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Yes, sir - he can boogie

This article is more than 15 years old
Peter Mandelson on Strictly Come Dancing
Think John Travolta crossed with Patrick Mandelson might look on the dance floor. Photomontage: Tristam Kenton

My former boss Peter Mandelson has created a samba in a tea-cup with the announcement that he'd like to join the contestants on Strictly Come Dancing. He told BBC Breakfast that he had been "cheering for John Sergeant on Saturday with, I have to say, a degree of ... envy". He then surprised everyone by revealing that he was a "much better" dancer than the BBC heavyweight.

This, unlikely as it may sound, is something I can confirm. I remember a Young Labour disco at party conference back in 1994 when he suddenly slipped off his suit jacket, strode on to the dancefloor and began to whirl around. At first, I was worried he would embarrass himself, but as people gathered round it was clear that Mandelson was one of those rare people who can dance flamboyantly while looking rather cool. Think John Travolta crossed with Patrick Swayze ... seriously. Alas BBC viewers didn't get to see him in action. He wisely turned down a plea to strut his stuff.

I'm not sure Peter could ever really star in Strictly. For one, he does not have the time - when my wife, Kate Garraway, was on the show last year she had to rehearse all hours of the day and night. In addition, the BBC seems wary of "politicising" its flagship show. That can be the only explanation for its spurning of Vince Cable, a keen amateur ballroom dancer, who has pretty much begged to be allowed to take part.

Maybe, though, the BBC could run a Children In Need special - Political Come Dancing. I have no doubt Mandelson would hesitate, and some would advise him against such frivolity. But I can't think of anything that would be better for his public image. The media has only ever shown one side of his personality. Under that "sinister minister" act there is someone with a great sense of humour, who is surprisingly light on his feet. Swapping his dark cloak for white tails and spangles could be the making of him. BBC bigwigs are always waffling on about taking politics to the people. Here's their chance.

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