White Paper:: Cbema and Itic Curves

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Contributed by Wayne LaFleur February 2013 CBEMA CURVE

ABSTRACT The boundaries of the CBEMA curve itself were

created by using real world measurements from
The CBEMA and ITIC curves are both used to mainframe computers of the day. The boundaries
visibly represent voltage events. The terms and were further refined by experimentation. A typical
associated curves are used somewhat interchange- representation of the curve is shown in Figure 1.
ably even though there are subtle differences be-
tween the two. The CBEMA (Computer Business The CBEMA curve defines various regions based
Equipment Manufacturers Association) curve was on voltage deviations from norm (magnitude
originally created in the 1970’s. It defines various plus duration). The horizontal (x) axis represents
regions based on input voltage where computer the duration of an event and the vertical (y) axis
equipment may encounter operational issues. The indicates the percentage of nominal voltage being
ITIC (Information Technology Industry Council) applied. The center of the graph in the area
curve is a modified version of the CBEMA curve between the upper and lower lines is the so called
created in the 1990’s. It also defines regions based acceptable region. Voltage values above the enve-
on input voltage but in a clearer fashion with lope could cause damage to connected equipment
discrete steps. Either can be used to create a visual while voltage values below the envelope are likely Figure 1. The CBEMA
representation of voltage acceptability by plotting to cause equipment malfunctions or cause it to curve was originally derived
the magnitude and duration of voltage events. shut down completely. If the supply voltage stays from both experimental and
within the acceptable region of the graph then the historical data.

Peak voltage and volt seconds, expressed in

percent of nominal or of slow average value are
appropriate for less than 1/2 cycle.

Short duration impulses RMS voltage measurements of

are most frequently voltage envelope are appropriate
measured as maximum for 1/2 cycle or longer
volts deviation from the
power frequency sine
wave, or as Voltage breakdown concern area
Voltage (% of rated)

peak-to-peak volts 200%

measured through a
high-pass filter of a Lack of stored energy in some
coupling capacitor. It is manufacturer’s equipment
sometimes expressed in 130%
percent of nominal peak 106%
Computer voltage
or peak-to-peak voltage. 100%
Tolerance envelope
70% 87%
Noise and voltage breakdown problems Energy flow
related problems
0.001 0.01 0.1 .5 1.0 10 100 1000 Cycles
100µs 1ms 8.33 0.1 0.5 2 Seconds
Duration in cycles at 60 Hz and in seconds

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ITIC (CBEMA) Curve Figure 2. The ITIC curve

(revised 2000) is a modified version of the
CBEMA curve.
Percent of Nominal Voltage (RMS of Peak Equivalent)


Prohibited Region


Voltage Tolerance
(applicable to
single-phase 120V

No interruption in function region 90
40 No damage region

.001c .01c 1c 10c 100c Steady
1µsec 1 msec 20 msec 0.5 sec 10 sec State

Duration in Cycles (c) and Seconds (sec)

connected equipment should operate properly. ability of a system.


As stated above, the ITIC curve is a modified ver- The ITIC and CBEMA curves define an input
sion of the CBEMA curve but the concept remains voltage region based on 100% of the nominal
the same. It was developed by a working group of RMS voltage and increasing time durations.
the CBEMA which later changed its name to the Voltage events that fall into this defined region
Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC). can typically be tolerated by most IT equipment.
A typical representation of the curve is shown in The curves are not intended to be used as design
Figure 2. specifications for products or for voltage distribu-
tion systems. However, events plotted on the graph
The basic layout and functionality of the graph do show a general overview of the existing voltage
is identical to the CBEMA version. However, acceptability. The curves define both steady-state
compared to the CBEMA curve, the ITIC curve and transitory regions for events, some of which
has an expanded acceptable region which is also are defined below.
more linear in nature with discrete steps for each
voltage and duration zone. As with the CBEMA Voltage Swell. This type of event describes an
curve, a plot of voltage events on the ITIC curve RMS voltage of 110% to 120% of nominal with
can be used to evaluate the general voltage accept- duration of up to 0.5 second. Magnitudes higher

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than 120% of nominal are allowed for less than

one half of a cycle. Voltage swells may occur when
large loads are removed from the power system
or when voltage is supplied from sources other
than the electric utility. A voltage swell event is an
RMS measurement over time with higher magni-
tudes being tolerated for only very brief periods
before exceeding the ITIC limits.

Voltage Sag. Two different RMS voltage sag

thresholds are defined on the graph. Sags down to
70% of RMS nominal voltage are acceptable when
the duration does not exceed 0.5 second while sags
down to 80% of RMS nominal voltage are accept-
able for a period of up to 10 seconds. Voltage sags
can be caused by the application of heavy loads on
the power system as well as fault conditions. Simi-
lar to voltage swells, a sag event is an RMS voltage
measurement over time with lower magnitudes be-
ing allowed for only brief periods before exceeding
the ITIC limits.

Low Frequency Decaying Ringwave. This

type of event is a decaying ringwave transient that Damage Region. Events in this region include Figure 3. CBEMA graph
typically results from the connection of power sags and dropouts of longer duration than those from a Revolution
factor correction equipment. The frequency of specified in the preceding event descriptions. This
this type of transient may range from 200 Hz to 5 region also pertains to steady state voltages less
kHz. The magnitude is expressed as a percentage than 90% of RMS nominal voltage. Normal func-
of the peak 60 Hz nominal voltage (not the RMS tioning of connected equipment is not expected
value). The amplitude of the transient will vary but no damage should result.
from 140% to 200% across the frequency range
with a linear increase in amplitude with increasing Prohibited Region. Events in the prohibited
frequency. region include any swell of longer duration than
described above. This region also pertains to
High Frequency Impulse and Ringwave. steady state voltages greater than 110% of RMS
A type of transient that typically occur due to nominal voltage. Connected equipment could be
lightning strikes. Transients are detected based damaged due to voltages in this region.
on deviations from the expected waveform rather
than using a simple RMS measurement. This Some of these event definitions are well defined
makes these types of events more difficult to detect and the associated regions are easily identified on
and plot and results in some ambiguity as to the the graph. These include the swell, sag and drop-
beginning and end of the event. out type of events. The other event types are less
obvious since the events themselves may not have
Dropout. Voltage dropouts include both severe an easily identified beginning and end. These are
RMS voltage sags (less than 70% of RMS nominal the low frequency decaying ringwave and the high
voltage) and complete interruptions of the applied frequency impulse which are deviations from the
voltage. These are typically followed by immedi- expected waveform and not a simple RMS mea-
ate restoration of the nominal voltage. This type surement. Figure 3 shows the CBEMA graph from
of event is only acceptable for 1 full cycle before a Revolution with the various regions identified.
exceeding the ITIC limit.

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Figure 4. Waveform capture



In the white paper “Computing Event Duration

With Interval Data,” a real world file was used to
show how event duration could be determined us-
ing a combination of inputs including a stripchart,
an interval voltage report, a significant change
report and a waveform capture graph. The event
described was determined to have lasted approxi-
mately 12 cycles at 79% of nominal RMS voltage.
The associated waveform capture (Figure 4) is
shown in white paper 79, linked previously. Figure 5. The event shown
in Figure 4 does not exceed
Note that this particular waveform is based on ITIC limits.
240 volt nominal voltage. The beginning of the
sag event is captured in cycle 33 and the ending
is captured in cycle 48. This event would have (30 cycles) duration limit or if the sag had been
been shown on the CBEMA graph in Provision if less than 70% of nominal voltage then it would
captured and downloaded via a properly config- have exceeded the lower boundary after only 1 to
ured Revolution. This event does not exceed the 2 cycles.
ITIC limits and the graph ref lects this finding at
a glance. A sample graph with the single equiv- CONCLUSION
alent data point from this example is shown in
Figure 5. It would not have taken very much for The ITIC and CBEMA curves both serve the
this particular event to exceed the curve as can be same function. The ITIC curve has better de-
seen on the graph. If the sag had lasted another 18 fined voltage and duration levels for detection and
or 19 cycles it would have exceeded the 0.5 second graphing of voltage events. The Revolution has

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the capability to detect and record each type of

anomaly based on the ITIC regions. Once down-
loaded into Provision these recorded events will
be graphed onto a representative CBEMA (ITIC)
curve for a visual representation of the overall
voltage acceptability.

Wayne LaFleur
Senior Engineer
wlaf [email protected]
(800) 296-4120

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