Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board, Chennai-600 006. Manual Index

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TAMIL NADU LABOUR WELFARE BOARD, CHENNAI-600 006. MANUAL INDEX S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Organisation Functions of the Board Labour Welfare Fund Constitution of the Board Members of the Board Act and Rules Schemes Administration Public Information Officer & Appellate Authority 10. Forms to be submitted by the Employer 11-13 Headings Page Nos. 1 1 2-3 3-4 4 5 5-8 9-10 10

1. ORGANISATION : The Tamilnadu Labour Welfare Board was constituted by the Government of Tamilnadu in the year 1971 by an executive order of the Government (G.O.Ms No.222 Labour Dept, dated: 20.2.1971) with the view to promote the Welfare of the employees and their dependents with an adhoc grant of Rs.5 lakh. The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972 was passed by the State and was given effect from 1.1.1973. The Statutory Labour Welfare Board was formed with effect from 1.4.1975 with the Minister In-charge of Labour as Chairman. five representatives of employees, five representatives of employers, three members of State Legislative Assembly, four Official members and two Non-Official members.


The important provisions of the Act deals with

Collection of Labour Welfare Fund Vesting and Application of the Fund. Constitution of the Board. Term of Members. Power to appoint committee. Functions of the Board. Unpaid Accumulations. Deposit of Funds. Placing of Accounts and Audit Report before the State Legislature. Power to make Rules and Regulations.

The Tamilnadu Labour Welfare Fund Rules 1973 deals with

Payment of Fines and Unpaid Accumulations by the Employer Maintenance and Audit of Accounts Budget of the Board Additional Expenditure Mode of Payment Payment of Contributions Meetings of the Board Quorum

Administrative and Financial Powers of the Secretary Publication of Annual Report Maintenance of Registers by Employers Form A- Statement showing the particulars of contribution amount paid to the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board. Form B- Register of Wages Form C- Register of Fines and Unpaid Accumulations


The Government constitutes Labour Welfare Fund, as per section 3, to which the following are credited to a) All Unpaid Accumulations due to workers b) All fines realised from the workers c) Deduction made under the proviso to Sub-section(2) of section 9 of the Payment of Wages Act,1936 and the proviso to Sub-section (2) of section 36 of the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishments Act, 1947. d) Contribution from Employees, Employers and Government, e) Any interest by way of penalty, paid under Section 14 of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972. f) Any Voluntary Donation. g) Any amount raised by the Board from other sources to augment the resources of the Board. h) Any fund transferred under Sub-section 5 of Section 17 of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972. i) Any sum borrowed under Section 18 of Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act,1972 j) Any unclaimed amount credited to the Government in accordance with the rules made under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and Minimum Wages Act, 1948. k) Grants or Advances made by the Government. l) All fines imposed and realised from Employers by Courts for violation of Labour Laws less the deduction made by Courts towards administrative expenses.

Contribution to the Fund by Employee and Employer (Sec 15) and rules 11(a): Every Employee contributes Rs.7/- per year and every Employer in respect of and such Employee, contributes Rs.14/- per year to the Fund and the Government in respect of each such employee contributes Rs.7/- per year to the Fund. (Amendment to Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Rules, 1973 (G.O. Ms.No.91, Labour and Employment (G.2) date.10.07.2009)

Labour Welfare Fund Contribution Rate:

Labour and Employment Department. G.O. No. and Date --No.1933, Date.14.11.1982 No. 67, Date 28.05.1996 No.159, Date 07.12.1998 No.91, Date 10.07.2009


Employees Contribution

Employers Contribution

Government Contribution

1973-1981 1982-1995

Re.1/Rs. 2/-

Rs. 2/Rs. 4/-

Nil Rs. 2/-


Rs. 3/-

Rs. 6/-

Rs. 3/-

1998 2008 2009 onwards

Rs. 5/Rs.7/-

Rs. 10/Rs.14/-

Rs. 5/Rs.7/-

4. CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD : The Board shall consist of twenty members including the chairman who shall be the Minister in charge of Labour and the following members weres appointed by the Government : a) five representatives of employers appointed by the State Government in consultation with such organisation of employers in the State ; b) five enployees representatives to be appointed by the State Government in consultation with such organisation of employees in the State ; c) three member of the State Legislature ;

d) four Government Officials ; e) two independent members ; Provided that if there is no other woman representative in the Board, the question of including woman representative as an independent member would be considered by the Government. (2) The Board shall elect a Vice-Chairman to perform the duties of the his absence. Chairman in

(3) The term of office of the members of the Board other than official members shall be three years from the date of their appointment and they shall be eligible for reappointment. Provided that a member of the State Legislature shall cease to be a member of the Board from the date on which he ceases to be a member of the State Legislature. 5. MEMBERS OF THE TAMIL NADU LABOUR WELFARE BOARD.


Thiru. S.T. Chellapandian, Honble Minister for Labour,

Official Representatives

1) Secretary to Government, Labour and Employment Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9. 2) Secretary to Government, Finance Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9. 3) The Commissioner of Labour, Teynampet, Chennai-6. 4) Chief Inspector of Factories, Chepauk, Chennai-5

Representatives of Employers Representatives of Employees Member of State Legislature Women Representatives

: : : :

Five Members Five Members Three Members Two Members

The Government of Tamil Nadu enacted the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act in the year 1972. The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Rules 1973 were framed in G.O. Ms. No.569, Labour and Employment Department, Dated.4.9.1973 read with Government Memo No.65720/F-3/72-73, Dated. 8.10.1973. The Act came into force from 1.1.1973. The Act provides for the constitution of a fund called The Labour Welfare Fund for promoting the welfare of the Labour and for certain other matters connected there within the State of Tamil Nadu. It is applicable to all Factories covered under the Factories Act 1948, Motor Transport undertakings covered by the Motor Transport Workers Act 1961, Plantation covered under the Plantations Labour Act 1951, five or more than five persons employed by Catering Establishments covered under the Tamil Nadu Catering Establishments Act 1958 and Establishments as defined in section 2(d)(v) of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act 1972.


The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board is implementing various welfare schemes for the benefit of the workers who contribute to Labour Welfare Fund. The maximum salary limit for availing the schemes is Rs.15,000/- p.m.


71 Labour Welfare Centres are functioning in Tamil Nadu which consists of Tailoring Section, Pre-school and Reading Room.

a) Tailoring Centres
Wives and unmarried daughters/sisters of workmen who are contributors of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund are eligible to undergo training in Tailoring Centre. The course is for one year from January to December. The trainees are paid a sum of Rs.150/- per month as stipend. At the end of the Course, the trainees are sent to the examinations conducted by the Government. The first rank holder in each centre is given a prize of Sewing Machine for lower as well as higher grade.

b) Pre-schools
Workers children in the age group of 2 to 5 are admitted in the creche. Every day the children are given nutritious mid-day meals and 150 ml. milk in the evening. They are given eggs thrice a week and plantain fruits twice a week. Children are imparted education in Tamil, Maths and English and also provided with two sets of tericotton Uniforms. Pre-schools are functioning from June to April of every Year.

c) Reading Rooms
Reading Rooms are functioning in each Labour Welfare Centre wherein Dailies weekly magazines and Uzhaippavar Ulagam monthly magazines are provided for the benefit of workers.

2. Educational Scholarship
Scholarships are given to the children of the workers for pursuing their higher education at the rates as indicated below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Master Degree in Engineering Master Degree in Medical Master Degree in Law Master Degree in Agriculture Master Degree in Education Master Degree in Physical Education Bachelor Degree in Engineering Bachelor Degree in Medical Bachelor Degree in Law Bachelor Degree in Agriculture Bachelor Degree in Education Bachelor Degree in Physical Education Diploma in Engineering Diploma in Medicine Certificate course in Physical Education Diploma in Teacher Training Education Higher Secondary I.T.I




3. Educational Incentive
Cash Award of Rs.1000/-, Rs.500/- and Rs.250/- are being awarded to the children of the workers who come first, Second and third in 10th and 12th Std. Govt. Public Examinations in each Educational District.

4. Book Allowance
Book Allowances are given to the children of the workers for pursuing their studies at the rates as indicated below:1 2 3 4 Higher Secondary Diploma Course Bachelor Degree Master Degree 180/250/500/750/-

5. Assistance for Basic Computer Training

Reimbursement of Rs.1000/- is given to five employees/dependants in each Revenue District for Basic Computer Training.

6. Marriage Assistance Scheme

A sum of Rs.3,000 to Male and Rs.5,000/- to female is given as Marriage Assistance to employees or their Son/Daughter who legally attain the age of marriage as one time assistance in their service.

7. Spectacles Assistance
Reimbursement of the cost of Spectacles of Rs.500/- is given to the workers on production of Doctors Prescription.

8. Typewriting /Shorthand Assistance

Workers children who have passed the Typewriting/Shorthand Govt. Examinations are paid Rs.1000/- for Typewriting Lower, Rs.600/- for Typewriting Higher and Rs.1500/- for Shorthand Lower and Higher.

9. Funeral Expenses
When a worker dies in harness, his dependant is paid Rs.2000/- towards funeral expenses.

10. Hearing Aid, Artificial Limbs and Three Wheelers

Reimbursement of cost of Hearing Aid upto Rs.1000/- is given to hearing impaired workers/dependents. Similarly, cost of Artificial Limbs is also reimbursed as prescribed by the Government and Three wheelers are given free of cost to the handicapped workers.

11. T.B. Wards

To provide special treatment to the workers suffering from T. B. separate wards have been built by the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board in the Government Hospitals at Tiruppur (Coimbatore District), Tambaram Sanatorium (Chennai), Asaripallam (Kanyakumari) Austinpatti (Madurai) and Kizhpennathur (Vellore District) for the benefit of the workers.

12. Holiday Homes

Holiday Homes have been constructed by the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board at Mamallapuram, Courtallam and Valparai for the workers and their family to enjoy their holidays. i) ii) A Holiday Home Jawaharlal Nehru Illam is functioning at Mamallapuram from 1988. 44 beds are provided therein. A Holiday Home Singaravelar Illam is functioning at Valparai from 1987. 30 beds are provided therein. A Holiday Home Thiru-vi-ka Illam is functioning at Courtallam from 1983. 93 beds are provided therein. Rent For Holiday Homes Labour Public Double room 35/40/Dormitory 20/20/Double room 150/100/Dormitory 75/75/-


Rest House Mamallapuram Valparai Courtallam Ordinary days Season days





13. Jeeva Ilam

A rest house named Jeeva Illam has been constructed in Chennai in the year 1981 for accommodation of the Office bearers of registered Trade Unions who come to Chennai fro m various places in Tamil Nadu to conduct cases on behalf of the workers.

Rent For Jeeva Illam (Trade Union Leaders only)

Double Bed Room - Rs.40/Dormitory - Rs.30/-

14. Uzhaippavar Ulagam

A monthly magazine named Uzhaippavar Ulagam is published by this Board. This magazine carries articles on judgements related to Labour Disputes, details of Labour Laws, Amendments, Question-Answers, Letters from readers etc. The cost of an issue is Rs.7/-, annual subscription Rs.80/- and Life subscription is Rs.750/-.

The total sanctioned strength of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board including Officers and staff was 412. The group wise position of sanctioned staff vis-a-vis position is given below. Category of Staff Group A Group B Group C Group D Total Sanctioned strength 2 20 218 172 412

The details of Officers and Staff sanctioned and in position

Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Secretary F.A & C.A.O Administrative Officer Asst. Accounts Officer Junior Engineer Superintendent Accountant Asst. Inspector of Labour Journalist cum Translator Steno Typist Grade-II Assistant Librarian Organiser - Cum Tailoring Instructor Grade I Steno Typist Grade-III Fair Copy Assistant Electrician Cadre
No. of
Sanctioned post

1 1 1 1 1 2 5 9 1 1 26 1 60 1 1 1


17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Junior Assistant Junior Assistant cum Cashier Receptionist Proof Reader Typist Driver Organiser cum Tailoring Instructor Grade-II Balasevika Plumber Record Clerk Lift Operators Office Assistants Room Boys Conductress Gardener Watchman Full time Sweeper TOTAL

18 3 8 1 4 1 11 52 1 23 5 20 18 52 1 80 1 412

PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER:Administrative Officer, Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board, DMS Campus, Teynampet, Chennai-6. Phone No.044- 24321542 APPELLATE AUTHORITY:Secretary, Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Board, DMS Campus, Teynampet, Chennai-6. Phone No.044- 24321364


[See Rule 12 (4)]

Statement showing the particulars of contribution Amount paid to the Secretary, Tamilnadu Labour Welfare Board, for the year ending 31st December. Name and address of the Establishment. 1. Total No. establishment: of employees in the

2. No. of persons who are excluded from the payment of contribution. 3. No. of persons from whom their recovery not made for any other reasons. 4. No. of persons from whom employees contributions have been recovered. 5. Amount of employees contribution at Rs.5/- per head. 6. Amount of employers contribution at Rs.10/- per head. 7. Total amount remitted (Cheque or Draft No. and date) Authorised signatury.

1. Certified that the number of employee shown under Column (1) is correct as per the Muster Roll/Attendance Register. 2.* Certified that the contribution is paid in respect of all employees covered by the Act. 3.* Certified that the contribution in respect of employees covered by the Act has yet to be recovered and it will paid separately. (Vide G.O.Ms.No.868, Labour and Employment Department, dt.30.10.1976. * Strike out items not applicable.


(See Rule 29)

Name and address of the establishment: Total emoluments payable during the month including basic Wages, D.A., OT, Bonus. Balance due to the employees

Month and year

Total No. of Employees

Amount deducted during the month Fine Other deductions

Amount actually paid during the month

Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Authorised signatury


(See rule 29) Register of Fines and Unpaid Accumulations for the year................. Name of the Establishment:

Details of Fines and Unpaid Accumulations 1 1.Total Realisation under Fines 2. Total amount being unpaid accumulations* of ** (i) Basic Wages (ii) Overtime (iii) Dearness allowance and other allowance (iv) Bonus (v) Gratuity

Quarter ending 31st 1 March 2

Quarter ending 30th June 3

Quarter ending 30th Sept. 4

Quarter ending 31st December 5

(vi) Any other item of unpaid accumulations 3. Deductions under Standing Orders 4. Deductions under Payment of Wages Act

Signature of the employer. * See definition Unpaid accumulation under Section 2(i) of the Tamilnadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972.

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