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Living history

This article is more than 23 years old
What's it like to work for an organisation that began before 1066? A lot more modern than you'd think, Joanne Dunnachie tells Mabel Msonthi

To most people, guilds are reminiscent of a bygone age, a medieval netherworld of coffee houses, clerks and apprentices. The trade associations of the City of London, collectively known as the Livery, are unique in their survival, number and diversity. However, considering their pre-1066 origins, is there room in this ancient collective for a modern office worker? Answer: yes. Joanne Dunnachie, 29, is the young and vibrant assistant clerk to the "Worshipful Company of Information Technologists", performing an up-to-date administrative job with a profoundly historic twist.

"There's no doubt that this is an unusual role, as it's so tied up with the history of London. The early companies controlled the manufacturing services within the square mile and this regulation of professions has survived to the present day," explains Dunnachie from her modern, airy offices. Indeed, diverse livery companies still exist, from the Tallow Chandlers (founded in 1462, and originally candlemakers or dealers in tallow - rendered animal fat) to the Merchant Taylors (1327). Livery involvement at Billingsgate fish market continues to ensure consistent standards, and there is even a company of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.

Dunnachie's route to this job has been fortuitous. "After graduating from Manchester University with a degree in history, I decided to travel around the world for a year," she says. "When I returned, I temped, which honed my office skills. I was keen to work for a charity and decided to register with a recruitment agency that specialised in these roles. After a few weeks, they came up with this fascinating job which, as a history graduate, was of particular interest to me."

Dunnachie's City offices are situated among the winding streets of the square mile, just around the corner from Smithfield, the historic meat market. "Most of my working day is taken up with administrative duties, managing the database, answering calls and responding to emails. I also look after the office equipment and am in sole charge of fire safety," she explains. She must also administer the apprenticeship and journeyman schemes.

Events are planned throughout the year to bring members of the livery company together to discuss their involvement in the IT industry. In January, Dunnachie starts the year by helping to organise the New Freeman's Dinner, an introductory function for new members . "I do have the opportunity to assist with event management, and as the livery members are high-profile people within the business community, it's imperative that I'm organised," she says. "My first port of call when dealing with events are the caterers, as we need to discuss menus well in advance. I then need to book venues, arrange a guest speaker and ensure that all the necessary equipment for speeches will be available on the day."

The annual partners' dinner at Mansion House, the official home of the Lord Mayor of London, is the key occasion of the year. After contacting the caterers with budget details, Dunnachie's next task would make many people envious: menu tasting. "Menus have to fit the occasion and the drinks must complement the food. We go through the tastings and I need to consider all options," she insists. "Seating plans must be worked out and these must observe strict rules of protocol. This is exactly the scenario where assistance from my boss, Gillian Davies ['clerk', or chief executive, of the Information Technologists], is vital. She has a vast wealth of experience in this area."

The rituals observed at formal functions are deeply bound up with tradition. "One notable custom, apart from passing the port clockwise, is the Loving Cup ceremony. The cup is traditionally filled with spiced wine and passed between two members. Particularly significant is the third person who protects the back of the person drinking. This stems from the murder of King Edward the Martyr in 978 AD," she explains, adding that she has herself donned ceremonial robes for functions. "It's a real novelty and something I know I wouldn't get to do in a run-of-the-mill corporate position."

The livery company has interests in education and training, as well as funding scholarships for prizes and research in IT. As Dunnachie explains, "We run apprenticeship schemes in IT and hold conferences to discuss the constant developments within the industry."

So would she agree that livery companies are an anachronism in today's working world? "Once you've worked here, you realise that the livery companies aren't picturesque leftovers from history but living institutions," she asserts. IT has undoubtedly taken on a huge profile in business over the past 40 years, dramatically affecting the world of commerce, she adds. "The livery world is not all 'thee and thou' and I prefer to see it as a unique job linked to the very heart of UK business."

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