
Explore Careers

No matter where you are in your career journey, there are profiles, tools and resources to help you find the right career.

  • Career Profiles - Find details on 500 careers, including duties, education and salary.
  • Career Tools - Access tools to assist you on your career path.
  • Career Resources - Explore featured topics and information.

WorkBC Centres



WorkBC Centre Locations

Access job search resources, employment planning, skills assessment, training, work experience placement and more.

Discover Employment Services

Online Employment Services

Use Online Employment Services to apply for case-managed services, self-serve services, apprentice services and assistive technology services.


Featured Topics


pages from a Labour Market Outlook report

Explore the Labour Market

Discover what drives B.C.'s economy. Learn about population changes, industries, regions and the employment outlook for the next 10 years.

Find Your Path

Find Your Path is a personalized, interactive education and career planning tool. Explore, save and share your selections all in one place.


StudentAid BC helps British Columbians make college and university more affordable by offering loans, grants and other financial aid programs.

EducationPlanner BC

EducationPlannerBC is home to the provincial post-secondary application service and valuable resources to support learners plan, search, and apply to post-secondary education in British Columbia.