Online Video Portal

USDF is offering the opportunity for riders, owners, and trainers of under saddle Dressage sport horse prospects that are three or four-year-old horses as of January 1st, to obtain feedback from members of the USDF Sport Horse Prospect Development Forum faculty. Currently, this faculty is made up of: Scott Hassler, Willy Arts, Michael Bragdell, and Craig Stanley, all leaders in the industry in assessing, developing, and training dressage prospects.

Upon the submission of the required application, non-refundable fee of $25 for current USDF members, or $50 for USDF Non Members, and video, each applicant will have their video randomly assigned to a faculty member. This faculty member will review the video submission, and provide the applicant with feedback. In submitting this video, application, and non-refundable fee, it will also be understood and agreed upon that any portion of this video, along with faculty commentary, could be utilized for USDF education programs.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions you may have regarding this educational opportunity!