what the examiners are looking for. The
Introduction tells you why the topics covered in the chapter need to be studied.
Step 3 Section overviews give you a quick summary of the content of each of the main
Section chapter sections. They can also be used at the end of each chapter to help you
overviews review each chapter quickly.
Step 4 Proceed methodically through each chapter, particularly focussing on areas
Explanations highlighted as significant in the chapter introduction or study guide.
Step 5 Take brief notes, if you wish. Don't copy out too much. Remember that being
Note taking able to record something yourself is a sign of being able to understand it. Your
notes can be in whatever format you find most helpful; lists, diagrams, mindmaps.
Step 6 Work through the examples very carefully as they illustrate key knowledge and
Examples techniques.
Step 7 Check yours against the suggested solutions, and make sure you understand any
Answers discrepancies.
Step 8 Review it carefully, to make sure you have grasped the significance of all the
Chapter summary important points in the chapter.
Step 9 Use the Self-test to check how much you have remembered of the topics
Self-test covered.

Moving on...
When you are ready to start revising, you should still refer back to this Study Manual.
 As a source of reference.
 As a way to review (the Section overviews, Examination context, Chapter summaries and Self-test
questions help you here).
Remember to keep careful hold of this Study Manual –you will find it invaluable in your work. The
Technical reference section has been designed to help you in the workplace by directing you to where you
can find further information on the topics studied.

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Audit and assurance

4.3 Detailed study guide

Use this schedule and your exam timetable to plan the dates on which you will complete each study period

Study Approach Essential Points Due

Period Date

1 Read through Chapter 1 of the Study Definitions of audit and assurance

Manual quickly to revise the background
knowledge which you should have from
studying Assurance. Work through the self-
test and interactive questions carefully to
ensure that you have grasped the main
points in the chapter.
2 Read sections 1 and 2 of Chapter 2 and Distinction between
learn the distinction between the responsibilities of assurance
responsibilities of assurance providers and providers and management
Auditor responsibilities with
The specific responsibilities of auditors for regard to:
the matters outlined in the rest of this
 Error
chapter are also important. Read through
 Fraud
each section and use the section overviews
 Laws and regulations
as checklists for your knowledge.
 Related parties
Attempt the self-test and interactive  Money laundering
3 Read quickly through Chapter 3 which The need for regulation
covers a topic less likely to be examined in
The roles of IAASB and ICAB
detail than Chapter 4.
4 Chapter 4 is all revision from Assurance, Fundamental principles
but you should ensure that you are very
IFAC Ethical Standard
certain of the rules of professional ethics
and be prepared to apply them to
situations in the exam. Particularly read
carefully through section 4.
Work through the interactive questions
and the exam-style questions to practice
applying your knowledge of the rules.
5 Read sections 1 and 8 of Chapter 5 very The need for quality standards
carefully, particularly the worked example,
The basic principles and
considering the practical impact that quality
procedures of quality control
standards have on assurance work.
Sections 2 to 7 cover some of the detailed
requirements, but the general principles
are most important in this chapter. You
should work through the sample paper
question at the end of the chapter.

xii © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Study Approach Essential Points Due

Period Date

6 Chapter 6 is another chapter which builds Process of obtaining engagements

on the basic knowledge you obtained in
Risk analysis
your Assurance paper. Read all the sections
carefully to note the higher level points. Legal issues
Use the worked example in section 2 to Engagement letters and
see how the theory applies in practice, as negotiating the terms of
you will be required to apply your engagements (other than audit)
knowledge in this exam.
Use the summary as a checklist to think
through if client acceptance issues come up
in the exam.
Try both of the exam-style questions.
7 Chapter 7 is largely revision so read Definition and practical impact of
through it fairly quickly trying all the materiality
interactive questions to apply your Benefits and limitations of
knowledge. analytical procedures
Finish the chapter by trying the self-test
questions and the sample paper question.
8 Chapter 8 is another revision chapter. The need for understanding the
Read section 1 carefully though, particularly entity
the worked example, so that you really The link with money laundering
understand the importance of (know your client)
understanding the entity. In section 3,
ensure you understand the importance of
know your client in relation to the money
laundering regulations.

9 Read through Chapter 9 carefully working Difference between business and

through all the examples and interactive audit risk
questions. This chapter covers an area of Identifying risks in a given scenario
important practical significance, and it is
therefore of importance for your exam
Finally try the self-test questions at the end
of the chapter.
10 Read through all the sections in this Obtaining audit confidence
chapter carefully. In particular section 4 Use of:
covers new and important areas, and you
should try all the interactive questions in  Internal auditors
this section.  Experts
Use the exam-style question to bring
 Other auditors (in a group
various sections of the chapter together in
a practical way
11 Read through sections 1 and 2 quickly. The differences between audits of
Then work through section 3 carefully, NSPOEs and other entities, such
identifying the key differences between as charities or public sector
specialised audits and other audits, and organisations
using the interactive questions to try to
consolidate this understanding

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Audit and assurance

Study Approach Essential Points Due

Period Date

12 Read through this whole chapter carefully, Overall review

but in particular, the issues of going
Going concern
concern and subsequent events in section
4. Work through the interactive questions Subsequent events
in these areas.
13 Read through section 1 of Chapter 13 and Reporting to those charged with
ensure that you know what issues should governance
be covered in a letter to those charged
Modified audit reports and which
with governance.
one to use when
Read quickly through section 2 and
familiarise yourself with the example report
so that you are aware of the differences
between it and an audit report.
Section 3 should be revision from
Assurance, so read it quickly, but
remember that you do need to know the
detail that goes into an audit report.
Section 4 on modifications is new material
so read through it carefully and familiarise
yourself with the example reports. Use
figure 13.3 to learn when an audit report
might be modified and try exam-style
questions 3 and 4 to put this skill into

Revision phase
Your revision will be centred around using the questions and revision guidance in the ICAB Revision
Question Bank.

5 Getting help
Firstly, if you are receiving structured tuition, make sure you know how and when you can contact your
tutors for extra help.
Identify a work colleague who is qualified, or has at least passed the paper you are studying for, who is
willing to help if you have questions.
Form a group with a small number of other students, you can help each other and study together, providing
informal support.
Call +88 (02) 9112672 or 9115340 or email [email protected] with non-technical queries.
Watch the ICAB website for future support initiatives.

xiv © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

6 Syllabus and learning outcomes

Module aim
To develop students’understanding of the critical aspects of managing an assurance
engagement (including audit engagements): acceptance, planning, managing, concluding and
On completion of this module, students will be able to:
 Understand and advise on the regulatory, professional and ethical issues relevant to those carrying out
an assurance engagement
 Understand the processes involved in accepting and managing assurance engagements, and how quality
assurance processes mitigate the risks to those conducting the engagement
 Plan assurance engagements in accordance with the terms of the engagements and appropriate
 Conclude and report on assurance engagements in accordance with the terms of the engagements and
appropriate standards.
The following learning outcomes should be read in conjunction with the Audit and Assurance and Ethics
tables in section 6.1.
For clarity, learning outcomes applicable to all types of assurance engagements (including audit) are
separated from those that are relevant only to audit engagements.
in chapter
1 Legal, ethical and current issues
Candidates will be able to understand and advise on the regulatory, professional and ethical
issues relevant to those carrying out an assurance engagement.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
All assurance engagements
(a) Identify and advise upon the professional and ethical issues that may arise during an
assurance engagement 2, 4
(b) Recognise the professional and ethical issues that may arise during an assurance
engagement, explain the relevance and importance of these issues and evaluate the relative
merits of different standpoints taken in debate 2, 4
(c) Judge when to raise legal and ethical matters arising from assurance work with senior
colleagues for review and possible referral to external parties 2, 4
(d) Discuss the purpose of laws, standards and other requirements surrounding assurance work 2,3, 4
(e) Explain the standard-setting process used by national and international (IAASB) bodies and
the authority of the national and international standards 3
(f) Explain, in non-technical language, significant current assurance issues being dealt with by the
national standard-setting body and the IAASB 3
(g) Explain, using appropriate examples, the main ways in which national legislation affects
assurance 2

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Audit and assurance

Audit engagements
(h) Explain the main ways in which national legislation affects the scope and nature of the audit
and the appointment and removal of auditors (including the relationship between the law
and auditing standards) 2, 6
(i) Explain the principles behind different auditing requirements in different jurisdictions and
describe how national and international bodies are working to harmonise auditing
requirements, including requirements to report on internal controls (Sarbanes-Oxley Act) 3
(j) Describe the principal causes of audit failure and their effects and the gap between
outcomes delivered by audit engagements and the expectations of users of audit reports. 2

2 Accepting and managing engagements

Candidates will be able to understand the processes involved in accepting and managing
assurance engagements and how quality assurance processes mitigate the risks to those
conducting the engagement.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
All assurance engagements
(a) Identify the legal, professional and ethical considerations that an individual or firm must
consider before accepting a specified assurance engagement 5, 6
(b) Identify the sources of liability (including professional negligence) arising from an assurance
engagement and their impact upon the conduct of the engagement 5
(c) Discuss the issues which underlie the agreement of the scope and terms of an assurance
engagement (new or continuing) 6
(d) Formulate the approach suitable for management of the assurance engagement 5
(e) Discuss the principles and purpose of quality control of assurance engagements 5
(f) Demonstrate how the assurance function within an organisation can be monitored through
procedures for review 5
(g) Describe how quality can be monitored and controlled through procedures external to the
organisation 5
Audit engagements
(h) Discuss the process by which an auditor obtains an audit engagement 6
(i) Discuss the issues and risks that an individual auditor or audit firm must consider with
regard to the acceptance of an audit engagement (new or continuing) with a client, including
terms of engagement and their documentation 6
(j) Identify the legal, professional and ethical considerations that an individual auditor or audit
firm must consider before accepting a specified audit engagement. 6

3 Planning assurance engagements

Candidates will be able to plan assurance engagements in accordance with the terms of the
engagements and appropriate standards.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
All assurance engagements
(a) Explain, in the context of a given scenario, why it is important to have a knowledge and
understanding of the business when planning an engagement 8
(b) Identify ways of gaining knowledge and understanding of a client’
s business 8

xvi © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

(c) Identify the risks arising from, or affecting, a given set of business processes and
circumstances and assess their implications for the engagement 9
(d) Identify the risks arising from error, fraud and non-compliance with law and regulations and
assess their implications for the engagement 9
(e) Assess significant business risks identified for their potential impact upon an organisation, in
particular their potential impact on performance measurement 9
(f) Identify the components of risk for a specified assurance engagement 9
(g) Assess the impact of risk and materiality on the engagement plan, including the nature,
timing and extent of assurance procedures, for a given organisation 7, 10
(h) Discuss the benefits and limitations of analytical procedures at the planning stage 7
(i) Determine an approach appropriate for an engagement for a specified organisation which
addresses: 10
 Possible reliance on controls (including those within IT systems)
 Possible reliance on the work of internal audit or other experts
 Possible reliance on the work of another auditor
 Probable extent of tests of control and of substantive procedures, including analytical
 Nature and extent of client-generated information
 Probable number, timing, staffing and location of assurance visits
Audit engagements
(j) Identify the components of audit risk for a specified audit engagement, including the
breakdown of audit risk into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk 9
(k) Outline the aspects of employment and social security law which are relevant to statutory
audit 2
(l) Discuss the differences between the audit of a non-specialised profit oriented entity and the
audit of a given specialised profit oriented entity 11
(m) Discuss the differences between the audit of a non-specialised profit oriented entity and the
audit of a given not-for-profit entity 11
(n) Specify and explain the steps necessary to plan, perform and conclude and report on the
audit of the financial statements of a non-specialised profit oriented entity in accordance
with the terms of the engagement including appropriate auditing standards. 7, 11

4 Concluding and reporting on assurance engagements

Candidates will be able to conclude and report on assurance engagements in accordance with the
terms of the engagements and appropriate standards.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
All assurance engagements
(a) Describe the nature and timing of specific procedures designed to identify subsequent
events that may require adjustment or disclosure in relation to the matters being reported
on 12
(b) Evaluate, quantitatively and qualitatively (including use of analytical procedures), the results
and conclusions obtained from assurance tests and procedures 12
(c) Draw conclusions on the ability to report on an assurance engagement which are consistent
with the results of the assurance work 12

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Audit and assurance

(d) Draft suitable extracts for an assurance report (including any report to the management
issued as part of the engagement) in relation to a specified organisation on the basis of given
information, including in the extracts (where appropriate) statements of facts, their potential
effects, and recommendations for action relevant to the needs and nature of the
organisation being reported upon 13
(e) Advise on reports to be issued to those responsible for governance in accordance with
International Standards in Auditing, legislation, regulation and codes of corporate
governance 13
(f) Judge when to refer reporting matters for specialist help 12
Audit engagements
(g) Draw conclusions on the ability to report on an audit engagement, including the opinion for
a statutory audit, which are consistent with the results of the audit work 12
(h) Explain the elements (both explicit and implicit) of the auditor’
s report issued in accordance
with the International Standards on Auditing and statutory requirements and recommend
the nature of an audit opinion to be given in such a report 13
(i) Draft suitable extracts for an audit report (including any report to the management issued
as part of the engagement) in relation to a specified organisation on the basis of given
information, including in the extracts (where appropriate) statements of facts, their potential
effects, and recommendations for action relevant to the needs and nature of the
organisation being reported upon. 13

6.1 Technical knowledge

The tables contained in this section show the technical knowledge covered in the CA syllabus by module.
The level of knowledge required in the relevant Professional Stage module and at the Advanced Stage is
The knowledge levels are defined as follows:
Level D
An awareness of the scope of the standard.
Level C
A general knowledge with a basic understanding of the subject matter and training in its application
sufficient to identify significant issues and evaluate their potential implications or impact.
Level B
A working knowledge with a broad understanding of the subject matter and a level of experience in the
application thereof sufficient to apply the subject matter in straightforward circumstances.
Level A
A thorough knowledge with a solid understanding of the subject matter and experience in the application
thereof sufficient to exercise reasonable professional judgement in the application of the subject matter in
those circumstances generally encountered by Chartered Accountants.
Key to other symbols:
 the knowledge level reached is assumed to be continued

xviii © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Advanced stage

Audit and

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board C

The Authority Attaching to Standards Issued by the International Auditing and A
Assurance Standards Board
The Authority Attaching to Practice Statements Issued by the International A
Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
Discussion Papers C
Working Procedures C

Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSAs)

200 Objective and General Principles Governing an Audit of Financial B A 
210 Terms of Audit Engagements B 
220 Quality Control for Audit Work B 
230 Documentation B A
240 The Auditor's Responsibility to Consider Fraud and Error in an Audit of B A
Financial Statements
250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements B A
260 Communication of Audit Matters with Those Charged with Governance B A
300 Planning an Audit of Financial Statements B A 
315 Understanding the Entity and its Environment and Assessing the Risk of C A 
Material Misstatement
320 Audit Materiality C A 
330 The Auditor's Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks B A
402 Audit Consideration Relating to Entities Using Service Organisations C C
500 Audit Evidence B A 
501 Audit Evidence - Additional Considerations for Specific Items A 
505 External Confirmations B B A
510 Initial Engagements Opening Balances B A
520 Analytical Procedures C C A
530 Audit Sampling and Other Means of Testing C C A
540 Audit of Accounting Estimates C C A
545 Auditing Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures A
550 Related Parties B A

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Audit and assurance


Advanced stage

Audit and

560 Subsequent Events B A

570 Going Concern A 
580 Management Representations C B A
600 Using the Work of Another Auditor C A
610 Considering the Work of Internal Auditing C A
620 Using the Work of an Expert C A
700 The Auditor’
s Report on Financial Statements B A 
701 Modifications to the Independent Auditor’
s Report B 
710 Comparatives B A
720 Other Information in Documents Containing Audited Financial Statements B A
800 The Auditor’
s Report on Special Purpose Audit Engagements B

Bangladesh Auditing Practice Statements (IAPS)

1000 Inter-bank Confirmation Procedures D
1004 The Relationship Between Banking Supervisors and Banks’External D
1005 The Special Considerations in the Audit of Small Entities A
1006 Audits of the Financial Statements of Banks D
1010 The Consideration of Environmental Matters in the Audit of Financial A
1012 Auditing Derivative Financial Instruments B
1013 Electronic Commerce: Effect on the Audit of Financial Statements A
1014 Reporting by Auditors on Compliance with International Financial A
Reporting Standards

International Standards on Review Engagements (ISREs)

2400 Engagements to Review Financial Statements B

International Standards on Assurance Engagements

3000R Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical C B
Financial Information
3400 The Examination of Prospective Financial Information B

xx © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009



Advanced stage

Audit and

International Standards on Related Services (ISRSs)

4400 Engagements to Perform Agreed-upon Procedures Regarding Financial B
4410 Engagements to Compile Financial Information B

IFAC Statements
IPPS1 Assuring the Quality of Professional Services C B
BSQC1 Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of C B
Historical Financial Information, and Other Assurance and Related
Services Engagements
Candidates will also be required to apply the additional requirements set out in BSAs in respect of the
standards above.

Ethics Codes and Standards

Ethics Codes and Standards Level Professional Stage modules

IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional A Assurance

Accountants (parts A, B and C) Business and Finance
ICAB Code of Ethics A Audit and Assurance
(section 1.2 of the members handbook) Business Strategy
Financial Reporting
IFAC Ethical Standards 1-5 A Assurance
Provisions Available to Small Entities Audit and Assurance

7 Skills assessment guide

7.1 Introduction
As a Chartered Accountant in the business world, you will require the knowledge and skills to interpret
financial and other numerical and business data, and communicate the underlying issues to your clients. In a
similar way to the required knowledge, the CA syllabus has been designed to develop your professional
skills in a progressive manner. These skills are broadly categorised as:
 Assimilating and using information
 Structuring problems and solutions
 Applying judgement
 Drawing conclusions and making recommendations

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 xxi
Audit and assurance

7.2 Assessing your professional skills

Set out below is a pictorial representation of the different mix of knowledge and skills that will be assessed
in the examinations that comprise the CA qualification.

Initial Professional
Technical Knowledge




BA Case Study
PS - K


In the seven Knowledge Modules of the Professional Stage, you will have experienced a limited amount of
skills assessment, generally 'Assimilating and using information'. Most of the questions were set in a context
that required you to identify the piece of knowledge that was being assessed. In the Application Modules of
the Professional Stage, the context of the examination will be simple business situations, from which you
will be required to determine the relevant information to answer the questions.
To be successful in the Audit and Assurance examination, you will need a strong core of subject knowledge
and a good understanding of how this knowledge should be applied in simple situations. You will be
expected to apply your judgement to determine the relevance and importance of the different information
provided and to recommend suitable courses of action.

7.3 Assessment grids

The following pages set out the learning outcomes for Audit and Assurance that are addressed under each
of the four skills areas. In addition, for each skills area, there is a description of:
 The specific skills that are assessed
 How these skills are assessed
Using these grids will enable you to determine how the examination paper will be structured and to
consider whether your knowledge of Audit and Assurance is sufficiently strong to enable you to apply it in
the required manner.

xxii © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Learning outcomes Assessed skills How skills are assessed

Assimilating and using information

1d Discuss the purpose of laws,  Reading and understanding Questions will contain
standards etc surrounding subject matter both structured and
assurance work unstructured detail that
 Accessing, evaluating and
1e Explain the standard-setting process candidates have to
managing information provided
in a few defined sources
1f Explain significant current assurance
Requirements will
issues  Operating to a brief in
include demonstrating
structured situations
1g and 1h an understanding of:
Explain how national legislation  Explaining the nature of ethics
 The regulatory,
affects assurance/audit and and its significance in the
professional and
appointment/removal of auditors business environment
ethical issues
1i Explain the principles behind, and  Understanding the public relevant to
harmonisation of, auditing interest and social responsibility accepting, carrying
requirements in different jurisdictions out and managing
 Understanding the importance
1j Describe the principal causes of of contributing to the
audit failure profession
 How quality
2c Discuss the agreement of the scope  Appreciating the ethos and
assurance processes
and terms of an assurance culture of the accountancy
mitigate risks
engagement profession
2e Discuss the principles and purpose  Understanding the role of the
of quality control of assurance professional accountant within
engagements the public interest, practice and
business contexts and the
2g Describe how quality can be
regulatory structure of the
monitored and controlled through
external procedures
 Understanding the importance
2h Discuss how an audit engagement is
of ethical behaviour to a
professional and the reasons for
2i Discuss the issues and risks the adoption of ethical codes by
regarding accepting an audit professions acting in the public
engagement interest
3a Explain the importance of  Understanding of the pressures
understanding the business when on professional ethical
planning an engagement behaviour, including the
interaction between
3h Discuss the benefits and limitations
professional ethics and the law
of analytical procedures at the
and other value systems
planning stage
3k Outline relevant aspects of
employment and social security law
3l and 3m
Discuss the differences between the
audits of non-specialised profit
oriented, specialised profit oriented
and not-for-profit entities
4a Describe the procedures designed
to identify subsequent events
4h Explain the elements of the
auditor’s report issued

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 xxiii
Audit and assurance

Learning outcomes Assessed skills How skills are assessed

Structuring problems and solutions

1a Identify professional and ethical  Understanding data and Requirements will
issues that may arise during an information given: identifying include planning
assurance engagement and understanding issues arising assurance engagements
2a and 2j in straight-forward scenarios in accordance with the
terms of engagement
Identify the legal etc considerations  Using the data and information
and appropriate
that must be considered before given: understanding
standards, taking
accepting an assurance or audit requirements, analysing data
account of:
engagement and information to support
requirement  Managing assurance
2b Identify the sources of liability and audit
arising from an assurance  Drawing upon technical and
engagement professional knowledge learnt
to analyse issues  Reliance on controls
2f Demonstrate how the assurance
function can be monitored through  Understanding the workings of,  Reliance on the
review procedures and controls within, an work of internal
organisational framework audit or other
3b Identify ways of gaining knowledge experts
and understanding of a client’
s  Applying knowledge from
business different technical areas:  Reliance on the
analysing problems that work of another
3c Identify the risks relating to a set of combine technical skills in a auditor
business processes and assess their single disciplinary environment
implications  Extent of tests of
 Using new concepts: evaluating control and of
3d Identify the risks arising from error, new ideas and concepts substantive
fraud and non-compliance with law procedures,
etc  Appreciating the ethical
including analytical
dimensions of situations,
3f and 3j review
problems and proposals
Identify the components of risk  Number, timing,
 Identifying and selecting
staffing and location
3i Determine an approach appropriate appropriate courses of action
of assurance visits
for an engagement for a specified using an ethical framework
organisation which addresses:
 Financial data analysis:
 Possible reliance on controls performing the required
(including those within IT calculations; explaining or
systems) stating the issues
 Possible reliance on the work of  Financial statement analysis:
internal audit or other experts performing the required
analytical process, explaining or
 Possible reliance on the work of
stating the issues
another auditor
 Identifying and explaining the
 Probable extent of tests of
consequence of unethical
control and of substantive
procedures, including analytical
procedures  Identifying and using relevant up
to date content of International
 Nature and extent of client-
and ICAB Code of Ethics
generated information
 Recognising ethical issues
 Probable number, timing, staffing
arising from situations likely to
and location of assurance visits
be encountered by trainee
3n Specify and explain the steps chartered accountants;
necessary to plan and perform an identifying possible courses of
audit action to resolve them

xxiv © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Learning outcomes Assessed skills How skills are assessed

Applying judgement
1c Judge when to raise legal  Applying discrimination: Candidates will be required to identify
and ethical matters with identifying the significant business or audit risks from a
senior colleagues relevant/reasonable in given scenario, explain their impact on
data and evidence; the financial statements, and finally
3e Assess significant business
recognising varying recommend audit procedures to
risks identified
quality in data or mitigate the risk of a material error.
3g Assess the impact of risk evidence Requirements will test the ability of
and materiality on the candidates to filter those issues which
 Relating parts and
engagement plan, including are more relevant than others in a given
wholes: discerning
the nature, timing and scenario.
particular issues as part
extent of assurance
of wholes Candidates' ability to distinguish the
procedures, for a given
quality of data or evidence will be tested
organisation  Demonstrating an
in two potential ways. (i) Candidates will
understanding of
4f Judge when to refer need to distinguish between data
different perspectives
reporting matters for generated from within an organisation
(e.g. social, political,
specialist help and that generated by a third party, the
economic): analysing and
latter being less susceptible to
interpreting problems
management bias; and (ii) candidates will
and situations from a
need to appreciate the effect on the
given stance
quality of evidence that bias caused by
 Change management specific factors can have e.g. where
(appreciating the profits are used to determine a bonus
impacts/effects of payment to be made to the company’ s
change): considering and management.
evaluating the effects of a
Question requirements will include the
given future scenario
need to identify the impact of specific
 Assessing/applying economic and political factors on a set
materiality: of financial statements e.g. in the context
understanding the of dealing with customers or suppliers
concept of materiality from overseas that (i) political instability
may cause problems which prevent the
 Applying a sceptical and
customer or supplier from trading,
critical approach in a
ultimately leading to going concern
given straight-forward
issues for the client; and (ii) economic
factors may cause exchange rate
 Appreciating when more fluctuations leading to the risk of
expert help is required misstated balances in the financial
in a given straight- statements.
forward situation
Candidates will be expected to evaluate
 Exercising ethical the effect of uncertain future events
judgement when describing the procedures to be
performed in carrying out a review of a
 Developing arguments,
company’ s financial forecasts.
having first appreciated
the perspective of all Question requirements will include the
other parties need to assess the materiality of a
particular matter (e.g. an unadjusted
 Conducting critiques:
error) in the context of a set of financial
critically reviewing a
statements. This assessment should then
statement, argument or
inform the candidate’ s judgement as to
whether or not to modify the opinion
given in a statutory audit report.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 xxv
Audit and assurance

Learning outcomes Assessed skills How skills are assessed

Candidates are required to exercise

ethical judgement in a variety of
different scenarios, including:
 Judging the potential independence
risks involved in accepting or
continuing an audit engagement,
and the procedures to mitigate
those risks
 Consideration of the required
steps upon the discovery of
fraud/money laundering
Candidates are expected to display the
ability to present a structured
argument to a client e.g. in situations
where management are questioning
the extent of audit work performed
Drawing conclusions and making recommendations
1a Advise on professional and  Using technical knowledge Requirements will include:
ethical issues to support reasoning and
 Advising on the regulatory,
1b Evaluate the relative professional and ethical issues in
merits of different  Decision making: using carrying out an assurance
professional and ethical relevant quantitative engagement
standpoints approaches in decision
 Concluding and reporting on
2d Formulate the approach assurance engagements
suitable for management  Identifying the best
 Identifying weaknesses in financial
of an assurance explanation, solution or
information systems, their potential
engagement steps against defined
consequences and
criteria in a given straight-
3n Specify and explain the recommendations for improvement
forward situation
steps necessary to
conclude and report on an  Formulating opinions,
audit reservations, advice,
recommendations, plans,
4b Evaluate the results and
solutions, options and
conclusions from
risks including business
assurance tests
implications in a given
4c and 4g straight-forward situation
Draw conclusions on the  Preparing, describing,
ability to report on outlining the advice,
assurance and audit report, notes required in a
engagements given straight-forward
4d and 4i
 Presenting a basic or
Draft suitable extracts for
routine memorandum or
assurance and audit
briefing note in writing in a
clear and concise style
4e Advise on reports to be
 Combining cognitive and
behavioural skills to
communicate to specialists
and non-specialists

xxvi © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009
chapter 1

Reintroduction to
audit and assurance

Examination context
Topic List
1 Assurance defined
2 Audit defined
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 1

Audit and assurance


Learning objectives Tick off

 Revise the concept of assurance from Assurance Paper

 Revise the concept of audit from Assurance Paper

 Understand the specific benefits of an audit

Practical significance
In the recent past, the services provided by accounting practices were mainly restricted to accounts
preparation, audit and tax. Audits were virtually the only assurance engagements in existence and nearly all
companies required an audit. Consequently, most accountants worked on audits at some point in their
More recently there have been developments which have tended to split the “ traditional”view that
assurance firms provide audit and other services in one “
. Factors such as
 The restriction on which companies are legally required to have audits
 Pressure to maintain auditor independence post-Enron, and
 The growth in other types of assurance service being requested from, and offered by, accounting
mean that there are now many more assurance services being carried out and the more general concept of
assurance is a very important issue for practices indeed. Now trainees might train in an assurance
department but never actually attend an audit.

Stop and think

Why is assurance more widely required in the modern world?

Working context
If you are training in practice, you are likely to spend some training time working in an assurance
department and being involved in work on audits or other assurance engagements. If you work in industry,
you might be involved from the other side!

Syllabus links
This chapter revises key concepts from your Assurance paper.

2 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Examination context

Exam requirements
This chapter is revision of what you have previously been examined on in your Assurance paper.
You will need an understanding of what assurance services are, and in particular, audit, brought forward
from your lower level paper to answer any questions at this level.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 3

Audit and assurance

1 Assurance defined

Section overview
 An assurance engagement is one in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance
the degree of confidence of the intended users, other than the responsible party, about the outcome
of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.
 Key elements are: three party involvement, subject matter, suitable criteria, sufficient appropriate
evidence, written report.
 Different levels of assurance may be given in assurance assignments, reasonable and limited.
 An audit is an example of an assurance engagement giving reasonable assurance.

Assurance engagement: An assurance engagement is one in which a practitioner expresses a
conclusion designed to enhance the degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible
party about the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.

Assurance engagements include primarily audits but also other services such as reports on internal control
and review of a business plan.

1.1 The elements

Any assurance engagement needs:
 A responsible party
 A practitioner
 A user of the report
 A subject matter
 Criteria
 Sufficient appropriate evidence to support the conclusion
 A written report containing a conclusion
The engagement will be governed by its terms of engagement (found in an engagement letter).
The engagement will need to be:
 Planned
 Performed
 Concluded upon
 Reported on

1.2 Levels of assurance

Remember that in accordance with the International Framework there are two types of assurance
 Reasonable assurance engagements, which result in a positive expression of opinion and where the
level of assurance given is deemed to be high, and
 Limited assurance engagements, which result in negative assurance and where the level of assurance
given is deemed to be moderate.
Engagements could be either type, and this would need to be specified in the terms of engagement.

4 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


So for a report on the effectiveness of management's system of internal control, it might be agreed that the
report should read:
'In our opinion management has operated an effective system of internal control' –a positive form of
opinion deriving from a reasonable assurance engagement
'Nothing has come to our attention that indicates material internal control weakness' –a negative form of
assurance deriving from a limited assurance engagement.
No report on an assurance engagement can ever provide absolute assurance, because of the nature of the
evidence available.

Assurance type Assurance level Opinion/conclusion Example

Reasonable High Positive Audit

Limited Moderate Negative Review of a business plan

1.3 Benefits of assurance

A key feature of assurance services is that they are provided by independent professionals who therefore
give an objective, unbiased opinion. They give the following benefits to users:
 Enhances the credibility of the information being reported on
 Reduces the risk of management bias, error or even fraud in the information being reported on
 Draws the attention of the user to any deficiencies in the information being reported on
Assurance services also give added credibility to the wider share market:
 They ensure that high quality, reliable information circulates in the market
 They give investors added faith in the market
 They improve the reputation of organisations trading in the market

Worked example: Assurance engagement

Predator Ltd, a large listed company, is considering taking over Target Ltd, a small, family owned company.
Predator has asked Talbot and Co, chartered accountants, to carry out due diligence in relation to this
prospective purchase. They want them to review the financial statements of the last three years and ensure
that they were prepared under BFRS/BAS. They also want them to review the budgets for the coming 12
months and ensure that they are reasonably and internally consistent.
You can see the elements of the assurance service as these:
 Practitioner: Talbot and Co
 Responsible party: Target Ltd management
 Users: Predator Ltd management
 Subject matter: Financial statements/budgets
 Criteria: BFRS/BAS/reasonable and internally consistent
Talbot and Co will plan and carry out work to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to support their
assurance opinion, which will be given in a written report.
The benefits of this service to Predator Ltd are that:
 They are given assurance that the financial statements are in line with BFRS/BAS and therefore are
understandable and comparable with other companies they might be considering for takeover.
 They are given assurance that the budgets are reasonable and internally consistent and therefore can
be trusted as an indicator of the company’
s future operating ability.
 They can therefore make an informed decision about whether to buy Target and for how much.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 5

Audit and assurance

Interactive question 1: Benefits of assurance [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

During the night of 7 June 20X3 strong gales caused the brick chimney of the factory to crash through the
roof of Hancock Ltd’ s assembly area. Production was severely disrupted for a period of two months.
In addition to claiming from its insurers for the cost of repairing the premises and for the equipment and
inventories destroyed in the accident, the company is also including a considerable claim under the loss of
profits provision of its policy. The directors have prepared detailed calculations of the loss of profit and
have requested the company’ s auditors to review this claim and provide an assurance report which they will
submit with it to the insurers.
What advantages would the directors expect to gain from having this report?
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2 Audit defined

Section overview
 An audit is still a key example of an assurance service in Bangladesh, where all registered companies
are required to have audits by law.
 An audit is an exercise designed to enable an auditor to express an opinion whether the financial
statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting
 An auditor usually expresses a conclusion as to whether the financial statements 'give a true and fair
 The benefits of audit are much the same as the benefit of assurance services generally. Users of
financial statements subject to an audit are given assurance that the financial statements meet legal
requirements as well as accounting ones.

Audit of financial statements: The objective of an audit of financial statements is to enable the
auditor to express an opinion as to whether the financial statements are prepared, in all material respects,
in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework. The form the audit conclusion takes is that
auditors state whether the financial statements give a true and fair view. This is an expression of reasonable

Worked example: How audit is an assurance engagement

The key criteria of an assurance engagement can be seen in an audit as follows.
(1) Three party involvement
 The shareholders (users)
 The board of directors (the responsible party)
 The audit firm (the practitioner)
(2) Subject matter
The financial statements

6 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


(3) Relevant criteria

Law and accounting standards
(4) Evidence
The auditor is required by Bangladesh standards on auditing (BSAs) to obtain sufficient and appropriate
evidence to support the audit opinion.
(5) Written report in a suitable form
As required by BSA 700 the audit report is a written report issued in a prescribed form.

2.1 The benefits of being audited

The case for the audit for those companies where it is not required by statute usually revolves around the
protection of those who, apart from management, nevertheless have a financial interest in the company.
 Banks and other providers of finance
 Minority shareholders
 Partners
 Donor agencies for NGOs

In a White Paper, the UK Department of Trade and Industry made the very valid point that if the purpose
of the audit was to protect shareholders who are not involved with managing the business and the vast
majority of smaller companies were owner managed, what purpose did the audit serve for those
Many would argue (and the auditors of smaller companies have found this to be true) that, in many cases,
the audit is valued by management because:
 They value having their business scrutinised by another set of professional eyes
 It provides additional assurance to third parties such as taxation authorities concerning the reliability
of the financial statements
 A growing business will one day require an audit
 Audit may have subsidiary benefits, such as the auditors recommending improvements in company

Interactive question 2: Review and audit compared [Difficulty level: Exam standard]
The directors of Connelly Ltd are concerned about the reliability and usefulness of the monthly financial
management information that they receive.
As a result, the company’s auditors have been engaged to review the system and the information it
generates, and to report their conclusions.
Contrast this assignment with the statutory audit of the company’
s financial statements with regard to the
scope of the assignment and to the report issued.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 7

Audit and assurance

Interactive question 3: Benefits of an audit [Difficulty level: Easy]

Acrylics Ltd was established in June 20X0 to produce acrylic products which are used as display units in the
retail industry. The shares are owned equally by two executive and two non-executive directors.
The company’ s revenue increased steadily over the first two years of trading. The results for the first year
of trading indicated an operating profit margin of 15%, and the management accounts for the second year of
trading indicate that this has increased to 18%. The directors are currently negotiating a contract worth
CU600,000 to supply a major retailer which has over 100 outlets throughout the country. The company
will require an increased overdraft facility to fulfil the order.
The finance director of Acrylics Ltd has prepared a business plan for submission to the company’ s bankers
in support of a request for a larger overdraft facility. The plan includes details of the company’
s products,
management, markets, method of operation and financial information. The financial information includes
profit and cash flow forecasts for the six months ending 31 December 20X2, together with details of the
assumptions on which the forecasts are based and the accounting policies used in compiling the profit
forecast. The company’ s bankers require this financial information to be reviewed and reported on by
independent accountants.
The company was required by its bankers to have an audit of its financial statements for the year ended 30
June 20X1. Your firm conducted this audit in accordance with auditing standards and issued an unqualified
(a) Describe the benefits, in addition to continuance of its overdraft facility, to the company and its
directors and shareholders from having an audit of its annual financial statements.
(b) Explain how and why the level of assurance provided by a report on profit and cash flow forecasts
differs from the level of assurance provided by an audit report on annual financial statements.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

8 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Summary and Self-test


Audits conducted
under Companies
Act 1994

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 9

Audit and assurance

Answer the following questions.
1 Define an assurance engagement.
2 Any assurance engagement requires which of the following elements?
A A user
B A responsible party
C A subject matter
D Criteria
3 In a reasonable assurance engagement, a negative conclusion is drawn.

4 An audit is a limited assurance engagement.

5 Which of the following is not a potential benefit of having an audit?
A Management may value having their business scrutinised by a set of professional eyes
B Assurance may be given to parties other than management who have a financial interest in the
C An audit is likely to be required in the near future by a growing company
D Fraud will be uncovered by the auditors
Exam-style question
6 Treetops Ltd
Your firm acts as external auditor for Treetops Ltd, a company whose principal business activity is the
manufacture and export of hammocks.
The company’ s managing director has also requested a meeting with you. He has recently discovered
that his purchase ledger clerk has diverted CU10,000 of company funds into his own bank account.
The managing director wants to know why this was not discovered during the course of your audit for
the year ended 29 February 20X4. The company’ s retained profit for that year was CU350,000.
(a) Briefly describe the advantages to the directors and shareholders of Treetops Ltd of continuing
to have a full audit under the Companies Act 1994.
(4 marks)
(b) Provide examples of four other types of assurance engagement where the scope of the work is
agreed between the assurance firm and the company. For each engagement identified, briefly set
out the nature of the assurance given in the accompanying report and, where applicable, identify
potential users of the report other than the company’s management. (8 marks)

Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

10 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Technical reference

1 Assurance defined BSA 200.8 (generic reference for

audit/assurance engagements)

2 Audit defined BSA 200.2

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 11

Audit and assurance

Answers to Self-test

1 An assurance engagement is one in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance

the degree of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of
the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria.
2 All of the elements listed are required, as well as a practitioner and sufficient and appropriate
evidence, leading to a written expression of opinion.
3 False. A positive opinion is given in a reasonable assurance engagement.
4 False. It is a reasonable assurance engagement.
5 D –although an audit may act as a deterrent to fraud, it does not certify that one has not occurred.
We shall look at the responsibilities of auditors in relation to fraud in the next chapter.
Exam-style question
6 Treetops Ltd
(a) Benefits of audit
 The credibility of financial information would be enhanced.
 Enhances the value of accounts for business valuation purposes in the event of a sale.
 Authorities such as National Board of Revenue (NBR) can have more faith in the figures.
 Avoids the future cost of extra work by the auditor when audit exemption limits are
 Avoids a potential future qualification over the opening inventory figure.
 Makes it easier to raise finance.
 May act as a deterrent to fraud/management abusing assets/reduce risk of management bias.
 More reliable information results in more informed decisions.
 Provides management/shareholders with assurance that the financial statements are true
and fair/prepared in accordance with accounting standards.
 By-products of the audit such as identification of weaknesses and recommendations should
reduce risk and improve performance (management letter).
 Imposes discipline on management and accounts staff if they know that the figures will be
subject to third party scrutiny, and therefore encourages best practice.
 Gives management comfort that they are complying with their professional
responsibilities/the accounts comply with the Companies Act.
(b) Four other types of assurance engagement
Fraud investigation
The conclusion/assurance will be based on the extent of the work carried out.
The report will
 Identify likely causes of fraud
 Attempt to quantify the level of fraud.
Potential users would be
 Legal experts in a court case
 The Police
 Internal or external auditors.

12 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Working capital reports/reports on inventory and trade receivables recoverability

The report will state whether
 Trade receivables are likely to be received
 Inventory can be sold profitably in the near future.
Potential users would be
 Potential buyers
 Investors
 Banks
 Internal or external auditors
Internal control reports
Such a report would
 Comment on the effectiveness of internal controls and highlight weaknesses
 Make suggestions for the improvement of controls.
Potential users would be
 Regulatory bodies
 Shareholders
 Internal or external auditors.
Reports on business plans/cash flow forecasts
The assurance given would be negative/limited/moderate, i.e. “
Nothing has come to our
The report would state whether
 The business plan/forecasts have been prepared in line with stated assumptions
 Nothing has come to light to indicate that the assumptions are not a reasonable basis for
the plan
 The accounting policies used are consistent with the annual accounts
 The plan is consistent with the past performance of the company.
Potential users would be
 Bankers
 Other lenders
 External auditors.
Tutorial note
Additional credit was given for mentioning the following alternative engagements (½ mark for each, up
to a maximum of 2 in total for all types of engagement identified).
 Value for money studies
 Environmental audit
 Circulation reports
 Cost/benefit reports
 Due diligence
 Branch audit
 Review of specific business activities
 Internal audit
 Report on website security

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 13

Audit and assurance

Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Advantages of report regarding loss of profits
 Independent opinion from external source
 Enhanced credibility of compilation of claim
 Confirmation that data subjected to review and examination
 Comfort to insurers that risk of inflated claim reduced
 Could accelerate processing of claim

Answer to Interactive question 2


This assignment Statutory audit

 Agree between parties  In accordance with Companies Act 1994

 Restricted to instructions  In accordance with audit regulations
 In accordance with BSAs


This assignment Statutory audit

 Addressed to board  Addressed to members

 Format wholly discretionary  On true and fair view
 Private report  Format prescribed
 Report in public domain

Answer to Interactive question 3

(a) Benefits, additional to continuance of overdraft facility, of having an audit:
 Shareholders who are not involved in the day-to-day management of the company (non-
executives) will have assurance that their interests are protected (i.e. company assets are not
 Financial information is likely to be more reliable, resulting in more informed decisions.
 An audit improves a company’
s governance –management benefits from:
– Assurance that they are complying with their statutory responsibilities (including the
prevention and detection of fraud, as the audit may act as a deterrent)
– By-products of the audit, such as the identification of weaknesses and recommendations for
– Reducing risks and improving performance.
 An audit imposes financial discipline which is useful for growing companies.
 It may be easier to obtain credit, as suppliers and credit rating agencies regard the additional
assurance provided by an audit important.

14 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


(b) How and why the level of assurance provided by a report on profit and cash flow forecasts differs
from the level of assurance provided by an audit report on annual financial statements.
 An audit conducted in accordance with auditing standards provides a high level of assurance
which is reasonable but not absolute.
 The delay between the balance sheet date and the date of the audit report means that even items
such as provisions/estimates can often be substantiated.
 A review of forecasts is only likely to provide a moderate level of assurance.
 This is because financial statements are based on historical information, and forecasts are based
on assumptions which are subject to uncertainty.

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chapter 2



Examination context
Topic List
1 Management responsibilities
2 Assurance providers’responsibilities
3 Error
4 Fraud
5 Compliance with laws and regulations
6 Related parties
7 Money laundering
8 Expectations gap
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Audit and assurance


Learning objectives Tick off

 Understand management responsibilities in relation to managing a company
 Understand assurance providers'/auditors' responsibilities, particularly with reference to:
– Fraud and error

– Compliance with laws and regulations

– Related parties

– Money laundering

 Understand the reasons why audits 'fail' and the nature of the expectations gap
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 1a, b, c, d, g, h, j, 3k.

Practical significance
It is clearly important that all parties to an assurance engagement understand their responsibilities. Law and
professional standards imply a number of responsibilities into general assurance services, and particularly
into audits. It is important that all parties understand the nature and extent of these responsibilities, or it
could lead to a breakdown in the relationship between parties.

Stop and think

Why might a lack of understanding result in a breakdown in the relationship?

Working context
The issue of what a professional is responsible for is clearly of vital importance. However, the issues
discussed in this chapter will only be relevant to you in practice if you operate in an assurance department.
Bear in mind, however, if you work elsewhere in practice, that other people in your firm have to consider
these issues, and if they get it wrong, it could impact on you, particularly if you are by then a partner in the
firm. If you work in industry, you need to know your own responsibilities and also be aware of what you
are getting when you buy assurance services.

Syllabus links
The issue of responsibilities is usually clarified in an engagement letter, which was introduced in your
Assurance paper.

18 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Examination context

Exam requirements
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Identify and advise upon the professional and ethical issues that may arise during an assurance
 Recognise the professional and ethical issues that might arise during an assurance engagement, explain
the relevance and importance of these issues and evaluate the relative merits of different standpoints
taken in debate.
 Judge when to raise legal and ethical matters arising from assurance work with senior colleagues for
review and possible referral to external parties.
 Discuss the purpose of laws, standards and other requirements surrounding assurance work.
 Explain, using appropriate examples, the main ways in which national legislation affects assurance.
 Explain the main ways in which national legislation affects the scope and nature of the audit (including
the relationship between the law and auditing standards).
 Describe the principal causes of audit failure and their effects and the gap between outcomes delivered
by audit engagements and the expectations of users of audit reports.
 Outline aspects of employment legislation, tax legislation and other local laws which are relevant to
statutory audit.

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Audit and assurance

1 Management responsibilities

Section overview
 Management is responsible for:
– Managing the business so as to achieve company objectives
– Assessing business risks to those objectives being achieved
– Safeguarding the company's assets
– Keeping proper accounting records
– Preparing company financial statements and delivering them to the Registrar
– Ensuring the company complies with applicable laws and regulations
 It is not the responsibility of the auditors of a company to do any of the above.

The approach adopted in this section is to identify the responsibilities which are either defined by BSAs as
being attributable to management, or set out in the Companies Act 1994 as being the responsibilities of the
company's directors.
It follows, therefore, that these duties cannot belong to the auditor or assurance firm.

1.1 Managing the company

First and foremost it is the directors' job to manage the business so that its objectives are achieved. This
may mean producing suitable returns for shareholders or the achievement of other targets.
It also means assessing what business risks face the company and devising the necessary
strategies to deal with them.
Clearly it is not the auditor's responsibility to set these strategies. However, the auditor does need to
understand the risks facing the business and to understand how it will impact on their approach to the audit
or other assurance engagement. We will look at this in more detail in Chapters 9 and 10.

1.2 Directors' responsibilities under the Companies Act 1994

The directors' statutory duties primarily come from the responsibilities laid out in the Companies Act. It is
important that the directors of a company fully understand these, as in some cases there are criminal
consequences for failing to carry them out correctly.
Safeguarding assets
It is the directors who have the legal responsibility for safeguarding the assets of the company. It is
therefore for them to take reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other
To carry out this responsibility they need to implement systems and controls to safeguard the company's
assets and they then need to ensure that the systems and controls operate effectively. Such procedures may
 The safekeeping of documents of title to land and buildings and other assets.
 The setting of authority limits, i.e. the limitation of what any one individual can do without consulting
someone else.
 Implementing other procedures to prevent fraud and reduce the likelihood of error.
We looked at internal control systems in your studies for Assurance.

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Books and records of the company

It is also the directors who are legally responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose
with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company.
This requires records of:
 All cash payments and receipts
 All sales and purchases of goods by the company
 The assets (including non-current assets and inventory) and liabilities of the company
 In case of a company engaged in production, distribution, marketing, transportation, processing,
manufacturing, milling, extraction, and mining activities, such particulars relating to utilization of
material, labour and other items of overhead cost.
The nature of the books and records is not laid down by statute and can take many forms, including manual
books, loose-leaf folders, computer records or even a shoebox full of invoices with an add listing attached.
Preparation and delivery of company financial statements
Company law also places on the directors the obligation to prepare financial statements for each financial
period (usually a year). These statements must give a true and fair view of the affairs of the company at the
end of the accounting period and of the profit or loss of the company for that period.
In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to:
 Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently
 Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent
 Comply with applicable accounting standards
 Prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that
the company will continue in business.
Once the financial statements have been prepared, it is the directors' responsibility to ensure that they,
together with the auditor’ s report, are laid before the members of the company in general meeting and
delivered to the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies within the specified time.

Interactive question 1: Directors' responsibilities [Difficulty level: Easy]

You are finalising the audit of a company. The audit highlights memorandum indicates that the company has
failed to maintain proper books and records. This is because there is no non-current asset register and it
was not possible to draw up a register, as some of the invoices were missing. The director is furious that
the audit firm says this makes it impossible to give an unqualified audit opinion. He says that the audit firm
prepared the accounts and therefore it is simply a matter of the auditors' incompetence.
Explain the directors' responsibilities in relation to the books and records of the company.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

1.3 Compliance with laws and regulations

It is the responsibility of management to ensure that the company complies with the laws and regulations
which have an impact on its operations.
This includes laws and regulations concerning
 Money laundering
 Health and safety
 Public liability
 Employer's liability
 Income tax, VAT and payroll matters

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Following the Enron scandal, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was rapidly passed into US law in 2002. It introduced
a number of measures to attempt to improve the quality of financial reporting, including:
 Having Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Chief Finance Officers (CFOs) attest to the veracity of
the financial statements
 Much greater disclosure of the amendments made to the financial statements during the audit process
Companies have had to review systems to ensure that CEOs and CFOs can make such attestations, as
there are criminal penalties for making them falsely. This has also affected UK subsidiaries of US

2 Assurance providers' responsibilities

Section overview
 The assurance provider is responsible for:
– Carrying out the assurance service in accordance with professional and ethical standards
– Carrying out the assurance service in accordance with the terms of engagement
 In the case of statutory audit, the auditor is, in addition, responsible for:
– Forming an independent opinion on the truth and fairness of the financial statements
– Confirming that the financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the
Companies Act 1994
 While the assurance provider does not bear the management responsibilities outlined above, many of
them will impact strongly on the audit and, in particular, the risk assessment that the assurance
provider carries out.

2.1 General
The responsibility of the external provider of assurance services is determined by:
 The requirements of any legislation or regulation under which the engagement is conducted, and/or
 The terms of engagement for the assignment, which will specify the services to be provided, (you
learnt about engagement letters in your studies for Assurance)
 Ethical and professional standards
 Quality control standards

2.2 Statutory audit

The legal requirements are currently contained in the Companies Act 1994.
In the case of an audit of financial statements under the Companies Act 1994, it is the external auditor's
responsibility to:
 Form an independent opinion on the truth and fairness of the accounts
 Confirm that the financial statements comply with applicable sections of the Companies Act 1994
To achieve these objectives the auditor has to ensure that:
 The audit is planned properly (see Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10)
 Sufficient appropriate audit evidence is gathered (we covered this in detail in Assurance)
 The evidence is properly reviewed and valid conclusions drawn (see Chapter 13).
In accordance with the law and ethical standards the auditor must maintain independence from the client.

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In particular, as stated above, appointment as the Companies Act auditor does not lead to responsibility for
the following matters:
 The design and operation of the accounting systems.
 The maintenance of the accounting records.
 The preparation and accuracy of management information.
 The preparation of the financial statements.
 The identification of every error and deficiency in the accounts and the accounting records.
 The prevention of fraud in a company.
 The detection of immaterial fraud in the company.
 Ensuring that the company has complied with the laws and regulations that are relevant to its business
(except insofar as it affects the financial statements).
All these remain the responsibility of the management of the company; they have the responsibility to
manage and cannot delegate or pass this responsibility on to the external auditor.
Although it is important to know where these responsibilities lie
 Business risks
 Fraud and error
 Non-compliance with laws and regulations
 Accounting policies
all impact on the financial statements to a greater or lesser extent, and
 Systems and controls
impact on the way the auditor conducts the audit.
We shall look at how far auditor responsibilities extend in these areas in the following sections of this

2.3 Non-assurance services

A firm which is engaged by management to provide additional non-statutory and non-assurance services is
only responsible for providing the services specifically negotiated with management. Such engagements do
not result in the firm taking responsibility for any aspects of the company's operations or procedures.
For example, a firm may be engaged to perform services additional to the audit such as:
 Assisting the company with the maintenance of its accounting records
 Assisting the company with preparing management information
 Preparing the financial statements of the company
 Preparing the corporation tax return of the company
The key point is that management retains the overall responsibility for all of these matters; the firm is
employed as a support to management, providing expert assistance.
The principles and rules concerning the provision of non-audit services by the audit firm to its audit clients
are set out in the IFAC Ethical Standards and are dealt with in Chapter 4.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, mentioned above in the context of management responsibilities, also has
provisions which relate directly to auditors. In particular:
 There is stricter enforcement of the auditor independence rules as a result of the Act.
 A Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has been set up to inspect audit files of US
listed and other public interest clients.
PCAOB is entitled to inspect the audit files of major subsidiaries of US listed companies, so US
domestic law can impact overseas where the subsidiary is not US based. Auditors of subsidiaries of US
listed companies must register (for a fee!) with PCAOB and are liable to inspection.

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Audit and assurance

3 Error

Section overview
 Auditors are responsible for detecting material misstatements in the financial statements, some of
which may be caused by error.
 Management are responsible for designing and implementing a system of internal control which is
capable of preventing, or detecting and correcting, errors in the financial records.
 Auditors are required to assess the system of internal control as part of their audit in order to
determine whether to rely on the system of controls or carry out extended tests of details.
 Auditors are required to report to those charged with governance on material weaknesses in
controls which could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarise and report
financial data potentially causing material misstatements in the financial statements.
 Auditors are responsible for giving an opinion whether the financial statements are free from material
misstatement caused by error. This means that they should design procedures that are capable of
detecting errors.
 As we set out in your Assurance manual, the two types of test generally carried out as part of an
audit are tests of control and tests of detail. The more reliance that can be placed on controls
(assessed by testing controls), the fewer tests of details may be carried out.

Internal control: A process designed and effected by those charged with governance, management, and
other personnel to provide reasonable assurance about the achievement of the entity's objectives with
regard to reliability of financial reporting, effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with
applicable laws and regulations. It follows that internal control is designed and implemented to address
identified business risks that threaten the achievement of any of these objectives.
Internal controls are designed in part to prevent errors occurring in financial information, or to detect
errors and correct them.

Worked example: Computer controls

Katie is the receivables ledger clerk for Happy Limited. She enters sales invoices to the ledger in batches.
The computer has a number of inbuilt controls to ensure that Katie does not make mistakes when she is
inputting information.
It has a data range query function so that if Katie enters a figure that exceeds a pre-set limit, it will
automatically prompt her to check she is correct.
It has a data type query function so that if Katie enters a figure where she was supposed to enter a letter, it
will automatically prompt her to check she is correct.
It has several calculation functions, so that if Katie enters an incorrect amount in relation to VAT or invoice
total, or does not enter such a figure, it will automatically prompt her to check she is correct.
It has a batch total calculation, that Katie then compares the total for all the invoices she has entered per
her own calculation to the calculation on the computer, to ensure that all the invoices have been entered.
All these controls operate to ensure that Katie does not enter the wrong amounts in respect of each sales
invoice, which ultimately helps to ensure that the revenue figure in the financial statements does not contain
We discussed the limitations of systems of internal control in your studies for Assurance.

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Interactive question 2: Limitations of internal control [Difficulty level: Easy]

What are some limitations of the controls over the receivables ledger at Happy Ltd, outlined above?
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

Auditor's assessment of internal controls

As we also outlined in your studies for assurance, the auditor is required to assess the system of internal
controls as part of his risk assessment, and determine whether he believes it is capable of preventing or
detecting and correcting errors.
If he determines that it is capable of this, it will affect the way that he carries out his audit, as BSA 315
requires auditors to test controls that they believe should be effective. If testing of controls reveals that the
system is not only capable of preventing or detecting and correcting errors, but it operates efficiently, the
auditor will be able to conclude that the system is strong and the risk of the financial statements containing
errors is reduced. This, in turn, will result in a lower level of tests of details being carried out.
If testing reveals that the controls are weak and might lead to errors existing in the financial statements, the
auditor is required to carry out extended tests of details on those financial statements to ensure that
material errors do not exist in financial statements.
Reporting on internal control weaknesses
BSA 260 Communication of Audit Matters with Those Charged with Governance sets out that auditors should
'consider audit matters of governance interest that arise from the audit of the financial statements and
communicate them with those charged with governance'.
The BSA specifies that material weaknesses in internal control would constitute such a matter. A material
weakness in internal control is a 'deficiency in the design or operation' which could adversely affect the
entity's ability to record, process, summarise and report financial and other relevant data, and could result
in a material misstatement in the financial statements.
In summary then:
 Auditors are responsible for detecting material errors in the financial statements, which they may do
by carrying out tests of control or tests of details.
 Management are responsible for internal control systems capable of preventing or detecting error.
 Auditors are responsible for assessing whether that system is capable of preventing or detecting
 If the material weaknesses are found, auditors are responsible for:
– Reporting these to management
– Carrying out additional tests of details to uncover any potential errors as a result of the

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Audit and assurance

4 Fraud

Section overview
 The auditor is responsible for drawing a conclusion as to whether the financial statements are free
from material misstatement (which can be caused by fraud).
 The auditor's responsibilities with regard to fraud are set out in BSA 240 The Auditor's Responsibility to
Consider Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements and include:
– Assessing risks of material misstatement
– Discussing the susceptibility of the financial statements to material misstatement caused by fraud
 A key issue in relation to discovering material misstatements caused by fraud is professional
 When the auditors become aware of possible non-compliance, they should evaluate the possible
effect on the financial statements and on other audit evidence obtained and need to make reports to

4.1 Definition of fraud

Fraud is a word we normally use to cover a wide range of illegal acts.
For audit purposes, BSA 240, The Auditor's Responsibility to Consider Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements,
identifies two types of risk of misstatement which can arise from fraud:
 Misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting
 Misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets
In order to have a reasonable expectation of detecting fraud or error, auditors should follow the
procedures in BSA 240.

4.2 Responsibilities regarding fraud

BSA 240 sets out management and auditor responsibilities regarding fraud.
Regarding management, the BSA states that the primary responsibility for the prevention and detection of
fraud rests with both those charged with governance of the entity and with management. To fulfil this
responsibility, various actions can be taken including:
 Demonstrating that management follow a culture of honesty and ethical behaviour and communicating
that they expect all employees to adhere to this culture
 Establishing a sound system of internal control
 From the point of view of those charged with governance, ensuring that management implement
policies and procedures to ensure, as far as possible, the orderly and efficient conduct of the
company’ s business.
Regarding the auditor, the BSA states that the auditor must obtain reasonable assurance that the financial
statements, taken as a whole, are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. The
auditor does not therefore offer complete assurance that the financial statements are free from fraud
and/or error as audit testing is not designed to provide this assurance.

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4.3 Risk assessment

Part of an auditor's work must include assessing the risk of a fraud existing. We will consider risk
assessment procedures in more detail in Chapter 9. The appendix to BSA 240 is a very useful document as
it gives examples of the many ways in which risk is affected.
However, it should not be used as a list to be regurgitated in the examination, as risks are always specific to
the client.
BSA 240 sets out that auditors are:
 Entitled to accept representations as truthful and records as genuine, unless there is evidence to the
contrary; but also
 Required to bring professional scepticism (as defined) to the work.
Auditors should also carry out a discussion of the susceptibility of the entity's financial statements to fraud.
This will usually include a consideration of:
 Where the company's system is weak and how management could perpetrate fraud
 The circumstances that could indicate earnings management which could lead to fraudulent financial
 The known internal and external factors that could be an incentive to fraud being carried out
 Management's involvement in overseeing employees with access to cash or other assets which could
be misappropriated
 Any unusual or unexplained changes in behaviour/lifestyle of management or employees
 The need for professional scepticism
 The type of circumstances that could lead to suspicions of fraud
 How unpredictability will be incorporated into the way the audit is carried out
 What audit procedures might be responsive to fraud
 Any allegations of fraud that have been made
 The risk of management override of controls

4.4 Where fraud is suspected

If the auditors identify misstatements which might indicate that fraud has taken place, they should consider
the implications of this for other aspects of the audit, particularly management representations which may
not be trustworthy if fraud is indicated. This may lead to a limitation in the scope of the audit.

4.5 Management representations

Auditors are required to obtain particular written representations from management that management
acknowledges its responsibility to design and implement internal controls to prevent and detect fraud and
that management has disclosed any known or suspected frauds by management, employees with a significant
role in internal control, or any other frauds which might have a material impact on the financial statements
to the auditor.
In addition, management confirm in writing that it has disclosed the results of its own assessment of
whether the financial statements may be materially affected by fraud.

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4.6 Reporting frauds or suspected frauds

The BSA requires that the auditors should discuss suspected or actual fraud with the directors and make
the appropriate reports, as set out below:

MANAGEMENT  If they actually discover fraud

 If they suspect fraud
 If they discover substantial error
 If they think the suspected fraud casts doubt on the integrity of the directors
SHAREHOLDERS  Only if fraud or error causes the financial statements to not give a true and fair
view or there is a fundamental uncertainty –in which case it should be included
in the audit report in the usual way
THIRD PARTIES  If it is in the public interest to report a fraud to the proper authorities and the
directors refuse to do so

Interactive question 3: Fraud [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

During the course of your audit of Slipstream Ltd the credit controller asks for a private interview with
you. During this interview she makes it known that she suspects the chief accountant of misappropriating
company funds received from debtors and altering the books.
What steps would you take to enable you to assess whether the credit controller's suspicions are
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

Interactive question 4: Reporting fraud [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

During the course of the audit you discover that the wages clerk has been defrauding the client through not
deleting leavers from the payroll until two months after departure, and was pocketing the money herself.
What should you do with regard to:
(a) Informing the client?
(b) The audit report?
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4.7 Concluding on fraud

Fraud is a major cost for business and the statutory audit is not designed to identify every fraud in an audit,
merely those with a material effect. However, many users of accounts expect that the audit process should
uncover all instances of fraud in a company. This is a feature of the expectations gap (discussed below in
section 8).
From time to time, the issue of whether auditors' duties should be extended in relation to fraud is
discussed. It can be argued that the auditors have closer contact with an organisation than any other
external advisers and therefore they are in a position to gain a detailed understanding of the organisation
and its systems which should lead to an ability to discover all frauds at an organisation.
However, this argument ignores the inherent limitations of the audit process, which you are aware of from
your earlier studies in Assurance, and also opens up the possibility that audit becomes seen simply as a
fraud investigation and the wider objective of reporting on the financial statements is lost.

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Another key issue is the cost to businesses that this would represent, as the level of testing in a fraud
investigation would be far more detailed than the sample based testing required for the purpose of an audit,
which most businesses would find prohibitive.
It must be concluded that attempts to make auditors more responsible for discovering fraud also miss the
point that management ultimately is responsible for everything within the company, including the prevention
and detection of fraud. Management should not be able to hide behind the auditors when fraud is eventually
discovered or blame the auditors for not discovering the fraud earlier. Implementing and reporting on the
principles of corporate governance is one way to enhance the performance of management in establishing
effective systems, managing the risks to the security of the organisation's assets and promoting high
standards of conduct by all those within the organisation.
Lastly it must be emphasised that this expectation gap with relation to fraud is generally associated with the
statutory audit. If an assurance firm is engaged to carry out a different assurance engagement, or a non-
statutory audit, then the terms of that engagement will be set out between the parties and all parties should
be very clear what the role of the assurance providers in relation to discovering fraud, will be on that
assignment. Bear in mind that the cost of providing a service to uncover frauds might be high and therefore
this might be rare in practice. Of course, in order to close the gap in understanding of what the purpose of
a statutory audit is in relation to fraud, the auditors' responsibilities are set out in the audit engagement
letter. However, this letter is a private matter between the directors and the firm, and therefore this
measure does not tackle the issue that the view is widely held in 'society at large' that auditors should
detect frauds.

5 Compliance with laws and regulations

Section overview
 Management is responsible for ensuring that the company complies with laws and regulations.
 Auditors are responsible for concluding that the financial statements are free from material
misstatements caused by non-compliance with laws and regulations.
 Auditors are required to have a general understanding of the legal and regulatory framework within
which the company operates.

5.1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations

Auditors are interested in two categories of law and regulations:
 Those with a direct impact on the financial statements, for example, the Companies Act
 Those which provide a legal framework within which the company operates
The auditor should obtain an understanding of the legal framework within which the company operates as
part of his understanding of the entity and its environment (discussed in Chapter 8).
Areas of law which affect all businesses will be:
 Employment law. (For example, the auditor should note if work on the payroll appears to indicate that
the company pays employees less than the minimum wage.)
 Income tax & VAT law. (For example, the auditor should ensure that the company appears to be
paying over the correct amounts to NBR in respect of TDS, withholding tax, and payments such as
maternity pay and paternity pay.)
 Health and safety law. (For example, the auditor might notice if a company did not have clear safety
notices on manufacturing premises and did not display clear fire exit and procedures notifications.)

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Audit and assurance

5.2 Risk assessment

As part of their risk assessment procedures, auditors should assess the risk that the company is not
complying with any relevant law or regulation. Risk assessment procedures will be considered in more
detail in Chapter 9.

5.3 Evidence about compliance

The auditor is required by BSA 250 Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements to
obtain evidence about compliance with laws and regulations. It states that the auditors should:
 Make inquiries of management
 Inspect correspondence with relevant licensing or regulatory bodies
 Ask those charged with governance if they are on notice of any non-compliance.
The auditors should obtain written representations that management has disclosed all known instances of
actual or possible non-compliance with laws and regulations.

5.4 Non-compliance suspected

When the auditors suspect non-compliance, they should document findings and discuss them with
management. If the auditors cannot obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about the suspected non-
compliance, this might represent a limitation on the scope of the audit, which will result in the auditors not
being able to give an unqualified opinion. (We shall look at reporting in more detail in Chapter 13.)

5.5 Reporting of non-compliance

The BSA requires that the auditors should communicate discovered instances of non-compliance with laws
and regulations to those charged with governance (the directors) without delay, and make appropriate
reports, as set out below:

MANAGEMENT  If the auditors suspect non-compliance with laws and regulations

 If the suspected non-compliance causes them not to have confidence in the
integrity of the directors
SHAREHOLDERS  Only if non-compliance causes the financial statements to not give a true and
fair view or there is a fundamental uncertainty –in which case it should be
included in the audit report in the usual way (see Chapter 15)
THIRD PARTIES  If there is a statutory duty to report: without undue delay
 If it is in the public interest to report the non-compliance to the proper
authorities and the directors refuse to do so

5.6 Concluding on reporting non-compliance with laws and regulations

Businesses are faced with ever increasing amounts of legislation across all areas of their activities. It is
reasonably asked, 'can auditors be expected to become sufficiently expert on every single regulation that
Many regulations are concerned with matters that are not recorded in accounting systems, for example,
issues relating to employment, health and safety and building planning consents. Auditors already face the
problem of how to get sufficient and appropriate evidence in relation to their very limited responsibilities,
as evidence in this area can be subjective and general. There must be a limit to how much further into the
company's total records auditors should be expected to go.
It is possible that it would be better for companies to have a 'regulations audit' carried out by an industry
insider who genuinely understands the types of regulations with which the business has to comply and how
compliance should occur.

30 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


6 Related parties

Section overview
 Accounting standards require that all transactions with related parties are disclosed.
 Auditors need to consider the risk of there being undisclosed related party transactions.
 The auditors should ask the directors for a list of related parties and watch out for transactions with
those parties during the course of testing.
 Auditors need to carry out specific tests to seek to identify related parties.
 The auditors need to ensure that appropriate disclosures have been made about related party
 Written representations about related parties must be obtained from directors.

6.1 The nature of related party transactions

Transactions with related parties may be carried out on terms which may not be the same as in an arm's
length transaction with an independent third party. The approach adopted in financial reporting standards is
to disclose the relevant amounts and relationships so that the reader of the financial statements can decide
for themselves whether such transactions have led to a manipulation of the financial statements.
Related parties are those people or companies that might have, or be expected to have, an undue influence
on the company being audited. So as examples (but the full list is much longer), the directors and key
management of a company, together with their families, are regarded as related parties of that company, as
are other companies controlled by them, other companies in the same group, and so on.
A director might well be in a position to tell an employee to arrange for the company:
 To sell to the director some goods at a cut down price, or
 To buy from another business owned by the director services at above-normal prices.
Because these transactions may not be at the normal market rate, company law and accounting standards
require all transactions with related parties, even those conducted at the market rate, to be disclosed. The
party that controls the company being audited must also be disclosed in the accounts, even if there are no
transactions between them.
BSA 550 Related Parties details the audit work required in respect of related party transactions. The work
can be split into the three main stages of the audit:
 Planning
 Detailed work
 Review

6.2 The planning stage

The auditor needs to consider the risk of there being undisclosed material related party transactions. This is
an extremely difficult area, because the materiality rule for related party transactions is not just the normal
one. The normal rule judges materiality by reference to the company being audited, whereas material
related party transactions are judged both by that and by reference to the individual related party (which
may be much smaller than the company being audited).

6.3 The detailed testing stage

The auditors should ask the directors, who are, after all, responsible for the proper preparation of the
financial statements (which will include full disclosure of related party transactions), for a list of related
parties and consider if this is complete. The whole audit team should be aware of the list so that they can
keep an eye out for those names when carrying out all of the other audit work needed. For example, an

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entry in the cash book may give an indication of a related party, so it needs to be picked up by the person
auditing cash and bank.
BSA 550 sets out specific procedures that should be carried out:
 Detailed tests of transactions and balances (such as would ordinarily be carried out on audits)
 Reviewing minutes of meetings of shareholders and directors to observe if any related parties or
transactions with them become apparent
 Reviewing records for large or unusual transactions or balances, particularly those recognised near the
end of the reporting period
 Reviewing confirmation of loans receivable and payable and confirmations from banks (which might
indicate guarantor relationships)
 Reviewing investment transactions, for example, when the company has invested in another company
Audit evidence in relation to related parties and transactions with them may be limited and restricted to
representations from management. Due to this, the auditor should try carry out procedures such as:
 Discussing the purpose of the transactions with management/directors
 Confirming the terms and amount of the transaction with the related party
 Inspecting information in the possession of the related party
 Corroborating the explanation of the transactions with the related party
 Obtaining information from an unrelated third party if possible
 Confirming information with persons associated with the transaction, such as banks, solicitors,
guarantors and agents.
Where related party transactions are found the auditor checks that the appropriate disclosures are made in
the accounts. Remember that all transactions with related parties need to be disclosed, even if they are at a
normal market rate. However, any disclosures should include information that is needed for a proper
understanding of the transaction and this would, of course, include whether the transaction was or was not
at a market rate.

6.4 The review stage

Written representations should always be requested from directors, who are in the best position to know
the identities of related parties. The auditor then reviews the accounts, together with the audit evidence
available, in order to reach a conclusion on the appropriate audit opinion.

Interactive question 5: Related party transactions [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

The training partner in your office is aware that you have covered BSA 550 Related Parties in your
Professional Stage studies. He has asked you to help him prepare for a training session he is about to give.
Prepare notes for a training session for junior staff on how to identify related party transactions. Your notes
should include
(a) A list of possible features which would lead you to investigate a particular transaction to determine
whether it is in fact a related party transaction.
(b) A summary of the general audit procedures you would perform to ensure that all material related
party transactions have been identified.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

32 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


7 Money laundering

Section overview
 Money laundering is defined as a wide range of activities in relation to criminal property, including
using, acquiring, concealing and removing from the country.

7.1 What is money laundering?

The purpose of money laundering is to:
 Disguise the origins of funds derived from illicit sources, and
 Enable illicit funds to be used by those who control them.
As you know from your law studies, the definition of money laundering has been expanded to include:
 Using
 Acquiring
 Retaining
 Controlling
 Concealing
 Disguising
 Converting
 Transferring
 Removing from the country
Criminal property is also rather widely defined as the benefits of criminal conduct.

7.2 Your responsibilities

The duty to report
If an auditor finds any transaction of source of fund, income and expenses which is not properly
substantiated, the auditor should report the item into the audit report and if necessary, into the letter of
weaknesses to management.

8 Expectations gap

Section overview
 The expectations gap is the gap between the expectations of users of assurance reports and the firm's
responsibilities in respect of those reports.
 There are a variety of misunderstandings about the nature of assurance work.
 The expectations gap has been narrowed by:
– Improving the required audit report
– Inserting paragraphs relating to directors'/auditors' responsibilities in the engagement letter
– The role of audit committees, which liaise with auditors

8.1 What is the expectations gap?

This so-called 'gap' is between the expectations of users of assurance reports, particularly of audit reports
under the Companies Act, and the firm's legal responsibilities. For example, users of the financial statements

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may well expect that an assurance engagement involves the checking of every single transaction, while the
firm judges that checks on a test basis are sufficient.
This is further compounded by confusion over the meaning of the report that the auditor gives. The
misunderstandings made by lay users of financial statements can be summarised as follows:
 Many believe that responsibility for preparing financial statements lies with the auditor, rather than
with management.
 It is widely believed by the general public that the auditor's principal duty is to detect fraud, when in
fact the duty is to make a report as to whether or not the financial statements are materially
misstated, irrespective of whether such misstatement arises as a result of fraud.
 In most cases the users of the financial statements will also have little perception of the concept of
materiality and believe that the auditors check all the transactions that the company undertakes.
 The public generally perceives that an audit report attached to the financial statements means that
they are 'correct', rather than just meaning that there is reasonable assurance that they give a true and
fair view.

8.2 Narrowing the expectations gap

Various steps have been taken to try to reduce the expectations gap.
Expanding the audit report
The content of the Companies Act audit report has been expanded to:
 Set out responsibilities of auditors and directors
 Explain how an audit is conducted:
– On a test basis, which implies sampling
– By assessing significant estimates and judgements
– So as to give reasonable assurance on the financial statements
– So as to detect material misstatements –in relation to fraud, error or any other irregularity
In the case of listed companies the report has been expanded further to explain to the users of the financial
statements that the auditors review statements made by the company about its corporate governance
procedures, and consider other information included with the financial statements to ensure it is consistent.
Engagement letter
When the firm issues an engagement letter, the letter includes a paragraph reminding the directors of their
responsibilities and setting out the firm's responsibilities. Additional detail on the engagement letter can be
found in Chapter 6.
Directors' responsibilities
The reporting requirement was extended by the guidance on the preparation of audit reports, to include a
statement of the directors' responsibilities. This serves to make the respective responsibilities of
management and auditors clearer to the users of the financial statements.
Audit committees
Various statements on the principles of corporate governance developed for listed companies have
recommended that companies should establish an audit committee of the board to liaise with and receive
reports from both external and internal auditors. (Internal auditors are people who work for a company
and help the directors to ensure that accounts are properly kept and business risks are minimised. 'External
auditors' is the phrase used to describe those involved in the independent Companies Act audit.) The
existence of an audit committee serves as a reminder of the division of responsibilities between auditors
and management. The disclosures made in the company's annual report about its corporate governance
practices should include comments about the operations of its audit committee.

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8.3 So why do things still go wrong?

Sometimes companies fail. Sometimes people commit fraud. Sometimes people make genuine mistakes
when financial statements are being prepared.
These events are never the fault of the auditor –although as we have seen, the expectations gap means that
the users of financial statements do not necessarily understand this.
Sometimes –and these tend to be the most difficult cases –events like this occur, the auditors do not
detect them, but no audit failure takes place.
How can this be?
 The effect is immaterial, or
 The accounts, in spite of the event taking place, still give a true and fair view, or
 The auditor's procedures were properly planned, executed and documented but the event could not
be detected for some reason, perhaps a carefully executed fraud or a sudden, cataclysmic change
leading to the company's collapse
the auditors may not be at fault.
Nevertheless, corporate collapses do happen and the auditors are found to have been negligent in some
way. Clearly, in these cases, something must have gone wrong in:
 Planning the audit
 Performing the audit
 Drawing conclusions from the work done
These failures can usually be traced to one of four main causes:
 The failure to assess audit risk properly
 The failure to respond appropriately to audit risk
 The failure to recognise and respond to situations where the auditor's objectivity is threatened
 The failure to recognise and respond to situations beyond the auditor's area of competence

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Summary and Self-test


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Answer the following questions.
1 Which one is management not responsible for?

The safeguarding of company assets

Keeping proper accounting records
Preparing financial statements
Auditing financial statements
2 Auditors have a duty to detect frauds which have a material impact on the financial statements.

3 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires CEOs to certify that the accounts are true.

4 Which two of the following are auditors not necessarily required to do?
A Assess the risk of fraud causing material misstatement in the financial statements
B Discuss the risk of fraud causing material misstatement in the financial statements
C Detect instances where fraud has caused a material misstatement in the financial statements
D Report material misstatements caused by fraud to the police
5 Auditors may be required to report instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations to which of
the following?

Regulatory authorities
6 Management are responsible for making appropriate disclosures concerning related parties in the
financial statements.

7 Where related party transactions are found the auditor checks that appropriate disclosures regarding
all transactions with related parties are made, even if they are at a normal market rate. However, any
disclosures should include information that is needed for a proper understanding of the transaction
and this would include whether the transaction was or was not at a market rate.

8 Which of the following is not a measure designed to close the expectations gap?
A Auditors required to attend company board meetings
B More detailed engagement letter sent to audit clients
C Audit report format revised and extended
D Statement of directors' responsibilities included in the financial statements
Exam-style questions
9 Your firm is the auditor of Alpha Ltd ('Alpha'). The managing director of Alpha discovered that the
assistant accountant had used company cheques and bank transfers fraudulently to pay his own
personal expenses. The expenditure was reported as company expenses in the income statement.
Although the amounts involved are immaterial in the context of the financial statements, it transpired

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that this had been going on for several years. The managing director has expressed concern that your
firm did not discover this fraud and has requested a meeting to discuss this matter.
Using Alpha’ s fraud as an example, compare and contrast the responsibilities of the auditors in respect
of fraud with the expectation of the managing director of Alpha. (3 marks)
10 If brought to their attention, auditors should consider the implications of any breaches by their clients
of employment legislation, tax legislation and other local laws.
Outline the consequences of not considering the implications and provide examples of such breaches.
(4 marks)
11 You are the auditor of a company with numerous branches spread throughout the United Kingdom.
Revenue for the year ended 31 December 20X1 was CU25 million, profit before tax was CU1,500,000
and net assets were CU9,500,000. Your audit report was signed in March 20X2 without qualification.
Your report to management after the audit pointed out that internal controls were weak at the
branches due to the small number of staff.
You have been telephoned by the finance director, Ray Gosling, and told that the sales ledger clerk at
the Goose Green branch had been caught 'teeming and lading'. His investigations so far show that
during the year to 31 December 20X1 the sales ledger clerk had diverted CU50,000 of receipts from
customers to his own bank account. Ray has asked you to attend a meeting with him to discuss the
matter. He is particularly concerned as to why the fraud was not discovered during the course of the
audit and what the effect on the accounts might be.
At 31 December 20X1 the Goose Green branch had net assets of CU400,000. For the year ended on
that date the branch had revenue of CU1,000,000 and made a small loss.
Your re-examination of your audit working papers shows that your staff had visited the Goose Green
branch, that no grounds for suspicion arose during the audit and that appropriate audit procedures
were carried out.
(a) Prepare notes to guide you in your discussions with the finance director. (6 marks)
(b) Following the meeting the finance director has asked you to carry out additional assurance work
to establish the extent of the fraud. Outline the main areas to which you would direct your
attention in order to establish the extent of the fraud and the loss to the company and state why
you would consider those areas. (6 marks)
(12 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

38 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Technical reference

1 Management responsibilities Companies Act 1994

2 Assurance provider’
s responsibilities Companies Act 1994 s.213

(Companies Act 1994 s.217)

3 Error BSA 260.11

4 Fraud BSA 240.3, 93, 99

(main references)

5 Compliance with laws and regulations BSA 250.2

6 Related parties BSA 550.2

7 Expectations gap n/a

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 39

Audit and assurance

Answers to Self-test

1 Auditing financial statements.

2 True, as auditors are giving an opinion whether the financial statements are free from material
misstatements, they should plan and perform procedures designed to discover material misstatements
even if they result from a fraud.
3 True.
4 C –detect fraud causing a material misstatement –auditors are required to plan in a manner that tries
to uncover material misstatement caused by fraud, but as fraud is by its nature concealed, they might
not necessarily uncover it. D –report fraud to the police. They are required to report to directors,
but may be precluded from reporting outside the entity by their duty of professional confidence.
5 All of them, although again, in the case of reporting outside of the organisation, the auditor must take
care not to breach his duty of professional confidence.
6 True.
7 True.
8 A –and in fact, this could be a breach of the auditor's professional duties if the auditor attended in a
management capacity for example.

Exam-style questions
9 Auditor's responsibilities
 To identify material misstatements in the financial statements
 Plan, perform and evaluate work in order to have a reasonable expectation of detecting material
misstatement in the financial statements
 No obligation to prevent fraud although it may act as a deterrent
MD's perception
 Auditor responsible for ALL fraud
 Lacks an understanding of materiality
 Directors often rely on auditors for monitoring they should undertake themselves
 Fraud was not material to Alpha financial statements and consequently not auditor’
s responsibility

10 Failure to comply may result in penalties/fines requiring provision or disclosure

Serious breaches may have going concern implications (closure, inability to pay fines)
May be indicative of poor control environment
Working time directives
Health and safety at work regulations
Withholding tax & TDS compliance
Compliance with the building code

40 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


11 (a) Notes for meeting re fraud

Before meeting
 Check terms of engagement letter. Were there any special duties agreed with client
(specifically, any extra work on branch audits)?
 Schedule responses to this letter from the client.
 Check that the letter contained the usual paragraph re purpose of audit procedures.
Why fraud not discovered
 Remind Ray that the prevention and detection of errors and fraud are primarily the
responsibility of management.
 The purpose of audit procedures is not to discover errors and fraud, but to enable the
auditor to form his opinion on the financial statements: reasonable expectation of
discovering error and fraud.
 Weaknesses were pointed out in the last management letter, covering all branches of similar
size, together with suggestions for improvement.
 Discuss management’
s response –reasons why suggestions not implemented.
 Audit working papers give details of the work done at Goose Green, which was in
accordance with BSAs.
Effect on the accounts
 Amount material in context of branch –particularly as it may have turned a profit into a loss
–but probably not in the general context of the company (3.3% of profit before tax). 20X1
accounts do not need adjustment unless fraud found to be more extensive.
 Potential effect of control weaknesses not considered material enough to warrant a
qualification in 20X1 accounts, but this matter is reviewed each year.
 Qualification possible this year if there is significant breakdown in controls and/or an actual
fraud (has the Goose Green fraud continued into 20X2?).

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(b) Areas to consider to establish extent of fraud/loss and why

Area Why consider

 How long the particular clerk has worked  To establish how long the fraud is likely to
at the Goose Green (GG) branch. have gone on.
 Relationships between staff at the GG  Possibility of collusion.
 Other branches with poor control  To establish general likelihood of fraud at
environments (all?). other branches.
 Relationships between staff at the GG  Could the fraud have been 'sold' to staff at
branch (especially the sales ledger clerk) other branches?
and staff at other branches.
 Whether the GG branch manager runs  Could indicate other branches where
other branches. fraud might be undetected.
 How the fraud was discovered (chance or  If by management control, then provides
management control). some comfort that other frauds would be
detected and therefore, generally, fraud
less widespread.
 Recoverability of the amount from the  To establish actual monetary loss.
 Likelihood of false claims from credit  To establish any knock-on monetary loss.
customers (i.e. having heard of the fraud,
customers claim to have settled their
 Adequacy of fidelity insurance.  Is the loss recoverable?

42 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Directors are responsible for:
 Keeping proper accounting records
 Disclosing with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company
 Ensuring that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1994.

Answer to Interactive question 2

The key limitation is that Katie may not carry out the checks that she is in control of (for example, the
batch comparison) or that she may try and override the existing query controls.
Another limitation is that sometimes there may be unusual transactions which are outside the parameters
set for the controls, in which case it will be necessary to override the controls.

Answer to Interactive question 3

 Review and obtain photocopies of documents which have aroused her suspicions
 Enquire into reasons for altered pages in books/documents etc
 Investigate any apparent override/circumvention of company procedure, e.g. cancelling a sales invoice
instead of raising a credit note
 Review previous management letters for any weaknesses facilitating misappropriations
 Consider credit controller's motives for putting chief accountant under suspicion, e.g. working
relationship/job threat
 Take note of chief accountant's standard of living; appropriate to his status?
 Consider whether past dealings with chief accountant have ever cast doubt on his integrity
 Increase analytical procedures on revenue and receivables, e.g. monthly revenue/receipts of major
customers/extend circularisation if trade receivables collection period has increased
 Discuss with engagement partner, who may wish to discuss with client (e.g. board of directors)

Answer to Interactive question 4

(a) Informing the client (BSA 240 paras 93 to 97)
 Report to appropriate level of management
 If believe that management or employees with significant roles in internal control are involved or
fraud results in material misstatement in financial statements report to those charged with
governance (e.g. audit committee)
 If integrity/honesty of management or those charged with governance is in doubt, seek legal
(b) Audit report
 If error is corrected, no need to qualify
 If correction is made, then report should be appropriately qualified
 If outcome of fraud is uncertain then a significant uncertainty paragraph should be included
 If outcome can be determined and amount is not adjusted in the financial statement except

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Answer to Interactive question 5

Notes for a training session for junior staff on how to identify related party transactions
Purpose of the training
To assist junior staff in the application of BAS 24 Related Party Disclosures and BSA 550 Related Parties, and
specifically on how to identify related party transactions.
Related parties
BAS 24 defines related parties as individuals or entities (e.g. companies) with more than a simple business
relationship with the client. This would be because they are directors, owners or major investors of the
client and can include family and close friends of the directors or owners.
At the start of each audit you will be provided with an up-to-date list of known related parties. It is
important that if you come across any transactions involving these parties during the audit you should
record them on the audit file.
The directors should provide us with a complete list of these related party transactions. However, we need
to be certain that their list is complete, and by comparing the transactions you find with the list from the
directors we can obtain evidence as to its reliability.
General audit procedures
Unless we determine that the risk of non-disclosure of related party transactions is high, we gain a
significant amount of evidence needed from general audit procedures. These are listed in (b) below.
Additionally, they may intentionally or otherwise leave out certain transactions from the list they provide
and you therefore need to be aware of indicators of potential undisclosed related party transactions. These
are given in (a) below.
If you notice any such transactions, record them on the audit file. If there is a significant number of such
transactions, immediately ask the manager for specific guidance on what action to take.
(a) List of possible features which would lead you to investigate a particular transaction to determine
whether it is a related party transaction.
 Transactions which have abnormal terms of trade, e.g. unusual prices, interest rates, guarantees
and repayment terms.
 Transactions which appear to lack a logical business reason for their occurrence.
 Transactions in which substance differs from form.
 Transactions processed or approved in a non-routine manner or by personnel who do not
ordinarily deal with such transactions.
 Unusual transactions which are entered into shortly before or after the end of the financial
(b) Summary of the general audit procedures you would perform to ensure that all material related party
transactions have been identified.
 Obtain a list of current known related parties, e.g. directors, other companies with common
directors, family members of directors, significant private company investments of directors,
associate or joint venture companies, key personnel and significant investors (>20%).
 Ensure that the permanent file is updated for related parties.
 If it is the first year of the audit perform company search; otherwise review statutory records to
confirm directorships, other directorships and significant investors.
 Discuss the list of related parties as disclosed by the directors as to its accuracy and
 Enquire of directors as to whether there have been any material transactions with the related
party, e.g. loans, purchase or sale of assets, consultancy fees.

44 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


 List all transactions disclosed by the directors.

 Review the accounting records before and after the year end for any large or round sum
amounts; investigate and analyse with reasons.
 Analyse all loans receivable or payable, and seek confirmation of identity of lender or borrower.
 Review board minutes and enquire as to whether the company has provided any guarantees.
 Analyse the details of guarantees given and review the terms.
 Include confirmation of all related party transactions or lack of them within the letter of
 Check the accuracy of disclosure within the context of BAS 24.

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chapter 3

Professional standards


Examination context
Topic List
1 The need for professional standards
2 The International Auditing and Assurance
Standards Board (IAASB)
3 Harmonisation
4 Internal controls
5 Current issues
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answer to Interactive question

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 47

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Learning objectives Tick

 Understand the sources of professional standards on assurance and audit

 Explain significant current assurance issues

Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 1d, e, f, i.

Practical significance
Increasingly, assurance providers and particularly auditors are being asked to carry out their procedures in a
more globally recognised way. Many of the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA)
members, including Bangladesh, and also the EU have recently adopted both international financial reporting
standards (for listed companies) and international auditing standards for all statutory audits, so convergence
is an issue which is dominating auditors’lives in a practical way at the moment.

Stop and think

Why is convergence important?

Working context
In your working environment, you may be more accustomed to dealing with IFRSs, which are BFRSs in
Bangladesh, than any other accounting standards, although the reverse is likely to be true if you work in a
smaller firm or in a non-registered company. If you work in audit, you will now be dealing with ISAs, which
are BSAs in Bangladesh. As noted above, convergence is impacting on accountants in a practical way.

Syllabus links
Some auditing standards were introduced in your lower level Assurance paper. In this paper, you will both
build on the knowledge you have gained at the lower level, and be introduced to more standards. As this is
an open book exam, you should also have a copy of BSAs to refer to when reading through this Study
Manual. The Technical reference pages will direct you to the exact places in the standards where the
requirements discussed in the chapter can be found.

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Examination context

Exam requirements
While the content of auditing standards will impact on your exam, the details of who issues them and how
they are issued are likely to be of less importance, hence the fact that there are few interactive and other
questions in this chapter. Ethics, which are covered in the next chapter, are likely to be far more heavily
examined in the context of professional standards.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Discuss the purpose of laws, standards and other requirements surrounding assurance work
 Explain the standard-setting process used by national and international (IAASB) bodies and the
authority of the national and international standards
 Explain, in non-technical language, significant current assurance issues being dealt with by the national
standard-setting body and by the IAASB
 Explain the principles behind different auditing requirements in different jurisdictions and describe how
national and international bodies are working to harmonise auditing requirements, including the
requirements to report on internal controls (Sarbanes-Oxley)

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Audit and assurance

1 The need for professional standards

Section overview
 Professional standards are in the public interest as they add to the quality of assurance services.
 Regulation of audit promotes comparability in the marketplace as all financial statements are audited
to common standards.

The benefits of assurance were revised in Chapter 1. A fundamental feature of assurance is that it is
provided by independent professionals to particular standards. Users expect assurance providers to be
independent and objective (which we shall consider in the next chapter) and competent. They expect an
appropriate amount of work to be done to support the conclusion being given. Assurance services are
carried out in the public interest. It is important that they are carried out within a context of professional
and ethical standards.
In relation to audit, readers want assurance when making comparisons of financial statements that the
reliability of the financial statements does not vary from company to company. This assurance
will be obtained not just from knowing each set of financial statements has been audited, but knowing that
each set of financial statements has been audited to common standards.
Hence there is a need for audits to be regulated so that auditors follow the same standards. Auditors
have to follow rules issued by a variety of bodies. Some obligations are imposed by governments in law, or
statute. Some obligations are imposed by the professional bodies to which auditors are required (by law) to

Governed by BSAs


Governed by:

- Companies Act
- Applicable regulatory
laws, e.g. Insurance
Ordinance, Bank
Companies Act
- BSAs

Figure 3.1: Auditing rules

50 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


2 The International Auditing and Assurance

Standards Board (IAASB)

Section overview
 International standards are developed by IAASB, a subsidiary of the International Federation of
 International standards are designed to provide services of a consistently high quality, but they do not
override local regulations –although countries are encouraged to develop local systems to comply
with these international standards.
 A sub-committee of IAASB works on a particular area and develops an exposure draft which is
 The exposure draft is revised as a result of comments made by interested parties and sometimes re-
 When the amendments have been finalised, an international standard is published.

2.1 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)

IFAC was set up by the professional bodies representing accountants from around the world. It has 163
member organisations from 119 countries. Members from Bangladesh are:
 ICMAB (Management Accountants)
IFAC has established the IAASB –the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board –to issue
professional standards on its behalf.

2.2 The forum of firms

The forum of firms was set up by the largest accountancy practices to co-operate on standard setting and
other matters.

2.3 The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board

IAASB was set up by IFAC, which nominates a majority of its members –others are nominated by the
forum of firms –to issue professional standards. It replaced its predecessor body the International Auditing
Practices Committee (IAPC). It issues the following standards:
 International Standards on Auditing (ISAs)
 International Standards on Assurance Engagements (ISAEs) (applicable to assurance engagements
which are not audits)
 International Standards on Related Services (ISRSs) (applicable to other, non-assurance engagements)
 International Standards on Quality Control (ISQCs) (applicable to all engagements carried out under
any of the IAASB's standards).
IAASB also issues practice statements which are designed to help practitioners with interpretation and
implementation of the standards. (IPPS 1 International Professional Practice Statement 1))

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An explanation of the workings of the IAASB, the authority of the ISAs and so on are laid out in the Preface
to International Standards on Quality Control, Auditing, Assurance and Related Services.
The Preface restates the mission of IFAC as set out in its constitution: 'The development and enhancement
of an accountancy profession with harmonised standards able to provide services of consistently high quality
in the public interest'.
In working toward this mission, the Council of IFAC established the International Auditing Practices
Committee, precursor to IAASB, to develop and issue, on behalf of the Council, standards and statements
on auditing and related services. Such standards and statements improve the degree of uniformity of
auditing practices and related services throughout the world.
Within each country, local regulations govern, to a greater or lesser degree, the practices followed in the
auditing of financial or other information. Such regulations may be either of a statutory nature, or in the
form of statements issued by the regulatory or professional bodies in the countries concerned.
National standards on auditing and related services published in many countries differ in form and content.
The IAASB takes account of such documents and differences and, in the light of such knowledge, issues ISAs
which are intended for international acceptance.
The Preface also lays out the authority attached to ISAs in general.
Authority of International Standards on Auditing
International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) are to be applied in the audit of historical financial information.
The IAASB's Standards contain basic principles and essential procedures (identified in bold type, black
lettering) together with related guidance in the form of explanatory and other material, including
appendices. The basic principles and essential procedures are to be understood and applied in the context
of the explanatory and other material that provide guidance for their application. It is therefore necessary
to consider the whole text of a standard to understand and apply the basic principles and essential
In exceptional circumstances, an auditor may judge it necessary to depart from an ISA in order to more
effectively achieve the objective of an audit. When such a situation arises, the auditor should be prepared to
justify the departure.
Any limitation of the applicability of a specific ISA is made clear in the standard, for example, it might
contain a passage such as the following:
Application to public sector
The Public Sector Perspective (PSP) issued by the Public Sector Committee of the International Federation
of Accountants is set out at the end of an ISA. Where no PSP is added, the ISA is applicable in all material
respects to the public sector.
ISAs do not override the local regulations referred to above governing the audit of financial or other
information in a particular country.
 To the extent that ISAs conform with local regulations on a particular subject, the audit of financial
or other information in that country in accordance with local regulations will automatically comply
with the ISA regarding that subject.
 In the event that the local regulations differ from, or conflict with, ISAs on a particular subject,
member bodies should comply with the obligations of members set forth in the IFAC Constitution as
regards these ISAs (i.e. encourage changes in local regulations to comply with ISAs).

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2.4 Working procedures of the IAASB

The working procedure of the IAASB is to select subjects for detailed study by a subcommittee
established for that purpose. The IAASB delegates to the subcommittee the initial responsibility for the
preparation and drafting of accounting standards and statements.
As a result of that study, an exposure draft is prepared for consideration by the IAASB. If approved, the
exposure draft is widely distributed for comment by member bodies of IFAC, and to such international
organisations that have an interest in auditing standards as appropriate.
The comments and suggestions received as a result of this exposure are then considered by the IAASB and
the exposure draft is revised as appropriate. Provided that the revised draft is approved it is issued as a
definitive International Standard and becomes operative.

3 Harmonisation

Section overview
 In recent years, international harmonisation of the ethical, financial reporting and auditing standards
has become a big issue.
 This is due to the increase in genuinely global companies, harmonisation within SAARC, and the
scandals of major business failures, particularly Satyam and Enron.
 Bangladesh has adopted international accounting standards and international auditing standards as
Bangladesh accounting standards and Bangladesh auditing standards.

The world of those who set the professional standards affecting accountants, whilst not exactly in chaos, is
certainly experiencing a period of great upheaval.
The main force behind these changes is known as 'convergence' or the increasingly close alignment of
standards which affect accountants across the world in the areas of:
 Ethics
 Financial reporting
 Auditing
Whilst there have been International Accounting Standards and International Standards on Auditing for
some time they seem to have been always regarded as something which, although good in theory, would
never have very much impact in any individual jurisdiction.
However there are a number of drivers which have caused attitudes to change:
 Global companies are now truly global, and will move their operations at will
 Different regional bodies are increasingly harmonising the rules and regulations affecting business
across member states
 The Satyam and Enron affairs
The Enron affair was important in that as Enron was a US company and its auditor Andersen was primarily a
US based firm, the regulators in the US were forced to look again at their own standards, and so it probably
did as much as anything to enable compromises to be made. However just in case we in Asia, become too
smug, the Satyam scandal reminds us that such events can happen anywhere.

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4 Internal controls

Section overview
 Internal control is an important issue given prominence in Bangladesh through the Bangladesh Bank
guideline, and globally by enactment of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
 The issue of providing assurance on internal control is important, particularly as little assurance is
given on the effectiveness of internal control by the audit.
 Knowledge of the business will be an important factor in providing assurance on internal controls.
 Assurance may be provided on the different stages of the process: identifying the risks, the design of
the system, the operation of the system.
 Reports providing assurance on the effectiveness of internal controls should mention the inherent
limitations of internal control systems to avoid an expectations gap arising in relation to this issue.

Internal control is an important issue in business. It has been given particular prominence to strengthen
corporate governance in listed companies. In Bangladesh, Bangladesh Bank has been most active in this area
and has issued an internal control and compliance framework for financial institutions.
In addition, it has been given prominence by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US, and the requirements that
places on chief executive officers to give more certification that the financial statements produced are true,
by implication, that the systems supporting them are strong and capable of preventing error.
The auditors' responsibilities with regard to internal control were discussed in the previous chapter and in
your earlier studies in relation to Assurance. Due to the limitations of the assurance given in relation to
internal control as part of an audit, provision of additional or alternative assurances in respect of internal
control has become an important issue.

4.1 Providing assurance on internal control

The APB of the UK has issued the following guidelines on providing assurance on internal control. The APB
draws a clear distinction between two areas of assurance:
 Assurance on the design of internal control systems
 Assurance on the operation of the internal control system, in accordance with the design
These are two very distinct issues, and the two assignments should be approached very differently.

4.2 Process of internal control

The APB recognise the following process in relation to internal controls:

Figure 3.4: Internal control

Figure 3.4 also illustrates the points of the process where assurance services can be given:
 Risk identification
 Design of system
 Operation of system

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In order to carry out an engagement in relation to the internal controls, the practitioners will require
sufficient knowledge of the business that they can identify and understand the events, transactions
and practices which will impact on the system of internal control.

4.3 Providing assurance on the operation of the system

The practitioner should establish whether the engagement relates to a period of time or a point of time.
The practitioner will only be able to provide a high level of assurance on this point if the entity has a
detailed description of the design of their system of internal control.
The report arising from such an assignment need not be extensive, but is likely to be narrative. This is
because practitioners are likely to include such issues as:
 Isolated control failures
 Observation about the abilities of staff involved in operating the system of control
 Potential weaknesses observed which were not contemplated within the design

4.4 Providing assurance on the design and operation of the system

In such an engagement practitioners will consider two issues:
 The design of the system in addressing a set of identified risks
 The operation of the system (discussed above)
Such an engagement will involve significant discussions with management at the outset, to establish
matters such as:
 The desired balance between prevention and detection controls
 The balance between costs and benefits
 The importance of specific control objectives
The outcome of these discussions will necessarily be included in the assurance report, to provide a
context for their conclusions. The following things will also be included in the report:
 The applicable risks
 Any framework for design used by either the directors or the practitioners
 A description of the design of the system of internal control.
The level of assurance given by the practitioners will depend on several factors, including the nature
of the entity, the knowledge of the business the practitioner possesses and the scope of the engagement. It
is likely that the report in this instance would be quite long.

4.5 Providing assurance on the applicable risks and the design and
operation of the system
This engagement would include consideration of all three stages of the internal controls process identified
above. The identification of risks is likely to involve a high degree of judgement as there are no
universally recognised criteria suitable for evaluating the effectiveness of an entity's risk evaluation. This
means that practitioners are unlikely to be able to provide a high level of assurance in this area.
The starting point for the practitioner would be the entity's business objectives. The key considerations will
 The completeness of the applicable identified risks
 The probability of a risk crystallising
 The materiality of the likely impact of the risk
 The time period over which crystallisation is anticipated
In their report, the practitioners would have to outline the business objectives of the entity, a description
of the risk identification process and the applicable risks.

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4.6 Inherent limitations

Internal control systems have inherent limitations, a key one of which is the chance of staff colluding in
fraud to override the system. Any assurance report on internal control systems should include a
mention of these inherent limitations, in order to prevent an unnecessary expectations gap.

4.7 Reports
The nature of the individual reports has been touched on above. The discussion paper also includes an
example report. However, as the UK’ s APB makes the key point that it is difficult to issue a standard report
for assurance services, which are largely dependent on the scope and nature of the individual assignment,
this has not been reproduced here.

5 Current issues

Section overview
 IAASB continue a clarity project in which they are updating and reissuing ISAs.

5.1 Clarity project

IAASB is in the middle of a clarity project, during which they are reissuing existing BSAs, redrafted
so as to make the requirements within them clearer.
Under this project, each BSA will have:
 A stated overall objective
 Clarified obligations, by use of the word 'shall' where a requirement of the BSA is set out
 Eliminating ambiguity in BSAs
 Improving the overall readability of BSAs
The most recent exposure drafts under this project are:
 BSA 320 Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit
 BSA 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified during the Audit
 BSA 260 Communication with Those Charged with Governance

56 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Summary and Self-test


Drafted by IAASB


Adopted by ICAB

Answer the following questions.
1 Auditing is regulated by the government in Bangladesh.


2 ICAB issues auditing standards which statutory auditors are required to follow.


3 Why are professional standards important?
4 Which of the following is a Bangladeshi auditor required to follow?

Bangladesh Standards on Auditing

ICAB Code of Ethics

Exam-style question
5 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of accounting and auditing standards to auditors and the
consequences of such standards being enforceable by statute. (4 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

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Technical reference

1 The need for professional standards

2 The International Auditing and Assurance IFAC –Scope and Authority of

Standards Board (IAASB) Pronouncements

3 Harmonisation IFAC –Scope and Authority of


4 IFAC (APB) IFAC –Scope and Authority of


5 Internal controls BSA 315.41 and 42-46

6 Current issues n/a

58 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Answers to Self-test

1 False. It is regulated by ICAB.

2 True. Auditors face discipline by ICAB if they do not.
3 It is in the public interest that assurance services are carried out to professional standards.
4 Auditors in Bangladesh are required to comply with BSAs and ICAB Code of Ethics (which we shall
look at in the next chapter).
Exam-style question
5 The major advantages of accounting standards and auditing standards can be summarised as follows.
(a) Accounting standards
(i) They reduce the areas of uncertainty and subjectivity in accounts.
(ii) They narrow the areas where different accounting policies can be adopted.
(iii) They increase the comparability of financial statements.
(iv) They codify what is considered in most circumstances to be best accounting practice.
(v) They give an indication of the interpretation of the concept 'true and fair' in many
(b) Auditing standards
(i) They give a framework for all audits around which a particular audit can be developed.
(ii) They help to standardise the approach of all auditors to the common objective of producing
an opinion.
(iii) They assist the court in interpretation of the concept of 'due professional care' and may
assist auditors when defending their work.
(iv) They increase public awareness of what an audit comprises and the work behind the
production of an audit report.
(v) They provide support for auditors in a dispute with clients regarding the audit work necessary.
The possible disadvantages include the following.
(a) Accounting standards
(i) They are considered to be too rigid in some areas and too general in others, making their
application difficult in some circumstances.
(ii) They can be onerous for small companies to adopt.
(iii) Their proliferation could be said to increase proportionately the number of qualified audit
reports thereby reducing the impact of such qualifications.
(iv) They can create divisions within the profession of those who agree and those who disagree
with a particular standard.
(v) They would be difficult to change once they become statutory as alterations to company
law can take years rather than months to enact.

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(b) Auditing standards

(i) It may appear that they impinge on, rather than assist, professional judgement.
(ii) They are considered by some to stifle initiative and developments of new auditing methods.
(iii) They may create additional and unnecessary work and thus raise fees, particularly on the
audit of small companies.
If either type of standard were to be enforceable by statute it would mean that there would be
government intervention in areas currently controlled solely by the profession itself. This might
ultimately lead to a diminished role in self-regulation. To be enforceable by statute the standards
would have to be applicable to all circumstances and thus need to be very general and broad in their
instructions. This might reduce their usefulness to the auditors. Auditors might spend unnecessary
time ensuring that they have complied with the law rather than considering the quality of their service
to their clients.
Finally, it should be considered whether full statutory backing for standards would force auditors into
narrow views and approaches which might gradually impair the quality of accounting and auditing

Note: A legal opinion on truth and fairness, accounting standards and the law in the Foreword to
Accounting Standards strengthens the legal backing for accounting standards.

60 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

chapter 4

Professional ethics


Examination context
Topic List
1 The need for professional ethics
2 IFAC Code of Ethics
3 ICAB Code of Ethics
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objective Tick off

 Understand professional and ethical issues relating to assurance work
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 1a, b, c, d.

Practical significance
All members of ICAB, and trainees, are required to comply with the ethical rules of ICAB.

Stop and think

Why are professional ethics important?

Working context
Professional ethics are important to all ICAB members and trainees, regardless of what field they work in.

Syllabus links
This topic was covered in detail in Assurance.

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Examination context

Exam requirements
As this is an important practical area, you can except it to be examined regularly.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Identify and advise upon the professional and ethical issues that may arise during an assurance
 Recognise the professional and ethical issues that might arise during an assurance engagement, explain
the relevance and importance of these issues and evaluate the relative merits of different standpoints
taken in debate
 Judge when to raise legal and ethical matters arising from assurance work with senior colleagues for
review and possible referral to external parties
 Discuss the purpose of laws, standards and other requirements surrounding assurance work

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1 The need for professional ethics

Section overview
 The importance of professional ethics is that in order for accountancy services to be meaningful, the
public must trust accountants.
 Trust is built by the knowledge that accountants are bound by a professional code of ethics.
 Independence and objectivity (key features of the Code of Ethics) are fundamental to the provision of
assurance services.

The accountancy profession has a paradoxical image. On the one hand accountants are seen as pillars of
society, providing reliable financial information in their working lives and acting as treasurer for different
public authority institutions, NGOs, banks, educational institutions or local religious organizations in their
spare time.
The other side of the coin is the image of aggressive tax schemes, financial scandals and money laundering.
Yet accountants believe that financial information is important. It is necessary for governments,
shareholders, trading partners, management and any number of other stakeholders, that the financial and
other reports and information provided by accountants are reliable and can be used by others as they go
about their daily lives. So the work that accountants and other assurance providers do has benefit for the
public interest.
Public interest is what differentiates the accounting profession from other professions, such as lawyers,
doctors and engineers. Accountants’ work creates major impacts in the national economy through capital
markets as well as through revenue collection for public expenditure (taxes). Ranging from providing
assurance on listed company accounts to just preparing an individual’ s tax return, accountants are relied
upon and trusted by millions of public out in the street. There is a third party involvement in most of
accountant’ s work; therefore accountants need to maintain independence, integrity and objectivity.
It follows from this that, if the profession is to survive and thrive and if its members are to maintain their
position, there has to be a code of conduct so that the public are able to feel that they can trust
The profession needs a code of professional ethics.
When a good deal of the profession’ s income comes from audit and other assurance services, where the
users of those services are seeking to gain additional confidence in the reliability of information, it is no
exaggeration to say that the profession's income actually depends on accountants’ reputation for ethical
You have already studied professional ethics in relation to assurance services in your earlier studies for
your Assurance paper. The following summary is therefore revision.

2 IFAC Code of Ethics

Section overview
 IFAC issues a Code of Ethics, with which you should be familiar.
 The IFAC Code has been adopted by ICAB and used as the basis for audit quality development in

2.1 IFAC code of ethics –fundamental principles

The fundamental principles are:

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Integrity. A professional accountant should be straightforward and honest in all professional and
business relationships.
Objectivity. A professional accountant should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue influence
of others to override professional or business judgements.
Professional competence and due care. A professional accountant has a continuing duty to
maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employer
receives competent professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and
techniques. A professional accountant should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical
and professional standards when providing professional services.
Confidentiality. A professional accountant should respect the confidentiality of information acquired
as a result of professional and business relationships and should not disclose any such information to
third parties without proper and specific authority unless there is a legal or professional right or duty
to disclose. Confidential information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships
should not be used for the personal advantage of the professional accountant or third parties.
Professional behaviour. A professional accountant should comply with relevant laws and regulations
and should avoid any action that discredits the profession.

2.2 IFAC code of ethics –threats to objectivity and independence

The IFAC Code of Ethics works on the basis that an assurance firm’ s integrity, objectivity and independence
are subject to various threats and that the firm must have safeguards in place to counter these threats.
The threats are as follows:
 The self-interest threat
All firms face the self-interest threat, simply because the client pays the fee, and to lose a client may be
The risk is increased for audit engagements, because, although technically the auditor is appointed by
and reports to the shareholders, in practice the appointment depends on the client’ s management. The
auditor may be tempted to allow inappropriate accounting treatments in order to keep the client.
 The self-review threat
It may be difficult for the firm to maintain its objectivity if any product or judgement made by the firm
needs to be challenged or re-evaluated at a later date.
Examples might be brand or company valuations or aggressive tax schemes. If the firm has valued a
s new subsidiary at a price which is questioned when it comes to the audit, there may be some
embarrassment, or the temptation to gloss over the differences in values.
Where the auditor also carries out accounting work on behalf of the client, this may seem innocent
enough. Indeed there may be perceived ethical advantages, because the accountant should be able to
prepare the accounts 'properly'.
There will be a self-review threat where the accountant prepares financial statements and then acts as
auditor, effectively reviewing his own work. The auditor may not want to report mistakes that he, as
accountant, had made. Where accounts are prepared by auditing firms, another department always
carries out the audit to remove this threat. In some jurisdictions, auditors are not allowed to prepare
financial statements for a client, removing this threat completely.
But consider the position where the use of different accounting policies may give very different results,
or where different interpretations can be placed on treatments required by accounting standards.
 The advocacy threat
The advocacy threat occurs where the professional adopts a stance arguing for or against the client’
point of view, rather than taking a balanced (objective) position.
The advocacy threat is difficult to deal with because, surely, the professional adviser wants to give the
client the best possible support.

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In a tax case, for example, is it not the tax consultant’

s job to win on behalf of the client at all costs?
 The familiarity or trust threat
This recognises that, if the professional gets to know the client too well, objectivity may be threatened
because the auditor becomes too trusting of the client and professional scepticism is impaired.
This is also quite a difficult area. As we shall see in Chapter 8 the auditor needs to understand the
client’s business well. Changing the engagement partner may or may not enhance objectivity, but if it
does, it may open up greater audit risks due to lack of familiarity with the client’s business.
 The intimidation threat
This threat may range from the effective hi-jacking of the auditor’
s professional qualification by clients
with criminal tendencies to the bullying behaviour of a dominant personality who insists on getting his
or her own way. The situation may go as far as threatening the auditor with removal if a qualified audit
report is produced.
The following examples describe specific circumstances and relationships that may create threats to
independence. The examples describe the potential threats created and the safeguards that may be
appropriate to eliminate the threats or reduce them to an acceptable level in each circumstance.

2.3 Financial Interests

A financial interest in an assurance client may create a self-interest threat. In evaluating the significance of
the threat, and the appropriate safeguards to be applied to eliminate the threat or reduce it to an
acceptable level, it is necessary to examine the nature of the financial interest. This includes an evaluation of
the role of the person holding the financial interest, the materiality of the financial interest and the type of
financial interest (direct or indirect).

Provisions Applicable to all Assurance Clients

If a member of the assurance team, or their immediate family member, has a direct financial interest, or
a material indirect financial interest, in the assurance client, the self-interest threat created would be so
significant the only safeguards available to eliminate the threat or reduce it to an acceptable level would be

(a) Dispose of the direct financial interest prior to the individual becoming a member of the assurance team;
(b) Dispose of the indirect financial interest in total or dispose of a sufficient amount of it so that the
remaining interest is no longer material prior to the individual becoming a member of the assurance team;
(c) Remove the member of the assurance team from the assurance engagement.

2.4 Loans and Guarantees

A loan, or a guarantee of a loan, to the firm from an assurance client that is a bank or a similar institution,
would not create a threat to independence provided the loan, or guarantee, is made under normal lending
procedures, terms and requirements and the loan is immaterial to both the firm and the assurance client. If
the loan is material to the assurance client or the firm it may be possible, through the application of
safeguards, to reduce the self-interest threat created to an acceptable level. Such safeguards might include
involving an additional professional accountant from outside the firm, or network firm, to review the work

2.5 Close Business Relationships with Assurance Clients

A close business relationship between a firm or a member of the assurance team and the assurance client
or its management, or between the firm, a network firm and a financial statement audit client, will involve a

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commercial or common financial interest and may create self interest and intimidation threats. The
following are examples of such relationships:

 Having a material financial interest in a joint venture with the assurance client or a controlling owner,
director, officer or other individual who performs senior managerial functions for that client.
 Arrangements to combine one or more services or products of the firm with one or more services
or products of the assurance client and to market the package with reference to both parties.
 Distribution or marketing arrangements under which the firm acts as a distributor or marketer of
the assurance client’ s products or services, or the assurance client acts as the distributor or
marketer of the products or services of the firm.

In the case of a financial statement audit client, unless the financial interest is immaterial and the relationship
is clearly insignificant to the firm, the network firm and the audit client, no safeguards could reduce the
threat to an acceptable level. In the case of an assurance client that is not a financial statement audit client,
unless the financial interest is immaterial and the relationship is clearly insignificant to the firm and the
assurance client, no safeguards could reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Consequently, in both these
circumstances the only possible courses of action are to:

(a) Terminate the business relationship;

(b) Reduce the magnitude of the relationship so that the financial interest is immaterial and the relationship
is clearly insignificant; or
(c) Refuse to perform the assurance engagement.

Unless any such financial interest is immaterial and the relationship is clearly insignificant to the member of
the assurance team, the only appropriate safeguard would be to remove the individual from the assurance

2.6 Family and Personal Relationships

Family and personal relationships between a member of the assurance team and a director, an officer or
certain employees, depending on their role, of the assurance client, may create self-interest, familiarity or
intimidation threats. It is impracticable to attempt to describe in detail the significance of the threats that
such relationships may create. The significance will depend upon a number of factors including the
s responsibilities on the assurance engagement, the closeness of the relationship and the role of
the family member or other individual within the assurance client. Consequently, there is a wide spectrum
of circumstances that will need to be evaluated and safeguards to be applied to reduce the threat to an
acceptable level.

The significance of the threat should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly insignificant,
safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Such
safeguards might include:

 Removing the individual from the assurance team;

 Where possible, structuring the responsibilities of the assurance team so that the professional does
not deal with matters that are within the responsibility of the immediate family member; or
 Policies and procedures to empower staff to communicate to senior levels within the firm any issue
of independence and objectivity that concerns them.

When a close family member of a member of the assurance team is a director, an officer, or an employee of
the assurance client in a position to exert direct and significant influence over the subject matter
information of the assurance engagement, threats to independence may be created. The significance of the
threats will depend on factors such as:

 The position the close family member holds with the client; and
 The role of the professional on the assurance team.

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 The significance of the threat should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly insignificant,
safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to reduce the threat to an acceptable level.
Such safeguards might include:
 Removing the individual from the assurance team;
 Where possible, structuring the responsibilities of the assurance team so that the professional does
not deal with matters that are within the responsibility of the close family member; or
 Policies and procedures to empower staff to communicate to senior levels within the firm any issue
of independence and objectivity that concerns them.

2.7 Employment with Assurance Clients

A firm or a member of the assurance team’ s independence may be threatened if a director, an officer or an
employee of the assurance client in a position to exert direct and significant influence over the subject
matter information of the assurance engagement has been a member of the assurance team or partner of
the firm. Such circumstances may create self-interest, familiarity and intimidation threats particularly when
significant connections remain between the individual and his or her former firm. Similarly, a member of the
assurance team’ s independence may be threatened when an individual participates in the assurance
engagement knowing, or having reason to believe, that he or she is to, or may, join the assurance client
some time in the future.

If a member of the assurance team, partner or former partner of the firm has joined the assurance client,
the significance of the self-interest, familiarity or intimidation threats created will depend upon the following

(a) The position the individual has taken at the assurance client.
(b) The amount of any involvement the individual will have with the assurance team.
(c) The length of time that has passed since the individual was a member of the assurance team or firm.
(d) The former position of the individual within the assurance team or firm.

The significance of the threat should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly insignificant,
safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Such
safeguards might include:

 Considering the appropriateness or necessity of modifying the assurance plan for the assurance
 Assigning an assurance team to the subsequent assurance engagement that is of sufficient experience
in relation to the individual who has joined the assurance client;
 Involving an additional professional accountant who was not a member of the assurance team to
review the work done or otherwise advise as necessary; or
 Quality control review of the assurance engagement.

In all cases, all of the following safeguards are necessary to reduce the threat to an acceptable level:

(a) The individual concerned is not entitled to any benefits or payments from the firm unless these are
made in accordance with fixed pre-determined arrangements. In addition, any amount owed to the
individual should not be of such significance to threaten the firm’
s independence.

(b) The individual does not continue to participate or appear to participate in the firm’
s business or
professional activities.

2.8 Recent Service with Assurance Clients

To have a former officer, director or employee of the assurance client serve as a member of the assurance
team may create self-interest, self review and familiarity threats. This would be particularly true when a
member of the assurance team has to report on, for example, subject matter information he or she had
prepared or elements of the financial statements he or she had valued while with the assurance client.

68 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


If, during the period covered by the assurance report, a member of the assurance team had served as an
officer or director of the assurance client, or had been an employee in a position to exert direct and
significant influence over the subject matter information of the assurance engagement, the threat created
would be so significant no safeguard could reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Consequently, such
individuals should not be assigned to the assurance team.

If, prior to the period covered by the assurance report, a member of the assurance team had served as an
officer or director of the assurance client, or had been an employee in a position to exert direct and
significant influence over the subject matter information of the assurance engagement, this may create self-
interest, self-review and familiarity threats. For example, such threats would be created if a decision made
or work performed by the individual in the prior period, while employed by the assurance client, is to be
evaluated in the current period as part of the current assurance engagement. The significance of the threats
will depend upon factors such as:

 The position the individual held with the assurance client;

 The length of time that has passed since the individual left the assurance client; and
 The role the individual plays on the assurance team.

The significance of the threat should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly insignificant,
safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Such
safeguards might include:

 Involving an additional professional accountant to review the work done by the individual as part of
the assurance team or otherwise advise as necessary; or
 Discussing the issue with those charged with governance, such as the audit committee.

2.9 Serving as an Officer or Director on the Board of Assurance

If a partner or employee of the firm serves as an officer or as a director on the board of an assurance
client the self-review and self-interest threats created would be so significant no safeguard could reduce the
threats to an acceptable level. In the case of a financial statement audit engagement, if a partner or
employee of a network firm were to serve as an officer or as a director on the board of the audit client the
threats created would be so significant no safeguard could reduce the threats to an acceptable level.

Consequently, if such an individual were to accept such a position the only course of action is to refuse to
perform, or to withdraw from the assurance engagement.

2.10 Long Association of Senior Personnel with Assurance Clients

General Provisions

Using the same senior personnel on an assurance engagement over a long period of time may create a
familiarity threat. The significance of the threat will depend upon factors such as:

 The length of time that the individual has been a member of the assurance team;
 The role of the individual on the assurance team;
 The structure of the firm; and
 The nature of the assurance engagement.

The significance of the threat should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly insignificant,
safeguards should be considered and applied to reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Such safeguards
might include:

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 Rotating the senior personnel off the assurance team;

 Involving an additional professional accountant who was not a member of the assurance team to
review the work done by the senior personnel or otherwise advise as necessary; or
 Independent internal quality reviews.

2.11 Financial Statement Audit Clients that are Listed Entities

Using the same engagement partner or the same individual responsible for the engagement quality
control review on a financial statement audit over a prolonged period may create a familiarity threat. This
threat is particularly relevant in the context of the financial statement audit of a listed entity and safeguards
should be applied in such situations to reduce such threat to an acceptable level. Accordingly in respect of
the financial statement audit of listed entities:

(a) The engagement partner and the individual responsible for the engagement quality control review should
be rotated after serving in either capacity, or a combination thereof, for a pre-defined period, normally no
more than seven years; and
(b) Such an individual rotating after a pre-defined period should not participate in the audit engagement until
a further period of time, normally two years, has elapsed.

2.12 Provision of Non-Assurance Services to Assurance Clients

Firms have traditionally provided to their assurance clients a range of non-assurance services that are
consistent with their skills and expertise. Assurance clients value the benefits that derive from having these
firms, which have a good understanding of the business, bring their knowledge and skill to bear in other
areas. Furthermore, the provision of such non-assurance services will often result in the assurance team
obtaining information regarding the assurance client’ s business and operations that is helpful in relation to
the assurance engagement. The greater the knowledge of the assurance client’ s business, the better the
assurance team will understand the assurance client’ s procedures and controls, and the business and
financial risks that it faces. The provision of non-assurance services may, however, create threats to the
independence of the firm, a network firm or the members of the assurance team, particularly with respect
to perceived threats to independence.

Consequently, it is necessary to evaluate the significance of any threat created by the provision of such
services. In some cases it may be possible to eliminate or reduce the threat created by application of
safeguards. In other cases no safeguards are available to reduce the threat to an acceptable level.

The following activities would generally create self-interest or self review threats that are so significant that
only avoidance of the activity or refusal to perform the assurance engagement would reduce the threats to
an acceptable level:

 Authorizing, executing or consummating a transaction, or otherwise exercising authority on behalf of

the assurance client, or having the authority to do so.
 Determining which recommendation of the firm should be implemented.
 Reporting, in a management role, to those charged with governance.

The following activities may also create self-review or self-interest threats:

 Having custody of an assurance client’

s assets.
 Supervising assurance client employees in the performance of their normal recurring activities.
 Preparing source documents or originating data, in electronic or other form, evidencing the
occurrence of a transaction (for example, purchase orders, payroll time records, and customer

The significance of any threat created should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly
insignificant, safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to eliminate the threat or reduce it
to an acceptable level. Such safeguards might include:

70 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


 Making arrangements so that personnel providing such services do not participate in the assurance
 Involving an additional professional accountant to advise on the potential impact of the activities on
the independence of the firm and the assurance team; or
 Other relevant safeguards set out in national regulations.

The following safeguards may be particularly relevant in reducing to an acceptable level threats created by
the provision of non-assurance services to assurance clients:

 Policies and procedures to prohibit professional staff from making management decisions for the
assurance client, or assuming responsibility for such decisions.
 Discussing independence issues related to the provision of non-assurance services with those
charged with governance, such as the audit committee.
 Policies within the assurance client regarding the oversight responsibility for provision of non-
assurance services by the firm.
 Involving an additional professional accountant to advise on the potential impact of the non-
assurance engagement on the independence of the member of the assurance team and the firm.
 Involving an additional professional accountant outside of the firm to provide assurance on a discrete
aspect of the assurance engagement.
 Obtaining the assurance client’ s acknowledgement of responsibility for the results of the work
performed by the firm.
 Disclosing to those charged with governance, such as the audit committee, the nature and extent of
fees charged.
 Making arrangements so that personnel providing non-assurance services do not participate in the
assurance engagement.

It is the responsibility of financial statement audit client management to ensure that accounting records are
kept and financial statements are prepared, although they may request the firm to provide assistance. If firm,
or network firm, personnel providing such assistance make management decisions, the self-review threat
created could not be reduced to an acceptable level by any safeguards. Consequently, personnel should not
make such decisions. Examples of such managerial decisions include:

 Determining or changing journal entries, or the classifications for accounts or transaction or other
accounting records without obtaining the approval of the financial statement audit client;
 Authorizing or approving transactions; and
 Preparing source documents or originating data (including decisions on valuation assumptions), or
making changes to such documents or data.

2.12.1 Financial Statements Audit Clients that are not Listed Entities

The firm, or a network firm, may provide a financial statement audit client that is not a listed entity with
accounting and bookkeeping services, including payroll services, of a routine or mechanical nature, provided
any self-review threat created is reduced to an acceptable level. Examples of such services include:

 Recording transactions for which the audit client has determined or approved the appropriate
account classification;
 Posting coded transactions to the audit client’s general ledger;
 Preparing financial statements based on information in the trial balance; and
 Posting the audit client approved entries to the trial balance.

The significance of any threat created should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly
insignificant, safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to reduce the threat to an acceptable
level. Such safeguards might include:

 Making arrangements so such services are not performed by a member of the assurance team;

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 Implementing policies and procedures to prohibit the individual providing such services from making
any managerial decisions on behalf of the audit client;
 Requiring the source data for the accounting entries to be originated by the audit client;
 Requiring the underlying assumptions to be originated and approved by the audit client; or
 Obtaining audit client approval for any proposed journal entries or other changes affecting the
financial statements.

2.12.2 Financial Statement Audit Clients that are Listed Entities

The provision of accounting and bookkeeping services, including payroll services and the preparation of
financial statements or financial information which forms the basis of the financial statements on which the
audit report is provided, on behalf of a financial statement audit client that is a listed entity, may impair the
independence of the firm or network firm, or at least give the appearance of impairing independence.

Accordingly, no safeguard other than the prohibition of such services, except in emergency situations and
when the services fall within the statutory audit mandate, could reduce the threat created to an acceptable
level. Therefore, a firm or a network firm should not, with the limited exceptions below, provide such
services to a listed entity that is a financial statement audit client.

2.13 Fees and Pricing

2.13.1 Fees—Relative Size

When the total fees generated by an assurance client represent a large proportion of a firm’ s total fees, the
dependence on that client or client group and concern about the possibility of losing the client may create a
self-interest threat. The significance of the threat will depend upon factors such as:

 The structure of the firm; and

 Whether the firm is well established or newly created.

The significance of the threat should be evaluated and, if the threat is other than clearly insignificant,
safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Such
safeguards might include:

 Discussing the extent and nature of fees charged with the audit committee, or others charged with
 Taking steps to reduce dependency on the client;
 External quality control reviews; and
 Consulting a third party, such as a professional regulatory body or another professional accountant.

A self-interest threat may also be created when the fees generated by the assurance client represent a large
proportion of the revenue of an individual partner. The significance of the threat should be evaluated and, if
the threat is other than clearly insignificant, safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to
reduce the threat to an acceptable level. Such safeguards might include:

 Policies and procedures to monitor and implement quality control of assurance engagements; and
 Involving an additional professional accountant who was not a member of the assurance team to
review the work done or otherwise advise as necessary.

72 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


2.13.2 Fees—Overdue

A self-interest threat may be created if fees due from an assurance client for professional services remain
unpaid for a long time, especially if a significant part is not paid before the issue of the assurance report for
the following year. Generally the payment of such fees should be required before the report is issued. The
following safeguards may be applicable:

 Discussing the level of outstanding fees with the audit committee, or others charged with
 Involving an additional professional accountant who did not take part in the assurance engagement to
provide advice or review the work performed.

The firm should also consider whether the overdue fees might be regarded as being equivalent to a loan to
the client and whether, because of the significance of the overdue fees, it is appropriate for the firm to be

2.13.3 Pricing
When a firm obtains an assurance engagement at a significantly lower fee level than that charged by the
predecessor firm, or quoted by other firms, the self-interest threat created will not be reduced to an
acceptable level unless:

(a) The firm is able to demonstrate that appropriate time and qualified staff are assigned to the task; and

(b) All applicable assurance standards, guidelines and quality control

procedures are being complied with.

2.13.4 Contingent Fees

Contingent fees are fees calculated on a predetermined basis relating to the outcome or result of a
transaction or the result of the work performed.
For the purposes of this section, fees are not regarded as being contingent if a court or other public
authority has established them.

The significance of the threats should be evaluated and, if the threats are other than clearly insignificant,
safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary to reduce the threats to an acceptable level. Such
safeguards might include:

 Disclosing to the audit committee, or others charged with governance, the extent and nature of fees
 Review or determination of the final fee by an unrelated third party; or
 Quality and control policies and procedures.

2.14 Gifts and Hospitality

Accepting gifts or hospitality from an assurance client may create self- interest and familiarity threats. When
a firm or a member of the assurance team accepts gifts or hospitality, unless the value is clearly insignificant,
the threats to independence cannot be reduced to an acceptable level by the application of any safeguard.
Consequently, a firm or a member of the assurance team should not accept such gifts or hospitality.

2.15 Actual or Threatened Litigation

When litigation takes place, or appears likely, between the firm or a member of the assurance team and the
assurance client, a self-interest or intimidation threat may be created. The relationship between client
management and the members of the assurance team must be characterized by complete candour and full

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disclosure regarding all aspects of a client’s business operations. The firm and the client’s management may
be placed in adversarial positions by litigation, affecting management’ s willingness to make complete
disclosures and the firm may face a self-interest threat. The significance of the threat created will depend
upon such factors as:

 The materiality of the litigation;

 The nature of the assurance engagement; and
 Whether the litigation relates to a prior assurance engagement.

Once the significance of the threat has been evaluated the following safeguards should be applied, if
necessary, to reduce the threats to an acceptable level:

(a) Disclosing to the audit committee, or others charged with governance, the extent and nature of the
(b) If the litigation involves a member of the assurance team, removing that individual from the assurance
team; or
(c) Involving an additional professional accountant in the firm who was not a member of the assurance team
to review the work done or otherwise advise as necessary.

If such safeguards do not reduce the threat to an appropriate level, the only appropriate action is to
withdraw from, or refuse to accept, the assurance engagement.

74 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


3. ICAB Code of Conduct

As part of ICAB bye-laws (Schedule 'C' Part I )a Chartered Accountant in practice shall be guilty of
professional misconduct for any of the following activities –

(1) places his professional service at the disposal of or enters into partnership with an unqualified person/or
persons in a position to obtain business of the nature in which chartered accountants engage by means
which are not open to a chartered accountant:

Provided that this paragraph shall not be construed as prohibiting a member from practising in a country
outside Bangladesh in association with a person who is entitled under the law in force in that country to
perform functions similar to those which a chartered accountant in practice is entitled to perform in

(2) allows any person to practise in his name as a chartered accountant unless such person is also a
chartered accountant and is in partnership with or employed by him.

(3) pays or allows or agrees to pay or allow, directly or indirectly, any share, commission or brokerage in
the fees or profits of his professional business, to any other person than a member of the Institute or a
partner or a retired partner or the legal representative or widow of a deceased partner;

(4) accepts or agrees to accept any part of the profits of the professional work of a lawyer, income-tax
practitioner, auctioneer, broker or other agent or any other person who is not a member of the Institute;

(5) accepts a position as auditor previously held by another chartered accountant without first
communicating with him in writing ;

(6) accepts an appointment as auditor of a company without first ascertaining from it whether the
requirements of section 210 of the Companies Act, 1994, in respect of such appointment, have been duly
complied with ;

(7) accepts a position as auditor previously held by some other chartered accountant in such
conditions as to constitute undercutting;

(8) publishes or sanctions the publication of expressions of thanks or appreciation by clients or promotes in
any way laudatory notices with regard to professional matters;

(9) solicits clients or professional work either directly or indirectly by circular, advertisement, personal
communication or interview or by any other means ;

(10) advertises his professional attainments or services or uses any designation or expressions other than
chartered accountant on professional documents, visiting cards, letter-heads or sign boards unless it be a
degree of a University established by law in Bangladesh recognised by the Government of Bangladesh or a
title indicating membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants or any other Institution that has been
recognised by the Council;

(11) allows his name to be inserted in any directory, either in the main section or in classified list whether
printed or not, so as to appear in a leaded type or in any manner, which could be regarded as of an
advertising character;

(12) certifies any documents, exhibits, statements, schedules or other forms of accountancy work which
have not been verified entirely under the personal supervision of himself, a member of his staff, another
member of the Institute or his partner:
Provided that the above will not apply in cases of accounts of foreign branches or subsidiaries of his clients
which have been duly certified by a public accountant;

(13) gives estimates of future profits for publication in a prospectus or otherwise, or certifies for publication
statements of average profits over a period of two or more years without at the same time stating the
profits or losses for each year separately;

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(14) charges or offers to charge, accepts or offers to accept in respect of any professional employment, fees
which are based on a percentage of profits or which are contingent upon the findings or result of such
employment except in cases which are permitted under any regulations of Government or requirements of

(15) engages in any business or occupation other than the profession of chartered accountants unless
permitted by the Council so to engage: provided that nothing contained herein shall disentitle a chartered
accountant from being a director of a company or a cooperative society unless he or any of his partners is
interested in such company as an auditor;

(16) allows a person not being a member of the Institute or a member not being his partner to sign on his
behalf or on behalf of his firm, any balance sheet, profit and loss account, report or financial statements or
any other document required by his client;

(17) discloses information acquired in the course of his professional engagement to any person other than
his client, without the consent of his client or otherwise than as required by any law for the time being in

(18) expresses his opinion on financial statements of any business or any enterprise in which he, his firm or
a partner of his firm has a substantial interest, unless he discloses the interest also in his report;

(19) fails to disclose a material fact known to him which is not disclosed in a financial statement, but
disclosure of which is necessary to make the financial statement not misleading;

(20) fails to report a material misstatement known to him to appear in a financial statement with which he is
concerned in a professional capacity;

(21) is grossly negligent in the conduct of his professional duties;

(22) fails to obtain sufficient information to warrant the expression of an opinion or his qualifications are
sufficiently material to negate the expression of an opinion;

(23) fails to keep moneys of his client in a separate banking account or to use such moneys for purposes for
which they are intended;

(24) has been guilty of any act or default discreditable to a chartered accountant or a member of the

(25) (i) contravenes any of the provisions of the Order or the bye-laws made there under;
(ii) is guilty of such other act or omission as may be specified by the Council in this behalf, by notification in
the Gazette of Bangladesh;
(26) not being a fellow styles himself as a fellow;

(27) does not supply the information called for. or does not comply with the requirements asked for. by the
Council or any of its Committees;

(28) fails to invite attention to any material departure from the generally accepted procedure of audit
applicable to the circumstances;

(29) includes in any statement, return or form to be submitted to the Council any particulars knowing them
to be false;

(30) permits his name or the name of his firm to be used in connection with an estimate of earnings
contingent upon future transactions in a manner which may lead to the belief that he vouches for the
accuracy of the forecast:

(31) without first obtaining the permission of the Council associates himself with or promotes anybody of
accountancy, association or institute of accountancy, etc., in Bangladesh.

76 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Interactive question 2: Fee income [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

If an audit firm received a large portion of its total fees, such as CU500,000 out of total annual gross fees
income of CU2,000,000, from a single assurance client, what sort of threat will it create and why? Suggest
the safeguards to be applied in this circumstance.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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Summary and Self-test


Self interest
Self review

Answer the following questions.
1 What are the five general threats to integrity and objectivity?
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
4 ........................................
5 ........................................
2 Give two examples of when auditors are entitled to make a disclosure in breach of the duty of
1 ........................................
2 ........................................

78 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Exam-style questions
3 As auditor of Northend Ltd you prepare quarterly management accounts for the company, and these
are passed on to the company’s bankers. Northend Ltd’ s overdraft is close to its limit and the bank
manager has contacted you to discuss the high level of bad debts disclosed in the latest management
What considerations will determine the extent to which you divulge information to the bank manager?
(2 marks)
4 Three situations have arisen with audit clients of your firm.
(1) Due to cash flow difficulties, overdue fees from Doe Ltd have built up to include all bills
submitted by your firm in the last twelve months.
(2) The engagement partner of Ray Ltd has acted for the company for many years.
(3) To express his gratitude for the quality of service he has received from your firm, the managing
director of Mee Ltd has invited all partners and staff involved with his affairs for a golf day and
dinner at an exclusive club one weekend.
State the threats to objectivity that these matters represent and how the threats could influence
objectivity. (4 marks)
5 Your firm has been invited to tender for the audit of East Ltd. Your firm has not previously acted in
any capacity for this company but does act for West Ltd, which is East Ltd’ s major competitor.
Identify and explain the principal ethical issue relating to this situation, and state the procedures you
would implement to address this issue. (3 marks)
6 Examples of situations when the auditors’
independence may be impaired include the following.
(1) Providing taxation services to the company and its directors.
(2) Providing accountancy services, including preparing periodic management accounts and annual
financial statements.
(3) Providing management consultancy, including advice on new computer systems and systems of
internal control.
(4) Preparing confidential reports to the company’ s bank and other lenders on the financial position
of the client. The conclusions of these reports are not made available to the audit client.
Describe how each of the situations listed above may compromise auditors’ independence, and the
ways in which an audit firm can minimise the effect which the provision of other services has on
independence. (13 marks)
7 You have recently come across the following professional issues.
(1) During the audit of a listed company on which you were involved, you overheard the finance
director on the telephone to a family friend requesting him to buy shares on his behalf, prior to
an announcement about a new product which you know is likely to increase the share price
significantly. The finance director is a chartered accountant.
(2) During a night out at the pub following your exams one of your fellow students told you in
strictest confidence that he had tampered with his degree certificate on his computer to improve
the classification. He explained that he had done this to satisfy the minimum requirements to
secure a job at his firm, one of your main rivals. He boasted about how easy it was with new
computer technology currently available.
(3) One of the audit clients you recently worked on was so impressed with your courtesy towards
his staff members that he wanted to make you a gift of tickets to the World Cup football final,
along with an overnight stay in a hotel.
Set out the problems inherent in each of the above situations and the action that you should take.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 79

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(10 marks)
8 Proper Ltd is a small company which develops specialist software for the insurance and banking sector.
Its finance director, Peter Stewart, has recently been on a training course called ‘Reducing the Stress of
an Audit’ . He has returned to the office with a number of concerns which he had not previously known
existed. As a result he has written to you as audit partner for clarification on the following issues.
(1) Is it appropriate for your firm to continue as auditors when it also provides other services (most
notably preparation of the company’ s corporation tax computation and dealing with the tax
affairs of the directors)?
(2) I have invited you to attend our regular board meetings but recognise that this may influence
your audit opinion.
(3) We have often sought your advice on legal and accounting issues, and I assume that it is in order
for us to extend this to the preparation of submissions to the bank for additional finance.
The last point has particular significance as the finance director’
s letter also indicates that Proper Ltd
has been very successful, and intends to improve its status by buying a larger ailing computer company.
(a) Write a letter to the finance director which addresses the ethical issues arising from his
concerns. The letter should be brief and deal with the major items only, as the intention is not to
swamp the client with detail. (9 marks)
(b) Describe the ethical repercussions arising from the potential change in size of Proper Ltd in
relation to your firm. (6 marks)
(15 marks)
9 You are a sole accountancy practitioner. The following situations have arisen.
(1) At the request of Ace Ltd (an audit client) you have agreed to provide advice on the preparation
of a tender for a very large contract. Subsequently, client Black & Co (a partnership for whom
you prepare accounts and provide a wide range of advice) also asks for your assistance in
preparing a tender for the same contract.
(2) Whilst carrying out the final audit of the accounts of Club Ltd (deadline one month after the
balance sheet date), you discover a substantial trading debt due from another client, Diamond
Ltd. Although it has not been made public, you are aware that Diamond Ltd is in serious financial
difficulties and the bank is considering appointing a receiver. The directors of Club Ltd have made
no bad or doubtful debt provision against the amount due from Diamond Ltd.
Explain the action you would take in each of the above circumstances. (10 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

80 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


Technical reference

1 The need for professional ethics n/a

2 Code of ethics ES 1 (similar to IFAC ES)

3 APB Ethical Standards ES 1, ES 2, ES 3, ES 4, ES 5, ESPASE

4 ICAEW Code of Ethics ICAEW Code of Ethics Section 140, 220

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 81

Audit and assurance

Answers to Self-test

1  Self-interest
 Self-review
 Management
 Advocacy
 Intimidation
 Familiarity
2  Reporting of terrorist offences
 Defending oneself against negligence charges
Exam-style questions
3 Disclosure of information
 Whether Northend Ltd’
s permission has been obtained to discuss matters freely with bank
 Extent to which information has already been divulged by the bank to Northend Ltd’
 Terms of engagement with Northend Ltd and/or bankers for preparation of management
 Duty/responsibility to bankers
4 Threats

Threat How influence objectivity

(1) Self-interest  Auditor may worry that fees will not be paid if report is qualified or
going concern doubts disclosed
(2) Familiarity  Partner may be reluctant to upset or be too reliant on
representations from 'friend'
(3) Self-interest  Partners and staff may be reluctant to appear ungrateful or hope for
further hospitality

 Proper audit may not be carried out
 Inappropriate opinion may be given
5 Principal ethical issue
 Confidentiality
 East and West may perceive a threat in respect of disclosure/use of information
 Conflict of interest
Procedures to address
 Procedures to ensure staff are aware of confidentiality issues and such issues have been brought
to attention of staff (e.g. Chinese walls)
 Staff to certify awareness of these procedures
 Obtain informed consent of clients
 Use of different partners and teams
 Independent review of arrangements for ensuring confidentiality maintained

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6 (1) Taxation services

Many audit firms prepare tax computations for their client companies and this should not
normally compromise independence.
Where taxation services are provided to the company, a conflict of interest could arise in dealing
with the tax affairs of the directors (e.g. if any of the directors are also shareholders, they may
have preferences as to dividends or bonuses, which are not in the best interests of the company’ s
tax or cash flow position).
There may also be independence issues in relation to tax advisory work. For example, the firm
may have difficulty in giving an independent view on the acceptability of a scheme to the Revenue
or Customs and Excise if the firm designed the scheme itself in the first place.
As a safeguard, a tax manager (or partner) independent of the audit function should be assigned
to deal with individual director’
s tax affairs.
(2) Accountancy services
For many audit clients it is common to provide a range of accountancy services including
participation in the preparation of accounting records. For listed or other public interest clients,
an audit firm should not participate in the preparation of the company’ s accounts and accounting
records except in emergency situations.
Preparing periodic management accounts may draw the auditor, inadvertently, into performing
management functions.
Safeguards for non-listed companies include the following.
 The client accepting responsibility for the records as its own.
 The auditor not assuming an operational role.
 Conducting appropriate audit tests on records processed/maintained by the auditor.
(3) Management consultancy
An auditor’ s independence may be compromised if a course of action is recommended to an
audit client. For example, if the auditor advises on a new computer system which is then found to
be unreliable, the auditor may be reluctant to report the weaknesses to management.
As a safeguard auditors should lay the facts before the directors and let them make the decision.
It is important that the auditor is not seen to be acting as part of the management function.
The additional guidance on best practice has also now provided that services involving the design
and implementation of financial information technology systems (FITS) should not be provided
 Management accept overall responsibility in writing
 Management do not rely on the FITS work as the primary basis for determining the
adequacy of internal controls and financial reporting systems, and
 The design specifications are set by management.
In any case separate engagement teams are likely to be necessary to mitigate the potential threat
to independence.
(4) Preparing confidential reports
Auditors are not prevented from producing confidential reports for banks and other lenders,
provided they have obtained the client’
s authority to do so.
An 'unqualified' confidential report recently issued to a lender may be borne in mind when
forming the audit opinion. This may increase pressure not to qualify the audit opinion (to add
credibility to the confidential report) when qualification is justified.
A partner other than the audit engagement partner should be responsible for the confidential
reports. Unless confidentiality is absolutely necessary, the client should be made aware of the

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reports to lenders. The quality of these reports may be enhanced by consideration of

management’ s views on matters included.
7 (1) Share purchase for FD
 This constitutes insider dealing which is a criminal offence, as the financial director is
benefiting financially from an inside knowledge of the business.
 All chartered accountants and trainees, whether in business or practice, are required to
comply with the Code of Ethics. This states that members should act with integrity at all
times and not act to bring the profession into disrepute.
 Inform the audit partner but do not approach the finance director directly yourself.
(2) Exam certificates
 The student is guilty of obtaining an employment position under false pretences and by
deception. This is not appropriate behaviour for a future chartered accountant.
 It is unlikely that the firm would have taken the student if it had known the class of degree.
 No duty of confidentiality to his friend.
 Encourage the friend to admit to his employer.
 If not, the matter should be discussed with your own partner, who would make contact
with the staff partner of the other firm.
(3) Accepting a gift from an audit client
 Firm’
s independence on the audit may be called into question; need to consider.
 Size and availability to all employees of the client company. (Generally gifts from clients
should only be accepted if value modest and available to all employees.)
 Whether own firm’
s regulations may prohibit this.
 Discuss with partner and only accept if firm’
s permission is given.
8 (a) Letter to finance director ABC & Co
Chartered Accountants
20 Ribble Road
Finance Director
Proper Ltd
5-8 Ring Avenue
SE9Y 9JA 10 February 20X4
Dear Mr Stewart
Clarification of ethical concerns
I have studied your letter dated 29 January 20X4 and was impressed by your recognition of
potential ethical conflicts that may face us as auditors. You will be pleased to know that our
professional guidance extends to all the issues raised. Each issue is dealt with in turn below.
(1) Other services

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It is not unusual for audit firms to provide their clients with other professional services,
such as tax advice and, provided they have the technical resources to undertake such work,
it is not seen to impact on their objectivity when reaching an audit opinion.
The provision of such advice benefits both parties. It enables the auditors to gain a better
insight into client systems, while allowing the management to receive a less costly service
than by employing someone who is less familiar with their circumstances.
However, giving tax advice to the directors personally, as well as acting for the company,
could lead to a conflict of interest. Similarly, a conflict of interest could arise between giving
tax advice to the company and our audit work. If such a conflict were to arise we would
have to consider which work to decline. It may be that we would need to decline all tax
work in order to continue to act as auditor.
Ethical guidance also requires us to monitor the proportion of gross fee income (audit or
otherwise) we receive from a single client. If the fees are a large proportion of our total fee
income, then our objectivity is considered to be at risk, and we must either apply safeguards
or relinquish that client.
(2) Attending board meetings
On occasions it may be desirable for the auditor to attend board meetings, for example
when management representations on audit issues are to be discussed and minuted.
However, as you have indicated in your letter, it would be wholly inappropriate for a
member of our firm to have a permanent seat on the board. It is vital that a reader of our
audit report can be confident that we conducted our work with absolute independence and
objectivity; this would not be possible if it were known that we also held an executive role.
As a director we would be helping to make policy decisions for which at a later date we
would have responsibility for auditing.
(3) Borrowing applications
The preparation of submissions to the bank creates a potential conflict of interest.
For example, say a client’ s audit report needs qualifying on the grounds of going concern. If
the auditor were also involved in a submission to the bank he would be under pressure to
avoid such a qualification in view of the adverse effect it would have on any attempt to raise
additional finance.
In these circumstances the most likely precaution would be to invite another partner to
oversee the borrowing application.
I hope that the above has addressed and clarified your concerns, but if you would like any
additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
ABC & Co
(b) Impact of client size
If Proper Ltd goes ahead with its proposed reverse management buy-out, it will undergo a radical
increase in size. This could have a number of ethical implications for its auditors.
Fee income
There is likely to be a significant increase in fees; hence a check would be needed to ensure that
they do not become a large portion of the recurring gross fee income of our firm. If it becomes a
large portion, our ethical guidance proposes resignation from office, as such reliance on one
client can affect objectivity.
Company status
One of the most common reasons for undertaking a reverse management buy-out is that it can
provide a fast track route to listed company status (i.e. target is a listed company).
Additionally, the reporting requirements on a listed company are more stringent, such that the
auditors must ensure that they have the technical expertise to address these changes.

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Auditing ethical standards can only be maintained if the firm involved has adequate resources in
terms of staff, locations, etc. A significant increase in client size would mean that these would
have to be reviewed.
Conflicts of interest
Such a conflict could arise, particularly if the auditors have had any previous involvement with the
target company or its management.
10 (1) Tender preparation
Additional service
When agreeing to provide any additional services to an audit client it is important to recognise
that the independence of the audit may appear to be compromised even though the auditor
considers he is able to be objective in executing his work. In general, additional services of an
advisory nature are permitted provided no executive function is taken on which might conflict
with the office of auditor.
Ace Ltd
The decision to provide advice and assistance in connection with the tender is not unethical
provided it is made clear to the directors that any tender ultimately remains their responsibility.
The directors should be sent a supplementary engagement letter, distinguishing the nature of an
audit from other work and clarifying the extent of the advice to be given.
Black & Co
Independence may also be affected by a conflict of interest between two clients. With Ace Ltd
and Black competing by tender for the same contract, it is likely that detailed inside information
of both businesses would be obtained which would be of considerable value to the competitor.
Although there is, in theory, nothing improper in having two clients whose interests are in
conflict, it must be possible to manage the activities of the firm so that the work on behalf of one
client does not adversely affect that on behalf of the other. However, in this case the auditor is a
sole accountancy practitioner so safeguards such as 'Chinese walls' which could be put in place in
a large firm are unlikely to be feasible.
To advise both clients would not therefore appear to be independent. It would be difficult to be
objective and avoid influencing one or other of the tenders unfairly.
It would be preferable to advise only one of the two clients –probably Ace Ltd as already agreed
–and thereby avoid conflict. However, the knowledge of Black & Co’ s business may be seen to
impair objectivity, and Black & Co might well object to assistance being provided to Ace Ltd.
It may therefore be best to advise neither client but to explain the predicament to both and
suggest that each consults another independent firm of accountants.
(2) Confidentiality
To inform the directors of Club Ltd that the accounts will not give a true and fair view unless a
provision is made against the debt due from Diamond Ltd would be a breach of confidentiality. It
could also have the undesirable effect of precipitating the collapse of Diamond Ltd since the
directors of Club Ltd would take steps to obtain payment from Diamond Ltd as soon as possible.
To ignore the information about Diamond Ltd’ s financial position (since it is not publicly available)
and give an unqualified auditors’ report, in a situation where the accounts are known (by the
auditor) not to give a true and fair view, would be prima facie a breach of Section 140
Confidentiality of the IFAC Code of Ethics.
If the auditor is to continue to act for Club Ltd the conflict must be resolved. To do so normal
audit procedures should be followed and enquiries made to enable the information about
Diamond Ltd to be obtained from another source. It may be possible to delay forming an opinion

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until the situation crystallises. Under no circumstances must there be any disclosure of
confidential information outside the firm.

Tutorial note
Note how practical this question is. Your answer should not merely be a repetition of the ethical
guide but should apply it to the specific circumstances given. Part (2) is really 'unanswerable' and what
is required is simply a sensible discussion of the possibilities. In any question on ethics, try to use
common sense and come up with practical suggestions, and bear in mind that there may be no 'right'

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Members should:
 Behave with integrity in all professional and business relationships
 Strive for objectivity in all professional and business judgements
 Not accept or perform work beyond own competence (unless obtain adequate advice and assistance)
 Carry out work with due care, skill and diligence and follow expected technical and professional
 Respect the confidentiality of information acquired
 Act professionally and comply with relevant laws and regulations

Answer to Interactive question 2

Threats to objectivity and safeguards:

 Self-interest threat

Safeguards to be applied are as follows:

 Discussing the extent and nature of fees charged with the audit committee, or others charged with
 Taking steps to reduce dependency on the client;
 External quality control reviews; and
 Consulting a third party, such as a professional regulatory body or another professional accountant.

Answer to Interactive question 3

Threats to objectivity and safeguards:
Alpha Ltd
 Self-interest threat
 Self-review threat
 Firm may be susceptible to pressure for fear of losing work
 Lack objectivity when checking VAT
 Different staff should be used for VAT work and audit
Beta Ltd
 Self-interest threat
 Advocacy threat
 Either company may be uncomfortable with arrangement and exert pressure
 Beta could exert pressure re your knowledge of customer
 Separate audit partners
 Separate audit teams

Answer to Interactive question 4

The auditor must obtain the client’
s permission before removing any files from the client’
s offices.

88 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

chapter 5

Quality control


Examination context
Topic List
1 The need for quality standards
2 Leadership
3 Ethics
4 Acceptance of engagements
5 Human resources
6 Engagement performance
7 Monitoring
8 Getting the assurance opinion wrong
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objectives Tick off

 Understand and explain why firms need to have quality control procedures

 Understand and explain what these procedures are and how they operate
 Understand the concept of professional negligence and its potential impact on an assurance
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 2a, d, e, f, g.

Practical significance
If you work in practice, you will be subject to the types of quality control procedures set out in this chapter
as they are a requirement for audit firms.

Stop and think

Why is it important that audit firms have quality control processes?

Working context
If you work in practice, you will soon be accustomed to the types of quality control procedures on
individual assignments. Your work will be supervised and reviewed by the people superior to you on the
assurance team, for example. You might also be involved in more general controls, such as confirming that
you do not own any shares that would cause a barrier to independence in relation to a particular client.
Even if you work outside practice, as an ICAB member, you will be required to verify that you have
undertaken continuing professional development.

Syllabus links
Your understanding of quality control issues will be necessary at the Advanced stage.

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Examination context

Exam requirements
This is an area of the syllabus that is likely to be examined in conjunction with other issues such as client
acceptance or ethics.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Identify the legal, professional and ethical considerations that an individual or firm must consider
before accepting a specified assurance engagement
 Identify the sources of liability (including professional negligence) arising from an assurance engagement
and their impact upon the conduct of the engagement
 Formulate the approach suitable for management of the assurance engagement
 Discuss the principles and purpose of quality control of assurance engagements
 Demonstrate how the assurance function within an organisation can be monitored through
procedures for review
 Describe how quality can be monitored and controlled through procedures external to the

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1 The need for quality standards

Section overview
 Quality control procedures are essential to ensure that an acceptable job is carried out by the
assurance firm and assurance engagement risk is reduced to an acceptable level.
 An engagement could go wrong due to client-based problems, or assurance firm based problems, for
example that the engagement team has insufficient knowledge of the business or are badly directed
and supervised.
 Audit quality is monitored by the QAD Department of ICAB under the Quality Assurance Board
 There are six key elements of a quality control system (which we shall look at in turn in the next
sections of this chapter):
– Leadership
– Ethical requirements
– Acceptance and continuance of client relationships/specific engagements
– Human resources
– Engagement performance
– Monitoring

The main reason the end user wants to have an assurance report prepared is to reduce the risk of making a
wrong decision. As a result someone is prepared to pay an assurance firm a fee.
As you know (and we shall look at this in more detail in Chapter 9) the amount of work the firm does is
dictated by the need to reduce assurance engagement risk to acceptable levels. If the firm does not do
this, it has not carried out a job which is acceptable when judged against professional standards.
The firm should ensure that the quality of its work does not fall short
 By trusting to luck (not a good idea), or
 By implementing its own quality control procedures

1.1 What could go wrong?

Worked example: Need for quality

Take a moment to think about what the areas of risk are for the firm. The list you came up with might look
something like this.
The terms 'auditor' and 'audit' are used here, because audits are a common form of assurance engagements
but the same principles will apply to any assurance engagement.
Let us start, as it were, from the bottom up.
The client
 Could be incompetent
 Could be negligent
 May mislead the audit team
The individual auditor
 May not have adequate understanding of the client’
s business
 May not perform the right work to an adequate standard
 May not record the work done adequately

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The supervisor
 May not have an adequate understanding of the client’ s business
 May not brief and direct the staff properly
 May not carry out sufficient supervision so that the wrong work is done by the audit team
 May fail to deal with issues raised adequately
 May fail to communicate the issues arising to the engagement partner
The engagement partner
 May have insufficient knowledge of the client and its environment
 May fail to pass knowledge of the business on to the audit team
 May select the wrong team for the audit
 May not adequately brief and supervise the team
 May not consult sufficiently with colleagues and outside experts
 May not review the work carried out by the team with sufficient care
 May fail to deal with issues raised adequately
 May not draw the correct conclusions from the evidence available

1.2 The consequence of quality failure

As we have seen assurance engagements, including audits, do not offer the end user absolute assurance
about the subject matter of the assurance report. At best, they offer reasonable assurance, a high level
of assurance.
As a consequence, the firm needs to have quality systems and procedures primarily to ensure that its work
is of a sufficiently high standard so that failures simply do not happen.
In the event of a complaint, the firm will have a defence, providing it has followed suitable procedures.
ICAB at present has established a QAD department mainly to focus on training the practicing firms on
auditing standards, principles, procedures, and audit compliance review procedure. On the basis that those
procedures, training and associated activities are in place by 31 December 2009 it is planned that audit firm
visits will start during the subsequent years.
During this review, which is designed to be constructive rather than disciplinary in tone, the reviewer
working on behalf of ICAB will examine files and procedures in all the firm’s departments. They will
compare what they find with standards set out by ICAB, and, where appropriate, make recommendations
for improvement.
Clearly, if a firm’
s working practices were found to be inadequate, there could be disciplinary consequences,
but the overall thrust of the scheme is intended to be supportive –in effect to provide the firm with access
to audit compliance. All members of ICAB who hold a practising certificate will be included in the
programme of visits.
Audit failures revealed by such visits may result in disciplinary action being taken against the firm. This can
lead to fines or, possibly, suspension of the firm’s authorisation to carry out audits.
The consequences of failure can be catastrophic as Andersen found out following the Enron affair, but even
a complaint which is successfully defended can absorb huge amounts of time and expense. It really is
sensible to avoid getting into the situation in the first place.

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1.3 Approach to quality control

If you look carefully at the bullet points in the worked example above, you should see that if you were to
devise counter-measures against the threats listed, these measures could be listed under a small number of
 Procedures for ensuring only suitable clients are taken on
 Procedures for ensuring only suitable clients are retained
 Procedures for ensuring that the firm’
s partners and staff have the necessary knowledge and
 Guidance on ethics
 Communication skills
 Briefing and supervision skills
 Professional scepticism and judgement
 Monitoring
BSQC1 Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Historical Financial Information and other
Assurance and Related Services Engagements lists the following as elements of a firm’ s quality control system:
 Leadership responsibilities for quality within the firm
 Ethical requirements
 Acceptance and continuance of client relationships and specific engagements
 Human resources
 Engagement performance
 Monitoring
In other words, BSQC1 deals with the sort of procedures you would expect in a straightforward, logical
way. We will look in more detail at the elements in the rest of the chapter.
The elements it lists are fairly self explanatory –human resources incorporates issues dealing with staff
recruitment, training and appraisal.
In the exam you are not expected to regurgitate lists but the above approach should convince you that you
have an understanding of the issues involved.
We will now look at the elements of a quality control system which affect the way the engagement is
carried out –'Engagement performance' under BSQC1. We will, on the whole, look at the procedures
which affect an audit and which are dealt with by BSA 220 because these are broadly applicable to all
assurance engagements.

Interactive question 1: Benefits of quality control procedures

[Difficulty level: Exam standard]
Your manager has been asked to brief your department on the new quality control procedures that the
firm has introduced. Your manager has asked you to prepare a list of the benefits of quality control
procedures in a firm, which he can use as part of his presentation.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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2 Leadership

Section overview
 The BSQC points out the importance of quality being an established part of the culture of the firm.
 This must be instigated by the leaders of the firm, that is, the partners.

It is important that the culture of the firm is that quality is essential in performing assurance engagements.
This should be lead by the leaders of the firm, that is, the partners.
In practical terms, the people directing the firm and its resources should ensure that:
 Commercial considerations do not override the quality of work performed.
 The firm’
s policies in relation to staff promotion, remuneration and performance review incorporate
the importance of quality work.
 Sufficient resources are allocated to the development, documentation and support of quality control
policies and procedures.

3 Ethics

Section overview
 The firm should have policies and procedures designed to ensure that ethical requirements are met.

We saw in the previous chapter how important ethics are to assurance providers, as they underpin the
public trust required to make assurance services viable.
The firm must put together policies and procedures to ensure that it meets ethical requirements.

Worked example: Policy in respect of employees' shareholdings

Freshfields & Co is a large accountancy practice. It has a number of assurance clients. At the beginning of
every year it circulates a memorandum to all staff employed in the assurance division requesting that they
disclose any shareholdings in a list of named assurance clients. It further emphasises the need for disclosure
of such shareholdings should they arise in the year. Every staff member joining the assurance department
during the year is also asked to make the disclosure.

4 Acceptance of engagements

Section overview
 The firm should also have policies and procedures designed to ensure that only appropriate clients
are accepted in the first place and retained.

The firm should also have policies and procedures designed to ensure that only appropriate clients are
accepted in the first place and retained. We shall look in more detail at acceptance issues in Chapter 6. The
engagement partner should carry out similar considerations as he did when he accepted the client every
year when bearing in mind whether to retain the client.

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5 Human resources

Section overview
 As part of the firm’
s overall culture of quality control, it should have policies and procedures to
ensure that it employs and retains staff with the capabilities, competence and commitment to ethical
principles necessary to perform the engagements.
 There should be policies on recruitment, career development, performance evaluation and
 It is also important to allocate staff to assurance engagements appropriately.

As part of the firm’ s overall culture of quality control, it should have policies and procedures to ensure that
it employs and retains staff with the capabilities, competence and commitment to ethical principles
necessary to perform the engagements. This means it should have policies on all aspects of employing
professional staff. The BSQC lists the following:
 Recruitment
 Performance evaluation
 Capabilities
 Competence
 Career development
 Promotion
 Compensation (that is, how staff are remunerated)
 The estimation of personal needs (for instance, self-appraisal as well as appraisal by others)
These will cover matters such as professional education (for trainees), continuing professional development
(for everyone), practical work experience and coaching by more experienced staff.
ICAB members are required to certify that they have carried out appropriate professional development
annually as part of their membership. For members in practice, the BSQC puts professional development on
the agenda of firms as well, as part of their overall quality control procedures.
Another important matter in relation to human resources is the allocation of staff to assurance teams.
Firms are required to have policies to ensure that:
 Clients are informed of the identity of the engagement partner.
 The engagement partner has the capabilities, competence, authority and time to perform his role.
 The responsibilities of the partner in respect of the assignment are clearly defined and communicated
to him.
The engagement partner should ensure that he allocates appropriate staff to the engagement team. Staff
 Understanding of/practical experience with similar engagements
 Understanding of relevant professional and legal requirements in relation to the client
 Appropriate technical knowledge
 Knowledge of the relevant industry
 Ability to apply professional judgement
 Understanding of the firm’ s quality control procedures and policies
You can see that the types of training and appraisal discussed above will be important as ongoing monitoring
of the staff member’s abilities and, therefore, capability to be assigned to particular engagements and in what

96 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009


6 Engagement performance

Section overview
 Key issues are supervision, direction, review, consultation and resolution of disputes.

6.1 Direction
This is largely the responsibility of the engagement partner who controls how the assurance engagement
should be conducted, but this duty will be delegated to the most senior team member on site at the
engagement, who will direct the engagement in accordance with the overall strategy.
The engagement partner is responsible for ensuring team members know:
 What work they are supposed to be doing
 The nature of the entity’s business
 Any risks relevant to the engagement
 Problems that might arise during the engagement
 The detailed approach to the engagement

6.2 Supervision
BSA 220 lists four features of supervision:
 Progress tracking
 Monitoring the performance of the audit team
 Addressing significant issues arising during the audit
 Identifying matters for consultation or where a greater degree of expertise or experience is required
Good supervision can be a difficult skill to master:
 If it is too close it can stifle initiative and waste the time of supervisor and assistant alike
 If it is too loose, mistakes may be made or time wasted in ineffective work
The partner has overall responsibility for supervising the audit, but will normally delegate supervisory duties
to a manager or supervisor who will similarly delegate to the 'senior' or 'in charge' who is responsible for
the day-to-day management of the engagement.

6.3 Review
Work performed by staff is reviewed by other more senior staff or the engagement partner.
The purpose of the review is to consider whether the work done is in line with the audit strategy and
 The work has been performed in accordance with professional standards and regulatory and legal
 Significant matters have been raised for further consideration
 Appropriate consultations have taken place and the resulting conclusions have been documented and
 There is a need to revise the nature, timing and extent of work performed
 The work performed supports the conclusions reached and is appropriately documented
 The evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to support the report and
 The objectives of the engagement procedures have been achieved

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6.3.1 Independent review

This review is conducted by a suitably-qualified partner not otherwise involved in the engagement or by an
external consultant. The purpose of this independent review is not to re-perform the other reviews in the
audit process but to provide an additional safety check about the validity of the firm’
s opinion on the
financial statements.
The following matters need to be considered:
 The evaluation of independence in relation to the engagement that has taken place
 Significant risks identified and responses to those risks
 Judgements made during the engagement, for example, in relation to materiality and significant risks
 Whether appropriate consultation has taken place on contentious issues
 The significance of corrected and uncorrected misstatements
 The matters to be communicated to the client
 Whether the documentation selected for review reflects the work performed in relation to the
significant judgements and supports the conclusions reached
 The appropriateness of the proposed report

6.4 Consultation
When difficult or contentious issues arise, the assurance team must consult properly on the matter and the
conclusions drawn as a result of consultation must be properly recorded.
Any differences of opinion must be resolved prior to the assurance report being issued. This may mean that
a person independent of the engagement (such as the quality control reviewer) may have to be involved in
resolving the difference of opinion.

7 Monitoring

Section overview
 The firm must have policies in place to ensure that their quality control procedures are adequate and
relevant, that they are operating effectively and are complied with.
 Management of the assurance firm (that is, the partners) should receive an annual report on the
outcome of monitoring activities.
 The most important issues will be systematic or repetitive deficiencies.

The BSQC states that firms must have policies in place to ensure that quality control procedures are
adequate and relevant, that they are operating effectively and are complied with. The firm might have a
compliance or quality department which carries out such reviews.
Monitoring might take place by ongoing evaluation of the system and also by periodic review of selected
engagement files to assess whether policies and procedures were put into place during the engagement.
The partners in the firm (the management board) should receive at least an annual report of the results of
monitoring of quality control procedures. Key issues will be systematic or repetitive deficiencies that
require corrective action.
Where monitoring reveals a problem with an individual, then remedial action should be taken with that
individual, and possibly, additional quality control reviews might be required on that person’
s work to
ensure that corrective action is taken.
The people checking compliance with quality control standards should liaise closely with the training
department or partner to ensure that any misunderstandings or problems with controls are corrected
during on-the-job training.

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7.1 Monitoring (or 'cold' review)

Cold reviews are designed to be a continuing part of the quality control process and take place after the
assurance assignment has been completed.
They are usually conducted either:
 As a process, whereby partners in a firm review each other’
s work
 By a team specifically constituted to conduct such reviews –usually under the direction of a partner,
but the work is usually carried out by suitably qualified and experienced managers
 By a suitably qualified external consultant.
The review team should also develop appropriate courses of action where failures are identified, including:
 Communication of the findings within the firm
 Additional training and professional development
 Changes to the firm’ s policies and procedures
 Disciplinary action against those who repeatedly fail to comply with the firm’
s standards.

Interactive question 2: Quality control issues on an engagement

[Difficulty level: Intermediate]
You are an audit senior working for the firm Addystone Fish. You are currently carrying out the audit of
Wicker Ltd, a manufacturer of waste paper bins. You are unhappy with Wicker's inventory valuation policy
and have raised the issue several times with the audit manager. He has dealt with the client for a number of
years and does not see what you are making a fuss about. He has refused to meet you on site to discuss
these issues.
The former engagement partner to Wicker retired two months ago. As the audit manager had dealt with
Wicker for so many years, the other partners have decided to leave the audit of Wicker in his capable
Comment on the situation outlined above.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

8 Getting the assurance opinion wrong

Section overview
 Getting the audit opinion wrong could lead to:
– Being sued for professional negligence
– Disciplinary proceedings from ICAB
– Loss of reputation, clients, key staff
– Assurance firm collapse
 In the context, quality control procedures are important.
 Risk is another key issue associated with getting the opinion wrong –are some clients too risky to

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Think for a moment about the possible cost of getting the audit opinion wrong:
 If someone can demonstrate that you owed them a duty of care and they suffered loss by relying on
the financial statements, they could sue you under the tort of negligence, as you saw previously whilst
studying for the Law Paper.
 As the law currently stands although you, as auditor, may not be the only person responsible for their
loss –the directors, who are responsible for preparing financial statements which give a true and fair
view, probably had a hand in it somewhere –you could find yourself solely liable.
 As a member of the ICAB you could also face disciplinary proceedings, fines and penalties.
Audit firms in many countries must carry professional indemnity insurance, which means that any
settlement will be paid out by the insurance company, but there is quite a long list of audit firms which no
longer exist –ranging from Spicer and Oppenheim as a result of the British and Commonwealth/Atlantic
Computers failure to Andersen, the former auditor of Enron –as a result of the collapse of an audit client.
To some extent the final cost of the settlement is only a part of the overall cost. Lawyers do not come
cheap, particularly good corporate lawyers, and the time of partners and staff taken up with defending such
an action can also represent a huge cost.
There is a further substantial, but intangible cost, resulting from the damage to a firm’s reputation following
its involvement with a client collapse. This is the loss of other clients and often key members of staff who
no longer want to be associated with the firm.
Remember that many audit firms operate as partnerships whose partners have unlimited and joint and
several liability (which you also will remember from your law studies). If one partner gets it wrong, all the
partners could be found liable.
Clearly in this context, quality control policies and procedures, which help to ensure that the wrong
opinion is not given, are very important. However, it is not just a question of quality. As you saw in your
studies for Assurance, and as we shall look at in more detail in the next chapter, it is a question of risk.
Increasingly, audit firms are concluding that there are some clients which are too risky to take on.

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Summary and Self-test


To avoid:
- Professional negligence claims:
- Disciplinary proceedings from ICAB
- Loss of reputation and consequences
- Assurance firm collapse

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Answer the following questions.
1 Compliance with quality control policies and procedures as required by BSQC 1 will constitute a good
defence against allegations that the firm has been negligent.

2 The ICAB’
s Quality assurance program is primarily disciplinary.

3 Which one of the following statements about formal leadership is incorrect?
Partners should ensure that:
 Commercial considerations do not override the quality of work performed.
 Sufficient resources are allocated to developing quality controls polices and procedures.
 Staff prioritise quality control procedures over ethical considerations for listed clients.
 The firm's policies in relation to remuneration should reflect the importance of quality.
4 Explain an ICAB member's responsibility with regards to CPD.
5 List four items the engagement partner should ensure the assurance team are aware of prior to
commencing an engagement.
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
4 ........................................
6 Define hot review.
Exam-style questions
7 You are about to start work on an assignment. What would you expect the role of your senior to be
in terms of supervising you and explaining your role on the audit? (2 marks)
8 A qualified senior and yourself are due to start work on an assignment. He will review your work
before the file is passed on to the manager.
What aspects will he be considering when he is reviewing your work? (2 marks)
9 Your firm has recently been appointed as auditor of Jog Ltd ('Jog'), a company operating within the
sports and leisure sector. Your audit manager has arranged a meeting with the company’ s finance
director for early next week and she has asked you to assist her, in advance of this meeting, with the
audit planning for the year ending 30 June 20X6. Your audit manager has also asked you to carry out
some preliminary analytical procedures on the year-end financial statements of Jog when these become
s business can be split into the following three divisions
 Sports equipment retail outlets: 35 sports equipment retail outlets located in 'out of town' retail
 Fitness clubs: 15 fitness clubs, each offering a fully equipped gym together with yoga, aerobics, and
circuit training classes
 Machine manufacture: a manufacturing unit in which running machines and rowing machines are
assembled using components sourced from overseas.

102 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Further information:
Sports equipment retail outlets
The retail outlets are all located close to major towns and cities throughout the whole of Bangladesh.
Each outlet stocks a standard range of products which are supplied from a central warehouse
operated by Jog. Salaries for the core staff at the outlets are paid by Jog’
s head office by direct bank
transfer. Each outlet is run on a day-to-day basis by a manager who is responsible for hiring casual staff
to cover peak periods. These casual staff members are generally paid using cash from the locker.
Jog received some bad publicity during the year following its inclusion in a television documentary
which revealed that one of its sports shoe suppliers was making its employees work long hours for
very low wages. In an attempt to manage this adverse press attention, Jog has now had to source these
products from alternative suppliers.
Fitness clubs
Jog’s 15 fitness clubs are all located directly above existing Jog retail outlets. Each club has its own on-
site manager and is operated independently of the adjacent retail outlet. Customers of the fitness clubs
pay by one of three methods: on a ‘ pay per session’basis over the fitness club counter; by monthly
direct debit paid into Jog’s head office bank account; or by annual subscription to head office.
Customers are then issued with a membership card which enables them to gain access to the club.
The company operates a bonus incentive scheme for the managers at both its retail outlets and fitness
clubs. The size of the bonus is linked to the profitability of their individual operation.
Machine manufacture
During the year Jog started to manufacture its own running machines and rowing machines. It sources
the machine components from China and Taiwan. These components are assembled at Jog’ s factory
for sale both in Jog’
s own stores under their own 'Jog' brand and also to independent sports shops
under the 'Iron Champ' brand. The latter accounts for approximately 80% of Jog’ s total production of
both running and rowing machines. Sales to independent sports shops achieve a gross profit margin of
50%, whereas sales to Jog’s own shops are made to that division at cost plus 10%.
Jog is invoiced by its foreign component suppliers in their respective local currency. The components
are sent by sea, which means that Jog’s typical lead time for components from the placing of an order
to delivery in Bangladesh is three months. Jog is required to pay its suppliers 50% with order and 50%
upon receipt of the components in Bangladesh.
Quality control
In line with your firm’s system of quality control, procedures were conducted prior to accepting Jog as
an audit client, to ensure that it was appropriate to accept such an appointment. Your audit manager
has asked you to consider the other objectives of a system of quality control and why they may be
particularly relevant to Jog.
(a) and (b) omitted until later chapter
(c) (i) State the objectives of a system of quality control within an audit firm.
(ii) Identify, with reasons, which of the above objectives are likely to be particularly relevant to
your audit of Jog. (8 marks)
Parts (a) and (b) of this question will be included in Chapter 7. Note that much of the information
given in the question relates to these parts, but has been left in so that you can use any relevant
information for the purposes of answering Part (c)(ii).
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

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Technical reference

1 The need for quality standards

 Requirement for quality control procedures BSQC 1.3 and BSA 220.2

2 Leadership BSQC 1.9 –13

3 Ethics BSQC 1.14 –27

4 Acceptance of engagements BSQC 1.28 –35

5 Human resources BSQC 1.36 –45

6 Engagement performance BSQC 1.46 –73, BSA 220

7 Monitoring BSQC 1.74 - 93

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Answers to Self-test

1 True
2 False, although disciplinary action may be taken as a result of a review if required.
3 Staff prioritise quality control procedures over ethical considerations for listed clients.
4 Every member is required to certify that he/she has carried out appropriate professional development
5 From:
 What work they are supposed to be doing
 The nature of the entity’s business
 Any risks relevant to the engagement
 Problems that might arise during the engagement
 The detailed approach to the engagement
6 A hot review is a review carried out by a partner not otherwise involved in the engagement or an
external consultant before the audit report is signed.
Exam-style questions
7 Supervision
 Inform you of your responsibilities
 Explain the objectives of the work you are carrying out
 Explain the nature of the entity’
s business
 Highlight possible accounting and auditing problems which may affect the procedures you carry
8 Review of work
 Work properly conducted in accordance with plan/programmes
 Working papers to a standard/evidence recorded
 Conclusions valid
 Matters identified for further consideration
 Working papers headed, initialled, dated
9 (c) Objectives of quality control
The objectives of an audit firm’
s system of quality control are to ensure that the auditor
performs the right work to a high standard and adequately records the work done. It involves
selecting the appropriate team, supervising staff, consulting sufficiently with colleagues and
outside experts and reviewing the work carried out by the team with sufficient care.
A system of quality control will also ensure that the auditor draws the correct conclusions from
the evidence available, forms the appropriate audit opinion and deals adequately with issues
raised including reporting to management.
Quality control is also designed to protect the auditor from risks arising as a result of
incompetence or negligence of the client’ s staff and will protect the firm from the risk of
Objectives relevant to the audit of Jog
Jog operates out of many locations and because it has a number of diverse activities, the audit
firm may not have staff with relevant expertise. It is therefore particularly important that a team
with appropriate skills and experience is selected for the audit and that the work is supervised

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As Jog is a new audit client and because its business is diversified it is particularly important that
the audit team has an adequate understanding of the business. The risks arising from the client’ s
staff being incompetent or negligent are particularly relevant to Jog as the auditor does not yet
know the client very well.

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

The benefits of quality control procedures include:
 Standard of all audit work completed is high and consistent
 Registered auditors are regarded as professionals who follow standards
 Quality of the work completed can be measured against a standard
 Individuals within firms know if the work they have completed is acceptable

Answer to Interactive question 2

Several quality control issues are raised in the scenario:

Engagement partner

An engagement partner is usually appointed to each audit engagement undertaken by the firm, to take
responsibility for the engagement on behalf of the firm. Assigning the audit to an experienced audit manager
is not sufficient.

The lack of an audit engagement partner also means that several of the requirements of BSA 220, about
ensuring that arrangements in relation to independence and directing, supervising and reviewing the audit,
are not in place.

Conflicting views

In this scenario the audit manager and senior have conflicting views about the valuation of inventory. This
does not appear to have been handled well, with the manager refusing to discuss the issue with the senior.

BSA 220 requires that the audit engagement partner takes responsibility for settling disputes in accordance
with the firm's policy in respect of resolution of disputes required by BSQC 1. In this case, the lack of
engagement partner may have contributed to this failure to resolve the disputes. In any event, at best, the
failure to resolve the dispute is a breach of the firm's policy under BSQC 1. At worst, it indicates that the
firm does not have a suitable policy concerning such disputes as required by BSQC 1.

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chapter 6

Accepting engagements


Examination context
Topic List
1 Tendering
2 Risk analysis
3 Acceptance and legal issues
4 Terms of an audit engagement
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objectives Tick off

 Understand and explain the legal requirements for appointment and removal of auditors
 Identify the professional and ethical matters a firm should consider when accepting
appointment as assurance providers
 Understand the need to clarify the terms of engagement in writing and understand and
explain the issues involved
 Discuss the process by which an auditor obtains an engagement
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 2a, b, c, h, i, j.

Practical significance
It is of practical significance to both companies and assurance firms how assurance engagements are
obtained and the processes that assurance firms go through when determining whether to accept
engagements, because companies need assurance services, particularly audits which are a statutory
requirement in many cases and because assurance firms need to generate income. A key issue for firms to
consider, as raised in the previous chapter, is the risk associated with that client or potential client in terms
of getting the opinion wrong. In addition, they need to consider ethics and resources. Companies should
bear in mind when seeking auditors that audit firms generally prefer to take on clients which appear to have
integrity and commitment to internal control.

Stop and think

What can a company do to make its audit attractive to assurance firms and why might it do so?

Working context
If you work in practice, you may become involved in the tender process for a new client in some way at
some stage during your training. If you work in industry, you may be responsible for evaluating audit
tenders and recommending who to appoint as auditors.

Syllabus links
Many of the considerations set out in this chapter have already been introduced in the Assurance paper. In
this paper, you are required to consider the matters at a higher level, and be able to explain and discuss the
matters in more detail.

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Examination context

Exam requirements
You may be asked to apply the principles discussed in this chapter to a scenario question in the exam.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Explain the main ways in which national legislation affects the appointment and removal of auditors
 Identify the legal, professional and ethical considerations that an individual or firm must consider
before accepting a specified assurance engagement
 Discuss the issues which underlie the agreement of the scope and terms of an assurance engagement
(new or continuing)
 Discuss the process by which an auditor obtains an audit engagement
 Discuss the issues and risks that an individual auditor or audit firm must consider with regard to the
acceptance of an audit engagement (new or continuing) with a client, including terms of engagement
and their documentation
 Identify the legal, professional and ethical considerations that an individual auditor or audit firm must
consider before accepting a specified audit engagement

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1 Tendering

Section overview
 An assurance firm might be invited to accept an engagement or to tender for an engagement.
 A tender is in effect a ‘
for an engagement.
 The firm will set out the reasons why it is best placed to provide the engagement and the fee at
which it can do it.
 Undercutting may occur during a tender process, and it is unethical as per ICAB Code of Conduct,
schedule ‘ C’clause 7. However, as per IFAC Code of Ethics, it may require ethical safeguards to be
put in place.

An assurance firm might obtain an engagement by the following methods:

 Being approached by a potential client and being asked to accept the engagement
 Being approached by an existing client and being asked to accept the engagement
 Being approached by a potential or existing client and being asked to tender for the engagement
In practice, the most common method of obtaining an audit is by tender. In a tender process, several
assurance firms are in effect asked to ‘ bid’for the engagement, by setting out the attributes their firm
possesses that makes them the best placed to carry out the engagement, and, sometimes very importantly,
by indicating the level of fee that they are likely to charge. The company seeking auditors then considers the
bids (which may be written or presented orally or both) and invites the successful party to accept the audit.
Although the price of the proposed engagement can be very important, it is not the only consideration for
the company in a tender process. Other important considerations are:
 The quality of the service the prospective auditors are likely to provide
 The knowledge of the business they possess
 The experience of the industry they have
 The proposed personnel on the audit team
 References obtained about the audit firm
An issue to consider briefly in the context of tendering is undercutting. Undercutting is the name given to
the practice of charging less than the ‘market rate’ for the audit. In other words, say five comparable-sized
firms were tendering for an audit, it is likely that their proposed fees would be similar. If one were
significantly lower than the others, then it might be that the firm was quoting at a low rate in order to
obtain the engagement on those grounds, in other words, undercutting.
The ICAB Code of Conduct states that a chartered accountant in practice shall be guilty of professional
misconduct if he accepts a position as auditor previously held by some other chartered accountant in such
conditions as to constitute undercutting;

The IFAC Code of Ethics, as adapted by ICAB, states: ‘ When entering into negotiations regarding
professional services, a professional accountant in public practice may quote whatever fee is deemed to be
appropriate. The fact that one professional accountant in public practice may quote a fee lower than
another is not in itself unethical. Nevertheless, there may be threats to compliance with the fundamental
principles arising from the level of fees quoted. For example, a self-interest threat to professional
competence and due care is created if the fee quoted is so low that it may be difficult to perform the
engagement in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards for that price.

The significance of such threats will depend on factors such as the level of fee quoted and the services to
which it applies. In view of these potential threats, safeguards should be considered and applied as necessary
to eliminate them or reduce them to an acceptable level. Safeguards which may be adopted include:
 Making the client aware of the terms of the engagement and, in particular, the basis on which fees are
charged and which services are covered by the quoted fee.

112 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 Assigning appropriate time and qualified staff to the task.

 The seniority and professional experience of the persons necessarily engaged on the work
 The time expended by each
 The degree of risk and responsibility which the work entails
 The nature of the client’
s business, the complexity of its operation and the work to be performed
 The priority and importance of the work to the client
 Together with any expenses properly incurred
Giving the client such details about the basis of the fee will help the client determine if he is getting value for
money, particularly in comparison with other tenders.

2 Risk analysis

Section overview
 Firms carry out risk analysis prior to accepting engagements.
 This is in order to ensure that the risk of giving an inappropriate opinion on the engagement is not
too high.
 Matters to consider are whether the directors appear to have integrity, the company has a good
financial record and prospects, the attitude to internal control and the nature of the client’

As you learnt in Assurance, assurance firms will carry out a risk analysis before accepting clients. This is
partly to determine what fee they think is appropriate for the engagement (the higher risk the client, the
greater the benefit that the firm will want from undertaking the engagement) but also to lay foundations for
understanding the risks associated with the engagement if it is taken on and the amount of work that will
have to be undertaken to reduce assurance risk to an acceptable level for that assignment. As noted in
Chapter 5, it may be that an engagement is too risky for a firm to risk taking on.

Worked example: Two clients

Imagine two clients of a similar size, in the same industry:
Client A
You have never had to make any adjustments to client A’ s financial statements, which are produced by their
qualified chief accountant and his experienced and competent staff from proprietary software which both
you and they know and understand well. The company’ s chief executive is a stickler for deadlines, but takes
a genuine interest in the financial statements so that accurate numbers are produced on time on a regular
Client B
The chief executive of client B is a 'seat of the pants' man, who has little time for accountants and the
financial statements they produce. The accounts department is understaffed, those working there are
unqualified and using an accounting package on which they have received no formal training. Every year you
go through a lengthy process of correcting the trial balance before you can even start to think about
analytical procedures and audit work proper. You are always under pressure to finish the engagement on
time and there is always an argument about the fee.
Think carefully about the differences between these two clients:
Clearly client A is better organised than client B on the accounting front. Client A therefore starts out as a
lower risk proposition than client B.

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 Because history tells us that they are less likely to make mistakes.
 Because the culture is such that accuracy and good record keeping is encouraged.
 Because, probably, there are systems in place to pick up mistakes and correct them as they occur.
This is looking quite simple then –client A is lower risk than client B, therefore you do less work on client
A, client A is charged a lower fee.
Think now about your attitude to risk after the financial statements for both clients are finalised.
 For client B you have unpicked and re-assembled every single element in its financial statements.
 You have considered in detail every item in the balance sheet, and you have reviewed every account in
the income statement.
The trouble with clients like client B is that you are usually under a certain amount of pressure to finalise
the financial statements and there tend to be a few loose ends left about which you 'take a view', but it
would not be impossible to end the audit of client B feeling more confident about its figures than client A’ s,
because you had looked at them in more depth.
Another question
 You were a fraudster, hoping to inflate the value of your company so that a venture capital fund would
invest, or a bank would continue with finance, or a large multinational would purchase it;
 You were a money launderer wanting to introduce the profits from your drug smuggling and dealing
activities into an otherwise legitimate business;
would you prefer to be operating client A or client B?
You could argue that things are so chaotic at client B that no one would notice a few stray transactions.
Or you might think that the auditors have to spend so much time on the detail that they would have quite a
good chance of picking something up.
Perhaps the well organised, reliable client A, where the auditors don’
t seem to do very much detailed
checking, might be a better bet.
The most that can be said therefore is that the assessment of risk is something of a balancing act between
your judgement of how reliable the information coming from the client is likely to be and the things you can
actually do.

The example illustrates that such judgements are not simple, but generally speaking when carrying out risk
analysis prior to accepting a client, assurance providers will be seeking to determine:
 Whether the directors/management of the company appear to have integrity: this can be assessed by
looking at the accounting policies of the company (are they prudent and conservative or imprudent?)
and the qualifications of the finance director it employs, or by obtaining references for key personnel
from parties known to the assurance firm, such as bankers or solicitors, or the previous auditors.
 Whether the company has a good financial record, resources and outlook: this can be assessed by
looking at recent financial performance and reports and by making enquiries (with permission) from its
 Whether the company appears to have good internal control, or, at minimum, a good control
environment: this might be indicated by the existence of an internal audit department, or assessed
through inquiries of management.
 Whether the company has unusual transactions: this can be assessed by reviewing published financial

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In general terms, if the directors appear to have integrity, the financial record is strong and prospects look
good, there is a good attitude to internal control in the company and it has few unusual transactions, then it
is lower risk than a company for which those things are not true.
Remember, that if a firm determines that a company is a high risk client, this does not necessarily mean that
the firm will not accept the engagement, but this preliminary assessment of risk will be incorporated into
the audit procedures when risk assessment identification and procedures are carried out on the
Another area constituting risk to the auditor, as indicated in the example above, is the risk that the client
may be money laundering. As you know, accountants are required to report suspicions of money laundering
and failure to report a suspicion is a criminal offence. The auditors are also required to carry out client due
diligence with respect to money laundering at the start of an engagement. This was all set out in your
manual for Assurance, and you should refer back to it for the details.

3 Acceptance and legal issues

Section overview
 Auditors must consider:
– The results of risk analysis
– Any ethical barriers to acceptance
– Whether the firm has the resources to undertake the assignment
– Legal issues

When deciding whether to accept an assurance engagement, the auditors need to consider the following:
 The results of risk analysis (discussed above)
 Whether there are any ethical issues which prevent acceptance (discussed in Chapters 4 and 5)
 Whether the firm has sufficient experience and resources (mainly staff who are appropriately qualified,
experienced and available) to undertake the engagement
 For an audit engagement, whether all the legal requirements associated with the appointment of the
incoming auditors and the removal or resignation of the outgoing auditors have been met.

3.1 Ethical issues

The IFAC Code of Ethics sets out the following points in relation to changes in professional appointment.

3.1.1 Prospective auditors

A professional accountant in public practice should agree to provide only those services that the
professional accountant in public practice is competent to perform. Before accepting a specific client
engagement, a professional accountant in public practice should consider whether acceptance would create
any threats to compliance with the fundamental principles. For example, a self-interest threat to
professional competence and due care is created if the engagement team does not possess, or cannot
acquire, the competencies necessary to properly carry out the engagement.

A professional accountant in public practice who is asked to replace another professional accountant in
public practice, or who is considering tendering for an engagement currently held by another professional
accountant in public practice, should determine whether there are any reasons, professional or other, for
not accepting the engagement, such as circumstances that threaten compliance with the fundamental

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principles. For example, there may be a threat to professional competence and due care if a professional
accountant in public practice accepts the engagement before knowing all the pertinent facts.

The significance of the threats should be evaluated. Depending on the nature of the engagement, this may
require direct communication with the existing accountant to establish the facts and circumstances
behind the proposed change so that the professional accountant in public practice can decide whether it
would be appropriate to accept the engagement. For example, the apparent reasons for the change in
appointment may not fully reflect the facts and may indicate disagreements with the existing accountant that
may influence the decision as to whether to accept the appointment.

If identified threats are other than clearly insignificant, safeguards should be considered and applied as
necessary to eliminate them or reduce them to an acceptable level. Such safeguards may include:
 Discussing the client's affairs fully and freely with the existing accountant.
 Asking the existing accountant to provide known information on any facts or circumstances that, in the
existing accountant's opinion, the proposed accountant should be aware of before deciding whether to
accept the engagement.
 When replying to requests to submit tenders, stating in the tender that, before accepting the
engagement, contact with the existing accountant will be requested so that inquiries may be made as to
whether there are any professional or other reasons why the appointment should not be accepted.

A professional accountant in public practice will ordinarily need to obtain the client's permission, preferably
in writing, to initiate discussion with an existing accountant. Once that permission is obtained, the existing
accountant should comply with relevant legal and other regulations governing such requests. Where the
existing accountant provides information, it should be provided honestly and unambiguously. If the
proposed accountant is unable to communicate with the existing accountant, the proposed accountant
should try to obtain information about any possible threats by other means such as through inquiries of
third parties or background investigations on senior management or those charged with governance of the

Where the threats cannot be eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level through the application of
safeguards, a professional accountant in public practice should, unless there is satisfaction as to necessary
facts by other means, decline the engagement.
3.1.2 Existing auditor
An existing accountant is bound by confidentiality. The extent to which the professional accountant in
public practice can and should discuss the affairs of a client with a proposed accountant will depend on the
nature of the engagement and on:

(a) Whether the client's permission to do so has been obtained; or

(b) The legal or ethical requirements relating to such communications and disclosure, which may vary by

In the absence of specific instructions by the client, an existing accountant should not ordinarily volunteer
information about the client's affairs.
Circumstances where it may be appropriate to disclose confidential information are set out in Section 140
of Part A of the ICAB Code of Conduct.

3.1.3 Additional work

A professional accountant in public practice may be asked to undertake work that is complementary or
additional to the work of the existing accountant. Such circumstances may give rise to potential threats to
professional competence and due care resulting from, for example, a lack of or incomplete information. Safeguards
against such threats include notifying the existing accountant of the proposed work, which would give the existing
accountant the opportunity to provide any relevant information needed for the proper conduct of the work.

116 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

3.2 Legal issues

Companies Act 1994 covers the procedures of appointment, remuneration and removal of statutory
auditors, which is reproduced as under:
3.2.1 Appointment and remuneration of auditors
Section 210. Appointment and remuneration of auditors
(I) Every company shall, at each annual general meeting, appoint an auditor or auditors to hold
office from the conclusion of that meeting until the next annual general meeting and shall, within
seven days of the appointment, give intimation thereof to every auditor so appointed:
Provided that no person can be appointed auditor of any company unless his written consent has been
obtained prior to such appointment or re-appointment.

(2) Every auditor appointed under sub-section (I), shall, within thirty days of the receipt from the
company of the intimation of his appointment, inform the Registrar in writing that he has accepted,
or refused to accept, the appointment.

(3) At any annual general meeting a retiring auditor, by whatsoever authority appointed, shall be re-
appointed, unless-
(a) he is not qualified for re-appointment; or
(b) he has given the company notice in writing of his unwillingness to be re-appointed; or
(c) a resolution has been passed at that meeting appointing somebody else instead of him or
providing expressly that he shall not be re-appointed:
Provided that for the purpose of passing a resolution under clause (c), a notice thereof shall in
accordance with section 211 be issued prior to the meeting, and such ' resolution cannot be
passed except on the ground of death, incapacity or dishonesty or disqualification of the retiring

(4) If an appointment of an auditor is not made at an annual general meeting, the Government may
appoint a person to fill the vacancy.

(5) The company shall, within seven days of the Governments power under subsection (4) becoming
exercisable, give notice of that fact to the Government; and, if a company fails to give such notice, the
company, and also every officer of the company who is in default, shall be punishable with fine which
may extend to one thousand taka.

(6) The first auditor or auditors of a company shall be appointed by the Board of Directors within one
month of the date of Registration of the company, and the auditor or auditors so appointed shall hold
office until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting:
Provided that-
(a) the company may, at a general meeting remove any such auditor or all or any of such auditors
and appoint in his or their place any other person or persons who have been nominated for
appointment by any member of the company, and or of whose nomination notice has been given
to the members of the company not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting; and
(b) if the Board of Directors fails to exercise its powers under this subsection, the company in a
general meeting, may appoint the first auditor or auditors.

(7) The Board may fill any casual vacancy in the office of any auditor, but while any such vacancy
continues, the remaining auditor or auditors, if any, may act:
Provided that where such vacancy is caused by the resignation of an auditor, the vacancy shall only be
filled by the company in general meeting.

(8) Any auditor appointed in a casual vacancy shall hold office until the conclusion of the next annual
general meeting.

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(9) Except as provided in the process pursuant to sub-section (7), any auditor appointed under this
section may be removed from office before the expiry of his term only by a special resolution of the
company in the general meeting.
3.2.2 Remuneration of the auditors of a company :
(10) The remuneration of the auditors of a company-
(a) in the case of an auditor appointed by the Board or the Government, shall be fixed by the Board
or the Government respectively; and
(b) subject to clause (a), shall be fixed by the company in the general meeting or in such manner as
the company in the general meeting may determine.
(11) For the purposes of sub-section (10), any sums paid by the company in respect of the auditors
expenses shall be deemed to be included in the expression "remuneration".
3.2.3 Provisions as to resolutions for appointing or removing auditors.
Section 211
(I) Special notice shall be required for a resolution at an annual general meeting appointing as auditor a
person other than a retiring auditor, or providing expressly that a retiring auditor shall not be re-

(2) On receipt of such notice the company shall forthwith send a copy thereof to the retiring auditor,

(3) Where such notice is given and the retiring auditor makes with respect thereto representation in
writing to the company and requests their notification to members of the company, the company
shall, unless the representations are received by it too late for it to do so-
(a) in any notice of the resolution given to members of the company, state the fact of the
representation having been made; and
(b) send a copy of the representation to every member of the company to whom notice of the
meeting is sent, whether before or after the receipt of the representation by the company, and if
a copy of the representation, is not sent as aforesaid because they were received too late or
because of the company's default, the auditor may, without prejudice to his right to be heard
orally, require that the presentation shall be read out at the meeting.
Provided that copies of the representations need not be sent out and the representations need
not be read out at the meeting, if, on the application either of the company or of any other
person who claims to be aggrieved, the court is satisfied that the rights conferred by this sub-
section are being abused to secure needless publicity for defamatory matter; and the Court may
order the company's costs on such an application to be paid in whole or in part by the auditor,
notwithstanding that he is not a party to the application.

(4) Sub-sections (2) and (3) shall apply to a resolution to remove the first auditors or any of them under
sub-section (6) of section 210 or to the removal of any auditor or auditors under sub-section (8) of that
section, as they apply in relation to a resolution that a retiring auditor shall not be re-appointed.

Interactive question 1: Disagreement with directors

[Difficulty level: Exam standard]
You have recently had a serious disagreement with the directors of one of your major audit clients who, as
a result, have threatened to recommend another firm of auditors for appointment at the next AGM.
What statutory rights do you have if they carry out their threat?
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

118 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

4 Terms of an audit engagement

Section overview
 As part of engagement acceptance, the assurance providers will negotiate the terms of the
engagement. For assurance engagements, this will include:
– The scope of the engagement
– The subject matter of the engagement
– The criteria by which the subject matter is being judged
– The level of assurance required and therefore the type of opinion to be given
– The timings associated with the engagement
– Any restriction in liability
– The fee for the engagement

With regard to audits, the scope of the engagement is determined by law and professional standards, but
the auditors must ensure that these terms are understood by the client. In addition, the following matters
will need to be agreed:
 The fee or the basis by which the fee will be determined
 The limited liability agreement, that is, the cap on the auditors’
liability for the engagement (discussed
in the previous chapter)

4.1 Audit engagement letters

You were introduced to the concept of an engagement letter in your studies for Assurance. Engagement
letters are required under BSA 210 Terms of Audit Engagements. As you may remember, it is a requirement
of this standard that the terms of the engagement are put in writing.
The form and content of an engagement letter will vary, but should cover the following matters:
 The objective of the audit of financial statements
 Management’
s responsibility for the financial statements
 The scope of the audit (including reference to applicable legislation, regulations and auditing standards)
 The form of reports and communications that will arise from the audit
 The fact that due to the test nature and other limitations of an audit, there is an unavoidable risk that
some material misstatement may remain undiscovered
 The fact that auditors are entitled to unrestricted access to records, documents and other information
requested in connection with the audit
The letter may also cover practical matters, such as arrangements relating to planning, using the work of
experts, liaising with the internal audit department, the fee and restriction of auditor liability.

4.2 Recurring audits

When the audit is a recurring audit, it is not necessary to issue a new letter each year. However, the
auditors should consider every year whether a new letter is required. The following factors may indicate a
new letter is required:
 Indications that the client misunderstands the terms of the engagement
 Revised or special terms of the engagement
 A recent change in senior management or directors
 A significant change in ownership of the company
 A significant change in the nature or size of the company

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 Legal or regulatory requirements

4.3 Changes in engagement

If the auditor is asked to change the engagement to one which provides a lower level of assurance then he
should consider the appropriateness of doing so. Obviously, if the audit is a statutory audit, the auditor
must provide an appropriate audit as required by law, that is one giving reasonable assurance on the truth
and fairness of the engagement.
If the terms are changed, the auditor and the client must agree the terms. If the auditor and the client
cannot agree, the auditor should withdraw from the existing arrangement.

Interactive question 2: Engagement letter [Difficulty level: Intermediate]

Mr Angry of Gonzo Animations Ltd has approached your audit firm to undertake the audit of his company.
When the partner held the initial meeting with Mr Angry, the client refused to sign the engagement letter as
he said that it was merely a means of the firm abdicating its responsibility for the audit.
Your partner has asked you to draft a letter to the client explaining the need for a letter of engagement.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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Summary and Self-test


- Fees (undercutting)
- Firm’ s experience
- Firm’ s reputation
- Proposed personnel

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Answer the following questions.
1 Define undercutting.
2 List four issues that should be referred to when determining fees
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
4 ........................................
3 Why do firms undertake risk analysis?
4 If the client refuses the existing auditor permission to communicate with the prospective auditor, the
prospective auditor should decline the appointment.

5 An auditor can be appointed by which of the following methods?

Ordinary resolution by shareholders

By directors to fill a casual vacancy
By directors to appoint first auditor
By Secretary of State
6 If a client requests that an auditor reduce the level of assurance offered on a statutory audit, an
auditor may agree and reduce procedures accordingly.

Exam-style questions
7 Acer Ltd is a client of your firm and is seeking funding in order to expand the business. The directors
have prepared profit and cash flow forecasts for the next three years ending 30 June 20X9 in support
of the request for funding. The company's bankers require this information to be reviewed by
independent accountants and the board of directors has requested that your firm undertakes this
Set out the matters that you would include in the engagement letter in relation to the respective
responsibilities of the directors and the reporting accountant. (2 marks)
8 Wrapper Ltd
Your firm, which has six partners, has been invited by Mr Packer, the managing director and majority
shareholder of Wrapper Ltd, to accept appointment as auditor of the company and also provide
assistance with the preparation of the financial statements and the corporation tax computation.
The principal activity of Wrapper Ltd is the production of paper carrier bags, serviettes, coffee cups
and lids which are sold to customers operating in the fast food sector. Wrapper Ltd was incorporated
on 1 October 20X4 and the financial statements will cover the 15 month period to 31 December
20X5. Although the company's revenue and assets are below the thresholds for statutory audit
purposes, the company's bankers require the annual accounts to be subjected to a full audit.
Mr Packer started the business using a combination of money inherited from his grandfather and a
bank loan. The loan agreement includes a covenant specifying that the company's debt equity ratio
should not exceed parity (i.e. 1:1).
The accounting records are computerised and the company uses software which was developed by IT
Systems Ltd, a company owned by Mr Packer's brother. The software has been customised to

122 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

integrate inventory control with receivables and payables. IT Systems Ltd also provides support for the
company’ s computer systems. The accounting records are maintained by Mrs Carlton, assisted by Mrs
Biggs who works one day a week and is responsible for payroll processing.
(a) State, with reasons, the matters to be considered and procedures to be performed prior to your
firm accepting and commencing the audit of Wrapper Ltd for the period ending 31 December
20X5. (8 marks)
(b) Identify, from the information provided above, the factors which should be taken into account
when assessing the risk of misstatement in the financial statements of Wrapper Ltd and explain
why such factors should be taken into account when conducting the audit. (10 marks)
(18 marks)
9 The directors of Harmony Ltd ('Harmony') have approached you with a view to your firm accepting
appointment as its auditor for the year ending 31 July 20X6. Harmony manufactures satellite navigation
systems which it supplies to many of the major motor car manufacturers with UK-based factories.
Harmony has a wholly-owned subsidiary undertaking located overseas which manufactures 'high-end'
audio systems for locally based motor car manufacturers. The subsidiary, which is of a similar size to
Harmony, is located in a country where there is no audit requirement for companies whose shares are
not publicly held. Harmony prepares consolidated financial statements.
The shareholders of Harmony are actively involved in the day to day running of the business and that
of the wholly-owned subsidiary.
The directors of Harmony have told their existing auditors that they will not be re-appointed at the
company’ s forthcoming annual general meeting. They have not given them a reason for this, but the
existing auditors suspect that it is due to a dispute that arose during the audit of last year’
s financial
statements. At 31 July 20X5 Harmony was carrying inventory totalling CU375,000 in respect of a
cancelled order for a satellite navigation system from a motor car manufacturer that had gone into
liquidation. During September 20X5, modifications were made to the inventory, at a cost of
CU75,000, to enable them to be sold to another customer for CU195,000 that same month. The
directors of Harmony were concerned at the effect that any provision against the inventory in the
financial statements would have on their distributable profits for the year. The directors accordingly
insisted on including the inventory in the financial statements at CU375,000, which gave rise to a
modified audit report.
In addition to your appointment as auditor, the directors of Harmony have also requested:
(i) That you, as the proposed engagement partner, attend the company’
s monthly board meetings;
(ii) That your firm be appointed to provide internal audit services to Harmony.
Your firm has seven partners in total and has an office in each of three cities in the South of England.
(a) Outline the reasons for and against the subsidiary of Harmony having an audit on its own basis
despite being owner-managed. (6 marks)
(b) Set out the key issues specific to Harmony that may prevent you from accepting the appointment
solely as its external auditor, and state what action you could take to resolve these issues.
(6 marks)
(c) Discuss the potential threats to objectivity caused by the provision of the additional services
requested by Harmony and describe what safeguards could be put in place to mitigate those
threats. (8 marks)
(20 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

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Technical reference

Terms of an audit engagement

 Audit engagement letters BSA 210.2 –9
 Recurring audits BSA 210.10 –11
 Changes in engagement BSA 210.12 –19

124 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Answers to Self-test

1 Undercutting is the practice of charging less than the market rate for assurance services.
2 From:
 The seniority and professional experience of the persons necessarily engaged on the work
 The time expended by each
 The degree of risk and responsibility which the work entails
 The nature of the client’
s business, the complexity of its operation and the work to be performed
 The priority and importance of the work to the client
 Together with any expenses properly incurred
3  To ensure that the assurance provider believes an appropriate conclusion can be drawn.
 To assist in determining an appropriate fee (that reflects the risk of the assignment).
4 False. Not necessarily, although this might be an indicator that the auditor should have concerns about
director integrity.
5 All of them.
6 False. A statutory audit provides a reasonable level of assurance.
Exam-style questions
7 Directors
Responsible for
 Forecasts including the assumptions on which they are based
 Cooperating with the reporting accountant by making available records, documents and
Reporting accountant
 Forecast is properly prepared on the basis of the assumptions made
 Provide negative assurance that nothing has come to reporting accountant’ s attention to cause
them to believe that the assumptions do not provide a reasonable basis for the forecast
8 Wrapper Ltd
(a) Matters/procedures prior to acceptance of audit
 Check adequacy of resources to enable
– Work to be completed to a high standard on a timely basis/use of competent staff
– Provision of tax/accountancy services without compromising independence (i.e..
safeguards can be put in place) e.g.:
– Use of separate personnel to perform accountancy and tax
– Review by an independent partner/senior staff member with appropriate
expertise if tax computation prepared by audit team
– Review of the audit by an audit partner who is not involved in the audit
 Establish/document existence of informed management
– To ensure auditor does not take management role
 Consider relationships/familiarity threat
– To ensure independence/objectivity not impaired

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 Consider potential conflicts of interest (e.g. competing clients)

– To ensure act in the best interest of clients
 Consider integrity of client
– To reduce risk of misstatements due to fraud/misrepresentation
 Client identification procedures
– To reduce exposure to money laundering/comply with money laundering requirements
 Send letter of engagement
– To ensure client understands nature and scope of the work to be undertaken/narrow
expectations gap

Factors Why taken into account

 New client  Lack of familiarity - may not identify events and

transactions which have an impact on the financial
statements/higher detection risk
 Start-up  Going concern risk
 Doubts/material uncertainty will require disclosure
in the financial statements
 Lack of going concern status will require financial
statements to be prepared on a break-up basis
 Lack of prior year figures  Lack of comfort/corroboration from use of
analytical review procedures
 Require more extensive use of tests of detail
(substantive tests)
 Bank covenant  Risk that profits may be overstated in order to
preserve the debt equity ratio
 Trading with IT Systems Ltd  Need to ensure complete disclosure of related
party transactions
 Customised accounting  May not be reliable, resulting in errors
 Lack of segregation of duties  Misstatements may not be prevented or detected
and corrected on a timely basis/higher control risk
 Determine the audit approach which is likely to be
substantive based

9 (a) Arguments for Harmony’

s subsidiary having an audit
An audit requires all companies to be treated the same, regardless of ownership. It provides
assurance that the company has complied with the Companies Act and accounting standards.
Many would consider that an external audit is a fair price to pay for limited liability.
There are more stakeholders in a company than simply its shareholders who can use the
assurance generated by the audit work. The tax authorities can place more reliance on the
financial statements and an audit affords some measure of protection to creditors that the
company is not trading whilst insolvent. It also means potential investors can place similar
reliance on the financial statements whether or not the company is listed.

126 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Arguments against Harmony’

s subsidiary having an audit
Harmony’ s shareholders are actively involved in the management of the subsidiary and therefore
an audit will be of little value to them. The auditor’
s report will be addressed to shareholders and
therefore contribute little to their knowledge and understanding of the business. Furthermore, an
audit can cause unnecessary red tape and expense.
(b) The audit of Harmony will include the results of the subsidiary, which are material as the
subsidiary is the same size as Harmony. The audit firm must consider whether it has adequate
resources to audit the overseas subsidiary itself and whether it has the required level of
competence. Harmony should appoint a local audit firm and undergo an audit of its subsidiary
voluntarily. This local firm would use the firm’
s UK audit packs and the UK firm would review the
work of the local auditor in detail.
The dispute with the previous auditors may also cast doubt over the integrity of management and
whether accepting the appointment will put the firm at risk of management intimidation. In an
attempt to resolve this issue, permission should be sought to speak with the outgoing auditors
and enquire of them whether there are any other issues of which the incoming auditor should be
The engagement partner assigned must ensure that members of the audit team have
appropriately consulted on difficult or contentious issues. It is also recommended that an
independent second partner review of the audit file is undertaken in the first year, before the
audit report is signed.
(c) Threats to objectivity
In some cases, for example when management representations are discussed, it may be desirable
for the auditor to attend board meetings. However, an auditor must not under any
circumstances make management decisions. Attending board meetings is allowed if the auditor is
acting in an advisory capacity only or is reporting the results of audit work.
To safeguard against this threat, the auditor should ensure that there is 'informed management' at
the company. The auditor should inform the directors that they alone are responsible for
decision-making and he should get their written confirmation of agreement to this. In the
interests however of being 'seen to be independent' it may be best to decline the offer of
attendance at monthly board meetings.
Threat to objectivity
The provision of internal audit service causes a self-review threat to the external auditor as the
external audit staff members may overlook errors made by their internal audit colleagues or may
place too much reliance on their work.
The external audit firm can only act as internal auditor if the external auditor does not place
significant reliance on the work or relies on it only after rigorous and objective assessment of the
work completed by the internal auditors. Additional safeguards include separate engagement
partners, separate engagement letters and different teams for the two respective roles.
Finally, the directors must confirm in writing that they are responsible for the overall system of
internal control including the work of internal audit, and that they are responsible for acting on
the recommendations of internal audit.

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

1 Rights
 To receive notice of the resolution to appoint another auditor
 To have written representations circulated to all members, or read out at the meeting
 To attend the meeting
 To be heard at the meeting

Answer to Interactive question 2

ABC & Co Chartered Accountants
123 High Street
5 April 20X2
V Angry Esq
Gonzo Animations Ltd
Muppet Road
BA18 9LL
Dear Mr Angry
Engagement letters
We are required by Bangladesh Standards on Auditing to send you a formal engagement letter before
conducting the audit. All firms of auditors should abide by this procedure.
The letter is there as much to protect the client, as it is the auditor, and we would suggest that legal advice
is taken prior to you accepting the terms.
Purpose of engagement letter
The purpose of the letter is to:
 Define clearly the extent of the our responsibilities, and your responsibilities.
 Minimise the possibility of any misunderstanding between ourselves and Gonzo Animations Ltd.
 Provide written confirmation of our acceptance of appointment, the scope of the audit and the form of
the report.
We believe that it is important for both parties to clearly understand their roles within the external audit
Contents of engagement letter
The contents of the letter are set out below, together, where necessary, with the justification of the
inclusion of the section.
 Our respective relevant statutory and professional responsibilities (to avoid misunderstanding).
 An explanation of the scope of the audit (so that we inform you of what we will do). This covers a
number of issues.
– The audit will be carried out in accordance with the Bangladesh Standards on Auditing issued by

128 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

– We need to obtain an understanding of the accounting system in order to assess its adequacy as
a basis for the preparation of the financial statements.
– We need to obtain relevant and reliable evidence sufficient to enable us to draw reasonable
conclusions therefrom.
– The nature and extent of our procedures will vary according to the assessment of the accounting
system and, where we wish to place reliance upon it, the system of internal control.
– We will endeavour to plan the audit so that we have a reasonable expectation of detecting
material misstatements in the financial statements or accounting records resulting from fraud,
error or non-compliance with law or regulations but that the examination ought not to be relied
upon to disclose all frauds, errors or instances of non-compliance which may exist (as some may
be immaterial).
– Due to the test nature and other inherent limitations of an audit, together with the inherent
limitations of any system of internal control, there is an unavoidable risk that even some material
misstatement may remain undiscovered.
– An explanation that management representations may be required in writing during the audit
(this will only be in the case of audit areas where we have to rely on your representations).
– The fact that we may send a letter of comment, adding value to the audit, by outlining ways in
which we discussed the business may be improved.
 Other matters such as
– Our billing arrangements
– Any arrangements in the future concerning the involvement of
– Other auditors and experts
– Internal auditors
– Previous auditors
– Management's responsibility to detect and prevent fraud
– Your complaints procedures
– A proposed timetable for the engagement (which will vary each year).
I hope this clarifies the need for the letter. Except for the timetable, we will only send out such letters in
future where absolutely necessary.
Yours sincerely
Mr A Accountant

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130 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009
chapter 7



Examination context

Topic List
1 The need to plan
2 Overall audit strategy and audit plan
3 Materiality
4 Analytical procedures
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objectives Tick off

 Discuss the need to plan assurance engagements

 Understand and explain what goes into the key audit planning documents

 Explain the benefits and limitation of analytical procedures at the planning stage
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 3g, h, n.

Practical significance
Planning is an important aspect of the quality control processes relating to an assurance assignment and it is
key in determining whether the work carried out is capable of supporting a correct conclusion. It is
therefore of crucial importance.

Stop and think

Why does planning an audit increase the chances of the correct conclusion being drawn?

Working context
If you work in practice, you may become involved in planning assignments, particularly as you progress, if
you have worked on a client in the previous year and acquired a degree of knowledge of the business.
If you work in industry, you may be involved in the other side of planning, providing auditors with necessary
planning information, such as budgets and draft financial information.

Syllabus links
You have studied these matters for your Assurance paper, so much of the technical detail covered here is
revision. It is important at this Application stage to be able to explain and apply the techniques outlined in
the chapter.

132 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Examination context

Exam requirements
A question which deals with planning in the exam is also very likely to deal with risks, which we shall look at
in more detail in the next chapter, hence the question practice given in this chapter is limited and more
practice will be given in the next chapter.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Assess the impact of risk and materiality on the engagement plan, including the nature, timing and
extent of audit procedures, for a given organisation
 Discuss the benefits and limitations of analytical procedures at the planning stage
 Specify and explain the steps necessary to plan the audit of the financial statements of a non-specialised
profit oriented entity in accordance with the terms of the engagement including appropriate auditing

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 133
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1 The need to plan

Section overview
 Audits are planned so that auditors know what to do so that the appropriate conclusion can be
 It is a requirement of BSA 300 that audits are planned.

Audits (and other assurance engagements) are planned because if they are not:
 Time might be wasted doing the wrong work
 The really important work might not be done at all
 Ultimately, the wrong conclusion might therefore be drawn
Planning an engagement is a key aspect of the quality control associated with that audit. If an audit is
planned, then the right work is done, it is easier to supervise and review that work, and therefore it adds to
the quality of the whole engagement.
In addition, as you know from your studies for Assurance, audits are planned because it is a requirement of
auditing standards. BSA 300 Planning an Audit of Financial Statements requires audits to be planned so that
they can be carried out 'effectively'.
Much of the material we look at in this chapter, you have covered in your lower level studies. In this area,
you need to be able to apply your knowledge to the scenarios presented in the exam.
In summary, planning helps the auditor know:
 What to do
 How much to do
 Where to focus resources
 What the important matters are that need dealing with

Interactive question 1: The need to plan [Difficulty level: Easy]

State the reasons why auditors need to plan audits.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2 Overall audit strategy and audit plan

Section overview
 The key planning document is called the overall audit strategy.
 It covers matters such as materiality, risk, audit approach, use of experts/internal audit, timings, team,
budget and deadlines.
 Many audit firms have 'audit packs' containing example audit strategies and plans, but care should be
taken when using them.
 The other key document in audit planning is the audit plan.
 This is the more detailed document setting out nature, timing and extent of procedures.

As you know from your studies for Assurance, the key planning document is called an overall audit strategy.
This covers the main general areas of planning: materiality, risk, audit approach, use of experts and internal
audit, timing, team, budgets and deadlines.

134 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

The technical details of many of these issues will be covered in later chapters.
Most audit firms have 'audit packs' which have a specific planning section and set out the key areas that
auditors must consider when planning an audit. However, care should be taken when using any standard
forms, as there is a risk that matters particular to the client might be forgotten. It is important to tailor the
plan to the client, not the other way around. Identifying key issues relating to the client and then adjusting
the audit approach will be necessary. This is why understanding the business (Chapter 8) and risk
assessment (Chapter 9) are very important.
The overall audit strategy should be updated as necessary during the course of the engagement.
As you also know from your earlier studies, the other key document in audit planning is the audit plan,
which is more detailed that the audit strategy, and sets out the nature, timing and extent of planned audit
procedures (including risk assessment procedures) to fulfil the requirements of the overall audit strategy
and auditing standards.
The audit plan should be updated as necessary during the course of the engagement.

3 Materiality

Section overview
 An item is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users
taken on the basis of the financial statements.
 Items might be material by value or nature.
 Materiality is a matter of auditor judgement.

You learnt about materiality in your studies for Assurance. The following is therefore revision.

Material: Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions
of users taken on the basis of the financial statements. Materiality depends on the size of the item or error
judged in the particular circumstances of its omission or misstatement. Thus, materiality provides a
threshold or cut-off point rather than being a primary qualitative characteristic which information must have
if it is to be useful.

Auditors should consider materiality when determining the nature, timing and extend of audit procedures.
Items might be material due to their:
 Amount/value/quantity
 Nature/quality
Hence, during planning, the auditors will often set a computed level of materiality, often based on the
following ranges:
Revenue: 0.5% –1%
Profit before tax: 5% –10%
Gross assets: 1% –2%
In addition, some matters might be material by nature, for example:
 The CU1 that turns a profit into a loss might be considered very important by some
 The CU1 that changes the thresholds the company operates in (for example, becoming a medium-
sized rather than small company) might also be very important

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 Some matters are automatically material, such as matters relating to directors, or related parties
because these matters have to be disclosed in financial statements regardless of the value of them.
Auditors should always bear in mind that materiality is a matter of professional judgement. Materiality is
also important at the completion stage of an audit, when the auditors are evaluating the effect of discovered
misstatements. We shall look at this in Chapter 12.

4 Analytical procedures

Section overview
 Analytical procedures must be used in risk assessment.
 The benefits of analytical procedures in planning is the 'overall' perspective, the use of information
outside of the accounting records and the comparison of different elements of the financial
 The limitations of analytical procedures in planning are:
– Substantial knowledge of the business is required for results to be meaningful (therefore
experienced staff may be required to carry them out)
– They can be performed mechanically
– The relevant information may not be available

You looked at analytical procedures in some detail in your studies for Assurance. You should be able to
explain what analytical procedures are and carry out basic analytical procedures. If not, you should refer
back to Chapter 3 of your Assurance manual, which contains a worked example you may like to work
through again.
BSA 520 Analytical Procedures gives guidance. It states that the auditor should use analytical procedures in
risk assessment in order to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment. We shall look at this
in detail in the next chapter.
In this syllabus you are required to be able to discuss the benefits and limitation of analytical procedures at
the planning stage.

Interactive question 2: Benefits and limitations of analytical procedures

[Difficulty level: Easy]
Analytical procedures must be carried out at the planning stage of an audit to help identify risk areas
requiring extra work.
Set out the benefits and limitations of using analytical procedures to identify risk areas during audit planning.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

These are the ratios students need for applying analytical procedures.

Heading/Ratio Formula Purpose


Profit before interest and tax

Return on capital employed Effective use of resources
Equity  net debt

Net profit for the period

Return on shareholders’
funds Effective use of resources
Share capital  reserves

136 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Heading/Ratio Formula Purpose

Gross profit 100 Assess profitability before

Gross profit percentage
Revenue taking overheads into account

Cost of sales 100 Assess relationship of costs to

Cost of sales percentage
Revenue revenue

Operating costs/overheads 100 Assess relationship of costs to

Operating cost percentage
Revenue revenue

Profit before interest and tax 100 Assess profitability after taking
Net margin/operating margin
Revenue overheads into account
Short-term liquidity
Assess ability to pay current
Current ratio Current assets : Current liabilities
liabilities from current assets
Assess ability to pay current
Receivables + Current Investments
Quick ratio liabilities from reasonably liquid
+ cash : liabilities
Long term solvency

Net debt Assess reliance on external

Gearing ratio
Equity finance

Profit before interest payable Assess ability to pay interest

Interest cover
Interest payable charges


Revenue Assess revenue generated from

Net asset turnover
Capital employed asset base

Cost of sales
Inventory turnover Assess level of inventory held
Trade receivables collection Trade receivables  365 Assess ability to turn
period Revenue receivables into cash

Trade receivables  365

Trade payables payment period Assess ability to pay suppliers
Credit purchases

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Summary and Self-test


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Answer the following questions.
1 State why audits are planned.
2 Why should care be taken if using a standardised audit pack?
3 Give an example of an item being material by its nature.
4 Analytical procedures should be carried out by an audit junior.


Exam-style questions
5 The gross profit percentage in your client’
s draft financial statements is the same as in the previous
What further information would you require in order to use this fact at the planning stage of the
audit? (1 mark)
6 Described below are situations which have arisen in three audit clients of your firm. The year end in
each case is 31 March 20X6.
Jay Ltd ('Jay')
The directors have included the following note to the financial statements for the year ended
31 March 20X6:
'Although the company has incurred significant trading losses and cash outflows during the last two
years, the directors believe that the effects of internal restructuring and corporate disposals
undertaken will bring about improved results as indicated in the detailed profit and cash flow forecasts
for the period to the end of March 20X7. These forecasts indicate that the company will be able to
trade within its agreed working capital facility for at least the next 12 months from the date of this
report. Considerable progress has been made on the financial restructuring of the company.
On the basis of the above factors the directors consider it is appropriate that the financial statements
are prepared on the going concern basis. Should the company fail to meet its forecasts, the going
concern basis may prove to be inappropriate. In such circumstances adjustments are likely to have to
be made to the net assets shown in these financial statements to reduce assets to their recoverable
amounts, to reclassify non-current assets and payables due after more than one year to current assets
and current liabilities and to provide for further liabilities that may arise.'
Finch Ltd ('Finch')
Finch has included the results of Wren Ltd ('Wren'), a subsidiary, in the consolidated financial
statements. Wren is audited by a different firm of auditors who have modified their opinion on Wren's
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 20X6 because a fire at the company's premises
destroyed the physical inventory count sheets which were the only record of the year end inventory.
Wren has included inventory at its estimated cost of CU500,000 in the financial statements for the
year ended 31 March 20X6.
The consolidated pre-tax profit of Finch is CU33.4 million and the pre-tax profit of Wren is CU1.2
million for the year ended 31 March 20X6.
Sparrow Ltd ('Sparrow')
On 30 April 20X6, the board of directors decided to undertake a restructuring programme which
would commence in June 20X6. A provision of CU1.8 million in respect of the restructuring costs has
been included in the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 20X6.
The pre-tax profit of Sparrow for the year ended 31 March 20X6 is CU7.2 million.

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(a) Discuss what is meant by the concepts of materiality and a true and fair view. (6 marks)
(b) Explain why there can be difficulties for auditors regarding materiality and true and fair in relation
to the three cases above: Jay, Finch and Sparrow. (6 marks)

(12 marks)
7 Your firm has recently been appointed as auditor of Jog Ltd ('Jog'), a company operating within the
sports and leisure sector. Your audit manager has arranged a meeting with the company's finance
director for early next week and she has asked you to assist her, in advance of this meeting, with the
audit planning for the year ending 30 June 20X6. Your audit manager has also asked you to carry out
some preliminary analytical procedures on the year-end financial statements of Jog when these become
Jog's business can be split into the following three divisions
 Sports equipment retail outlets: 35 sports equipment retail outlets located in 'out of town' retail
 Fitness clubs: 15 fitness clubs, each offering a fully equipped gym together with yoga, aerobics, and
circuit training classes
 Machine manufacture: a manufacturing unit in which running machines and rowing machines are
assembled using components sourced from overseas.
Further information:
Sports equipment retail outlets
The retail outlets are all located close to major towns and cities throughout the whole of Bangladesh.
Each outlet stocks a standard range of products which are supplied from a central warehouse
operated by Jog. Salaries for the core staff at the outlets are paid by Jog's head office by direct bank
transfer. Each outlet is run on a day-to-day basis by a manager who is responsible for hiring casual staff
to cover peak periods. These casual staff members are generally paid using cash from the till.
Jog received some bad publicity during the year following its inclusion in a television documentary
which revealed that one of its non-Bangladesh sports shoe suppliers was making its employees work
long hours for very low wages. In an attempt to manage this adverse press attention, Jog has now had
to source these products from alternative suppliers based in Bangladesh.
Fitness clubs
Jog's 15 fitness clubs are all located directly above existing Jog retail outlets. Each club has its own on-
site manager and is operated independently of the adjacent retail outlet. Customers of the fitness clubs
pay by one of three methods: on a 'pay per session' basis over the fitness club counter; by monthly
direct debit paid into Jog's head office bank account; or by annual subscription to head office.
Customers are then issued with a membership card which enables them to gain access to the club.
The company operates a bonus incentive scheme for the managers at both its retail outlets and fitness
clubs. The size of the bonus is linked to the profitability of their individual operation.
Machine manufacture
During the year Jog started to manufacture its own running machines and rowing machines. It sources
the machine components from China and Taiwan. These components are assembled in Bangladesh at
Jog's factory for sale both in Jog's own stores under their own 'Jog' brand and also to independent
sports shops under the 'Iron Champ' brand. The latter accounts for approximately 80% of Jog's total
production of both running and rowing machines. Sales to independent sports shops achieve a gross
profit margin of 50%, whereas sales to Jog's own shops are made to that division at cost plus 10%.
Jog is invoiced by its non-Bangladesh component suppliers in their respective local currency. The
components are sent by sea, which means that Jog's typical lead time for components from the placing

140 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

of an order to delivery in Bangladesh is three months. Jog is required to pay its suppliers 50% with
order and 50% upon receipt of the components in Bangladesh.
Quality control
In line with your firm's system of quality control, procedures were conducted prior to accepting Jog as
an audit client, to ensure that it was appropriate to accept such an appointment. Your audit manager
has asked you to consider the other objectives of a system of quality control and why they may be
particularly relevant to Jog.
(a) (i) List, with reasons, the information you would require in order to carry out analytical
procedures on the draft financial statements of Jog for the year ending 30 June 20X6.
(ii) Set out the limitations of using analytical procedures at the planning stage of an audit.
(8 marks)
(b) Identify which of the circumstances outlined above, should be taken into account when planning
the audit of Jog. Explain clearly why these matters are important and set out their effect on your
proposed audit work. (24 marks)
You attempted Part (c) of this question (for 8 marks) in Chapter 5.
(32 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

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Technical reference

1 The need to plan BSA 300.2

2 Preliminary engagement activities BSA 300.6 –7

3 Overall audit strategy BSA 300.8 –12

4 Audit plan BSA 300.13 –15

5 Materiality
 Concept of materiality BSA 320.4 –7
 When materiality is relevant BSA 320.8

142 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Answers to Self-test

1 To ensure that the right work is carried out resulting in the right conclusion being drawn.
2 It is important for the audit plan to be tailored to the client.
3 Examples include:
 Related party transactions
 Directors' transactions
 CU1 that makes a company small/medium/large
 CU1 that turns a profit into a loss
4 False, as experience and understanding are required to carry out analytical procedures properly.
Exam-style questions
5  Client’
s expectation of GP%
 Changes in year that affect GP%
6 (a) Materiality
Information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of
users taken on the basis of the financial statements.
 Is not capable of mathematical definition
 Can be quantitative (size) or qualitative (nature)
 May be considered in the context of any individual primary statement within the financial
statements or of the individual items included within them
 Depends on the size of the item or error judged in the particular circumstances of its
omission or misstatement.
True and fair
True is generally accepted as meaning in accordance with the facts and fair as meaning objective
or unbiased and concerned with the presentational aspects of information including substance
over form. True and fair is not defined by statute; however, Counsel’s opinion is that financial
statements prepared in accordance with BASs will give a true and fair view. Furthermore, there
may be more than one true and fair view for a given set of circumstances.
The concepts of materiality and true and fair require the exercise of professional judgement.
(b) Jay
Materiality/true and fair
The difference between the figures prepared on each basis may not be significantly different.
However, the effect on the business is so significant that the user needs to be made aware of the
situation. The auditor needs to judge whether the disclosures are sufficient for the user to
understand the circumstances.
Materiality/true and fair
Although material to Wren as 42% of pre-tax profits, it is unlikely to be considered material in
the context of the consolidated pre-tax profit as it is only 1.5% of consolidated pre-tax profit.
Materiality should be considered in the context of the entity on which the auditor is reporting.
However, it may be material by nature if a key ratio (e.g. current ratio) is affected.

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Materiality/true and fair
There is no obligation at the balance sheet date in respect of restructuring costs. The financial
statements therefore do not comply with BASs as they include a provision in respect of
restructuring costs. The amount of the provision for restructuring costs is considered material by
size as it is 25% of pre-tax profit, thereby exceeding the commonly used yardstick of 5-10% of
pre tax profit.
7 (a) Information required
Individual income statements and split of the balance sheets for each division are required. Each
division has different profit margins and the split of the balance sheet figures will enable the
calculation of inventory and trade receivable days for each division.
Budget information for each division is required, together with the date from which the machine
division commenced trading, so that its figures can be adjusted to take account of a trading
period of less than one year. Comparative information by division from Jog’ s previous financial
statements will also be needed. This information will allow actual and budget performance to be
compared. This could identify material or significant items, potential misstatements or variations
from expected results.
If available, financial information from companies in the same industries could be used to identify
where the company has performed well or badly and prompt areas for further enquiry by the
Limitations of using analytical procedures
One limitation of analytical procedures at the planning stage of an audit is that the auditor needs
a good understanding of the business to interpret the results of analytical procedures. If analytical
procedures are performed mechanically, a consistency of results from one year to the next may
in fact conceal a material error which may not be identified. Effective analytical procedures need
to be carried out by experienced members of staff and they rely upon good quality and reliable
information being available from the client which may not always be available.
(b) This is a new audit client which means that there is a lack of cumulative prior knowledge which in
turn increases the risk of an undetected misstatement in the financial statements. The audit work
will include an evaluation of the company’s accounting systems and internal controls in addition
to consideration of opening balances. Adequate planning will be essential to avoid over-auditing in
the first year.
The company operates from 35 locations at which it holds material balances of inventory and
non-current assets. The risk of a breakdown in head office controls is higher in multi-site
locations. The year-end attendance at inventory counts should cover all material locations and it
would be efficient to take the inventory count attendance as an opportunity to inspect material
non-current assets and carry out selected cash counts. If the audit approach relies upon controls,
it must be ensured that the tests of controls sample covers all material locations.
The company makes cash sales in its retail outlets and fitness clubs and it pays its casual staff in
cash. Cash transactions increase the risk of misappropriation of cash and the understatement of
revenue in the financial statements. The employment of casual staff may also mean that the
company is failing to declare the appropriate amounts of withholding tax, which could lead to
penalties from the tax authorities. The effect of this on the audit work is that controls over cash
must be evaluated and audit effort should be directed to confirming the completeness of
recorded sales. In addition, the company’ s compliance with withholding tax regulations should be
considered and the wages included in the financial statements should be checked to ensure that
this agrees with the company’ s payroll records.
The company has received adverse publicity over the use of “ sweatshops” . This may damage the
reputation of the company which could in turn affect the status of Jog as a going concern. The
audit work should attempt to assess the effect of the publicity on Jog’ s business. The cost
implications of the switch by Jog to alternative suppliers in Bangladesh also need to be considered
as part of the audit work.

144 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Jog fitness clubs receive annual subscriptions which may cause revenue to be recognised in the
wrong accounting year. The company’ s accounting policy for revenue recognition will need to be
considered and audit work should include testing of new subscriptions close to the year end to
ensure that an appropriate proportion of income is deferred at the year end.
The company has a profit-related bonus scheme increasing the risk of manipulation of profit by
the company’ s management. Audit work should include checks on income recognition to ensure
it has not been accelerated to boost profits. For similar reasons purchase cut-off should be
checked to identify any potential suppressed invoices.
The company purchases its machine components in a foreign currency, under payment terms
which specify 50% be paid with order. Foreign currency transactions may lead to the incorrect
translation of these transactions in the financial statements. The existence of a three-month
delivery lead time on these transactions may also give rise to adverse foreign currency exposure.
Component payment terms may also lead to cut-off errors arising from incorrect treatment of
the first 50% paid with order. The audit work should include sample checks of the company’ s
foreign exchange translation to an independent source such as the FT. The steps taken to
minimise the company’ s exposure to foreign exchange risk needs to be discussed with
management. Careful consideration should be given to cut-off for any goods in transit at the year
Some of the machines manufactured using imported components are transferred to the
company’ s retail outlets at cost plus 10%. This inter-divisional trading means the value of the
retail outlet inventory may contain some unrealised profit. In addition, the practice of adding only
10% onto the cost price, may cause outlets to under price these products, damaging the gross
profit margin of the company as a whole. The audit approach should ensure all inter-divisional
trading is separately analysed so that any unrealised profit can be identified.

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Purpose of planning:
 To enable the audit to be performed in an effective and timely manner
 To ensure that:
– Appropriate attention is directed to important areas of the audit
– Potential problems are identified
– Work is completed expeditiously
 Assists in:
– Proper assignment of work to the team
– Co-ordination of work done by others
 Facilitates review

Answer to Interactive question 2

 Identifies items for attention that detailed tests may miss
 Uses information outside accounting records, for example, budgets
 Allows comparison of data from different sources
 A good knowledge of the business is required to understand results
 Consistency of results may conceal a material error
 There may be a tendency to carry out procedures mechanically, without appropriate professional
 Requires an experienced member of staff to be done properly
 Reliable data may not be available

146 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009
chapter 8

Understanding the entity and

its environment

Examination context
Topic List
1 Why?
2 How?
3 What?
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objectives Tick off

 Understand the crucial role of understanding the entity in the assessment of engagement risk

 Understand what knowledge is required

 Understand how such knowledge should be obtained

Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 3a, b.

Practical significance
It is vital that assurance providers have a good understanding of the entity they are providing assurance to
and the environment in which it operates, or their work could be meaningless. For example, if they
misunderstand the nature of the business, they could miss key risks and items in the financial statements
could be seriously misstated. In addition, if they do not understand their client's business, they will be
incapable of carrying out an audit in accordance with auditing standards, which could lead to negligence

Stop and think

Why is it so important to understand the entities in relation to which assurance is being given?

Working context
If you work in practice, this area will be an important area for you and you are likely to undertake a lot of
work to obtain knowledge about your clients before using that knowledge to assess risks. If you work in
industry, you are likely to be at the opposite end of that process, providing information about your business
to your assurance providers, so that they can provide you with a good service, as may some of your non-
financial colleagues.

Syllabus links
We introduced this topic in Assurance, where you learnt the basic content of BSA 315 Obtaining an
Understanding of the Entity and its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement. In this syllabus
you need to consolidate and build on this knowledge.

148 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Examination context

Exam requirements
Understanding the entity is a key component of risk assessment. Risk assessment is the subject of chapter 9,
which is big exam topic.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Explain, in the context of a given scenario, why it is important to have a knowledge and understanding
of the business when planning an engagement
 Identify ways of gaining knowledge and understanding of a client's business

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1 Why?

Section overview
 It is important to understand the client's business:
– In order to assess risk
– In order to comply with auditing standards

You know from your previous studies and from what has already been said in this Study Manual that
assessing risk is very important in assurance engagements.
In general terms, it is clearly impossible to be sure how risky a client may be if you do not understand:
 Who they are
 What they do
 How they do it
 Whether there are any special circumstances (like specific laws and regulations) which govern their
 The integrity and competence of their staff
If you understand a client's business properly you will:
 Be able to assess the skills and competence which the audit team needs
 Be able to plan your audit work so that it is appropriate and efficient
 Be able to assess what controls have been put in place by the client which may reduce the level of
control risk
 Be able to assess any significant risks which need special attention
 Be able to perform analytical procedures
 Comply with professional requirements
Also, assessing risk is compulsory –BSAs 315 and 330 require it.
Finally, consider fraud –understanding the entity may not guarantee that you will uncover a clever, well
laid fraud, but not understanding the entity certainly will guarantee that you have very little chance of finding

Worked example: Enron –a cautionary tale

Originally Enron operated gas pipelines in the US. It charged its customers, the gas producers, for using its
Think about what sort of information you would need about the nature of Enron's business at this stage in
its development.
 Probably something about how it charged its customers –on a time basis perhaps or on a volume
basis. If it was based on volume how did they measure volume? How reliable are the flow meters etc?
You would need to know this in quite a lot of detail.
 Presumably the company would need to maintain its network of pipelines –so you would need to
know something about its capital budgeting procedures and whether its finances might come under
pressure. You would need to watch out for going concern problems if there were difficulties, but
providing it had good systems to monitor the risks, less detailed knowledge would probably be

150 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 You would be interested in the ability of its customers to pay, which might mean you would need to
know something about the general state of the economy and whether its customers had cash flow
problems. But on the whole this would be relatively general, background information.
Then Enron starts to buy power production facilities:
 How does it finance them?
 How is it regulated?
 Are there transfer pricing issues?
Then it starts to trade energy (and other things such as cargo space on ships) and this is when it starts to
get tricky! How is your knowledge of:
 Swaps
 Futures
 Options and similar transactions?
Enron starts to use an accounting technique called 'mark to market' whereby its earnings are calculated on
the movements in the market values of its deals, rather than on the traditional combination of invoicing and
cash flows.
 What do you know about this technique? It had a material impact on Enron's earnings. (Mark to
market is not in the syllabus –this is simply an example of how a client can become more and more
 Is it being used properly or is it being abused?
 Are the assumptions and calculations valid?
Finally we find that Enron is using 'Special Purpose Entities’–usually offshore partnerships in which it has a
significant interest –to hide debt and generate earnings which are highly questionable.
 What do you know about the rules for excluding subsidiary undertakings from consolidation? (Again,
do not panic, if you do not know very much about this at this stage –it is simply an example to get
you thinking)
 What do you think about the ethics of using techniques which, whilst they may comply with the letter
of the rules, undoubtedly are highly artificial and do serve to conceal debt and generate controversial
 How would you feel if your firm had either suggested such schemes or been consulted about their
acceptability before the audit had begun?
Source: BBC Money Programme 'Inside the Enron Scandal'

This example illustrates a number of points.

 With a little thought and planning it may not be too difficult to understand a client's business, if it is
relatively straightforward
 The required knowledge will vary in terms of depth and detail
 The business may change over time as the client develops and knowledge needs to be developed in
 External laws and regulations may have an impact on the client –so they need to be understood
 If a client operates in a technically sophisticated market, auditor knowledge needs to keep pace
 If the client uses questionable accounting techniques and policies auditors need to make judgements
about their propriety
 Knowledge of the business can quite easily raise professional and ethical questions.

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2 How?

Section overview
 Understanding of the client's business can be obtained from:
– External sources of information (such as industry surveys/publications)
– The firm (permanent files (including previous years' audited financial statements),
correspondence files, personnel associated with the engagement in previous years)
– The client (personnel, correspondence/procedures manuals, watching procedures, current year
management accounts)
 Auditors are required to carry out a combination of procedures to understand the business:
– Inquiries of client personnel
– Analytical procedures
– Observation and inspection

It is important to understand where the information comes from.

2.1 External sources

There are reports auditors can look at:
 Credit reference agencies
 Industry surveys
 Industry publications such as trade journals
 Registrar of Joint Stock Companies
Remember, for an existing client, assurance staff have a better source of information much closer to home.

2.2 The firm

Remember, the firm should not have taken the client on in the first place if it does not have the
competence to service it in line with ethical and professional standards. So, it follows that someone in the
firm must know something about the client and its environment. Usually the person who has most
knowledge will either be the engagement partner or, for firms dealing with industries where specialist
knowledge is required, the industry expert.
It is the firm's responsibility to ensure that audit staff are properly briefed, but it is also the responsibility of
each member of the team to ensure he is properly briefed. Team members should read:
 Last year's file
 The permanent file
 The correspondence file
 The tax file
and should talk to:
 The partner
 The manager
 The tax person
 Last year's senior
 The firm's industry specialist
This may appear both obvious and a bit woolly, but it is specifically dealt with in BSA 315. As you know,
there is a requirement for a discussion of the client's business as part of the planning process, and for that
discussion to be documented.

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You also need to consider your own knowledge and background.

 Have you worked on similar clients before?
 What do you know of the industry?
 How would you expect it to work?

2.3 The client

Then move out to the client:
 Talk to the people responsible for the area you are auditing –the people actually doing the work and
their bosses.
 Read internal correspondence and minutes of board/committee meetings –you have rights of access,
subject to your professional duty of confidentiality.
 Read internal audit reports (if there is an internal audit function).
 Observe what goes on around you, how transactions are recorded and how processes are operated.
 Look at the website, brochures etc.
To be professional, auditors must be wary of ignorance combined with pride. If something is difficult to
understand –ask. If it is still difficult, it is possible that you should not be doing the audit, but it is also
possible that there is a fraud going on.
You learnt about the specific requirements of BSA 315 in relation to obtaining the information in your
Assurance studies. Remember, you are required to use a combination of the following procedures:
 Inquiry of management and others within the entity
 Analytical procedures
 Observation and inspection

2.4 Summary
Figure 8.1 provides a general summary of how understanding the client's entity can be achieved.

Your firm The client

Partner Discussion
Manager briefing Observation
Industry experts Website
Last year’
s team Brochures

Industry surveys
Credit reference
reference agencies
Past experience
Registrar ofHouse
Companies Joint Stock
The Companies
The internet

Figure 8.1: Sources of information

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Interactive question 1: Sources of information [Difficulty level: Easy]

From what sources of information can auditors obtain a knowledge of the entity they are about to audit and
the industry in which that entity operates?
See Answers at the end of this chapter.

3 What?

Section overview
 The auditors need to understand any aspect of the business which might affect the audit.
 BSA 315 contains a detailed list of potential areas to be understood in Appendix 1.

3.1 The basics

If the following nine questions have been answered in sufficient depth, the audit file should contain sufficient
evidence that the auditors have satisfied the requirements of BSA 315.
 What does the client do?
 What are the characteristics of the industry/environment in which it operates?
 Is it governed by specific laws and regulations, or is it at greater risk than other businesses from the
incidence of more general laws and regulations?
 What are the characteristics of its relationships with external parties, shareholders, other
stakeholders, trading partners and providers of finance?
 Is it under threat from takeover or lack of finance?
 Are there any dealings with related parties?
 How competent is its management?
 Are suitable systems and controls in place?
 What accounting policies has it adopted?
Figure 8.2 may help.

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The environment The entity

What they do/

How they do it
The industry External

– The market – Share/Stakeholders

– Competition – Trading partners
– Technology – Sales/purchases
– Products – Financing
– Services – Related parties
– Process
Laws and regulations Internal

– Management
– Systems
– Controls
– Accounting policies

Figure 8.2: What knowledge?

Appendix 1 to BSA 315 contains a very comprehensive list of factors involved in understanding a client's
business which you should read. The diagram above covers the areas outlined in detail in the Appendix.

3.2 Laws and regulations

To understand the client, auditors need to have a good understanding of any laws and regulations which
have an impact on its operations.
Laws and regulations are considered to be of two types:
 Those which affect the preparation of financial statements
 Those which affect the way the client conducts its business
Clearly the auditor should know about relevant laws and regulations, such as the Companies Act 1994 and
Accounting Standards, which affect the way the financial statements are prepared. The auditor is not
expected to be an expert in all the laws and regulations which affect the client, but, it is not quite as simple
as this, if a client fails to comply with the laws and regulations which govern its business:
 It will very soon go out of business; and
 This will have a material impact on its financial statements
It follows, therefore, that if an audit firm has a client in the haulage industry, it cannot simply ignore what
the law says about tachographs and vehicle maintenance. If a client runs a restaurant the auditors need to
know something of the food hygiene enforcement regime operated by local authorities.
How much knowledge an assurance provider should have and in what depth is another question of risk.
 If the likely impact of non-compliance is assessed as low, auditors will ask management for background
information and that will be sufficient.
 If the likely impact is assessed as high, but management has good systems for controlling the risk,
auditors will confirm that the systems appear to operate effectively.
 If the risk is high and management appears to do nothing about it……let us simply say it will have a
direct impact on audit work.

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The appendix to BSA 250 gives the following list of indicators of non-compliance:
 Investigation by a government department
 Payment of fines or penalties
 Payments for unspecified services or loans to consultants, related parties, employees or
government employees
 Sales commissions or agents' fees that appear excessive in relation to those normally paid by the
entity or in its industry or to the services actually received
 Purchasing at prices significantly above or below market price
 Unusual payments in cash, purchases in the form of cashiers' cheques payable to bearer or
transfers to numbered bank accounts
 Complex corporate structures including offshore companies where ownership cannot be identified
 Unusual transactions with companies registered in tax havens
 Tax evasion such as the wider declaring of income and overclaiming of expenses
 Payments for goods or services made other than to the country from which the goods or
services originated
 Payments without proper exchange control documentation
 Existence of an accounting system that fails, whether by design or by accident, to provide
adequate audit trail or sufficient evidence
 Unauthorised transactions or improperly recorded transactions
 Media comment
 Transactions undertaken by the entity that have no apparent purpose or that make no obvious
economic sense
 Where those charged with governance of the entity refuse to provide necessary information and
explanation to support transactions and other dealings of the company

3.3 Money laundering

According to BSA 310, para 2, the auditor should obtain a knowledge of the business sufficient to enable
the auditor to identify and understand the events, transactions and practices that, in auditor’
s judgement,
may have a significant effect on the financial statements or on the examination or audit report. One of the
key principles stressed by the authorities dealing with Money Laundering in Bangladesh and worldwide is
KYC - know your client.
 The firm will need to have checked the client's identity, when they first became a client and will need
to keep the evidence on file for a sufficient period after they cease to be a client
 Where does the money come from? Auditors should think about the real nature of the business's
sales, but also about the source of the start-up capital and any other equity and loans raised
 Remember the money launderer wants to overstate income and loves paying tax on the excess, which
goes against the grain of the way most auditors think.

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3.4 Fraud
BSA 240 The Auditor's Responsibility to Consider Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements stresses that auditors
have no responsibility for the prevention and detection of fraud as such –that is management's job, but
fraud can have a material impact on financial statements, so it becomes a part of audit after all!
Remember, the BSA makes a crucial distinction between two types of misstatements arising from fraud:
 Misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting
 Misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets
In understanding the client's business there are some key questions that need to be asked:
 Can the figures be manipulated and if so how?
 Which areas are most susceptible to manipulation?
 Can assets be misappropriated and if so how?
 Which areas are most at risk?

Interactive question 2: What matters? [Difficulty level: Easy]

Auditors should use their knowledge of the business to assess the risks arising from fraud, error and non-
compliance with laws and regulations.
What matters should they consider in making this assessment?
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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Summary and Self-test


Understanding of the entity (UOE)

BSA 315

158 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Answer the following questions.
1 What key knowledge should an audit firm obtain about its client and why is this understanding of the
entity important? (3 marks)
2 G Co is a manufacturing company which has one factory and two warehouse sites. It imports raw
materials from Asia.
What are the key factors the auditors need to consider about G Co and how this may impact their
audit? (3 marks)

Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied that you have achieved
these objectives, please tick them off.

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Technical reference

1 Why it is important to understand the BSA 315.2 and 7

client's business

2 How to gain an understanding of the client's BSA 315.6 to 40


3 What aspects of the client's business should BSA 315 Appendix A

be understood BSA 250 Appendix
BSA 402

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Answers to Self-test

1 Key knowledge to obtain

 Nature of the business
 Key personnel and their integrity/competence
 Whether there are any laws or regulations which apply to the entity
 Whether there are any pressures on the directors which may lead them to show the company in
a more favourable light than might otherwise be the case –for example
– Directors' profit related bonuses
– Cash flow/financing concerns
– Stock market pressures
 Strength of internal control systems
 Existence of related parties and related party transactions
 Complex account transactions
Why important?
The above knowledge is important in order for the auditor to assess the level of risk associated with
the client and the potential likelihood that an incorrect opinion may be given.
2  As a manufacturing company G Co will hold inventory of raw materials, work in progress and
finished goods at the end of the year
The auditor will need to consider whether the valuation of work in progress is appropriate given
its stage of completion and that only production overheads are included.
 G Co has two warehouse sites.
The auditor should obtain an understanding as to how G Co ensures all inventory items held are
counted only once and how goods moving between sites are dealt with to ensure they are
properly recorded.
 G Co imports raw materials.
Inventory items may well be in transit at the end of the year. The auditor will need to consider
when title to the goods passes to G Co in order to assess when the goods should be included in
inventory at the year end.
It is also possible that the raw materials attract import duties and so the auditors should consider
whether the cost of raw materials is fairly stated.

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

 Previous experience with entity and its industry
– Last year's file/audit team
– Permanent file
– Tax file
– Correspondence file
 Visits to entity's premises and plant facilities
 Discussion with people within entity
 Discussion with other auditors and with legal/other advisers who have provided services to the entity
or within the industry (e.g. industry specialists)
 Publications related to the industry legislation and regulations that significantly affect the entity, e.g.
industry surveys
 Industry publications such as trade journals and NBR publications for the relevant industry
 Documents produced by the entity/entity website
 Registrar of Joint Stock Companies searches

Answer to Interactive question 2

Non-compliance (BSA 250 Appendix)
 Previous experience
 Incidents which call into question integrity or competence of management or other staff, e.g.

– Investigations
– Payment of fines/penalties
 Unusual transactions/payments
 Payments for/of
– Unspecified services/loans
– Excessive commission
 Unauthorised/improperly recorded transactions
 Accounting system which fails to provide adequate audit trail/sufficient evidence
Fraud/error (BSA 240 Appendix 3)
 Unrealistic audit deadlines
 Management reluctant to communicate frankly with third parties
 Limitation of audit scope imposed by management
 Identification of important matters not previously disclosed by management
 Significant difficult-to-audit figures
 Aggressive application of accounting principles
 Conflicting/unsatisfactory evidence

162 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 Unusual
– Documentary evidence (e.g. alterations)
– Transactions/recording thereof
 Significant unrecorded differences
 Incomplete/inadequate accounting records

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chapter 9

Risk assessment


Examination context
Topic List
1 Business risk
2 Audit risk
3 Assessing the risks of material misstatement
4 Significant risks
5 Documentation
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objective Tick off

 Identify and assess risks in a given scenario
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 3c, d, e, f, j.

Practical significance
We have already focused on the importance of risk to auditors.

Stop and think

Reflect on why risk assessment is important to auditors before commencing your study of this chapter.

Working context
If you work in audit, you will carry out risk assessment procedures at some point in your career. If you
work in industry, you should see this in practice, as assurance providers carry out risk assessment
procedures in your business.

Syllabus links
Risk assessment has already been covered in some detail in the Assurance syllabus. At this Application level,
the key issue is being able to carry out risk assessment, that is, identify and assess, not merely understand
the components of risk and be able to identify them.

166 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Examination context

Exam requirements
Risk assessment is a very important area for your exam. There were 24 marks available in the 40 mark
question in the sample paper for risk assessment.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Identify the risks arising from, or affecting, a given set of business processes and circumstances and
assess their implications for the engagement
 Identify the risks arising from error, fraud and non-compliance with law and regulations and assess
their implications for the engagement
 Assess the significant business risks identified for their potential impact upon an organisation, in
particular, their potential impact on performance measurement
 Identify the components of risk for a specified assurance engagement
 Identify the components of risk for a specified audit engagement, including the breakdown of audit risk
into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk

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1 Business risk

Section overview
 There are three general categories of business risk:
– Financial risk
– Operational risk
– Compliance risk

Business risk was introduced in your Assurance studies.

Business risk is the risk inherent to the company in its operations. It includes risks at all levels of the
business. There are three general categories of business risk:
 Financial risks are the risks arising from the financial activities or financial consequences of an
operation, for example, cash flow issues or overtrading
 Operational risks are the risks arising with regard to operations, for example, the risk that a major
supplier will be lost and the company will be unable to operate
 Compliance risk is the risk that arises from non-compliance with laws and regulations that surround
the business, for example a restaurant failing to comply with food hygiene regulations might face fines,
enforced closure, legal action from customers and so on.

Directors are required to manage business risks.

Business risk management is an area in which assurance can be required. Why? Because the risk that the
company accepts has a direct impact on the risk of the investment that anyone purchasing shares in a
company (a minority share or a company takeover) or loaning money to a company is making.
However, it is not simply shareholders and lenders that will want assurance in this area. Management might
want assurance services to provide an indication of how well they are performing in controlling the risks to
the company, to ensure it continues in business, but also as evidence that it is operating efficiently and cost-
effectively. Criteria for assurance services could be the Turnbull guidelines, or management’ s own written
policy on risk. Management may employ an internal audit department to (among other things) monitor
internal controls or may seek external assistance.
Auditors are interested in business risk because issues which pose threats to the business may in some
cases also be a risk of the financial statements being misstated (which is a component of audit risk). For
example, if a particular division of a business was threatened with closure, the valuation of all the assets
associated with that division would be affected. In more general terms, if an economic downturn puts
pressure on a company to meet the expectations of providers of finance, management might be tempted to
manipulate the financial statements.

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2 Audit risk

Section overview
 There are three components of audit risk:
– Inherent risk
– Control risk
– Detection risk

You have already covered audit risk (the risk of giving an inappropriate opinion in relation to the financial
statements) in detail.
Remember that it has three components:
 Inherent risk
 Control risk
 Detection risk

2.1 Inherent risk

Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an assertion to misstatement that could be material, individually or
when aggregated with other misstatements, assuming that there were no related internal controls.

In other words, how likely is it that, the account balance or transfer will be wrong? And how likely is it that,
as a result, the financial statements will be misstated by a material amount? Inherent risk can be analysed on
a number of levels which are covered in turn below.

2.1.1 At industry or sector level

Different industries have different levels of inherent risk.

Worked example: Industry level risk

The obvious example of a sector which in relatively recent years, was characterised by high risk was the
'dot com' boom of the 1990s.
 You could argue that this was not a sector at all –as the various players in the market were dealing in
a wide variety of goods and services, and the only thing they had in common was that they were all
attempting to deal over the Internet.
 You could argue that the problems in the sector were really systems and controls problems, and that
the people setting up dot com businesses did not have the experience or acumen to run any business
Nevertheless all the dot com businesses needed a high level of start-up capital because not only did they
have to fund the normal things which a business has to do –marketing, research and development, the
purchase of initial inventory, the financing of working capital needs –they also had to develop the IT
platform which was so fundamental to the business.

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Remember that the inherent risk attached to different sectors changes over time –for example yesterday’
dot com industry, the day before's biotechnology.

2.1.2 At entity level

At entity level there will also be different levels of inherent risk.

Worked example: Entity level risk

For two similar clients A and B, if one of the companies was:
 A takeover target
 Up to its overdraft limit
 Had a major supplier or customer in difficulties
it would clearly be more inherently risky than the other.
Again you should remember that the picture does not remain static.

2.1.3 At balance level

Different balances can also carry different inherent risks.

Worked example: Balance level risk

The inventory at a jewellers, for example might be considered higher risk than the same company’ s non-
current assets, consisting of shopfittings, office equipment and, hopefully, some rather impressive safes and
security equipment.
Remember that the inventory itself will still be inherently risky, even though the company may have well
thought out security arrangements. The impact of these fall into the category of 'control risk' which we will
revisit in a moment.

2.2 Control risk

Control risk is the risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion and that could be material,
individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, will not be prevented or detected and corrected
on a timely basis by the entity's internal control.

So the key questions are:

 What is management doing to stop things going wrong?
 If measures have been taken, are they effective?
Control risk will be lower where effective control measures are taken. However there will always be
control risk due to the limitations of internal controls:
 Cost > benefit
 Routine/non-routine transactions
 Human error
 Management override

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 Circumvention by collusion
 Changes in procedures

2.3 Detection risk

Judgements about inherent risk and control risk, depend on the assurance provider's understanding of the
s business and the systems and controls set up by the client’
s management.
The third component of audit risk –detection risk –depends on matters which are under the assurance
provider's control.

Detection risk is the risk that an auditor’ s procedures will not detect a misstatement that exists in an
assertion that could be material, individually or when aggregated with other misstatements.

It is up to the auditor to organise the way the engagement is handled, so that the risk of material
misstatement is reduced to acceptable levels.
This will include:
 Ensuring the audit team (including the engagement partner) has the necessary mix and depth of
experience and skills
 Devising an audit plan which tackles the audit risks
The audit approach (which we shall look at in Chapter 10) is the way in which the auditor assembles
sufficient audit evidence to build up a satisfactory level of audit confidence, and which can come from tests
of controls, analytical procedures and tests of details.
Because the auditor cannot check every transaction, audit work is carried out on a test basis. The auditor
will select a sample.
The possibility that the opinions you form, perfectly validly, from the results of your sample, are different
from those you would have formed if you had been able to examine the whole population is called
sampling risk.
Non-sampling risk is the possibility of coming to the wrong conclusion about the financial statements for
any other reason, for example
 Lack of understanding of the nature of your client’ s business
 Use of invalid sampling techniques
 Failure to investigate a particular class of assets, liabilities or transactions

3 Assessing the risks of material misstatement

Section overview
 The best way to learn the skill of identifying and assessing risk of misstatement is to practice doing it
in exam questions.

Work through the following example, and then try the interactive questions.

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Worked example: Assessing the risks of material misstatement

Your firm has recently been appointed auditor of Trendy Products Ltd, a wholesaler of clothing and fashion
accessories geared to the younger market. You are responsible for planning the audit, and have obtained
the following background information.
The company imports most of its goods from manufacturers in the Far East. The suppliers issue invoices in
dollars, payable within 30 days. The finance director uses a mixture of forward exchange contracts and spot
purchases of dollars to pay these suppliers.
Most of the company’ s customers are small retailers. However, the company has increased its sales by 50%
in the last quarter due to a new contract to supply a large retailer. In order to secure this new business,
credit terms had to be relaxed from the standard 30 days to 60 days for this customer.
As a result of this expansion the company is finding it difficult to stay within its overdraft limit and is
currently negotiating with the bank to increase the facility.
The company recently upgraded its PC-based modular purchases, sales and nominal ledger systems to an
integrated system. The accounting package was supplied by a software company which had recently
commenced trading.
The software supplier assisted the company with the changeover from the old system to the new. As a
result management decided that there was no need to involve the previous auditor or to have a parallel
Mrs Evans is solely responsible for the input of data, but due to the changeover she is several weeks behind
with her work. She hopes to be up-to-date by the time of the audit as she intends to work overtime to
clear the backlog.
A number of circumstances which add risk to the audit can be noted. These circumstances, the reasons
they must be taken into account when planning the audit and the effect they will have on the audit work
carried out are shown below.

Circumstance Why taken into account Effect on audit work

 This is a new audit  New appointment  Accounting systems and internal

appointment. increases detection risk controls need to be ascertained.
due to lack of
 Current period audit work should
have regard to the opening balances
knowledge from previous
and comparatives. BSA 510 and BSA
710 will assist the auditor.
 Trendy Products Ltd  The nature of the industry  Evaluate inventory count instructions
operates in the fashion contributes to high for procedure to identify obsolete
industry. inherent risk, as clothes items.
and accessories do not
 Review post year-end order book to
stay in fashion and year
establish adequacy of inventory
end inventory provisions
may be inadequate.
 Most purchases are  Inherent risk is increased  Any gains and losses on dollar
imported and paid for in by exposure to dollar transactions/year-end balances
dollars. fluctuations. should be taken to the income
statement and monetary items
should be translated at the year-end
 Economic dependence  Pressure from the new  Having expanded to accommodate
on a principal customer. customer may increase this customer, ensure the going
inherent risk. concern assumption remains
appropriate if the new contract is

172 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Circumstance Why taken into account Effect on audit work

 The company is  Deterioration of cash  The auditor should review

currently renegotiating flows increases going management assessment of going
its overdraft. concern risk, which will be concern.
made worse if the
 The effect on liquidity ratios, debtor
overdraft is withdrawn.
days etc should be calculated and
actions to remedy the cash flow
problems discussed with directors.
 The bank may seek to  This increases risk as  Particular attention should be given
place reliance on the management have a to
audited accounts before motive to manipulate the
– Bank overdraft/creditor cut-off
negotiations are finalised. accounts.
– Most likely areas of misstatement
and significant areas where
judgement is involved, e.g.
– Impact of potential audit
adjustments on key ratios
 If a satisfactory outcome to the
negotiations is not reached before
the audit is completed, a qualification
is likely.
 The software company  Inherent risk may be  The level of audit testing of the new
being used has only increased by inexperience system is likely to be higher than for
recently commenced of the software company. an accounting package with a good
trading. track record.
 There is a potential risk  If any significant problems  The lack of proper accounting
that data transfer was with the changeover are records may need referring to in the
inaccurate or encountered then, in the audit report.
incomplete. absence of a parallel run,
proper accounting records
may not have been kept.
 There is a backlog of  Human error is more  Cut-off should be carefully reviewed
data input. likely if overtime working as errors are more likely if data
is excessive, therefore processing is not up-to-date at the
inherent risk is increased. year end.

Interactive question 1: Incentive scheme [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

While planning the audit of Raven Ltd for the year ending 31 March 20X3 the finance director informed you
that the company had introduced an incentive scheme under which the directors are entitled to a bonus on
achieving a certain level of profit. The bonus will be paid 30 days after the audited accounts are available.
Identify the audit risks in respect of the above matter, and state how you would address these risks.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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Interactive question 2: Vax Ltd [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

You are the manager responsible for the audit of Vax Ltd which has a year end of 31 May. This is the first
year that your firm has undertaken the audit of Vax Ltd, having succeeded the previous auditors at the last
annual general meeting following a successful tender for the audit. Your firm has an office in Manchester and
in 25 other locations throughout the United Kingdom.
You have had preliminary discussions with the management of Vax Ltd and obtained some background
information about the company. The company produces fertiliser in a factory on the outskirts of Liverpool.
The head office is situated in Manchester. There are ten depots throughout the country which hold large
stocks of fertiliser so that local demand for its products can be met quickly. Inventory records are not
maintained and a full count is carried out at the year end.
You have also read a recent government press release that indicates that 'Liso', a product which forms a
major part of the company’s sales, contains a chemical that has been identified as being potentially
dangerous to those who handle it. An official government working party has been set up to review the
(a) Identify the circumstances that should be taken into account when planning the audit of Vax Ltd, and
set out your outline audit approach in these areas.
(b) Explain the objectives of audit planning.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4 Significant risks

Section overview
 Significant risks are referred to in BSA 315.
 Significant risks are items that are unusual or one-offs.

BSA 315 refers to what it calls significant risks.

A significant risk is a risk which requires special audit consideration.

These are usually items that are unusual or one-offs.

Worked example: Significant risks

 Property purchases and sales
 Acquisition and disposal of businesses
 Decision to factor receivables
 Potential sale of the business
 Diversification into new sectors

174 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Of course, remember that what is unusual for one company is not necessarily unusual for another. Hence,
we are reminded of the importance of knowledge of the particular business being audited.

5 Documentation

Section overview
 BSAs 315 and 330 contain a number of requirements regarding documentation.

You know about the need for auditors to document their audit work from your Assurance studies. BSAs
315 and 330 contain a number of requirements about documentation, and we shall briefly run through
those here.
The following matters should be documented.
 The discussion among the audit team concerning the susceptibility of the financial statements to
material misstatements, including any significant decisions reached
 Key elements of the understanding gained of the entity including the elements of the entity and its
control specified in the BSA as mandatory, the sources of the information gained and the risk
assessment procedures carried out
 The identified and assessed risks of material misstatement
 Significant risks identified and related controls evaluated
 The overall responses to address the risks of material misstatement
 Nature, extent and timing of further audit procedures linked to the assessed risks at the assertion
 If the auditors have relied on evidence about the effectiveness of controls from previous audits,
conclusions about how this is appropriate

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 175
Audit and assurance

Summary and Self-test


Answer the following questions.
1 As part of the audit planning for a client the auditor has evaluated the components of audit risk,
namely, control risk, detection risk and inherent risk.
His tests of controls reveal deficiencies in the operation of the system of internal control, and he is
now reassessing the risks to the audit.
Since control risk has increased, describe the effect of this on the other components of risk.
2 What is the meaning and implication of high inherent risk?
3 What is the meaning and implication of high detection risk?
4 If an auditor decides that an acceptable level of audit risk is 5%, what does this mean?
5 Auditors should plan and perform their audit procedures recognising that fraud and error may
materially affect the financial statements.
Give four examples of indicators in a business that the risk of fraud and error may be high.
6 Earthmovers Ltd is a civil engineering company that provides a pipe-laying service to the energy, water
and telecommunications industries. It uses much heavy plant and machinery, and is subject to the strict
provisions of health and safety at work regulations.
Identify the risks to which breaches of these regulations could expose the company, and the
implications for the audit in the event of such breaches.

176 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Exam-style questions
7 Your new client, Wheeler Ltd, sells new cars, parts and accessories and undertakes workshop repairs.
The company operates through five divisions/locations in the Midlands.
Each division deals with a different overseas vehicle supplier and has three managers, one for each
trading activity. Each division makes sales to companies and individuals, but only corporate customers
are granted credit terms.
The computer-based accounting system is based in the head office which is annexed to the premises of
the largest division. All nominal ledger codes are suffixed 1 to 5 to identify each division’
s transactions.
Detailed inventory records include dates of movements, original purchase price and latest selling price.
Purchase requisitions are computer-generated when inventory line quantities fall to pre-determined
re-order levels.
Gross selling prices for cars and parts are established on receipt of each consignment at standard
markups on cost, as specified in the franchise agreements with each manufacturer. Parts transferred to
workshops are charged at cost plus 10%.
At the end of each month the computer generates trading and profit and loss accounts and balance
sheets for each division, and 'consolidated' results for the company.
New car sales managers prepare monthly returns showing the number of cars sold, gross selling
prices, extras and discounts.
All salaries and wages are processed centrally at head office. Divisional managers all have profit-related
bonus incentives.
Identify, from the situation outlined above, circumstances particular to Wheeler Ltd that should be
taken into account when planning the audit. Explain clearly why these matters should be taken into
account and set out the effect on your audit approach. (20 marks)
8 Golden Pond Fisheries
Richard Pine is a senior audit manager for Ratcliffe, Barnes and Soammes, a firm with offices around
Birmingham and Exeter. These split locations have arisen from the merger two years previously of
Barnes, Soammes & Co (Birmingham), a firm specialising in the audit of property and service
companies, with Ratcliffe & Co whose fee income was based on the audit of farms and holiday resorts
in the South West. The merger was seen as an opportunity for both firms to break away from their
restricted markets.
Richard moved from Birmingham to take up a new portfolio of clients in Cornwall and Devon,
including Golden Pond Fisheries Ltd. This is a family business with John Carnes running the 80-acre
farm, and his wife, Claire, taking responsibility for the holiday cottages, fishing lakes and completion of
the books and records.
The farming operation has been significantly curtailed in recent years and now comprises a small beef
herd and, as a recent addition, two geese sheds. These birds are fed on a chemical-free diet to offer a
high quality alternative to turkeys over the Christmas period. John supplements the farm revenue by
letting pastures on a rotational basis to neighbouring farms for sheep grazing.
John is also considering the introduction of rare breeds (pigs and goats) to provide an additional
attraction to holidaymakers with young families.
Claire Carnes trained as a bookkeeper before her marriage 30 years ago, and has informed Richard
that the accounts are now maintained to a 'high standard' on her son's PC. This has apparently saved a
lot of time, and much of the previous paperwork is now superfluous.
Five years previously the family had borrowed a substantial sum to convert three derelict barns into
luxury holiday cottages, and these have proved to be a huge success, being fully booked from late May
to November. During this period two extra helpers are employed on a part-time basis to assist with
cleaning and maintenance. Both are paid in cash at the end of each week.

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Most of the visitors are fishermen and their families, as the farm boasts excellent fishing. John Carnes
is keen to maintain this quality and is always on the lookout for big fish to stock. He has recently
become interested in the possibility of introducing from China some 60lb blue carp, which could be
'sneaked in' with a batch of koi carp being imported for a local garden centre.
A good relationship has always existed with the auditors and the Carnes are confident that this will be
another quick audit.
Identify, from the information above, the potential audit risks, and for each risk explain why it is a risk.
(14 marks)

9 Shades Ltd
You are planning the audit of Shades Ltd for the year ending 30 June 20X9. The principal activities of
the company are the manufacture and distribution of a range of window blind systems and of the
component parts for window blinds. Approximately 50% of revenue is generated from overseas
During your preparation for the planning meeting with the finance director, the following matters have
been highlighted as significant.
(1) Operating results
The company has had a successful year to date with revenue, gross and operating margins up on
the previous year.
10 months to 10 months to Year to
30 April 30 April 30 June
20X9 20X8 20X8
CU'000 CU'000 CU'000
Revenue 22,656 19,597 22,557
Cost of sales 13,367 12,472 14,313
Gross profit 9,289 7,125 8,244
Operating expenses 4,531 4,115 4,732
Operating profit 4,758 3,010 3,512
Gross profit margin 41% 36% 37%
Operating profit margin 21% 15% 16%
Inventories at 30 April 20X9 were CU4.3 million compared with CU3.6 million at 30 April 20X8
and CU3.4 million at 30 June 20X8.
(2) New computer system
During the year the company replaced its accounting software with a fully integrated standard
package modified by the supplier to the company’
s requirements.
(3) Incentive scheme
During the year the company introduced an incentive scheme under which the executive
directors are entitled to a bonus based on pre-tax profits. The bonus will be paid thirty days after
the audited accounts are available.
In respect of the above, identify and explain the potential audit risks and indicate the matters you
would discuss with the finance director at your planning meeting. (20 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

178 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Technical reference

1 Business risk BSA 315.30

2 Audit risk BSA 200.16, 20 to 23

3 Assessing the risks of material misstatement BSA 315 Appendix 3

4 Significant risks BSA 315.108

5 Documentation BSA 315.122

BSA 330.73

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 179
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Answers to Self-test

1 Effect of increased control risk (CR)

On inherent risk (IR)
 No direct impact  IR and CR largely independent of each other
On detection risk (DR)
 Impact dependent upon IR assessment
– If IR also high, increased testing required to render DR low
– If IR low, control weakness impact may not be as significant on audit risk (AR). May increase
work required to reduce DR to ensure AR is acceptable
 Provided DR is managed, control weaknesses should not affect AR
Other components must cancel impact of control weaknesses on AR
2 Meaning and implication of high inherent risk
 Meaning = risk of material errors arising is high
 Implication = detection risk must be rendered low
3 Meaning and implication of high detection risk
 Assessed levels of inherent and control risk are low
 High risk that substantive procedures do not detect material misstatement
 Implies small sample sizes
4 Meaning –audit risk 5%
 5% chance of an invalid conclusion (audit opinion) being drawn after all procedures completed; or
 95% confident that audit opinion will be valid
5 From:
 Previous experience of integrity or competence of management
 Financial reporting pressures (profit-based rewards)
 Weaknesses in design or operation of systems
 High staff turnover
 Industry characteristics, for example, cash handling
 Unusual transactions
 Problems in obtaining audit evidence
 Inadequate control over information systems data
Risks Audit implications

 Civil liabilities to victims  Possibility of:

 Statutory fines and penalties – Unrecorded liabilities
 Increased insurance premiums – Impairment of property, plant and
 Loss of reputation
 Forced closure  Going concern doubts

180 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Exam-style questions
Circumstance Why taken into account Effect on audit approach

 This is a new  Lack of cumulative/prior  Accounting systems and internal

audit client. knowledge, from which controls need to be ascertained.
assurance can be Flowcharting will probably be
derived, increases appropriate.
inherent risk.
 Current period audit work should
 Adequate planning is have regard to the opening
essential for audit balances to provide assurance as to
efficiency to prevent the accuracy of the opening
over-auditing in first position.
 The accounts of  Materiality, risk, the  Sample sizes should be apportioned
each division are audit approach and between divisions (e.g. by
not being extent of audit stratifying populations to divisions)
reported on procedures must be to curb tendency to overaudit.
individually. assessed in the context
of the company
('consolidated') accounts.
 The company  Assets which are  The year end attendance at
operates from material to the balance inventory counts should cover all
five locations. sheet (inventory and locations and take the opportunity
possibly premises, to verify other assets, including
equipment, fixtures, etc) tangible non-current assets and
are kept at five different cash.
 Cash sales are  Increases the risk of  Controls over cash must be
made to misappropriation of cash evaluated and any weaknesses
individuals. and understatement of reported to management.
 Audit effort should be directed to
confirming the completeness of
recorded sales for parts and
accessories, and workshop in

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 181
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Circumstance Why taken into account Effect on audit approach

 Computerised  Computerised inventory  If there are no significant

inventory records should be differences between physical and
information materially accurate and book inventories
includes dates of up-to-date (otherwise
– Reliance may be placed on the
movements, cost they would not be
accuracy of accounting entries
and selling price appropriate for raising
to inventory records
relevant to purchase requisitions).
determining the – Annual count need not be
adequacy of confined to year end as 'roll-
inventory forward' is possible
– Continuous inventory
checking may be facilitated.
 Audit software may be used to
produce an inventory ageing and
report by exception
– Slow-moving items (e.g. no
movements in x months)
– Actual selling price less than
original purchase price.
 Standard mark-  Standard mark-ups  Analytical procedures including
ups are used. facilitate budgetary 'proof in total' may confirm the
control of divisional completeness (or otherwise) of
activities. recorded revenue.
 Parts transferred  Divisional trading at  Inter-divisional trading should be
to workshops are lower mark-ups gives separately identified.
charged at cost incentive to inter-
plus 10%. divisional trading and
– Distort GP%
subjected to
– Conceal parts sales
at more than the
allowed margin.
 Value of parts  Although this is unlikely to be
inventories held by sufficiently material to warrant a
workshop is inflated by year end adjustment, consideration
10% unrealised profit. should be given to the level of
parts inventories held in the
workshops. Quantities should be
sufficient (to meet most immediate
requirements) but not excessive
(giving rise to risk of damage/theft).

182 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Circumstance Why taken into account Effect on audit approach

 Sales are made  A breach of franchise  This aspect of inherent risk must
under franchise terms and conditions be assessed, e.g.
agreements with (e.g. concerning
– If low, there may be no
each prescribed mark-ups)
implications for the financial
manufacturer. could bring penalty
statements (e.g. any
clauses into effect.
contingent liability may be
disregarded as being remote)
– If high (see also management
bias) a provision for penalties
could be required.
 The appropriateness of the going
concern assumption should be
considered in the light of
– Any known breaches
– Foreseeable renewals.
 Monthly accounts  These indicate a control-  The disaggregated financial
and returns are conscious head office to information (by divisions and
prepared mitigate the inherent risk certain activities) should highlight
attributable to divisional key audit areas and fluctuations
operations. requiring investigation.
 For analytical procedures on the
company’ s 'consolidated' accounts,
the inter-divisional trading and
balances must be eliminated.
 Divisional  Inherent risk is increased  This bias may reduce other aspects
managers have by possible management of inherent risk (e.g. of loss of
profit-related bias to overstate profit cash/inventory through unrecorded
bonus incentives. by sales).
– Overstating sales  Risk of sales overstatement may
not be great, since
– Understating
expenses. – Maximum prices set by
franchise agreement, and
– Market is fiercely competitive
at present time.
 Risk of expense understatement is
restricted (e.g. because head office
controls payroll expenditure).
 Audit tests should be directed to
most likely area of misstatement
(e.g. cut-off 'errors' arising through
suppression of invoices).

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8 Golden Pond Fisheries

Factor Why a risk

 Richard Pine, the new audit  Errors in the financial statements may be missed
manager is from the property and due to Richard’ s non-familiarity with the Carnes’
service client base. business.
 The Carnes are expecting 'another  Richard is likely to need to carry out more work
quick audit'. than usual to become familiar with the client. This
may be interpreted by the Carnes as mistrust, with
the consequence that they are reluctant to
volunteer assistance.
 The business is run and managed  There is limited scope for supervisory or
by a husband and wife team. authorisation controls and segregation of duties.
 Those controls in place are likely to be unreliable
due to the risk of management override.
 There has been a loss of revenue  The loss of revenue from the original business may
from the original farming threaten the viability of the farm as a going
operations, which the Carnes are concern.
addressing by diversification.
Although the Carnes are addressing this by
diversification, the process of change also carries a
risk as it involves adapting to new markets and
learning new skills.
 The Carnes are raising organically  This source of revenue assumes that customers of
fed geese as an alternative to the meat distributors used can be persuaded to
turkey. change from the traditional turkey. There is a
significant possibility that this market will not
 Organic food supplies for the geese will carry a
higher price tag. There is no evidence to suggest
that John Carnes has evaluated if this cost can be
recouped. It is possible that in spite of generating
revenue the sale of geese may realise no overall
 This is a markedly seasonal business. Income will
have ceased before the first holidaymakers arrive
in May, thereby putting a strain on the servicing of
 Pastures are being let for sheep  If John Carnes has entered into contracts for the
grazing. supply of grazing, this could prohibit future
expansion of holiday/fishing facilities by restricting
the availability of land.
 As these are the most successful elements of Gold
Pond Fisheries Ltd, their curtailment could
threaten the going concern status of the company.
If no such contracts exist, then grazing revenues
could cease at any time –there is no evidence that
such a prospect has been considered.

184 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Factor Why a risk

 John Carnes appears to imply that  Any such breach of import regulations when
blue carp are to be imported discovered will result in severe penalties, extending
illegally. to fines, quarantine of inventories, etc.
 The consequence would be a loss of revenue and
reputation in the core business.
 The importing of alien species will threaten existing
inventories with diseases and parasites to which
they are not resistant.
 Holiday cottages are a seasonal  Cash flows will fluctuate widely over a 12 month
business. period. This places strain on debt repayment terms
and going concern.
 The development of the holiday  Financing a business by way of borrowing always
cottages was financed by carries the risk that repayment of capital and
borrowing. interest does not cease in less successful periods.
 The provider of finance will want to review the
financial statements, increasing the risk of
management bias in preparing the financial
statements to show a favourable position.
 Accounting records are maintained  The use of a PC, with its associated risks of data
on a PC. corruption and lack of sufficient controls, increases
risks re the completeness and accuracy of
accounting records.
 The amount of paperwork has  Audit trails may be lost without hard copies,
decreased. increasing the risk that insufficient evidence will be
 Data has recently been transferred  Increased risk of errors due to inaccurate transfer
to the computer system. of data onto the PC.
 Claire trained as a bookkeeper 30  Claire’s bookkeeping training may prove to be of
years ago. limited advantage as there has been a significant
amount of change over recent years. Again, this
reduces confidence in the accuracy of the financial
 Part-time staff are employed for six  It is important to ensure that these individuals
months of the year and are paid in appear on the payroll, and that withholding tax
cash. regulations have been complied with.
 Insufficient records may be available due to the
cash nature of transactions.
 The current audit firm has resulted  It will take time to create and adopt a truly
from a merger of two firms with uniform audit approach, and this will increase the
very different client bases from detection risk associated with all work undertaken.
different parts of the country.
 This arises from non-familiarity, and increases the
risk of procedures being omitted or conducted
 Mergers of any type always create the risk of
'culture clashes', and this can reduce the efficiency
of audit work undertaken.

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9 Shades Ltd

Audit risks Matters to discuss

Manufacturing company
 Inventories may be materially  The methods used by the company to determine
misstated due to difficulties in the stage of completion and valuation of WIP.
estimating the degree of completion
 The NRV of window blind systems awaiting sale
of work in progress (WIP).
or installation.
 Estimating the net realisable value
(NRV) of certain window blind
Overseas customers
 Sales in foreign currencies may not  The rate used to translate transactions on
be translated at an appropriate rate, foreign currencies.
resulting in revenue and receivables
 The procedures adopted to ensure compliance
being misstated in the financial
with accounting standards.
Bad debts
 There may be insufficient provision  The techniques used to assess credit worthiness
made for bad debts as a result of of customers, particularly those based overseas.
increased difficulties in assessing
 Method used to monitor and chase slow payers.
credit worthiness and recoverability
for overseas customers.  Whether there are any known bad or doubtful
 The reasons for any seasonal variations within
the company’ s sales.
 The methods of managing cash flow and working
capital to address the impact of seasonal
Seasonal business
 Misstatements in monthly revenue
and expenditure figures may be more
difficult to detect as a result of
seasonal variations in the business.
Revenue growth
 Revenue may be overstated. The  The reasons for the increase in revenue this
increased volume of sales may period.
increase the extent of errors arising
 Whether any noticeable increase in error rates
within the accounting records.
within the accounting records has occurred.
Gross profit increase
 Gross profit may be overstated as a  The reasons for the increase this period.
result of items in transit to overseas
 Procedures used to ensure that transactions just
customers being included in both
before or after the year end are recorded in the
year end inventories and revenue
correct accounting period.
purchases being understated.
 How adequate provision is made for purchases,
particularly those invoiced post year end.

186 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Audit risks Matters to discuss

Operating profit increase

 Operating expenses may be  The procedures for ensuring the completeness of
understated due to recording being recording expenditure.
incomplete and the client failing to
 The methods used for identifying and making
fully accrue for such expenses.
adequate provision for accruals.
Increasing inventory values
 The company may have difficulty in  The proportion of lines of inventory made
selling certain lines of inventory if specifically to order.
items are made to customer
 The adaptability of such lines in the event of
specification and then orders
order cancellations.
cancelled. Such lines may be
overvalued in the financial  The anticipated future revenue from sales of the
statements. type of blinds.
 The level of advanced orders received.
Change in accounting system
 Misstatements may increase as a  The procedures used to ensure that all
result of information being lost or accounting information was correctly transferred
incorrectly transferred from the old from old to new systems.
to new systems.
 The type of changeover which was used e.g.
parallel running, stepped changeover direct
New computer system
 Modifications to the new computer  The extent and nature of any problems being
software may reduce its reliability. experienced with the new system.
This, together with the relative
 The extent of training and system support given
unfamiliarity of client staff with the
to staff operating the new system.
new system, will increase the risk of
errors arising.  The criteria used to choose the new system and
the reason for the change.
Bonus scheme
 The scheme provides an incentive  The nature of any conditions attached to the
for directors to overstate income bonus.
and understate expenditure.
 The effect on profits since the introduction of
the scheme.
 The anticipated level of bonus payable this
 The audited accounts may fail to  The proposed treatment and disclosure of the
properly disclose such bonuses directors’
bonuses within the financial
within directors’emoluments. statements.
 Similarly, failure to properly include  Whether the directors are aware of the auditors’
such bonuses may result in current legal duty to make good any disclosure lapses in
liabilities being understated. this area in the audit report.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 187
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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

 Deliberate overstatement of profits and consequent overstatement of bonus
 Failure to accrue for bonus
 Increased audit risk of management override
 Pressure on auditors to complete audit quickly
How to address risks
 Extended checks/increased sample sizes for
– Understatement of liabilities and expenses
– Overstatement of assets and income
 Check bonus included in liabilities

Answer to Interactive question 2


Circumstances Outline audit approach

 This is the first year that the  In order to be satisfied about the previous financial
firm has undertaken the audit statements
of Vax Ltd.
– Hold consultations with management
– Review client’
s records, working papers and accounting
and control procedures for the previous period
– (Possibly) hold consultations with the previous auditor.
 Familiarisation with the nature of the business, market,
accounting systems etc by
– Discussions with management
– Review of interim/management accounts.
 Vax Ltd has  Staff must be planned to carry out the audit from the firm’
offices throughout the country.
– A head office in
Manchester  They must all be adequately briefed and provided with a
copy of the audit plan detailing their specific tasks and
– A factory in Liverpool
– Ten depots throughout
the country.
 No inventory records have  It is vital that the auditors are satisfied with the inventory
been maintained but a full count.
inventory count is to be
 The written count instructions must be reviewed well in
carried out at the year end.
advance of the year end, so that improvement can be
suggested by the auditors and incorporated into the client’
 The auditors should ensure that sufficient staff with the
necessary experience are available to attend the count at all
material locations.

188 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Circumstances Outline audit approach

 'Liso', a major product of the  Ascertain

company, has been identified
– For how long Vax Ltd has been selling 'Liso' and in what
as being potentially
– How much 'Liso' the company now holds in inventory.
 Ensure that the firm keeps up-to-date with the findings of
the government working party.
 Consider whether any Vax Ltd employees may have been
harmed and, if so, the consequential liability of the company
to them.

(b) Objectives of audit planning

To ensure that appropriate attention is devoted to important areas of the audit
This is done via a formal written audit plan, laying down the objectives and the procedures to be
followed in order to meet those objectives.
To facilitate review
Work should be delegated to staff with the appropriate level of experience. All work should be
properly supervised and reviewed by a more senior member of staff.
To ensure that potential problems are identified
The auditor must ensure that resources are directed towards material/high risk areas.
To assist in the proper assignment of work
This may be to members of the audit team or to experts or other auditors. It helps the audit to
proceed in a timely and efficient manner.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 189
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190 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009
chapter 10

Audit approach


Examination context
Topic List
1 Responding to the risk assessment
2 Reliance on controls
3 Substantive approach
4 Reliance on the work of others
5 Practical issues
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 191
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Learning objectives Tick off

 Understand the sources of audit confidence and be able to determine audit approach

 Understand when an auditor may rely on the work of others as part of the audit

 Identify practical issues that need to be included in the overall audit strategy
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 3g, i.

Practical significance
The importance of audit approach is two-fold:
 It is important for an audit firm that its audits are carried out in accordance with professional
 How the tests used impact on audit cost

Stop and think

Why would a firm want to rely on the client’
s systems and internal auditors?

Working context
While training in practice, trainees are unlikely to be involved in the judgements going into audit approach.
However, as you progress in your career, you may become more involved in making such judgements. If
you work in industry, you will see the impact of the approach the auditors are using from the other side.

Syllabus links
This area was introduced, in connection with evidence, in Assurance.

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Examination context

Exam requirements
In the exam, you could be asked to identify risks and then justify an approach towards those risks.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Assess the impact of risk and materiality on the engagement plan, including the nature, timing and
extent of assurance procedures, for a given organisation
 Determine an approach appropriate for an engagement for a specified organisation which addresses:
– Possible reliance on controls (including those within the IT system)
– Possible reliance on the work of internal audit or other experts
– Possible reliance on the work of another auditor
– Probable extent of tests of controls and of substantive procedures, including analytical
– Nature and extent of client-generated information
– Probable number, timing, staffing and location of assurance visits

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1 Responding to the risk assessment

Section overview
 The auditor must formulate an approach to assessed risks of material misstatement.
 Overall responses include issues such as emphasising to the team the importance of professional
scepticism, allocating more staff, using experts or providing more supervision.
 The auditor must also determine further audit procedures to address the risks of material
 There are three sources of audit confidence: tests of controls, tests of details and analytical
 Remember, some substantive procedures (that is, tests of details and/or analytical procedures) must
be carried out.

The main requirement of BSA 330 The Auditor's Procedures in Response to Assessed Risks is 'In order to reduce
audit risk to an acceptably low level, the auditor should determine overall responses to assessed risks at the
financial statement level, and should design and perform further audit procedures to respond to assessed
risks at the assertion level'.
In other words, having assessed the risks of material misstatements in the financial statements, the auditor
has to plan the work that will be carried out to ensure that he can draw a conclusion about whether
the financial statements give a true and fair view, that is, that any material misstatements have been
identified and amended if necessary.

1.1 Overall responses

Overall responses to risks of material misstatement will be changes to the general audit strategy or re-
affirmations to staff of the general audit strategy. For example:
 Emphasising to audit staff the need to maintain professional scepticism
 Assigning additional or more experienced staff to the audit team
 Using experts, the work of internal auditors or other auditors
 Providing more supervision on the audit
 Incorporating more unpredictability into the audit procedures
The evaluation of the control environment that will have taken place as part of the assessment of the
client's internal control systems will help the auditor determine whether they are going to take a
substantive approach (focusing mainly on substantive procedures) or a combined approach (tests of
controls and substantive procedures).

1.2 Responses to the risks of material misstatement at the assertion

The BSA says that 'the auditor should design and perform further audit procedures whose nature, timing
and extent are responsive to the assessed risks of material misstatement at the assertion level'. Nature
refers to the purpose and the type of test that is carried out. The extent of audit tests is determined by
sampling, which we covered in our Assurance studies. The auditors must also have to consider the timing of
tests –before the year end or after, or possibly, continuously throughout the year using CAATs.

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1.3 Sources of audit confidence

To reduce the level of risk that the financial statements might be wrong, the auditors have to build up audit
confidence based on sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
We have looked at the nature and sources of audit evidence in your Assurance studies. In summary, there
are three sources of audit confidence.

Tests of Analytical
details procedures

Figure 10.1: Sources of audit confidence

You know what internal controls are from your Assurance studies.
To derive audit confidence from the client’
s controls, auditors have to ascertain them (by enquiry),
document them and then test them to make sure that:
 They operate in the way they think they do (by walkthrough testing); and
 They are effective (by tests of controls).
You covered the nature of controls and their strengths and weaknesses in your Assurance studies. We will
revisit some key issues in section 2 of this chapter.
During the planning process the audit team decides on the use of these sources to give sufficient audit
confidence and what the mix should be.
The audit plan will record the approach to be used as decided on by the audit team.

Worked example: Audit of inventories

You could audit inventory by counting it all and working out what it is worth by exhaustive checking to
invoices etc –reliance on tests of details (substantive approach)
You could:
 Look at the client’
s system for recording purchases and sales and working out what it has left in
 Check that all goods are checked when they arrive by a reliable storeman, who you know will not let
anything leave the warehouse without proper authorisation
 Check that the warehouse is securely locked when no one is on site
and so on.
Having looked at all this you might decide that it is highly likely that the inventory figure which the client
produces will be correct and that there really is not much point in going through all that counting rigmarole
on a cold winter’s morning –you would be wrong and you would be in breach of the auditing
standards –but you might feel that way –absolute reliance on controls.
 You could look at the breakdown of inventory over the last few years, consider the normal inventory
levels the client carries and their relationship to purchases and cost of sales, the basis for overhead
and labour recovery, and you might think that, all in all the inventory figure looks about right –
reliance on analytical procedures

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In practice you are likely to do a combination of all three. Auditing standards require you to carry out some
substantive procedures (tests of details or analytical procedures). Carrying out some controls testing
reduces the amount of substantive testing to be carried out. The precise mix changes depending on the
nature of the client:
 For a small scale client at a single location it may be just as efficient to observe the inventory count
and to carry out a number of test counts as it is to spend a great deal of time evaluating the system, or
calculating ratios. You will be relying on controls such as the reliability of the inventory checkers to a
limited extent, but you will also have a good deal of confidence about the final figure deriving from the
substantive work you have done; i.e. your own test counts.
 For a large national building supplies company with a large number of depots, you are likely to rely to a
greater extent on your assessment of controls and analytical review.
You may be tempted to say that, with all those depots, it would be simply impossible to visit them all.
However, this is not the appropriate reason for your chosen audit approach. What matters is the level of
risk and reducing it to an acceptable level. If the only way to be confident enough that there are no material
errors in the inventory figure was to attend all the depots, then that is what you would have to do.
However, in order to control a business of that size management will need to have installed systems and
controls, so rather than attend all the depots and test count everything yourself, assuming the controls
appear capable of being effective, you can chose to rely on them and test that they are effective.
 For a business such as a software company or a consultancy business, where the 'inventory' is going to
consist of people’ s time costs carried forward to be amortised against sales in future periods, you are
likely to rely to a very large extent on analytical review for your audit confidence.

Interactive question 1: Reliance on controls [Difficulty level: Easy]

List the factors that you would consider in deciding at the planning stage of the audit whether to seek to
rely on internal controls as part of the audit.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

2 Reliance on controls

Section overview
 The auditors carry out tests of controls when:
– They are intending to rely on controls
– They are unable to derive sufficient evidence from substantive procedures
 In summary, BSA 330 says that if auditors want to rely on a control:
– They have to test it
– The have to obtain evidence that it is effective
– They have to obtain evidence that it operated throughout the period under review
– They have to flex their approach in accordance with the nature of the control and the risk it is
seeking to mitigate

BSA 500 says auditors need to carry out tests of controls under two sets of circumstances:
 When they are intending to rely on controls to reduce audit risk
 When they are unable to derive sufficient evidence from substantive procedures.

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The type of testing will depend on the nature of the control.

The client’
s procedures for authorising expenditure, for example could take many forms:
 There could be an approval box in a grid rubber stamped on invoices –auditors would check that the
stamp had been applied and the box signed or initialled on a sample of invoices
 Expenditure over a certain level may need to be approved by the board, or by a committee –auditors
would check the minutes of the relevant meetings
 The client may operate a budgetary control system, where managers have responsibility for particular
projects, and where the board, or a committee will periodically review actual performance against
Procedures here may be more difficult to devise.
 The auditors could review the minutes of the relevant meetings.
 The auditors could select a sample of projects and make actual/budget comparisons and then follow up
to see what the client did in response to any overruns.
 The auditors could attend the relevant meetings and observe how they are conducted –but would
need to be careful about whether the auditors' presence at the meeting will affect the way the meeting
is conducted.
In respect of IT controls the following questions are relevant.
 How do these operate?
 Is the auditor justified in assuming that they function properly?
 If a client uses a recognised accounting package such as QuickBooks or Sage Line 50, is the auditor
justified in assuming that, for example VAT will be calculated correctly and that control accounts will
be updated properly?
It may be necessary to use CAATs to prove these assumptions. We considered testing controls in

Interactive question 2: Reliance on internal controls [Difficulty level: Easy]

In the course of planning an audit several internal controls in the company’ s systems have been identified.
List the conditions that each control must satisfy if it is to be relied upon in reducing the extent of
substantive procedures to be performed.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

Interactive question 3: Bix Ltd [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

You are the senior auditor in charge of the audit of Bix Ltd, a manufacturing company. You have been
talking with the payroll supervisor who has commented on the strength of the company’ s payroll internal
control system. She has assumed that this internal control system guarantees the completeness, accuracy
and validity of the payroll accounting records.
(a) State whether you agree with the supervisor’s assumption that an internal control system can
guarantee the completeness, accuracy and validity of the records, supporting your answer by using
examples from a payroll system.

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(b) The supervisor has also asked you to explain some internal control terminology which she does not
Explain the meaning of the following terms, using payroll examples different from those you have given
(i) Segregation of duties
(ii) Approval and control of documents
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3 Substantive approach

Section overview
 Substantive procedures constitute tests of details and/or analytical procedures.
 Auditors always carry out a number of substantive procedures.
 The number of substantive procedures carried out will depend on the level of risk, the amount of
reliance on controls and the results of controls testing.

As you know, substantive procedures fall into two categories: analytical procedures and tests of details.
The auditor must always carry out substantive procedures on material items.
BSA 330 says 'irrespective of the assessed risk of material misstatement, the auditor should design and
perform substantive procedures for each material class of transactions, account balance and disclosure'.
In addition, the auditor must carry out the following substantive procedures:
 Agreeing the financial statements to the underlying accounting records
 Examining material journal entries
 Examining other adjustments made in preparing the financial statements
The auditor must determine when it is appropriate to use which type of substantive procedure.
Analytical procedures tend to be appropriate for large volumes of predictable transactions (for example,
wages and salaries). Other procedures (tests of detail) may be appropriate to gain information about
account balances (for example, inventories or trade receivables), particularly verifying the assertions of
existence and valuation. Substantive procedures were covered in detail in your studies for Assurance.
Tests of detail rather than analytical procedures are likely to be more appropriate with regard to matters
which have been identified as significant risks, but the auditor must determine procedures that are
specifically responsive to that risk, which may include analytical procedures. Significant risks are likely to be
the most difficult to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence about.
How much substantive testing is carried out will depend on:
 Whether the auditor wants to rely on controls in the first place (in which case substantive testing
might be reduced)
 Whether controls testing reveals that controls can be relied on (if they cannot, the auditors will have
to increase substantive testing)

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Interactive question 4: Substantive testing [Difficulty level: Easy]

King Ltd is a new audit client of your firm. The finance director has attended a seminar on ‘
how your auditors work’ , and has come away convinced that you will be able to rely on the internal
controls within the company to reduce the overall amount of work done.
Identify the circumstances in which this approach may not be possible, leading you to undertake full
substantive testing.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

Interactive question 5: Hydra Ltd [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

Your firm acts as auditor to Hydra Ltd, which manufactures and bottles non-alcoholic drinks in Bangladesh
under licence from a Swiss company.
Hydra Ltd has two products only: 'Eau Vital', a sparkling cold drink made from fruit juices, herbal extracts
and mineral water, and 'Glowvine', which is to be served hot, made from grape juices, herbs and spices.
Royalties are payable to the Swiss company, which is not related to Hydra Ltd, at the rate of 20p per bottle
of Eau Vital or Glowvine sold. Royalties are included in cost of sales, and Hydra Ltd expects to make an
average mark-up on total cost of 150% for Eau Vital and 120% for Glowvine.
To reflect environmental concerns the customer is charged a deposit of 10p, which is reimbursed on return
of the bottle. This scheme was introduced during the year. The theme of concern for the environment is
echoed in Hydra Ltd’ s advertising, which emphasises the natural ingredients.
The final audit is scheduled to commence in two weeks’ time. You have recently received a copy of Hydra
s management accounts, which reflect the position for the current year.
20X6 20X5
CU'000 CU'000
Revenue 3,280 1,876
Gross profit 1,940 1,042
Profit from operations 1,345 807
(a) Prepare a schedule that indicates the analytical procedures which would form part of your year end
substantive procedures. Where relevant, suggest possible reasons for the changes between 20X6 and
(b) Explain what impact the new scheme involving deposits on bottles will have on the audit of liabilities at
the year end.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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4 Reliance on the work of others

Section overview
 External auditors may make use of work internal audit have done when carrying out their own
external audit procedures.
 External auditors may make use of the work of an expert when carrying out audit procedures.
 Principal auditors have a duty to report on the truth and fairness of group accounts.
 Principal auditors have the right to require from auditors of subsidiaries the information and
explanations they need, and to require the principal company to obtain the necessary information and
explanations from subsidiaries.
 Principal auditors should consider whether their involvement in the group audit is sufficient for them
to act as principal auditors.

4.1 Reliance on the work of internal audit

BSA 610 Considering the Work of Internal Audit states that as part of their planning procedures, auditors must
'consider the activities of internal auditing and their effect, if any, on the external audit procedures'. While
the external auditor has sole responsibility for the opinion expressed, some internal audit work may be
helpful to him in forming a decision.
As you learnt in your Assurance Study Manual, the scope and objectives of internal auditing can vary widely.
Normally however, internal audit operates in one or more of the following broad areas.
 Review of the accounting and internal control systems
 Examination of financial and operating information
 Review of economy, efficiency and effectiveness
 Review of compliance with laws and regulations
 Special investigations
An effective internal audit function may reduce, modify or alter the timing of external audit procedures, but it
can never eliminate them entirely. Even where the internal audit function is deemed ineffective, it may still
be useful to be aware of the internal audit conclusions. The effectiveness of internal audit will have a great
impact on how the external auditors assess the whole control system and the assessment of audit risk.
The BSA says that 'the external auditor should obtain a sufficient understanding of internal audit activities to
identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and to design and perform
further audit procedures. The external auditor should perform an assessment of the internal audit function
when internal auditing is relevant to the external auditor's risk assessment'.

4.1.1 Making an assessment of internal audit

The following important criteria will be considered by the external auditors.

Assessment of internal audit

Organisational Consider to whom internal audit reports (should be the board or the audit
status committee, a subcommittee of the board, which, when it exists, monitors the work
of internal audit), whether internal audit has any operating responsibilities and
constraints or restrictions on it (e.g. that it is not adequately resourced)
Scope of function Consider extent and nature of assignments performed and the action taken by
management as a result of internal audit reports
Technical Consider whether internal auditors have adequate technical training and
competence proficiency
Due professional Consider whether internal audit is properly planned, supervised, reviewed
care and documented

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When reporting, internal auditors should report to the whole board or the audit committee and should be
free to discuss their concerns with external auditors. They should not report to management upon whose
work or responsibilities they are likely to comment; this may mean for example that they should not report
to the finance director.

Worked example: Using the work of internal audit

You are currently involved in planning the audit of Midget Ltd. At the beginning of the year that you are
auditing, the company set up an internal audit department, and this is the first visit since you were aware of
its existence. From your initial discussions with the managing director, you have established that Mr
Gnome, the internal auditor, has undertaken a number of assignments across the company, and fed back to
the board on his findings.
The following factors should be taken into account when considering whether you can rely on the work
undertaken by Mr Gnome and his staff:
 The organisational status of the department, including its ability to be objective and the level of
management it reports to. In this case, you know that Mr Gnome reports directly to the board of
directors, so the department has an important status in the company.
 The scope of the internal audit function, including the nature and extent of assignments carried out
and whether management acts on its reports. In this case, you would need to inquire further into the
types of assignments that the internal audit department has carried out and whether there has been
any action as a result of these assignments.
 The technical competence of the people carrying out the work. In this case it would be necessary to
inquire about the competence of Mr Gnome, for example, is he a qualified accountant? It would also
be necessary to identify the other members of the internal audit team (if there are any) and assess
their competence as well.
 The application of due professional care. The external auditors should review the work carried out by
the internal auditors to check that it was documented in the first place, and to assess whether it was
planned and whether there is evidence of its being supervised and reviewed.

4.1.2 Using the work of internal audit

The objectives of internal audit will differ from those of the external auditors. However, some of the
means of achieving their respective objectives are often similar, and so some of the internal auditors'
work may be used by the external auditors. External auditors may use internal auditors' work on the
following areas.

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Recording an The external auditor should carry out walkthrough tests on the records to
accounting system ensure that the recording undertaken by the internal auditor is accurate (rather
than record the accounting system themselves).
Evaluating and If the external auditors are to rely on the work done, say the completion of an
testing internal internal control evaluation questionnaire, they should check that the method of
control evaluation is appropriate. They should confirm that internal audit has
satisfactorily tested controls in detail by re-performing a sample of internal
audit's tests; if internal audit's work is satisfactory, external auditors can make a
reduced assessment of control risk as a consequence.
In particular external audit may be able to rely on internal audit's assessment of
computer systems, since internal audit may have carried out extensive testing on
aspects of the system including controls over development and operation of the
system and general controls such as access controls.
Most internal auditors will produce an annual report for the board on the
effectiveness of the internal controls and risk management of the company which
external auditors might read as part of their own risk assessment procedures.
Substantive As external auditors are primarily interested in internal audit's role as a control,
procedures the importance of internal audit as a source of substantive evidence will be less.
However internal audit procedures may be a source of substantive evidence in
particular areas, for example comparing supplier statements with the payables
ledger. If the client has several sites, internal audit may have visited sites that
external auditors will not have the chance to visit, and external audit may be able
to place some reliance on the work done by internal audit on those sites.

4.1.3 Timing of liaison and co-ordination

All timing of internal audit work should be agreed as early as possible, and in particular how it co-ordinates
with the external auditors' work. Liaison with the internal auditors should take place at regular intervals
throughout the audit. Information on tests and conclusions should be passed both to and from internal

4.1.4 Evaluating specific internal auditing work

The BSA states 'when the external auditor intends to use specific work of internal audit, the external
auditor should evaluate and perform audit procedures that confirm its adequacy for the external auditor's
The evaluation here will consider the scope of work and related audit programmes and whether the original
assessment of the internal audit function remains appropriate.


Training and Have the internal auditors had sufficient and adequate technological training to carry
proficiency out the work?
Are the internal auditors proficient?
Supervision Is the work of assistants properly supervised, reviewed and documented?
Evidence Has sufficient, appropriate audit evidence been obtained to afford a reasonable basis
for the conclusions reached?
Conclusions Are the conclusions reached appropriate, given the circumstances?
Reports Are any reports produced by internal audit consistent with the result of the work
Unusual Have any unusual matters or exceptions arising and disclosed by internal audit been
matters resolved properly?

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Plan Are any amendments to the external audit plan required as a result of the matters
identified by internal audit?
Testing Has the work of internal audit been sufficiently tested by the external auditor to
confirm its adequacy?

The nature, timing and extent of the testing of the specific work of internal auditing will depend upon the
external auditor's judgement of the risk and materiality of the area concerned, the preliminary assessment
of internal auditing and the evaluation of specific work by internal auditing. Such tests may include
examination of items already examined by internal auditors, examination of other similar items and
observation of internal auditing procedures.
If the external auditors decide that the internal audit work is not adequate, they should extend their own
procedures in order to obtain appropriate evidence.

Interactive question 6: Extensions Ltd [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

Extensions Ltd is a retailer of fashion accessories. It has a turnover of CU54 million and 150 shops
throughout the United Kingdom. It also has six regional warehouses from which the shops are supplied with
The company has an internal audit department which is based at the company’
s head office in London.
Internal auditors make regular visits to the shops and warehouses.
This is the first year that your firm has acted as auditor for Extensions Ltd. The partner in charge of the
audit has expressed his opinion that the internal audit department might be able to assist the external audit
team in carrying out its work.
(a) State, with reasons, the information that you would require to make an assessment of the likely
effectiveness and the relevance of the internal audit function.
(b) Describe four typical procedures that might be carried out by the internal auditors during their visits
to the shops and warehouses, and on which you might wish to rely.
(c) Assuming that you intend to rely on the work of the internal audit department of Extensions Ltd,
describe briefly the effect this will have on your audit of the company’
s financial statements.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4.2 Using the work of an expert

An expert is a person or firm possessing special skill, knowledge and experience in a particular field other
than accounting and auditing.

Professional audit staff are highly trained and educated, but their experience and training is limited to
accountancy and audit matters. In certain situations it will therefore be necessary to employ someone else
with different expert knowledge.
Auditors have sole responsibility for their opinion, but may use the work of an expert. An expert may be
engaged by:
 A client to provide specialist advice on a particular matter which affects the financial statements

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 The auditors in order to obtain sufficient audit evidence regarding certain financial statement
The auditor will generally consider whether there is an expert in the client entity with relevant skill, or if
not, whether those charged with governance will contract an expert. If they are unwilling, the auditor will
consider hiring an expert.
The following list of examples is given by BSA 620 Using the Work of an Expert of the audit evidence which
might be obtained from the opinion, valuation etc of an expert.
 Valuations of certain types of assets, e.g. land and buildings, plant and machinery
 Determination of quantities or physical condition of assets
 Determination of amounts using specialised methods, e.g. pensions accounting
 The measurement of work completed and work in progress on contracts
 Legal opinions
The BSA gives the following requirements in relation to using the work of an expert:
 'When using the work performed by an expert, auditors should obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence that such work is adequate for the purposes of an audit'
 'When planning to use the work of an expert the auditors should assess the professional competence
of the expert and the professional qualifications, experience and resources of the expert … the
auditor should [also] evaluate the objectivity of the expert'
 'The auditors should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the scope of the expert's work is
adequate for the purposes of the audit'
 'The auditors should assess the appropriateness of the expert's work as audit evidence regarding the
assertion being considered'
 'If the results of the expert's work do not provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence, or if the
results are not consistent with other audit evidence, the auditor should resolve the matter'

4.2.1 Determining the need to use the work of an expert

When considering whether to use the work of an expert, the auditors should review:
 The engagement team's knowledge and previous experience of the matter
 The risk of misstatement based on the nature and complexity of the matter
 The quantity and quality of other available relevant audit evidence
Once it is decided that an expert is required, the approach should be discussed with the management of the
entity. Where the management is unwilling or unable to engage an expert, the auditors should consider
engaging an expert themselves unless sufficient alternative audit evidence can be obtained.

4.2.2 Competence and objectivity of the expert

The auditors must consider:
 The expert's professional certification, or licensing by, or membership of, an appropriate
professional body
 The expert's experience and reputation in the field in which the auditors are seeking audit
The risk that an expert's objectivity is impaired increases when the expert is:
 Employed by the entity
 Related in some other manner to the entity, for example, by being financially dependent upon, or
having an investment in, the entity
If the auditors have reservations about the competence or objectivity of the expert they may need to
carry out other procedures or obtain evidence from another expert.

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4.2.3 The expert's scope of work

Written instructions usually cover the expert's terms of reference and such instructions may cover such
matters as follows.
 The objectives and scope of the expert's work
 A general outline as to the specific matters the expert's report is to cover
 The intended use of the expert's work
 The extent of the expert's access to appropriate records and files
 Clarification of the expert's relationship with the entity, if any
 Confidentiality of the entity's information
 Information regarding the assumptions and methods intended to be used

4.2.4 Assessing the work of the expert

Auditors should assess whether the substance of the expert’ s findings is properly reflected in the financial
statements or supports the financial statement assertions. It will also require consideration of:
 The source data used
 The assumptions and methods used
 When the expert carried out the work
 The reasons for any changes in assumptions and methods
 The results of the expert’s work in the light of the auditors’
knowledge of the business, the results of
other audit procedures, as other similar work (for example, valuation done previously by the same
expert or a comparison of the expert's work against other available information).

Worked example: Valuation of a commercial building

An expert valuation of a commercial building could be compared to the value of other, similar commercial
buildings in estate agent's windows or on the web.
The auditors do not have the expertise to judge the assumptions and methods used; these are the
responsibility of the expert. However, the auditors should seek to obtain an understanding of these
assumptions etc, to consider their reasonableness based on other audit evidence, knowledge of the business
and so on.
This may involve discussion with both the client and the expert. Additional procedures (including use of
another expert) may be necessary.

4.3 Other auditors (in a group situation)

Principal auditors have a duty to report on the truth and fairness of group accounts. They:
 Have the right to require from auditors of subsidiaries the information and explanations they require,
and to require the principal company to obtain the necessary information and explanations from
 Should consider whether their involvement in the group audit is sufficient for them to act as principal
When an audit firm audits a company that is a parent in a group of companies, they will be responsible for
carrying out the audit on that parent company’s individual financial statements and also the audit on that
parent’s group financial statements.
In respect of the group financial statements, the audit firm may or may not be the auditor for other
companies in that group whose financial statements are consolidated into the group financial statements.
The audit team for the parent company will have to liaise with the ‘ other auditors’
, that is, the auditors of

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the subsidiary companies, whether they be different auditors from the same firm, or auditors from a
different firm altogether.

Principal auditors are the auditors with responsibility for reporting on the financial statements of an
entity when those financial statements include financial information of one or more components audited by
other auditors.
Other auditors are auditors, other than the principal auditors, with responsibility for reporting on the
financial information of a component (for example a subsidiary company –see below) which is included in
the financial statements audited by the principal auditors. Other auditors include affiliated firms, whether
using the same name or not, and correspondent firms, as well as unrelated auditors.
Correspondent firms are firms which are loosely associated, generally for the purposes of referring work.
Component is a division, branch, subsidiary, joint venture, associated undertaking or other entity whose
financial information is included in financial statements audited by the principal auditors.

The duty of the principal auditors is to report on the group accounts, which includes balances and
transactions of all the components of the group.

4.3.1 Rights of principal auditors

The principal auditors have all the usual statutory rights and powers in respect of their audit of the parent
They also have the following rights:
 The right to require from the other auditors such information and explanations as they may
reasonably require
 The right to require the parent company to take all reasonable steps to obtain reasonable
information and explanations from the subsidiary and this will include foreign subsidiaries
Even where their responsibilities in this regard are not set down by statute, the other auditors should
appreciate that the component company's financial statements will ultimately form a part of the group
financial statements. In principle, the other auditors should therefore be prepared to co-operate with the
principal auditors.

4.3.2 Acceptance as principal auditors

The principal auditors must decide how to take account of the work carried out by the other auditors. This
is dealt with by BSA 600 Using the Work of Another Auditor. The purpose of the standard is to establish
standards and provide guidance when an auditor, reporting on the financial statements of an entity, uses the
work of another auditor. It states 'when the principal auditor uses the work of another auditor, the
principal auditor should determine how the work of the other auditor will affect the audit.'
The principal auditors should not be so far removed from large parts of the group audit that they are
unable to form an opinion on the group financial statements. The BSA suggests that, in this context, the
principal auditors should consider the following.
 The materiality of the portion of the financial statements which they do not audit
 The degree of their knowledge regarding the business of the components
 The risk of material misstatements in the financial statements of the components audited by other
 The performance of additional procedures as set out in the BSA regarding the components
audited by the other auditor resulting in the principal auditor having significant participation in such an
audit, and
 The nature of the principal auditor's relationship with the firm acting as other auditor.

206 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

4.3.3 Principal auditors' procedures

The BSA states: 'when planning to use the work of another auditor, the principal auditor should consider
the professional competence of the other auditor in the context of the specific assignment. … [this] should
include consideration of the professional qualifications, experience and resources of the other auditor in the
context of the specific assignment.'
Principal auditors will check:
 The other auditors belong to a professional body.
 The reputation of any firm to which the other auditors are affiliated. A review of previous audit
work by the other auditors may have a bearing.
BSA 600 states that the principal auditors 'perform procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit
evidence that the work of the other auditor is adequate for the principal auditor's purposes, in the context
of the specific assignment' and should advise the other auditors of:
 The independence requirements of both the entity and component. The principal auditors should
obtain written representations on compliance.
 The use to be made of the other auditors' work and report. The principal auditors should make
sufficient arrangements for the co-ordination of efforts at the planning stages of the audit. The
principal auditors should inform the other auditors about the following matters.
– Areas requiring special consideration (key risks, control environment)
– Procedures for the identification of disclosable inter company transactions
– Procedures for notifying principal auditors of unusual circumstances
– The timetable for completion of the audit
 The accounting, auditing and reporting requirements which are relevant.
The nature, timing and extent of the principal auditors' procedures will depend on the individual
circumstances of the engagement, and their assessment of the other auditors' competence.
Procedures that the principal auditors may use include the following.
 Discussions with the other auditors about audit procedures
 Review of a written summary of those procedures (perhaps using a questionnaire)
 Review of the other auditors' working papers
These procedures may be considered unnecessary if evidence has already been obtained of quality control
over the other auditors' work, for example, through internal reviews within affiliated firms.
The principal auditor should consider the significant findings of the other auditor, which may involve:
 Discussions with the other auditors and with the management of the component
 Review of copies of reports to directors or management issued by the other auditors
 Supplementary tests, performed by the principal auditors or by the other auditors
The other auditors are required by the BSA to cooperate with the principal auditor.
Where the component is a subsidiary the other auditors may have a statutory duty to co-operate as
mentioned in section 4.3.1 above.
If there is no such statutory obligation, but the principal auditors state their intention to use the other
auditors' work, then the other auditors may need to obtain permission from the component to
communicate with the principal auditors on the auditing matters.
Where this permission is refused, the other auditors should inform the principal auditors of the refusal, so
that the principal auditors can agree with the directors of the entity they audit what action to take.
The other auditors should draw to the attention of the principal auditors any matters they discover in their
audit which they feel is likely to be relevant to the principal auditors' work.
If the other auditors are unable to perform any aspect of their work as requested, they should inform the
principal auditors.
Similarly the principal auditors should advise of any matters that may have an important bearing on the other
auditors' work. This is subject however to legal and professional requirements such as confidentiality rules.

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4.3.4 Reporting considerations

In terms of reporting, the BSA states: 'when the principal auditor concludes that the work of the other
auditor cannot be used and the principal auditor has not been able to perform sufficient additional
procedures regarding the financial information of the component audited by the other auditor, the principal
auditor should express a qualified opinion or disclaimer of opinion because there is a limitation in the scope
of the audit.'
If the other auditors issue a modified report, the principal auditors should consider whether the nature and
significance of the qualification means that the principal auditors' report also needs to be modified.

Interactive question 7: Using the work of other auditors

[Difficulty level: Exam standard]
You are the principal auditor of Golden Holdings Ltd, a listed company, which has subsidiaries in Bangladesh
and overseas, many of which are audited by other firms. All subsidiaries are involved in the manufacture or
distribution of metal goods and have the same accounting period as Golden Holdings Ltd.
Outline why you would wish to review the work of the other auditors of subsidiaries not audited by your
firm and detail the work you would carry out in that review.

5 Practical issues

Section overview
 The audit strategy will also address practical issues such as audit timing, staffing and location.

5.1 The audit team

As part of the audit planning process, the right team will need to be selected:
This will depend on matching the need for:
 Experience
 Specialist knowledge
 Ensuring that work is done at the right level
with the risks associated with the audit.
As discussed in Chapter 5, for every engagement there will be an engagement partner who takes overall
responsibility for the engagement and who has specific responsibility for ensuring the firm and the team’
 Competence
 Objectivity
and for:
 Approving the audit strategy
 Communicating his or her knowledge of the client to the audit team
 Ensuring that staff are briefed and supervised appropriately
 Ensuring appropriate reviews are carried out of staff’
s work
 Reviewing the financial statements, the key areas and any working papers not otherwise reviewed.
There should normally be at least one other person involved on the audit to review the work done.
Beyond this the precise make-up of the team will depend on the scale of the engagement and the different
roles can be filled by people with different levels of experience within the firm.
However, most engagements will have a 'senior' or 'in charge' responsible for the day-to-day running of the
audit and supervising assistants.

208 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

There may well be a 'manager' or 'supervisor' who has more responsibilities for the administration, planning
and review of the engagement and would be expected to do less of the detailed testing work than the
Finally there are the assistants who, depending on their experience will take on the execution of the more
detailed audit tasks.
The audit strategy should make clear who is responsible for which aspects of the audit, and should strike
the difficult balance between:
 Ensuring each member of the team has sufficient experience for the job in hand
 Setting new challenges so that experience can be gained, and
 Cost

5.2 Budgets and deadlines

Audit firms, like any business, are in business to make a profit. Whilst the pursuit of profit must not take
precedence over professional and quality considerations, nevertheless the audit plan should make it
perfectly clear:
 When the deadline is
 How much the budget is

5.3 Interim and final audits

Typically much of the systems assessment work and tests of details on the profit and loss account, will be
carried out at the interim stage, with greater focus on the balance sheet at a final audit.
However, think about a number of factors here:
 What about the income statement for the last couple of months of the year?
 If the auditors are relying on controls, were they effective in the period between the interim audit and
the year end?
 If the auditors have tested inventory, or receivables at the interim stage, are they happy with the 'roll
forward' to the year end?

5.4 Location
As hinted at above, the location that the audit work takes place at will depend on the nature of the client
and the risk assessment. Some clients will only have one location, in which case the audit will take place at
that location. Other clients may have several locations, and the auditors will have to make judgements
about which locations are more risky than others and need the auditor to visit them. It may be necessary to
attend all locations that a client has at some stage during the audit.

5.5 Nature of evidence

It will be important to address the practical issue of what sources of evidence the audit firm expects to
obtain during the audit. You learnt about the quality of audit evidence in your Assurance Study Manual.
Information generated by the client is never as good quality as information generated by the auditor or
from third parties. The audit strategy should set out where information should be sought from third parties
(such as in respect of receivables or confirmation of a loan).

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Summary and Self-test


Answer the following questions.
1 The three sources of audit confidence are:
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
2 It is appropriate to rely solely on controls testing in relation to the existence of inventory.


210 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

3 The auditor must always carry out substantive procedures.

4 Which of the following will external auditors consider in their assessment of whether to use the work
of internal audit?

To whom the internal audit department reports

The technical training of the staff in the department
The fact that the fee will fall if much use can be made of internal audit work
Whether internal audit work is properly documented
5 External auditors will not rely on the work of an expert who works for the entity.

6 Principal auditors may refer to the work of other auditors in their report on the group financial

7 Principal auditors will not be able to form an opinion on group financial statements if:
A The other auditors are not from the same firm
B They have knowledge of the whole group
C The other auditors do not carry out all the procedures as specified by the principal auditors
D The portion of the financial statements they do not audit is material
8 The minimum ideal number of staff used in an audit is:
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
Exam-style question
9 Gasoleum Ltd
Your firm is the auditor of Gasoleum Ltd which operates 15 petrol stations in and around London.
You are the senior in charge of the audit for the year ending 31 July 20X7 and are engaged on the
audit planning.
Most of the company’ s sites are long-established and, as well as supplying fuel, oil, air and water, have a
car wash and a shop.
Over the last few years, due to the intense price competition in petrol retailing, the shops have been
expanded into mini-markets with a wide range of motor accessories, food, drinks and household
products. They also now sell National Lottery tickets.
Point-of-sale PCs are installed in all the petrol stations, linked on-line via a network to the computer at
head office. Sales and inventory data are input direct from the PCs.
The company has an internal auditor, whose principal function is to monitor continuously and test the
operation of internal controls throughout the organisation. The internal auditor is also responsible for
co-ordinating the year end inventory count.

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Prepare notes for a planning meeting with the audit partner which
(a) Identify, from the situation outlined above, circumstances particular to Gasoleum Ltd that should
be taken into account when planning the audit, explaining clearly why these matters should be
taken into account. (6 marks)
(b) Describe the extent to which the work performed by the internal auditor may affect your
planning, and the factors that could limit the use you may wish to make of his work. (6 marks)
(12 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied that you have achieved
these objectives, please tick them off.

212 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Technical reference

1 Responding to the risk assessment

 Overall responses BSA 330.4 –6
 Responses to risks of material misstatement at the assertion BSA 330.7 –21
2 Reliance on controls BSA 330.22 –47
3 Substantive approach BSA 330.48 –64
4 Reliance on the work of others BSA 230
BSA 501
BSA 505
BSA 540
 Internal audit BSA 610
 Experts BSA 620
 Other auditors BSA 600

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Answers to Self-test

1 1 Tests of controls
2 Analytical procedures
3 Tests of details
2 False
3 True
4 To whom they report
Their technical training
Whether internal audit work is properly documented
5 False
6 False
7 C
8 B (one to carry out the work and another to review it)
Exam-style question
9 Notes for a planning meeting
Circumstance Why taken into account
 Multiple business locations.  Increases inherent risk (e.g. if organisational
structure is loose and difficult to manage).
 Intense price competition.  May lead to uneconomic price discounting,
possibly threatening viability of business.
 Recent expansion of outlets into  Increases complexity of business and may
minimarkets. lead to loss of management control.
 Perishable nature and limited shelf-  Increase risk of overstatement of inventory
life of food and drinks inventories. values.
 Large volume of cash transactions.  Increases risk of incomplete income
 Nature of the business (garage  Increases risk of loss of inventories and cash
environment). due to theft or staff pilferage.
 May limit effectiveness of physical security
controls (e.g. over access to terminals).
 Recent introduction of sales of  Increases inherent risk (e.g. the risk of loss to
National Lottery tickets. Gasoleum Ltd if incorrect amounts are paid
out on winning tickets).
 Direct input via PCs at branches.  Increases risk of misstatement, as batch
controls will not be feasible and scope for
other input controls may be limited.
 Small number of staff at each  Limits scope for segregation of duties within
location (e.g. one or two). branches and therefore increases control risk.
 Branch-based nature of business.  Limits effectiveness of management control
over activities of individual branches thereby
increasing control risk.
 Use of part-time staff and high staff  May inhibit effectiveness of controls within
turnover. branches.

214 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

(b) Effect of work of internal auditor on audit planning

 The internal auditor’s identification and documentation of areas of weakness will give
direction to areas requiring increased substantive procedures.
 Work of the internal auditor may assist in selection of branches for audit visits, (e.g. where
control failures have occurred).
 The internal auditor may attend year end inventory counts at one or more branches,
potentially reducing the number of branches to be visited by us.
 Work performed by the internal auditor may provide evidence to confirm operation of
control procedures, on which we may seek to rely to reduce the extent of our own
 Documentation of systems and controls by the internal auditor, including changes due to
the National Lottery, may reduce extent of our planning visits, as walk-through checks may
be sufficient to confirm systems documentation.

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

The factors are:
 The approach that has been taken in previous years
 Whether a substantive approach would be more effective
 The results of walk-through tests on the systems (that is, do the systems operate as the auditor has
been lead to believe, if so, it may be possible to rely on internal controls)
 The results of preliminary evaluations of the effectiveness of the controls
 Improvements made to the system of control (perhaps as a result of a management letter in prior

Answer to Interactive question 2

The conditions are as follows:
 Whether the controls have operated throughout the year
 Whether the control has been evidenced and tested
 Whether reliance on the control assists audit objectives, that is, whether it is relevant to the validity of
a financial statement assertion, such as that sales are complete
 Whether it is cost-effective to test controls
 Whether the results of tests of controls are satisfactory

Answer to Interactive question 3

(a) Supervisor’
s assumptions
Objectives and limitations
Due to inherent limitations (including human error/misunderstanding, collusion and override), an
internal control system can only provide reasonable confidence that internal control objectives
(including completeness, accuracy and validity) are met.
(i) Completeness
To ensure that all workers who should be paid are included on the payroll
 Payroll expense could be reconciled to production output records, and
 Management could review exception reports of employees having personnel records but
not included on the payroll.
The expense of setting up computerised personnel records may outweigh the benefit to the
company. (Risk is of over payment as employees entitled to pay are likely to bring non-payment
to management’ s attention promptly!)
Changes in conditions
A reduction in the ratio of production to support staff may limit the usefulness of production
output records as a basis of comparison.

216 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

(ii) Accuracy
To prevent errors in payroll deductions
 Calculations of PAYE, NICs etc can be checked prior to processing, and
 Non-statutory deductions (e.g. pension contributions, union subscriptions) should require
prior authorisation in writing.
Human error/misunderstanding
Errors in deductions may not be detected, due to fatigue, distraction, misjudgement or
Non-routine transactions
Systematic checking procedures may be directed at routine deductions (e.g. withholding tax)
rather than non-routine transactions (e.g. give as you earn, maintenance payments).
(iii) Validity
To ensure that employees are only paid for work done
 Hours worked per time sheets (or clock cards) can be approved by a departmental manager
(or supervisor), and
 The duties of payroll preparation and payment should be segregated.
Abuse or override
Authorisation could be given for a new employee to be added to the payroll without the proper
checks being carried out by the authoriser.
The person responsible for paying wages could collude with the person responsible for
accounting for wages to perpetrate and conceal a theft of wages.
(b) Internal control terminology
(i) Segregation of duties
Segregation of duties is a factor reflected in the control environment (the overall attitude,
awareness and actions of management regarding internal controls in the entity).
If one person has responsibility for the recording and processing of a complete transaction, he
may also have the power to falsify the records or to misappropriate money or assets without
being discovered.
Separation of these responsibilities will reduce the risk of intentional or unintentional errors
The functions that should normally be separated include authorisation, execution, custody and
 Calculations of withholding tax and pension deductions should be reviewed and authorised
by the payroll supervisor who is not actually involved in performing the calculations.
 Unclaimed wages should be kept by someone (e.g. the cashier) other than the person
responsible for recording payroll entries, otherwise there could be a temptation to falsify
the figures and pocket some of the wages.

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(ii) Approval and control of documents

Approval and control of documents is a specific control procedure (aimed at preventing or
detecting and correcting errors).
Approval is concerned with ensuring that transactions are properly authorised prior to
Control of documents is aimed at ensuring that all, and only valid transactions, are promptly
 Overtime pay should be approved by a manager or director prior to payroll preparation, to
ensure that employees are paid at authorised rates.
 Clock cards should be batched and control totals established (e.g. number of cards, total
hours worked, hash total of employee number) prior to submission to payroll department,
to prevent (or detect for early investigation) any omissions (or unauthorised insertions).
 The numerical sequence of forms for new joiners should be checked periodically to detect
omissions (or unauthorised insertions).

Answer to Interactive question 4

Full substantive testing will be used when:
 The auditors’initial assessment is that controls are not strong
 There is a lack of evidence that controls are in operation
 The controls are tested and results show that the controls are not strong
 It is not cost-effective to test controls

Answer to Interactive question 5


Analytical procedures Possible reasons for change

 Analyse revenue per product type by A difference in the rate of increase would indicate
month. a switch from one product to the other.
Seasonal variations are expected as Glowvine is
largely a winter product and Eau Vital a summer
 Analyse gross profit per product type by GP margin has increased from 55.5% to 59.1%. The
month. higher margin indicates a move from Glowvine to
Eau Vital (possibly due to a mild winter in
 Analyse cost of goods sold per product Cost of goods sold only increased by 60.6%, while
type by month. revenue increased by almost 75%. Again, a possible
reason could be the switch from one product to
the other. It does seem a disproportionately small
increase, especially as royalties are included in cost
of goods sold and remain constant per bottle sold,
regardless of product.
However, recycling of glass bottle returns could
account for the slower rate of increase.

218 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Analytical procedures Possible reasons for change

 Analyse distribution and administrative These have increased by 153%, contributing to the
costs into: fall in net profit margin from 43% to 41%. The
increase in these costs could have been caused by:
– Administrative cost (especially deposit  Implementation of the deposit scheme (unlikely
scheme) to account for the whole increase as not
operational for the whole year)
– Advertising costs  Increased advertising costs to promote the
deposit scheme and “ environment friendly”
nature of the products (this could also have
contributed to the increase in revenue)
– Transport costs  Increased transport costs in proportion to the
75% increase in revenue
– Labour costs  Increased labour costs, again in proportion to
the rise in revenue
 Analysis of nature, valuation and The disproportionately smaller increase in cost of
consistency of treatment of closing goods sold could be caused by an error in the
inventories. Compare with inventories counting or valuation of closing inventories, causing
held at end of previous years. The them to be overstated and thus cost of goods sold
disproportionately smaller increase in cost reduced.
of goods sold could be caused by an error
in the counting or valuation of closing
inventories, causing them to be overstated
and thus cost of goods sold reduced.

(b) Impact of deposit scheme on audit of liabilities

Liabilities at the 20X6 year end will have increased, as this is the first year in which the scheme has
been implemented. This should be evident in analytical procedures on sundry payables.
The amount may be material as the number of bottles sold and not returned per annum could be high.
It is necessary to ascertain and evaluate the client’
s procedure for recording
 The number of bottles (or cases) sold
 The number of bottles returned
 The number outstanding.
As this is the first year of the scheme there will be no opening liability to provide added assurance.
Consideration should be given to the length of time the client intends to keep the provision in place. It
may be that, each year, the previous year’
s provision can be written back.
Because of the uncertainty in calculating the liability required and the fact that the final figure may rest
on an estimate of the number of bottles likely to be returned, the auditor’ s main concern will be that
liabilities are not understated.
The auditor therefore needs to be satisfied that returns are recorded with reasonable accuracy.
Records of returns will be received from retailers (mainly supermarkets and off-licences) and the
auditor will need to be satisfied that the client can reasonably rely on these records. Since the retailers
will be requesting a refund of money paid by them with the returns, there is a risk that the number of
returns may be overstated.
In summary, the principal impact on the audit of liabilities will be
 An additional year end liability in 20X6
 Uncertainty in the calculation of the liability, and therefore
 The risk that this liability may be understated.

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Answer to Interactive question 6


Information Reasons

 The organisational status and reporting  The degree of objectivity is increased when
responsibilities of the internal auditor and internal audit
any constraints and restrictions thereon.
– Is free to plan and carry out its work and
communicate fully with the external auditor
– Has access to the highest level of
 Areas of responsibility assigned by  Not all areas in which internal audit may
management to internal audit, such as operate will be relevant to the external auditor.
review of
– Accounting systems and internal (Relevant)
– Implementation of corporate plans (Not relevant)
 Routine tasks carried out by internal audit  In these respects staff are not functioning as
staff such as authorisation of petty cash internal audit (simply as an internal control).
 Internal auditor’
s formal terms of  Internal auditor’
s role will be most relevant
reference. where it
– Has a bearing on the financial statements
– Involves a specialisation
 Internal audit documentation such as an  It is more likely that due professional care is
audit manual and audit plans. being exercised where the work of internal
audit is properly planned, controlled, recorded
and reviewed.
 Professional membership and practical  Unless internal audit is technically competent it
experience (including computer auditing is inappropriate to place reliance on it.
skills) of internal audit staff.
 Internal audit reports generated and  How the company responds to internal audit
feedback thereon. findings may be regarded as a measure of the
department's effectiveness.
 Number of staff, computer facilities and  The effectiveness of internal audit (and hence
any other resources available to internal the reliance placed thereon) will be limited if
audit. the department is under-resourced.

(b) Typical procedures (four only)

(i) Inspection of tangible non-current assets
Assets seen at the warehouses (e.g. delivery vehicle fleet) should be noted and subsequently
agreed to the fixed asset register maintained at head office (HO). Assets recorded in the register
(e.g. shop fixtures and fittings) should be selected for inspection prior to visits to ensure their
(ii) Attendance at inventory counts
Periodic counts (e.g. monthly) should be attended
 On a rotational basis
 At warehouses and larger shops

220 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

to ensure adherence to the company’ s procedures. Test counts should be made to confirm the
accuracy and completeness of the inventory counts.
(iii) Cash
Cash counts should be carried out on cash register takings (and petty cash floats) whenever
shops (and warehouses) are visited on a 'surprise' basis.
(iv) Goods despatch
Internal control procedures should be observed to be in operation, for example, to ensure that
all despatches are documented and destined for the company’ s retail outlets.
(v) Employee verification
Payroll procedures are likely to be carried out at HO, warehouses and shops informing HO on a
weekly basis of hours worked by employees, illness and holiday etc. However, new employees,
especially in the shops (and probably also in the warehouses) will be recruited locally and their
details notified to HO.
Internal audit will be able to select a sample of employees from HO records and ensure on their
visits to shops and warehouses that these represent bona fide employees.
(c) Effect on audit
(i) Systems documentation
The accuracy of systems documentation which has been prepared by internal audit need only be
confirmed using 'walk-through tests'. This saves time (if the systems documentation is correct)
since only copies will be required for the audit file.
(ii) Tests of controls
The level of independent testing (i.e. by the external auditor) can be reduced where controls
have been satisfactorily tested by internal audit, especially if error rates are found to be similar. In
particular, attendance at stocktaking at the year end may be limited to those locations with the
highest stockholdings.
(iii) Substantive procedures
Internal audit’
s evidence (e.g. concerning the existence of tangible non-current assets) will reduce
sample sizes for year end verification work. Substantive procedures may also be reduced where
the internal audit checks reconciliations (e.g. of suppliers’
statements to ledger balances,
receivables and payables control accounts and bank reconciliations).

Answer to Interactive question 7

Reasons for reviewing the work of other auditors
The main consideration which concerns the audit of all group accounts is that the parent company's
auditors (the 'principal' auditors) are responsible to the members of that company for the audit opinion on
the whole of the group accounts.
It may be stated (in the notes to the financial statements) that the financial statements of certain subsidiaries
have been audited by other firms, but this does not absolve the principal auditors from any of their
The auditors of a parent company have to report to its members on the truth and fairness of the view given
by the financial statements of the company and its subsidiaries dealt with in the group accounts. The
principal auditors should have powers to obtain such information and explanations as they reasonably
require from the subsidiary companies and their auditors, or from the parent company in the case of
overseas subsidiaries, in order that they can discharge their responsibilities as parent company auditors.
The auditing standard BSA 600 Using the Work of Another Auditor clarifies how the principal auditors can
carry out a review of the audits of subsidiaries in order to satisfy themselves that, with the inclusion of
figures not audited by themselves, the group accounts give a true and fair view.

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The scope, standard and independence of the work carried out by the auditors of subsidiary companies (the
'other' auditors) are the most important matters which need to be examined by the principal auditors
before relying on financial statements not audited by them. The principal auditors need to be satisfied that
all material areas of the financial statements of subsidiaries have been audited satisfactorily and in a manner
compatible with that of the principal auditors themselves.
Work to be carried out by principal auditors in reviewing the other auditors' work
(i) Send a questionnaire to all other auditors requesting detailed information on their work, including:
 An explanation of their general approach (in order to make an assessment of the standards of
their work)
 Details of the accounting policies of major subsidiaries (to ensure that these are compatible
within the group)
 The other auditors' opinion of the subsidiaries' overall level of internal control, and the reliability
of their accounting records
 Any limitations placed on the scope of the auditors' work
 Any qualifications, and the reasons for them, made or likely to be made to their audit reports
(ii) Carry out a detailed review of the other auditors' working papers on each subsidiary whose results
materially affect the view given by the group financial statements. This review will enable the principal
auditors to ascertain whether (inter alia):
 An up-to-date permanent file exists with details of the nature of the subsidiary's business, its staff
organisation, its accounting records, previous year's financial statements and copies of important
legal documents.
 The systems examination has been properly completed, documented and reported on to
management after discussion.
 Tests of controls and substantive procedures have been properly and appropriately carried out,
and audit programmes properly completed and signed.
 All other working papers are comprehensive and explicit.
 The overall review of the financial statements has been adequately carried out, and adequate use
of analytical procedures has been undertaken throughout the audit.
 The financial statements agree in all respects with the accounting records and comply with all
relevant legal requirements and accounting standards.
 Minutes of board and general meetings have been scrutinised and important matters noted.
 The audit work has been carried out in accordance with approved auditing standards.
 The financial statements agree in all respects with the accounting records and comply with all
relevant legal and professional requirements.
 The audit work has been properly reviewed within the firm of auditors and any laid-down quality
control procedures adhered to.
 Any points requiring discussion with the parent company's management have been noted and
brought to the principal auditors' attention (including any matters which might warrant a
qualification in the audit report on the subsidiary company's financial statements).
 Adequate audit evidence has been obtained to form a basis for the audit opinion on both the
subsidiaries' financial statements and those of the group.
If the principal auditors are not satisfied as a result of the above review, they should arrange for
further audit work to be carried out either by the other auditors on their behalf, or jointly with them.
The other auditors are fully responsible for their own work; any additional tests are those required
for the purpose of the audit of the group financial statements.

222 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009
chapter 11

Audits of different types

of entity

Examination context
Topic List
1 Non-specialised entities
2 Specialised entities
3 Not-for-profit entities
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objective Tick off

 To understand the differences between the audit of non-specialised entities and other
entities, such as specialised entities or NGO entities
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 3l, m.

Practical significance
Although all companies are unique, many are fairly standard for audit purposes, and would be described as
non-specialised. However, some entities and companies have specialised requirements which add
complexity to the audit being carried out.

Stop and think

Why might certain entities have special audit requirements?

Working context
Many firms have specialisms within their audit departments, so if you work in practice, you may find you
specialise in the audit of certain specialised entities or NGO entities. You may work for an audit firm that
undertakes public sector audit work. Alternatively, you do not audit one of these entities at all.

Syllabus links
You have covered the key issues relating to planning non-specialised audits in this Study Manual. You
covered obtaining evidence on non-specialised audits in greater detail in your Assurance studies.

224 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Examination context

Exam requirements
Complex auditing requirements relating to specialised entities are not examinable.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Discuss the differences between the audit of a non-specialised profit oriented entity and the audit of a
given specialised profit oriented entity
 Discuss the differences between the audit of a non-specialised profit oriented entity and the audit of a
given NGO entity
 Specify and explain the steps necessary to plan, perform and conclude and report on the audit of the
financial statements of a non-specialised profit oriented entity in accordance with the terms of the
engagement including appropriate auditing standards

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1 Non-specialised entities

Section overview
 The majority of audits relate to non-specialised profit orientated entities.
 The standard audit features outlined in this manual and the Assurance manual apply to this type of

Many audits undertaken in Bangladesh relate to non-specialised profit-making entities (that is a ‘

company operating for profit. For example, a manufacturing company, a service company, a retail company).
The audit procedures outlined in this Study Manual so far and in your Assurance manual all relate to this
type of entity.
The majority of questions in your paper are likely to be set in this context. You must be able to answer
questions relating to obtaining evidence on such engagements. You covered the main issues in relation to
obtaining evidence on assurance engagements in Assurance. At this level, the questions will be in written
test format rather than objective test, so it is important that you practice the skill of tackling such
Although the vast majority of companies are non-specialised profit entities, even within this general bracket,
companies are subject to different degrees of regulation.
Some larger companies may be listed on Stock Exchanges so that their shares are available for the public at
large to trade in. Such 'listed' companies are subject to a higher degree of regulation than 'non-listed' ones,
as they are required to conform with SEC rules and regulations.
Bangladesh companies that are subsidiaries of companies listed on the US Stock Exchange are required to
conform with the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act (some provisions of which were outlined in Chapter 2 and which
you were introduced to in your Business and Finance Paper).

Interactive question 1: Obtaining evidence [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

Your firm acts as auditors to Xantippe Ltd, a manufacturer of industrial components. You have been
presented with the financial statements for the year to 31 December 20X6, which include the following
information in connection with property, plant and equipment.
At 1 January At 31 December
20X6 Additions Disposals 20X6
Freehold property 80,000 – – 80,000
Plant and machinery 438,000 62,000 (10,000) 490,000
Motor vehicles 40,500 13,000 – 53,500
558,500 75,000 (10,000) 623,500

At 1 January Charge for At 31 December

20X6 year Disposals 20X6
Depreciation CU CU CU CU
Freehold property 8,000 1,600 – 9,600
Plant and machinery 139,500 47,000 (3,000) 183,500
Motor vehicles 20,200 10,200 – 30,200
167,700 58,800 (3,000) 223,300
(a) Explain the factors that should be considered in determining an approach to the audit of property,
plant and equipment of Xantippe Ltd.
(b) State the procedures you would perform in order to reach a conclusion on property, plant and
equipment in the financial statements of Xantippe Ltd for the year ended 31 December 20X6.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

226 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

2 Specialised entities

Section overview
 Some entities are ‘
in some way, for example:
– The entity is subject to extra regulations, such as banks or insurance companies, or NGOs (note
that we shall look in particular at NGOs below)
– The entity is subject to professional rules, such as lawyers
 Such entities may be subject to special auditing guidance, all of which is outside the scope of your
 It is important to note that many of these entities require a ‘
normal’statutory audit as well as any
additional requirements upon them.
 In which case, the auditors need to assess the particular risks associated with the specialised entities
which will cause any differences in audit approach.

All entities, even those described as ‘

non-specialised’above, are unique, and when carrying out audit work,
the auditor needs to assess the specific risks relating to that particular entity and understand its particular
nuances in order to carry out an appropriate audit.
However, some entities are ‘ special’in some way, for example, they are subject to extra laws and
regulations (for example, banks or insurance companies) or they are subject to particular professional rules,
such as lawyers.
Such entities may or may not require a statutory audit. If they are a company it is likely that they will, unless
they qualify as small (remember however, that banks and insurance companies cannot qualify as small, they
are simply required to have an audit whatever their size). The statutory audit of such specialised entities will
be the same as for non-specialised entities as discussed above. As always, the auditor must know the
particular business well in order to assess the particular risks associated with that business and in order to
understand the audit evidence obtained in relation to it.
However, specialised entities are often subject to particular requirements that pose additional factors for
auditors. For example, under their professional rules, solicitors require a 'solicitors' accounts rules audit’
Some specialised entities are subject to special accounting and auditing guidance, which adds detail to the
audit, in addition to the normal statutory audit that is being carried out. Such specialised guidance is beyond
the scope of your syllabus. You should simply be aware that audits of such specialised entities will have
special requirements in addition to normal audit requirements that makes auditing them more complex.

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3 Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)

Section overview
 There are various types of organisations which do not exist for the purpose of maximising
shareholder wealth, which may require an audit.
 The audit risks associated with NGOs may well be different from other entities.
 Cash may be significant in small NGOs and controls are likely to be limited. Income may well be a
risk area, particularly where money is donated or raised informally.
 Obtaining audit evidence may be a problem, particularly where small NGOs have informal
arrangements and there might be limitations on the scope of the audit.
 In all NGO audits it will be necessary to ensure accounting policies used are appropriate.
 The nature of the report will depend on statutory and entity requirements, but it should conform to
BSA 700 criteria.
 The public sector comprises a large number of varied NGOs, and also private companies which are
profit oriented, running (outsourced) public services.

The key objective of most companies is to manage the shareholders' investments well. In a large majority of
cases, 'manage the shareholders' investment' means 'create a profit', as this will create returns to the
shareholders in the terms of dividends or growth in the capital value of the share. However, some
companies and other entities do not operate for the purpose of making profit but have other objectives.
Examples include NGOs and organisations in the public sector.
Many of these organisations are legislated for and the Acts which relate to them may specify how they are
to report their results. Some of the organisations mentioned above may be companies (often companies
limited by guarantee) and so are required to prepare financial statements and have them audited under
companies legislation.
Where a statutory audit is required, the auditors will be required to produce the statutory audit opinion
concerning the truth and fairness of financial statements.
Where a statutory audit is not required, it is possible that the organisation might have one anyway for the
benefit of interested stakeholders, such as the public or people who give to an NGO.
It is also possible that such entities will have special, additional requirements of an audit. These may be
required by a Regulator, or by the constitution of the organisation. For example, an NGO’ s constitution
may require an audit of whether the NGO is operating in accordance with its charitable purpose.
An audit of an NGO may vary from a business audit due to:
 Its objectives and the impact on operations and reporting
 The purpose an audit is required
When carrying out an audit of an NGO, it is vital that the auditor establishes:
 Whether a statutory audit is required
 If not, what the objectives of the engagement are
 What the engagement is to report on, and
 To whom the report should be addressed, and
 What form the report should take
 Whether to certify /provide any other additional forms

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3.1 NGOs
NGOs are regulated under the Foreign Donations Regulation Rules, 1978. This sets out how they are

NGO: An institution which is established for charitable purposes only.

Under the Foreign Donations Regulation Rules 1978, voluntary activity means an activity undertaken or
carried out, partially or entirely with external assistance, to render any of the following services:

 Agriculture
 Relief
–Social welfare

The Foreign Donations Regulation Rules, 1978, clause 5A –

Submission of schemes, etc.

(1) Every person or organisation shall submit to the NGO Affairs Bureau his or its project on voluntary
activities along with plan of its operation showing the estimated cost, expected receipts, source of
receipts, purpose and objects and duration thereof on or before the 31st March preceding the
financial year in which such project is to commence.

In Rules, 1978, clause 6, also mentioned are the requirements for the
Maintenance of books of accounts.

(1) Every person or organisation undertaking or carrying on voluntary activities shall maintain books of
(a) Where the foreign donation relates to articles only, in Form FD-5.
(b) Where the foreign donation relates to currency in the cash book and ledger book on double
entry basis.
(2) Accounts under sub-rule (1) shall be maintained on a half-yearly basis, one for the period commencing
on the 1st day of July and ending on the 31st day of December, and the other for the period
commencing on the 1st day of January and ending on the 30th day of June.
(3) All books of accounts maintained under this rule shall be audited by a chartered accountant as defined
in the Bangladesh Chartered Accountants Order, 1973, (P.O. 2 of 1973), and two copies of accounts
so audited shall be furnished [along with a certificate from the auditors in Form FD-4, to the NGO
Affairs Bureau with a copy to External Resources Division and the administrative Ministry concerning
to the activity of the project.]
[7 Bank Accounts.—Only one bank account shall be maintained by every person or organisation
authorised under these rules for receiving foreign donations:
Provided that separate bank accounts for separate projects may be maintained for internal
transactions after the donations have been received through the only bank account opened under sub-
rule (4) of rule 4.]

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The Foreign Contribution Ordinance 1982: Clause 4.

Receipt of foreign contribution without permission prohibited.

(1) No citizen of, or organisation in, Bangladesh shall receive any foreign contribution without the prior
permission of the Government.
(2) No Government, organisation or citizen of a foreign state shall make any donation, grant or
assistance, whether in cash or in kind, including a ticket for journey abroad, to any citizen of, or
organisation in, Bangladesh without the prior permission of the Government.
(3) Nothing in this section shall apply to an organisation established by or under any law or the authority
of the Government.

The terms and conditions prescribed by the NGO Affairs Bureau for audit firms are as follows:

Requirement -During the audit of NGOs, the audit firms should perform their duties independently and
with maximum responsibility. If any audit firm is found negligent or fails to comply with the terms of audit,
the Bureau reserves the right to de-list the name of the firm directly.

Requirement -During the audit of NGOs, the audit firm will check as to whether the NGOs complied
with the Rules and Regulations promulgated for the NGOs i.e. The Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities)
Regulation Ordinance, 1978, The Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Rules, 1978, The
Foreign Contributions Regulation Ordinance, 1982 and rules of Circular #
dated 29 May 2001 issued by the Prime Minister’s Office (where applicable) and whether the project has
been implemented as per terms of approval of the FD-6 (in which objectives and targets and detailed line
item-wise budget provision is mentioned) properly and the terms of approval of the project.

Requirement -The audit firm, along with the audit report, must issue a certificate regarding receipts and
expenditure of foreign donations in form FD-4 prescribed by the Bureau and Annexure-A/1 attached
thereto. Local income/donation received (if any), which has been included in the project shall be shown
separately. If separate audit reports are issued for more than one project then each report shall contain the
amount of donations (only foreign donation)
received in the mother account authorized to receive foreign donations in the concerned financial/project

Requirement -The audit report should contain a brief description of the project and main physical
component of the project. The memo number of project approval, date, total value of the project, project
year and the amount released by the Bureau should clearly be mentioned in the report.

Requirement -Receipts and Payments Accounts should be prepared in conformity with the accounts line
items maintained in the ledger of NGOs. In those line items where total expenditure is shown, a detailed
break down of expenditure should be enclosed in notes (e.g. Training, Contingency and others). If there is
any difference between account line items of ledger books and Annexure-A/1 attached with FD-4 then a
separate compilation sheet is to be annexed thereto. Receipts & Payments Account, Income & Expenditure
Account and a Balance Sheet should be included with the audit report(s) of every ongoing project(s) (multi
year project) of the NGOs.

Requirement -The audit report should clearly indicate observation/opinion/comment/note regarding
following matters:
(a) Whether all foreign donations have been received by the NGO in a single Bank Account as per rule-7
of the Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Rules, 1978. The name of the bank(s),
account number(s) and amount should be mentioned if the foreign donations have been received
through more than one Bank Account;

230 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

(b) The account number approved by the NGO Affairs Bureau for receipt of foreign donation, name of
the bank(s) and branch, amount of donation received and name and particulars of the donor in detail
should be mentioned;
(c) Donations received in kind should be accounted for after proper valuation and be shown in FD-4 with
donations received (separately or in consolidated form). The utilisation of fund and the balance of
unutilised fund should be submitted as per form FD-4;
(d) The bank interest/exchange gain on foreign donations should be accounted for in the accounts
separately. The report should mention whether the consent of the Bureau has been obtained to use
the same or if the revised budget has the approval of the NGO Bureau;
(e) Whether the accounts, cash book/bank book and ledger books have been maintained by the NGO
under foreign donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Rules, 1978;
(f) If separate accounts for Micro Credit Funds are not maintained and credits have been disbursed from
the project service charges to be mentioned in the as income.
(g) If the organization implement micro credit activity with foreign donations, whether the NGO is
certified by the Micro Credit Regulatory Authority. Whether separate accounts are maintained for
micro credit activity and the audit conducted separately.
(h) If any expenditure is made in foreign currency out of the receipt of donation, detail description should
be given in the report.
(i) If any expense exceeded the budget amount or adjusted with another budget line item or if any
unapproved expenditure is adjusted against regular expense then the purpose of over expenditure
should be mentioned with reason and detail description.
(j) Whether the salaries and allowances of all officers and staff of the organization are paid by bank
cheque and in cash.
(k) If the project has been implemented by taking loan information about the sources of loan is to be
(l) Whether any member of the General Committee and Executive Committee has taken remunerations
or honorarium. If taken, detail particulars are to be given.
(m) Whether the fixed assets deed/office rent agreement or donated land reported in the accounts are in
the name of the entity. If so details thereof are to be given.
(n) Whether the internal control system of the organization is satisfactory or not.
(o) Whether any fund was refunded to the donor without prior approval of the Bureau. If refunded,
details are to be given.
(p) Comment of the audit firm as to whether VAT and AIT were properly deducted from the
bill/vouchers according to the government laws and regulations and deposited to Government
Treasury by the organization.
(q) As a legal entity whether the NGO submits income tax return to NBR as per Income Tax Ordinance
(r) Whether any officer/employee member of executive committee or general committee availed foreign
travel by using fund. Air ticket/any other facility received from the foreign sources if so the details of
such travel whether approval from NGO Affairs Bureau were taken in respect of the travel.
(s) Estimated market value of the fixed assets owned by the organization during the period of audit to be
enclosed in the audit report.
(t) Whether the audit firm issues any management letter mentioning the irregularities/ ineligible
cost/unauthorized expenditure/unapproved budgeted expenditure to the management of the
organization after completion of the audit.
(u) The organization’ s registration number with registration date as approved by the NGOAB is to be
enclosed in the audit report including the last date of renewal.
(v) List of the members of the organization’ s Executive committee/Governing Body/Management
Committee is to be enclosed in the audit report along with comments on the relationship between
the members of the committee(if any).
(w) The audit report should state whether any IGA are included as a ongoing project of the organization,
if so, mention whether tax are paid properly on income from such IGA with the name of the source.
The audit report should also state whether the organization collect any Income Tax Exemption
Certificate from the NBR.

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Requirement - The audit report should state whether the NGO maintained project/donor-wise separate
accounts or a consolidated account for the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for ongoing and completed project.

Requirement -Whether the audit fees of the project is paid by the organization from the project
expenditure as per the instruction from the Prime Minister Office as laid down in amendment no. 10 (kha).

Requirement - Each page of the audit report of the organization should contain initial of the appropriate
authority along with name and designation and common seal of the audit firm. After completion of audit,
one copy of audit report in sealed envelope must be sent directly to the Deputy Director (Inspection &
Audit), NGO Affairs Bureau.

Requirement - The audit report should contain the memo number with date of firm’
s enlistment and

3.1.1 Planning
When planning the audit of an NGO, the auditors should particularly consider the following:
 The scope of the audit
 Recent recommendations of the NGO Affairs Bureau or the other regulatory bodies
 The acceptability of accounting policies adopted
 Changes in circumstances in the sector in which the NGO operates
 Past experience of the effectiveness of the NGO's accounting system
 Key audit areas
 The amount of detail included in the financial statements on which the auditors are required to
In order to identify the key audit areas, the auditors will have to consider audit risk.
There are certain risks applicable to NGOs that might not necessarily be applicable to other companies.
The auditors should consider the following:

232 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Problem Key factors

Inherent risk  The complexity and extent of regulation

 The significance of donations and cash receipts
 Difficulties of the NGO in establishing ownership and timing of voluntary income
where funds are raised by non-controlled bodies
 Lack of predictable income or precisely identifiable relationship between
expenditure and income
 Uncertainty of future income
 Restrictions imposed by the objectives and powers given by NGOs' governing
 The importance of restricted funds (funds which the company is only allowed to
put to a specific purpose)
 The extent and nature of trading activities must be compatible with the entity's
charitable status
 The complexity of tax rules (whether Income, Capital, Value Added or local rates)
relating to NGOs
 The sensitivity of certain key statistics, such as the proportion of resources used
in administration
 The need to maintain adequate resources for future expenditure while avoiding
the build up of reserves which could appear excessive
Control risk  The amount of time committed by trustees to the NGO's affairs
 The skills and qualifications of individual trustees
 The frequency and regularity of trustee meetings
 The form and content of trustee meetings
 The independence of trustees from each other
 The division of duties between trustees
 The degree of involvement in, or supervision of, the NGO's transactions on the
part of individual trustees
Control  A recognised plan of the NGO's structure showing clearly the areas of
environment responsibility and lines of authority and reporting
 Segregation of duties
 Supervision by trustees of activities of staff where segregation of duties is not
 Competence, training and qualification of paid staff and any volunteers appropriate
to the tasks they have to perform
 Involvement of the trustees in the recruitment, appointment and supervision of
senior executives
 Access of trustees to independent professional advice where necessary
 Budgetary controls in the form of estimates of income and expenditure for each
financial year and comparison of actual results with the estimates on a regular
 Communication of results of such reviews to the trustees on a regular basis

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3.1.2 Internal controls

Small NGOs in particular will generally suffer from internal control weaknesses common to small
enterprises, such as lack of segregation of duties and use of unqualified staff. Shortcomings may arise
from the staff's lack of training and also, if they are volunteers, from their attitude, in that they may resent
formal procedures.
The auditors will have to consider particularly carefully whether they will be able to obtain adequate
assurance that the accounting records do reflect all the transactions of the enterprise and bear in mind
whether there are any related statutory reporting requirements.
The following sorts of internal control might be typical of a number of NGOs.

Cash donations

Source Examples of controls

Collecting boxes  Numerical control over boxes and tins

and tins
 Satisfactory sealing of boxes and tins so that any opening prior to recording
cash is apparent
 Regular collection and recording of proceeds from collecting boxes
 Dual control over counting and recording of proceeds
Postal receipts  Unopened mail kept securely
 Dual control over the opening of mail
 Immediate recording of donations on opening of mail or receipt
 Agreement of bank paying-in slips to record of receipts by an independent

Other donations

Source Examples of controls

Gift aid  Regular checks and follow-up procedures to ensure due amounts are received
 Regular checks to ensure all tax repayments have been obtained
Legacies  Comprehensive correspondence files maintained in respect of each legacy
 Regular reports and follow-up procedures undertaken in respect of
outstanding legacies
Donations in  In the case of NGO shops, separation of recording, storage and sale of
kind inventory

Other income

Source Examples of controls

Fund-raising  Records maintained for each fund-raising event

 Other appropriate controls maintained over receipts
 Controls maintained over expenses as for administrative expenses
Central and local  Regular checks that all sources of income or funds are fully utilised and
government appropriate claims made
grants and loans
 Ensuring income or funds are correctly applied

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Use of resources

Resource Examples of controls

Restricted funds  Separate records maintained of relevant revenue, expenditure and assets
 Terms controlling application of fund
 Oversight of application of fund monies by independent personnel or trustees
Grants to  Records maintained, as appropriate, of requests for material grants received
beneficiaries and their treatment
 Appropriate checks made on applications and applicants for grants, and that
amounts paid are intra vires
 Records maintained of all grant decisions, checking that proper authority
exists, that adequate documentation is presented to decision-making meetings,
and that any conflicts of interest are recorded
 Control to ensure grants made are properly spent by the recipient for the
specified purpose, for example requirements for returns with supporting
documentation or auditors' reports concerning expenditure, or monitoring

Conversely, large NGOs might have very strong controls and the auditors may find that they are able to
rely on them to a great extent. Remember, however, that while relying on controls might be acceptable in
order to determine whether the financial statements give a true and fair view, it might not be acceptable to
meet any special additional auditing requirements that the NGO has.

3.1.3 Substantive procedures

When designing substantive procedures for NGOs the auditors should give special attention to the
possibility of:
 Understatement or incompleteness of the recording of all income including gifts in kind, cash
donations, and legacies
 Overstatement of cash grants or expenses
 Misanalysis or misuse in the application of funds (such as restricted funds which the NGO might only
be able to use for specific purposes)
 Misstatement or omission of assets including donated properties and investments
 The existence of restricted or uncontrollable funds in foreign or independent branches
Completeness of income can be a particularly problematic area. Areas auditors may check:
 Loss of income through fraud
 Recognition of income from professional fund raisers
 Recognition of income from branches, associates or subsidiaries
 Income from informal fund-raising groups
 Income from grants

3.1.4 Overall review

The auditors must consider carefully whether the accounting policies adopted are appropriate to the
activities, constitution and objectives of the NGO, and are consistently applied, and whether the financial
statements adequately disclose these policies and fairly present the state of affairs and the results for the
accounting period.
In particular, the auditors should consider the basis of disclosing income from fund-raising activities (for
example net or gross), accounting for income and expenses (accruals or cash), the capitalising of
expenditure on non-current assets, apportioning administrative expenditure, and recognising income from
donations and legacies.

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NGOs without significant endowments or accumulated funds will often be dependent upon future income
from voluntary sources. In these circumstances auditors may question whether a going concern basis of
accounting is appropriate.

3.1.5 Reporting
On NGO audits where a statutory audit report is required, the auditors should issue the standard audit
report which we will consider in Chapter 13. They should also consider whether any additional statutory
requirements fall on the audit report.
Where an association or NGO is having an audit for the benefit of its members or trustees, the standard
audit report may not be required or appropriate. The auditor should bear in mind the objectives of the
audit and make suitable references in the audit report. However, the BSA 700 format will still be relevant.
The auditor should ensure that he makes the following matters clear:
 The addressees of the report
 What the report relates to
 The scope of the engagement
 The respective responsibilities of auditors and management/trustees/directors
 The work done
 The opinion formed
The points made above are general points. Remember that not all clubs and NGOs will be the same. If you
have a question in the exam relating to an NGO, apply this general knowledge to the specifics given in the
question and be logical when formulating your answer.

Interactive question 2: Links Famine Relief [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

You have recently been appointed to audit Links Famine Relief, a small registered NGO which receives
donations from individuals to provide food in worldwide famine areas.
The NGO is run by a voluntary management committee, which has monthly meetings, and it employs the
following full-time staff:
(a) A director, Mr Roberts, who suggests fund raising activities and payments for relief of famine, and
implements the policies adopted by the management committee; and
(b) A secretary (and bookkeeper), Mrs Beech, who deals with correspondence and keeps the accounting
Links Famine Relief is required by its constitution to have an annual external audit of its financial statements.
You are planning the audit of income of the NGO for the year ended 5 April 20X7 and are considering the
controls which should be exercised over income.
The previous year's accounts, to 5 April 20X6 (which have been audited by another firm) show the
following income.

Gifts under non-taxing arrangements 15,335
Tax reclaimed on gifts under non-taxing arrangements 4,325
Postal donations 63,452
Autumn Fair 2,671
Other income
Legacies 7,538
Bank deposit account interest 2,774

236 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

(a) Income from gifts under non-taxing arrangements is stated net. Each person who pays by gift aid has
filled in a special tax form, which is kept by the secretary, Mrs Beech.
(b) All gifts under non-taxing arrangements are paid by banker's order –they are credited directly to the
NGO's bank account from the donor's bank. Donors make their payments by gift aid either monthly
or annually.
(c) The tax reclaimed on these gifts is 28.2% (22/78) of the net value of the gifts, and relates to income
received during the year –as the tax is received after the year-end, an appropriate amount
recoverable is included in the balance sheet. The treasurer, who is a voluntary (unpaid) member of the
management committee, completes the form for reclaiming the income tax, using the special tax forms
(in (a) above) and checks to the full-time secretary's records that each donor has made the full
payment in the year required by the arrangement.
(d) Donations received through the post are dealt with by Mrs Beech. These donations are either cheques
or cash (bank notes and coins). Mrs Beech prepares a daily list of donations received, which lists the
cheques received and total cash (divided between the different denominations of bank note and coin).
The total on this form is recorded in the cash book. She then prepares a paying-in slip and banks these
donations daily. When there is a special fund-raising campaign, Mrs Beech receives help in dealing with
these donations from voluntary members of the management committee.
(e) The Autumn Fair takes place every year on a Saturday in October –members of the management
committee and other supporters of the NGO give items to sell (for example food, garden plants,
clothing) –a charge is made for entrance to the fair and coffee and biscuits are available at a small
charge. At the end of the fair, Mrs Beech collects the takings from each of the stalls, and she banks
them the following Monday.
(f) Legacies are received irregularly, and are usually sent directly to the director of the NGO, who gives
them to Mrs Beech for banking –they are stated separately on the daily bankings form (in (d) above).
(g) Bank deposit account interest is paid gross of income tax by the bank, as the Links Famine Relief is an
List and briefly describe the work you would carry out on the audit of income of the NGO, the controls
you would expect to see in operation and the problems you may experience for the following sources of
income, as detailed in the income statement above.
(a) Gifts under non-taxing arrangements
(b) Tax reclaimed on gifts made under non-taxing arrangements
(c) Donations received through the post
(d) Autumn Fair
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

3.2 Public sector

The following provides a brief introduction to public sector auditing and some of the concepts used in the
audit of public sector entities. You are only required to have knowledge of how audit of public sector
entities differs from the audit of non-specialised entities.
The public sector comprises a great variety of organisations including central and local government. It also
includes private companies which are profit orientated, running outsourced public services. Auditing by an
independent external auditor is important, in order to provide external accountability to the community at
large. For example, local authorities which provide many local services such as schools will be subject to an
audit of their financial statements, as will a Trust that runs local hospitals. Audit helps to ensure that:
 Public funds have been spent on proper, authorised purposes and legally within statutory powers.

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 Organisations install and operate controls to limit the possibility of corrupt practice, fraud and poor
The manner in which the auditors conduct their work is affected by auditing standards and other regulatory
influences including:
 Specific statutory requirements
 Requirements of the sponsoring (or funding) department
 Contractual requirements contained in terms of engagement.
Organisations in the public sector are often subject to a high degree of regulation. The nature of regulation
affecting public sector bodies ranges from statutory to detailed administrative requirements.
In Bangladesh, the Directors General of different government offices are public sector organisations
specialising in public sector audit work.

3.2.1 Principles of audit in the public sector

The purpose of audit in the public sector is accountability. It helps ensure that public money is spent wisely
and handled with integrity. Audit in the public sector is not just an exercise in checking what has happened
in the past, but making recommendations for future good practice.
Government auditing standards set out three key principles of audit in the public sector:
 Independence of public sector auditors from organisations being audited
 The wide scope of audit in the public sector (see below)
 The ability of public sector auditors to make their results available to the public and
democratically appointed officials.
The wide scope of audit in the public sector is an important issue and one in which it differs from the
statutory ‘private’companies audit we have focused on thus far in your studies. A public sector audit covers
not only the audit of financial statements, and internal control systems if required, but also covers the issues
of regularity, propriety and value for money.
In a public sector audit, auditors must ensure that the transactions carried out by the organisation are in
accordance with the legislation that governs those transactions, or the regulations issued by
Parliament in relation to that organisation.
This concept is linked to the expectations of the public or the authority which sets up the organisation
being audited, that is, auditors must ensure that transactions and business are being carried out in the
way that they should be, that is ethically, with integrity and according to any existing standards of
Value for money
Finally, in a public sector audit it is critical to ensure that that best use is being made of resources
(money raised from the public through taxation) in providing the service. Public sector audits therefore
include evaluations of the economy (spend less), efficiency (spend well) and effectiveness (spend wisely) of
use of public resources.

3.2.2 Role of Parliament and The Public Accounts Committee

Parliament discuss and approve the budget as well as the accounts of the public sector. There is a Public
Accounts Committee (PAC), an all party committee of MPs that deals with the public accounts and audit

3.2.3 The Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG)

The Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of Bangladesh is the Supreme Audit Institution
(SAI) of the country. It was established in 1973 This office is committed to promoting accountability and

238 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

transparency in government for achieving good governance for the people of Bangladesh by conducting
independent audit and evaluation of public sector operations.
Three Deputy Auditors General and other officers working in the Secretariat of the CAG assist the Auditor
General to plan, coordinate, monitor, evaluate and ensure the quality of both the auditing and accounting
functions of the Department. In addition, the Secretariat is also responsible for the overall planning and
management of the financial and personnel affairs of the entire Department.
The head of the Public sector audit office is the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) who is
responsible for auditing the accounts of all government departments and non-departmental government
agencies and reporting the results to Parliament. In practice this responsibility is delegated to the Director
General of Audit.
The C&AG will undertake assignments to:
 Form an opinion whether the financial statements give a true and fair view and are free from material
 Confirm that transactions have appropriate Parliamentary authority and that resources have been
spent in line with Parliament’
s intentions (regularity and propriety)
 Examine and report on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of public spending (value for money)
The C&AG ensures that the public sector is accountable. The C&AG can report to Parliament on the way
that public money is spent by central government. Evidence from reports produced by the C&AG may be
used by The Public Accounts Committee to make recommendations to Government. The C&AG is
appointed by the President, on the advice of the prime minister, and is accountable to The Public Accounts
Committee. The C&AG has the mandate to decide the scope and extent of audit. The constitution bestows
upon the C&AG complete independence and empowers him to have access to any government office or
entity, property or documents to audit any government owned entity. The C&AG certifies the Finance and
Appropriation Accounts of the Republic (Government Accounts).

3.2.4 Audit Directorates

Audit directorates carry out audits to enable the CAG to fulfil his constitutional obligations. Each
directorate is headed by a Director General and assisted by one director, a number of deputy directors and
other officers and staff.
The Audit Directorates exist to ensure that public money is spent economically, efficiently and effectively in
local authorities, public corporations, all civil government departments, all establishment of post, telegraph
and telephone departments and all offices under the controller general of accounts. It has a Code of Audit
Practice. Usually the auditors are employees of different audit directorates.

3.2.5 Audit of government grants

Government grants, such as regional selective assistance and enterprise grant schemes, are issued in
response to certain criteria, such as a need to improve employment in disadvantaged areas. It is important
that such grant schemes are audited to ensure that the criteria for the grants are being met, that the
schemes operate well and whether the government department responsible for the grant is managing it and
ensuring its effectiveness.
For example, the Audit Directorate audits the grant scheme. Its audit focuses on three issues:
 Whether the schemes address clearly identified economic problems
 How well the schemes have been operated
 To what extent the Ministry of Industry had established the effect of the schemes on the identified
economic problems.
The Audit Directorate will audit a number of grant claims made by local government.

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3.2.6 Bangladesh Standards on Auditing

The Bangladesh Standards on Auditing apply to audit work undertaken in the public sector. A number of
standards finish with a section on the ‘Public Sector Perspective’ which highlights some of the different
considerations that apply in the audit of entities in the public sector. Some examples are given below:
 BSA 315 Understanding the Entity and its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
When carrying out audits of public sector entities, the auditor takes into account the legislative
framework and any other relevant regulations, ordinances or ministerial directives that affect the audit
mandate and other special auditing requirements.
 BSA 520 Analytical Procedures
The relationships between individual financial statement items traditionally considered in the audit of
business entities may not always be appropriate in the audit of governments or other non-business
public sector entities: for example, in many such public sector entities there is often little direct
relationship between revenues and expenditures.
In the public sector industry data or statistics for comparative purposes may not be available.
 BSA 570 Going Concern
The appropriateness of the use of the going concern assumption in the preparation of the financial
statements is generally not in question when auditing either a central government or those public
sector entities having arrangements backed by central government. However where such
arrangements do not exist, or where central government funding of the entity may be withdrawn and
the existence of the entity may be at risk, this BSA will provide useful guidance. As governments
privatise government entities, going concern issues will become increasingly relevant to the public

3.2.7 Internal audit

Many government departments are required by statute to have internal auditors. Internal audit is an
independent and objective appraisal service within the organisation which can provide opinions to the
accounting officer on risk management, control and governance and measure and evaluate effectiveness on
achievement of the organisation’s objectives.
There is a code of ethics for internal auditors in central government, which has four key principles:
 Integrity
 Objectivity
 Competency
 Confidentiality
The Government has also issued Government Auditing standards to facilitate the work of government
internal auditors. Most public sector internal auditors will adhere to these standards.
There are in total sixteen standards, divided into three sections for two different types of audit, such as 1)
Financial & Regulatory audits and 2) Performance audits. The first four are general standards, the next nine
are field-work standards and the last three are reporting standards.

Government Internal Audit Standards

General standards
1 Independence - In all matters relating to the audit work, the auditor and the Office should be free
from personal and external impairments and be organizationally independent.
2 Competence - The staff assigned to conduct the audit should collectively possess adequate
professional proficiency for the tasks required.
3 Due Care - The auditor and the Office must exercise due care in conducting the audit and
preparing related reports.

240 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Government Internal Audit Standards

4 Quality Control - The Office should have in place an internal quality control system to review the
efficiency and effectiveness of its internal standards and procedures.
Field-work standards
5 Planning and Supervision - The audit work should be properly planned and the staff engaged in the
audit should be properly supervised.
6 Materiality - Auditors should consider materiality in determining the nature, timing and extent of
auditing procedures.
7 Follow-up - Auditors should follow up on known material findings and recommendations from
previous audits.
8 Audit of Financial Statements - Auditors should analyse financial statements to establish whether
accepted accounting standards for financial reporting and disclosure are complied with and express
an opinion on the financial statements.
9 Regularity or Compliance Audits - The scope of regularity or compliance audits includes an
examination of financial systems and transactions of the audited entity to determine whether the
entity has complied with specific applicable laws, rules, regulations, procedures, etc.
10 Irregularities, Illegal Acts, and Other Non compliance - Auditor should design the audit to provide
reasonable assurance of detecting irregularities, illegal acts, material misstatements resulting from
illegal acts, and non compliance with laws and regulations.
11 Study and Evaluation of Internal Control - Auditors should obtain a sufficient understanding of
internal control over safeguarding of assets and over compliance with laws and regulations to plan
the audit and determine the nature, timing, and extent of tests to be performed.
12 Evidence - Sufficient, relevant and reliable evidence should be obtained to provide the auditor with a
reasonable basis to support the conclusion expressed in the report.
13 Working Papers - A record of the auditor's work should be retained in the form of working papers.
14 Audit opinion - The report should contain expression of opinion on the financial statements or an
assertion that an opinion cannot be expressed. In the latter case, the reasons therefore should be
15 Timeliness - Audit reports should be issued to make the information available for timely use by
legislators and others.
16 Content - Each performance audit should be complete, accurate, objective, convincing and as clear
and concise as the subject permits.

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Summary and Self-test



Established for a voluntary


Answer the following questions.
1 Which of the following might require a specialist audit and why?

Care Share Ltd, a NGO limited by guarantee

Pytox Ltd, a listed parent of a group of manufacturing companies
Loyds Ltd, a bank
Allied Insurance Company Ltd, an insurer
Linens Ltd, a retail company
2 Will an audit report for a NGO have to conform to BAS 700 criteria?

242 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Exam-style question
3 You have been appointed to audit the accounts of a micro credit NGO called Rural Finance (RF) for
the year ended 31-12-2003. The previous year accounts were audited by another auditor. The project
has received CU200,000 from a donor for a two-year project. The project agreement states that
unutilized grant is refundable to the donor. Given below are the project budget and actual account
balances for the two years and the Income Statements and Balance Sheets:

Budged per agreement with Actual

2002 2003 Total 2002 2003 Total
Salaries 10,000 20,000 30,000 8,000 20,000 28,000
Admin Expenses 1,500 2,000 3,500 2,000 4,000 6,000
Fixed Assets 3,000 500 3,500 2,500 1,000 3,500
Loan Disbursement 65,500 97,500 163,000 50,000 100,000 150,000
80,000 120,000 200,000 62,500 125,000 187,500
Grant Received 150,000 50,000 200,000

Income Statement
2002 2003
Income: CU CU
Interest Income from Loans 5,000 10,000
Other operational income 100 200
Total operational income 5,100 10,200
Operating expenses:
Salaries 8,000 20,000
Admin Expenses 2,000 4,000
Depreciation 250 350
Total operating expenses 10,250 24,350
Net operational income -5,150 14,150
Grant income 150,000 50,000
Net Income 144,850 35,850

Balance Sheet
31-12-2002 31-12-2003
Assets: CU CU
Cash in hand and at Bank 117,600 102,800
Loan outstanding 25,000 75,000
Opening balance 0 25,000
Add: Disbursement 50,000 100,000
Less: Recovery -25,000 -50,000
Fixed Assets 2,250 2,900
Total Assets 144,850 180,700
Capital Fund:
Opening balance 0 144,850
Addition during the year 144,850 35,850
Closing balance 144,850 180,700

You are required to:

(a) Discuss the non-compliances with BAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosures of
Government Assistance in the above financial statements. (10 marks)
(b) Draft the opinion paragraph of the audit report. (10 marks)

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 243
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Technical reference

1 Non-specialised entities n/a

2 Specialised entities n/a

3 NGOs The Foreign Donations Regulation Rules 1978

244 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Answers to Self-test

1  Care Share Ltd might have additional NGO Commissioner requirements

 Loyds Ltd is likely to have additional banking requirements
 Allied Insurance Company Ltd is likely to have additional insurance requirements
2 Only if the NGO requires a statutory audit.
(a) The following are the non-compliances of the financial statements presented in the question:

(i) As per BAS 20, grants should be recognized as income over the periods necessary to match
them with related costs which they are intended to compensate, on a systematic basis.
Therefore the recognition of Grant income on a cash basis of CU150,000 in year 2002 and
50,000 in year 2003 is incorrect. Grant income should have been recognized based on the total
payment for the period, which was CU62,500 for year 2002 and CU125,000 for 2003.

(ii) The remaining balance of CU87,500 (150,000- 62,500) for 2002 and CU12,500 (87,500+50,000-
125,000) for 2003 of grant received should have been booked as “Unutilized Grant Fund”
Under the grant accounting there should not be a net income or capital fund.

(iii) NGO is not like business to have a capital fund. Donor fund is a liability until used per agreement
and shown as “ Advance”under Liabilities. In the Balance Sheet presentation of CU144, 850 and
CU180,700 as capital funds are incorrect. Only the unspent money should have been shown as
“Unutilized Grant Fund” .

(b) Draft opinion paragraph for the audit report:

After reviewing the financial statements of Rural Finance, we have found some limitations to issue
unqualified opinion. As such, a qualified report is to be issued. The qualifying points of the report are to be
inserted before the opinion paragraph:

“We observed that the presentation of Grant Income and Capital Fund as shown in the Income Statement
and Balance Sheet respectively does not comply with Bangladesh Accounting Standards.”

“In our opinion, because of the effects of the matters discussed in the preceding paragraph, the financial
statements do not present fairly the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2003 and of the
results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting.”

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

(a) Factors to consider
Property, plant and equipment (PPE) is likely to constitute a material proportion of the assets in the
balance sheet of a manufacturing company. In addition, the depreciation charge may be material to
Depreciation of plant and machinery is charged to cost of sales, and therefore has a direct impact on
the gross profit margin of the business.
Inherent risk
Although PPE is generally regarded as having low inherent risk, the following factors may increase the
level of risk for Xantippe Ltd.
 Additions to plant may be misclassified as repairs and written off in the income statement.
 Repairs expenditure may be capitalised in error.
 Depreciation has a direct impact on profit and can potentially be manipulated by changing the
expected useful lives of assets.
Control risk
To determine the degree of reliance that can be placed on internal controls, the following will need to
 Authorisation of expenditure on new PPE
 Client procedures for periodic review of renewals/repairs accounts
 Client reconciliations between the PPE register and nominal ledger account balances
If reliance can be placed on the above controls, assurance will be obtained that PPE additions are:
 Valid business items
 Capital expenditure has been included in PPE
 Revenue expenditure written off PPE has been accurately recorded
Strong controls, as confirmed by tests of controls, will enable the level of substantive procedures to be
(b) Audit procedures
Freehold property
 Agree opening balances to prior year working papers/financial statements.
 Inspect the title deeds to the property (or obtain assurance that they are held by the bank) in
order to confirm continuing ownership.
 Enquire whether any valuations have been carried out in the year.
 If any valuation shows a fall in value, propose adjustment (if material).
 Inspect the property to confirm (existence) that no provision for fall in value is necessary.
 Confirm from the bank letter (and discussions with management) any charges on the property.
 Confirm all charges are properly disclosed in a note to the financial statements.
 Discuss with directors the reasonableness of their estimate of the useful life of the freehold
 Reperform the calculation of depreciation, ensuring that the freehold land is not depreciated.

246 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Plant and machinery and motor vehicles

 Confirm opening balances to prior year financial statements.
 Obtain a list of additions in the year which reconciles with the total in the financial statements.
 For a sample of additions –trace to purchase invoices to confirm ownership –review board
minutes/capital expenditure requisition for authorisation.
 Review the list of additions to ensure that all items are of a capital nature.
 For a sample of assets on the register, physically inspect to confirm existence.
 Inspect invoice(s) for motor vehicle addition(s) to confirm that capital cost includes VAT but
excludes road tax.
 If motor vehicle additions involved a trade-in/part-exchange, discuss financial statement
adjustments required with directors (since no disposals accounted for).
 Inspect vehicle registration documents to confirm ownership.
 Compare the depreciation charge (as a percentage of cost) on a category by category basis with
that in the prior year to assess reasonableness.
 Reperform depreciation calculations for a sample of assets on the register.
 Obtain a list of disposals in the year which reconciles with the total in the financial statements.
 For a sample of disposals –trace sales proceeds to sales invoice and cash book –reperform
calculation of profit on disposal and trace to profit and loss account.
 Review repairs and renewals accounts to ensure that no items of a capital nature have been
written off.

Answer to Interactive question 2

The audit consideration in relation to the various sources of income of the Links Famine Relief NGO would
be as follows.
(a) Gifts made under non-taxing arrangements
This type of income should not present any particular audit problem as the donations are made by
banker's order direct to the NGO's bank account and so it would be difficult for such income to be
'intercepted' and misappropriated.
Specific tests required would be as follows.
(i) Check a sample of receipts from the bank statements to the cash book to ensure that the income
has been properly recorded.
(ii) Check a sample of the receipts to the special tax forms to ensure that the full amount due has
been received.
Any discrepancies revealed by either of the above tests should be followed up with Mrs Beech.
(b) Tax reclaimed on gifts made under non-taxing arrangements
Once again this income should not pose any particular audit problems. The auditors should check the
claim form submitted to the tax authorities.
(c) Donations received through the post
There is a serious problem here as the nature of this income is not predictable and also because of the
lack of internal check with Mrs Beech being almost entirely responsible for the receipt of these
monies, the recording of the income and the banking of the cash and cheques received. The auditors
may ultimately have to express a qualified opinion relating to the uncertainty surrounding the
completeness of income of this type.

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Notwithstanding the above reservations, specific audit tests required would be as follows.
(i) Check the details on the daily listings of donations received to the cash book, bank statements
and paying-in slips, ensuring that the details agree in all respects and that there is no evidence of
any delay in the banking of this income.
(ii) Check the donations received by reference to any correspondence which may have been
received with the cheques or cash.
(iii) Consider whether the level of income appears reasonable in comparison with previous years and
in the light of any special appeals that the NGO is known to have made during the course of the
(iv) Carry out, with permission of the management committee, surprise checks to vouch the
completeness and accuracy of the procedures relating to this source of income.
(d) Autumn Fair
Once again there is a potential problem here because of the level of responsibility vested in one
person, namely Mrs Beech.
Specific work required would be as follows.
(i) Attend the event to observe the proper application of laid down procedures and count the cash
at the end of the day.
(ii) Check any records maintained by individual stallholders to the summary prepared by Mrs Beech.
(iii) Check the vouchers supporting any expenditure deducted from the proceeds in order to arrive
at the net bankings.
(iv) Agree the summary prepared by Mrs Beech to the entry in the cash book and on the bank

248 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009
chapter 12

Audit completion


Examination context
Topic List
1 Introduction
2 Objective
3 Financial statement review
4 Other matters
5 Audit completion memorandum
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 249
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Learning objectives Tick off

 Understand the processes that auditors carry out at the end of the audit
 Be aware of the procedures that are carried out in respect of subsequent events and going
 Be able to draw conclusions on audit matters
Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 4a, b, c, f, g.

Practical significance
Completion is a very critical stage of the audit because the partner is required to make the important
judgements of whether sufficient evidence has been obtained to support the audit opinion and what that
opinion should be.

Stop and think

How does an audit partner determine whether there is sufficient audit evidence?

Working context
If you work in practice, you may be involved in any part of audit completion. The more senior you become
in the firm, the more likely you are to be involved in completing the memorandum to the audit partner.

Syllabus links
You will have considered the issue of going concern in Accounting.

250 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Examination context

Exam requirements
The reviews carried out at the end of the audit, such as going concern and subsequent events reviews are
extremely important so could easily be examined in a short form or a long form question in the exam.
Candidates will be able to conclude and report on assurance engagements in accordance with the terms of
the engagements and appropriate standards.
In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Describe the nature and timing of specific procedures designed to identify subsequent events that may
require adjustment or disclosure in relation to the matters being reported on
 Evaluate, quantitatively and qualitatively (including the use of analytical procedures), the results and
conclusions obtained from assurance tests and procedures
 Draw conclusions on the ability to report on an assurance engagement which are consistent with the
results of assurance work
 Judge when to refer reporting matters for specialist help
 Draw conclusions on the ability to report on an audit engagement, including the opinion for a
statutory audit, which are consistent with the results of audit work

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 251
Audit and assurance

1 Introduction

Section overview
 Although completion should in theory be simple if the audit has been well-planned and executed,
there are a number of aspects to it which can make it complex.

There are three phases to the audit:

 Planning
 Evidence gathering
 Completion
In the theory, the completion phase should be relatively smooth:
 If the work has been well planned
 If the staff have been well briefed and well trained
 If the staff execute the plan efficiently and to time
All the partner has to do is review the file, come to a decision about the final issues demanding professional
judgement and sign off the accounts. However, there are lots of components to the completion phase.
The fact is that if the various procedures and other activities which make up the completion phase are not
accomplished efficiently and to time, almost everything else is wasted. Budget overruns and under-recovery
also tend to happen if closedown is not managed well.
This chapter talks in terms of audit, due to the auditing standards covered in it, but similar procedures
might be carried out as part of a review.

2 Objective

Section overview
 The partner needs to consider:
– The financial statements
– The work done to support the audit opinion

Remember the possible cost of getting the audit opinion wrong:

 If someone can demonstrate that the auditor owed them a duty of care and they suffered loss by
relying on the financial statements, they could sue the auditor.
 As a member of the ICAB the auditor could also face disciplinary proceedings, fines and penalties.
Making sure the appropriate opinion is given is therefore important.
There are two components of the completion phase:
 The financial statements themselves; and
 The work which has been done to support the opinion

2.1 The financial statements

When considering the financial statements at the completion stage, the partner responsible for signing the
audit report is interested in the answers to three questions:
 Do the financial statements comply with the provisions of the Companies Act 1994?
 Do the financial statements make sense?
 Has the audit report been drafted properly? (We will look at this in Chapter 13.)
We will consider the first two questions in the next section of this chapter.

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2.2 The work done to support the opinion

Your review of the work done has four aspects to it:
 Whether the work done was in-line with the audit plan
 Whether the right work has been done (perhaps the plan needed to be flexed in the light of
conditions actually encountered by the client)
 Whether enough work has been done
 The issues arising

3 Financial statement review

Section overview
 The important questions are:
– Do the financial statements comply with the law and regulations (which will be tested using a
disclosure checklist)
– Do the financial statements make sense (which will be tested by analytical procedures)

3.1 Do the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1994?
Determining this ought to be relatively simple –every firm should use a checklist to ensure that the
financial statements comply with the disclosure requirements of the Companies Act and relevant accounting
standards. Such checklists usually form a part of the 'audit packs' which firms use.
To some extent the job has been made easier by the widespread use of accounts production software, but
software is only as good as the people writing it, installing it and using it.
For example:
 If directors' emoluments are not coded to the right account in the chart of accounts they will not be
disclosed properly in the financial statements
 If the client has a material accounting policy which is not in the 'standard list' in the template on which
the financial statements are based, it will not appear in the accounting policies note unless you add it.
Checklisting the accounts, therefore is still a good idea.
As you know from your other studies, the nature of financial statements these days is incredibly complex.
For companies accounts, be aware that:
 There are a large number of financial reporting standards applicable to financial statements
 The Companies Act itself is a substantial document which determines the format to be used in
financial statements and the disclosures to be made on the face of the income statement and balance
sheet and in the supporting notes
 The directors' report and other information released with the financial statements need to be
consistent with the financial statements, so the auditor must read that information and resolve any

3.2 Do the financial statements make sense?

We have considered the techniques required to carry out analytical procedures as part of the risk
assessment process at the planning stage and as a substantive procedure.
Analytical procedures must also be used in the overall review at the end of the audit.

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The steps for carrying out analytical procedures at this stage of the audit are very similar to those used as
part of the risk assessment process at the planning stage, but they happen in a rather different way
 Interpretation
 Investigation
 Corroboration

3.2.1 Interpretation
The person carrying out the analytical procedures, reads through the financial statements and interprets
them, considering the absolute figures themselves and relevant ratios.

3.2.2 Investigation
When analytical procedures are used as risk assessment procedures or as a substantive procedure, the aim
is to identify potential problems. The problems are then investigated during fieldwork by making enquiries
and gathering audit evidence.
At the completion stage the reviewer will expect to find the answers to the issues raised by the review on
the audit file.

3.2.3 Corroboration
Should those answers not be on the file, further work will need to be done.
From a practical point of view it is worth remembering the following:
 For the smaller client the working papers supporting the final analytical procedures may well be simply
an update of the work done at the planning stage.
 For the larger client the review becomes a much more specific exercise.
 The financial statements used for the analytical procedures need to incorporate any adjustments made
as a result of the audit.
 Any problems identified by the procedures, which indicate that the financial statements should to be
amended, need to be actioned.

4 Other matters

Section overview
 The auditor needs to:
– Evaluate discovered errors
– Ensure opening balance and comparatives are correct
– Review whenever the going concern basis of the financial statements is appropriate
– Review subsequent events
– Obtain necessary management representations

At the completion stage the reviewer has to consider the issues which have been raised by the audit and
what the firm's response in the audit report should be.
At this stage the reviewer needs to consider:
 Is the impact of errors and misstatements uncovered during the audit likely to be material?
 Are there matters of principle where the auditor disagrees with the client?
The second of these questions can cause severe difficulties for the audit firm in exercising its professional
It is possible for there to be points of principle which although not material in themselves, in the current
period, could lead to problems in the future, or lead to the reassessment of audit risk.

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Worked example: Enron again

As we saw in Chapter 8, Enron devised a way of hiding debt by manipulating the detailed accounting rules
for dealing with subsidiaries. This led to the non-disclosure of debt in excess of $20bn. According to the
Washington Post website, the initial transaction on which this technique was first used, was to artificially
preserve the value of an investment of $300,000 which was immaterial in terms of the Enron audit, but the
use of the technique led to misstatements which were very material indeed.

4.1 Opening balances and comparatives

It may seem odd to consider opening balances and comparatives at the completion stages of the audit, but
the auditor needs to consider whether there is sufficient evidence to support their reliability. If the opening
balances are misstated this will mean that the profits for the current year may also be misstated.
Normally where the audit engagement is continuing from previous years, this will not cause a problem, but
for a new client there are questions of professional judgement about the reliability of the previous year's
accounts, which in turn leads to questions about the quality of work of the previous auditors.
Where the client was not subject to audit in previous years, the auditor will again have to consider the risks
of unaudited figures from past periods being materially misstated.
The work to be done may include:
 Checking receipts from opening receivables
 Verifying opening payables in the light of payments made during the current period
 Reconciling from an inventory figure which has been audited back to the opening position
 Obtaining confirmations from relevant third parties –lenders, valuers etc

Interactive question 1: Opening balances [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

Your firm has just been appointed auditors of Cross Ltd after the previous auditors were removed
following a dispute with the directors. This dispute related to certain costs capitalised by the directors,
which the auditors believed should have been written off. (Last year's audit report was qualified because of
the disagreement.)
State the procedures you would carry out regarding the opening balances.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4.2 Going concern

The problem
The going concern concept is fundamental to the way in which financial statements are prepared and has
been so for a very long time indeed.
If you think about it carefully, you will see that it is probably a major contributor to the expectations gap
which is considered at a number of places in this Study Manual.

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Worked example: The way financial statements are prepared

Consider the deceptively simple example of a non-current asset such as a car. We all know that, as soon as
you drive your brand new car away from the showroom it loses a disproportionate amount of its resale
value and that this depreciation happens very rapidly in the early stages of the car's life, before flattening out
after a couple of years or so. However, in financial statements, the depreciation charge and resultant
reduction in the car's net book value is usually dealt with on a straight line basis, because, over time, it is
probably truer and fairer to amortise the car's value evenly over its life –it is, after all, an asset which is
'used up' evenly over its life, whatever its resale value at any particular point in time. It is also
administratively easier to calculate depreciation this way.
The reason why this treatment is acceptable is because the company has no intention of disposing of the
asset at the balance sheet date, but will use it in the normal course of business until the appropriate time
arrives for its disposal. There is, nevertheless, a very real and potentially material difference between the
market value of a company's fleet of vehicles and their carrying value in the balance sheet.

The argument used in the example also applies to a number of other assets. If the company's complete
inventory had to be disposed of, or the receivables all collected in on the first day of the new year, it is
highly probable that the amounts realised would be less than those shown in the balance sheet. In addition,
liabilities not reflected in the financial statements will crystallise, such as redundancy payments or lease
penalty clauses.
It follows from this that, if the going concern concept is not an appropriate basis on which to prepare the
financial statements, the implications will be very serious, as almost all of the normal assumptions made will
be called into question.

4.2.1 Work to be done

As a result, the risks of the client not being a going concern will need to be considered and planned for at
the planning stage, and, at the completion stage, certain specific tasks will have to be carried out.
These will include:
 Consideration of all areas of the balance sheet to see whether there are indications that the going
concern concept may be inappropriate such as:
– Significant receivables unable to pay
– Lines of inventory and WIP where net realisable value may be less than cost
– Material non-current assets which are no longer usable
– Deferred development expenditure which is irrecoverable against relevant revenues
– Investments (in subsidiaries or other companies) which have lost value
 Review of future plans for the business including financial forecasts and projections, to ensure that it is
probable that the company will be able to continue to trade for at least the forthcoming year (that is,
not less than 12 months from the balance sheet date).
 Review of the company's borrowing facilities and other sources of finance to ensure that they will be
adequate for the forthcoming year and that conditions and covenants imposed by lenders will not be
 Review of minutes and other information such as correspondence with legal advisers, for indications of
potential going concern problems.
A list of possible symptoms of going concern problems is given in BSA 570. It is reproduced here.
 Financial indications
– Net liabilities or net current liability position
– Necessary borrowing facilities have not been agreed
– Fixed-term borrowings approaching maturity without realistic prospects of renewal or
repayment, or excessive reliance on short-term borrowings

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– Major debt repayment falling due where refinancing is necessary to the entity's continued
– Major restructuring of debt
– Indications of withdrawal of financial support by creditors
– Negative operating cash flows indicated by historical or prospective financial statements
– Adverse key financial ratios
– Substantial operating losses or significant deterioration in the value of assets used to generate
cash flows
– Major losses or cash flow problems which have arisen since the balance sheet date
– Arrears or discontinuance of dividends
– Inability to pay creditors on due dates
– Inability to comply with terms of loan agreements
– Reduction in normal terms of credit by suppliers
– Change from credit to cash-on-delivery transactions with suppliers
– Inability to obtain financing for essential new product development or other essential investments
– Substantial sale of fixed assets not intended to be replaced
 Operating indications
– Loss of key management without replacement
– Loss of key staff without replacement
– Loss of a major market, franchises, license, or principal supplier
– Labour difficulties or shortages of important supplies
– Fundamental change in the market or technology to which the entity is unable to adapt
– Excessive dependence on a few product lines where the market is depressed
– Technical developments which render a key product obsolete
 Other indications
– Non-compliance with capital or other statutory requirements
– Pending legal proceedings against the entity that may, if successful, result in judgements that could
not be met
– Changes in legislation or government policy
– Issues which involve a range of possible outcomes so wide that an unfavourable result could
affect the appropriateness of the going concern basis
BSA 570 also says that the auditors have to discuss the going concern issue with the client's management,
to test the assumptions they have made to ensure they are justified, to obtain written representations from
management about the things they are intending to do in the future to ensure that the going concern basis
is appropriate and to review that disclosures made in the financial statements relating to going concern are
sufficient to give a true and fair view. If, in making their assessment, the directors have used a period of less
than a year from the date of approval of the financial statements and have not disclosed that fact in the
financial statements, the auditors should do so in the auditor's report.

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4.2.2 The break-up basis

If it becomes clear that the client cannot be considered to be a going concern, the financial statements will
need to disclose this and the basis for preparing them will change to the 'break-up' basis.
This means that values will have to be adjusted to the amounts expected to be realised. In practice this
tends not to be a problem for the auditor, because by the time this stage is reached, the client may well
have passed into the hands of the receiver or 'corporate recovery' expert.
Alternatively, when it is intended to wind-up a solvent client within the next 12 months on a voluntary
basis, the values may not in the event be very different.

4.2.3 Implications for the audit report

Unfortunately, this is not the end of the story because, where there are doubts about a company's going
concern status, the auditors and management are likely to reach different conclusions, and this has
implications for the audit report.
If the going concern assumption is appropriate but a material uncertainty exists about the ability of an entity
to continue as a going concern and the uncertainty is adequately disclosed in the financial statements, the
auditor should express an unqualified opinion but modify the audit report by adding an emphasis of matter
paragraph (see Chapter 13).
If the financial statements fail to give a true and fair view because it is inappropriate to use the going
concern basis, the auditor should express an adverse opinion (see Chapter 13).

Interactive question 2: Gamston Burgers Ltd [Difficulty level: Intermediate]

You are the auditor of Gamston Burgers Ltd, whose principal activities are haulage and warehousing
services and the repair of lorries.
During the current year the company has suffered a significant fall in revenue and gross profit, which has led
to a trading loss. The company is also experiencing cash flow problems.
You have been informed by the managing director that the fall in revenue is due to:
 The loss, half way through the year, of a long-standing customer to a competitor, and
 A decline in trade in the lorry repair business.
Due to the reduction in the repairs business the company has decided to close the workshop and sell the
inventory of equipment and spares.
During the year the company replaced a number of vehicles, funding them by a combination of leasing and
an increased overdraft facility. The facility is to be reviewed early next year after the audited accounts are
The draft accounts show a loss for the current year but the forecasts indicate a return to profitability in
20X6, as the managing director is optimistic about generating additional revenue from new contracts.
(a) Explain why an auditor attaches so much importance to considering an entity's ability to continue as a
going concern.
(b) Describe the audit work you would undertake in order to ascertain whether Gamston Burgers Ltd is a
going concern.
(c) Explain the effect on your auditors' report on the financial statements of Gamston Burgers Ltd if you:
(i) Agree with the director's assertion
(ii) Conclude that trading conditions will not improve
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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4.3 Subsequent events

If the audit report says that the financial statements give a true and fair view, but the company goes under
shortly after the financial statements are published, someone is likely to question whether the auditors
knew what they were talking about.
If it then emerges that there were significant receivables who failed to pay up, or material amounts of
inventory which turned out not to be realisable, you might think that such questions were justified.
Clearly, therefore, a review of events after the balance sheet date is both a sensible thing to do and,
according to BSA 560, compulsory.
BSA 560 recognises the two different types of subsequent event according to BAS 10
 Adjusting events; and
 Non-adjusting events.
It also recognises three time periods and recommends the following responses:

Period Audit response

Up to the date of the audit report  Carry out audit procedures outlined in BSA 560
 Consider whether the appropriate amendments/disclosures
have been made in the financial statements
 Consider whether there is a need to amend the audit report
Between the date of the audit No responsibility for further work in this period, but if the auditor
report and the date the financial becomes aware of material facts:
statements are issued  Discuss with management
 Take appropriate action
After the financial statements are No responsibility for further work in this period, but if the auditor
issued becomes aware of material facts:
 Discuss with management
 Take appropriate action
Where the relevant fact did not exist at the date of the auditors'
report there are no statutory provisions for revising the financial
 Discuss with management whether to withdraw the financial
 Take advice on possibility of withdrawing audit report.

4.3.1 Audit procedures up to the date of the auditors' report

Procedures testing subsequent events

Enquiries of  Status of items involving subjective judgement/accounted for using preliminary data
 Whether there are any new commitments, borrowings or guarantees
 Whether there have been any:
– Sales or destruction of assets
– Issues of shares/debentures or changes in business structure
– Developments involving risk areas, provisions and contingencies
– Unusual accounting adjustments
– Major events (e.g. going concern problems) affecting appropriateness of
accounting policies for estimates

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Other  Review management procedures for identifying subsequent events to ensure that
procedures such events are identified
 Read minutes of general board/committee meetings and enquire about unusual items
 Review latest accounting records and financial information and budgets and
 Obtain evidence concerning any litigation or claims from the company's solicitors
(only with client permission)

Interactive question 3: Subsequent events review [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

You are the auditor of Weekly Ltd, which derives half its revenue from sales to one large national company.
During your audit you notice that the sales ledger balance of this customer has nearly doubled during the
year, although sales to it have increased only marginally.
Note down the main elements of your subsequent events review programme relating to this receivable
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

4.4 Management representations

You learnt about the nature and purpose of written management representations in your studies for
According to BSA 580, the auditor is required to obtain certain written representations from management
as part of its audit evidence. These representations will usually be collated and finalised at the completion
stage of the audit. The representation letter should be signed by the directors (or a directors' board minute
of the representation obtained) before the auditors sign the audit report –if not, the auditors have not
obtained all the evidence they required to sign the audit report in the first place.

5 Audit completion memorandum

Section overview
 This memorandum assists the partner to draw a conclusion.

'Matters for the attention of partners' (MAPS) seems to be the most commonly used acronym for the audit
completion memorandum. However, don’ t use this acronym in the exam without first stating what it
actually is.
This procedure, if carried out effectively is the single, most effective way of ensuring that work is complete
and budgets are not broken.
It will radically reduce review time.
It should:
 Be completed with care
 Be typed
 Be organised along good report writing principles
 Have space for the partner's comments
It should be completed by 'the senior' –by this we mean the person with day-to-day responsibility for
completing the audit work.

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The length and detail of the matters for the attention of partners will be determined by the nature and
complexity of the engagement. However, the matters for attention in relation to the Companies Act audit
would normally be expected to contain the following:

5.1 The business

Comments on significant changes in the client's operations during the year, and anticipated in the coming

5.2 The financial statements

 Particulars of any failure of the financial statements to comply with acceptable accounting policies. If
difficult questions of principle or judgement arise, a summary of the relevant information and bases for
the conclusion, including the results of any consultation.
 Information on significant changes in the client's accounting policies or new accounting policies.
 Matters arising from the detailed analytical procedures on the financial statements.

5.3 The audit

 Particulars of any change to the original audit plan.
 Information concerning significant audit queries or matters to be followed up that have still to be
 A summary of the aggregate effect of the estimates of likely misstatement and the overall conclusion
on the implications for the audit opinion.
 Conclusion on, and explanation of, any pending litigation and other material uncertainties.
Information on any failure to comply with the requirements of the company's memorandum or with trust
deeds governing loans or debentures.

5.4 The management letter

Information on key matters for inclusion in the letter.

5.5 Other
 Details of any significant cost overrun against audit budget
 Details of any opportunities for providing additional services
The partner should evidence that he has reviewed the matters for attention and record what actions need
to be taken to address any unresolved or outstanding matters. Often this will involve discussing the matter
with the directors of the client, to identify what additional evidence is needed to enable the auditor to
conclude on a matter or to resolve a matter of judgement. The matters for attention must be updated to
show how the matters have been addressed and identify the additional evidence that has been obtained.
A final conclusion must be recorded detailing the opinion to be given on the financial statements.

5.6 Why does it work?

The completion of the audit summary forces the senior to consider and explain all aspects of the
assignment. All (or very nearly all) staff take a pride in their work. If they realise there is a gap somewhere,
they will either close it, or realise and explain why the work is unnecessary. In preparing a logical summary
of the audit, they will also ensure that the file is organised in a logical way.
It summarises the important points, so it directs the partner's attention to them.

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It increases the likelihood of the file being well organised, so the partner finds the bits he or she needs to
see easier to locate.
An example of a set of matters for the attention of partners in relation to a Companies Act is given below,
as an illustration of how many different aspects of the audit process are bought together. It is an example
which is drawn from real life, suitably modified to protect client confidentiality.

Worked example: Audit completion memorandum

31 MARCH 200Y
1 Significant changes to the business
During the year to 31 March 200Y the company consolidated its existing business. Since the year end
several new developments have been on-going. A distribution depot in Guildford is to be opened
during the summer of 200Y. Negotiations are in progress to acquire Bodmin Pasties Limited, a leading
name in the Cornish pasty market, and a French specialist pastry maker in Lille.
2 Review of accounts
200Y Change 200X
CU'000 % CU'000
Revenue 6,123 8.4 5,650
Gross profit 2,015 3.4 1,948
Gross profit % 32.9 34.5
Net profit 338 307
Net profit % 5.5 5.4
Revenue has grown as 200Y is the first full year of IF's contract with J Waitbury. The lower margins of
this large (CU1m p.a. revenue) contract have depressed overall margins. The directors regard the
performance as satisfactory and anticipate strong growth as a consequence of the new developments
during 200Y.
200Y 200X
CU'000 CU'000
Property, plant and equipment 3,413 1,633
Inventories 228 317
Receivables 1,157 970
Cash at bank 70 83
1,455 1,370
Current liabilities (704) (803)
Net current assets 751 567
Total 4,164 2,200
(a) Property, plant and equipment
The freehold sites at Darlington and Wolverhampton were revalued upward by CU200k during
the year.
There was a significant capital investment during the year in new plant at Darlington (CU300k)
and in modernising the fleet of distribution vehicles (CU700k).
(b) Inventories
Year-end inventories are reduced due to tighter control of packing materials and raw materials,
and due to timing of deliveries of finished goods.

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(c) Receivables
Trade receivables are higher at the year end due to the higher volume during the year and the
timing of deliveries at the year end.
(d) Current liabilities
Tighter inventory control has resulted in a reduction in trade payables. 200X figure included a
large payable in respect of new capital equipment.
3 Significant weaknesses in the company's systems
The only significant weakness identified relates to the failure to count inventory at the
Wolverhampton distribution depot. In the management letter, which will also detail several minor
weaknesses identified, we shall remind the directors of the importance of counting inventory
periodically as a means of control.
4 Significant overrun against budget
The only significant overrun arose from the alternative audit procedures applied as a result of the
cancellation of the Wolverhampton inventory check. Additional staff time was required to test the
Wolverhampton inventories, creating an overrun of some 30 hours at a cost of CU2,000. We should
seek to recover this excess from the client.
5 Scope for the provision of other services
Our international associates:
The proposed acquisition of the pastry maker in Lille provides an opportunity for introducing our
associate in France as auditors of the new subsidiary.
6 Areas of the audit requiring particular attention and significant unresolved matters
(a) Inventories
200Y 200X
CU'000 CU'000
Finished goods 70 99
Raw materials 67 78
Packing materials 62 76
199 253
Finished goods 29 64
228 317
Audit work at Darlington was carried out as planned. The results of all tests performed were
The planned inventory check at Wolverhampton was not held due to staff shortages. Revised
audit procedures were adopted for testing this balance.
This involved an audit visit to the Wolverhampton depot. The inventory balance in the accounts
was agreed to the inventory records and extensive cut-off testing was performed. Specific
substantive testing was performed on the Wolverhampton inventory records for both
overstatement and understatement. A detailed review of the inventory balance was performed
and the results discussed with the branch manager.
A representation will be requested concerning the Wolverhampton inventory balance and the
management letter will remind the client of the importance of carrying out planned inventory
On the basis of the work performed, the Wolverhampton inventory is fairly stated.

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(b) Receivables
200Y 200X
CU'000 CU'000
Trade receivables 869 809
Loan to Roberts Limited 195 33
Prepayments 93 128
1,157 970
(c) Trade Receivables
A sample of 48 receivables was circularised. The results of the circularisation were:
Notes CU'000 No. % of value
Agreed 177 18 30
Reconciled 1 228 14 37
Disagreed 2 50 1 8
No reply 3 154 15 25
609 48 100
1 Reconciling items due to differences between the dates at which invoices and payments
were entered in customers' and International Foods' records. These differences appear to
have been short term and these balances are technically agreed.
2 The disagreement relates to an invoice for CU3,000 sent to the customer in December
200X. The customer is refusing to pay, on the grounds that the goods were damaged in
transit. This item is not material. However, the client is currently investigating the cause of
this dispute and is seeking to confirm that this is an isolated incident. The results of this
investigation should be available for the clearance meeting.
3 These balances have been verified by
(i) Matching of paid balances to evidence of receipt including remittance advices and bank
paying-in vouchers.
(ii) Vouching a sample of unpaid balances to supporting evidence to confirm the validity of
the sale. This evidence includes sales invoices, delivery notes and customer orders.
(d) Loan to Roberts Limited
Roberts Limited is a company in which International Foods owns 10 per cent of the share capital.
The loan is unsecured. The original loan of CU33k, made in 200X to provide working capital,
increased to CU195k during the year. No repayments have been received. The finance director
was not willing for this balance to be included in the circularisation and has stated to us that the
balance is wholly recoverable.
At the clearance meeting we should request the finance director to obtain a certificate confirming
this loan for us. We should also request evidence in the form of accounts and forecasts as to
Roberts' ability to repay the loan and the anticipated timing of repayment. A representation
concerning the existence and recoverability of the loan should be requested. We shall discuss the
possibility that the loan should be treated as being recoverable after more than one year.
(e) Property, plant and equipment
Two issues arise which require resolution at the clearance meeting.
(i) Revaluation of land and building
The surplus on a revaluation performed this year has been treated as an 'addition'. This
should be disclosed as a revaluation surplus. The financial statements should disclose that
the valuation was performed by a director. The letter of representation should confirm that
the land and buildings were revalued on an open-market basis, and the board's
acknowledgement of the results.

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(ii) Additions to plant

A number of orders outstanding have been accrued rather than disclosed as capital
commitments. The result is a CU75k overstatement of non-current assets and current
liabilities. The client should be asked at the clearance meeting to correct this.
7 Proposed Audit Opinion
Based on the audit work performed, an unqualified audit opinion is proposed, provided that all the
matters detailed in section 6 above are satisfactorily resolved at the clearance meeting.

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Summary and Self-test


Answer the following questions.
1 What three questions will the partner responsible for signing the audit report seek to answer at
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
2 It is appropriate to use a checklist to determine whether the financial statements comply with the
Companies Act.


3 Opening balances need only be checked in a new auditor situation.



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4 List five financial indicators that a company has going concern problems.
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
4 ........................................
5 ........................................
5 Is the auditor responsible for discovering relevant subsequent events after the audit report has been
6 List five matters that might be referred to in a MAPS.
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
4 ........................................
5 ........................................
Exam-style questions
7 You have recently been appointed auditor of Supachill Ltd and are planning the audit for the year
ending 31 December 20X5. You have obtained the following background information about the
The company prepares chilled foods and sells them to supermarkets under its own brand name and
that of a national supermarket chain, with which it has a one year renewable contract. At present this
contract represents 45% of revenue. The company is currently negotiating a substantial contract with
another supermarket chain, but is reluctant to agree to the prices and 60 days' credit facility
On 1 January 20X5 the managing director, who was previously involved in property development,
acquired all the shares in Supachill Ltd from Omega Ltd, a conglomerate, which was rationalising its
Immediately following the acquisition Supachill Ltd had net assets of CU2 million, after taking account
of low interest loans of CU5 million from Omega Ltd. These loans are secured on the freehold
property of the company and are repayable in equal quarterly instalments over a five-year period until
31 December 20X9. Day-to-day working capital is funded by an overdraft facility of CU1.5 million,
secured by a fixed and floating charge on the other assets of the company. This facility is to be
reviewed by the bank early in 20X6 after the audited accounts are available.
The original business plan envisaged the acquisition of an adjacent factory to enable the company to
double its output, but this expansion has been postponed.
The managing director has explained that there will be a delay in preparing the draft accounts as the
finance director has left and has yet to be replaced. The accountant is assisted in the day-to-day
accounting function by temporary staff. There is a projected loss for the year but forecasts indicate a
return to profitability in the next financial year.
(a) From the situation outlined above, identify circumstances particular to Supachill Ltd that give you
cause for concern. Explain why such factors give cause for concern. (12 marks)
(b) Describe the procedures that you would undertake during the course of your audit in order to
satisfy yourself on the status of Supachill Ltd as a going concern. (6 marks)
(18 marks)

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8 Your client has lost a contract with its major customer. As a result the company is in financial
difficulties. The bank is threatening to foreclose on its loan.
You are concerned that the company may not be a going concern, although, looking ahead nine
months from the date of approval of the financial statements, the directors inform you that there is a
good future for the business.
What steps would you take to enable you to assess whether the directors' assertions are reasonable?
What impact would the nine month period referred to above have on your audit report?
(3 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these
objectives, please tick them off.

268 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Technical reference

1 Financial statements review

 Do the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 1994?
 Other information should be consistent BSA 720
 Do the financial statements make sense? BSA 520.2, 13
2 Other matters BSA 320.8, 12-16
 Opening balances and comparatives BSA 510
BSA 710
 Going concern BSA 570
 Subsequent events BSA 560
 Management representations BSA 580

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Answers to Self-test

1  Do the financial statements comply with the provisions of the Companies Act 1994?
 Do the financial statements make sense?
 Has the audit report been drafted properly?
2 True
3 False
4 From:
 Net liabilities or net current liability position
 Necessary borrowing facilities have not been agreed
 Fixed-term borrowings approaching maturity without realistic prospects of renewal or
repayment, or excessive reliance on short-term borrowings
 Major debt repayment falling due where refinancing is necessary to the entity's continued
 Major restructuring of debt
 Indications of withdrawal of financial support by creditors
 Negative operating cash flows indicated by historical or prospective financial statements
 Adverse key financial ratios
 Substantial operating losses or significant deterioration in the value of assets used to generate
cash flows
 Major losses or cash flow problems which have arisen since the balance sheet date
 Arrears or discontinuance of dividends
 Inability to pay creditors on due dates
 Inability to comply with terms of loan agreements
 Reduction in normal terms of credit by suppliers
 Change from credit to cash-on-delivery transactions with suppliers
 Inability to obtain financing for essential new product development or other essential investments
 Substantial sale of fixed assets not intended to be replaced
5 No –but he will have to take appropriate steps if made aware of them
6 1 Comments on significant changes to the business
2 Issues relating to the financial statements
3 Matters arising from the audit strategy/plan
4 Issues referred to in the management letter
5 From related issues (such as budget overruns/opportunities for other services)

270 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Exam-style questions
7 (a)

Circumstance Explanation

 The client’s economic dependence  The going concern assumption may not be
on its principal customer (45% of appropriate if, for any reason, this major
revenue on a one year renewable contract is not renewed.
 Deterioration of cash flows, due to  The risk of bad and doubtful debts is
customers demanding/taking increased, and year end receivables may be
extended periods of credit (up to materially overstated if provisions are not
60 days). adequate.
 Pressure from the potential  Profit margins may be adversely affected,
customer’ s demands. increasing doubts about the company’ s
continuation as a going concern.
 Sale by conglomerate on favourable  Omega Ltd may not have been optimistic
terms (low interest loans). about Supachill Ltd’s future prospects, which
therefore raises going concern doubts.
 High gearing with repayments due  Any breach in loan terms (e.g. if instalments
in near future (CU250,000 per are not being met) may result in foreclosure.
 Additional funding may be difficult to raise as
security base is diminished.
 The postponement of plans for  The adequacy of the working capital available,
expansion (but it could be both the short and medium term must be
considered a mitigating factor). assessed.
 The managing director’ s (MD) lack  The MD may lack the acumen to trade out of
of knowledge of the nature of the the loss-making situation, thereby increasing
business and the industry. which it operates. Inherent risk.
 The loss of key staff (finance  The reduction in supervision over the
director). accounting functions may increase both
inherent and control risk and result in
– more errors arising with the increase in
the accountant’
s workload
– failure to detect and correct errors
 The delay in preparing draft  Increased pressure on the audit timetable to
accounts may increase inherent meet a possible bank deadline late in the year
risk if the audit deadline cannot be could result in a material misstatement being
postponed. undetected by audit procedures.
 Only temporary accounts staff are  The risk of errors arising is increased (e.g.
available to assist accountant. due to insufficient training/ supervision).
 The bank’ s reliance on audited  Particular attention should be given to
accounts, increasing management’s
– the accuracy of bank overdraft/ payables
motive to 'inflate' profit.
– the impact of potential adjustments on
key ratios (e.g. acid test ratio)

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Circumstance Explanation

 The projected loss may cause the  Attention should be given to all matters of
MD to bias the results. judgement which materially affect the income
statement. In particular, the need for
If, for example, the bank is already
inventory and receivable provisions should be
aware of (and accepts) the
assessed (i.e. tested for overstatement) as
projection, the MD may ensure
well as their adequacy (i.e. tested for
that the loss is met (e.g. by over-
providing against asset values).
Alternatively, the reported loss
may be understated by
understating provisions.
 Lack of cumulative/prior knowledge  Adequate planning is essential to audit
from which assurance can be efficiency to avoid over-auditing (due to
derived. increase in inherent risk) in the first year.
 The nature of the client’
s business.  Chilled foods increase inherent risk as they
are perishable and there may be
understatement of year end inventory

(b) Procedures
To ensure that the company can meet its debts as they fall due
 Obtain a written statement from the managing director confirming his considered view that
the company is a going concern.
 Review management’ s profit and cash flow forecasts for the next financial year (and beyond,
if available) to ascertain the company’ s working capital requirements.
 Confirm the appropriateness of relevant assumptions, e.g. average debt collection period, by
comparison with ratios obtained through analytical procedures.
 Request a statement of borrowing facilities to be included in the bank confirmation letter.
 Review the day-to-day utilisation of the bank overdraft facility and its proximity to the
current limit.
 Obtain confirmation of loan from Omega Ltd and that all quarterly instalments of loan
repayment to date have been met.
 Discuss with the credit controller (or financial accountant) the current pressures under
which the company is being placed by larger customers seeking extended credit terms.
 Review the MD’ s agreement with Omega Ltd for the purchase of Supachill Ltd to ascertain
the circumstances under which interest rates or repayment terms could be varied.
 Review the level of trade and other payables, including VAT and withholding tax/ pension
deductions and whether any penalties are being incurred, and the extent to which they are
financing short-term needs.
To ensure that the company can otherwise continue in business
 Obtain a copy of correspondence to date concerning the contract currently being
negotiated, and monitor all subsequent developments.
 Review production records and order books, and discuss with management how current
spare capacity can accommodate substantial new contracts (as the expansion plans have
been postponed).
 Review the terms of the existing one-year renewable contract and correspondence with
this customer, to ascertain whether there are any grounds for this contract not to be

272 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 Discuss with the MD any possible new sources of finance for the expansion.
 Obtain written confirmation from the company’ s legal advisor as to whether or not there
are any pending legal claims (e.g. in respect of food poisoning).
 Discuss with the MD and/or the company’ s recruitment adviser the response to any
advertisement for the position of finance director.
8 Regarding ability to continue in business
 Discuss with directors e.g.
– Likelihood of alternative sales markets
– Advertising/marketing strategy
– Prospects of product diversification
 Scrutinise current year’
s order book
 Review tenders for new contracts
 Review published trading results for industry (expanding or in decline)
Regarding ability to meet debts as fall due
 Discuss with directors e.g.
– Any intention to sell surplus assets
– Impending negotiations for new sources of finance
– Professional advice sought from bank
– Confirm with bank/other lenders negotiations to date
Period: less than one year
 If period used for going concern assessment < 1 year from date of approval of financial
 And that fact not disclosed in financial statements
 Disclose in audit report
 But do not qualify audit report regarding this
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved those
objectives, please tick them off.

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Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Regarding all opening balances
 Check prior year closing balances have been correctly brought forward; or
 Where appropriate, restated
 Consider impact of current year work on opening balances (e.g. bad debts write off in current year
compared to opening provision)
 Review management's working papers, accounting and internal control systems for prior year
For capitalised costs
 Agree amounts capitalised to supporting documentation (to confirm amount)
 Discuss with previous auditors reason for the qualification
 Decide whether opening balances need amendment

Answer to Interactive question 2

(a) Importance of going concern
 'Going concern' is an accounting concept. It is presumed to apply to any financial statements,
unless contrary disclosure is given.
 The amount at which assets and liabilities are included in the balance sheet may be significantly
different where the company is not a going concern. For example,
– Assets will be valued on a break-up basis
– Additional provisions (e.g. for closure costs) may be required
 The classification of items will differ where financial statements reflect a break-up basis. For
example, non-current assets/liabilities reclassified as current.
 The risk of failure is a real threat to many businesses and the failure of the auditor to give any
warning may result in litigation/adverse publicity.
(b) Audit work regarding going concern
To ascertain whether Gamston Burgers Ltd can meet its debts as they fall due
 Obtain a written statement (management representation) from the managing director confirming
his considered view that the company is a going concern.
 Review management's profit and cash flow forecasts for the next financial year to ascertain, inter
alia, the company's working capital requirements.
 Confirm the appropriateness of relevant assumptions (e.g. average trade receivables collection
period) by comparison with ratios obtained from analytical procedures.
 Request a statement of borrowing facilities to be included in the bank confirmation letter.
 Review the day-to-day utilisation of the bank overdraft facility and its proximity to the current
 Obtain a loan confirmation from the leasing company and confirm that all instalments to date
have been met.
 Discuss with the credit controller (or financial accountant) the current pressures under which
the company is being placed by larger customers who may be seeking extended credit terms.

274 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 Undertake sensitivity analysis on client's forecasts to variable factors both within the managing
director's control and outside it.
 Review the level of trade and other payables (including VAT and withholding tax/ pension
deductions, and whether any penalties are being incurred) after the balance sheet date and the
extent to which they are financing short-term needs.
To ascertain whether Gamston Burgers Ltd can otherwise continue in business (i.e. return to
profitable trading)
 Obtain a copy of tenders submitted/correspondence to date concerning any new contracts
currently being negotiated and monitor all subsequent developments.
 Review drivers' logs, reports on warehouse utilisation etc and discuss with management how
current spare capacity will be utilised by new contracts obtained.
 Review the terms of the contract with the long-standing customer which was lost and the
grounds on which it was lost to a competitor.
 Verify reasonableness of estimates arising from closure of workshop (e.g. concerning costs of
external servicing of the transport vehicle fleet).
 Obtain written confirmation from the company's legal adviser as to whether or not there are any
pending legal claims (e.g. in respect of inventory losses from warehouses, late deliveries, damage
to goods in transit etc).
(c) Effect on audit report
(i) Agree with director's assertion
If doubt surrounding the going concern status of the company is minimal, disclosure in the
financial statements would not be required in order to give a true and fair view. The audit report
would therefore be unqualified.
If the branch is so material that its inability to trade could affect the going concern status of the
company (unlikely), the matter should be disclosed in the financial statements. If adequate
disclosure is made in the financial statements, the auditor should express an unqualified opinion
but modify his report by adding an emphasis of matter paragraph that
 Highlights the existence of a material uncertainty relating to the event or condition that may
cast significant doubt on the company's ability to continue as a going concern, and
 Draws attention to the note in the financial statements that discloses these matters.
(ii) Disagree with director's assertion
The form of audit report will depend upon the materiality of the branch and extent to which the
uncertainty has been disclosed in the financial statements.
As the director appears confident about the future of this branch, it is unlikely that adequate (if
any) disclosure has been made. The audit report would therefore be qualified on the grounds of
disagreement due to the inadequate disclosure of the uncertainty.

Answer to Interactive question 3

 Monitor post year end customer receipts (to confirm recoverability)
 Review of customer correspondence (to ascertain problem, e.g. dispute)
 Calculation of trade receivables collection period, by month, after year end (to determine whether
situation is deteriorating further)
 Consider likely effectiveness of any reservation of title clause/other security (to assess possible extent
of recovery if customer liquidated)
 Review latest available audited accounts of customer (for indications of going concern problems)
 Review level of post year end sales and orders (to determine whether situation is continuing

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276 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009
chapter 13



Examination context
Topic List
1 Reporting to those charged with governance
2 Assurance reports
3 Standard unqualified audit reports
4 Modified audit reports
Summary and Self-test
Technical reference
Answers to Self-test
Answers to Interactive questions

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Learning objectives Tick off

 Understand the types of reports that assurance providers and auditors issue

 Know the typical contents of a report on control weakness (management letter)

 Know when an audit report should be modified

Specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 4d, e, h, i.

Practical significance
The report is the last aspect of the assurance process. It is the purpose of the assurance process –it
communicates the assurance provider's conclusion on the subject matter to the users. It is therefore of
critical practical significance. Unfortunately, historically, problems with the wording of reports have
contributed largely to the expectations gap.

Stop and think

How should assurance providers ensure that their reports are not misunderstood?

Working context
If you work in practice, you are more likely to be involved in carrying out disclosure checklists on the
financial statements (as discussed in the previous chapter) than drafting the audit report. However, you
should be aware when a modified audit report might be required, so that you can highlight that fact to
senior audit staff members.

Syllabus links
The basic unqualified audit report was introduced in Assurance.

278 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Examination context

Exam requirements
This is an important area for the exam. In the assessment, candidates may be required to:
 Draft suitable extracts for an assurance report (including any report to management issued as a part of
the engagement) in relation to a specified organisation on the basis of given information, including in
the extracts (where appropriate) statements of facts, their potential effects, and recommendations for
action relevant to the needs and nature of the organisations being reported upon
 Advise on reports to be issued to those responsible for governance in accordance with Bangladesh
Standards on Auditing, legislation, regulation, codes of corporate governance
 Explain the elements (both explicit and implicit) of the auditor's report issued in accordance with the
International Standards on Auditing and statutory requirements and recommend the nature of an audit
opinion to be given in such a report
 Draft suitable extracts for an audit report (including any report to the management issued as part of
the engagement) in relation to a specified organisation on the basis of given information, including in
the extracts (where appropriate) statements of facts, their potential effects, and recommendations for
action relevant to the needs and nature of the organisation being reported upon

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1 Reporting to those charged with governance

Section overview
 Auditors are required to report privately to those charged with governance on various matters
arising from the audit.
 Relevant matters include:
– Independence
– Planning and audit approach
– Audit adjustments and uncorrected misstatements
– Uncertainties and other significant matters
– Issues connected with the audit report
– Material weaknesses in systems
 Matters may be communicated orally or in writing.
 They should be recorded in audit working papers.

Various auditing standards require auditors to report certain audit matters arising to those charged with
governance. This report will be 'private' and just for the attention of those charged with governance, as
opposed to the audit report, which is a published document.
The requirements in relation to this private reporting are found in the main in BSA 260 Communication of
Audit Matters with those Charged with Governance which says 'the auditor should communicate audit matters
of governance interest arising from the audit of financial statements with those charged with governance of
an entity'.

1.1 Relevant persons

Those charged with governance is the term used to describe the role of persons entrusted with the
supervision, control and direction of the entity. Those charged with governance ordinarily are accountable
for ensuring that the entity achieves its objectives, financial reporting and reporting to interested parties.
Those charged with governance include management only when it performs such functions.
Those charged with governance include the directors (executive and non-executive) of a company or other
body, the members of an audit committee where one exists, the partners, proprietors, committee of
management or trustees of other forms of entity, or equivalent persons responsible for directing the
entity's affairs and preparing its financial statements.

The auditors may communicate with the whole board, the supervisory board or the audit committee
depending on the governance structure of the organisation. The auditor should ensure that those charged
with governance are provided with a copy of the audit engagement letter on a timely basis.
To avoid misunderstandings, the engagement letter should explain that auditors will only communicate
matters that come to their attention as a result of the performance of the audit. It should state that the
auditors are not required to design procedures for the purpose of identifying matters of governance
The letter may also:
 Describe the form which any communications on governance matters will take
 Identify the relevant persons with whom such communications will be made
 Identify any specific matters of governance interest which it has agreed are to be communicated

280 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

1.2 Relevant matters

The scope of the BSA is limited to matters that come to the auditors' attention as a result of the audit; the
auditors are not required to design procedures to identify matters of governance interest.
Such matters would include:
 Relationships that may bear on the firm's independence and the integrity and objectivity of the audit
engagement partner and audit staff
 The general approach or overall scope of the audit, including limitations or additional requirements
 Selection of, or changes in, significant accounting policies
 The potential effect on the financial statements of any significant risks and exposures, for example
pending litigation, that are required to be disclosed in the financial statements
 Significant audit adjustments
 Material uncertainties affecting the organisation's ability to continue as a going concern
 Significant disagreements with management
 Expected modifications to the audit report
 Other significant matters such as material weaknesses in internal control, questions regarding
management integrity, and fraud involving management
 Other matters mentioned in the terms of engagement
 Uncorrected misstatements aggregated by the auditor during the audit that were determined by
management to be immaterial, both individually and in the aggregate, to the financial statements taken
as a whole
In addition, relevant matters include matters of independence and objectivity and planning matters.
Where the audited company is a listed company, auditors should:
 Disclose in writing to the audit committee, and discuss as appropriate:
– All relationships between the audit firm and its related entities and the client entity and its
related entities that may reasonably be thought to bear on the firm's independence and the
objectivity of the audit engagement partner and the audit staff, and
– The related safeguards that are in place, and
 Where this is the case, confirm in writing to the audit committee that, in their professional judgement,
the firm is independent within the meaning of the regulatory and professional requirements and the
objectivity of the audit engagement partner and audit staff is not impaired.
The BSA also requires auditors to outline the scope of the audit work and reports. Such matters might
include materiality, material misstatements, approach to internal controls, extent to which external auditors
intend to rely on internal auditors and any work to be undertaken by other auditors.

1.2.1 Reporting material weaknesses in systems

You covered the issue of reporting weaknesses in systems in Assurance. Such reports usually follow the
format 'weakness', 'implication' and 'recommendation' for each weakness identified. As part of their audit
procedures assessing control risk in the year, the auditors should check whether recommendations from
prior years have been implemented.

1.3 How?
Matters may be communicated orally or in writing, but they should be recorded in the audit working
papers, however discussed. Auditors should make clear that the audit is not designed to identify all relevant
matters connected with governance and they should have regard to local laws and regulations, and local
guidance on confidentiality when communicating with management.

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1.4 Attributes for effective communication to those charged with

The communication should have the following attributes:
 Timing: It should be sufficiently prompt to enable those charged with governance to take appropriate
action, for example, items relating to the financial statements should be reported before the financial
statements are approved.
 Extent, form and frequency: Should be appropriate. What is appropriate will depend on the size of
the entity and the way in which those charged with governance operate.
 Expectations: It should fulfil the expectations of the auditors and those charged with governance,
and therefore, the nature of the communication should be agreed early in the audit process, for
example, in the letter of engagement, so that misunderstandings are minimised.
 Management comments: Should be included where they are relevant and will aid the
understanding of those charged with governance.
 Previous year's points: Should be repeated if no action has been taken and the auditors believe that
they are still relevant. If there are no new points to be made, the auditors should make that point.
 Disclaimer: Should be included so that third parties do not seek to rely on the information given
within the report.

Interactive question 1: Reporting to those charged with governance

[Difficulty level: Easy]
BSA 260 Communication of Audit Matters with those Charged with Governance is written primarily in the
context of reporting matters which arise from the audit.
What additional matters should be reported to those charged with governance?
See Answers at the end of this chapter.

Interactive question 2: Mouse and Ratty Ltd [Difficulty level: Easy]

You are currently undertaking an assurance engagement for Mouse and Ratty Ltd, a large firm of PR
consultants in Leeds.
During the course of the work you have found a number of issues on which you need to report. These can
be summarised as follows.
(1) You have found a total of CU18,000 of unauthorised expenditure on IT equipment. Any IT
expenditure in excess of CU150 has to be authorised by a director.
(2) The IT expenditure for the year is 65% in excess of budget. There does not appear to have been an
investment project which was not budgeted for. There seems to be little reason for the rise.
(3) Large sums for travelling expenses are not being authorised when in excess of nightly limits set. Four
executives spent a total of CU25,000 in excess of nightly limits throughout the year.
(4) When examining work in progress, it became clear that there were sums which have been there for
more than six months without being billed. These total CU56,000. There appears to be no explanation
for this.
(5) When overtime forms are submitted, any amounts of more than three hours per month need to be
authorised. This is rarely done. The company paid out CU180,000 in unauthorised overtime.
(6) There are no controls over non-chargeable time. The proportion of non-chargeable time for individual
executives varies from 5% to 34%.

282 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

(a) The internal control weaknesses arising from the above
(b) The risks to which each identified weakness exposes the company
(c) Actions that the company should take to mitigate those risks.
See Answers at the end of this chapter.

2 Assurance reports

Section overview
 There is less formal requirement in relation to assurance reports generally than there is for audit
 Proformas for review reports and other assurance reports are given in international standards.

As we shall see in the following sections of this chapter, audit reports are prescribed by International
Auditing Standards and also by additional guidance and legal requirements in Bangladesh.
There is less formality surrounding more general assurance reports and these reports will often take the
most appropriate form.
Some guidance is given in international standards, notably International Standard on Assurance Engagements
3000 Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information.
It sets out that the assurance report should be in writing and should contain a clear expression of the
practitioner's conclusion about the subject matter.
International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE) 2400 Engagements to Review Financial Statements gives
the following guidance about review reports. Negative assurance is given on review assignments. The ISRE
says 'the review report should contain a clear written expression of negative assurance. The auditor
should review and assess the conclusion drawn from the evidence obtained as the basis for the expression
of negative assurance.
Based on the work performed, the auditor should assess whether any information obtained during the
review indicates that the financial statements do not give a true and fair view (or 'are not presented fairly, in
all material respects,') in accordance with the identified financial reporting framework.'
If no matters have come to the attention of the auditor, he should give a clear expression of negative
assurance in his report. An example of an unqualified review report is given in the appendix to the ISRE, and
it is reproduced here.

Worked example: Form of Unqualified Review Report

We have reviewed the accompanying balance sheet of ABC Company at December 31, 20XX, and the
related statements of income and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial
statements based on our review.
We conducted our review in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagement 2400 (or
refer to relevant national standards or practices) applicable to review engagements. This Standard requires
that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and
analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not
performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

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Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying
financial statements do not give a true and fair view (or 'are not presented fairly, in all material respects,') in
accordance with International Accounting Standards.

If matters have come to the attention of the reporting accountant, he should describe those matters.
The matters may have the following effects.

Impact Effect on report

Material Express a qualification of the negative assurance provided

Pervasive Give an adverse statement that the financial statements do not give a true and fair view

The reporting accountant may feel there has been a limitation in the scope of the work he intended to
carry out for the review. If so, he should describe the limitation. The limitation may have the following

Impact Effect on report

Material to Express a qualification of the negative assurance provided regarding the possible
one area adjustments to the financial statements that might have been determined to be necessary
if the limitation did not exist
Pervasive Do not provide any assurance

3 Standard unqualified audit reports

Section overview
 The report per BSA 700 contains a number of standard elements, which can be seen in any standard
audit report.
 Bangladesh auditors also report by exception on a number of legal matters.
 With regard to listed companies, the audit report will also refer to the fact that the expenditure
incurred was for the purposes of the company’ s business.

3.1 Difficulties with the wording of the audit report

The auditing standards that deal with the wording of the audit report have a number of issues that have not
yet been resolved. It is therefore difficult to give you a definitive example of the wording for audit reports in
any given set of circumstances, due to the following reasons.
 The wording in common use in Bangladesh, as these notes are being written, which is based on ISA
700 The Independent Auditor’ s Report on a Complete Set of General Purpose Financial Statements is
different from the wording as mentioned in the Companies Act 1994, section 213.

 The IAASB-issued 2009 version of ISA 700 standard audit report has significant differences from the
audit report currently being used per BSA 700 adopted by ICAB back in 2006.

284 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 The SEC has issued Form-C, under rule 9(1)(k) & 9(1)(l), Auditors’ report to the shareholders with
different wordings, paragraphs, responsibilities and format altogether. This also includes the following
paragraph applicable to at least all listed companies:
“We also certify that the above company has declared the following dividend for each of the following five
years immediately preceding the issue of rights share offer document the Rights Issue Rules, 1998 and that
the company has duly paid off the following amounts of the declared dividend mentioned against respective

However, none of this has any impact on:

 The shape of the audit report –that is, the nature of the various paragraphs it contains as set out
 The principles governing modifications to the audit report when a report other than a 'clean' report is
The principles about both the content of, and modifications to, the report according to the BSA, however,
are perfectly valid.

3.2 The main components of an audit report

Audit report

Title Independent


Introductory Identify statements

paragraph Responsibilities


Scope Reasonable assurance

What is an audit?

True and fair

Opinion Properly prepared

Properly consistent


Date After management’

s approval

Address Figure
13.1: Overview: unmodified report

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3.2.1 Title
The report needs an appropriate title to distinguish it from the other material included with the financial
statements and to try to reduce the 'expectations gap'.
In order to do this the title will include the words 'Independent auditor' to stress that, whilst the
financial statements are management's responsibility, the audit report is the responsibility of the auditor
The title usually also refers to the people to whom the report is addressed.

3.2.2 Addressee
Because in carrying out their audit work the auditors have to deal with management and work closely with
the client's management team, it may be forgotten that their report is not directed towards management.
Remember the fundamental structure of an assurance engagement (Figure 13.2).


Assurance work
Subject matter Practitioner

Subject matter Assurance work



Figure 13.2: Assurance engagement

It is important to remember that the report will be addressed to the user in the tripartite relationship
which exists in any assurance engagement, which for an audit of a registered company means the company's
Whilst the audit report does not represent a direct commentary on the performance of management over
the period, it does state whether or not the account which management gives of its own performance is
true and fair.
Understanding this relationship is important to all the parties involved, and clearly setting out the addressee
of the report should also contribute to a reduction in the expectations gap.

3.2.3 Opening or introductory paragraph

The purpose of the opening paragraph is to tell the reader what the subject of the report is.
It should therefore identify:
 The entity being audited
 The statements which have been audited
 The period subject to the audit
 Include a statement that preparing the financial statements is the responsibility of management.
Identifying the statements
Identifying the statements covered by the audit report has traditionally been done by referring to the
relevant page numbers. However, as well as leaving scope for silly errors if the number of pages changes

286 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

whilst the financial statements are being finalised, to refer to page numbers has become irrelevant if the
financial statements are published as web pages. Best practice, therefore, is to refer to the statements by
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors
There is a statement of directors' responsibilities towards the financial statements, included as a separate
There is also a statement of the auditors' responsibilities, emphasising that the auditors report on the truth
and fairness of the financial statements.

3.2.4 Scope paragraph

This section of the audit report is referred to as the basis of audit opinion.
It should include the following.
 A reference to the auditing standards under which the audit has been conducted
This would mean Bangladesh Standards on Auditing.
 A 'reasonable assurance' statement
The report should state that the audit work was planned so as to give reasonable assurance that the
financial statements are free from material misstatement. This is designed to stress that absolute
assurance is not promised by the audit report –an attempt to minimise the expectations gap.
 A summary of the nature of audit work which the standard defines as:
– Examining, on a test basis, evidence to support the financial statement amounts and disclosures
– Assessing the accounting principles used in the preparation of the financial statements
– Assessing the significant estimates made by management in the preparation of the financial
statements, and
– Evaluating the overall financial statement presentation

3.2.5 Opinion paragraph

The financial reporting framework
All financial statements are prepared in accordance with a financial reporting framework. This may be
in accordance with Bangladesh Reporting Standards. The opinion paragraph also includes a statement
whether the financial statements comply with the applicable sections of the Companies Act 1994 and other
applicable laws and regulations.

The opinion itself

Under the BSA the opinion may either be:
 'Give a true and fair view', or
 'Present fairly in all material respects'.
The BSA stresses that the two expressions are equivalent to each other.

3.2.6 True and fair view

In Bangladesh the auditors will normally express their opinion by reference to the 'true and fair view'.
Whilst this term is at the heart of the audit, 'true' and 'fair' are not defined in law or audit guidance.
However, for practical purposes the following definitions are generally accepted.
 True: Information is factual and conforms with reality, not false. In addition the information conforms
with required standards and law. The accounts have been correctly extracted from the books and

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 Fair: Information is free from discrimination and bias in compliance with expected standards and rules.
The accounts should reflect the commercial substance of the company's underlying transactions.

3.2.7 Other responsibilities

In Bangladesh the auditor reports on other matters as required by relevant legislation.

For example, the auditor's report for an unlisted company includes three statements about the maintenance
of proper information and books of accounts in accordance with the Companies Act 1994 as stated below:

(a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof.
(b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as
it appeared from our examination of those books and (where applicable) proper returns adequate for
(c) The company's balance sheet and profit and loss account dealt with by the report are in agreement

For a listed company audit report, the following extra paragraph will be added, making a total
of four additional paragraphs:
(d) The expenditure incurred was for the purposes of the company's business.

In a similar way a listed banking company’s and a listed insurance company’

s audit report will include 9 and 6
extra paragraphs respectively as a part of the opinion paragraph.

3.2.8 Date
The date of the report should be the date when the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate evidence to
support the opinion.
It should not be earlier than the date when management approves the financial statements.

3.2.9 Auditor's signature

This may seem obvious, but it is all to do with emphasising who has responsibility for what.

3.2.10 Address
Again this is to ensure that there is no doubt who is responsible for the report.
BSA 700 suggests that a location, normally the city where the auditor practices should be specified.

Worked example: Bangladesh audit report

Auditor's report to the shareholders of ABC Company Limited
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of the ABC Company Limited as of December 31, 20XX
and the related profit and loss account and statement of cash flows for the year then ended. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh Standards on Auditing (BSA).Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards
(BAS), give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as of December 31, 20XX and of the

288 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended and comply with the applicable sections
of the Companies Act 1994, the Securities and Exchange Rules 1987 and other applicable laws and

We also report that:

(a) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof.
(b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as
it appeared from our examination of those books and (where applicable) proper returns adequate for
the purposes of our audit have been received from branches not visited by us.
(c) the company's balance sheet and profit and loss account dealt with by the report are in agreement
with the books of account and returns.
(d) the expenditure incurred was for the purposes of the company's business.

4 Modified audit reports

Section overview
 The wording of an audit report may need to be 'modified', in certain circumstances:
– Where the auditor wishes to highlight an issue which is dealt with more extensively in a note to
the financial statements, but where the audit opinion is not affected –an emphasis of matter
– Where there is an impact on the audit opinion

Modified reports

Matters which do not Matters which do

affect audit opinion affect audit opinion

Emphasis of matter Disagreement Except for Limitation of scope

Adverse Disclaimer
Figure 13.3: Overview: modified report

8.1 Emphasis of matter

The auditor should add an 'emphasis of matter' paragraph to the audit report where:
 The auditor wishes to highlight a material matter regarding a going concern problem.
 There is a significant uncertainty (other than a going concern problem) the outcome of which is
dependent on future events and may affect the financial statements.
According to BSA 700 the emphasis of matter paragraph should be included after the opinion paragraph and
should normally refer to the fact that the auditor's opinion is not qualified in respect of the issue dealt with.

Worked example: Unqualified opinion –emphasis of matter

A firm being audited is awaiting the outcome of a lawsuit and as a result it is not possible to quantify the
effect this will have on the financial statements.
The details are as follows.

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 The Bangladesh non-listed company in question prepares BAS financial statements.

 A lawsuit alleges that the company has infringed certain patent rights and claims royalties and punitive
damages. The company has filed a counter action, and preliminary hearings and discovery proceedings
on both actions are in progress.
 The ultimate outcome of the matter cannot presently be determined, and no provision for any liability
that may result has been made in the financial statements.
 The company makes relevant disclosures in the financial statements.
Set out the modification to the audit report that the auditor should make in this instance.

The auditor issues an unqualified auditor's report with an emphasis of matter paragraph describing the
situation giving rise to the emphasis of matter and its possible effects on the financial statements, including
that the effect on the financial statements of the resolution of the uncertainty cannot be quantified.
In our opinion, the financial statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards
(BAS), give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as of December 31, 20XX and of the
results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended and comply with the applicable sections
of the Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations.

We also report that:

(a) we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof.
(b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as
(c) it appeared
the from
company's our examination
balance of those
sheet and profit and books and (where
loss account applicable)
dealt with by theproper
report returns adequate for
are in agreement
with the books of account and returns.
Emphasis of matter –possible outcome of a lawsuit
In the forming of our opinion on the financial statements, which is not qualified, we have considered the
adequacy of the disclosures made in note x to the financial statements concerning the possible outcome of
a lawsuit, alleging infringement of certain patent rights and claiming royalties and punitive damages, where
the company is the defendant. The company has filed a counter action, and preliminary hearings and
discovery proceedings on both actions are in progress. The ultimate outcome of the matter cannot
presently be determined, and no provision for any liability that may result has been made in the financial
Chartered Accountants Address

8.2 Qualified audit reports

There are two sets of circumstances under which the audit report should be qualified:
 Where the auditor's work has been subject to a limitation of scope;
 Where there is a disagreement with management about:
– Accounting policies
– Accounting treatment, or
– Disclosure in the financial statements.
In these circumstances there are three possible outcomes:

290 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

 The limitation of scope or disagreement may affect only a particular aspect of the financial statements
rather than the financial statements as a whole –which will result in an 'except for' qualification to the
 The limitation of scope may be so serious that the auditor is unable to form an opinion on the financial
statements –a 'disclaimer of opinion'.
 The disagreement with management may be so serious that the auditor concludes that the accounts
do not show a true and fair view –an 'adverse opinion'.

Worked example: Qualified opinion –disagreement

An auditor is in disagreement with management regarding an accounting treatment. The details are as
 A Bangladesh non-listed company prepares BAS financial statements.
 Included in the receivables shown on the balance sheet of 31 December 20X4 and 31 December 20X5
is an amount of CUY which is the subject of litigation and against which no provision has been made.
The auditor considers that a full provision of CUY should have been made in the year ended 31
December 20X4.
Set out the opinion that the auditor should make in this instance.

Qualified opinion arising from disagreement over accounting treatment
Included in the receivables shown on the balance sheets of 31 December 20X4 and 31 December 20X5 is
an amount of CUY which is the subject of litigation and against which no provision has been made. In our
opinion, full provision of CUY should have been made in the year ended 31 December 20X4. Accordingly,
receivables at 31 December 20X4 and 20X5 should be reduced by CUY, deferred taxes at 31 December
20X4 and 20X5 should be reduced by CUX, and profit for the year ended 31 December 20X4 and retained
earnings at 31 December 20X4 and 20X5 should be reduced by CUZ.
In our opinion, except for the effect on the financial statements of the matter referred to in the preceding
paragraph, the financial statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS),
give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs as of December 31, 20X5 and of the results of
its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended and comply with the applicable sections of the
Companies Act 1994 and other applicable laws and regulations.
We also report that:
(a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof.
(b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as
it appeared from our examination of those books and (where applicable) proper returns adequate for
the purposes of our audit have been received from branches not visited by us.
(c) the company's balance sheet and profit and loss account dealt with by the report are in agreement
with the books of account and returns

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Audit and assurance

Worked example: Qualified opinion –limitation on scope

An auditor was unable to observe an inventory count because they were not engaged by the company at
the time the count took place. The details are as follows.
 A Bangladesh non-listed non-public traded company prepares BAS financial statements.
 The evidence available to the auditor was limited because they did not observe the counting of
physical inventory as of 31 December 20X1, since that date was prior to the time the auditor was
initially engaged as auditor for the company. Owing to the nature of the company's records, the
auditor was unable to satisfy themselves as to inventory quantities by other audit procedures.
Set out the audit opinion that the auditor should make in this instance.

 The limitation in audit scope causes the auditor to issue a qualified opinion –except for any
adjustments that might have been found necessary had they been able to obtain sufficient evidence
concerning inventory.
 The limitation of scope was determined by the auditor not to be so material and pervasive as to
require a disclaimer of opinion.
Basis of audit opinion
Except as discussed in the following paragraph, we conducted our audit in accordance with Bangladesh
Standards on Auditing (BSA). Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting - the amounts and disclosures in the financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit
provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Qualified opinion arising from limitation in audit scope

However, with respect to inventory having a carrying amount of CUX the evidence available to us was
limited because we did not observe the counting of the physical inventory as of 31 December 20X1, since
that date was prior to our appointment as auditor of the company. Owing to the nature of the company's
records, we were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the inventories quantities
by using other audit procedures.

Except for the financial effects of such adjustments, if any, as might have been determined to be necessary
had we been able to satisfy ourselves as to physical inventory quantities, in our opinion the financial
statements prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS), give a true and fair view
of the state of the company's affairs as of December 31, 20X1 and of the results of its operations and its
cash flows for the year then ended and comply with the applicable sections of the Companies Act 1994 and
other applicable laws and regulations.
Subject to the above, we also report that:
(a) We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief
were necessary for the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof.
(b) in our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as
it appeared from our examination of those books and (where applicable) proper returns adequate for
the purposes of our audit have been received from branches not visited by us.
(c) the company's balance sheet and profit and loss account dealt with by the report are in agreement
with the books of account and returns

Chartered Accountants

292 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Worked example: Disclaimer of opinion

An auditor was unable to observe all physical inventory and confirm trade receivables during an audit. The
details are as follows.
 A Bangladesh non-listed non-public company prepares BAS financial statements.
 The evidence available to the auditor was limited because the auditor was not able to observe all
physical inventory and confirm trade receivables due to limitations placed on the scope of the auditor's
work by the directors of the company.
Set out the opinion that the auditor should make in this instance.

The auditor has been unable to form a view on the financial statements and issues a modified opinion
disclaiming the view given by the financial statements.
Basis of audit opinion
We were engaged to audit the accompanying balance sheet of the ABC Company as of December 31,
20XX, and the related statements of income and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management.

Opinion: disclaimer
We were not able to observe all physical inventories and confirm accounts receivable due to limitations
placed on the scope of our work by the Company. Because of the significance of the matters discussed in
the preceding paragraph, we do not express an opinion on the financial statements.
Chartered Accountants Address

Worked example: Adverse opinion

A company being audited has made no provision for losses expected to arise on certain long-term
contracts. The details are as follows.
 The Bangladesh non-listed company prepares BAS financial statements.
 No provision has been made for losses expected to arise on certain long-term contracts currently in
progress, as the directors consider that such losses should be off-set against amounts recoverable on
other long-term contracts.
Set out the opinion that the auditor should make in this instance.

 In the auditor's opinion, provision should be made for foreseeable losses on individual contracts as
required by (specify accounting standards).
 The auditor issues an adverse opinion due to the failure to provide losses and quantifies the impact on
the profit for the year the contract work in progress and deferred taxes payable at the year end.
Adverse opinion on the financial statements
As more fully explained in note provision has been made for losses expected to arise on certain
long-term contracts currently in progress because the directors consider that such losses should be offset
against future profits expected to arise on other long-term contracts. Bangladesh Accounting Standard

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(BAS)-11 however requires that provision should be made for foreseeable losses on individual contracts. If
losses had been so recognized the effect would have been to reduce the profit after tax for the year and
contract work in progress at 31 December Tk......

In our opinion, because of the effects of the matter discussed in the preceding paragraph, the financial
statements do not give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Company as of December 31,
20XX, and of the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with
Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BAS).

Chartered Accountants Address


8.3 Emphasis of matter or limitation on scope?

An emphasis of matter paragraph is used when there is a degree of uncertainty surrounding the financial
statements –often to do with going concern, but possibly other significant uncertainties. Limitation on
scope arises when evidence that can reasonably be expected to be available is not available, for example:
 Appointment after the year end may mean that the inventory check may not have been attended
 The values in the accounts of an overseas subsidiary subject to an oppressive or economically unstable
regime may be difficult to ascertain with sufficient reliability

8.4 Qualified reports –a summary

The available forms of qualification may be summarised by the following table:

Effect Limitation of scope Disagreement

Material (quite serious) Except for Except for

More material or pervasive (really serious) Disclaimer of opinion Adverse opinion

Remember, that if an error or a lack of evidence is immaterial the audit report will not be qualified at all.

Interactive question 3: Audit report [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

You are the auditor of Purity Ltd, a manufacturer of water filters for domestic use. The company
headquarters are in Wapping but it also has ten regional branches to organise the sales effort in each
geographical area.
Head office issued instructions for all inventories to be counted at the year end. However, due to an
administrative error, the new branch in Newcastle did not receive any instructions and no physical
inventory count took place. The inventories were material, estimated at CU50,000 and included in the
financial statements. No alternative procedures could be applied.
(a) How will your auditor's report be qualified?
(b) What additional statement(s), if any, will need to be made in the audit report?
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

Interactive question 4: Modified audit report [Difficulty level: Exam standard]

An auditor is considering possible qualification of his audit opinion on the financial statements of three
separate companies.

294 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

(1) Watkins Ltd is being sued by a customer for material damages. Legal opinion is divided as to the
outcome of the case, and all relevant information has been included in the notes.
(2) Pope Ltd suffered a flood at its head office and a significant number of accounting records have been
(3) Tilden Ltd has included a provision of CU100,000 for doubtful debts in the year end accounts.
Obviously the provision cannot be estimated with complete accuracy but the reporting partner
believes it should be materially higher.
Recommend, giving reasons, whether the opinion should be modified in each case.
See Answer at the end of this chapter.

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Audit and assurance

Summary and Self-test


BSA 260

CA94 matters
Local Law
SEC 1987
BSA 700


296 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Answer the following questions.
1 A report to those charged with governance should be in writing.

2 Which of the following might be included in a report to those charged with governance?

The audit approach

Audit adjustments
The audit opinion
Material control weaknesses
3 What is negative assurance?
4 When would a practitioner not give any assurance in a review engagement?
5 What two opinions are stated in an unqualified audit report?
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
6 What three things does the scope paragraph include?
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
3 ........................................
7 What is an introductory paragraph?
8 In what two situations should an audit report be qualified?
1 ........................................
2 ........................................
Exam-style questions
9 Delta Ltd's sales invoices are produced by its computer system using the relevant price held as
standing data on the sales master file. Selling prices are updated by the sales ledger clerk on the verbal
authority of the sales director.
Draft extracts, suitable for inclusion in the auditor's management letter, which set out the possible
consequences, and the recommendations that you would make, in respect of the matters outlined
above. (4 marks)
10 You are the auditor of Mota Ltd, a distributor of automotive components, and have been provided
with the following description of the sales order processing system.
Order entry
Sales orders are taken over the telephone and entered into the computer by a sales order clerk, via a
terminal in the sales office, while the customer is on the line. On entry the order details are read back
to the customer for confirmation. The computer checks that there are sufficient inventories to meet
the order and that the customer's credit limit is not exceeded.
If the goods are unavailable, the customer is asked if he wants the order to be recorded as a 'back
order' which will be fulfilled when there is sufficient inventory. Once accepted, the order is
automatically given an order number which is relayed to the customer.

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Orders which take a customer over his credit limit are referred to the credit controller who decides,
in consultation with the chief accountant, whether or not the customer should be allowed to exceed
the credit limit or have the credit limit raised. Any adjustments in respect of overrides of, or increases
in, credit limits are input, via a terminal in the accounts department, by the credit controller. Printouts
of these amendments are not generated and no other review of credit limits is undertaken.
New customers are referred to the credit controller who obtains credit ratings and references and,
on the oral authority of the chief accountant, enters the customer account details onto the sales
ledger master file via a terminal in the accounts department.
Despatch of goods
Sequentially-numbered packing notes in respect of accepted orders are printed out in the warehouse,
and the goods are selected, packed and checked by warehouse staff. Confirmations of packing and any
notifications of shortfalls are entered into the computer, via a terminal in the warehouse, by the
warehouse supervisor. Two copies of the sequentially-numbered delivery advice are printed in the
warehouse and sent with the goods to the customer who is required to sign a copy which is returned
by the driver to the accounts department. All despatches are checked at the gatehouse to ensure that
they are accompanied by the appropriate documentation. The packing notes are filed in numerical
order in the warehouse and the sequence is checked for completeness, on a daily basis, by the
warehouse supervisor.
The system does not automatically generate purchase orders with manufacturers when a customer's
order cannot be fulfilled.
Computer system
All users of the system are required to log on using identification codes and individual passwords
which control their level of access to the system. All passwords are changed every 90 days and when
employees leave. Systems support is provided by a supplier where the service agreement provides for
availability of a back-up system within 72 hours of a systems failure.
(a) Identify the objectives of exercising internal controls over sales order processing. For each
objective discuss the extent to which the procedures exercised by Mota Ltd achieve the objective.
Note: You are not required to consider sales invoicing or ledger processing. (8 marks)
(b) Set out, in a manner suitable for inclusion in a report to management, any weaknesses in the
system described above. For each weakness you should include the possible consequence of the
weakness and a recommendation to remedy the weakness.
Note: You are not required to write a covering letter. (10 marks)
(18 marks)
11 You attempted parts (a) and some of (b) of this sample paper question in Chapter 7. Now try the rest
of part (b) about the reporting implications.
Described below are situations which have arisen in three audit clients of your firm. The year end in
each case is 31 March 20X6.
Jay Ltd ('Jay')
The directors have included the following note to the financial statements for the year ended
31 March 20X6:
'Although the company has incurred significant trading losses and cash outflows during the last two
years, the directors believe that the effects of internal restructuring and corporate disposals
undertaken will bring about improved results as indicated in the detailed profit and cash flow forecasts
for the period to the end of March 20X7. These forecasts indicate that the company will be able to
trade within its agreed working capital facility for at least the next 12 months from the date of this
report. Considerable progress has been made on the financial restructuring of the company.
On the basis of the above factors the directors consider it is appropriate that the financial statements
are prepared on the going concern basis. Should the company fail to meet its forecasts, the going

298 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

concern basis may prove to be inappropriate. In such circumstances adjustments are likely to have to
be made to the net assets shown in these financial statements to reduce assets to their recoverable
amounts, to reclassify non-current assets and payables due after more than one year to current assets
and current liabilities and to provide for further liabilities that may arise.'
Finch Ltd ('Finch')
Finch has included the results of Wren Ltd ('Wren'), a subsidiary, in the consolidated financial
statements. Wren is audited by a different firm of auditors who have modified their opinion on Wren's
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 20X6 because a fire at the company's premises
destroyed the physical inventory count sheets which were the only record of the year end inventory.
Wren has included inventory at its estimated cost of CU500,000 in the financial statements for the
year ended 31 March 20X6.
The consolidated pre-tax profit of Finch is CU33.4 million and the pre-tax profit of Wren is CU1.2
million for the year ended 31 March 20X6.
Sparrow Ltd ('Sparrow')
On 30 April 2006, the board of directors decided to undertake a restructuring programme which
would commence in June 20X6. A provision of CU1.8 million in respect of the restructuring costs has
been included in the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 20X6.
The pre-tax profit of Sparrow for the year ended 31 March 20X6 is CU7.2 million.
(a) Discuss what is meant by the concepts of materiality and a true and fair view. (6 marks)
(b) Explain why there can be difficulties for auditors regarding materiality and true and fair in relation
to the three cases above: Jay, Finch and Sparrow, and state how you might modify your audit
report in each case. (14 marks)
(20 marks)
12 Described below are three situations which have arisen in three audits. The year end in each case is 31
March 20X8.
(1) Ash Ltd uses leased motor vehicles which have been accounted for as operating leases. However,
you believe that these leases are finance leases and should have been capitalised at CU51,000.
The current treatment does not comply with accounting standards which require finance leases,
where the user takes on the risks and rewards of ownership, to be included within non-current
assets and capitalised. Profit for the year would then have been reduced by CU4,000.
The pre-tax profits of Ash Ltd for the year ended 31 March 20X8 were CU600,000, and total
assets at 31 March 20X8 were CU5.4 million.
(2) A fire in the warehouse of Oak Ltd in April 20X8 destroyed the inventory sheets, which were
the only record of the company's inventories at the year end. The company has included an
estimated inventory figure of CU780,000.
The pre-tax profits of Oak Ltd for the year ended 31 March 20X8 were CU1.1 million and total
assets at 31 March 20X8 were CU6.5 million.
(3) Elm Ltd has included a note in the financial statements explaining that 90% of its revenue is
derived from a national retailer with whom it has a three-year renewable contract. This contract
is due for renewal in September 20X8. However, the directors require the audit report on the
financial statements to be signed on 31 May 20X8.
(a) Critically evaluate the use of standardised audit reports. (5 marks)
(b) Discuss briefly each of the situations outlined above, referring to materiality considerations. For
each situation describe the effect on the audit report. (10 marks)
(15 marks)
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied that you have achieved
these objectives, please tick them off.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 299
Audit and assurance

Technical reference

1 Reporting to those charged with governance BSA 260.2

 Relevant persons BSA 260.5 –10
 Relevant matters BSA 260.11 –12
 How? BSA 260.13 –21
2 Standard unqualified audit reports BSA 700
3 Modified audit reports BSA 701

300 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Answers to Self-test

1 True
2 Approach, adjustments, material control weaknesses. Although any expected modification to the audit
opinion might be noted, the full audit opinion would not be given.
3 Assurance of a matter in the absence of any evidence to the contrary
4 When there was a pervasive limitation in the scope of the review or where the practitioner is of the
opinion that the report being reviewed is incorrect.
5 The financial statements:
1 Give a true and fair view
2 Have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act
6 1 A reference to auditing standards
2 A reasonable assurance statement
3 A summary of the nature of audit work
7 A statement identifying the financial statements and respective responsibilities of directors and
8 1 There has been a limitation on the auditors' work
2 There is a disagreement with management about an item in the financial statements
Exam-style questions
9 Consequences
Incorrect prices resulting in undercharging of customers and loss to company or overcharging of
customers and loss of customer goodwill.
 All price changes to be recorded on standard documentation which should be signed as
authorised by sales director
 Printout of amendments obtained and checked to document authorising amendment
 Printout signed as evidence of checking
 Periodic printout of all selling prices checked on one for one basis to authorised price list held by
sales director
 Standing data protected by high level password not known to sales ledger clerk
 Spot checks on invoices prior to despatch

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 301
Audit and assurance

10 (a) Internal controls over sales order processing

Objectives Extent to which achieved by Mota Ltd’

s procedures

 To ensure that goods are  The availability of inventories is checked on the

available for all orders computer system while the customer is on the line.
 This will be effective only where the system is
continuously updated for new orders and deliveries of
 To ensure that existing  The computer system automatically checks that the
customers are within their customer is within his current credit limit.
credit limits (including the
 Adjustments to credit limits are carried out by the
current order being
credit controller but no review of any amendments is
carried out.
 To ensure that new  The credit controller carries out credit checks but
customers are details are amended on the terminal in the accounts
creditworthy before department only after oral authority from the chief
orders are despatched. accountant, and no subsequent review of new
customers is performed.
 To ensure that changes to  As above.
credit limits are valid.
 To ensure that the correct  Order details are read back to the customer to
goods are despatched to confirm their accuracy.
each customer.
 Packing notes are produced in the warehouse giving
the details of the order. However, there is no
responsibility assigned in respect of dealing with
shortfalls of inventories and ensuring that the
customer ultimately receives all of the goods ordered.
 To ensure that goods are  Packing notes are sequentially numbered and a
despatched for all orders completeness check is carried out on a daily basis.
 To ensure that all goods  All goods leaving the warehouse are checked at the
leaving the premises are in gatehouse to ensure that they are accompanied by a
respect of valid orders valid delivery advice.
 To ensure that back  There are no procedures in place to ensure that, once
orders are fulfilled when goods are received by Mota Ltd, back orders are
inventories become fulfilled.

(b) Points for inclusion in a report to management

Weakness Consequence Recommendation

 There is no review of  Invalid amendments  An exception report should be
amendments to could be made, produced on a weekly basis
credit limits once leading to supply of detailing all changes made to
these have been goods to non- credit limits. This should be
processed on the creditworthy reviewed by the chief
system. customers. accountant, and evidenced by
his signature, to ensure that all
amendments are for valid
business reasons.

302 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Weakness Consequence Recommendation

 Authority to enter  Invalid entries of  The chief accountant should
new customers onto new customers review the credit ratings and
the system is only could be made references obtained before
given orally with no without detection giving authority to accept the
review of the credit until non-payment new customer.
ratings and of invoices arises.
references obtained.
 There is no  Delivery of part-  A daily printout of unprocessed
responsibility complete orders orders should be produced and
assigned for dealing and non-delivery of followed up by the warehouse
with shortfalls in parts of orders will supervisor.
orders when they are lead to loss of
being selected in the customer goodwill
warehouse. and subsequent loss
of revenue.
 There are no  Delay in fulfilling  The system should produce a
procedures to ensure customer orders daily list of items that have
that back orders are will again lead to come into inventory for which
fulfilled when the loss of customer there are current back orders.
goods become goodwill. The sales ledger clerk should
available. contact the customer to ensure
that the goods are still required
and then process the order in
the normal manner.
 When back orders  There may be  The computer should
are accepted the significant delays in automatically generate purchase
goods which are fulfilling these requisitions on a daily basis for
unavailable are not orders. items which have been
immediately requested but are unavailable. A
reordered. supervisor should review these
purchase requisitions and raise
a purchase order where the
goods have not already been

Tutorial note
In (b) marks were also awarded for identification of the following.
 Credit control procedures do not take the age of the debt into consideration; this could result in
goods being despatched to slow payers.
 In respect of the failure to review credit limits on a regular basis, limits may be unrealistically low
for customers with a good payment history, resulting in loss of business.
 Response time in respect of systems support is too slow; this could result in delayed and lost
11 Report modifications
Part of (b) only –the remainder of the answer was given in Chapter 7.
If the financial statements are prepared on the going concern basis, and the auditor agrees with
this, then an emphasis of matter paragraph may be used to bring this fact to the attention of the
If the financial statements are prepared on the break-up basis, and the auditor agrees with this,
then an unqualified report will be issued.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 303
Audit and assurance

If the auditor does not agree with the basis used to prepare the accounts, e.g. going concern used
when break-up is required, then the audit report will be modified, normally on a disagreement
If not material by nature, the audit report on the consolidated financial statements will be
unmodified. If material by nature then the audit report will be qualified (except for) on the
grounds of limitation on scope. This would require modifications to the basis of opinion section
and the opinion section of the audit report. It would also require the auditor to report by
exception on accounting records and the availability of information.
As the disagreement over the accounting treatment has a material impact on the financial
statements, the audit report will be an ‘
except for’

12 (a) Use of standardised audit reports

 The standard acts as a quality control mechanism, i.e. all audit reports contain the same
level of information for the shareholders.
 It enhances clarity and understanding as it is produced on a consistent basis. Shareholders
know what the various forms of the audit report indicate and particularly with qualified
reports can identify the problems immediately.
 For the auditor it makes preparation easier. The auditor knows that he is satisfying his legal
and professional responsibilities on the signing of this report.
 There is a danger that readers and users of accounts become over-familiar with the report
and feel that as it is not tailored to their company it is not relevant to them.
 It could be seen as inflexible. There are certain situations where the audit report would
provide a useful vehicle by which to pass on information to the shareholders but normally
would not be used in this way, e.g. problem of illegal loans to directors.
 It does include a certain amount of technical jargon but does not allow for the auditor to
explain or expand on these terms if he feels it would be of benefit to the user. This could be
particularly relevant when dealing with smaller organisations.
While there are arguments for and against the use of standard audit reports on balance the
advantages would seem to have more weight than the disadvantages, in particular the quality
control aspect which BSA 700 imposes.
(b) Three situations
(1) Ash Ltd
The accounting treatment adopted by the company does not agree with the relevant
accounting standard. This should be discussed with management who should be requested
to comply with the accounting standard. If they refuse to do so this should be referred to in
the report to management.
The adjustment represents 0.67% of profit and 0.94% of total assets. Based on this
information it does not appear to be material to the accounts in isolation. However, the
impact on liabilities and net assets should also be considered.

304 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Impact on audit report

As the adjustment is not material, even if the directors refuse to adopt accounting standard
treatment the audit report would be unqualified, stating that the accounts give a true and
fair view.
(2) Oak Ltd
The issue here is one of a limitation of scope. Due to the loss of the physical inventory
count records the auditor will not be able to perform normal audit procedures in this area.
The auditor will need to establish the basis for the estimated figure, e.g. book inventory
records to determine whether it will provide a reasonable assessment of the year end
The inventory balance itself is clearly material to the accounts as it represents 70% of profit
and 12% of total assets. However, in this instance the real issue is the extent to which the
inventory balance quoted is incorrect. As the limitation in scope leads to uncertainty, it is
not possible to quantify exactly the size of any adjustment. By its nature, however, inventory
is a significant balance in the accounts and is therefore likely to be material.
Impact on audit report
Assuming that the limitation of scope is material but not so material or pervasive (as the
problem is isolated to one balance in the accounts) the audit report would be affected as
 It would refer to the fact that the audit work could not be performed fully in
accordance with auditing standards.
 It would state that we planned our audit so as to obtain all information necessary but
the reference to performance would be dropped.
 A description of the limitation would be given, i.e. physical inventory records
destroyed including an estimate of the effect.
 The opinion would be qualified using the 'except for ... might' qualification.
Tutorial note
In Bangladesh the report would also refer to the implied opinions as proper accounting
records have not been maintained and all information and explanations have not been
(3) Elm Ltd
There is a significant uncertainty at the year end in respect of whether or not the company
is a going concern. This is dependent upon the renewal of a contract which is significant to
the viability of the company. The auditor needs to establish the likelihood of renewal. If the
company is not a going concern the accounts should be prepared on a break-up basis.
No information has been provided to quantify the adjustments necessary to prepare the
accounts on a break-up basis but these are likely to be material.
Impact on audit report
Assuming the accounts are prepared on a going concern basis
 Provided that the auditor is satisfied that this treatment is appropriate and that
disclosure of the situation is sufficient, an unqualified opinion will be issued. Reference
to the significant uncertainty would be made by modifying the report using an
'emphasis of matter' paragraph, together with a statement that the opinion is not

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009 305
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 If the auditor disagrees with the treatment adopted (i.e. if he feels that it is unlikely
that the contract will be renewed) or the level of disclosure is inadequate, the report
will be qualified on the grounds of disagreement.
 Normally the matter is of such significance that an adverse opinion is issued (i.e. the
accounts do not give a true and fair view).
If the accounts are prepared on a break-up basis
 Provided the auditor agrees with this treatment and that the basis of preparation is
fully disclosed, an unqualified audit report will be issued.
In this instance the most likely outcome would be an unqualified report with reference to
the significant uncertainty
Tutorial note
Other disadvantages which could have been mentioned in part (a) include
(i) Technical distinction between different types of qualifications may not be appreciated by users.

306 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

Answers to Interactive questions

Answer to Interactive question 1

Listed/other public interest entities (BSA 260 para 11-5)
 Report significant facts and matters which bear upon auditor's objectivity/independence
 Disclose relationships which have a bearing on objectivity/independence
 Related safeguards
 Total fees charged by auditor for provision of other services
 Confirm in writing that auditor is independent, or
 Confirm that there are concerns which seek to discuss with audit committee
All entities (BSA 260 para 11-7)
 Communicate outline of nature/scope of work propose to undertake and form of report expect to make

Answer to Interactive question 2

(a) Weakness (b) Risks arising (c) Action to mitigate
There has been a breakdown of That IT expenditure is Purchasing department to be
controls over expenditure. uncontrolled and warned that no IT expenditure
investment is not always should be incurred without
clearly for the benefit of authorisation; otherwise
the company. disciplinary action could result.
Excessive amounts are being spent IT expenditure is not IT expenditure must only be
on IT, adversely affecting profit. planned properly, which undertaken under the budget, unless
means that investment authorised by two directors. Also, if
may not be as beneficial as additional investment is required the
it should be. budget should be flexed.
Travelling expenses in some cases Loss of profits due to Travelling expenses should not be
are excessive, with CU25,000 being excessive expenditure. reimbursed when limits are
spent in excess of set limits. exceeded, unless the prior consent
of two directors has been received.
The executives involved need to be
informed of the problem.
Work-in-progress is not always being Items involved are not Monthly billing meetings should be
billed on a timely basis. This is to the being billed. This has an held at director level and within
extent that CU56,000 has been held adverse effect on cash teams, where they should be told
for more than six months. flow, and eventual that any amounts more than two
recovery may be difficult. months' old must be billed.
The authorisation controls on Excessive costs, adversely Overtime over one hour per week
overtime are not being exercised. affecting profits. should be authorised prior to the
This has resulted in the company work being undertaken, and should
paying CU180,000 of excess then be authorised once the
overtime. Some may be genuine, but timesheet is submitted.
controls will reduce this amount.
There is no control over non- With some staff, an Individual staff to be set targets for
chargeable time. This leads to a excessive amount of the non-chargeable time, depending on
variable amount of non-chargeable time that they are spending their other responsibilities.
time by executives. This varies from at work is not being Adherence to their targets must be
5% to 34%. charged to clients, thus monitored.
having an adverse effect on
turnover, and hence profits.

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Answer to Interactive question 3

(a) 'Except for' limitation of scope because
(i) Matter is material but not so pervasive
(ii) Scope of the audit has been limited
(b) (i) State all information and explanations not received
(ii) State proper accounting records have not been kept

Answer to Interactive question 4

Recommended opinion Reasons

(1) Unqualified but modified by an emphasis  Significant uncertainty, properly disclosed, does
of matter paragraph regarding the legal not require a qualification
case if considered significant
(2) Qualified –probably disclaimer  Loss of records results in limitation of scope
 'Significant number' implies that auditors will
probably be unable to form an opinion
(3) Qualified –disagreement 'except for'  Audit partner disagrees with size of provision
 Problem limited to one area –unlikely to require
adverse opinion

308 © The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, March 2009

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