
Annual Reports

Fiscal Year 2017 Agency Financial Report

Nov. 14, 2017

Message from the Chairman

Chair Jay Clayton

Since joining the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in May 2017, I’ve seen first-hand the commitment and dedication of the agency’s 4,600 employees to carry out our important three-part mission—to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Through their efforts, the SEC serves the American public and seeks to sustain our nation’s continuing prosperity and importance in an ever-changing, interconnected global economy.

The Agency Financial Report describes the SEC’s results over the past fiscal year. It presents the agency’s financial statements, and provides the opinion of our independent auditor, the Government Accountability Office, with respect to the financial statements and the effectiveness of our internal control systems. The report also includes the perspective of the SEC’s Inspector General on the agency’s key management and performance challenges, and reports on our plans for meeting these and other emerging challenges in the years ahead.

I am pleased to report that, while global competition and the fast-moving pace of technology present new challenges to effective oversight and enforcement, the SEC is facing those challenges head on. We are committed to leveraging our precious resources efficiently and effectively. In doing so, we will endeavor to increase opportunities for Main Street investors and entrepreneurs in their pursuit of financial security and their share of the American dream.

Mission and Vision

Mission: The mission of the SEC is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation.

Vision: The SEC strives to promote a securities market that is worthy of the public’s trust and characterized by:

  • Transparent disclosure to investors of the risks of particular investments;
  • Oversight of key market participants, including exchanges, brokers and dealers, investment advisers, and others;
  • Focus on strengthening market structure and systems;
  • Promotion of disclosure of market-related information;
  • Protection against fraud and abuse; and
  • Evaluation, development, and maintenance of appropriate rules and regulations.

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Last Reviewed or Updated: Oct. 19, 2023