
Labour Market Monthly Update

The Labour Market Monthly Update offers a quick overview of B.C.'s labour market. You'll find industry and regional highlights, as well as information on provincial employment, unemployment and participation rates.

The latest monthly data is displayed below. If you would like to see data from previous months, please select a month from the dropdown.


Find out about B.C.'s employment trends by employment type, age and sex.

Total Employed (July 2024)
Source: Labour Force Survey (monthly, seasonally adjusted)
Employment Change
(since last month)
Full Time
Part Time
% Employment Change
(from last month)
Full Time
Part Time
Source: Labour Force Survey (monthly, seasonally adjusted)
Employment by Age Group and Sex
July 2024 June 2024
15 - 24 years 373,800 379,100
25 - 54 years 1,837,900 1,838,900
55+ years 631,600 635,600
Women 1,361,700 1,363,700
Men 1,481,600 1,489,900
Source: Labour Force Survey (monthly, seasonally adjusted)


Discover B.C.'s unemployment trends by rates of unemployment and participation.

Total Unemployed (July 2024)
Unemployment Rate
Participation Rate
Total Unemployed (June 2024)
Unemployment Rate
Participation Rate

Participation Rate represents the number of people in the workforce that are of working age as a percentage of total BC population.

Source: Labour Force Survey (monthly, seasonally adjusted)

Unemployment by Region

View the unemployment rates in each region of B.C.

Unemployment Rate
Map of BC Map of BC highlighting Cariboo region Map of BC highlighting Kootenay region Map of BC highlighting Mainland/Southwest region Map of BC highlighting North Coast and Nechako region Map of BC highlighting Northeast region Map of BC highlighting Thompson-Okanagan region Map of BC highlighting Vancouver Island/Coast region
North Coast and Nechako
Vancouver Island/Coast
July 2024 July 2023
British Columbia 5.6% 5.5%
Vancouver Island/Coast 4.0% 4.7%
Mainland/Southwest 6.0% 5.7%
Thompson-Okanagan 5.6% 5.0%
Kootenay 6.0% 5.5%
Cariboo 4.8% 8.0%
North Coast and Nechako 5.9% 6.6%
Northeast 6.3% 5.2%
Source: Monthly Labour Force Survey, 3-month moving average, seasonally unadjusted

Industry Highlights

Learn about the employment trends and opportunities in B.C.'s major industries.

Industry Employment (change since last month) Employment (% change since last month)
Accommodation and Food Services +2,200 +1.2%
Agriculture +2,800 +15.0%
Business, Building and Other Support Services -2,500 -2.6%
Construction +6,000 +2.5%
Educational Services -300 -0.1%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate, Rental and Leasing -2,400 -1.3%
Health Care and Social Assistance +4,900 +1.2%
Information, Culture and Recreation -200 -0.1%
Manufacturing +1,600 +0.9%
Other Primary 0 0.0%
Other Services (Except Public Administration) +1,400 +1.2%
Professional, Scientific and Technical Services -7,100 -2.5%
Public Administration +100 +0.1%
Transportation and Warehousing +100 +0.1%
Utilities +2,800 +18.5%
Wholesale and Retail Trade -19,300 -4.5%
Source: Labour Force Survey (monthly, seasonally adjusted)