3.4.5 Form: Student Acceptable Use Policy / Consent Form

Form: Student Acceptable Use Policy / Consent Form

All families will be given a Student Acceptable Use Policy/Consent Form at the beginning of the year to be signed by the parent/guardian. Parents/guardians shall have the right to examine their child’s computer files, including electronic communications, if the information is accessible by staff.

Learn how to download the form and/or sign electronically via ParentVue at: www.sfusd.edu/acknowledgements.



This Acceptable Use Agreement outlines your responsibilities and required acknowledgments and those of your child when he/she uses the San Francisco Unified School District’s technological resources, including the Internet/World Wide Web and electronic mail (e-mail).  Students in grades K-12 are provided with an SFUSD Google account that allows them to access SFUSD email, documents, and many other learning tools. This district-provided account should only be used for educational purposes.  This Agreement and the Internet Safety Administrative Regulation apply to all of the uses described above.  Even without signature, all users must comply with this agreement and Administrative Regulation and report any misuse of the network or internet to a teacher, administrator or appropriate District personnel.  

Please be aware that some materials accessible on the Internet may contain text or images that are inaccurate or offensive.  While your child will use the Internet for educational purposes, it is possible by accident or intent that they will see objectionable things during their or their teacher’s use of the internet.  Although District teachers and technicians are taking reasonable steps to prevent students from seeing inappropriate things, it is impossible to eliminate all objectionable things all the time.  Similarly, while email accounts are expected to be used for instructional purposes, it is not possible for the District to monitor all messages sent between students through email accounts, and the District does not have access to electronically monitor messages sent between students on personal email accounts from non-District providers.  Teachers and other responsible adults will appropriately supervise students at school.  However, schools cannot guarantee that each student will be directly supervised at all times.  Parents and guardians are expected to supervise students at home.  

By signing this form, I affirm that I have read the San Francisco Unified School District’s (“District”) Internet Use and Safety Administrative Regulation for Students (chapter 5.5.8 of the Student and Family Handbook), which is attached hereto and incorporated in this agreement as if set forth in full.  I have also reviewed the summary of Unacceptable Uses of District technological resources listed on the back of this form.  I understand that if my child violates the rules, the access can be terminated and my child may face other disciplinary measures.  I further understand and agree that the District, federal, state or local law enforcement agency may search any files, electronic mail, any data and other information on the District’s network or on the District’s equipment, as set forth in the District’s Internet Safety Administrative Regulation for Students, regardless of any personal password I or my child may have.

I hereby release and hold harmless the District, its personnel, and any institutions with which it is affiliated, from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s or child’s teacher’s use of, or inability to use, the technological resources discussed above, including, but not limited to claims that may arise from the unauthorized use of the system to purchase products or services; exposure to potentially harmful or inappropriate material or people; violations of copyright restrictions; or users’ mistakes or negligence.  I understand that I can be held liable for damages caused by my child’s intentional misuse of the system, and agree to indemnify the district for any damages or costs incurred due to my child’s intentional misuse of the system.


You are responsible to read the full Internet Safety Administrative Regulation in chapter 5.5.8 of the Student and Family Handbook.  Below is a summary of Unacceptable Uses of the Internet/Email/Network.  By using the District’s technology resources, users have agreed to comply with the District’s Internet Safety Administrative Regulation for Students.

Summary of Unacceptable Uses:  

  1. Use that is prohibited by United States or California laws or regulations or District or school rules, including but not limited to violating copyright or trade secret laws, sending threatening or obscene material; or engaging in unauthorized access such as hacking.
  2. Use that is obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or harmful to minors.
  3. Use that constitutes cyberbullying. Find out more: www.sfusd.edu
  4. Use that would subject the District or the individual to criminal, civil or administrative liability (e.g., is fraudulent, defamatory, denigrates people based on race/ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age disability, religion or political beliefs, constitutes sexual harassment, etc).
  5. Use that allows users of the network to gain unauthorized access to any communications systems, network or file; allows someone without valid authorization to access confidential information contained in any District system, network or file, including unauthorized disclosure or use of a user’s password or account number.
  6. Use that disables the Technology Protection Measure (filter) for the Internet system; or attempting to disrupt or destroy computer system performance by spreading viruses or by other means.
  7. Use that discloses personal information regarding themselves or another minor (such as name together with other information that would allow another individual to locate the student, such as parent’s name, home address or location, work address or location, social security number or phone number), without the prior written consent of the minor’s parent/guardian.
  8. Use of the District computers for personal commercial/for profit activities or illegal acts, such as arranging the sale or alcohol or drugs, engaging in criminal gang activity or threatening the safety of any person.
  9. Use that could cause damage or a danger of disruption, or that threatens, intimidates, harasses, or ridicules other students or staff.
  10. Student users will not agree to meet with someone they have met online without their parent’s approval and participation.

This page was last updated on August 5, 2024