Welcome to the Balboa High School PTSA!

California wildflower

Upcoming April Family Meeting: Tuesday, April 30 @ 6pm in the Buccaneer Room

As always, we will serve a light dinner and cover a medley of topics:

  • Annual Election of PTSA officers! President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Chairs of various committees 
  • End of Year Calendar of Events
  • Next year's new bell schedule (7 periods!)

Past Events

March Family Meeting Topic: Workshop, Coming Events, Announcements

We asked our community what they'd like to see at future PTSA meetings—Thank you for your participation and kind words! We also encouraged people to step up for next year's PTSA board, elections of which will take place at the April 30 Family Meeting.

February Family Meeting Topic: Summer Opportunities

It's already time to start thinking about, and applying, to summer job opportunities. We hosted a couple of presenters at our February Meeting:

  • Tyree Johnson of MYEEP (Mayor's Youth Employment and Education Program). MYEEP provides San Francisco youth with paid work opportunities, academic support, and tools they’ll need to succeed in the workplace.  MYEEP also gives youth a chance to build relationships with other members of their neighborhood communities. Get in touch if interested in paying student jobs in many different disciplines. Tyree Johnson @ Balboa HS: [email protected] or train your camera-phone on this QR code:
  • SF YouthWorks provides paid job readiness workshops, training, and internships at different SF City Departments such as the Public Utilities Commission, the Public Library, and the SF International Airport. Contact: Gina Ziyad, [email protected]
  • A few other options that caught our eye:
FUF green teen program
There are many summer opportunities in San Francisco, like this vocational skills program run by Friends of the Urban Forest for students interested in environmental jobs


January General Family Meeting Topic: Pathways

Attendees of this General Family meeting heard about Bal's unique Pathways program. As sophomores, students choose a Pathway for their Junior and Senior year. There are five Pathways: PULSE—Peers United for Leadership, Service, and Equity; GD—Game Design; WALC—Wilderness, Arts and Literacy Collaborative; Law; and CAST–Creative Arts for Social Transformation.

December Family Meeting Topic: Stress Management & Wellness

The Dean and FRESH Specialist shared helpful resources and suggestions to manage stress.

October Family Meeting Topic: Supporting Teens with Healthy Relationships

Presentation from our Health classroom & AVID.

September Family Meeting Topic: College Room

College Room Presentation can be found here

General information about the PTSA

Who We Are

Bal's PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Administrator) is a volunteer-run non-profit that raises and distributes funds to in-house groups supporting students, teachers, and administrators of Balboa High School. 

Paige Schultz, President

Jill Krueger, Vice President

Molly Cooper, Secretary


Contact: Email
Join: Join here

2023-2024 calendar thumbnail

PTSA Calendar for the second semester of the '23-24 school year

There are two kinds of PTSA meetings: Family Meetings and Board Meetings. General Family meetings (in bold) are held for the benefit of the Bal community. Board meetings are for the PTSA board and are held online.

All General Meetings are at 6:00 PM in the Buccaneer Room.


  • Tues, Jan 9, 2024: Board
  • Tues, Jan 30: General Family Meeting 
  • Tues, Feb 13: Board
  • Tues, Feb 27: General Family Meeting
  • Tues, Mar 12: Board
  • Tues, Mar 26: General Family Meeting
  • Tues, Apr 16: Board
  • Tues, Apr 30: General Family Meeting
  • Tues, May 14: Board
  • Late MayPTSA-sponsored Staff Appreciation Luncheon

General Family Meetings for the Balboa Community

All General Family Meetings are open to the Balboa community—students, parents, and staff— and are held at 6:00pm in the Buccaneer Room at Balboa High School. They cover a wide variety of topics and are for the benefit of our Bal community. A light dinner is served, and attendees get community hours*!

Board Meetings

We also have PTSA Board Meetings somewhat monthly at which we approve funding requests and take care of other business of the PTSA. 

If you'd like to join our board meetings to see what is going on with Bal, we'd love to have you. Email us for a link to the zoom meeting (or about anything else). 

*Each year, Bal students are required to do 25 hours of community service.

This page was last updated on April 28, 2024