World War I

Soldiers arrest Gavrilo Prinzip, assassin of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo.

The Origin of the Tale that Gavrilo Princip Was Eating a Sandwich When He Assassinated Franz Ferdinand

Was it really a lunch-hour coincidence that led to the death of the Archduke in Sarajevo in 1914—and, by extension, World War I?

Most of the 9.7 million soldiers who perished in WWI were killed by the conflict's unprecedented firepower. Many survivors experienced acute trauma.

The Shock of War

World War I troops were the first to be diagnosed with shell shock, an injury – by any name – still wreaking havoc


American Food Posters From World War I and II

Cory Bernat is the creator of an intriguing online exhibit of American food posters related to World Wars I and II


The Dinosaur Casualties of World War I

On December 6, 1916, two years into "the war to end all wars," a German naval crew destroyed a set of 75-million-year-old dinosaur skeletons


Jingo the Dinosaur—a World War I Mascot

The papier-mâché Stegosaurus featured in the April 1, 1916 issue of the magazine The Survey was no joke

Farmerettes of the Woman's Land Army of America took over farm work when the men were called to wartime service in WWI.

Before Rosie the Riveter, Farmerettes Went to Work

During WWI, the Woman’s Land Army of America mobilized women into sustaining American farms and building national pride

At age 107, Frank Buckles proudly wears the French Legion of Honor medal, one of many honors to have come his way lately.

The Last Doughboy of World War I

Frank Buckles lied about his age to serve in World War I

Piccolo Lagazuoi as seen from Cinque Torre, an Italian position overlooking the front line

Climbing the Via Ferrata

In Italy’s Dolomites, a Hike Through World War I History


The Past Informs the Present

In this Q & A, Caroline Alexander, author of "Faces of War," discusses robotic faces and the timelessness of war stories

Sculptors and artists designed lifelike masks for gravely wounded soldiers.

Faces of War

Amid the horrors of World War I, a corps of artists brought hope to soldiers disfigured in the trenches

Eddie Grant

When Major Leaguer Eddie Grant Made the Ultimate Sacrifice

The Harvard-trained lawyer and professional baseball player Eddie Grant volunteered to serve in World War I. He fought as he'd played: selflessly

The Bonus Army camp burns within sight of the U.S. Capitol.

Marching on History

When a "Bonus Army" of World War I veterans converged on Washington, MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton were there to meet them


Searching for Gavrilo Princip

Eighty-six years ago the Serbian teenager shot an Archduke and set Europe on the road to World War I. Today he is all but forgotten

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