@softwaring / softwaring.tumblr.com

jubilee | she / her / they / them | 20s | PNW
Anonymous asked:

Wow..honestly would you ever consider making a YouTube channel? the photos and views you shared are beautiful. I would love to see more.

i’m planning on getting an insta360 so maybe after that lol what would yall be interested in?

i’m not like v outgoing so it’d probably just be footage of the hike w the natural sounds of the trail lol


Aasgard pass: what climbing 2400ft in a little under 3/4th a mile looks like, and the reward at the top


Got to do something very few people have the chance to do: backpack the Core of The Enchantments.

Hardest region to get too, and least rewarded permit in the system. You have a 0.06% chance to win and we got a permit 😭 still in shock, this is a place i’ve dreamed about.

Anyways this is the most photographed and easiest part of the hike to achieve: Colchuck lake. Called the most photographed lake in Washington.

Anonymous asked:

I thought you did enchantments last year? I remember you saying you got the lottery for an alpine wilderness hike and I assumed it was enchantments. Unless u somehow got it twice???

not last year but in 2022 i won for july 😇 so this will be my second time backpacking it in three years!! im excited to see the difference in july vs sept 💞

some pix from last time:


Help my family to leave the Gaza Strip

Hello everyone I am Huda, Najah’s sister @najahmeq , from the Gaza Strip. I hope to donate, share my page and my sister’s page, so that everyone and her children can be freed from the Gaza Strip due to the war, and to live a dignified and stable life. I ask you to participate as widely as possible so that their goal can be achieved as quickly as possible

My sister @najahmeq , Najah Al-Haila, is from Gaza.
I never imagined I would find myself in a situation that would require me to write these words, but life has taken an unexpected and devastating turn. My family, consisting of my beloved husband and our four children - two daughters and two sons - is facing a crisis that we cannot overcome alone.

Our home, once filled with love and laughter, has been shattered. The roof over our heads, the walls that protected us, and the place where our children grew up are lost. We lost not only our home, but the foundations of our lives. Now, we struggle every day to survive, with nowhere to go or a way to rebuild without help.

Our children, who should be focused on school and their dreams, worry instead about where they will sleep or when their next meal will be. The weight of their fear and confusion breaks my heart. As parents, we feel helpless and unable to provide basic necessities for our loved ones.

We are urgently asking for help because we cannot do this alone. We need to rebuild not only our home, but our lives. Every donation, no matter the size, will go directly to providing our children with a safe place to sleep, food to eat, and a chance to dream again. Please, if you can find it in your heart to help us during this desperate time, we will be forever grateful to you. May your kindness and generosity be the light that guides us through this darkness.

Please help me donate and share🙏

Thank you 🙏


@ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @amaspayrollmanager@fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq

@humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly@sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate@commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half


@toughknit @flower-tea-fairies@the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt@vivisection-gf@communistchameleon @troythecatfish@the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl


restricting palestinian accounts is horrifying. you can't find their blogs unless you go directly to their url because tumblr search won't even show it. their posts will be hidden in tags. you won't be able to see their interactions in your notes (including asks, likes, reblogs). they won't be able to message people altogether. it's so incredibly insidious to palestinians on this site who heavily rely on asks and dm's to spread their fundraisers and contact people.

if you haven't seen a palestinian that you follow on your dash check to see if they've been restricted or terminated.

please support @ahmed8311 and @amjadshiltawu. both of their accounts have been shadowbanned and they both need massive support to reach their goals.

both their fundraisers are on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's vetted fundraiser spreadsheet (number #161 for ahmed and number 250 for amjad)

if you have the ability to, please spotlight these fundraisers on your blog or other social media accounts you may have

Anonymous asked:

How do you use the bathroom and get wifi where you live? Asking as a potential fire lookout myself.

each lookout location is different, some have running water, propane, flush toilets and electricity, along with internet.

some have no water, have pit toilets (holes in the ground with a toilet seat above it essentially, also the most popular), no electricity, no propane, and no access to the internet/cell service.

in active duty lookouts most communication is done via radios. some use a cell phone repeater to get service at lookouts for wifi etc and some have starlink at the tower.

anyone looking into fire work really needs to know it’s a very tightknit community. if you’re local, talk to rangers. get to know them and volunteer. the lookout positions don’t require a lot of education but they’re highly coveted. when someone becomes a lookout they usually serve at the same lookout for decades if possible.

another hurdle with lookout work is its low pay and highly seasonal, along with being physically and emotionally demanding. you’re not just sitting in your tower, looking for fires far away. you have to actively fight fires if close enough to you, and that includes hauling heavy equipment (50-100lbs usually) a good way to get into the lookout position is working other wildfire fighting positions and volunteering for them. even helping at fire camp as a cook is a start.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! I wanted to know if you had any tips or recommendations for living in the PNW. I’m thinking of moving to the region and have only lived on the southern east coast.

look into the less ‘desirable’ areas, and you’ll find more affordable housing. there’s a few suburbs of portland, eastern side of washington/oregon etc that are still decent. those areas are very prone to wildfires tho, and it’s getting worse year by year :/ there’s some costal towns that are affordable but only bc there’s no well paying job

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