
using my fists in a scientific fashion

@milkygastrobones / milkygastrobones.tumblr.com

Milk | f | ✝ | over 18 I'm not the best at telling sarcasm/joking; your patience is appreciated. I block blank blogs. If I can’t even see your likes or followers, then I can't trust that you aren't a bot.

Fuck Around and Find Out

We have regular doors on either side of revolving doors because 492 people died at the Cocoanut Grove in 1942. We have radar for air traffic control and the Federal Aviation Administration because two planes collided over the Grand Canyon in 1956. Natural gas smells like that because it didn’t before it blew up the New London school in 1937 and killed around 300 people. We have a LOT of fire safety rules because of the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire. We have stronger cockpit doors because of 9/11 and stronger security for employees because of Pacific Southwest Flight 1771 and lighted aisles on planes because of Air Canada Flight 797.

I mean, that’s just off the top of my head after getting home from working twelve hours overnight. Two hundred and twelve episodes of @disasterarea-podcast, and nearly all of them involved the disaster in question spawning new regulations or rules to prevent the same thing from happening again.


actually i’d like to point out: we have safety regulations because people PROTESTED AND FOUGHT AND STRUCK AND DEMONSTRATED AND RAISED HELL. it took the bereaved families of those who died in the triangle shirtwaist factory years of campaigning for the government to pass regulations about fire and door locks. it took open warfare--the government was sending in troops, dropping bombs-- for miners in appalachia to get basic safety regulations. it takes parent groups and boycots and unions fighting cops in the street. it takes marches on washington. it takes a lot of journalism.

the government does nothing for the silent dead, the humble dead, the polite dead. a dead body is shoveled into the ground and forgotten by the next business quarter.

safety regulations are not written in the blood of silent, disposable victims. they’re written in the blood of those who split their knuckles and screamed their throats raw for a better world.

don’t ever underestimate the value of protest.

The related wisdom to this is: any time you find a rule that seems OBVIOUSLY silly, extraneous, etc, especially when connected to safety, figure out why it exists before you decide whether or not to change it.

Sometimes, genuinely, rules do become outdated because technology changes or usage changes; sometimes, rules are ported wholesale from one location to another without thinking about whether the fact that the new location is a massively different latitude makes, for instance, whether something freezes at -20C moot or not.

But you don't know that until you have fully investigated why it was put into place. So investigate first.


Can someone please tell me this was a pair that was trying to do the death spiral that mating birds of prey do, and somehow in the process they ended up stuck on a road sign. Because if it is, this is definitely one of the funniest “Okay, maybe we WERE a little bit over our head when we started this…” moments.

I doubt it. One of these birds is a juvenile (the top) while the other is an adult (bottom). The juvenile would have no interest in mating.

Honestly when I see hawks doing stupid stuff 9/10 times its a harris hawk—this seriously just looks like one of those stupid hawks time. They are one of the only social raptors, so this leads to some funny things, like


The harris hawk argument for stacking is “your back is less Pokey than a cactus so imma use it”

Not even falconers are safe…

They even hold hands

Please, what are you doing harris hawks, learn how to hawk


Sometimes even raptors can be birbs.


owl house was right.planet earth turns slowly and i do feel like an insomniac

not owl house. crap


…owl city?

no obviuosly i meant owl house !!!!! leave me alone!!!!!!!

the owl economy is in shambles

stop investing in this post why do you think the economy is in shambles


You cannot become a parent just because you want a baby that guy you made is gonna start having independent thoughts faster than you think he will


on Father’s Day, sitting in a restaurant with my parents and my brother, my mom commented idly that THIS was what she wanted when she & my dad started planning for kids almost 40 years ago. Not how cute a baby would be, not teaching a child to read or ride a bike, but THIS - a holiday meal with her two adult children who are grown and happy, living lives they enjoy. And I thought how lucky I am, that I have her. To know that my whole life was what she wanted and looked forward to, not just my infancy or childhood. To know that she was looking forward to knowing me, as a full and complete person.


people always talk about evil clones like oooh a dark mirror oohh what if you saw what are cruel person you were/are capable of becoming. and well yes but what if you were the evil clone. what if you looked in the mirror and what you saw was so bright it blinded you. what if you had to know exactly how good you could have been.


I like the expression new-fangled. I don't know what it means for something to be fangled, but I sure as hell know it was recent


It’s from the Old English word feng, which can mean “to take”, or also “to grasp, hold, or embrace”. So something that’s newfangled is something that was taken up recently.

The reason it’s using this pretty archaic root is that it’s an older word than a lot of people think. Here it is in the Canterbury Tales.

Minutes after posting: "Why did I write archaic when I could have gone with old-fangled?"

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