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Practice made perfect

This article is more than 15 years old
Thinking of setting up a practice of your own? Psychotherapist Derek Draper offers some useful advice for budding therapists

If you gain the right skills, set up in a good location, charge properly and do some basic marketing then you can make a success of working as a psychotherapist. It's never going to make your fortune, but it is possible to make a living out of it. And importantly, it's probably one of the most fulfilling vocations there is. But before you jump right in, here are a few factors for you to consider ...


Some people practice at home, but I've always felt it wasn't for me. If it suits you, you'll save money on rent, but you may also restrict your market. Outside of London, small studio offices are usually available, and it's better to be in the town centre or next to good transport links than off the beaten track. Think about how convenient your location is for your clients.

In London, rooms are available by the hour or day in some areas. My practice is in Marylebone, and I still believe there to be a shortage of therapists in the West End. The cost of travelling and rent will be made up by the increased fees you can charge because you are central and your market is huge.


Setting your fee is always tricky. My advice is to find out what the hourly rate is in your area and charge something similar. In some places that might be £40-60, in others (such as central London) it's nearer £100.


Here are a few useful ideas:

Write to local doctors asking if you can meet and explain your services.

See if the local paper will take an advice column written by you for free (it acts as a wonderful advertisement).

Put up a well-designed notice - with a photo - wherever you can: libraries, health food shops, newsagents etc.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, use new media. Take out ads on Google and Yahoo using keywords such as "therapy", "counselling" and "depression" - as well as the name of the area in which your practice is located. Because this advertising is targeted, it often generates more interest than traditional forms of media.


Choosing a Counselling or Psychotherapy Training: A Practical Guide by Sylvie K Schapira (Routledge)

A Beginner's Guide to Training in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Robert Bor and Stephen Palmer (Sage)

Dryden's Handbook of Individual Therapy by Windy Dryden (Sage)

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