
Consider our Unique Selling Proposition

AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT Magazine is the only brand focused exclusively on airport construction; all the players; all the time. You sell when airports are buying. Airports are buying when they're building stuff, and they're building more stuff now than ever before, and that's the environment that is captured by AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT Magazine. We provide the audience and the mindset for you to sell.

No wasted circulation. In order to exact the same reach with any association you would have to buy three separate ads to do what one does in AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT Magazine.

No wasted editorial. Other publications have to cater to internal association business limiting space used for real editorial.

AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT Magazine is 100% project editorial, no fillers and no fluff. Your advertising dollars buy more. No matter where your ad is placed it is surrounded by relevant editorial.

Speaking of advertising dollars, AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT Magazine is competitively priced. Compared to other airport publications its rates are similar, but when the superior editorial, circulation, and reader time and involvement is factored in the rates become a sensational value.

View the 2024 Media Kit (Adobe PDF document)

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2022 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Report of Achievement

Giving back to the community is central to what Charlotte Douglas International Airport and its operator, the City of Charlotte Aviation Department, is about, and last year was no different. 

Throughout 2022, while recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, we continued our efforts to have a positive impact on the Charlotte community. Of particular note, we spent the year sharing stories of how Connections Don't Just Happen at the Terminal - from creating homeownership and employment opportunities to supporting economic growth through small-business development and offering outreach programs to help residents understand the Airport better.

This whitepaper highlights the construction projects, initiatives, programs and events that validate Charlotte Douglas as a premier airport.

Download the whitepaper: 2022 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Report of Achievement.



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