Clothing Swap Party



Once a year I like to rid my closet of things:

I don't wear
No longer fit
No longer like

Take advantage of my shopping problem, cleanse your closet and bring your shit over to my place for a good old fashion clothing swap party.

You can bring...
Clothing, shoes, accessories, makeup, ect...

Don't have anything? Drop by anyways.
If you are allergic to cats (I am talking to you Nicole) no worries, it's being held in my party room so you don't need to worry about Clint (my cat) ruining the fun.

Anything left over will be donated to the Red Cross for Haiti or Goodwill (winter stuff)

    • 86 friends
    • 163 reviews

    I love this idea and wish more people would do it. Getting guys to do something like this is not easy though.

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    • 417 friends
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    @ Jo Nice!!!
    @Eric... nothing is stopping you from bring men's clothing. I'll encourage my husband to bring his stuff... the boys can have their own little swap :-)

    • 33 friends
    • 114 reviews

    I've been waiting for an event like this! I have so much stuff to give away. Can't wait!

    Count me in +1

    • 417 friends
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    OMG I already have a garbage bag of shoes and two bags of clothing... if your feet are a size 8-9.5 you are gonna LOVE me!!!

    • 23 friends
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    That's what size MY feet are, I love you!

    • 26 friends
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    I am so in on this one. Was JUST going through packed away summer clothing today thinking I needed a purge.

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    Hi Marie,

    My name is Lakshine Sathiyanathan and I am a second-year journalism student at Ryerson University.

    I am doing a short piece on swapping clothing, more specifically on swapping clothing to transition between seasons - e.g winter to spring.

    I was wondering if I could interview you via telephone or email.

    My deadline is Thursday.

    Please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated!

    My email is

    Thank you,


    • 1110 friends
    • 174 reviews

    Aw (wo)man! I'm back in SF that weekend. Push it a week later & I could bring a ton of stuff. ;P

    • 117 friends
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    I just gave a bunch of clothes to Goodwill but I'm doing another round. Any excuse to be able to buy new clothes in exchange :)

    • 62 friends
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    I second Farheen, I'm in the states on the 15th :(

    • 62 friends
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    oh no Marie we wear the same shoe size. this is killing me.

    • 45 friends
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    Wish I could make it!

    I've wanted to go to a clothing swap forever!

    Have fun!

    • 141 friends
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    I've been to several of these and always end up with the coolest new stuff. I've got some things to give away, too. Hope more people can make it!

    • 417 friends
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    Getting super excited about this kids... a few peeps mentioned to me in private msgs that they wanted to bring some sweets with them... so if you want to bake something bring it over! Free clothing sure gets my sweet tooth going!

    @Kat there will be tons of my non-yeleper friends so it should be a full house (I think sized piles will be the best approach!)

    • 227 friends
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    Anyone have a vehicle and willing to drive?!?!  Ill put in gas money!

    • 417 friends
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    @ Kelly... worse case scenario you can take the subway to Kipling Station and take the 30 Lampton (which brings you right there)

    • 1110 friends
    • 174 reviews

    I'm going home the weekend of the 15th, but I'll be around on the 22nd. I could totally cleanout my closet and bring it to Canada for this event. Haha! Ok... maybe not the whole closet, but definitely my jewelry box. My fatty fingers can't bling like they used to.

  1. I can't make this weekend but keep me posted if you ever have another  =).  I hope everyone finds some amazing things!!  :)

    • 141 friends
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    It looks like I am going to be busy at 1pm, but I'll see what time I can get away- again, would love to see all the cool stuff being thrown around. Some tips for Clothing swab newbies: wear your cutest underclothes, you may want to try stuff on in front of people, and/or wear appropriate under-T shirt or tights to try stuff on top of. Don't take stuff that someone else saw first- be nice!
    Have fun girls.

    • 176 friends
    • 217 reviews

    hey ladies! looks like i am going to be available after all!

    I am bringing nail polish and jewellery....ooohhh....could we do make-up as well like before?! that was so awesome...

    those who need a ride from the city...let me know!

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