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Embodied transformation, a politicized Somatics, includes working with our visions, cultivating resilience, and transforming conditioned tendencies and survival strategies that no longer serve us. It involves purposeful practices that help us to develop embodied choices and skills that our lived experiences and social conditions may have not given us. The core aspects of a politicized Somatics include somatics awareness, somatic opening, and somatic practices—all held within social conditions, land and Spirit. Somatic bodywork is one of the key processes that supports somatic opening. Each of these is vital to a transformative process. 

One-to-one work with a trained somatic therapist or coach can be powerful. Along with that, we encourage you to join in collective transformation. This could be an in-person somatic workshop or training, an ongoing local or online practice group, a group of friends or colleagues who practice together and know each other's declarations, collective ceremony, and more. We are social beings. Community, reflection, caring feedback, relationship, and lifting each other up are key to both personal and collective transformation.    

Being involved with community organizing and social and climate justice movements is also transformative. Find movements that resonate for you and are relevant to your communities. You can find a number of organizations to check out and/or join here.

Lastly, while working online offers much more access than in-person work, online work also has its limitations. We can’t include partner practice and somatic bodywork online in the same way. If you find an online somatic practitioner who works for you, perhaps brainstorm with them about how you can also find hands-on somatic bodywork and people/places to practice with in person. 

Feel free to interview practitioners to find a good fit for you. Let them know what you want to transform and the healing and leadership development you want. Ask them about their experience and what they can help you with. An initial list of politicized somatic practitioners and their websites/contact info is below. We'll add to this list over time.

Here’s to your healing and to our collective freedom.