UCI Staff Relief Fund - Helping Colleagues In Need

Download the UCI Staff Relief Fund Flyer in English or Spanish.

For staff, the University of California Irvine isn't just a workplace, it's a community. And in times of crisis, a community offers support. UC Irvine’s Staff Relief Fund allows staff at both the campus and medical center an opportunity to help colleagues in need.

Staff have often expressed interest in helping fellow employees who may be experiencing an unforeseen financial hardship. After a suggestion by the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Staff (CACS), UC Irvine Human Resources along with other University departments established the UCI Staff Relief Fund in April 2014. Currently, this fund is only accepting donations. Applications for assistance will be available when there are sufficient donated funds available.

The UCI Staff Relief Fund provides an opportunity for staff to help one another during a time of need. Employees may donate to the UCI Staff Relief Fund by payroll deduction, check, or credit card. All contributions are used to assist UCI staff members. Imagine! If each of the 9,500 staff at UCI were to donate $1 per paycheck, the result would be a thriving fund able to assist co-workers in times of crisis.

What is the UCI Staff Relief Fund?

The UCI Staff Relief Fund provides financial assistance and resource recommendations for UC Irvine Staff members, at the campus and medical center, who are experiencing an immediate, severe and temporary financial situation due to an emergency or unforeseen or unavoidable event.

The UCI Staff Relief Fund is intended to assist staff with immediate, essential expenses by providing a one-time distribution of funds up to a maximum of $500. The fund will be available to eligible staff based on need and a set of eligibility criteria. The hardship must be temporary – an employee with long-standing financial challenges will not meet the temporary hardship requirement. The UCI Staff Relief Fund is not designed to address ongoing financial challenges and is not a loan that requires the funds to be reimbursed.

The UCI Staff Relief Fund is funded through the generous donations of the UCI community and others who are interested in supporting staff who are in financial need due to an unplanned circumstance.

*Please note: The UCI Staff Relief Fund is subject to change at any time and without notice. In the event of cancellation of this program, any remaining funds at the time of cancellation will be directed by the UCI Chancellor to UCI purposes that the Chancellor deems to be most consistent with the UCI Staff Relief Fund.

Applying for UCI Staff Relief Funds

The UCI Staff Relief Fund application is currently available by request only.
All active, unrepresented, non-probationary, full or part-time UCI staff in good standing are eligible to apply for assistance, whether or not they donate to the fund.

Applications are strictly confidential and will be reviewed by a selected panel of the UCI Staff Relief Fund Committee coordinated through the Campus Human Resources Office. The fund is administered by the UCI Foundation. Assistance granted is not a loan and is not required to be repaid.

To request an application, contact:

UCI Employee Experience Center
[email protected] 