The University of Stavanger as a place to work

Our societal mission is higher education, research and artistic development work, dissemination and innovation. We have condensed this mission into our motto: “We will challenge the well-known and explore the unknown.”

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2250 employees

12,600 students

The University of Stavanger offers a wide range of teaching, research and development activities.

What working for us involves

The university has great ambitions. We aim to be a driving force in the knowledge development for the region, and to be an international research university focusing on innovation and novel approaches.

Kjell Arhoms hus

We want to work together with our employees and students to set our sights higher and venture to think big, along new lines. We aim to be a service-oriented organisation that is willing to take action and change, known for a university culture characterised by innovation and novel approaches, mutual respect and cooperation.

Our academic activities are organised into six faculties and at the Museum of Archaeology. 

Help us to challenge and explore! 

Employment conditions

Some of our employee benefits: Exercise during work hours, HomeJobHome, pension and insurance, working hours and accomodation.

Photo: Geerts Pieters

The university has a number of welfare initiatives that are administered by the welfare committee.

We have a corporate art association and corporate sports teams, and we also organise annual parties, autumn parties and barbecues.


  • The university offers all employees the opportunity to participate in “Trim i arbeidstiden” (In english: Keep fit during working hours). You have the opportunity to spend up to one hour of your working hours exercising each week. You can work out in groups or individually. Specific rules apply and can be found on the internal employee pages.
  • The Student Welfare Organization in Stavanger (SIS) has a modern new gym/fitness centre, the SIS Sports Centre. Employees are offered membership at reduced prices. The University of Stavanger has also entered into an agreement with local gym chains regarding membership at reduced prices.
  • The corporate sports team runs various activities that can help you keep fit, give you something fun to do and help you get to know colleagues from the university and elsewhere. You can take part in sporting events, tournaments and activities at her organised by the Sør-Rogaland corporate sports council.

As a University of Stavanger employee, you can travel as much as you like by bus and train throughout Rogaland and use city bikes as much as you like at great prices (NOK 515 a month).

HjemJobbHjem is a partnership project between KolumbusBysykkelen, Sykkelløftet, the Norwegian Public Road Administration, the municipalities of Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola and Randaberg and Rogaland County Authority. The objective is to reduce the number of car journeys made and improve parking, the environment and employee health.

The HjemJobbHjem pass can be used on buses and trains throughout Rogaland, the Vassøy ferry and the fast boat service to and from Byøyene and Hommersåk.

Employees working 20% of full-time hours or more automatically become members of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund (

Employees are covered by occupational injury insurance with the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund ( Pursuant to further conditions, the insurance covers occupational injuries and occupational illness for injuries that have arisen while working, at the workplace and during working hours. Employees who are covered by the Basic Collective Agreement in the State are additionally covered by the regulations in the agreement’s joint provisions on benefits in the event of occupational injury. The injured person is entitled to compensation in accordance with the regulations which provide the best compensation as a whole.

Employees are also covered by group life insurance in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund ( which guarantees a single lump sum payment to survivors in the event of an employee’s death. The group life insurance scheme is not part of the members' rights in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, but is part of the pay conditions for employees who are covered by the Basic Collective Agreement in the State. Therefore the scheme applies to almost all State employees, including temporary employees and part-time employees who have fixed weekly working hours.

Working hours for all (full-time) employees are 37.5 hours per week net, which includes a 20-minute meal break.

Employees in technical and administrative positions – with the exception of technical operations personnel and cleaners – have flexible working hours (flexitime). Normal working hours are from 08:00 to 15:30, with core hours between 09:00 and 14:30 where all employees must be in attendance. Working hours are recorded in the SAP portal.

Managers and employees in teaching and research positions are considered to be independent and are therefore excepted from regular working hours regulations requiring them to record their working hours.

The university has membership certificates for the  BATE housing association and OBOS that can be transferred to permanent employees wishing to purchase homes in the housing association. These membership certificates are intended to be transferred to employees wishing to purchase new homes in housing cooperatives. The purpose of this transfer is to assist new permanent employees, employees with special needs and employees wishing to buy a home for the first time.

Any employee to whom any share certificate is transferred must subscribe for a new share certificate for the University of Stavanger. The transferred share certificate must be returned to the university if it is not used.

When you are appointed to a teaching and research position, a colleague-based supervision programme will be offered for the first year in which you are teaching at the University of Stavanger, along with an opportunity for professional development and an opportunity to apply for promotion in accordance with national regulations.

Below you can see which language courses you may be entitled to:

Ph.d fellow / post.doc

Employee: A1

If you already have A1 from another university, you may not be entitled to an A1 course from UiS.

Temporary employee for more than one year

Employee: A1

If you already have A1 from another university, you may not be entitled to an A1 course from UiS.

Full time employeee

Employee: The courses you need to be able to teach and supervise in Norwegian (equivalent to level B2) according to the job advertisement.

Partner: A1

The relocation programme when moving to Norway includes support and a language course for partners.

Read more about employment conditions at UiS.
Read more about carreers and further education.


The EURAXESS team aims to get international employees up and running with their work more quickly, lower the threshold for relocating to Stavanger and helping to make their stay as good as possible

The EURAXESS team has to coordinate matters and ensure that each individual foreign employee is welcomed and followed up throughout their entire stay. 

The stay in Stavanger starts off with a collective Area Orientation Day under the auspices of the local Chamber of Commerce. You will receive practical information on what living in Norway is like, and about culture, history and transport options, in combination with a tour of the city.

Course participants are divided up into small groups so that people can all get to know one another and ask questions. Participants then become members of the Chamber of Commerce in the Stavanger region and continue to receive information and invitations to various courses and trips.

Get in touch if you have any questions:
EMC – Euraxess Mobility Centre, University of Stavanger: [email protected]

HR Excellence in Research

The University of Stavanger has received the HR Excellence in Research award ( by way of approval of its work with the Charter & Code. This is the EU’s quality hallmark for institutions that work actively to promote researcher mobility, and that provide researchers with attractive working conditions and the opportunity to develop their careers.

HR excellence in research

Read about Charter and Code at UiS.

Academic representative

Professor Geir Skeie has been named as the representative for research ethics issues at the University of Stavanger for a period of two years.

Photo: Mari Hult

The academic representative must ensure that attention is paid to ethical dilemmas and ethical topics linked with research at the University of Stavanger. As well as increasing awareness of research ethics issues, the representative must be someone whom employees and students can consult if they have any queries regarding ethics in research.

Read more

Charter and Code – HRS4R

UiS signed in 2011 for the Declaration of commitment to the Recommendation of the European Commission on the European Ch...

Vacant positions at UiS

There are a number of exciting vacant positions at the University of Stavanger. Click the blue arrow to read more about ...

Career development and further education

One of the university’s strategic objectives is to be an open, user-oriented and learning organisation known for its goo...

Erasmus+ programme

The UiS is holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education and participates in all dimensions of the Erasmus+ program...

International relations

The University of Stavanger welcomes a growing number of international students and staff to our region each year, and h...

Working at UiS: Application and Appointment

On this page you can find an overview over the appointment process and national regulations regarding appointment and pr...

New at UiS: Welcome to Stavanger

From the language, where to live, what to see and what to do, to your family's wellbeing. All these factors are of param...