
The Marvel Project

@themarvelproject / themarvelproject.tumblr.com

Chronicling a love of Marvel with a focus on art, characters and comics from the 80s and 90s

“The Mother of All Jams”

“Here is the mother of all Jams!! Two years in the making for me after Wizard gave up,lol. Wizard wanted to do a special anniversary piece for the magazine so they got George Perez to do the layouts on most and then sent the piece all over the world to get all the star artists to do their key characters they were most associated with. The project kept getting held up and it was just too much trouble to get it completed. There are almost 150 characters in this mammoth Jam Poster Illustration.I love how the whole piece has direction. All the characters are either moving right on their respective side,left, or right in front of ya.
We have here..
Full figure pencil and inks of Spawn and Spiderman by Todd Mcfarlane. There is no other piece to my knowledge that has spidey and spawn hand drawn by Todd on the same board. They have a combined image of 11x11in with that incredible spaghetti webbing.
Alex Ross- Superman
Travis Charest- Grifter
Jim Lee/Scott Williams- Batman
George Perez-Wonder woman, Starfire, Scarlet Witch, Beast, and the Thing
Erik Larsen-Savage Dragon
Danger Girl, Fairchild, Grunge, Roxie, Burnout, and Rainmaker are all by J. Scott Campbell
Then I had David Finch do everyone else over George Perez's layouts.It is huge, 23X39in
David Finch is one of my favorite artists out there today and it was an honor to have him finish this incredible piece of history. Parts of it were published in a 1990's Wizard Magazine.”
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