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E--LT a WITNESSES FOR THE STATE GEORGIA, Fulton County: aver beesiag evidence the accused tx DISCHARGED Name: addres: Phone Mame: Address Phonk GEORGIA, Fulton Wane: After bearing evidence Address: the accused give bond of $, dollars for his/ter appearance at the Phone. to the charge of: oF in default that he/she be comitted to gan 120 This : TREAT MESON GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY: Executed the within warrant by arresting the defendant, this [ARRESTING UFFICER(S———— g MAGISTRATE COURT OF FULTON COUNTY wo. 178391, Mc AETY/ PROSECUTOR: NOME/ADORESS /PUORE "PROSPECTOR NOTIFIED BY: mar: me mf} Pons HED .@ 03 1 0085 SOP Affidavit for Arrest Warrant On January 14", 2003 Mr, SNEED Jr, was arrested on a traffic stop where over ten ounces of suspected powder cocaine, a .45 caliber handgun, and a Hewlett Packard Pavillion Laptop computer serial number TWO1606182CE019TX were among numerous items seized. A search warrant was obtained and executed for his place of business at 698 Echo Street NW Atlanta, Fulton County GA 30318 on January 15", 2003. Seized from the search warrant of his business was over 1050 grams (1 kilo) of suspected cocaine, approximately 2 grams of suspected crack cocaine, 2 grams of suspected marijuana, four rifles, one 9mm assault rifle, one .45 caliber handgun, a laptop computer and documents supporting ownership of the business. Mr Jr. was not present at the time of the execution of the search warrant on his business. I (affiant) am requesting that an arrest warrant be issued for Mr. MMB on the charges of Trafficking Cocaine (16-13-31), Possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime (16-1 1-106), Theft by Receiving stolen property (16-8-7) - Hewlett Packard Laptop. . Affiant DU. L Brom et ‘Sworn and subscribed to before me om this, thy wh Po SJ day of 2003 at 2'4> Judge of the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia seo, FULTON COUNTY a tho we tae crt om ‘orn a P 17-3-3 C ¢ 03 1 0085 SOP LANTA_ Internal Correspondence MEMORANDUM TO: Major J. W. Mathis FROM: Lieutenant M. Denson, Sr. "wed DATE: February 17, 2003 RE: Preliminary OPS Complaint Investigator J, Villaroel Thave completed the preliminary OPS file as directed into the matter of Investigator J. Villaroel. T have included a sampling of questions to address with her pending approval by you and Deputy Chief Brooks. My preliminary investigation has revealed the following facts: Sergeant's Harty and Whitmire first became aware of a potential problem on January 18, 2003. Investigator L, Browning assisted in obtaining a search warrant for Echo Street N. W. from information developed by zone one officers. Zone one stopped and arrested Jit. for traffic and narcotics violations on January 14, 2003. ‘The search warrant was executed on January 15, 2003, ‘Sergeant Whitmire observed Investigator Villaroel on January 16, 2003 going through the cubical drawers of Investigator Browning's cubical and notified Sergeant Harty via telephone. Sergeant Harty went to the cubical and saw Inv. Villaroel “searching” as Harty stated Inv. Browning’s desk area. Investigator Gilmore also witnessed this action. When questioned, Villaroel explained her actions according to Sgt. Harty as Inv. Browning was supposed to leave a report for her (Villaroel) on her (Browning’s) desk. Villaroel at the direction of Sgt. Harty picked up the telephone and had ‘what sounded like a conversation with Browning. Sgt. Harty after this call went to his desk, called Inv, Browning and asked if she had received a call from Villaroel. Inv. Browning responded no according to Sgt. Harty. Sgt. Harty retrieved and secured all the files for (7——iie (On January 16, 2003 a wireless camera was installed at the direction of Sgt. Whitmire in the area. of Inv, Browning’s cubicle. It was upgraded to a hardwire camera on January 17, 2003. ‘On January 28, 2003 at the direction of Sgt. Whitmire, a dummy file was created and strategically placed in inv. Browning’s cubicle drawer. Iny. Browning placed a dummy telephone call in earshot of Inv. Villarvel, In approximately less than two minutes after Browning made the call and left her area, Inv, Villaroel entered the cubicle area and started looking around. P 18-1-2 03 1 0085 SOP Page Two Villaroel - OPS Complaint Memo February 17, 2003 Investigator Villaroel eventually removed the file, left the area of the camera for approximately 7 minutes, 5 seconds then returned and replaced the file, This act was recorded cn tape. Employee Work Rule 2.33 (Conformance to Directives) states: “Bvery employee of the department shall familiarize herself/himself with and conform to rules, regulations, directives, and standard operating procedures of the department”. BPS,.SOP.4.12 (Criminal Investigations Division) Section 8.16.9 states: “Access to unit investigative files will be granted to persons having both a "right-to- know" and a "need-to-know", Access to persons outside the Unit must be granted by a unit supervisor”. Based on the Work Rule and SOP above, I recommend that this complaint be further investigated to obtain information and statements from Investigator Villaroel and Officer Henninger. The statement from Henninger is to address the issue of a telephone call from an APD Officer assigned at the Airport Precinct. Henninger was allegedly asked to release the hold on the vehicle of MMMM that contained approximately 10 ounces of powdered cocaine on the initial arest. P 182-2 11-02 a Pb stains dos $800 1 £0 7 ‘zsoo 89001 ##80a aoqwSyaseauy [0/BI/Z1 ‘ WHOIAMO ADTIOd *NOILISOG OFA TO/Mt/2t ‘S6-LT-E € ANOZ ‘L6-S-@ ONINIVEL ‘/6-01-9 BOTddO 9/G-GID +HOLVA © g 03 £0085 sor ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT WRITTEN DIRECTIVE Number ‘APD.PO.02.440 Type Effective Date Pages PERSONNEL ORDER November 19, 2002 1 Title PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT Distibution CHIEF OF POLICE, DIVISION COMMANDER, SECTION COMMANDERS, PERSONNEL ‘Approval Authority Cancellation MAJOR L. J. ROBINSON NA Signature Date Signed LL Ufisfee Police Investigator Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel is assigned to the Assaults/Family Violence Uni. Police Investigator Robbie Gordon is assigned to the Assaults/Family Violence Unit. Police Investigator Collier Johnson is assigned to the Assaults/Family Violence Unit. Police Investigator Robert Roddy is assigned to the Assaults/Family Violence Unit, Police Investigator Kelton Hill is assigned to the Assaults/Family Violence Unit. Police Investigator Willie Favors is assigned to the Assaults/Family Violence Unit. P 2i-1-1 @ @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE STATEMENT 03 1 0085 SOP EMPLOYEE NAME (LAST, FIRS, ‘CLASSCATION | POSITION NUMER. | DATS & TMG OF STATEMENT Gwinn-Villaroel, Jacqueline Investigator | 20652 02-27-03 1515 Hrs. WACE | SER DRTEOFERLOVNENT —] 1 DIOTT NO. ‘BGR | SECTION | WATE B | F |e 6-10-97 2499 cD EVE Do you know why you are here today? Lam being accused of attempting to access a file from Investigator Brownings desk without her permission. Please tell me your full name for the record. Investigator Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel. What is your assignment? Assault Squad. Tam Lt. M, Denson ofthe Atlanta Police Department. You are being questioned asthe accused in an oficial investigation by the ‘Department. Also present is: Sgt. J, Whitmire & Florene Grimes ‘All employees must answer questions and make available relevant materials or sworn statements concerning an investigation of “allegations of employee misconduct when directed to do so by a disciplinary authority or duly appointed investigator. Employees ‘may obtain representation but cannot delay questioning for more then three hours beyond the time he or she was notified of the ‘questioning. Except as authorized or required, an employee shall not interfere with not contact persons involved in an internal investigation nor disclose or discuss with anyone except the designated Depertmental authority the existence or facts ofan intemal investigation, This restriction will not be construed to prohibit an employee from discussing any aspect ofthe investigation with his or her representative, Administrative statements made by employees and evidence gained by reasons of such statements may not be ‘sed against the employee in criminal proceedings involving the employee except in cases of perjury. @ A EMOTE SC ‘Swom and subscribed to me this 27 day of February Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroel Le ER ————— Tihave read or had read fo me the above statement and [swear or affirm that Its true tothe best of my knowledge and bells inthe year 2003 OM. Dpraeie NOTARY PUBLIC Form APD#26 evieed 1/1/2000 T_T) Rey Pt Futon Coumic CoOE — iw Expres Jory 9, i) g ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE STATEMENT EMPLOYEE: Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroe! OPS #03 1 0085 SOP ‘What shift do you work? ‘A: Evening watch. What are your hours? Four P.M. to. Midnight. Where is your workstation or desk located? I have two (2) work stations at this time. One on the seventh floor and one on the sixth. Do you know Investigator LeAnn Browning? A Youd ‘Are you assisting her, or working any cases with her? Not at the present time but I have in the past, Tihave read or Bad read fo me the above he swear or afpei that I ls true tothe best of my knowledge and belief. AEs ‘Swom and subscribed to me this AL day of February inthe year 2003 Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroel Oy Qaraggi—— ERT BLOVEETOE ohare P- 2-2-7 ; fist Pt, Few rt ri AD MELO ri eg ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE STATEMENT Q When is the last time you worked a case together with Inv. To the best of my recollection, maybe around October 2002. Q Were you working a case together with Investigator Browning on or about January 13, 2003? A: No. Do you know Sgt. M. Harty? I know him to be the Gang Supervisor. Q Do you know where Sgt. M. Harty is assigned? A: — AsI stated previously, the Gang Unit, Q Do you recall and can you explain a conversation you had with Sgt. M. Harty on January 16, 2003 when he observed you looking through papers on Investigator Browning’s desk? That to the best of my Knowledge and belle. ‘Swom and subscribed to me day of February inthe year 2003 Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroel a Or, PENT LOVEE ARE Form APD#26 revised U//2000 = ST eet, @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT MPLOYEE STATEMENT ‘A: Iwas at Inv. Browning’s desk and I asked Sgt. Harty if Inv. Browning left a report for me on her desk. He replied to me no and that he had spoken to Inv. Browning not to long. ago and she did not state that it was. I then told him that I would call Inv. Browning myself about the report. I spoke with Inv, Browning directly on the telephone. She stated to me no she didn’t think that anybody left it and if she found it she would give it tome. Q: Did Investigator Browning give you permission to get a file from her desk on January 16, 2003? If so, what was in the file or what was the case about? A: No. Iwas not at her desk for a file nor to get a file. Q: Did you get a file from Investigator Browning’s desk at any other time after January 16, 2003? ae inthe year 2003 Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroel = do. 42 ——— TOTAAL P -4 oom APD#I6 revised 1172000 = Rite Fitton County Georio * My Common Elen dey 9, 2006 ee Ay {ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMEN,,. EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE WORKSHEET Employee: Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroe]___OPS Control #: 03-1-0085-SOP Date: 04-16-03 “Employee Dissplinary History: istry by: Ga ge ee Step ‘Charges with Active Reckoning Period Of AR, Violatoons: Adjusted |’ Recommend ‘OPS Control # Rule | Final Final Rule Rule Category ‘Action NO DISCIPLINARY Lis zs HISTORY WITHIN c ‘S10 AN ACTIVE 2.33 c 85 RECKONING | | PERIOD Step#3 Comments See Attachment Page 2 Supervisor Completing Worksheet John W. Mathis, Major ‘Typed Name & Title of Supervisor Unit Commander (Commanders who do not concur must fil out a Tconcur Do not concur With the recommended disciptine. Typed Name & Title of Unit Commander ‘Signature & Date Assistant Section Commander (Commanders who do not coneur must fill out a separate worksheet) Teoneur| Donot concur | _| With the recommended discipline, “Typed Name & Title of Asst. Commander ‘Signature & Date ‘Section Commander ( Commanders who do not concur must fill out a separate worksheet) Leoneur| Donot concur | | With the recommended discipline, ‘Typed Name & Title of Section Commander ‘Signature & Date P GRot ge @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADVERSE ACTION (NPAA) OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP ae TT paar og LRA OT RT WT |GWINN-VILLAROEL, Jacqueline 2499 20652 Investigator | CID Assault] Eve remwanorX |] Tosanow ome |APD.PO.03.177 6 | "xX X__ Suspension without pay for 30 __ working days. ue HA at ‘Suspension without pay pending adjudication of criminal charges. [05-06-2003 Demotion from to Dismissal ie soa Other 05-19-03 INARRATIVE (Reasons for Adverse/Emergency Action) |The specific disciplinary action proposed for each Departmental work rule or other violation you are charged with is as follows: RULE DISCIPLINARY ACTION VIOLATION 1.03 1.03 2.33 15 Days Suspension without pay 10 Days Suspension without pay 5 Days Suspension without pay ‘See attached page(s) or the speifies ofthe vilation(s). "TO EMPLOYEE: If you choose to respond to this notice, you have a right to one or both of the following: 1. You may make a writen response which must be received by the Disciplinary Authority named below by on May 142003 _at 10:40 am, }2. You may appear personally before the Disciplinary Authority named below on, at 16am Athivherofficeto | present an oral andlor written response. Youmay have a representative with you at this meeting. Prior tothe time set for your meeting withthe Picitiny ‘Authority you may request to reschedule the appointment by calling him or her Chief Richard J. Pennington {TLS AND NAME OF ISCFLNARYALHOREY cn OR TPB NAM) ys Sy cla slits Slolad [ALOE SHONATURE A DATE nett OMLY a open th) Pe aaa chs OF: hey ome enplyer's pha Pel a ine RS Pen eo) Che oa Art tnd Q@ @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVERSE ACTION CONTINUATION NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADVERSE ACTION OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP. NAME (LAST, FIRST, M2) ‘4DIGTID ‘POSITION ‘CLASSIFICATION Gwinn-Villaroel, Jacqueline 2499 20652 Investigator NARRATIVE (REASONS FOR EMERGENCY ACTION) GENERALLY: You are charged with violating Rule 1.03 of the Employee Work Rules of this Department, Said Rule states: TRUTHFULNESS Employees of the department shall be truthful, at all times, both in their spoken and written words. Official reports and court testimony shall invariably be as factual and accurate as possible, SPECIFICALLY: On March 4, 2003, when question by Lieutenant Denson as an accused employee in an official departmental investigation, you made a sworn and untruthful statement when you stated the information in the file that you obtained from Investigator Browning's desk contained several sheets of formation from an address of 911 calls of service, The file in question in fact contained a criminal history and an Atlanta Police Incident Report. Furthermore, you were observed on January 16, 2003, by Sergeant M. Harty and Sergeant J, Whitmire “searching” the desk of Investigator Browning. You were untruthful in your spoken word when Sergeant Harty asked you why were you “searching” the desk, you responded something to the effect “Investigator Browning was supposed to leave a copy of a report” Chief Richard J. Pennington faeces Cac APBetserevzed 1/2000 e © ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVERSE ACTION CONTINUATION NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADVERSE ACTION OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP "NAME (CAST, FIRST, MI) ‘DID ‘POSITION ‘CLASSIFICATION Gwinn-Villaroel, Jacqueline 2499 20652 Investigator NARRATIVE (REASONS FOR EMERGENCY ACTION) GENERALLY: You are charged with violating Rule 1.03 of the Employee Work Rules of this Department, Said Rule states: TRUTHFULNESS Employees of the department shall be truthful, at all times, both in their spoken and written words. Official reports and court testimony shall invariably be as factual and accurate as possible. SPECIFICALLY: _ On February 27, 2003, when question by Lieutenant Denson as an accused employee in an official departmental investigation you made a sworn and untruthful statement when you denied removing a file from another investigator's desk, even though the act of removing the file was on video tape, You subsequently made a second statement to Lieutenant Denson on March 4, 2003, in which you admitted you were untruthful in the sworn statement given on February 27, 2003, © ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVERSE ACTION CONTINUATION NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADVERSE ACTION. OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-008S-SOP NAME (CAST, YIRST, Mt) ‘4DIGrD POSITION “CLASSIFICATION Gwinn-Villaroel, Jacqueline 2499 20652 Investigator NARRATIVE (REASONS FOR EMERGENCY ACTION) GENERALLY: You are charged with violating Rule 2,33 of the Employee Work Rules of this Department, Said Rule states 'ORMANCE SCTIVES Every employee of the department shall familiarize himself/herself with and conform to rules, regulations, directives, and standard operating procedures of the department. SPECIFICALLY: On January 28, 2003, contrary to direction of section 8.16.9 of BPS,SOP.4.12 (Criminal Investigations Division), you accessed and removed a file from the desk of Investigator Browning, when you did not have a “right-to-know” and you were not granted access to the file by a unit supervisor. YOUR ACTIONS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE LISTED RULES. e ag MT Gasp rllil Si ax 5 Lead rdigldes rr “Saat SL ecmrtnt _ EEE ‘ATLANTA POLICE peranrieet NOTICE OF FINAL ADVERSE ACTION (NFAA) ‘OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP ETRE FAT FE FERN ETON RENT TE IGWINN-VILLAROEL, Jacqueline 2499 20652 | Investigator | CID [Asal] Be fasrcavereTaTOr ROARS remcic ] oun C4 |APD.PO.03.177 6 vy "xX [NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADVERSE ACTION (N-P.A.A.) ISSUED ON: eminent onran? oe] ve8 so Meneses TS RSOULAEHOGE —OATEMEINDEDDS 4 4 93 sere omiechenms —“OFFicer Gvinn-Villaroel accepted full responsibility for violations [FINAL ADVERSE ACTIONS: ian energency action sae the nature of the energency blow inthe Narrative. ‘Wate Nao Pega Adee X___ Suspension without pay for 20 __ working days, “esnees Posen ‘Suspension without pay pending adjudication of criminal charges. [ * |"" J” ]05-06-03 Demotion from to — ecm a Pay Dismissal. he Other [05-19-03 [NARRATIVE (Reasons for Adverse/Emergency Action) The specific disciplinary decision for each Deparantal work rule or other violation you were charged with follows below: RULE VIOLATION DISCIPLINARY ACTION 1.03 5 Days Suspension without Pay 1.03 5 Days. Suspension without Pay 233 10 Days Suspension without Pay ‘See anached pagets) forthe specifics of the violaton(s). FTO EMPLOVEE: Pursant io Labor Management Relations Ordinance Secon 114-547, you may appeal any adverse acuon taken Ta his matter to the City of Atlanta Civil Service Board by completing the Civil Service Appeal form and submigig@ it tothe Bureau of Labor Relations. lL Li flan € Sip" S403 Chief Richard J. Pennington Pr Oninal 1 OPS; photocopy to employes to employe's supers to Pencil ard Haran Reoures to Persone! Seton (2) to Cie of Pllee Form APD-833 revised 1/1/2000, @ @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVERSE ACTION CONTINUATION NOTICE OF FINAL ADVERSE ACTION OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP TAME (LAST, FIRST, HD) w TION ASSIPICATION GWINN-VILLAROEL, Jacqueline 2499 20652 Investigs NARRATIVE (REASONS FOR EMERGENCY ACTION) GENERALLY: You are charged with violating Rule 1.03 of the Employee Work Rules of this Department. Said Rule states: ‘TRUTHFULNESS Employees of the department shall be truthful, at all times, both in their spoken and written words. Official reports and court testimony shall invariably be as factual and accurate as possible. SPECIFICALLY: On March 4, 2003, when question by Lieutenant Denson as an accused employee in an official departmental investigation, you made a sworn and untruthful statement when you stated the information in the file that you obtained from Investigator Browning’s desk contained several sheets of information from an address of 911 calls of service. The file in question in fact contained a criminal history and an Atlanta Police Incident Report. Furthermore, you were observed on January 16, 2003, by ‘Sergeant M. Harty and Sergeant J, Whitmire “searching” the desk of Investigator Browning. You were ‘untruthful in your spoken word when Sergeant Harty asked you why were you “searching” the desk, you responded something to the effect “Investigator Browning was supposed to leave a copy of a report”. ‘Chief Richard J, Pennington @ © ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVERSE ACTION CONTINUATION NOTICE OF FINAL ADVERSE ACTION OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP RANE iy iT TTIONF ON GWINN-VILLAROEL, Jacqueline 2499 20652 Investigator NARRATIVE (REASONS FOR EMERGENCY ACTION) GENERALLY: You are charged with violating Rule 1.03 of the Employee Work Rules of this Department. Said Rule states: ‘TRUTHFULNESS Employees of the department shall be truthful, at all times, both in their spoken and written words. Official reports and court testimony shall invariably be as factual and accurate as possible, SPECIFICALLY: On February 27, 2003, when question by Lieutenant Denson as an accused employee in an official departmental investigation you made a sworn and untruthful statement when you denied removing a file from another investigator's desk, even though the act of removing the file was on video tape. You subsequently made a second statement to Lieutenant Denson on March 4, 2003, in which you admitted you were untruthful in the sworn statement given on February 27, 2003. @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT ADVERSE ACTION CONTINUATION NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADVERSE ACTION OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP [RaME (AST FIRST, My] 40 GWINN-VILLAROEL, Jacqueline 2499 20652 NARRATIVE (REASONS FOR EMERGENCY ACTION) GENERALLY: You are charged with violating Rule 2.33 of the Employee Work Rules of this Department. Said Rule states: CONFORMANCE TO DIRECTIVES Every employee of the department shall familiarize himself/herself with and conform to rules, regulations, directives, and standard operating procedures of the department. SPECIFICALLY: On January 28, 2003, contrary to direction of section 8.16.9 of BPS.SOP.4.12 (Criminal Investigations Division), you accessed and removed a file from the desk of Investigator Browning, when you did not have a “right-to-know” and you were not granted access to the file by a unit supervisor. YOUR ACTIONS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE LISTED RULES. g @ ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT APPEAL WAIVER OPS CONTROL #: 03-1-0085-SOP T, Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroel, accept full responsibility for violation of the following employee =? Work or a (ef SS etResReuness) two counts, and 2.33 (Conformance to Directives of the Atlanta Police Department or of the City of Atlanta, as outlined in Office of Professional Standards Complaint File Number .03-1-0085-SOP. I concur with the disciplinary action of: Employee Work Rules; 1,03 Susoension w/o pay 5 days, 1.03 Suspension w/o pay for 5 days; 2.33 Suspension w/o pay for 10 days (20 total days) imposed by the Atlanta Police Department in my disciplinary case. With this my concurrence, I voluntarily, without coercion or duress, waive any and all of the right(s) I may have to appeal the above described disciplinary action taken in this case, either to the Civil Service Board of the City of Atlanta, or by way of administrative grievance, or by use of any other administrative or judicial remedy that may be available to me, [| EMPLOYEE AND WITNESSSIGNATURES SC Fete — Fete Lt. A ew 2 LOR S-14 -02 [/_ sess STONATORE DATE a AUTHORITY sexZe3 | orm APD.S37 reid 1/1/2000 ® @ EMPLOYEE RESPONSE SESSION We are here today, May 14, 2003, for the purpose of conducting an Employee Response Session in the matter Investigator Jacqueline Gwinn-Villaroel in accordance with the City of Atlanta, ‘Management Relations Ordinance. Before we begin, I will identify those persons present Tam Sergeant W. Trivelpiece. Also present are: Chief of Police Richard J. Pennington, Major H.R. Dunovant (OPS Commander), Lieutenant T, Steele and Sergeant G, Glass (OPS), Ms. Kristen Brooks and Ms. Mirissa Milton (Assistant City Attomey), Ms, Pamela Johnson, Esq, (Staff Attorney IBPO) Investigator Gwinn-Villaroel you are charged with violating Employee Work Rules 1,03 for 2 counts of Truthfulness and 2.33 (Conformance to Directives). ‘As a supervisor in your chain of command, The Chief of Police, is vested by the City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances and by the Atlanta Police Department Disciplinary Manual with the authority to administer the proposed disciplinary action of: Suspension without Pay for 30 Days would like to make it clear that this session today is NOT’ judicial hearing nor an appeal nor a full evidentiary hearing. It /S an employee response procedure which gives you an opportunity to respond to the specific charge(s) and proposed disciplinary action pending against you before The Chief , and to provide him with information that you believe might assist him in making his decision on your case, ‘The Chief's decision in the matter will be based on the contents of the disciplinary folder, your response, any additional investigation, and his own knowledge of the facts. If you disagree with The Chief's decision imposing a final adverse action, you have five (5) working days, after the day you receive formal notice of the decision or after the effective date of the decision or action, whichever date is the later, in which to appeal the matter to the City of Atlanta Civil Service Board, where an evidentiary hearing will be held, at which you will be afforded the opportunity to appeal the decision; to hear, cross-examine and present witnesses; to submit evidence and argument on your behalf; and to receive the decision of the Board on your appeal. If you wish to exercise this right df appeal, such an appeal must be initiated in writing on the form entitled Civil Service Appeal Form. Investigator Gwinn-Villaroel do you understand this process and the method and time limits for initiating any appeal? (Employee and/or employee representative responds.) ‘If you have anything you wish to say or provide to the Chief , please go ahead at this time. (Employee and/or employee representative responds.) ‘At the conclusion of that response, then the "off the record” mediation effort occurs. Read aloud Sections 9.4.4 & 9.4.5 & 9.4.6 of the Atlanta Police Department Disciplinary Manual, then ask: “At this time do you have any offer of a disciplinary resolution to present for Chief Pennington to consider?” (Employee and/or employee representative respond with any waiver offer or discussion, if any.) ‘After any “off the record" mediation response and discussion are over, then end the session by saying: "The Notice of Final Adverse Action (or “Any Order of Extension of Time”) will be delivered within (3) working days of today’s date, This Employee Response Session is now over.” requested | 13 Ba Senpensiin 2 lain vag varal fst) 2 Ce 2 esrieaees eas doenrags 2 PEREEMEL PAGE et CITY OF ATLANTA POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL SECTION PHONE: (404) 853-7705 TO: > las. Ss COMPANY/AGENCY: OPS FAX NUMBER: $¢-CS8- 6430 FROM: <2 Heard DATE: Sfitloz TOME: 58 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET 2 PLEASE CONTACT AT THE ABOVE NUMBER IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. S'F03 166.39

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