Research Services

Be Bold. We Have The Data to Back You Up.

With our meticulously researched reports in your arsenal, you'll have the analytics you need to ground your creative vision in evidence.

Comp Analysis

Our Comp Analysis reports are an integral asset to planning an investment, drafting a Private Placement Memorandum, determining a distribution strategy, or creating a compelling business plan for a movie.

By breaking down the revenue streams of comparable films to your project, we create a comprehensive analysis of your project’s quantifiable value.

Whether your film is headed for festivals, aiming for a streaming deal, going direct to video, looking for international sales at a film market, or charting a unique course, our Comp Analysis will brace you with unrivaled predictive power.

The Comp Analysis assembles and analyzes:

  • Investor scenarios
  • Domestic & international analysis
  • Comparable films
  • P&A budgets
  • Theatrical, TV, video, and ancillary revenues

Why Do I Need a Comp Analysis?

As a filmmaker, backing your big creative ideas with great data is essential to business negotiations. That’s why everyone from industry titans to indie filmmakers trusts The Numbers.

Pitch More Persuasively

There are no shortcuts to crafting the perfect pitch. Even if you have the story aspect as air-tight and evocative as it can be, that’s only half of your ammunition. To convince film investors that your project is not only poignant but also profitable, you need numbers to back you up.

Understand the Market

The Numbers was around before Netflix even mailed DVDs. Not to brag, but we understand how to capitalize on every disruption in the industry. Whether it be the COVID-19 pandemic, the streaming revolution, or whatever unpredictable ripple we’ll see next –– we help our clients understand what content audiences want to consume and where they want to consume it.

Boost Your Negotiation Power

Our reports have been instrumental factors in negotiations for filmmakers. They have given our clients the confidence and evidence to bolster their creative vision. Whether it’s negotiating profit participation for a crew member or fielding a distribution offer at Sundance, our reports can provide insight into the realistic worth of your project.

Our Data Gurus Compile and Compare Alongside You | How It Works

Step 1: Reach Out

Fire an email to [email protected], and we'll schedule a time to discuss your project and goals.

Step 2: Research

Work with our team to choose 20 films from our database similar to your project. We select based on parallels in budget, genre, distribution strategy, tone, theme, setting, and key talent, or find comps that mirror your film on a more granular level, such as characters and source material.

You, as the filmmaker, have the final say in what films comprise your custom Comp Analysis.

Step 3: Realize Your Vision

Impress the "suits" with a clear and compact overview of your prospects or use your Comp Analysis to advance your knowledge and ascend in the industry.

Pitch Fearlessly. The Numbers Have Your Back.

Email [email protected] for all the evidence you need to get your film financed.