
United Nations Data Hub for the Arab Region

The United Nations Data Hub for the Arab Region (UNDHA) is a database-driven bilingual (Arabic/English) web portal, developed and maintained by the ESCWA Statistics, Information Society and Technology Cluster, in support of its programme on statistics for evidence-based policymaking.

The portal aims to facilitate public access to repositories of data collected from primary sources, such as national statistical offices in member States, government institutions in the Arab region, specialized studies published by the United Nations organizations including ESCWA, and by other international entities.

Visitors to the portal enjoy free, unrestricted access to full repositories of data, and with pre-created comprehensive visualizations, easy-to-use self-service visualization tools to create customized dashboards, which can be exported in multiple formats and shared with others online.

The portal enables the display of data using tables, various charts types, and geographic maps. Users can easily search through all available data and content. Users can also download reports and publications, and browse news items.

A responsive web design was used in developing the portal, providing information access using mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

Last updated: Jan 2021
Launched: Jan 2019

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology

Focus Area: Statistics

Initiatives: Transport statistics, Financial & macroeconomic statistics for National accounts

SDGs: Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

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