Y Leaders’ Club is a program where teens can be themselves and strengthen their leadership potential as they thrive in a fun environment of support, social activity and community involvement.

Enthusiastic teens will work together to organize and provide volunteer service in their community while gaining valuable knowledge, training and skills that will serve them well for life:

  • Improved self-esteem and leadership skills
  • Changes in behavior/outlook toward service to others
  • Enhanced commitment to education and personal growth
  • Understanding the connection between self-fulfillment and helping others
  • Resume building and more

If you're age 13-18 and you want to get involved in your community and surround yourself with other spirited, funny, hard-working, dependable, and positive teens... then Leaders' Club is for you!


Leaders' Club takes place during the school year and ends on May 31st. While it's ideal to join the program at the beginning, teens are welcome to start anytime during the school year.

AGE: 12-18

WHEN: Weekly meetups

Y MEMBER RATE: $0 (included in Y membership at no extra cost!)

DATES: Fall through Spring

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Forge new friendships, build self-confidence, and thrive in an environment of social activity where you’ll develop leadership skills, perform volunteer services that meet community needs, and shape a healthy lifestyle through fun, physical activity.

  • Weekly club meetings
  • Volunteering
  • Social events
  • Trainings and certifications
  • Community outreach
  • Character development
  • Fundraising
  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Earn service learning hours
  • Weekend retreats and rallies
  • Blue Ridge Leaders' School



If you have questions about Y Leaders Club, feel free to reach out to us:

Email: [email protected]
Director: Zalanka Jones Anderson