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Green with envy: Margot Henderson’s watercress soup.
Green with envy: Margot Henderson’s watercress soup. Photograph: Ola O Smit/The Guardian. Food styling: Sam Dixon. prop styling: Anna Wilkins
Green with envy: Margot Henderson’s watercress soup. Photograph: Ola O Smit/The Guardian. Food styling: Sam Dixon. prop styling: Anna Wilkins

A taste of spring: recipes from Margot Henderson

Asparagus tart, broad bean puree and watercress soup, balanced by a creamy brandade

Watercress soup (pictured above)

Prep 15 min
Soak 2 hr
Cook 1 hr 10 min
Serves 4

120ml olive oil
40g butter
50g short-grain rice, soaked for half an hour
125g spring onions, trimmed and sliced
1 garlic clove, peeled and sliced
200g leeks, outer leaves removed, cut in half lengthways and thinly sliced
200g watercress, leaves and stalks separated
1 tsp salt
4 grinds black pepper

For the dashi
15cm piece of konbu (or chicken stock or water)

To make the dashi, clean the konbu thoroughly, then make a few cuts in it with scissors. If you have time, soak it in water for a few hours. Transfer to a pan, cover with a litre of water and simmer for 40 minutes. Strain and put aside. If you’re not using the dashi straight away, it will keep in the fridge for three to five days. Or use chicken stock or water instead.

Heat the olive oil and butter in a pan over a medium heat. Rinse the rice in cold water and add to the pan, followed by the spring onions, garlic, leeks and watercress stalks. Sweat for five minutes, until the leeks have softened, being careful not to brown the rice. Add 400ml of the dashi, chicken stock or water. Once the rice is cooked, add the watercress leaves, stir until wilted, then remove from the heat and whiz in a blender. Season with the salt and black pepper and serve.

Broad bean puree

Prep 15 min
Cook 20 min
Serves 12

Margot Henderson’s broad bean puree on toast.

500g mature broad beans
2 sprigs thyme
1 bay leaf
1 pint extra-virgin olive oil
1 pint water
1 strip lemon peel, plus a squeeze of juice
2 tbsp grated Berkswell or parmesan
Salt and black pepper

Blanch the beans in boiling water for two to three minutes, then refresh in iced water. Squeeze off the outer skins, so you are left with the inner green part of the bean.

Tie the herbs together in a bundle. In a pan, heat 70-100ml of the olive oil, the water, the herb bundle and lemon peel. Once simmering, add the beans and cook for 10-15 minutes, until tender, then drain.

In a blender, puree the beans with a splash of water, then gently pour in the remaining olive oil, until you have a thick puree. Add the grated cheese, a squeeze of lemon and season to taste. Serve on toast with a broad bean flower to garnish, if you like.

Asparagus tart

Prep 25 min
Chill 2 hr
Cook 50 min
Serves 8

Margot Henderson’s asparagus tart.

For the pastry
250g plain flour
1 pinch salt
150g unsalted butter, cold and diced
50ml milk

For the filling
400g asparagus, ends trimmed and cut into 3cm pieces
120g goat’s cheese or curd
150ml creme fraiche
150ml double cream
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
1 tsp grated lemon zest
Salt and black pepper

To make the pastry, whiz the flour, salt and butter in a mixer until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the milk, bring the dough together, then wrap in clingfilm and leave to chill in the fridge for one hour.

Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface and line a 24cm tart tin with it. Leave to rest in the fridge for about an hour. Line the pastry with baking parchment and fill with baking beans (or lentils or rice). Bake blind in an oven heated to 190C (170C fan)/gas 5 for 10-15 minutes, until the pastry is firm, then remove the paper and beans, and bake for another five minutes, until golden brown.

Meanwhile, make the filling. Blanch the asparagus in a pan of salted boiling water for two to three minutes, depending on thickness – you want it to have some bite.

Mix together the goat’s cheese or curd, the creme fraiche and double cream, then whisk in the eggs. Add the lemon zest and season well. Add the asparagus, then pour the mixture into the tart tin and bake for about 30 minutes, until set but with a bit of wobble. Leave to cool for a few moments, then serve.


Prep 15 min
Soak 18 hr
Cook 40 min
Serves 4

Margot Henderson’s salt cod brandade.

280g salt cod fillet, soaked in water for 18 hours
750ml milk
2 bay leaves
1 garlic clove, peeled
100g floury potatoes, peeled
120ml olive oil
Salt and pepper
Juice of ½ lemon
Baguette, to serve

In a large pan, poach the cod in the milk with the bay leaves and garlic for about seven minutes, until it starts to fall apart. Leave to cool. Lift the cod out of the milk and carefully remove any bones and skin (though a little skin will add to the flavour).

Bring a large pan of water to a boil and cook the potatoes until very soft, then drain. Reheat the milk and, in a separate pan, heat the olive oil.

Put the cod, garlic, potatoes, half the milk and half the oil in a food processor and pulse. Add more milk and oil, if needed – the consistency should resemble thick porridge. Season with pepper and maybe a little salt, depending on the saltiness of the cod, then finish with a squeeze of lemon juice.

Pour the cod mixture into a small baking dish. Heat the oven to 180C (160C fan)/gas 4 and bake until the top is browned, about 10 minutes. Warm the bread in the oven before serving with the brandade.

Margot Henderson is chef/co-owner of Rochelle Canteen, London E2 and SW1

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