Grattan Fun Run

Fun Run Info

Fun Run Volunteers

Get ready to run for FUN!

It's time for Grattan's annual Fun Run, which begins at 8 a.m. on Friday, April 26, with runs staggered by grade throughout the morning. We are looking for volunteers to help this beloved event run smoothly and safely. Please sign up on Konstella here, and if you can't volunteer, please come out on Friday to cheer your kids along! 

(Permission slips and waivers were sent home in homework folders. Please return to the school ASAP.)

How Do We Run?

First things first...wear your Grattan Gear or a BRIGHT outfit!  Wear your comfortable athletic shoes!  And don't forget to bring a energetic attitude and positive school spirit!
Why Do We Run for Fun?

This event celebrates the power of moving our bodies to make us strong and help others. Students get a huge sense of accomplishment by exercising and thinking about how to appreciate our community.


The Grattan FunRun has raised money for our school when needed. This commitment is an important part of the school community. 

Every year, we want to recognize that the Grattan community is made up not only of families and caregivers of children that go to our school but also the businesses that surround the school. Many of these businesses are supporters of our public schools in San Francisco, and especially Grattan. We strongly encourage supporting our local merchants who usually donate thousands of dollars to this and all the other Grattan programs. 

The Fun Run is one of Grattan's largest fundraisers! You and your families and friends can donate by check dropped in the box behind Ms. Karen's desk, via paypal HERE, or via Zelle at [email protected]

Grattan is a 501(c)(3) and donations are tax-deductible.

Is there more ways than one way to donate to Grattan?


It is optional to donate funds and we welcome other ways to help Grattan! Volunteering for school events is giving the gift of your valuable time, and we have many opportunities to sign up for Grattan community building events.  

Just a few examples: The Fun Run, The Fun Fest, The Great Grattan Book Swap, Gardening volunteering, Upper grade events such as graduation and yearbook editing, lunch monitors, and all of our committees like the PTA, Student Site Council, and our Grattan After School Program board. To keep up to date with all of the calendared events for Grattan, please sign up for The Grattan Bee, our official school communication!

How Can I Help?

Usually we need a lot of families to get involved to keep our event safe for everyone. We’d still love your help! If you are interested in helping us with this beloved event, please reach out to [email protected]!


This page was last updated on April 18, 2024