
pure and simple love

@annelli0t-archive / annelli0t-archive.tumblr.com

annelli0t archive

He’s going to walk towards me. He’s going to take me by the shoulders. He’s going to kiss me. He’s going to kiss me and I’ll be lost. — Hiroshima, mon amour.


You just found me in the wrong universe. That’s all. This is, as they say, the darkest timeline. Everywhere else, nay, “everywhen” else— us in the Civil War, us in Ancient Egypt, us in the swinging ’60s— we are happy. Because you could have loved me forever. And maybe in another universe, I let you. (x)


Important life lessons learned via Gossip Girl:

Don’t worry ladies, if your man belittles you, trades your sexuality and dignity for material worth, attempts to sabotage prospective relationships and physically intimidates you, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you. Yes, he might be a man/child with significant mother issues and no appreciation for the rights of others, but really, isn’t that what we all want? So suck it up, bend to his wishes and remember, it’s not true love if you still have your self respect.
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