Starting A New Organization    

While TAMUG has many choices to offer among its student organizations, there may be something that you would like to add. Just follow the easy steps on this page and you will be well on your way to starting a new student organization!

1. Find out how much interest there is among the student body. It might be helpful to schedule a meeting to find out how many other people share your interests. You should meet ahead of time with the Office of Student Life to schedule a location and have flyers and emails approved. Keep a list of all students showing interest and their phone numbers.

2. Once you know that you have other students to join the organization, start by working on a constitution. Need some help? Take a look at our template for How To Write a Constitution. Once you have completed a draft, bring it by the Office of Student Life so someone can review it with you.

3. Have you found an advisor yet? Every student organization must have a faculty or staff advisor. Think about what qualities you would like in an advisor. Does this person need to have any special skills? When you solicit this person’s time, make sure that you make it clear to them what your expectations are. You can even print out the Expectations of an Advisor and take it to them. This can help them make an informed decision about whether they can volunteer the amount of time that your organization needs.

4. You are done! Just submit your Constitution (on paper and by email to [email protected]) to gain approval.

6. Once you have been approved, you will need to elect officers. These officers will be required to attend certain training sessions to understand procedures for managing a student organization.

Helpful Forms For New Organizations:

How to Write a Constitution

Expectations of an Advisor