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The Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS) application is a data rich, map-centric application that graphically displays information in order to provide as much information as possible to agency administrators, line officers, fire managers, and analysts as they move through the risk informed decision process for wildland fire.

WFDSS replaced previous risk informed decision processes with more intuitive, linear, scalable, and flexible risk informed decision process capable of adapting to changing fire complexity.

WFDSS provides the following advantages over previous systems:

  • Combines desktop applications for fire modeling into a web-based system for easier data acquisition and off site processing.
  • Provides an easy way for fire managers and analysts to accurately document their decision-making process by allowing results of analyses to be included in the decision document and included in the final incident report.
  • Provides one decision process and documentation system for all types of wildland fires.
  • Is a web-based application for easier sharing of analyses and reports across all levels of the federal wildland fire organization.
  • Introduces economic principles into the fire decision process.

Additional information about WFDSS can be found on the WFDSS website.

Before you log into WFDSS, make sure you read and understand the system Rules of Behavior.



An effort to update WFDSS has begun. Over the 18 months we will be building a new user interface as well as updating underlying system architecture to incorporate new technology available since WFDSS was first built in 2007.

We want your feedback on your needs and wants for the next version of WFDSS. Before submitting your requirements and enhancement requests please double check your issue hasn't already been captured in the inventory, which will be updated periodically.

The current operational version of WFDSS will be maintained in its current state of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) with no Development Modernization or Enhancements (DME) taking place. Patching and necessary technical upgrades and changes necessary to comply with CIO policy and hosting environment requirements will continue until the Next Generation WFDSS is ready for production use.

For more information on WFDSS NextGen see the page on WFM RD&A site

System Status: WFDSS is Operational

Resource Library

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For information please contact the following:

Matthew Cifa
[email protected]