Commissioner Adamson reappointed to national veterans committee

Expands her efforts to connect veterans with vital services

Commissioner Vickie Adamson will once again represent Wake County on the Veterans and Military Services Committee, established by the National Association of Counties. She was recently reappointed for the 2024-2025 term after successfully serving two previous one-year terms.

“I’m proud to continue my work to support veterans at the national level again this year,” said Commissioner Adamson of the Wake County Board of Commissioners. “It furthers our efforts locally to honor the sacrifices of veterans and connect them with the services they’ve earned through their commitment to our country.”

Adamson was reappointed by incoming NACo President James Gore of Sonoma County, Calif. The committee develops and highlights county best practices to promote innovative programs, services and benefits for our nation’s military, veterans and their families.

A great example of this committee’s work is Operation Greenlight. This initiative encourages residents to replace their traditional light bulbs with green ones for one week each November to illuminate the contributions of veterans. This year, home and business owners are encouraged to shine a green light Nov. 4-11 to let veterans know that they are seen, appreciated and supported.

For more information about the services Wake County offers to veterans and their families, visit our website.

Press Release