Picture Awards



Why Awards are important to us
It is very difficult to measure the quality of investor relations. The shareprice performance depends on many factors that are independent of the quality of the investor relatons efforts. And investor relations makes no revenue or profit on its own, which could be a measure for success. 
That is where surveys and expert rankings come into play. They are a key means for monitoring the success of our work and complement the direct feedback we continually receive. They give us background on customer satisfaction and provide input for our quest to continuously improve.
For us, the primary target is not to win awards, but to provide the best investor relations experience across all sectors in Europe. Please help us to further improve our services. We appreciate any feedback. Awards above show either company or individual IR awards for the relevant year.

  • German Investor Relations Award: 1st Place (Best Investor Relations Professional)
  • Deutscher Investor Relations Price: 1st Place
  • #1 Institutional Investor (European Telecoms)
  • #1 Investors‘ Darling
  • #1 Investors‘ Darling
  • #1 IR Magazin 
  • #2 Institutional Investors
  • #2 German IR Award
  • #1 Institutional Investor Award (European telecoms)
  • #3 Deutscher Investor Relations Award (DAX)
Extel Auszeichnung Übersicht der Kategorien

Extel provides the most relevant capital market survey for Europe: the by far largest participation from investment professionals around the world and the most accurate methodology ensure a reliable feedback on the quality of investor relations activities.

  • Biggest participation: 17,000 investment professionals from all over the world (14,000 investors; 2,500 analysts) have cast their vote. The number of voters in the Extel Survey is more than 8x as large as the second largest survey (Institutional Investor: 870 investors, 1110 analysts) and more than 20x as large as the 3rd largest survey (IR-Magazine, 700 participants in total).
  • Most accurate methodology: Extel is the only capital market survey where the votes are weighted to reflect the relative importance and influence of participating firms. Investors are weighted by assets under management. Analysts are weighted by their reputation which is measured by their ranking in the Extel Survey of the previous year.

The leading position of the Extel Survey is underpinned by the fact that a number of European national investor relations associations have chosen Extel Survey data to be the basis for their respective national IR awards (DIRK form Germany, Investor Relations Society from United Kingdom and CLIFF from France).

For more information on the Extel Survey click here.

Extel Pan European Survey: Award won for 4th time in a row and further improved

Extel Auszeichnung Übersicht der Kategorien

#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom

#1 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom

#1 CFO: Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom

#3 IR Professional: Hannes Wittig, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom.

#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom

#1 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom

#1 CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom

#1 IR Professional: Hannes Wittig, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom

#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom

#1 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom

#1 CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom

#3 IR Professional: Hannes Wittig, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom

Extel provides the most relevant capital market survey for Europe: the by far largest participation from investment professionals around the world and the most accurate methodology ensure a reliable feedback on the quality of investor relations activities.

  • Biggest participation: 17,000 investment professionals from all over the world (14,000 investors; 2,500 analysts) have cast their vote. The number of voters in the Extel Survey is more than 8x as large as the second largest survey (Institutional Investor: 870 investors, 1110 analysts) and more than 20x as large as the 3rd largest survey (IR-Magazine, 700 participants in total).
  • Most accurate methodology: Extel is the only capital market survey where the votes are weighted to reflect the relative importance and influence of participating firms. Investors are weighted by assets under management. Analysts are weighted by their reputation which is measured by their ranking in the Extel Survey of the previous year.

The leading position of the Extel Survey is underpinned by the fact that a number of European national investor relations associations have chosen Extel Survey data to be the basis for their respective national IR awards (DIRK form Germany, Investor Relations Society from United Kingdom and CLIFF from France).

For more information on the Extel Survey click here.

Institutional Investor - All Europe Executive Team: “Most Honoured Company”

Deutsche Telekom was ranked as winner in every category at this year's Institutional Investor All-Europe Executive Team ranking. Never before, Deutsche Telekom has achieved a better result in the ranking.

Within the telecommunication sector Deutsche Telekom was decorated as the Most Honoured Company, the overall winner of all categories.

The overall rank results from the placement in each single category:

Category Ranking
Best CEO:Tim
#1 overall, #2 investors, #1 analysts
Best CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt#1 overall, #2 investors, #2 analysts
Best IR ProfessionalHannes Wittig#1 overall, #2 investors, #1 analysts
Best IR Program #1 overall, #1 investors, #1 analysts
Best Analyst Days #1 overall
Best Website

An overview of the Institutional Investor All Europe Executive Team can be found here.

In total, 755 portfolio manager and buy-side analysts, and 909 sell-side Analysts voted across 31 sectors. Voters are asked to nominate up to four companies for best CEO, CFO, Investor Relations Professional, Investor Relations Program and analyst days in Europe

A business that earns a top-three position in one of the four categories is deemed an Honoured Company. To earn the designation of Most Honored Company, it must achieve two or more top-three appearances.

Rank is determined by weighted score wherein each first-place position is worth three points;second place, two;and third place, one. When a tie exists in the weighted score, companies are ordered according to the number of ranked positions they receive in their industry sectors. Beneath that, up to four companies that excel in each of eight IR attributes should be identified. These IR attributes include categories such as providing access to senior management, degree of financial disclosure and so on. Responses to these questions are aggregated to produce an overall rank for each company

To be eligible for the ranking, a company must be incorporated in Europe and traded on a corresponding European exchange. Furthermore a minimum vote count must be achieved.

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2016 on how they assess the investor relations efforts of European listed companies. The results have been published in March 2017.

Extel Pan European Survey: Award won for 3rd time in a row and further improved

Picture Extel Award Catergories

#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom

#3 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom

#3 CFO: Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom

#3 IR Professional: Hannes Wittig, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom.

#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom

#2 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom

#2 CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom

#2 IR Professional: Hannes Wittig, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom

#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom

#1 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom

#1 CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom

#1 IR Professional: Hannes Wittig, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom

Extel provides the most relevant capital market survey for Europe: the by far largest participation from investment professionals around the world and the most accurate methodology ensure a reliable feedback on the quality of investor relations activities.

  • Biggest participation: 17,000 investment professionals from all over the world (14,000 investors; 2,500 analysts) have cast their vote. The number of voters in the Extel Survey is more than 8x as large as the second largest survey (Institutional Investor: 870 investors, 1110 analysts) and more than 20x as large as the 3rd largest survey (IR-Magazine, 700 participants in total).
  • Most accurate methodology: Extel is the only capital market survey where the votes are weighted to reflect the relative importance and influence of participating firms. Investors are weighted by assets under management. Analysts are weighted by their reputation which is measured by their ranking in the Extel Survey of the previous year.

The leading position of the Extel Survey is underpinned by the fact that a number of European national investor relations associations have chosen Extel Survey data to be the basis for their respective national IR awards (DIRK form Germany, Investor Relations Society from United Kingdom and CLIFF from France).

For more information on the Extel Survey click here.

Institutional Investor - All Europe Executive Team: “Most Honoured Company”

Deutsche Telekom was ranked as winner in every category at this year's Institutional Investor All-Europe Executive Team ranking. Never before, Deutsche Telekom has achieved a better result in the ranking.

Within the telecommunication sector Deutsche Telekom was decorated as the Most Honoured Company, the overall winner of all categories.

The overall rank results from the placement in each single category:

Category Ranking
Best CEO:Timotheus Höttges#1 overall, #2 investors, #1 analysts
Best CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt#1 overall, #2 investors, #2 analysts
Best IR ProfessionalHannes Wittig#1 overall, #2 investors, #1 analysts
Best IR Program #1 overall, #1 investors, #1 analysts
Best Analyst Days #1 overall

An overview of the Institutional Investor All Europe Executive Team can be found here.

In total, 755 portfolio manager and buy-side analysts, and 909 sell-side Analysts voted across 31 sectors. Voters are asked to nominate up to four companies for best CEO, CFO, Investor Relations Professional, Investor Relations Program and analyst days in Europe

A business that earns a top-three position in one of the four categories is deemed an Honoured Company. To earn the designation of Most Honored Company, it must achieve two or more top-three appearances.

Rank is determined by weighted score wherein each first-place position is worth three points;second place, two;and third place, one. When a tie exists in the weighted score, companies are ordered according to the number of ranked positions they receive in their industry sectors. Beneath that, up to four companies that excel in each of eight IR attributes should be identified. These IR attributes include categories such as providing access to senior management, degree of financial disclosure and so on. Responses to these questions are aggregated to produce an overall rank for each company

To be eligible for the ranking, a company must be incorporated in Europe and traded on a corresponding European exchange. Furthermore a minimum vote count must be achieved.

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2015 on how they assess the investor relations efforts of European listed companies. The results have been published in March 2016.

German Investor Relations Award: Title defended: #1 in Germany! 

Picture German Investor Relations Award 2016

In two awarded categories the first place:
#1 IR work (DAX30): Deutsche Telekom
#1 IR Professional (DAX30): Hannes Wittig, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom

Publication of the results on 24 May 2016, on DIRK Conference 2016

Further information on the German Investor Relations Award as well as the German Investor Relations Association (DIRK), click here (German).

IR Magazine Award: #1 in telco! 

Awarded categorie:
Best IR in sector communications: Deutsche Telekom


Publication of the results on 22 June 2016, on IR MAGAZINE Awards ‒ EUROPE

Further information on the IR MAGAZINE Award click here.

Extel Pan European Survey: Award won for 2nd time in a row and further improved. 

  • First time ever: Deutsche Telekom is the first company ever to win both awards for ‘Leading company for Investor Relations’ and for ‘Leading Investor Relations Professional’ at the same time.
  • First time ever: Deutsche Telekom is the first company ever to achieve the #1 position in all 4 categories for Germany (Overall, CEO, CFO, IR-Professional)

#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom. Best of all 1,652 participating listed companies. Distance to #2 has widend by +15% vs last year.
#2 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom
#3 CFO: Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom
#1 IR Professional: Stephan Eger, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom. Best of all 5,751 participating IR professionals.

​​​​​​​#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom
#2 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom
#2 CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom
#1 IR Professional: Stephan Eger, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom

​​​​​​​#1 Overall: Deutsche Telekom
#1 CEO: Tim Höttges, CEO Deutsche Telekom
#1 CFO:Thomas Dannenfeldt, CFO Deutsche Telekom
#1 IR Professional: Stephan Eger, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom

"Our Investor Relations activities have played a significant role in the strong performance of our share over the past few years. That's because our communication with analysts and investors has always been fair and reliable."


Thomas Dannenfeldt

Extel provides the most relevant capital market survey for Europe: the by far largest participation from investment professionals around the world and the most accurate methodology ensure a reliable feedback on the quality of investor relations activities.

  • Biggest participation: 17,000 investment professionals from all over the world (14,000 investors; 2,500 analysts) have cast their vote. The number of voters in the Extel Survey is more than 8x as large as the second largest survey (Institutional Investor: 870 investors, 1110 analysts) and more than 20x as large as the 3rd largest survey (IR-Magazine, 700 participants in total).
  • Most accurate methodology: Extel is the only capital market survey where the votes are weighted to reflect the relative importance and influence of participating firms. Investors are weighted by assets under management. Analysts are weighted by their reputation which is measured by their ranking in the Extel Survey of the previous year.

The leading position of the Extel Survey is underpinned by the fact that a number of European national investor relations associations have chosen Extel Survey data to be the basis for their respective national IR awards (DIRK form Germany, Investor Relations Society from United Kingdom and CLIFF from France).

For more information on the Extel Survey click here.

Institutional Investor - Top ranks for Deutsche Telekom

Both the Executive Board and the Investor Relations team were once again highly ranked

The overall rank results from the placement in each single category:

Category Ranking
Best CEO:Timotheus Höttges#1 investors, #1 analysts
Best IR ProfessionalStephan Eger#1 investors
Best IR Team #3 investors, #2 analysts

An overview of the Institutional Investor All Europe Executive Team can be found here.

In total, 755 portfolio manager and buy-side analysts, and 909 sell-side Analysts voted across 31 sectors. Voters are asked to nominate up to four companies for best CEO, CFO, Investor Relations Professional, Investor Relations Program and analyst days in Europe

A business that earns a top-three position in one of the four categories is deemed an Honoured Company. To earn the designation of Most Honored Company, it must achieve two or more top-three appearances.

Rank is determined by weighted score wherein each first-place position is worth three points;second place, two;and third place, one. When a tie exists in the weighted score, companies are ordered according to the number of ranked positions they receive in their industry sectors. Beneath that, up to four companies that excel in each of eight IR attributes should be identified. These IR attributes include categories such as providing access to senior management, degree of financial disclosure and so on. Responses to these questions are aggregated to produce an overall rank for each company

To be eligible for the ranking, a company must be incorporated in Europe and traded on a corresponding European exchange. Furthermore a minimum vote count must be achieved.

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2014 on how they assess the investor relations efforts of European listed companies. The results have been published in March 2015.

German Investor Relations Award: Title defended: #1 in Germany!

In all awarded categories among the top 3, two times the first place:
#1 IR work (DAX30): Deutsche Telekom
#1 IR Professional (DAX30): Stephan Eger, Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom
#3 Fixed Income IR: Deutsche Telekom

Publication of the results on 2 June 2015, on DIRK Conference 2015

Further information on the German Investor Relations Award as well as the German Investor Relations Association (DIRK), click here (German).

DSW - Study: Deutsche Telekom is the only company which fulfills all requirements!

Content of the study is the content analysis of forecast reporting and the retro perspective forecasting accuracy in the Annual Reports 2014.

  • Transparency: high - "Deutsche Telekom is the only company which fulfills all the requirements."
  • Forecast accuracy: Forecast met - "Decisive for fulfillment is primarily the observance of forecasted consolidated net income"

Link to the transcript of the press conference (german)

"BILANZ" awarded IR: Deutsche Telekom is the only company which fulfills all requirements!

Deutsche Telekom is ranked #1 in the DAX category and in the overall standings of the competition for the "Best Annual Report".

Key for the top ranking is primarily the high level of detail and accuracy in Deutsche Telekom’s management report, which has impressed the jury.

Link to article on bilanz-magazin.de (German)

Awards for investor relations work in 2014

Extel Pan European Survey 2014: DT voted #1 across all sectors

16,000 investors and analysts from more than 75 countries cast their vote: Deutsche Telekom provides the best investor relations in Europe across all sectors. We are proud and very grateful for that positive feedback. This award will make us work even harder to meet high expectations and to continuously improve our services further.

Details of Thomson Reuters Extel Pan European Survey

Analysts and investors were surveyed from March until May 2014 as it assess the investor relations work of European listed companies. The publication of the results was published in June 2014.

Best Investor Relations Team:

  • Within telco sector: 1st place in Europe
  • Across all sectors: 1st place in Europe und 1st place in Germany

Best CEO:

  • Within telco sector: Tim Höttges on 1st place in Europe

Best Investor Relations Professional:

  • Within telco sector: Stephan Eger 2nd place

You will find more information about Extel here.

German Investor Relations Award 2014

Deutsche Telekom’s investor relations quality has been ranked to be the best in Germany by DIRK (German Investor Relations Association).

Details of German Investor Award

  • Best IR performance overall (DAX30): 1st place

You will find more information about DIRK Award here.

Award for Annual Report of Deutsche Telekom at the ARC

Deutsche Telekom’s annual report was ranked no. 1 worldwide in the very important category ‘financial figures’.

Details of Annual Report Competition

Deutsche Telekom’s Annual Report 2013 has been awarded at the International Annual Report Competition (ARC)

  • best annual report in the specifically important category ‘Financial Data’ (GRAND & Gold Award)

The International ARC Competition is the most renowned competition for annual reports worldwide and financial media consider the ARC awards to be the "Academy Awards of Annual Reports".

You will find more information about ARC here.

Deutsche Telekom’s Annual Report 2013 gold awarded by LACP

Deutsche Telekom’s Annual Report 2013 has been awarded at the LACP 2013 Vision Awards.

Deutsche Telekom’s Annual Report 2013 gold awarded by LACP

Deutsche Telekom’s Annual Report 2013 has been awarded at the LACP 2013 Vision Awards

  • Competition Class Winner - Telecommunication (Gold Award)

The 2013 Vision Awards Annual Report Competition drew one of the largest number of submissions ever, representing a broad range of industries and organizational sizes. This year’s event was comprised of nearly 1,000 organizations representing upwards of two-dozen countries, so competition was exceptionally tough.

You will find more information about LACP 2013 Vision Award here.

ReportWatch awarded Deutsche Telekom Annual Report 2013 for the second best in germany

The annual report of Deutsche Telekom is awarded to the second best german report.

Details of Reportwatch Annual Report on Annual Reports 2014 Competition

Deutsche Telekom’s Annual Report 2013 has been awarded by Reportwatch

  • second best german report (with the review: A- / very good)

ReportWatch is the denominator, trademark and website for the report monitoring, scanning, scoring and rating process that results in the Annual Report on Annual Reports, which is posted online yearly in August.

You will find more informations about Reportwatch´s "Annual Report on Annual Reports 2014" here.

Institutional Investor: Top ranks for Deutsche Telekom

Both the Executive Board and the Investor Relations team were once again highly ranked

Details of Institutional Investor Award

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2013 on how they assess the investor relations efforts of European listed companies. The results have been published in March 2014.

  • Best IR Team in Telco Sector: 1st place (Analysts)
  • Best IR Professional in Telco Sector: Stephan Eger 2nd place (Investors)
  • Best CEO: René Obermann 2nd place (Investors) und 3rd (Analysts)
  • Best CFO: Timotheus Höttges 1st place (Analysts) und 2nd place (Investors)

You will find more information about Institutional Investor here.

Awards for investor relations work in 2013

Thomson Reuters Extel Pan European Survey 2013

The surveyed investors and analysts have praised Deutsche Telekom's investor relations activities for their high quality.

Details of Thomson Reuters Extel Pan European Survey

Analysts and investors were surveyed from March until May 2013 as it assess the investor relations work of European listed companies. The publication of the results was published in June 2013.

Best Investor Relations Team:

  • Within telco sector: 2nd place in Europe
  • Across all sectors: 7th place in Europe und 3rd place in Germany

Best CEO:

  • Within telco sector: René Obermann on 2nd place in Europe
  • Across all sectors: René Obermann on 3rd place in Europe and on 1st place in Germany

Best CFO:

  • Within telco sector: Timotheus Höttges on 1st place
  • Across all sectors: Timotheus Höttges on 2nd place in Europe and on 1st place in Germany

Best Investor Relations Professional:

  • Within telco sector: Stephan Eger 1st place
  • Across all sectors: Stephan Eger 2nd place in Europe und 2nd place in Germany

You will find more information about Extel here.

Excellent ‘Outlook’ in annual report 2012

Deutsche Telekom’s annual report is among the best in the quality evaluation of the DAX30’s annual reports. Focus was the ‘Outlook’ chapter.

Details of Kirchhoff Awards

All DAX30 companies have been scrutinized on the outlook that they are giving in their 2012 annual report. Deutsche Telekom is one of the six best rated companies with ‘high transparancy’ ahead of 17 companies with ‘medium transparency’ and another 6 companies with ‘low transparency’. The analysis was conducted by Kirchhoff Consult in Cooperation with Deutschen Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz

Award for Annual Report of Deutsche Telekom at the ARC

Deutsche Telekom’s annual report was ranked no. 1 worldwide in the very important category ‘financial figures’.

Details of Annual Report Competition

Deutsche Telekom’s Annual Report 2012 has been awarded at the International Annual Report Competition (ARC)

  • best annual report among 2,260 submissions from 34 countries in the specifically important category ‘Financial Data’ (GRAND & Gold Award)
  • best annual report of Germany (GRAND Award)
  • excellent look and feed with regard to „Interior Design“ and „Printing & Production“ (Gold and Bronze Award)

The International ARC Competition is the most renowned competition for annual reports worldwide and financial media consider the ARC awards to be the "Academy Awards of Annual Reports".

You will find more information about ARC here.

German Investor Relations Award 2013

Deutsche Telekom’s investor relations quality has been ranked among the top 3 companies in Germany by DIRK (German Investor Relations Association).

Details of German Investor Award

  • Best IR performance overall (DAX): 3rd place
  • Best IR Professional (DAX): Stephan Eger, 2nd place
  • Debt capital communication (DAX): 2nd place

You will find more information about DIRK Award here.

Institutional Investor (Europe) 2012

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2012 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in March 2013

  • Best IR team in telco sector: 2nd place (buy-side) and 3rd place (sell-side)
  • Best IR professional in telco sector: Stephan Eger 1st place (buy-side)
  • Best CEO: René Obermann 2nd place (buy-side)
  • Best CFO: Timotheus Höttges 1st place (buy-side) and 2nd place (sell-side)

Awards for investor relations work in 2012

Thomson Extel Pan-European Survey 2012

Analysts and investors were surveyed from march until may 2012 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in june 2012.

  • Best IR team in telco sector: 1st place in Europe and in Germany
  • Best IR team across all sectors: 3rd place in Europe and 2nd place in Germany
  • Best CEO across all sectors: René Obermann among Top10 with 6th place in Europe
  • Best CFO across all sectors: Timotheus Höttges 1st place in Germany and Europe
  • Best IR professional in telco sector: Stephan Eger 1st place
  • Best IR professional across all sectors: Stephan Eger among Top10 with 6th place in Europe and 4th place in Germany

German Investor Relations Award 2012

  • Best IR performance overall (DAX): 2nd place
  • Best IR Professional (DAX): Stephan Eger, 4th place
  • Best proactivity of senior executives (DAX): 1st place

Institutional Investor (Europe) 2011

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2011 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in march 2012.

  • Best IR Team in Telco Sector: 1st place (financial institutions and investors)
  • Best IR Professional in Telco Sector: Stephan Eger 1st place (Investors)
  • Best CEO: René Obermann 3rd place (financial institutions)
  • Best CFO: Timotheus Höttges 1st place (financial institutions and investors)
  • Company Reputation: 1st place in Telco Sector, 2nd place in the DAX, the total place 8th of 63

Awards for investor relations work in 2011

Institutional Investor (Europa) 2010

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2010 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in March 2011.

  • Best IR Team in Telco Sector: 1st place (Financial institutions)
  • Best IR Professional in Telco Sector: Stephan Eger 2nd place (financial institutions)
  • Best CFO: Timotheus Höttges 2nd place financial institutions) and 3rd place (Investors)

Thomson Extel Pan-European Survey 2011

Analysts and investors were surveyed from march until may 2011 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in june 2011

  • Best IR Team in Telco Sector: 1st place
  • Best IR Professional in Telco Sector: Stephan Eger 1st place
  • Best IR Professional in all sectors: Stephan Eger 2nd place
  • Best CEO in all sectors: René Obermann 1st place in Germany and Europe
  • Best CFO in all sectors: Timotheus Höttges 1st place in germany and 2nd place in europe
  • Inside the telecommunications industry: Stephan Eger 1st place
  • Across all sectors: Stephan Eger with 2nd place in Europe and 2nd place in germany

German Investor Relations Award 2011

  • Best IR Team in DAX30: 12th place
  • Best IR Professional in DAX30: Stephan Eger 5th place

Awards for investor relations work in 2010

Institutional Investor (Europa) 2009

Analysts and investors were surveyed from October until December 2009 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in March 2010.

  • Best IR Team in Telco Sector: 3rd place (Financial institutions)

Thomson Extel Pan-European Survey 2010

Analysts and investors were surveyed from march until may 2010 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in june 2010.

  • Best IR Team in Telco Sector: 1st place
  • Best IR Professional in Telco Sector: Stephan Eger 1st place
  • Best IR Professional in all sectors: Stephan Eger 2nd place
  • Best CEO im Telco Sector: René Obermann 4th place
  • Best CFO in all sectors: Timotheus Höttges 2nd place in industry and 3rd place in germany

Thomson Extel Pan-European Survey 2009

Analysts and investors were surveyed from march until may 2009 as it assess the investor relations work of european listed companies. The publication of the results was published in june 2009.

  • Best IR Professional in Telco Sector: Stephan Eger 2nd place

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Your Contact

You have questions about the Telekom Share, financial reports or similar topics? Contact us!

Picture Contact

Investor Relations

Deutsche Telekom

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Hannes Wittig

Hannes Wittig

Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom (Senior Vice President)

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Christoph Greitemann

Christoph Greitemann

Senior IR Manager

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Andreas Puy

Andreas Puy

Vice President Investor Relations

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Thomas Ris

Thomas Ris

Vice President Investor Relations

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Peer Roßbach

Peer Roßbach

Senior IR Manager

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Markus Schäfer

Markus Schäfer

Vice President Debt Capital Markets

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Galina Zhiltsova

Galina Zhiltsova

Debt Capital Markets

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Renate Pohler

Renate Pohler

IR Manager Retail Investors & Annual General Meeting

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Picture Simone Schlief

Simone Schlief

Senior Expert IR Focus ESG

[email protected]


Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn

Logo T-Mobile US

T-Mobile US, Inc.

[email protected]


Five Newport, 12920 SE 38th St, Bellevue, WA,


OTE Investor Relations Department

[email protected]


Ikarou & Agiou Louka St. 1, 19 002 Paiania - Attica

Logo Magyar

Magyar Telekom Plc.

[email protected]


1541 Budapest

Logo T-Hrvatski

Hrvatski Telekom d.d. / Croatian Telecom Inc.

[email protected]


Radnička cesta 21, 10000 Zagreb
