Economy | Australian, regional and global economic News | The Sydney Morning Herald

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The economy

‘Doom loop’: China is facing a lost decade

‘Doom loop’: China is facing a lost decade

China’s economic problems are spiralling as its citizens tighten their belts and investors pull billions of dollars out of the country.

  • by Szu Ping Chan


Our economy has turned into a tortoise. The Reserve Bank will be happy

Our economy has turned into a tortoise. The Reserve Bank will be happy

Most of us know the saying: slow and steady wins the race. Here’s why a slowdown doesn’t worry the Reserve Bank – and why interest rates will probably stay put.

  • by Millie Muroi
Five graphs show how housing insecurity is hammering Sydney families

Five graphs show how housing insecurity is hammering Sydney families

A statewide survey has found nearly three in four households are sacrificing spending on their children.

  • by Max Maddison
The rest of the world is cutting interest rates, so why aren’t we?

The rest of the world is cutting interest rates, so why aren’t we?

The latest national accounts show an economy on the edge of a recession. Don’t blame the Reserve Bank – it’s responding to the symptoms of a problem long in the making.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Five things the national accounts tell us about the economy

Five things the national accounts tell us about the economy

Here’s what you need to know from the latest gauge of the economy – in five charts.

  • by Millie Muroi
Albo’s lack of courage makes headlines, but doesn’t tell the full story of his government

Albo’s lack of courage makes headlines, but doesn’t tell the full story of his government

People often don’t realise how obsessed governments become with how their opponents will react to anything they do or say. Albo seems to have a bad case of this.

  • by Ross Gittins
Australia is engaging in a damaging economic blame game

Australia is engaging in a damaging economic blame game

Informed debate on the economy has been overtaken by populist rhetoric feeding an overblown distrust of institutions.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Xi Jinping has no plan B as the mood in China darkens

Xi Jinping has no plan B as the mood in China darkens

China’s economic mess is weighing heavily on Australia and the rest of the world. Added to Beijing’s concerns is the prospect of Donald Trump returning to the White House.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
GDP is going backwards. That doesn’t mean your life is, too

GDP is going backwards. That doesn’t mean your life is, too

If gross domestic product – better known by its nickname GDP – was a perfect reflection of our quality of life, we would be in trouble.

  • by Millie Muroi
What will happen to your mortgage if ‘tariff man’ Trump wins the White House

What will happen to your mortgage if ‘tariff man’ Trump wins the White House

Many countries would respond to Trump’s tariff hike with tit-for-tat trade restrictions. That would increase the cost of goods and services traded internationally, stoking inflation.

  • by Matt Wade
The Fed may have left it too late to cut interest rates as recession fears grow

The Fed may have left it too late to cut interest rates as recession fears grow

Jerome Powell has signalled that the Fed will soon cut US rates for the first time since it began raising them aggressively more than two years ago. It may have missed its moment.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz