Welcome to our John O'Connell Wellness Center

The O'Connell Wellness Program offers free confidential (private) support to all O'Connell students. Everyone is welcome and we are here to support you in whichever way you might need.


Open M-F, Rm 105
Kinds of services

The John O’Connell Wellness Team Welcomes you back! 

Drop in to say hi, checking in during the passing period while you grab a cup of water, tea, or snack, come talk to us about your classes, clubs you're in, how you're doing, and the accomplishments you're having as you navigate high school!

We are still experiencing a global pandemic that has changed all of our worlds dramatically and caused tremendous loss and stress in our communities. People and communities are rising up and using their voices to bring to light the injustices that the Black community, Indigenous communities, and other communities of color have been experiencing for generations. 

While we all do our part in slowing the rate of COVID and doing our best, we know that it is not easy and that you may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and hurt, or maybe you're feeling motivated and empowered to create and participate in change.

Whether you're feeling stressed, worried, sad, angry, fighting with friends or family, have questions about sex or drugs, need to see our nurse, need to get tested for STDs, want to make an appointment at a local health center, want therapy, or want to share your goals and accomplishments from us-we are here to support you!


Contact Christina Lopez, Wellness CHOW, at [email protected]


The Wellness Center is here to support your physical health, mental and emotional health, assist with substance abuse issues, and sexual health needs.

"The San Francisco Wellness Initiative is a collaborative effort to support student health and well-being. Established in response to the needs identified by a wide-scale youth survey, the initiative links students to a comprehensive array of physical and behavioral health services through both on-campus programming and community-based partnerships." www.sfwellness.org

This page was last updated on August 22, 2024