PHYSICS (Geometrical Optics) Set-2

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1. Radii of curvature of surfaces of a biconvex lens are 3. The refractive index of the material of a prism is
10 cm and 20 cm and refractive index of its material √ 2 and its refracting angle is 30°. One of the
is µ = 1.5. If the refractive indices of the medium on refracting surfaces of the prism is silvered. A beam
the two sides of the lens are µ1 and µ2, then the of monochromatic light entering the prism from the
parallel rays incident on the lens from left will focus other face will retrace its path after reflection from
at a distance of f2 (distance being measured from the the silvered surface if its angle of incidence on the
optical centre of the lens) where f2 is equal to :- prism is : –
(A) 60° (B) 0° (C) 30° (D) 45°
4. A point object is placed at a distance of 10 cm and
its real image is formed at a distance of 20 cm from
a concave mirror. If the object is moved by 0.1 cm
towards the mirror, the image will shift by about.
(A) 0.4 cm away from the mirror
20 μ 1 20 μ 2 (B) 0.4 cm towards the mirror
(A) 4.5 − (2 μ 1 + μ 2 )
(B) 4.5 − ( μ 1 + 2 μ 2 ) (C) 0.8 cm away from the mirror
20 μ 2 20 μ 1
(C) (D) (D) 0.8 cm towards the mirror
4.5 − (2 μ 1 + μ 2 ) 4.5 − ( μ 1 + 2 μ 2 )
2. Light is incident normally on face AB of a prism as 5. A short linear object of length b lies along the axis
shown in fig. A liquid of refractive index μ , is placed of a concave mirror of focal length f at a distance u
on face AC of the prism. The prism is made of glass from the pole of the mirror. The size of the image
is numerically equal to :-
of refractive index 3 . The limit of μ for which total 1/2 1/2
2 u−f f
internal reflection takes place on face AC is (A) b( ) (B) b( )
f u−f
u−f f
(C) b( ) (D) b( )
f u−f
6. A concave mirror of focal length 100 cm is used to
obtains the image of the sun which subtends an
angle of 3°. The diameter of the image of the sun
3 √3 will be: –
(A) μ < √ 3 (B) μ <
4 (A) 1.74 cm (B) 5.23 cm
(C) μ > √ 3 (D) μ < √ 2 (C) 0.434 cm (D) 100 cm

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7. Figure shows object O. Final image I is formed after 10. An observer is moving along the line AB as
two refractions and one reflection is also shown in shown. When image of object O is first visible to
figure. Find the focal length of mirror. (in cm) :
observer, he starts from rest with the acceleration
of 2cm/sec2, then the time for which image is
visible to observer is

(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 25

8. A point object is placed at a distance of 20 cm from
a thin plano-convex lens of focal length 15 cm, if
the plane surface is silvered. The image will form at
(A) 3 sec
(B) 9 sec
(C) 12 sec
(D) None of the above
11. A bird is flying over a swimming pool at a height
of 2m from the water surface. If the bottom is
perfectly plane reflecting surface and depth of
swimming pool is 1 m, then the distance of final
(A) 60 cm left of AB (B) 30 cm left of AB
(C) 12 cm left of AB (D) 60 cm right of AB image of bird from the bird itself is ( μ w = 4/3)

9. 11
A bulb is placed at a depth of 2 7 m in water and a

(A) m
floating opaque disc is placed over the surface of
water so that the bulb is not visible from the (B) m
surface. What is the minimum diameter of the disc. 11
(C) m
(A) 12 m (B) 6 m 4
(C) 2 m (D) 4 m (D) m

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12. A parabolic mirror is silvered at inner surface. The 14. A ray of light strikes a plane mirror at an angle of
equation of the curve formed by its intersection incidence 45° as shown in the figure. After
x2 reflection, the ray passes through a prism of
with X-Y plane is given by y = . A ray
4 refractive index 1.5, whose apex angle is 4°. The
travelling in X-Y plane along line y = x+3 hits the
angle through which the mirror should be rotated if
mirror in second quandrant and gets reflected. The
the total deviation of the ray is to be 90° is :-
unit vector in the direction of reflected ray will be

1 ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ
(A) ( −i − j) (B) ( i + j)
√ 2 √ 2
(A) 1° clockwise
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
−2i − 3j − (2i + j)
(C) (D) (B) 1° anticlockwise
√ 13 √ 5
(C) 2° clockwise
13. In the system shown in the diagram, rays from a
point object are first deviated by a prism and then (D) 2°anticlockwise
focused by a thin lens of focal length f. The prism 15. Figure shows two convex lenses A and B, each
angle is small ( α ) and its refractive index is n. made up of three different transparent materials.
The number of images formed, of an object kept on
the principal axis of each lens will be

If the distance between object, prism and lens are

as shown in figure, find the coordinate of image.
Let origin is at the optical center of lens (O').
(A) [f, – f(n – 1) α ] (B) [2f, – f(n – 1) α ] (A) 3 and 3 (B) 3 and 1
(C) [2f, – f(n – 1) α ] (D) [3f, – 2f(n – 1) α ] (C) 1 and 1 (D) 3 and 2

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16. Figure shows graph of angle of deviation v/s angle 19. A point object at 15cm from a concave mirror of
of incidence for a light ray. Incident ray goes from radius of curvature 20cm is made to oscillate along
medium 1(µ1) to medium 2(µ2). the principal axis with amplitude 2mm. The
amplitude of its image will be.
(A) 2mm (B) 4mm
(C) 8mm (D) None of these
20. A ray of light is incident on a concave mirror. It is
parallel to the principal axis and its height from
principal axis is equal to the focal length of the
mirror. The ratio of the distance of point B to the
distance of the focus from the center of curvature is
(a) θ 1 = 90° (AB is the reflection ray)
(b) Critical angle 45°
(c) µ1 < µ2
(d) θ 2 = 60
(e) θ 3 = 90
Correct set is :-
(A) abcd (B) abe (C) abde (D) All
2 √3 2 1
17. A convex lens of focal length 12.5 cm is used as a (A) (B) (C) (D)
√ 3 2 3 2
simple microscope. When the image is formed at 21. A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm is cut into
infinite, Magnification is ....... (Near point for the two equal pieces and the pieces are shifted as
normal vision is 25 cm). shown. The distance between the images formed by
(A) 2.5 (B) 1.0 (C) 2 (D) 25 both the parts is :-
18. In the figure shown find the total magnification after
two successive reflections first on M1 & then on M2

(A) 6 cm (B) 3 cm
(A) +1 (B) -2 (C) +2 (D) -1 (C) 1 cm (D) 0

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22. A point object is placed in front of a thick plane 25. An equilateral prism deviates a ray through 23° for
mirror as shown in figure. Find the location of final two angles of incidence differing by 23°. Find µ of
image w.r.t object.
the prism?
√ 33 √ 43
(A) (B)
5 3
√ 43 √ 62
(C) (D)
5 2
26. The focal lengths of the objective and the eyepiece
of a compound microscope are 2.0 cm and 3.0 cm,
(A) 15/2 cm (B) 15 cm
respectively. The distance between the objective
(C) 40/3 cm (D) 80/3 cm
and the eyepiece is 15.0 cm. The final image
23. Figure shows a plane mirror onto which a light ray formed by the eyepiece is at infinity. The two
is incident. If the incident light ray is turned by 10º lenses are thin. The distance, in cm, of the object
and the mirror by 20º, as shown, find the angle
and the image produced by the objective, measured
turned by the reflected ray.
from the objective lens, are respectively
(A) 2.4 and 12.0 (B) 2.4 and 15.0
(C) 2.0 and 12.0 (D) 2.0 and 3.0
27. A curved thick glass surface is silvered at curved
face & not silvered on plane surface. Object is
(A) 6º (B) 10º (C) 35º (D) 50º
placed at A as shown in figure. Considering P (pole
24. A square ABCD of side 1mm is kept at distance 15 of the silvered surface) as origin. If x - co-ordinate
cm infront of the concave mirror as shown in the
figure. The focal length of the mirror is 10 cm. The of final image is (2n) cm then find n.
length of the perimeter of its image will be :

(A) 8 mm (B) 2 mm (A) 7 (B) 5

(C) 12 mm (D) 6 mm (C) 4 (D) 3

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28. A small candle 2.5 cm in size is placed 27 cm in 31. A converging lens of focal length 20 cm And
front of a concave mirror of radius of curvature 36 diameter 5 cm is cut along the line AB. The part of
cm. At what distance from the mirror should a the lens shown shaded in the diagram is now used to
screen be placed in order to receive a sharp image?
form an image of a point P placed 30 cm away from
Describe the nature and size the image. If the
candle is moved closer to the mirror, how should it on the line XY which is perpendicular to the plane
the screen have to be moved ? of the lens. The image of P will be formed.
(A) – 54 cm, h = 5 cm, m = 2 real, inverted,
(B) – 54 cm, h = 5 cm, m = 2 virtual, erect,
(C) – 54 cm, h = 5 cm, m = 2 real, inverted,
(D) None of these
(A) 0.5 cm above XY
29. A ray of light from a liquid ( μ =√3) is incident on
a system of two right angled prisms of refractive (B) 1 cm below XY
indices √3 and √2 as shown. The ray suffers zero (C) on XY
deviation when it emerges into air from CD. The (D) 1.5 cm below XY
angle of incidence i is :
32. Find the velocity of the image. (Specify coordinate
system – X, Y axes.)

(A) 45° (B) 30° (C) 20° (D) 10°

30. A layer of oil 3 cm thick is floating on a layer of
coloured water 5 cm thick, Refractive index of
coloured water is and the apparent depth of the
two liquids appears to be cm . What is the
7 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
refractive index of oil ? (A) 14i − 6j (B) −4i − 6j
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
(A) 1.4 (B) 2 (C) 2.4 (D) 3 (C) 4i + 6j (D) −14i + 6j

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33. An object 2.4 m in front of a lens forms a sharp 36. A ray of light is incident on a parallel slab of
image on a film 12 cm behind the lens. A glass plate thickness t and refractive index n. If the angle of
incidence θ is small, then the displacement in the
1 cm thick , of refractive index 1.50 is interposed
incident and emergent ray will be:
between lens and film with its plane faces parallel to
t θ (n − 1)
film. At what distance (from lens) should object be (A)
shifted to be in sharp focus on film ? (B) tθ
(A) 5.6 m (B) 7.2 m tθ n
(C) 2.4 m (D) 3.2 m n−1
(D) none
34. An object is kept infront of an equibiconvex lens of
radius of curvature 60 cm and refractive index 1.5 37. A light source is placed at a distance b from a
screen. The power of the lens required to obtain k-
at distance x. The value of x for which image of O
fold magnified image is
is formed on itself is
k+1 (k + 1)
(A) (B)
kb kb
kb kb
(C) (D)
k+1 (k − 1)2
38. In the figure, an object is placed at distance 25 cm
from the surface of a convex mirror, and a plane
(A) 20 cm (B) 40 cm
mirror is set so that the image formed by the two
(C) 60 cm (D) 30 cm mirrors lie adjacent to each other in the same plane.
35. A convexo - concave diverging lens is made of The plane mirror is placed at 20 cm from the
glass of refractive index 1.5 and focal length 24 object. What is the radius of curvature of the
cm. Radius of curvature for one surface is double convex mirror?
that of the other. Then radii of curvature for the two
surfaces are (in cm):
(A) 6, 12
(B) 12, 24
(C) 3, 6 (A) 75 cm (B) 37.5 cm
(D) 18, 36 (C) 150 cm (D) 50 cm

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39. In the figure shwon the radius of curvature of the 42. When a telescope is adjusted for parallel light,
left and right surface of the concave lens are 10 cm the distance of the objective from the eyepiece is
and 15 cm respectively. The radius of curvature of 100 cm for normal adjustment. The magnifying
the mirror is 15 cm. equivalent focal length of the power of the telescope in this case is 9. If an old
combination is man cannot see beyond 90 cm and wishes to use
the telescope then he will have to reduce the tube
length by
(A) 1.5 cm (B) 0.5 cm
(C) 1 cm (D) 2 cm
(A) The system behaves like a convex mirror of
43. The dispersive power of the material of a lens of
focal length 18 cm mean focal length 20 cm is 0.08. The difference in
(B) The system behaves like a concave mirror of the focal lengths of red and violet light is
focal length 18 cm approximately ________.
(C) The system behaves like a convex mirror of (A) 0.08 cm (B) 1.6 cm
focal length 36 cm
(C) 0.8 cm (D) 0.16 cm
(D) The system behaves like a concave mirror of
focal length 36 cm
44. Water (with refractive index = 4 ) in a tank is 18 cm
40. Two convex lenses of focal lengths f1 & f2 are deep. Oil of refractive index lies on water making
separated by distance f1 + f2. A parallel beam of a convex surface of radius of curvature ‘R = 6 cm’
circular cross section & intensity I enters through the as shown. Consider oil to act as a thin lens. An
lens having focal length f1. The intensity of emerging object ‘S’ is placed 24 cm above water surface. The
beam will be : location of its image is at ‘x’ cm above the bottom
2 f12 of the tank. Then ‘x’ is
(A) (f1 + f2) I (B) ( 1+ ) I

f12 f22
(C) I (D) I
f22 f12
41. In telescope, if the powers of an objective and eye lens
are + 1.25 D and + 20 D respectively, then for relaxed
vision, the length of tube and magnification will be :-
(A) 85 cm and 25 (B) 85 cm and 16 (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 21.25 cm and 16 (D) 21.25 cm and 25 (C) 3 (D) 4

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45. A concave mirror of focal length 10 cm and convex 47. Which of the following graph is best representation
mirror of focal length 15 cm are placed facing each of variation of magnification m with distance
other 40 cm apart. A point object is placed between object u for a concave mirror of focal length 10cm
the mirror on their common axis and 15 cm from if image is virtual ?
the concave mirror. Find the position of image
produced by the reflection first at concave mirror
and then at convex mirror. (A) (B)
(A) 6 cm behind the convex mirror
(B) 12 cm behind the convex mirror
(C) 6 cm in the front of convex mirror
(D) 12 cm in the front of convex mirror (C) (D)
46. A concave mirror of radius h is placed at the
bottom of a tank containing a liquid of refractive
index µ upto a depth d. An object P is placed at 48. In the figure ABC is the cross section of a right
height 2h above the bottom of the mirror. Outside angled prism and ACDE is the cross section of a
the liquid, an observer O views the object and its glass slab. The value of θ so that light incident
image in the mirror. The apparent distance between normally on the face AB does not cross the face
these two will be:- [d > 2h]
AC is (Given sin – 1 (3/5) = 37º)

(A) θ < 30º

4h (B) θ < 37º
(A) zero (B) 3 μ
1 2h
(C) θ < 60º
(C) h (1 − ) (D)
μ μ −1 (D) θ < 53º

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49. A ray of light travelling in air is incident at angle of
incident 30° on one surface of a slab in which
refractive index varies with y. The light travels along
the curve y = 4x2(y and x are in metre) in the slab.
Find out the refractive index of the slab at y = 1/2 m
in the slab.

(A) 1.0 (B) 1.25

(C) 1.5 (D) 2.0
50. A concave mirror of radius of curvature 60 cm is
placed on a table and some water is poured in it.
Neglecting the thickness of water layer, find where
should a point object be placed on the principal
axis of the mirror, so that the image is formed
without parallax.

(A) 45 cm (B) 67.5 cm

(C) 22.5 cm (D) 90 cm

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